Composition 600 on Catching Tadpoles (9 popular articles)
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2023-08-30 02:14:01

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (1)

I like catching tadpoles in my childhood. I will never forget the scene of a little girl crouching by the river to catch tadpoles. In Jiangying, my hometown, there is another Jiangying Bridge. There is a long river under the bridge. There are many lovely tadpoles in the river. During the summer vacation, I found a drink bottle from my grandmother's house, filled it with water, and then a small basin came to the river happily.

I squatted quietly by the river, staring at the movement of the water. Just then, a few tadpoles swam over. They looked around carefully, as if they were inquiring about the situation, to see if there were "enemies" lurking nearby. When they were sure they were safe, more tadpoles swam here. My heart was complacent: "Today's harvest must be great!" My hands were close together, so that the back was close, ready to pounce on the big tadpole with two legs. I looked at the timing, and when it stopped to rest, I jumped at it quickly. Oh, the little tadpole slipped so fast that I missed it.

This time, I chose a smaller tadpole. Because I think the smaller tadpoles are not as smart as the larger ones, and they don't slip as fast as the larger ones. I approached the tadpole slowly and carefully, and then jumped at it as quickly as I could. "Ah, success!" I couldn't help cheering excitedly. Tadpoles want to love my palms. They seem to be looking for a way out, which makes my palms itch. I quickly put it into the bottle

The sun is setting, I should go home. When I was just about to leave, I looked at a few tadpoles in the bottle and thought: "These tadpoles used to live freely in the vast 'heaven and earth', but now they are 'locked' in this careful bottle. How sad and sad they should be! I have no right to deprive them of their freedom, and I should let them go. If I take them home, my parents will say I am fun. Besides, I have no experience in raising tadpoles, so it must be a dead end to bring them back. " Although I was reluctant, I still let the tadpole go home.

How interesting it is to catch tadpoles! Although the teacher often said that small animals should not be hurt, I finally "opened up" a way for them to live, didn't I?

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (2)

In the afternoon of March, I was lying on my bed, reading my blog and trying to understand things, but unexpectedly, my mother called me and said, "My sister, sister and uncle Yao are driving down the stairs, so that I can get ready and go at once." I got out of bed in my cloak, said goodbye to my mother, and went downstairs at once. But half a minute later, a black car came to the window, I saw my sister Xie Yuxin and my sister Xie Zhiyu waving to me frequently. I got on the bus immediately and went to the West Mountain with the sun pointing westward.

When I got out of the car, I felt a little stuffy. I had to go to my coat before I went on this mission: catching tadpoles. There are some pools on the West Mountain. In spring, there are many tadpoles there. We selected one place carefully. But because the dam is high and deep, we decided on a plan of rights and interests. After a while, three people embraced it: a three meter long stick, cut the seams with a knife, and then tightly bind the mineral water bottle to the body. The bottle and stick are combined to do it.

There is a black thing on the edge of the pond. Look carefully and exclaim: all are tadpoles of Frog Family! I have never heard of such a magnificent scene: under a dam, all black people are tadpoles. The elder sister stood up to show her interest, and then she went into the water. Wait until the bottle is all in the water and then pull it up and pour it out. Ho! There are about twenty. The elder sister was very excited and her eyes were shining with joy. Not willing to be outdone, my sister also learned from her. She tried her best and earned twenty or so pieces. It's my turn to wonder whether my sister and sister can surpass each other and win? I'm waiting. " Then he laughed. My sister and I were a little angry, and I went down to compete with them. I was very happy and agreed to the appointment. Every time a person catches, there are record breakers. The three men fought more and more fiercely, until there were seventy or so of them. Looking at the black bottle, can I not like it?

By the pond, people often marvel and envy us for so many harvests. I suddenly found that the tadpole was so helpless in the bottle just now. I felt ashamed. We quickly put the tadpole back into the pond. Seeing that I was happy again, I took a long breath.

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (3)

In daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. According to the different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. How to write a good composition? The following is a 600 character composition on catching tadpoles, which is carefully arranged by Xiao Bian. We welcome you to learn from it and refer to it, hoping it will be helpful to you.

Today, the spring was beautiful. My brother and I went to catch tadpoles by the river.

The environment here is very good. The grass is green, the flowers are bright, and the river is clear. You can see your own little face. I like it here!

My brother and I immediately pulled up our trouser legs and went to play in the water. Once we played, we forgot everything and almost forgot. I came to catch tadpoles?

When I started to catch them, I thought to myself: I had to go quietly to avoid scaring them. But I was so excited that I laughed. I didn't expect tadpoles to be so smart. Hearing my laughter, I ran away immediately. The escaping tadpole wagged its long tail as if to say to me, "If you can't catch me, you can't catch me so smart. Because I'm so quick, don't look at our small size. We still have many powerful places, so no one can catch us."

I was a little discouraged. My brother came to me and said, "I believe you can." I was very moved. Thank you for your great encouragement!

This time I must catch it. I saw a tadpole motionless and approached slowly. The tadpole seemed to say, "You really want to catch me!" I didn't catch it immediately. I first observed its every move. At this time, I found two tadpoles, who were actually interested in playing games, and I kept staring at them. When they don't pay attention to me, I will walk slowly and be light. Bad. A tadpole found me and told the tadpole playing the game. "I thought it would be over this time." The tadpole ran away. I ran after him. Suddenly, an accident happened. I accidentally stepped on the stone. I cried to the tadpole and said, "Let me catch one of them, right?" The tadpole seemed very proud and said, "Then ask who would help."

When my brother saw it, he was in a panic. He quickly helped me up and said, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?" I said no and continued to stand up. But luckily, I rushed to catch the tadpole.

I was so excited that my little wish finally came true.

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (4)

So we picked up the bottle and went to the field. When we got to the big pit mentioned by Zhang Xuhang, we began to catch tadpoles. All I saw was very muddy water, but I didn't see any traces of tadpoles. I said, "Why didn't I see the shadow of a tadpole?" Zhang Xuhang replied, "The tadpoles are hiding under the water, because the water here is very muddy, so you can't see them." Now I understand, So we found a stick to stir and stir in the water. Suddenly, a group of tadpoles rushed out of the water, which scared me a lot. Now we can catch tadpoles. So I picked up the bottle and put it in the water. When I took it up, there was not even a tadpole. Zhang Xuhang picked up the bottle and put it in the water. There was not a tadpole in it. I thought to myself: these tadpoles are too flexible to catch. We thought, thought, and finally came up with a good way to run back to catch tadpoles with nets. We took the net over and fished in the muddy water. We caught a lot of tadpoles, and some of them had grown hind legs and could jump. After a while, our bottles were full of tadpoles.

So we went home and poured all the tadpoles in the bottle into the basin. After counting, there were dozens of tadpoles. We were shocked. Today, we caught so many tadpoles. Some tadpoles with hind legs almost let them escape. Fortunately, we were smart enough to catch all the tadpoles back. After playing for a while, we suddenly remembered that our teacher had said that frogs are beneficial insects, and we can't hurt tadpoles, so we put all tadpoles back into the puddle.

It's so funny to catch tadpoles. I want to catch them again!

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (5)

When I came to the pond, I was shocked by the charming scene in front of me: the blue and bright sky was like a washed sapphire. The white clouds are floating around like naughty babies. Beautiful and petite wild flowers bloom everywhere, shedding endless fragrance. Beautiful.

Suddenly, a frog crow came to my ears. Looking down, I saw a little frog in a green fur coat. When he saw me, he was not afraid. He kicked his legs and swam. Behind it, there are a group of black "little commas" - tadpoles. They can swim, look for food, play and be free! I was moved and thought of a "plan".

I quietly approached the pool, spread my hands, put them under the tadpoles, and held them up. The tadpoles held hands and "ran away" one after another, causing me to almost fall into the water. Tadpoles face me, slapping their tails and splashing water from time to time, as if to say, "It seems that human beings are just like this! Ha ha ha..."

I am not discouraged and ready to implement Plan B. Whenever I was about to catch them, when the tadpoles dodged, I was caught off guard, and the topsoil under my feet loosened, and I fell into the pool with a sound of "plop". My God? I became a drowned rat!

After drying the clothes, I was a little discouraged. Suddenly, I saw a bright light. I climbed onto a big stone pier, bent down with difficulty, and slowly closed my hands... Ha! Got it!

It turns in my palm, making my heart itch. Gradually, the leakage was over, and the tadpole baby was anxious to "scratch" me. I think my mother told me before that tadpoles are the general who kills mosquitoes in the water. They can kill more than 600 mosquitoes and lay eggs in one day! When I thought of this, my hands could not help tilting and sent it back to "home". Tadpole baby looked at me tenderly with his grateful eyes and walked away in a circle.

There are so many lovely tadpoles in the pond! We should protect them and let them grow happily with us.

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (6)

There is a small pond in Liuhe Park near Grandma's house. Every spring, the pond is full of tadpoles. On a sunny weekend, my grandfather and I set out on a "tad fishing trip" with a small fishing net and bucket we had prepared.

When I got to the pond, I couldn't wait to catch tadpoles with a small fishing net. At first, I waved my fishing net in the water for a while, intending to "touch tad in muddy water". However, after I waved like this, the water was muddy, and tadpoles, without exception, hid. At this time, my grandfather, who was sitting beside me, came over and said to me with a smile: "You can't muddy the water. If the water is muddy, the tadpoles will hide in the cracks of the stone. We can't catch them. Hold still for a while, the water will become clear, and we can catch them again." After a while, the water in the pool became clear, and the tadpoles that were hiding slipped out one by one. Grandpa took the small fishing net, gently dipped into the water, looked at a tadpole, and suddenly picked up the fishing net. Ha ha, I saw a small black spot twisting in the net. "Look, I caught one!" I rushed over and grabbed the fishing net.

I found a way. I began to shake off my hands and start working hard. While fishing, I said to the tadpoles in the pond: "Tadpoles, tadpoles, come to my net quickly, and I will give you meat jerky!" But the tadpoles just didn't listen to me and ran away as soon as they fished, as if they were saying, "We are not fooled by you!" After a long time of busy work, they still got nothing, and there was no way out, I had to ask my grandfather again. This time, I seriously learned the technique of catching tadpoles. Under the guidance of my grandfather, I finally caught tadpoles.

I looked carefully at the tadpoles in the bucket. They had big heads and small tails. Their whole bodies were dark, like "little commas". My head was against the wall of the bucket and my little tail was swinging fast. I proudly said to them, "You have all arrived in my bucket. It is impossible to escape from prison, ha ha!"

My childhood is so colorful and carefree!

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (7)

Speaking of it, I can't help but feel a little fond of it. It looks like dancing Yangko. The little guy swam fast in the water. When he was stranded on the bank, he still looked pathetic. Once he put it back into the water, he began to do what he wanted: dance by the lotus leaf, play next to the mother frog, and sometimes steal the duckweed of the baby koi. This is really a beautiful early summer landscape!

Once, my parents and I went out for an outing in the late spring sunshine. At a glance, I found lumps of things like orchids (granules in a drink) beside the water plants on the river bank.

At that time, I didn't care. When I came over the next weekend, they disappeared, but a group of new friends came: a small black head, a swaying body, and a flexible and slender tail. Eh? Why are you so familiar? Ah! Isn't this just a tadpole!

I took a plastic bag, opened my feet, folded my sleeves, and "punched" in the water. I thought tadpoles were hooked, but when I rubbed my eyes, none of them hooked. Hum! Force me to make Plan B! I rummaged in the trunk of the car for a long time, and finally pulled out a net. I "plugged" the net into the water and tried to "whew" it up. "You caught one!" I cheered. What! The little guy escaped from the mesh again! You forced me to use a great skill! I put the water bottle into the water, "Gulu Gulu". The mouth of the bottle gradually formed a small nest, and it was easy to suck them in. I suddenly raised the water bottle and shook the tadpoles dizzy. They were really naughty and tried to move around my fingers.

Somehow, after keeping them for a month, they disappeared without being noticed. Whether they kill each other or jump away as frogs is unknown in the aquarium.

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (8)

Every summer, my brother and I would put on our rainshoes, take our Internet bags and go to the lake in the community to catch tadpoles. At the beginning, my brother and I always fished around with our net bags for a while. As a result, we can imagine - "nothing comes out of nothing". Later, my brother and I discussed a way to divide our work and cooperate.

My younger brother squatted half down and put the net into the water, while I was not far away, beating the water with a stick to make the tadpole run towards the net. They ran away like "prisoners". Soon, a tadpole had entered the net. It wanted to run, but it was too late. The net bag was like a huge "prison". I was afraid it could not run away even if it wanted to.

Later, tadpoles learned to be smart and didn't like this. I racked my brains and thought hard. Suddenly, a good idea came to me

I took an empty bottle and put it in water. When the water was poured in, the tadpoles swam along.

"Ha ha! Six came in!"

I told my brother the good news. He hurriedly put tadpoles into our collection bottle for fear that they would die of water shortage.

I observed carefully that they had a black round head and a thin tail that kept swinging from side to side. Because they are black all over, I can't see any other characteristics of them anymore!

When I got home, I carefully changed a comfortable environment for the tadpoles. After a period of time, they grew up a little and had two legs, which seemed to be rare creatures from other planets. After another week or two, they had two other legs, but their tails were "evaporated" and disappeared.

Fearing that the little frog would "escape", we covered the bottle with a net. At last, when they were big enough for babies, we put them back into the lake and gave them freedom.

Looking forward to the arrival of summer, maybe we can meet the little frog we released!

Tadpole Catching Composition 600 (9)

The car drove toward the mountain area, and green farmland and green mountains passed outside the window. After several rounds of mountain roads, we finally reached the top of the mountain. When I got off the bus, I saw a resort rather than a tea house. My father said that there was a swimming pool here, so I prepared something to go swimming. This time, my father's unit organized it, so there were many children. The water in the swimming pool is very cold. Only my father and I went down, and everyone else went to catch tadpoles. When I came back from swimming, other children had tadpoles, but I didn't have any. I asked my father to help me catch tadpoles. My father said, "Just catch them yourself. I'll light your lighter."

I rushed to the pond with an empty bottle and lighter. It's dark. I can only hear the frogs chirping one after another, but I can't see a tadpole. My heart is itching.

The next morning I got up early and the air was very fresh, so I had another plan to catch tadpoles. The willow branches are reflected in the water, and the tadpoles are swimming in line in the water. Although the tadpole's round belly has not grown legs yet, its tail is swinging fast, and it runs away when there is any movement. Like a scout, I opened my eyes wide, stepped softly, and began to search along the pond. Dad held his big hand in a handful, and when he reached the bottom and closed it, he caught one. I quickly handed the empty bottle to him, and the tadpole smoothly flowed into the bottle. Some people use bottles to ladle, but I think Dad's method is the best. I also learned from my father to walk forward quietly, bow down, look at a tadpole, hold hands in a handful, stretch into the water bottom, and quickly close. Ha ha, a tadpole finally reached the palm of my hand, and I carefully leaked it into the empty bottle. I was so happy that my strength was not wasted.

A gust of mountain wind blew over and it was very cool. This holiday was really interesting.