"I'm a bit bored recently (18 compilations)
Pure old man
2023-11-04 00:49:47
primary school

I'm a bit bored recently (1)

During this period of time, I had a fever and a cough, and I was suffering from pain. Naturally, I felt no better.

When I arrived at school on Thursday afternoon, it was the head teacher who watched the class. After lunch, I dared not drag myself to the very familiar school and walked into the classroom where there were few people.

Sitting quietly in a corner of the classroom, where there is usually little noise and few people disturb, it is very suitable for learning, so I calmly wrote the homework assigned by the teacher after school in the morning.

"Pa!" I don't know who slapped me on the shoulder, but I was scared out of my wits when I was doing my homework quietly. "Come on, let's go out and play for a while." Turning around, it turned out to be little A's cheap face, which could not be more cheap.

I looked at his happy face, but my depression spread in my heart: "I don't want to go, I haven't finished my homework yet."

"It's OK, play for a while and then write, it's not too late." He still has a heartless smile.

"All right." Although I was very reluctant, I still agreed to do it by devious means. I quickly put my homework in the drawer and left my seat in a hurry.

Two or three minutes later, an unbridled laugh of "ha ha..." sounded in the corridor.

When I slowly turned to lean against the wall and saw the figure of the head teacher, I found that something was wrong. My heart was pounding with panic. This was terrible. The teacher had to criticize us severely.

"Both of you should stand at the back of the classroom for me and write another 500 words for inspection. How many times have you said that you should not chase or fight in the corridor. If something happens, who should be responsible?" The head teacher shouted sternly, glaring at us with the same eyes as prisoners

This could not have been the case, but my temporary playfulness caused such embarrassing consequences. At that moment, I hated him who seduced me. But when I think back on the whole thing, I don't think I can blame him. In fact, I

Alas, the fate of the teenager is so cruel. I'm really upset recently

I'm a bit bored recently (2)

... This sentence has been floating in my mind recently.
Recently, I have many troubles, such as: body unconsciously pain; For example, I always feel dizzy... especially when writing a composition.
I usually write compositions very quickly and finish them at one go. But now, when it comes to writing compositions, I am soft handed. Words are listless and listless, and even punctuation marks are skewed from side to side. I want to write well, but I can't write well. A good article has been torn up again by me, and I have pulled it around again. Ah! I can't imagine what it is like.
Hey, how can I throw away the worry? Can you tell me? Worry, you'd better stay away from me, otherwise

I'm a bit bored recently (3)

I'm a little bored recently.

Today, in Chinese class, the teacher asked our class's famous "No. 1" to answer questions. However, the most common thing happened. He stood silent in his seat. As time went by, the teacher and we were waiting for his answer, but he didn't say a word. Finally, the teacher couldn't bear it, so she sat down. Alas! One third of the class time is consumed by the "first" at once. How can we teach the class! In the end, we only absorbed half of the usual knowledge. It seems that the accuracy of homework will be greatly reduced!

incorrect! This is not the case. If they don't say a word like that, how can the class be held. Ah! What can we do? What can we do! It seems that they can only learn by themselves. Learning is not a hard job. Only if they study hard can they improve the efficiency of class and homework!

I'm a bit bored recently. I can't listen carefully. It's a little annoying, and the correct rate of operation is not high. Recently, I am really a bit bored!

I'm a bit bored recently (4)

Recently, I was a little bored. I couldn't calm down when I was doing my homework. I always thought about my favorite rock songs and couldn't calm down even when I played games. This also led to my temper being a little grumpy. I got a grade of 94.5 in the Chinese exam, and it was useless to use many improved methods.

I was also very worried, but I couldn't find a good way, so I had to consult the teacher.

The teacher said, "Chen, are you going to forget other things after you put yourself into one thing?"

"Yes!" I replied without thinking. The teacher smiled again and said, "As long as you find out the fun that should be in everything, you will not be upset."

I patted the brain door and shouted, "Why didn't I think of it?" The teacher smiled and nodded at me

So I began to look for: when I closed my eyes to listen to music, it was easy to get involved; When reciting the text, properly adding the beat is not only not boring, but also convenient for memory; Take the bus and look out of the window at the night, your heart will gradually calm down

I found that when you are committed to one thing, you can come up with many ways, and the efficiency will also be improved, and the quality will also be higher.

Once I reviewed, but Kexin was always restless, so I drew a mind map myself. Turn this picture into a game. We all like the game very much. This will stimulate my interest and let me get involved in it. After reviewing, I can't help exclaiming that reviewing can be so fun. "Er... won't others get mad?"

The next day in the English exam, my heart was naturally calm, plus the "serious" review the day before. Answering the questions was like a duck in water. It took 30 minutes to complete the exam!

After the test paper was handed out in the afternoon, I was the only one with full marks. When everyone asked how to do it, I smiled and said, "Just put yourself into it. You can understand it yourself!"

It doesn't matter that I am a little annoyed recently. Just find out the interesting things I am doing and put into it to eliminate my troubles!

I'm a bit bored recently (5)

I can't count the number of troubles recently, just like my hair. I really want to let these things go with the wind!

At the thought of that day, I was so annoyed that I scratched my scalp.

That morning, I quickly wrote my homework, thinking: I have been doing this damn winter vacation homework recently, and I really want to go out for a breath. So I went to my mother to plead with her. When my mother knew that I wanted to go out to play, she was furious and said to me angrily, "What do you want to do outside? Hurry to do your winter vacation homework. After you finish it, you can do whatever you want to do." I listened, bowed my head and went back to the room sadly, and continued to do my homework. At lunch, my mother finally graciously asked me to accompany her to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities in the evening. I was finally able to "rest" for a while, so I was very happy and immediately lifted my spirits.

But who knows, the reality is always not good. All the delicious food I dreamed about during my lunch break in the afternoon is gone. Because my mother suddenly said that she would work overtime and asked me to do my homework. When I heard this, I was stunned. My heart broke and filled every corner of my body. I can call it grief stricken! "Hey, go again next time!" I said to myself sadly.

Why is it so annoying when it comes to holidays! Maybe I passed a "holiday" period.

I'm a bit bored recently (6)

Time flows away from my fingers. The school day is finally over. The evidence is coming as before. Happiness gradually disappears in the air. Infinite troubles are engraved in my heart like a knife.

"Look at you, you've broken the building blocks to pieces. I've told you a thousand times, ten thousand times, and I'm still tearing them down..." When my mother saw me sitting in the living room again, concentrating on dismantling the building blocks, she immediately changed from a gentle and elegant lady to a nagging king. Alas, I'm so bored.

"The significance of building block production is to combine your own ideas to create more innovative things after being dismantled." I argued hard, but no matter what I said, I could not change my mother's view.

I remember one time, my aunt bought a box of building blocks, and I was excited to put them together, but after finishing the work, I felt that his shape was not handsome enough, so I took apart all the ugly parts of it, and then, after careful thinking, a perfect place was formed in my mind. I was so excited to open and open, and before I could finish them, my mother came up, my God! When she saw that I put the building blocks together into "four unlike" pieces, my mother immediately used her killer skills to nag about light waves. I had to admire my mother's big light waves, and had to run away.

Do you think it's boring to see my beloved building blocks tidied up by my mother instead of putting them together according to my idea? I'm a little annoyed recently!

I'm a bit bored recently (7)

Recently, Xiao Hong wanted to apply for dancing. There was a dancing class enrolling students, so she wanted to apply. When Xiao Hong got home, she told her father what she thought, and his father said, "No!". Xiaohong said, "No, I will, I will". Dad became angry with embarrassment and said in a stern tone, "What kind of dance is it? It's better to learn calligraphy". After Xiaohong's father's anger subsided, she said to her father, "Dad, interest is the best teacher. I don't want to learn calligraphy. It takes time and effort for you to force me." After repeated requests from Xiaohong, her father finally agreed.

I'm a bit bored recently (8)

I don't know how to be so upset recently. I'm so bored that I'm about to explode.

I believe everyone's troubles are different, but the thing that bothers me most recently is this.

That day, I got up early in the morning and did my homework in the study. Suddenly, my mother's door opened, and I rushed over, thinking that my mother would praise me, but my mother said, "Do your homework quickly, there is no sound of reading, what's the matter?" I wanted to explain, but my mother said again, "I don't care, I just didn't hear the sound of reading..."

I suddenly became angry, and I said loudly: "I'm doing my homework!" But my mother also said: "I asked you to read, not to do your homework, and you talked back to you!" I became unreasonable, so I ran back to the study sadly, locked the door, and concentrated on my homework.

After a while, at noon, we began to eat Chinese food. When I moved my chopsticks, my mother said, "What are you eating when there are not enough people?" During this holiday, I don't know why my mother's eloquence suddenly became extremely good. She always blamed me like a machine gun every day.

I have so many troubles! I'm really bored!

I'm a bit bored recently (9)

I have a "troublesome father" who often "disappeared" when I got up in the morning, and did not know where he was "wandering" when I went to bed at night. He often does this. He doesn't ask me for leave even when he has something to do. I have been wondering whether my father still loves me or not, which has made me a little upset recently. Dad, where on earth are you now? Can I find you on the territory of China? Princess Fanfan is really angry! A bowl of "Little Golden Beans" has been filled! I really "hate" Dad. I'm going to eat KFC. He always says, "Foreign garbage, can't eat!"; He said he would take me to buy "Andersen's Fairy Tales". He said, "The company needs to work overtime!" It seems that the plan to buy books failed. The most annoying thing was last year's "June 1" Children's Day, when my father promised to take me to Taihu Square to skate. As a result, I didn't even see my father after I came back from school. After a while, I picked up the phone and dialed my father's mobile phone before he came back. As a result, the "annoying father" said, "I want to write something today, so I can't go skating with you. You can let your mother take you." After hearing this sentence, the frustrated "little golden beans" in my eyes rushed out. After a while, I came to Taihu Square with my mother. Looking at the children brought by my parents, I was very envious. I thought, "Annoying Dad," if you don't go early or late, you will go at such a time. I won't take me to play on the "June 1st" Festival. Alas, I hate it! The whole "61" has become meaningless.

When I returned home, I found that "annoyed dad" had not come back, so I thought to myself: "annoyed dad" why not come back, just write something, so slowly. My lungs are going to explode when I think of this. I really want to beat my father to relieve my anger. The next morning, when I woke up, I felt a little less angry, but I still went to the room of "bothering Dad" angrily, "asking questions". He was still sleeping soundly. I was trying to wake him up, but my mother stopped me and told me that my father was writing materials about cooperation with foreign businessmen at the company. He could not spare himself to accompany you to play until he wrote one. It suddenly dawned on me that my father left early and returned late every day, not to wander, but to work. At this time, my anger also disappeared.

The princess is a little annoyed recently. Although I want to ask "annoyed dad" to write a review, I am proud of having a dad who is dedicated to his work. Brief comment: A simple "trouble" is full of daughter's special love!

I'm a bit bored recently (10)

"I'm a little bored recently, a little bored." This is the most I said this week. Now, let me talk about my recent troubles!

Trouble 1: I can't do the 'math homework' assigned by the math teacher this Wednesday evening. The next day in math class, only a few students didn't do it. They were all old fogies. When the math teacher read the list, I wanted to go into the hole. Ah, I was so ashamed!

Trouble 2: Fan Ziqi was asked by the teacher who stood in line after school to remember the list of people who did not stand in line within the specified time. When the teacher announced the list, I proudly said to my deskmate, "Look, there must be no name for me, I can run fast!" I was proud, "Fan Jiawei", the old Chinese teacher said. What, I am here. Ah dizzy. We can only accept punishment!

Trouble 3: The teacher asked me to cut a circle into several parts, but I was stupid enough to cut a circle like a pig, and was scolded by the teacher. How annoying!

I have a lot of troubles. I'll nag everyone when I have time.

I'm a bit bored recently (11)

I have a "troublesome father" who often "disappeared" when I got up in the morning, and did not know where he was "wandering" when I went to bed at night. He often does this. He doesn't ask me for leave even when he has something to do. I have been wondering whether my father still loves me or not, which has made me a little upset recently. Dad, where on earth are you now? Can I find you on the territory of China? Princess Fanfan is really angry! A bowl of "Little Golden Beans" has been filled! I really "hate" Dad. I'm going to eat KFC. He always says, "Foreign garbage, can't eat!"; He said he would take me to buy "Andersen's Fairy Tales". He said, "The company needs to work overtime!" It seems that the plan to buy books failed. The most annoying thing was last year's "June 1" Children's Day, when my father promised to take me to Taihu Square to skate. As a result, I didn't even see my father after I came back from school. After a while, I picked up the phone and dialed my father's mobile phone before he came back. As a result, the "annoying father" said, "I want to write something today, so I can't go skating with you. You can let your mother take you." After hearing this sentence, the frustrated "little golden beans" in my eyes rushed out. After a while, I came to Taihu Square with my mother. Looking at the children brought by my parents, I was very envious. I thought, "Annoying Dad," if you don't go early or late, you will go at such a time. I won't take me to play on the "June 1st" Festival. Alas, I hate it! The whole "61" has become meaningless. When I returned home, I found that "annoyed dad" had not come back, so I thought to myself: "annoyed dad" why not come back, just write something, so slowly. My lungs are going to explode when I think of this. I really want to beat my father to relieve my anger. The next morning, when I woke up, I felt a little less angry, but I still went to the room of "bothering Dad" angrily, "asking questions". He was still sleeping soundly. I was trying to wake him up, but my mother stopped me and told me that my father could not spare himself to accompany you to play when he wrote materials about cooperation with foreign businessmen at his office. He didn't come back until one o'clock. It suddenly dawned on me that my father left early and returned late every day, not to wander, but to work. At this time, my anger also disappeared. The princess is a little annoyed recently. Although I want to ask "annoyed dad" to write a review, I am proud of having a dad who is dedicated to his work. Brief comment: A simple "trouble" is full of daughter's special love!

I'm a bit bored recently (12)

Maybe we should be optimistic about everything, but I think we can't escape from our troubles after all.

Boredom - dormitory hygiene

Yesterday, Director Li Pengfei called together the dormitory heads of all grades and urged them to say: "Someone will come to our school tomorrow to check the work, so we must do a good job of hygiene, and the dormitory head will emphasize it to the class when he returns." This sounds simple, but it is not easy to implement it.

After breakfast the next day, I hurried to the dormitory to see what was wrong with it. Last night, I told you everything. This time, it should be OK. However, at the moment when I opened the door, I was about to "collapse". Needless to say the oddly folded quilts on the bed or the thick dust under the bed, just the garbage in the corner made me very angry. My face turned from sunny to cloudy immediately, and my voice also increased eight degrees. "You have been cleaning for such a long time, do you want to be criticized, ah?" I helped them clean their messy bedroom while I said. It took a lot of busy work to clean the dormitory.

Alas, I'm a seven grade sesame official. It's hard to do!

Boredom - classroom blackboard newspaper

"Guo Peng, Feng Tingting and Wen Jing run the blackboard newspaper, and it will be finished on Tuesday." My nerves were strained when I heard my name, and we were busy these days. We all spent all our time trying to design, but still had no good ideas. Seeing that all the other classes have been completed, but our class's' is still a large blank, I am worried about it. At last, Tingting and I pinned our hopes on Guo Peng for the design of the layout. Seeing the deadline for Tuesday as the teacher said, there was still no improvement on the blackboard. It was at noon today that the head teacher made a rigid request that the blackboard newspaper should be completed. Then I forced myself to write a paragraph on the blackboard, which should be regarded as filling in a blank source and completing an assignment.

I barely finished the task of blackboard newspaper, but found that the homework assigned by the teacher was still a zero record, so I gave up the time to eat and made up... Ouch, my stomach is growling and protesting to me, but what can I do?

The flowers bloom and fall, the sun rises and rises, and every day is accompanied by troubles. Sometimes I think, rather than being trapped by these troubles, we should look at it in a different mood. Because we can't change others, we should try to change ourselves so that our troubles are gone and our mood is sunny.

I'm a bit bored recently (13)

The disordered branches and leaves on the tree are like numerous thoughts and unbearable impetuosity. I don't know since when I was once as calm as a cat and lost my ease.

In class, I was surprised to find that the heart was beyond my control. It slipped away quietly in the high voice of the teacher and went into infinite fantasy, as if nine cows could not be pulled back. "Cough, cough..." The teacher's cough pulled me back from my reverie, and then looked at the students beside me, who were also confused, as if they had just woken up. "That's all for today's class. I found that many students in our class were confused in class, and there were many others who were irritable. If it was due to holiday syndrome, you should adjust quickly, or you can't do anything well." The teacher's words were angry and serious. But the students who are absent minded simply go in one ear and out the other.

The sky is blue and clear, and the wind brings people cool from time to time. But at this time, it seems that there is a nameless evil fire burning in my heart, and I feel extremely uncomfortable when I see anything. At this time, I can not easily extinguish it, and I can only bear it quietly. As time went by, the fire in my heart also passed away temporarily. I also suddenly woke up, only quietly recalled the teacher's words, hoping to get some enlightenment, so that my heart will not be impetuous. Suddenly, a word of "quiet" came into my mind, and I played a smart, perhaps this is the best feeling that troubles give themselves!

Worry is like this. It will make negative energy linger around you, but once you learn to turn quietly, you will surely grow

I'm a bit bored recently (14)

I believe everyone's troubles are different, but the thing that bothers me most recently is this.

That day, I got up early in the morning and did my homework in the study. Suddenly, my mother's door opened, and I rushed over, thinking that my mother would praise me, but my mother said, "Do your homework quickly, there is no sound of reading, what's the matter?" I wanted to explain, but my mother said again, "I don't care, I just didn't hear the sound of reading..."

I suddenly became angry, and I said loudly: "I'm doing my homework!" But my mother also said: "I asked you to read instead of doing your homework, and you talked back to you!" I became unreasonable, and I had to run back to the study sadly, lock the door, and concentrate on my homework.

After a while, at noon, we began to eat Chinese food. When I moved my chopsticks, my mother said, "What are you eating when there are not enough people?" During this holiday, I don't know why my mother's eloquence suddenly became extremely good. She always blamed me like a machine gun every day.

I have so many troubles! I'm really bored!

I'm a bit bored recently (15)

I was also very worried, but I couldn't find a good way, so I had to consult the teacher.

The teacher said, "Chen, are you going to forget other things after you put yourself into one thing?"

"Yes!" I replied without thinking. The teacher smiled again and said, "As long as you find out the fun that should be in everything, you will not be upset."

I patted the brain door and shouted, "Why didn't I think of it?" The teacher smiled and nodded at me

So I began to look for: when I closed my eyes to listen to music, it was easy to get involved; When reciting the text, properly adding the beat is not only not boring, but also convenient for memory; Take the bus and look out of the window at the night, your heart will gradually calm down

I found that when you are committed to one thing, you can come up with many ways, and the efficiency will also be improved, and the quality will also be higher.

Once I reviewed, but Kexin was always restless, so I drew a mind map myself. Turn this picture into a game. We all like the game very much. This will stimulate my interest and let me get involved in it. After reviewing, I can't help exclaiming that reviewing can be so fun. "Er... won't others get mad?"

The next day in the English exam, my heart was naturally calm, plus the "serious" review the day before. Answering the questions was like a duck in water. It took 30 minutes to complete the exam!

After the test paper was handed out in the afternoon, I was the only one with full marks. When everyone asked how to do it, I smiled and said, "Just put yourself into it. You can understand it yourself!"

It doesn't matter that I am a little annoyed recently. Just find out the interesting things I am doing and put into it to eliminate my troubles!

I'm a bit bored recently (16)

In the morning, I was about to walk to school with the silver moonlight before dawn. On the way, the cold wind penetrated my chest through the thick cotton padded clothes, and I couldn't help shivering several times.

Hurrying to the door of the classroom, the teacher had already stood on the platform early. I was busy sitting in my seat and quickly took out my English book. "Please mention some students who failed to pass the exam yesterday and come to the back to write." With the gentle voice of the English teacher, my heart suddenly clucked. I remembered that I was sleepy when I went home last night and didn't recite at all. A strong sense of fear soon spread all over my body, I had to carry the bench to the back of the classroom.

How do you get to school. Look at the words and sentences on the writing paper that lack arms and legs, my heart suddenly mentioned the voice, storm, please go away! Although I prayed silently in my heart, what should have happened happened after all: "Row Haotian, come to my office after the morning class." Looking at the teacher's serious expression, I seemed to feel the importance of things. The whole morning reading was absent-minded. How I wish this morning reading would never end!

The bell rang as scheduled, and I followed the teacher with my head down like a dog who had made a mistake. The smell of gunpowder seemed to float out of my anxiety. It was only ten meters from the classroom to the teacher's office, but now it was so hard to walk. My legs seemed to be filled with gold sediment, and it was difficult to lift them. From the teacher's words, I knew that I didn't pass the exam alone this time. I didn't dare to look at the teacher's expectant eyes. I could only bury my face into the chest of Pengbai like a river, and the fiery heat was biting the cells of my whole body like ants. The feeling was indescribable.

When evening comes, the sky darkens slowly like ink. After school, other students disappeared, leaving me and the group leader to pass the exam in the class. I was also submissive and did not dare to speak loudly in front of the group leader, because I felt extremely guilty, and I was involved with her. Looking up at the watch, the minute hand has turned one more circle than when school was over, when the teacher came in, she asked us all to go home first and write tomorrow. I trotted all the way to the shed to push on the car, and then ran home with full power. It was 10 o'clock when I finished my homework. However, the teacher called me, and I had to pick up my English book again to recite what I needed to pass the exam.

There are always troubles on the way of growing up. Although these are only temporary, I still hope these troubles will disappear soon

I'm a bit bored recently (17)

Recently, I have many troubles, such as: body unconsciously pain; For example, I always feel dizzy... especially when writing a composition.

I usually write compositions very quickly, and I finish them at one go. But now, when it comes to writing compositions, I am soft handed. Words are listless and listless, and even punctuation marks are skewed. I want to write well, but I can't write well. A good article has been torn up again by me, and I have pulled it around again. Ah! I can't imagine what it is like.

Hey, how can I throw away the worry? Can you tell me? Worry, you'd better stay away from me, otherwise

I'm a bit bored recently (18)

I'm a little bored recently

Zhao Xinyi, Class 5 (6), Nanjing Langya Road Primary School

I'm a bit bored recently. Why is this? Let me tell you.

As we all know, the fifth grade has a heavy learning task. In addition, this class and that class have a lot of homework to do. How can we have time to play? But at this time, Miao Miao, my three-and-a-half year old cousin, came from her hometown and asked me to play with her every day, which made me very noisy.

It was the second day that she came to my house. I had just arrived at the door after school with my schoolbag on my back and rang the doorbell when Miao Miao shouted, "Wow, Sister Qiaoqiao is back! I will open the door!" The harsh voice came to my ears. Oh, what a lovely little cousin!

She quickly stepped on the chair to open the door, and then like a magnet, she drew to my side, pulled my clothes and cried excitedly: "Play with me! Play with me!" How can you play with her? Do I have the privilege not to do homework? So I hurried into the room, put down my schoolbag and prepared to do my homework. But when I turned around, Miao Miao was holding me like a follower.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!" When my father came back, he saw me with Miao Miao and shouted, "Hurry up and do your homework!" Then he scolded me. Alas, what can I do!

Miaomiao and I were separated by the door. I was full of joy, but Miaomiao was not happy. I vaguely heard her kicking the door desperately outside. Her crying could be heard almost all the buildings, even the whole community. Miao Miao is crying. As an elder sister, how can I not feel distressed? After careful consideration, I opened the door gently. Miao Miao jumped into my arms as if she had seen a savior, and said, "Sister Qiaoqiao is better! Sister Qiaoqiao is better!"

At that moment, my father came to my room and saw this scene. He shouted, "What's the matter with her crying?" Then he lifted Miao Miao up, put it outside the door, and locked the door. Poor Miao Miao!

These days, Miao Miao refused to let go when he met me, which made me always scolded by my father. Sometimes, when I ignore her, she will cry bitterly, or shout to frighten me, or simply stick to my body and hug my thigh, making me unable to move?? In a word, I will do everything to keep me from leaving.

Miaomiao, why can't you let me rest on my homework? I'm not as old as you. My sister also wants to play with you every day. But now I have a heavy task. Can you understand?

This is my trouble these days. I think Miao Miao will understand and understand me as time goes by. Moreover, I also think that we should treat our troubles as happiness, gain truth from them, let our troubles become less and less, and become a person without troubles, so that everyone will like you.

Instructor Li Hao