My My Chinese Teacher's Composition 600 Words (15 Collections)
Writing about breaking rivers and mountains
2023-08-31 01:58:40
Junior two

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (1)

In a reading class, I read One of My Chinese Teachers, which reminds me of my first Chinese teacher.

When I was an ignorant child, I stepped into the school gate one morning with excitement and fear. The first person I saw was a middle-aged woman. Her face is not very beautiful, but it gives me a reliable feeling. The round face is inlaid with a pair of cat's eye jewel like eyes and a mouth that always smiles like crescent moon, which is very funny. The wrinkles on his face can't cover up his childlike innocence. Later I learned that she was my first Chinese teacher.

The teacher's surname is Gao, which is really Gao. At a height of 175 meters, he is almost 50 years old, and his back is still very straight, like a straight poplar. For such a teacher, we first graders naturally revere her, but we didn't expect her to be very easy-going.

Before the opening ceremony of the second grade, the "troublemakers" in our classes were planning how to plan the "coup". I saw Miss Gao walking alone, so I blurted out, "Gao Dashui is coming!" Unexpectedly, this sentence became the topic of several brothers. Finally, we made a decision: salute the "Marshal"! So we put on baseball caps and formed a line. We stopped in front of the teacher, pulled off the caps together, bowed 90 degrees and said, "Hail to Gao Dashuai! Long live Gao Dashuai!" We thought Miss Gao would be furious, but unexpectedly, she fell over laughing!

But Miss Gao is also strict. Once in class, we stood up again like the last time and said in unison: "Hail to Gao Dashuai!" This time, Miss Gao did not smile, but looked at us. There were many things in her eyes, including disappointment, surprise, and unspeakable blame

After class, Mr. Gao said to us earnestly, "No matter how you play, we are all friends. You must respect me in class, because I am always your teacher."

This is my first Chinese teacher. She taught me what to do on what occasions. Thank you, Miss Gao!

My My Chinese Teacher Composes 600 Words (2)

"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry." For thousands of years, there have been countless people praising teachers, eulogizing teachers, and countless famous lines praising teachers. Teacher is the most glorious and holy career under the sun. The teacher is a shining beacon in the fog, a candle burning for you in the dark, and a gardener working hard in the garden.

My Chinese teacher is a strict but not strict teacher. During the Chinese class, the sound of books was heard in other classrooms, while the sound of laughter was heard in our class. After only ten minutes of class, you will hear a roar of laughter, because the teacher is criticizing the students again. In class, whenever a student answers his question incorrectly, the teacher will raise his teaching staff to frighten him and remind him to concentrate and think carefully. Although the teaching staff is held in each class, it is not often used. He is strict but not strict with us. In class, he is serious and kind.

The Chinese teacher is a very humorous teacher. Once in class, when he asked a student to stand up and answer a question, the student he called stood up slowly. The teacher asked him to sit down. As soon as he sat down, the teacher called his name again and asked him to stand up, which was repeated four or five times. The students were made to laugh. He said sternly, "Why are you so lazy? Did you not sleep well at night?" After that, he also imitated the student's posture when he stood up, but he was very exaggerated. He twisted his hips and waist and stood up in a very mannered posture, which made everyone laugh. His class is always full of active atmosphere.

The Chinese teacher is also a very knowledgeable teacher. All the relevant knowledge of all the authors involved in the text can be said accurately and fluently without reading a book. At that time, I didn't fully believe what he said in my heart. I went to look up the information after class, and it was exactly the same as what he said. I'm still unconvinced. I think he said it after reading it in advance, but I was wrong again. Even if we read some ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary classics outside class and asked him casually, he still said it well and answered it fluently. Since then, I have more respect and admiration for him.

He is the light in my heart, the helmsman guiding me to sail, and the wind helping me fly. It is also my most respected and admired teacher. This is the Chinese teacher in my eyes.

My My Chinese Teacher Composes 600 Words (3)

Mr. Ye is the Chinese teacher and head teacher of our class. He is a handsome and beautiful man. His class is rigorous and interesting.

Miss Ye always wears a black suit coat, white collar belt and a pair of black framed glasses. At first sight, she is a standard "scholar". I often admire Mr. Ye's wisdom.

Once, when I wrote a composition, it was really terrible. But when Mr. Ye got this composition, he changed it without saying a word.

If any student makes a mistake, Mr. Ye can always convince him. One day in class, Mr. Ye came in with a list, but saw that he was serious and his eyebrows were locked. It can be felt from his face that he was angry, but he didn't show too much. I think it is because Mr. Ye loves his students as much as his own children. He pretends to be calm and calm, afraid that we are worried about his anger, but he is already full of anger.

He tried to calm down, and loudly announced: "Some students were very careless in yesterday's new word copying homework, so they need to copy it again." Teacher Ye scanned the class with severe eyes, and specifically "looked after" those students. After a while, he said, "This is a serious attitude problem, but in the final analysis, the sense of responsibility is not enough.". Such an attitude is almost impossible even if you are admitted to Tsinghua University or Harvard University. I mean, if you enter the society in the future, you will do nothing. Therefore, we should exercise our sense of social responsibility from an early age so that we can make some achievements in the future. "

"Well, let's go back to the notebook." Teacher Ye cleared his throat. "We should constantly exercise our sense of responsibility and make a difference from these little things!"

Yes, small things are not small. Only by doing small things well now can we do big things in the future. Hearing this, I also remembered that the teacher asked us to recite, read and write diaries every day, not just to "build a long journey"? A sense of pride arises spontaneously. I am proud of having a good teacher!

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (4)

She has short black hair, willow eyebrows, and big bright eyes, like two round black grapes. Her nose is tall and straight, and her mouth is small and thin. Every time she smiles, her eyes are like curved crescents. Guess who she is, she is my Chinese teacher, Miss Zhan.

One sunny morning, my classmate Zhang Yikun was playing a game with his classmates. His red scarf fell on the ground accidentally when he was running. Teacher Zhan just saw it when he passed by. He bent down quickly, picked up the red scarf and walked towards Zhang Yikun. I was very moved when I saw this scene. Because other teachers usually ask students to pick it up and hand it over to the school's lost and found office, while Teacher Zhan picked up the red scarf and gave it to Zhang Yikun, who lost it, and said gently, "You should wear the red scarf when playing games." Zhang Yikun looked at Teacher Zhan and said gratefully, "Thank you, teacher. If you hadn't picked up my red scarf, I'm afraid I would not have found it." Teacher Zhan smiled slightly and said to Zhang Yikun, "It's OK. Be careful next time, OK?" Then she walked away with light steps.

I remember another time when I was wearing sneakers with shoelaces and jumping long ropes with my classmates. Just as we were dancing happily, Mr. Zhan came to me. I thought I had made some mistakes, and my heart was in turmoil. As a result, Mr. Zhan smiled and said to me, "Liu Xinran, your shoelaces are not tied properly." I looked down and saw, ah! As expected, the shoelaces were loose, and I smiled and said to the teacher, "Thank you for your reminding." So I squatted down and tied my shoelaces. But I hadn't tied them for a long time. My face was irritated from time to time. Teacher Zhan gently said to me, "Let me help you do it!" Then she squatted down, reached out and picked up my shoelaces and tied them. She tied two big circles first, Cross left and right and then fasten it. In the process of tying my shoelaces, I also taught me how to tie my shoelaces from time to time. I was very moved and thought: Teacher Zhan is really a good teacher who cares for students!

This is my Chinese teacher, Miss Zhan. I like her very much!

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (5)

My Chinese teacher, whose surname is Ye, is my head teacher and one of the "Top 100 Excellent Teachers in Ningbo". She has extraordinary "super power".

In the fourth grade, Mr. Ye took over our class. At that time, our class was the first and second from the bottom of the grade. When I saw a medium-sized man with dark, curly hair on his shoulder and a pair of talking eyes, I thought to myself: "What an amiable teacher!" When I contacted her, I no longer had this idea.

Teacher Ye is really sharp. Who can escape her "clairvoyance" and "downwind ear"? On one occasion, two students at the front table were discovered just after whispering in class for less than 5 seconds. Her eyes were very poisonous, and she could see it at a glance. Even if a needle fell on the ground, her ears could hear it clearly. Now we don't dare to make small moves and empty talk in class any more. We are afraid of her "super ability".

Say she "changed her face", sometimes she did. When she saw who hadn't finished his homework, she was furious: when she frowned, when she bit her teeth, her eyes showed resentment against iron and steel. It was inevitable that she would be criticized. The students could not stand the look and dared not look at her. Indeed, Mr. Ye said one, how dare students say two? There used to be a lot of noise in the classroom at noon, but now there is no sound.

When she taught us to revise our homework, she explained the steps, solutions and ideas of the exercises over and over again until we finally put them into our heads.

In a twinkling of an eye, the semester ended and the final exam was coming. We were very nervous. The only consolation was the encouragement and smile of Mr. Ye. Our class won the first place in the grade for the first time! Is this honor earned in vain? No, no, it is because Mr. Ye tirelessly taught, gave everyone enough confidence, and let us work hard together to get it. We are glad to meet a good teacher, and hope that we will work so hard and be so harmonious in the next few years. I am very grateful to Miss Ye for worshipping her!

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (6)

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words

When I was in the second grade, I transferred to the Mongolian Experimental Primary School. When I first arrived, I felt that everything was strange and at a loss.

The first class I remember was Chinese. I walked into a teacher from the door. He was tall, with neat short hair, and a smile on his face seemed very amiable. His big eyes blinked as if to say that my classmates were coming. My anxiety gradually calmed down. The teacher stood on the platform and introduced me to the students. Since then, I have known my teacher Wen.

The teacher is very careful in every class. He always talks carefully from new words to the text. He always attracts the students' attention, explains in simple terms, in cadence, and in a clear way. She answered all the students' questions one by one until she learned them. When reading a text, she always corrects the mispronounced words.

Sometimes it is also humorous. Once when the teacher checked the new characters, he found that my classmate Ma Zixuan's handwriting was crooked. The teacher said humorously: "The handwriting written by Ma Zixuan is like a hungry monkey who finds a pile of bananas and grabs one in the east and one in the west". The students laughed their heads off. Ma Zixuan felt the back of his head and smiled. He quickly erased the new words. The worker wrote them again, and the teacher smiled with satisfaction. Then he said seriously: "Some students' handwriting is not good. The main problem is that the shelf structure is not correct. Writing is like building a house. It's strange that the shelf is not standard and compact, and the house is not down!" The teacher used humor to make us happy and at the same time let us correct our shortcomings.

During the break, the teacher led us to the playground to play various games, which always left us with more than enough. After school, the teacher is always the last one to leave the school gate, so that each of our students can safely go home. Students and teachers who have no parents to pick them up will send them to a safe station to take the bus. Each time, the teacher is the last one to go home.

Day after day, year after year, now that I am in Grade 5, the teacher is a reasonable person. When she criticizes students, she never hits others. She does not swear, but carefully teaches us. The teachers at school let me feel the same care as my parents. With my growth, they also taught me a lot of knowledge. If people ask me what I want to do when I grow up, I will definitely say that I want to be a teacher. Speaking of teachers, I can think of my beloved teacher Wen.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (7)

Four Steps in Chinese Class

——If I were a Chinese teacher

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would use my own four step teaching method to teach my students.

One step

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would use rich and vivid words to move the hearts of every student. Let the boring Chinese class become a sea of knowledge. The students of other teachers will feel a sore neck when they see the Chinese book, and they will feel that it is an abyss when they look down; When my students see Chinese books, they will feel that they are swimming in the ocean of knowledge. Their curiosity and curiosity will not be fully aroused by me.


If I were a Chinese teacher, I would like to treat my students like Miss Yang Hongying. My students are like my children. I should be kind to my students and actively listen to their good opinions.

If a student makes a mistake, I will not scold and criticize them loudly. I will patiently talk with students and communicate with them; And I want to find the cause of the problem, and try to find the key to open their hearts.


The most indispensable part of the Chinese class is the composition class. In the composition class, I want to share good compositions with you more, so that students can learn more from other people's good words and sentences to improve their writing skills. And I also want my classmates to read more books. For example, some good extracurricular books such as Naughty Jumps, Pipilu Story, Love Life, Prosperous Flowers, etc. In addition, I also want to teach you a good way to read. As follows:

1. Use strokes to write good words and sentences in the book.

2. Copy good words and sentences in a small book.

3. Write the rhetorical devices used in the book.

4. Learn good words and sentences by heart.

5. Segment each story.


At the end of the Chinese class, I will teach you to draw a 'mind map'. Draw your harvest from today's Chinese class, and let the students sort out their knowledge in this way. At the end, I will let the students play a small game - Word Solitaire. This game can not only train students' reaction ability, but also enhance their memory. The most important thing is to use this method to make students fall in love with Chinese lessons.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would use my own four step Chinese lessons to bring the best classroom to students.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (8)

The teacher is a hardworking gardener to water our newly opened flowers. The teacher is a lamp to illuminate our way forward. The teacher's dedication to us is selfless and great.

My teacher is her white skin, black hair, small eyes, her body is very small.

Many teachers are serious and responsible for their own work, and my teacher is no exception. She is the head teacher of Class 3 and the English teacher of our class. There are more than 100 students in the two classes who have more than 100 assignments waiting for her to correct. She can't go to bed until very late, but he didn't complain in front of us! I know she got up early and worked in darkness just for us. If she wasn't for our good, would she? She can perfunctorily draw a few lines of our homework, but she is not ah, but serious and responsible.

My teacher, despite his small size, was very angry and not so easy to bully. On the first day of school, I was called to the office by the teacher when I was talking to my classmates at morning self-study. Although the teacher pinched my face and asked us to write a letter of guarantee when we arrived at the office, I didn't hate her more. I knew that she was doing this to us for our good, This physical lesson also made me afraid to speak in other classes. I am very grateful for what the teacher has done to me this time.

After she dictated to us, every student corrected what was wrong for us, and wrote three and two rows of what was wrong in each row. How detailed he wrote! Although I have only been with my teacher for more than two months, I have fallen in love with her in just two months.

As a world model, a teacher. She is my favorite teacher, Miss Xiao.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (9)

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would teach students how to preview the text. Read the text once, find out the four character words, and learn the new words of the lesson by yourself; Do the homework again; Finally, find out some problems from the text and think about them.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would teach the students how to learn the text. First, give the text a natural paragraph; Read the text carefully, with questions; Finally, summarize the main idea of the text.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would first teach students to read. Reading can enrich our knowledge and broaden our horizons. When reading books, we can draw beautiful sentences and many commonly used four character words, or write them down in a special notebook. In this way, we accumulate more and more things, and our understanding will become better and better. These sentences and four character words can be used for reference when writing a composition in the exam.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would teach students to practice calligraphy. Don't underestimate the practice of calligraphy. As long as you practice the calligraphy well, you can get scores in Chinese, math and English tests. In the writing test, you will get the highest score.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would teach students how to write compositions. To write a composition, you should first learn to observe the things around you. Write the things you observe into your composition truthfully. Only such composition is vivid and interesting. Secondly, we should have a very rich imagination. If you want to write fairy tales, imagination is very important. There are also some tips for writing a composition, such as: writing a composition in sections and using full stops correctly; Verbs should be rich, and using more four character words can make our expression more accurate; Using more figures of speech and personification can make our composition more vivid and interesting; Language description and psychological activity description can make the composition more detailed.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would be responsible for every class I teach. Let them be interested in learning Chinese since childhood, master the correct learning methods, and improve their Chinese learning ability.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (10)


My Chinese teacher, Miss Ni, has shoulder length hair and calluses on her hands. Maybe she writes too much at ordinary times. She never beats or scolds us, nor does she occupy the time of "minor courses". When Mr. Ni taught us since the third grade, I had a good opinion of her.

She was humorous and even recognized several "dry sons" in the class. In some classes, we almost fell asleep on the table when we were in class, but when we came to Chinese class, it was like a passionate PE class.

I remember one morning, my mother took me to school and forgot to take the key in a hurry, so we took a taxi to school, and encountered a traffic jam on the way. Mother had to send a message to the teacher to explain the situation. It's 7:50 already. It's Mr. Ni's morning reading class. When I was worried, Mr. Ni replied with a message: "I know, don't worry, be careful on the road!"

When I ran into the classroom out of breath and wet, Miss Ni didn't realize it. While talking, she glanced out of the window from time to time to see if I was there. When the teacher saw that most of the content was almost finished, he could not help but ask his classmates, "Is Zhang Jinwei coming?"

"Here we are!" The students answered loudly. When Mr. Ni saw me, he gave a sigh of relief. Seeing that Teacher Ni cares about me so much, although it is a cold winter, my heart is warm, like drinking a bowl of hot chicken soup.

I remember another time, I forgot to write Chinese homework. I thought Miss Ni would "reward" me as well as other teachers, but unexpectedly, she just asked me to complete my homework and hand it to her as soon as possible.

Teacher Ni is not only our teacher, but also a good teacher and helpful friend for parents. Every once in a while, she will share some educational experience with the class parents, recommend educational books, etc., and suggest parents to understand children, ensure our sleep time, pay attention to healthy diet, etc.

I am really lucky to have such a responsible and caring teacher!

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (11)

When night comes, the night is decorated with countless shining stars. Under the green tent, in the twilight, I used the plow of knowledge to cultivate traces on the paper, and put them all into my heart. I looked up and stared at the sky. Ah! How deep is the night sky of knowledge, and how far away is the sky of responsibility. I immersed myself in education and worked hard and never got tired.

When the morning came, I got up to work when the first smile was waved to me in the daytime. I hold a stack of books, bringing pages of stories, but more is the smile of the soul. I looked at those vigorous faces and felt infinite relief in my heart.

I am never bored by education, nor depressed by mediocrity. I smile because of my inner joy; I am happy - because of satisfaction. I use all my energy and tears to feed the buds I want to put. They survived the dead night and the sorrowful snow. Then place your soul in the world of Chinese and embrace beauty.

However, I am not the selfless spring silkworm. I cannot present the silver thread of my knowledge to the students one by one; I am not the faithful torch, nor can I use my tears of light to illuminate their future. The road ahead must be opened by them, and the river of the future must be crossed by them. I can only use my meager spare power to guide the road, and don't let them wander on the road.

When I stumbled in the city capital and walked in front of the mountains, I could see them and hear the words echoed in the sky: responsibility made me provoke these young souls, who can make me unload? Benevolence makes me find a permanent home here. Who can separate us?

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would remember my duty and sow the seeds of kindness. In the eternal world, only it is the most valuable, because it will continue to extend like human thoughts until the end of life!

My My Chinese Teacher Composes 600 Words (12)

"In the future, every student in our class will write a composition every day, memorize a good word, recite a good sentence, recite an ancient poem every week, and do so on Sundays." This is the rule that Teacher Gong set for us on the first day of class. At that time, many students thought that the teacher was not reasonable. However, after a long time, when I saw the curative effect, I understood the teacher's hard work. This not only enriches the accumulation of words and sentences that we have always lacked, but also greatly improves our writing level.

"If you believe in books, it's better to have no books." This is Mr. Gong's mantra, and he often tells us about it. It means to remind students that they should analyze books and not blindly believe in them. If we follow the books and do not know how to be flexible, as the saying goes, it is better to have no books. "Many of our students can recite these words fluently, and we also learned a lesson from the last event.

On that day, Mr. Gong taught us a method specially used for "disorderly sentence reorganization": as long as it is arranged in chronological order, it can be arranged correctly. At that time, they thought the teacher's statement was correct. Then let's do the exercises. We followed the method, and none of the questions were correct. The whole class was puzzled. I often tell you that if you believe in books, it is better to have no books. And who of you really remembers this sentence? Listening to Mr. Gong's criticism, I felt ashamed.

The key to reading is to think. Polk once said that reading without thinking is like eating without digesting. Some students spend a lot of time reading composition books. I think it is better to save this time and think more about the content of the book and the expression method

In this way, Mr. Gong has been teaching us and passing on his lifelong efforts until our primary school is about to graduate. All that Mr. Gong has done for us will be deeply impressed on my mind, which is a treasure in my life. I will always remember my primary school teacher.

My My Chinese Teacher Composes 600 Words (13)

She has long brown hair and likes to laugh very much. Although she is a teacher, she seems to have lost her "dignity as a teacher" in front of me.

The first time I saw her was in the school library. She was holding a book in both hands, and there was no expression on her face. I thought to myself, "This teacher must be very cold. If I became our substitute teacher, I would be cool!"

Alas, I'm really afraid of nothing. I never expected that my dream would come true.

That day, I asked for leave to return to school. In the corridor far away from the classroom, I heard a burst of laughter in the classroom. I thought to myself, "Maybe someone in the class has made a fool of himself again!"

So I quickened my pace and ran to the classroom. "Report!" I opened the door of the classroom, and the class was suddenly silent, as if I could hear a needle fall on the ground clearly. Suddenly, all eyes were focused on me, and then the students began to laugh. I stood at the door of the classroom, a little confused.

"If you are late for the next Chinese class, don't come in!" I saw that serious face again.

"I asked for leave." I quickly explained. After explaining, I quickly fled to my seat. The students laughed again when they saw me embarrassed. I was very embarrassed. I just wanted to find a mouse hole to get in. Because at that time, the sharp laughter was full of sarcasm and ridicule, which made me lose face. At that time, I hated her very much.

When I returned to the dormitory, my roommate mentioned it: "Don't you think she is very strict with students?" This sentence seemed to wake me up. In the following days, I gradually found that she never deliberately targeted a student, but everything was in accordance with the rules. So I began to admire her from the bottom of my heart.

This is my Chinese teacher, she gave me the first lesson, and also the most meaningful lesson - affect my life.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (14)

First of all, I want to reform classroom teaching, so that every student can step on the imaginary horse, run on the track of knowledge, read, analyze and think with questions. I will take the lead in applauding and congratulating anyone who has insight and creativity. I also want my students to find a "teacher" who can't speak - a dictionary to help them form a good habit of preview before class.

If I were a Chinese teacher, I would also try to find a way to reform composition teaching.

I want students to make friends with books, travel in the sea of books, and teach them in Gorky's words: "Love books, it is the source of your knowledge. Every day, I must assign less homework, so that students have an hour of reading time. I will teach them the way to read, thinking while reading, and taking notes of beautiful words, sentences and paragraphs. In the class, I will hold "story meeting" and "reading experience speech meeting" regularly

Writing a composition is inseparable from life. I want to take students to the vast world. In spring, I visit the green fields with them and have fun with spring girls; In summer, go to the lotus pond to enjoy flowers and swim in the river; In autumn, go to harvest drooping ears of grain and pick snow-white silver cotton; In winter, go to enjoy the "pear flowers" on the fruit trees and skate in the frozen river. During recess, I danced, talked and played games with them. I want them to keep an observation diary every day. Write your own composition, and write about people and things you are familiar with. I will also set up a "small reporter station" and a "small writer association" in my class to encourage them to submit articles to newspapers and learn to modify their own articles.

In short, if I were a Chinese teacher, I would make students like Chinese classes and writing compositions.

My Chinese teacher's composition is 600 words (15)

My Chinese Teacher in Junior Middle School 600 Word Composition 1

"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry", this poem describes the brilliant portrayal of the teacher's life. In our life, different teachers will use their different ways to teach us things we did not know, and they hold the lamp to guide us, opening up the journey of our life.

The most perfect Chinese teacher in my mind is very humorous. According to the experience of my four years of learning, if you want to learn something well, the more interested you are, the faster you can learn. The Chinese class is always lively and interesting. His humorous classic words in the class always make students laugh. Gradually, students fall in love with the boring Chinese class and gradually lose their fear of other courses. In the composition class, the Chinese teacher has the charm of explanation that allows students to immerse themselves in imagination for a long time. He can easily learn to write in laughter, which can easily overcome the biggest problem that students are afraid of writing. He can "earn" more scores on the composition with the most serious score deduction in the exam and get a better result.

The most perfect Chinese teacher in my mind is a wise scholar. When students make mistakes, they will not hurt their self-esteem and criticize, or come up with various educational methods that will destroy their young minds. They will pull "K" to force students to admit their mistakes, and then use them as "negative" textbooks in the class to warn us not to make the same mistakes. Instead, we will patiently explain the truth to students, so that students can understand how serious the consequences will be if they do not correct their mistakes, and let students supervise each other, so that we can learn to treat things correctly and not go astray. And let us learn to work hard, give us smiles and encouragement, let us smile every day.

In my mind, the most perfect Chinese teacher is a friendly person. He has a sunny personality and a smile like a June day, which can infect every student and prevent an invisible gap between teachers and students. After class, we can play, talk and laugh together. Like friends, they can help us solve all kinds of troubles and listen to students' thoughts, which in turn exercises our self-confidence and language expression ability. Teach us how to deal with people and distinguish right from wrong.

This is the perfect Chinese teacher in my mind.

My Chinese Teacher in Junior Middle School 600 Word Composition 2

Outside the window, the willow is floating with the gentle wind. Sitting in front of the window, I think of my Chinese class again. What kind of Chinese teacher do I want? I thought.

I like Chinese. Like it can use a few simple words to weave love in every corner of the world; Like, dozens of beautiful words rise on the paper, and become a few unforgettable words of encouragement on the road of life. Chinese is the origin of my dream. Once upon a time, I had sown the pursuit of the literary dream. I want to write beautiful words like unique scenery.

I am a dreamer, and I hope that this is the guide to my literary dream.

I hope my Chinese teacher will really become our good friend, and even love our brothers and sisters with heart.

Language needs a free and easy artistic conception, and a writer needs an extraordinary inspiration. Therefore, Chinese teachers should become our dependent friends after class, play together and fight for the understanding of several Chinese sentences, regardless of their status. In this way, Chinese teachers will become a part of our life and the most beautiful sun in our hearts. Communication is naturally no problem.

I hope my Chinese teacher is the most beautiful scenery and full of vigor.

Only by laughing, can we get rid of the difficulties and troubles, and can we fly in the blue sky like an eagle that never lacks strength. If my Chinese teacher can enter the classroom with a sunny smile, then our hearts will always be sunny! The efficiency of the Chinese classroom is, needless to say, like fire in a sunny day.

I hope my Chinese teacher can be open and add some vitality to our classroom!

Chinese lessons should be based on life. The art of Chinese comes from life, so we should stay in life and hope that the Chinese teacher can bring us close to nature, experience real life and understand real Chinese. We can also hold more debates to exercise our eloquence and make our language the best, highest and most wonderful!

The Chinese teacher I hope for is actually a beautiful landscape painting that always shines!

Outside the window, the scenery is picturesque. I know the Chinese teacher is coming to us with a smile!

My Chinese Teacher in Junior Middle School 600 Word Composition 3

In my eyes, she has a pair of dark eyes, emitting a loving light from behind her nearsighted glasses, so that my classmates and I can always feel a warmth.

She likes to laugh. In class, she always smiles at us. When we answer a question, she will be very happy; When a student has his own unique opinions, the pride and praise in the eyes behind the lenses are particularly obvious; When we are immersed in thinking about problems and see her encouraging smile, our hearts are like a spring breeze blowing through the clouds to see the sunny day; When someone deserts or makes small movements, a trace of blame flashes in her eyes, and then she still has a smile of expectation... Oh, her smile is always not enough for people to see.

She cares about us very much. Whenever a classmate is sad, she will carefully explain and comfort him. When the weather is changeable, the first thing she does when entering the classroom is to remind us to add clothes in time and learn to take care of ourselves. Last time, Wu Chaoyang in our class was ill. She called his parents first, but none of them were at home. Without saying a word, she personally sent Wu Chaoyang to the hospital, accompanied him to see a doctor, and hung water until his mother came. At any time, she silently cares about every student.

I and other students like her class. Because of her class, we all felt very relaxed. She would patiently explain the text to us. If a story or joke suddenly occurred to her, she would also tell us without hesitation, and then she often said at the end of the story: "Alas, we can't finish this lesson!" Then she would look at us with a smile. Xun Xianlin, a boy in the class, once said: In her class, we will learn a lot of things that we can't learn from books. I think so too.

After talking for a long time, you still don't know who she is. She is our Chinese teacher, Miss Zhou.