Beginning of composition on gratitude (4 selected)
Listen to flowers under the moon
2023-09-25 00:20:12

Beginning of composition on gratitude (1)

Mother Thank You

The little fish thanked the sea, because the sea gave it a living environment; Flowers rain and dew in the sky, because the rain and dew moisten them; The goshawk thanked the sky, because the sky asked it to fly; The mountains thank the earth, because the earth makes it towering... And we humans thank the mother, because the mother gave us life, let us smell the breath of the world.

I remember once, in the middle of the night, I suddenly had a high fever, which reached 39.5 degrees. You touched my hot forehead and were so worried that tears fell down. You put on your clothes, picked me up, took Yusang and ran out in a hurry. On the way, you kept pushing your umbrella towards me, and asked: "Xin'er, is it uncomfortable? Is it not wet?" My home is not too far from the hospital, but that night, I thought the road was too long. When I got to the hospital, you kept running around and registering for me. The nurse gave me a drip, and I slowly fell asleep. After a while, my notebook woke up. I was curious to find you standing close to the window, so I asked my mother to pour water for me. As soon as you left the window, a cold wind came to me. It turned out that the window had a hole in it. My mother was using her body to shield me from the cold. I turned my head to look at your back and saw a thin layer of ice on your back, I couldn't help crying. You watch me stand up against the glass after drinking water. I asked you, "Mom, are you cold?" Although your legs are stiff with cold, your mouth still said not cold. At that moment, I was really moved. Slowly, my fever subsided. You touched my cool forehead and smiled happily.

The greatest love in the world is maternal love. However, some people do not cherish this love. I once saw a report on TV that a drug dealer hated us for taking drugs? Mothers are willing to give everything for their children, even their own lives, but they are unwilling to lead their children astray. Is this wrong? We must not learn from this drug dealer and be an unfilial person.

Mother's love is a candle, and we are a dark hut, candles illuminate us; Mother's love is a clear brook, and we are a tadpole, a brook, raising us. Motherly love is like a beacon, which is our brightest way forward; Motherly love is like a spring, moistening us. Maternal love is sweet, happy and clear, which makes us feel extremely happy and has no chance to be warm.

A thousand words can be summed up in one sentence, that is: "Thank you, mother!" Let's repay our mother with our whole life!


Thank Mother

Motherly love is like the sea, tolerant, selfless and great.

I remember the math exam, but the full score of 110 was only over 90 points. When I moved my hand and saw the two bright red figures, I thought: It's over, I have to be criticized when I go home.

When I came to the door with a heart full of anxiety, I covered my heart, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and my hand hung in the air for a long time. I try to keep smiling.

The door opened. As soon as I came in, my mother asked me about my grades. I pretended to be careless, took off my shoes, smiled and said: "Bad." My mother's face sank, and asked me: "How much?" I walked into the room without looking back, and said loudly: "Bad!"

After dinner, my mother let me pass while reading the newspaper. I thought it was over, so I went there. When my mother saw me coming, she slowly closed the newspaper, folded it, put it aside, looked back at my eyes and said, "Bring me the test paper." Before I knew it, my tears ran down. I shook my head obstinately and said: "No!" My mother's face was full of anger: "Come here quickly!" I wiped my tears and did not answer. My mother almost roared: "Will you take it?!" "Take it, I'll take it..." I was frightened and cried, but I bit my lip and didn't make a sound.

The test paper was carefully taken out by me, 9, 4. These two figures make my heart bleed. I hold this test paper in both hands and stare at the two papers. I wish I could tear them into pieces! I looked around helplessly and took a pen - the teacher said that I would sign.

I slowly walked out of the room, came to my mother, and put the test paper and pen in front of her. My mother took the test paper with both hands and sighed, but I could not find the little anger in his eyes. Finally, I can see that my mother is blaming herself for her daughter's achievements! She took up her pen and wrote carefully: I hope you can do better in the future. Come on, don't be discouraged, and don't be discouraged. I believe you can achieve better results in the future. Come on!

That night, we talked a lot, from the difficult feeding at birth to the future. At last we all sobbed. I looked at my mother gratefully with tearful eyes: Mom, thank you for your tolerance, your selflessness, your greatness, I will work hard, I will refuel!

At that moment, too much emotion poured out of my heart.

All kinds of feelings condense into "thank mother".

Beginning of composition on gratitude (2)

Our head teacher, surnamed Li, is tall, thin and beautiful! In our hearts, she seems not like a teacher, but more like the big sister of all our classmates. She not only teaches us knowledge, but also teaches us to be human.

Miss Li treats every student in the class as kind and equal, and never looks down on anyone for any reason. I remember last semester's tug of war competition. If other classes came to compete with our class, they would win every battle, while our class was defeated every time. This made our class's students lose morale, and they didn't know where to go. When the teacher saw this, he said to everyone: "It doesn't matter if we lose. We should learn to sum up our experience in the failure, find the reason for the failure, and try to win back in the next competition." The students who were disappointed seemed to have regained their confidence, and each student ignited the fire of hope. They should work hard for the next competition and fight to the death with the "enemy".

There was also the shuttlecock race. Our class won the first place through the unity and hard work of all the students. Of course, the teacher was also very happy but said to us: "Everyone performed very well this time. Our class won the first place, but we must not be proud and strive to achieve better results."

Every word of the teacher has been kept in our hearts, as if it had been branded in our hearts. In nearly two semesters with Miss Li, I found that she was a gentle and loving teacher. She taught us how to be human and also taught us a lot of knowledge. "When the silkworms die, the wax torch turns to ashes and tears begin to dry!" It is to praise the teacher. Isn't she just like a candle, burning herself silently and illuminating us?

Teacher, you warm the earth and people with love; Your love is as gentle as the spring breeze and as sweet as the spring spring; Your love is selfless and kind.

[Extended Reading]

Composition is the "half of the country" that determines the results of Chinese examinations, so the success or failure of composition often determines the success or failure of the whole Chinese examination. So how to get high marks in the exam composition? I think the following points must be noted.

1. Question and Intention All exam compositions must be examined because examinees must compete fairly in the same environment. Examining a question is to comprehensively and accurately read and understand all the contents displayed in the question, read out the intention of the proposer, clearly examine the various limitations of the question, clearly define what I am required to write, how to write, and to what extent, and truly achieve a comprehensive understanding, a profound grasp, and write a composition without bias or omission. The composition evaluation of the college entrance examination clearly stipulates that the final score of the examination paper with problems in the examination generally does not exceed the lowest score of the second type of paper. It can be seen that the accuracy of topic examination is the key factor for the success of composition. The purpose is to stand at the height of the times, observe and understand life, refine the theme, make the theme reflect the spirit of the times, reflect the times, also act on the times, beat the pulse of the times, and promote the progress of the times. The "meaning" of the article is actually a kind of thought that the author gradually nurtures in the experience of life. It is the product of the "collision" between the author's subjective knowledge and objective reality. It reflects the author's ideological level, cognitive level, and the world outlook, outlook on life, values, etc. formed in social life. In the past two years, the composition teaching reform has advocated students to write about their real life and true self. Some students have ignored the grasp of the ideological tendency of the article. They are not comprehensive and have extreme views, and even suspect the leadership and policies of the Party due to corruption. Although today's Chinese society is clear in politics, free in speech, and will not pursue any political problems if you are wrong, as a builder of the future society, there should be a correct concept of right and wrong. This must be noted.   

2. The title and paragraph title are the eyes of the article, and also the first impression of the marking teacher on the article, especially the writing of self prepared topics. The marking teacher attaches great importance to the title proposed by the examinee. As the saying goes, "half the rice is good, half the paper is good", which shows the importance of the topic. Some candidates write the text first and then draw up the title. After the article is written, they may not have time to write the title, or they may forget to write the title. Although it is stipulated that 2 points will be deducted for no title, the actual result is far from 2 points. Some people have done such an experiment. They asked two groups of teachers to mark several well written compositions according to the two types of reserved titles and hidden titles, and the difference in scores was generally more than 5 points. This is because the marking teacher has a psychological distance from the untitled composition, and unconsciously reduces the grade. As for how to draw up a topic, I think we should do the following: ① Exactly. It refers to conforming to the content of the article, and also refers to conforming to the standard in diction and sentence formation) Refined. It refers to the proper number of words in the title. ③ Vivid. It means that the topic can reflect a kind of vitality, readability and interest. ④ Novelty. It refers to having new perspectives, new ideas and new insights, which can give people a sense of freshness. ⑤ Meaningful. It has internal meaning. There are a variety of ways to formulate questions. You can use rhetoric to formulate questions, you can use colloquial expressions to formulate questions, you can use archaic expressions to formulate questions, you can use idioms to formulate questions, you can also skillfully use formulas or symbols from other disciplines to formulate questions, and so on. Candidates can use them flexibly according to their own conditions. Paragraph: The first, belly and last three paragraph structure is the most taboo in the composition of the exam. Please keep this mark to divide the article into several paragraphs? I think the composition with less than 1000 words can be divided into 5-8 natural paragraphs. Because the more natural the natural segment, the more mature and experienced you appear. In addition, the first sentence of each paragraph should be written well. The first sentence of each paragraph is like a person's eyes and eyebrows. Write the first sentence well, and the whole paragraph is full of spirit.

Beginning of composition on gratitude (3)

1. A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself... A grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish the same... Orange lights bloom like flowers in the cold winter, although beside me, the flying snow gradually melts into my heart, one petal at a time. Just because of gratitude. People should always have a grateful heart. Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky lets it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; I am grateful that many, many people

2. Thanks to our parents, who gave us life and brought us up; Thanks to the teachers, they taught us knowledge and learned how to behave; Thanks to friends, they let us feel the warmth of the world; Thanks to our opponents, they make us keep forging ahead and working hard. Thanks to the sun, it makes us warm; Thanks to the river, it let us have clear water; Thanks to the earth, it gives us living space. Gratitude is a kind of mentality, a kind of quality and an art.

3. Heaven and earth are dedicated to life, parents are dedicated to child rearing, and strangers are dedicated to your kind help and warm smile. Everything in this world has taught us in silence - learn to be grateful, know how to be grateful, and always be grateful.

4. Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful for the blue sky, because the blue sky makes it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; I am grateful to my teachers, because they let me roam in the ocean of knowledge; Because they let me see right and wrong, good and evil; Because they gave me the courage to move forward in the face of difficulties

5. I am grateful to my teachers for their sunny smiling faces to soothe the wounds in my heart and write an immortal brilliant chapter with their unrepentant youth. I still remember that at that time, the flying chalk grayed the teacher's temples, and the ringing bell sent away the teacher's precious youth.

6. "Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded by the three spring sunshine". The father's harsh words of criticism bear infinite hope, and the mother's gentle care contains infinite love. It is they who use their diligent arms to support a shelter from the wind and support the rain. It is they who use their hot hearts to protect their young children and love them deeply! Let the children never get out of your affectionate eyes

7. "Grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself. Grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish." This song makes me understand that there is no warmth without sunshine; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, there would be no ourselves; Without family, friendship and love, the world will be lonely and dark. In order to get rid of it, we need a grateful heart.

8. If everyone praises his mother, I believe everyone can say a lot of praise, but

In real life, how many people have a grateful heart to feel maternal love?

9. Since we were born, we should learn to be grateful because our parents gave us life. In the growth of life, how many people care about us and how many people love us? How can we not learn to be grateful?

10. The road of our life is sunny. Which ray of sunshine is the most dazzling? You know what? Some people may say that it is an excellent result. But I think it is to know how to be grateful.

Beginning of composition on gratitude (4)

The teacher is a hardworking gardener who works hard day and night for our motherland, and his hair is tired and gray. It is most important for teachers to pay so much respect for us. Teaching is a hard and meticulous mental work, and teachers have paid a lot of time and energy for it. It is hard for a teacher to do a good job in every class and correct every homework carefully. We should be considerate of the teacher's work and hard work.

I remember when we were in primary school, we had a Chinese teacher named Huang, and her courseware design was also very good, but our class learning was too poor at that time, as if it was counting down. The teacher worked tirelessly for us, but without complaint. The teacher's love was warm like the sun, warm like the spring breeze, and your love was more severe than father's love, and more pure than friendship. Your love is the greatest and selfless. It was one day in primary school. You came to school with a cold. Your face was yellow and yellow, and you were trembling when you walked. But you still endured the pain and smiled to us. We were ungrateful that day, talking nonsense, and making you angry. Now I really regret coming. The students made a lot of mistakes in dictation at noon that day, so you stayed with them and didn't eat lunch. Your niece went to tell you that there were guests at your home that day, but you forgot about the guests for the sake of the students. Until after the students left, you dragged your tired body back home, but the guests left. Later, we heard your niece say that the guest was very angry.

Teacher, your career is great, glorious and selfless. You should be proud of your professionalism!