That Day (Collection 15)
valiant and heroic in bearing
2024-02-19 08:26:04
third year in high school
informal essay

That day (1)

Some things missed, does not mean regret, perhaps mature.

Youth, like garlic, molts one layer after another, and so does life from time to time? There may be such obstacles on the way to spring, but they still cannot prevent the blooming of spring flowers. On the way, some beauty we can't miss, but some beauty needs to be missed rationally. It sprouts like a small tree, and it is exactly what we look forward to. Red apples taste sweet and astringent, and their taste is fresh, while green apples, astringent or astringent, are in the prime of youth, perhaps, that feeling is ready to move, which is an inevitable beauty at that time. Beauty is beauty, and we can't get close to it because of beauty. When you get closer to something beautiful, it may be "crossing the border". Once crossing the border, the essence of the most beautiful thing may already be ugly.

There is a story about a boy who wrote a confession letter to a girl. If it were us, maybe we would agree and accept him without hesitation, but the little girl declined him politely. She didn't want her to cross the boundaries of youth, and she didn't want him to waste his youth because he didn't understand anything. She knew this feeling, which is also what many girls yearn for, She was very rational. He didn't know what she thought at that time, and was somewhat discouraged. But later, he and she became good friends. At that time, they were in high school, full of fun and boring life stage. He understood that at that time he was just trapped by loneliness. I have grown up and seen the stupid and beautiful things in life, the soft and lonely heart.

Anyway, some things, some things, some people, we need to miss, miss? Having said that, it does not mean regret. We should grow up and understand the green age. We cannot be green. We should learn to mature and grow up. No matter how beautiful the road to spring is, we can't stay because of that kind of planting.

Learn that day, maybe we will grow.

That day (2)

That year, that day, my thoughts were brought back by the rain

The National Day was the best "wandering time" in my opinion at that time. At that time, I was in the prime of my life and proud. Like a white dove with wings at the beginning, it fluttered its wings and wanted to "compete with God" and read the words "tranquility and farsightedness". It only expressed its meaning, but never thought of putting it into action.

"Mom, I'm going out to play!" As soon as the words came out, I couldn't wait to open the door and close my eyes to enjoy the free and sweet air. But what greeted me was the gathering black clouds and the growing rain.

"Why are you back again?" Mother asked with half her head sticking out of the sofa.

"It's raining." At the moment, I am more like a "falling bird" with a mournful expression and a deep tone.

"Just in time, help me collect my clothes upstairs and come back to write my homework!"

"It's boring, I can't play anymore... When can I be liberated?" While complaining and collecting clothes, I accidentally saw the wild chrysanthemums blooming on the balcony. Small and yellow petals are stacked one after another, and crystal like drops of water step on the petals, one drop, two drops, three drops

Head up. The rain outside the window has washed away a new world. It was the light rain, as fine as a needle, that pierced the cement ground and made a round spot of water stains. They came to the land in different sizes and shapes. Previously, the color has turned to light gray, of course, who is your color. When they are integrated with the ground, they also try to struggle for two seconds to prove that they have come to this world, loved here, and kissed this land.

At this time, the birds lost their exuberance of flying in the blue sky in sunny days, and their pride was smoothed by the gradually thickened raindrops. They were just as high as the bungalow, circling lonely, looking for the direction of home, and whispering sad tunes in their mouths. For birds, they need to keep the energy of going straight to the blue sky, and flying is almost all of them. But what about me? A long life requires us to learn when to use exuberance and energy to relax. The life of running all the time needs too much energy and is not affordable for ordinary people like me. This is why I calmed down to explore the meaning behind the four words "quiet Zhiyuan".

The light rain is dense, the moderate rain is continuous, and the heavy rain scatters the beads. The soul struggles after being swallowed by the rain, and will be more clear and calm. Maybe this confusion caused by rain will make my heart gain a lot.

"Mom, I put my clothes on the hanger. I'm going to do my homework!"

"Well, write well!"

At this moment, I am not a teenager before.

That day (3)

I always think that friendship can last forever, and can achieve the goal of 'mountains without edges, heaven and earth together, but dare to break with you', which seems to be the same.


Time is like flowing water. Looking back, it has disappeared. Watching my steps into middle school and looking at the back of the children entering primary school, I am not sad. When I entered primary school with the same look of joy as them, I met you who were innocent and lively. We looked at each other as if we knew each other, and talked about children's interesting things as if we had met too late. But six years passed in a flash.

Now we are at the end of the world. When we enter the school gate, one goes to the left and the other goes to the right. Looking back, we only see a vast sea of people. The original position of supremacy on your left has been occupied by others. The former promise has long vanished. The original heart is not me. Everything is changing. Only I am still standing still, but who is waiting with me, But who is listening to me? Who is guarding my existence? Even she has changed. Will there be anyone else.

The wind that day.

Whether all have been expected.

So as not to disturb our time.

Because it is doomed to be so little.

The wind is blowing white clouds.

But you and I have nowhere to be.

When I miss you.

Raise your head and smile.

Do you know.

Maybe only this song can tell my mood and take it away with the wind.

That year, that month, that day, that person. All are changing.

That day (4)

The clouds are low, the sky looks like a black face, and the lightning is like a sword. From far to near, the thunder came out from nowhere and disappeared from nowhere?

The rain did not come, but the wind jumped out in a hurry. It was really crazy.

The sun has long hidden, and the afternoon is like day and night.

Urge people to return early, I am waiting.

At night, it was darker, and the room was filled with a more and more intense heat and depression, which made people very upset.

I walked up and down the room, and looked at my watch again and again. The time was very slow.

Lying in bed, listening, the wind will be able to move things around desperately, I am worried about whether the house will also be moved to the sky. All kinds of sounds, like a pot of stew, disturb my eardrums.

I just got down to the ground, stood in front of the window and looked outside. Suddenly, it was dark and power was cut off.

Take something from the refrigerator and accompany me through this ghostly night. In the dark, the light of my mobile phone is my only comfort. No text message came.

Rain, here comes, what should come finally comes. The window glass cracked a few times, as if to declare war on me, but in a moment, the sound was replaced by a series of rapid sounds, and the wind, rain, and object crash mixed into a fear of 2012.

Check the doors and windows again. I can only wait. incapable of action.

Drink a mouthful of wine, and your thoughts flow freely. At this time, are there people returning at night on the way? What about those insects and animals? And those flooded vegetable fields and rice fields? Gorky's petrel also flew to nowhere... Can it fly to my window?

Faint to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I walked out of the house. There was a mess outside, with fallen trees, scattered signs and sundries everywhere. All these things made me familiar but strange. I walked carefully and looked at the rickety billboard. People are busy cleaning up all kinds of rubbish and sundries, repainting things that have not been painted for a long time, and there are some complaints and curses in the process. I looked at me and listened.

Suddenly, a clear birdsong came from the depression and soon became a twitter. I was surprised to see that among the standing trees, a dozen sparrows were jumping and singing happily, as if everything was the same as before, completely ignoring those complaining people, and quite a few young people did not know the taste of sadness.

Listen carefully. In fact, their cries are no different from the usual ones. However, it sounds very warm and kind at this time. I smell it again, and find that the air is also very fresh at this time, and my mood is relaxed from depression. The grass lying on the ground will stand up slowly. The fallen trees will be replaced by other trees, and the children in the neighborhood will play again.

Now, this morning, there is no longer everything of yesterday, but it is the continuation of everything of yesterday.

Everything is changing, and everything seems unchanged.

Before the storm, I was a little panicked and at a loss. Hope and helplessness were my choices. After the storm, I was distressed by the destructive force, which destroyed so many beautiful and familiar things, entanglement and nostalgia.

But now, this morning, several birds singing, new grass sprouting, and children playing, let me suddenly understand that perhaps we have been used to the past for too long and are unwilling to change. Isn't this unexpected destructive force the beginning of a new life and a new scene? Would we be willing to change without this sudden destructive force? Can we still see the changed scene?

Nature always gives us more choices in ways we don't like. Although, sometimes we are so reluctant.

Look ahead, everything will change. The old will not be broken, and the new will not come!

That day (5)

In a few days, the 70th birthday of the motherland mother will be coming. A story will ring again and awaken my dusty memory: on April 1, the West was still immersed in candy and jokes, while the East is remembering a 33 year old hero - Wang Wei, and his fighter - 81192.

On April 1, 2001, the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft of the US military invaded the South China Sea for approaching reconnaissance. Wang Wei, a pilot of the Chinese Air Force, received an order to drive the J-8 fighter with no superior performance to drive it away for surveillance. Wang Wei flew the fighter near the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft normally. The EP-3 suddenly rushed into Wang Wei's J-8 fighter. The propeller of the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft hit the tail of Wang Wei's fighter. The J-8 fighter was seriously damaged and fell into the South China Sea.

"81192! Yes, please reply! I have been ordered to take over your duties! Please return! The motherland and people are waiting for you to return home."

"This is 81129. I can't go back. Keep moving!"

I can't help crying at the thought of this situation!

That day, there were no umbrellas on the sea; That day, the American plane landed at Nanhai Airport; That same day, several Americans who caused the accident became "heroes"

However, on that day, China's defense technology, which was 20 years behind the United States, rejected American military aircraft; Since that day, Wang Wei and his 81192 have been celebrated by Chinese people for 18 years. That year, that year was 2001, and that day was April 1.

Without Wang Wei, the "Galaxy" incident and the bombing of the consulate would have happened again. We can only protest.

Not anymore. The South China Sea is like water and sky! Warships ride the wind and waves! The sky is clear! Fighters fly like dragons!

At this moment, you may rest at home and watch the evening news with your family; Maybe we can get together with classmates to talk about youth; Perhaps in the world of the network to travel selflessly; Maybe I'm burning the midnight oil to do my homework, maybe I'm on a relaxing holiday, listening to the waves gently lapping on the rock beach

Please rest assured that countless Chinese soldiers are training, preparing for war, patrolling, standing guard... They are guarding us in remote snow mountains, deserts, the sea floor, the sky, border defense, and flood fighting lines... where people cannot see.

The dragon of China has finally taken off today. One day, China will break out of the chain of islands and stand on the top of the world.

That day (6)

Miss like a wisp of spring breeze, Buddha over our cheeks; Like a drop of rain and dew, permeate our clothes; More like a person, standing in our hearts.

The summer in June brought us the heat, and also brought me a long-awaited gift, the junior high school graduation exam. In that month, everyone was struggling for a good result

Finally, the exciting and nervous exam is over. Before leaving, the school informed us that the time for returning to school was June 26. One by one, the students stretched out their fingers and began to count. Suddenly, the students who had just been immersed in joy came to their senses and said that there were only two days left, and we were going back to school!

After returning home, I felt relieved and began a two-day carnival, watching TV and playing computer; But the day before graduation, when night fell, a trace of inexplicable sadness fell into my heart; At night, when I close my eyes and prepare to go to bed, I can't help telling myself that you will graduate tomorrow! When this sentence rings in my heart, it seems that the moving moment of six years is replayed before my eyes

"You failed in math"! All the classmates I met on the way said that, I was scared to cry; Unable to control my depression, I cried loudly. Suddenly, I heard my mother calling me softly and holding my hand. I slowly opened my wet eyes. My mother stood at the head of my bed and said with a smile: "Is my daughter dreaming?". I cried and said, Yes, my mother smiled and said to me: It's OK, the dream is the opposite, I believe in my daughter; I nodded in confusion. Mom said: Are you going to report back to school today. Well, yes, today is the reporting day.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel sleepy at all, so I got up to dress and read. My mother called me and said that after dinner, I began to wash, eat breakfast, and then take my camera, pen and Ben to school to report; Although that day was in summer, the weather was a little cool because of the rain last night, but when I entered the class, the slightest coolness slipped away quietly, and a warm love came to my face; Everyone talked and laughed, waiting for the arrival of the teacher.

While everyone was playing happily, a familiar voice came from the door: "How do you feel about your test?"? Suddenly, the class became quiet, and they all replied, "OK!"! The teacher smiled and said, "You are so confident. I will announce the report card.". Everyone took out pens and notebooks to record their achievements.

After a while, the headmaster came and said to us: Congratulations on your success in reaching a new level, but remember, this is also the beginning of your nightmare. Everyone looked at each other and smiled as if they were thinking something. After the headmaster left, the Chinese teacher came and, on behalf of all the teachers in our class, read us an article of their blessings. Perhaps at that time, we suddenly felt an unprecedented depression and sadness, and everyone fell off their golden beans. At that moment, what happened in six years was replayed in my mind like a movie.

"Teacher, we will often go home to see"! We shouted together;

Class Three, I miss you!

The kite always flies far away, but its thread remains on the ground; The smoke always flies far away, but its source remains in the house; We always fly far away, but footprints stayed in Class 3, that year, that day.

That day (7)

Although I am twelve years old, I still remember that year and that day

That year was the most painful day in my life. And that day, it was my birthday

In the morning of that year, several meters of sunshine came through the French window. I remembered that today was my birthday, and I was very happy. The dim sleep immediately disappeared. I jumped out of bed and couldn't wait to put on the new clothes my mother bought for me a few days ago. I immediately skipped downstairs.

Mom and Dad seemed to be in a good mood too. The three of us went to the amusement park together. Just as I was holding a large balloon in my left hand and a large colored ice-cream in my right hand, my mother was taking a handkerchief to help me wipe the ice cream marks from my mouth. Then my father's mobile phone rang, and my father said that he would go back to the company now, and he could not play with me! Mother said angrily; "Why are you so dishonest? We agreed to celebrate our children's birthday today!".

In the evening, I am looking forward to my father's return. But ten minutes passed Half an hour has passed Even an hour has passed! My father didn't come back to celebrate my birthday as promised! I am very angry. I want to find my father when my mother runs out of the house without noticing! When I was young at that time, I ran very hard and soon lost my way!

The danger was approaching me. Under the dim street lamp, I was forced to cover my mouth with a pair of strange hands, and then a man put it into a sack! I struggled desperately, but this weak force could not help me at all! I was afraid, helpless, afraid, desperate, I shouted loudly, but no one could hear me.

I was locked in a small rental house, and both kidnappers forced me to ask my parents' phone numbers. I was hurt by them, so I had to tell their mother's phone number. Because if it's Dad's phone, Dad is still busy! When I think of this, I am devastated. The kidnapper asked his mother for 100000 yuan to exchange for my safety, and the transaction will be completed within half an hour! If I refuse, I will be in danger!

Mom was so worried that she dialed Dad's phone immediately. Dad listened and immediately left in a hurry. Some colleagues of Dad and Mom came to help in a hurry. Mother called the police at the nearby police station. Twenty minutes later, I heard the police car surrounding the building below. The kidnappers immediately wanted to escape by jumping out of the window, but they were overpowered by the police and relatives who broke into the house.

When I was taken off the dishcloth in my mouth and the hemp rope on my body, I immediately burst into tears. My mother hugged me, and my father repeatedly apologized to me

That year, that day, that darkness

That day (8)

In study, work and life, we always have to contact with composition. Composition is the flow of words that people express their feelings in written form. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is Xiaobian's composition on that sunny morning of that year. I hope it can help everyone.

That sunny morning, my grandfather and I planted the tree outside the window of our study. The old man carefully picked up the young trees and put them in the fertile soil selected in advance. I can't remember what we said at that time, but in the days to come, Grandpa and I will take care of it carefully.

In the twinkling of an eye, time passed quietly through the fingertips, and the green seedlings had sprung up and down, and the green shade was like a cover.

The sky is clear and the east wind is warm. The dense branches and leaves mischievously cut the sunlight into silhouettes and projected it on the desk in the study, which was neither weak nor dazzling, just like grandpa's smiling eyes with a little dignity mixed with kindness. When the evening wind comes, the shadows of the trees are whirling, the branches are swaying, the leaves are swaying and rustling. That is the concerto of the wind and the leaves. It is also like grandpa stroking my little head. It is soft but also contains strength. In the evening, everything is quiet. If the flowers on the trees bloom, if the sky is bright and the moon is bright, then it will be a scene of thin shadows, light fragrance and dusk. Just like grandpa's personality, he is gentle, quiet and proud.

That was when I was very young, when I could not be any smaller, I had to play in my life. I like bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around, and bouncing for some reason. I am full of endless curiosity about new things. I wonder if they jump, climb, roll, and fight like me, and if they break holes in their pants like me. However, I have no time to think, because my grandmother has called me. After looking at the hole that said big or small, Grandma first gave me a few words, then shook her head helplessly. She said calmly, kindly and a little spoiled, "Look, Grandma, I have embroidered it."

Grandma skillfully took out the embroidery box, picked out the thread, threaded the needle, and sewed it on the work table. It was a genuine thread. She was so focused that I was embarrassed to ask her to play with me. The memory of the past is blurred. I only remember that when the pants reappeared in front of me, they were completely new, decorated with some flowers, and there was a naughty cat. I don't know where the hole went. Grandma was quite proud. She touched my head and said, "The hole has been eaten by the kitten."

Now, my clothes won't have holes like before; Now, although Grandma can still thread a needle, her hair has turned white. Year by year, because of too much understanding, I didn't notice the subtle changes in time and personnel. Year by year, I only hope that grandma is still like that, I am still like that, and every day has new happiness.

That day (9)

I vaguely remember that day, I saw you cry. Is so sad, but also so fragile. I just feel like my heart has been cut by a knife. Your tears, drop by drop, are silently shrinking in the corner. I really want to go forward and comfort you.

But what am I to you? friend? Sister? Or a stranger? Since last time, our relationship has become more and more distant. You are the reason why I don't have the courage to face it.

While I was struggling, she came. I got it. I went back to my room in silence. Tears rolled in my eyes. I tried to resist, so that I could not cry, but finally it came down. You are so important to me. You were once a close friend and sister. But now

I dried my tears silently, walked out of the room and sat on the steps. Looking at the white clouds and blue sky, thinking about the past. I thought: It's over! It's all over! Our relationship will not be the same as before! No one can understand the pain inside. I can't go back. If it wasn't me, maybe it wouldn't be like this now

So I sat quietly for a long time. It was dark before I got up and went back. Seeing the tears around your eyes is a deep remorse. But I still didn't say anything. I hate the cowardly 'I have no courage to apologize.

I really want to say to you: Sorry! I won't be like this! Forgive me.

But what qualifications do I have? Hehe... I suddenly remembered a sentence: I will never regret when my clothes are getting wider and wider, and I will be haggard because of my loss.

I tried to smile and saw your indifference to me. The pain of heart wrenching, but also can not save anything. See your indifference, disappointment, grief. I owe you after all. I can't afford it.

Finally I left, this place full of you.

From then on, I didn't want to make friends because I was afraid of giving my heart, and finally I was bruised. I can no longer afford it. So I fall in love with loneliness, loneliness, loneliness

Whenever I think of it, a wry smile hangs on my lips! Oh... Are you all right now? Have you been happy? Remember me?

Now I am very lonely, very lonely, but I am very happy. I like the feeling of being alone, quiet and peaceful. On Sunday afternoon, make a cup of coffee, sit outside the door and watch the white clouds. In the evening, I went for a walk in the park alone. Although happy and full, I always feel empty in my heart, maybe without you!

That day (10)

At the graduation party, will our friendship end like this. My best friend of six years suddenly asked me such a question. Of course not. I am very happy to answer. At the same time, I also recalled the original little by little. In the first grade, everyone had just entered the school, and nobody knew anyone. But I remember her. She wore a ponytail and loved to laugh. And she has a very nice name. Dong Qian.

In the eyes of our classmates, it seems that we have never quarreled in the past six years, but who knows that quarrels between us often happen.

I can't remember the small quarrel, but I remember that time.

Let's be in Grade Two that year.

Two female classmates in the class quarreled. Dong Qian and I helped each other, so we quarreled more and more.

Why did you help her. I asked her angrily.

No, why did you help her. She also seems very angry.

Well, let's continue to argue. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other.

Since then, I have more and more quarrels with her.

Suddenly I felt a little salty taste in my mouth. I know, I cried.

I know that the students finally removed the last layer of defense, tears suddenly broke the line.

Later, we hugged our heads and suffered.

From 1997 to 2003, I was in primary school for six years, leaving only good memories.

In 2003, my primary school saw you again.

My classmates, forever friendship.

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. I saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind, beautiful but not ostentatious.

I don't know.

I was 17 years old that year. That day was the season to listen to the fallen leaves. Finally returned home, shut the secular outside. I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, thinking that I had been attacked by the virus, which was really terrible. In addition to a bunch of inexplicable ideas, I could not do anything, but suddenly empty. What are you thinking? I don't know.

When I was young, I always liked to ask "why?" after others said it. I always felt that all phenomena, all things, all things happened, and there must be a reason when it happened. That year, the world in my eyes was no longer like this. In fact, many things do not allow you to ask why, nor why. Too many joys and sorrows are in such a hurry, too many life games will have unexpected endings, there are many, no energy, ask why this is so? One day has passed, and it has become a cloud. Years later, one day, I finally met my classmates in the school where I had read. I said hello and smiled. I didn't care about your grades or whether you were still beautiful, so I left in a hurry. It seems that your life is like two parallel lines without intersection.

As a result, we become indifferent, no longer recall the friendship we once thought was the best, but only make efforts for the survival of tomorrow. We make the validity period of "friends" so worthless. Only then did I find that when young people promised, they could always control their fate with a face.

The e era has replaced too many things that people should not give up, so people no longer have a box of secrets. It is strange to see stamps again. Too many people put all of them into the Internet to find themselves in the e-world, but they found that they were dying. So they turned themselves back to themselves, saw the beauty of the Prague sky, and completed the diary that was only half written. What would the retro of the e-era be? I don't know.

Want to fly

That year, or that day.

Quietness can't stand loneliness, and serenity can't cover emptiness. It seems that I have been used to the day when I see the first ray of sunshine, I already know what to do. Life may be like this rising and falling sun, falling and rising sun, which is repeated but also fresh, fresh but also tasteless. It is hard to see the horizon connecting heaven and earth through the window. Maybe it is because of this that we forget that the earth is round and ignore that life is beautiful.

Smile, I clearly remember a smiling face, full of happiness but more than happiness. I think I will never forget it in my life. The boy who put his legs on the edge of the bed, held two steamed buns in his left hand, grasped a steamed bun in his right hand, ate two steamed buns, looked at the steamed buns with happy eyes, took a small bite, and tasted boiled water, was my roommate, It was that happy and contented smiling face that suddenly made me realize that everyone has a world of their own shape in their eyes. The color and smell of this world are all personal, and others can neither see nor smell it. But I will be intoxicated in this world, unable to extricate myself. Every smell and every color will cause me to be moved, excited or sad

Want to fly, want to fly high to get rid of the world, or dress up the world. I closed my eyes and realized that a picture was sketched in my mind, which was roughly like this: a small apricot tree, with no branches and leaves, but also tall and straight, a crutch firmly against the tree, a dry well beside it, and a smiling face in the sunset. It was so beautiful.

Want to fly

Opposite the angel

That year was also that day.

Look at the pictures and remember the past. Broken memories are re linked, and it is no accident to find them. It turns out that God arranges every day, so when can he dominate? Now

Now go out the door, walk in the direction you like, walk in the alley you like, see all this, walk to the audio store you like, and don't know the right side of the door, the notice board has been updated several times. Seeing the strange smiling face of the boss again, it seems that it has been a long time since I came here last time.

The music in the shop is accompanied by the occasional wind bell, which is another kind of quiet. When I hear the song "Angel", "You are my angel, I will be happy when I see you..."! In fact, the real angel is not you, but happiness. You belong to you, and happiness is your own. Happiness is an angel, but I am opposite the angel. Standing where I am, I can't reach but can't see. If I take a step forward, I may be able to touch happiness.

Take a piece of Jay's "Qi Li Xiang" and walk out of the audio and video store, silently say goodbye to the store

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. When you are relaxed and free, go there. I saw a church with lanterns. There was a small but quiet wharf opposite the church. There were scattered straws on the wharf. Looking at the church from the dock, there was a tribe. The people of the tribe were planting camellia and eating cans. They saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind, beautiful but not ostentatious.

so what? Then he walked to the opposite of the angel and found that happiness was also simple.

That year, that day, opposite the angel. Everything was stranded.

That day (11)

At the graduation party, will our friendship end like this. My best friend of six years suddenly asked me such a question. Of course not. I am very happy to answer. At the same time, I also recalled the original little by little. In the first grade, everyone had just entered the school, and nobody knew anyone. But I remember her. She wore a ponytail and loved to laugh. And she has a very nice name. Dong Qian.

In the eyes of our classmates, it seems that we have never quarreled in the past six years, but who knows that quarrels between us often happen.

I can't remember the small quarrel, but I remember that time.

Let's be in Grade Two that year.

Two female classmates in the class quarreled. Dong Qian and I helped each other, so we quarreled more and more.

Why did you help her. I asked her angrily.

No, why did you help her. She also seems very angry.

Well, let's continue to argue. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other.

Since then, I have more and more quarrels with her.

Suddenly I felt a little salty taste in my mouth. I know, I cried.

I know that the students finally removed the last layer of defense, tears suddenly broke the line.

Later, we hugged our heads and suffered.

From 1997 to 2003, I was in primary school for six years, leaving only good memories.

In 2003, my primary school saw you again.

My classmates, forever friendship.

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. I saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind, beautiful but not ostentatious.

I don't know.

I was 17 years old that year. That day was the season to listen to the fallen leaves. Finally returned home, shut the secular outside. I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, thinking that I had been attacked by the virus, which was really terrible. In addition to a bunch of inexplicable ideas, I could not do anything, but suddenly empty. What are you thinking? I don't know.

When I was young, I always liked to ask "why?" after others said it. I always felt that all phenomena, all things, all things happened, and there must be a reason when it happened. That year, the world in my eyes was no longer like this. In fact, many things do not allow you to ask why, nor why. Too many joys and sorrows are in such a hurry, too many life games will have unexpected endings, there are many, no energy, ask why this is so? One day has passed, and it has become a cloud. Years later, one day, I finally met my classmates in the school where I had read. I said hello and smiled. I didn't care about your grades or whether you were still beautiful, so I left in a hurry. It seems that your life is like two parallel lines without intersection.

As a result, we become indifferent, no longer recall the friendship we once thought was the best, but only make efforts for the survival of tomorrow. We make the validity period of "friends" so worthless. Only then did I find that when the young people promised, they would always be crazy with a face that could control their fate.

The e era has replaced too many things that people should not give up, so people no longer have a box of secrets. It is strange to see stamps again. Too many people put all of them into the Internet to find themselves in the e-world, but they found that they were dying. So they turned themselves back to themselves, saw the beauty of the Prague sky, and completed the diary that was only half written. What would the retro of the e-era be? I don't know.

Want to fly

That year, or that day.

Quietness can't stand loneliness, and serenity can't cover emptiness. It seems that I have been used to the day when I see the first ray of sunshine, I already know what to do. Life may be like this rising and falling sun, falling and rising sun, which is repeated but also fresh, fresh but also tasteless. It is hard to see the horizon connecting heaven and earth through the window. Maybe it is because of this that we forget that the earth is round and ignore that life is beautiful.

Smile, I clearly remember a smiling face, full of happiness but more than happiness. I think I will never forget it in my life. The boy who put his legs on the edge of the bed, held two steamed buns in his left hand, grasped a steamed bun in his right hand, ate two steamed buns, looked at the steamed buns with happy eyes, took a small bite, and tasted boiled water, was my roommate, It was that happy and contented smiling face that suddenly made me realize that everyone has a world of their own shape in their eyes. The color and smell of this world are all personal, and others can neither see nor smell it. But I will be intoxicated in this world, unable to extricate myself. Every smell and every color will cause me to be moved, excited or sad

Want to fly, want to fly high to get rid of the world, or dress up the world. I closed my eyes and realized that a picture was sketched in my mind, which was roughly like this: a small apricot tree, with no branches and leaves, but also tall and straight, a crutch firmly against the tree, a dry well beside it, and a smiling face in the sunset. It was so beautiful.

Want to fly

Opposite the angel

That year was also that day.

Look at the photos and remember the past. Broken memories are re linked, and it is no accident to find them. It turns out that God arranges every day, so when can he dominate? Now

Now go out the door, walk in the direction you like, walk in the alley you like, see all this, walk to the audio store you like, and don't know the right side of the door, the notice board has been updated several times. Seeing the strange smiling face of the boss again, it seems that it has been a long time since I came here last time.

The music in the shop is accompanied by the occasional wind bell, which is another kind of quiet. When I hear the song "Angel", "You are my angel, I will be happy when I see you..."! In fact, the real angel is not you, but happiness. You belong to you, and happiness is your own. Happiness is an angel, but I am opposite the angel. Standing where I am, I can't reach but can't see. If I take a step forward, I may be able to touch happiness.

Take a piece of Jay's "Qi Li Xiang" and walk out of the audio and video store, silently say goodbye to the store

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. When you are relaxed and free, go there. I saw a church with lanterns. There was a small but quiet wharf opposite the church. There were scattered straws on the wharf. Looking at the church from the dock, there was a tribe. The people of the tribe were planting camellia and eating cans. They saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind, beautiful but not ostentatious.

so what? Then he walked to the opposite of the angel and found that happiness was also simple.

That year, that day, opposite the angel. Everything was stranded.

That day (12)

Although I am twelve years old, I still remember that year and that day

That year was the most painful day in my life. And that day, it was my birthday

In the morning of that year, several meters of sunshine came through the French window. I remembered that today was my birthday, and I was very happy. The dim sleep immediately disappeared. I jumped out of bed and couldn't wait to put on the new clothes my mother bought for me a few days ago. I immediately skipped downstairs.

Mom and Dad seemed to be in a good mood too. The three of us went to the amusement park together. Just as I was holding a large balloon in my left hand and a large colored ice-cream in my right hand, my mother was taking a handkerchief to help me wipe the ice cream marks from my mouth. Then my father's mobile phone rang, and my father said that he would go back to the company now, and he could not play with me! Mother said angrily; "Why are you so dishonest? We agreed to celebrate our children's birthday today!".

In the evening, I am looking forward to my father's return. But ten minutes passed Half an hour has passed Even an hour has passed! My father didn't come back to celebrate my birthday as promised! I am very angry. I want to find my father when my mother runs out of the house without noticing! When I was young at that time, I ran very hard and soon lost my way!

The danger was approaching me. Under the dim street lamp, I was forced to cover my mouth with a pair of strange hands, and then a man put it into a sack! I struggled desperately, but this weak force could not help me at all! I was afraid, helpless, afraid, desperate, I shouted loudly, but no one could hear me.

I was locked in a small rented house, and both kidnappers forced me to ask my parents' phone numbers. I was hurt by them, so I had to tell their mother's phone number. Because if it's Dad's phone, Dad is still busy! When I think of this, I am devastated. The kidnapper asked his mother for 100000 yuan to exchange for my safety, and the transaction will be completed within half an hour! If I refuse, I will be in danger!

Mom was so worried that she dialed Dad's phone immediately. Dad listened and immediately left in a hurry. Some colleagues of Dad and Mom came to help in a hurry. Mother called the police at the nearby police station. Twenty minutes later, I heard the police car surrounding the building below. The kidnappers immediately wanted to escape by jumping out of the window, but they were overpowered by the police and relatives who broke into the house.

When I was taken off the dishcloth in my mouth and the hemp rope on my body, I immediately burst into tears. My mother hugged me, and my father repeatedly apologized to me

That year, that day, that darkness

That day (13)

That year was last year, and this year is this year. That day was a day last year, and the rain was a rain yesterday. That score is an ideal score, and this score is an unsatisfactory score.

When I came home that day, my mother smiled and asked, "How did you do in the exam?"? I happily replied, "Not bad, Chinese 108, math 100, English 120." My mother was very happy, and she always "stamped" on my face. Dad listened, although he didn't say anything, but I know that computers and mobile phones are essential. Take me back to my room, hold my hand and say, good granddaughter, you should read it carefully. Grandma took a few sweets and said, "Good Sun, you are really good. After reading, I will come back with a champion."

This year, this day, this score. My mother asked with a dark face: "How was the exam?" I had to answer reluctantly: "Chinese 105, math 95, English 119." My mother was angry and said: "Why are you so bad? Are you wandering in class?" My father didn't say anything, but I knew that TV and mobile phones are not allowed to play, and that training classes have to go. Grandpa sighed and walked into the room. After hearing this, the milk buyer said, "Good granddaughter, don't you want to take the first prize exam? Why is it so bad?"

Alas, why are adults always like this? It only depends on achievements, not on efforts. You have good grades. You don't have to listen in class. If your grades are poor, you must do well. I looked up and saw a salty rain falling. It's raining steadily outside. Oh, how I imagine a free bird!

Parents let us liberate ourselves. Although I have already had my summer vacation, there are still a lot of training classes.

That day (14)

At the graduation party, will our friendship end like this. My best friend of six years suddenly asked me such a question. Of course not. I am very happy to answer. At the same time, I also recalled the original little by little. In the first grade, everyone had just entered the school, and nobody knew anyone. But I remember her. She wore a ponytail and loved to laugh. And she has a very nice name. Dong Qian.

In the eyes of our classmates, it seems that we have never quarreled in the past six years, but who knows that quarrels between us often happen.

I can't remember the small quarrel, but I remember that time.

Let's be in Grade Two that year.

Two female classmates in the class quarreled. Dong Qian and I helped each other, so we quarreled more and more.

Why did you help her. I asked her angrily.

No, why did you help her. She also seems very angry.

Well, let's continue to argue. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other.

Since then, I have more and more quarrels with her.

Suddenly I felt a little salty taste in my mouth. I know, I cried.

I know that the students finally removed the last layer of defense, tears suddenly broke the line.

Later, we hugged our heads and suffered.

Six years of primary school left me only good memories.

See you in my primary school.

My classmates, forever friendship.

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. I saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind, beautiful but not far away

I don't know.

I was 17 years old that year. That day was the season to listen to the fallen leaves. Finally returned home, shut the secular outside. I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, thinking that I had been attacked by the virus, which was really terrible. In addition to a bunch of inexplicable ideas, I could not do anything, but suddenly empty. What are you thinking? I don't know.

When I was young, I always liked to ask "why?" after others said it. I always felt that all phenomena, all things, all things happened, and there must be a reason when it happened. That year, the world in my eyes was no longer like this. In fact, many things do not allow you to ask why, nor why. Too many joys and sorrows are in such a hurry, too many life games will have unexpected endings, there are many, no energy, ask why this is so? One day has passed, and it has become a cloud. Years later, one day, I finally met my classmates in the school where I had read. I said hello and smiled. I didn't care about your grades or whether you were still beautiful, so I left in a hurry. It seems that your life is like two parallel lines without intersection.

As a result, we become indifferent, no longer recall the friendship we once thought was the best, but only make efforts for the survival of tomorrow. We make the validity period of "friends" so worthless. Only then did I find that when the young people promised, they would always be crazy with a face that could control their fate.

The e era has replaced too many things that people should not give up, so people no longer have a box of secrets. It is strange to see stamps again. Too many people put all of them into the Internet to find themselves in the e-world, but they found that they were dying. So they turned themselves back to themselves, saw the beauty of the Prague sky, and completed the diary that was only half written. What would the retro of the e-era be? I don't know.

Want to fly

That year, or that day.

Quietness can't stand loneliness, and serenity can't cover emptiness. It seems that I have been used to the 'day' when I see the first ray of sunshine, I already know what to do. Life may be like this rising and falling sun, falling and rising sun, which is repeated but also fresh, fresh but also tasteless. It is hard to see the horizon connecting heaven and earth through the window. Maybe it is because of this that we forget that the earth is round and ignore that life is beautiful.

Smile, I clearly remember a smiling face, full of happiness but more than happiness. I think I will never forget it in my life. The boy who put his legs on the edge of the bed, held two steamed buns in his left hand, grasped a steamed bun in his right hand, ate two steamed buns, looked at the steamed buns with happy eyes, took a small bite, and tasted boiled water, was my roommate, It was that happy and contented smiling face that suddenly made me realize that everyone has a world of their own shape in their eyes. The color and smell of this world are all personal, and others can neither see nor smell it. But I will be intoxicated in this world, unable to extricate myself. Every smell and every color will cause me to be moved, excited or sad

Want to fly, want to fly high to get rid of the world, or dress up the world. I closed my eyes and realized that a picture was sketched in my mind, which was roughly like this: a small apricot tree, with no branches and leaves, but also tall and straight, a crutch firmly against the tree, a dry well beside it, and a smiling face in the sunset. It was so beautiful.

Want to fly

Opposite the angel

That year was also that day.

Look at the photos and remember the past. Broken memories are re linked, and it is no accident to find them. It turns out that God arranges every day, so when can he dominate? Now

Now go out the door, walk in the direction you like, walk in the alley you like, see all this, walk to the audio store you like, and don't know the right side of the door, the notice board has been updated several times. Seeing the strange smiling face of the boss again, it seems that it has been a long time since I came here last time.

The music in the shop is accompanied by the occasional wind bell, which is another kind of silence. I heard a song (Angel) "You are my angel, and I will be happy when I see you..."! In fact, the real angel is not you, but happiness. You belong to you, and happiness is your own. Happiness is an angel, but I am opposite the angel. Standing where I am, I can't reach but can't see. If I take a step forward, I may be able to touch happiness.

Take a jay's (Qilixiang) and walk out of the video store, silently say goodbye to the store

The road at your feet is still your own. It is no longer important to walk with your left foot when you go out. Throw away the shackles and worry. The wind is still blowing and the clouds are still flying. When you are relaxed and free, go there. I saw a church with lanterns. There was a small but quiet wharf opposite the church. There were scattered straws on the wharf. Looking at the church from the dock, there was a tribe. The people of the tribe were planting camellias and eating cans. They saw the angel blue cloth skirt swinging in the wind. It was beautiful but not attractive

so what? Then he walked to the opposite of the angel and found that happiness was also simple.

That year, that day, opposite the angel. Everything was stranded.

That day (15)

In a twinkling of an eye, time passed quietly through the fingertips, and the green seedlings had sprung up and down, and the green shade was like a cover.

The sky is clear and the spring breeze is warm. The dense branches and leaves mischievously cut the sunlight into silhouettes and projected it on the desk in the study. It was neither weak nor dazzling, just like grandpa's smiling eyes, with a little dignity mixed with kindness. When the evening wind comes, the shadows of the trees are whirling, the branches are swaying, the leaves are swaying and rustling, which is the concerto of the wind and the leaves. It is also like grandpa stroking my little head, which is gentle but also contains power. In the evening, everything is quiet. If the flowers on the trees also bloom, and if the sky is also clear and the stars are thin, the bright moon is in the sky, then it will be a scene of thin shadows and oblique, faint fragrance floating, and the moon is near dusk. Just like grandpa's personality, he is gentle, quiet and proud.

It was a very small time, small can not be small, life only play. I like bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around, and bouncing for some reason. I'm full of endless curiosity about new things. I wonder if they jump, climb, roll, and fight like me, and if they break holes in their pants like me. However, I have no time to think, because my grandmother has called me. After looking at the hole that said big or small, Grandma scolded me first, then shook her head reluctantly. She said calmly, kindly and a little fondly, "Look, Grandma, I have embroidered it."

Grandma skillfully took out the embroidery box, picked out the thread, threaded the needle, and sewed it on the work table. It was a genuine thread. She was so focused that I was embarrassed to ask her to play with me. My previous memory was in a trance. I only remembered that when my pants appeared in front of me again, they were completely new, with some flowers on them, and there was a naughty cat. I didn't know where the hole was. Grandma was quite proud. She touched my head and said, "The hole has been eaten by the kitten."

Now, my clothes won't have holes like before; Now, although Grandma can still thread a needle, her hair has turned white. Year after year, I was too familiar to notice the subtle changes in time and personnel. Year by year, I only hope that my grandmother is still like that, and I am still like that, and every day has new happiness.