Qiqihar (13 popular articles)
My heart is lonely
2024-02-22 00:32:54
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Qiqihar (1)

This spring, I went to Qiqihar during the May Day holiday. Qiqihar is very close to Daqing. I took the train from Daqing for two hours.

My classmates and I went to Longsha Park first. The park is small, but it has a wide range of types, including entertainment facilities and some animals. I played with the pirate ship first, but when I got down, I felt dizzy and had to sit on a wooden chair to rest for a while. Next, I played bumper cars. I was too timid to crash into them, so I had to turn around by myself. There, I also saw black bears, wolves, deer and other animals. I also fed the monkeys and took pictures with them. At noon, we went to eat the most distinctive large piece of meat in Qiqihar. The meat was roasted with charcoal, and it was delicious. In the afternoon, we came to the pet market, where there were many small animals, such as dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, birds, etc. I bought a puppy as I wished. I named it "Bomb", and it ran around me on the ground happily. The aunt who sells dogs also cut off his nails for me. I bought a bag of dog food, and used the prepared milk powder to make it soft at home.

When I came back from Qiqihar, the bomb was sleeping at my leg. I was a little far away from it, and soon I moved to my side again, as if I could give it a sense of security. It was very popular. I saw the sunflower when it came. At that time, I wanted to shine again when I came back, but the sun was setting, and the sunflower turned to the other side. This trip to Qiqihar has made me gain a lot.

Qiqihar (2)

Beautiful Qishi! I come here again. There are tall buildings here! I'm glad to come to this beautiful place. I'm so happy.

I like you in the beautiful city of Qishi. When I get home, I look up at the moon at night. There is Qiqihar on the moon. I can't forget it after I finish writing this beautiful city of Qishi. I look up at the moon and I can't forget that I still want to see it.

Qiqihar (3)

Beautiful Qishi! I come here again. There are tall buildings here! I'm glad to come to this beautiful place. I'm so happy.

I like you in the beautiful city of Qishi. When I get home, I look up at the moon at night. There is Qiqihar on the moon. I can't forget it after I finish writing this beautiful city of Qishi. I look up at the moon and I can't forget that I still want to see it.

First grade: Princess Aixue

Qiqihar (4)

Today, the school led us to the Qiqihar Museum. We are very happy!

Just entering the museum, I saw a carved picture in front of me. It was carved with several red crowned cranes and several hunters. The carving was lifelike! There is a big gun in front of the picture. It is very spectacular. There is a torch platform in front of the gun, with the Olympic design on it

We went up to the third floor again, entered the third floor gate, and saw the pattern of ape man on the wall The glass in the room is full of stones used by the ape man and bowls and jars made by the ape man. The ape man has no tools and can do wrong things to ordinary people. Although he does not do it perfectly, it is already very good

We came to another room again, which was full of anti Japanese heroes. My heart was very excited. There were stories about their heroic deeds, their used guns and ammunition, their awards, and their names. These are unforgettable to me. Without their sacrifice, there would be no happiness for us. We would like to thank them

At last we came to the last stop. There were agricultural materials and food in Qiqihar

We have benefited a lot this time. We know that before we fought with Japan, we also know the agricultural materials in our hometown. Thank you for taking us to visit the museum

Qiqihar (5)

Qiqihar, my hometown, is a city with four distinct seasons. Although it is not as prosperous as those metropolises like Beijing and Shanghai, it has a quiet and graceful beauty.

Every March, when flowers are in full bloom and birds are crowing in the south, it is still chilly in spring in our hometown. The ice and snow have not yet melted, the grass has not yet sprouted, let alone flowers. Sometimes, a heavy snow falls, which can still satisfy the fun of our children playing in the snow. The spring of my hometown is a sudden visit without knowing it. I don't need to say hello to anyone. After a few spring rains, a sunny day comes, and you will find that the beautiful peach blossoms with faint fragrance in the community and on both sides of the road suddenly bloom. The characteristics of peach blossom blooming are very similar to those of the hardworking people in their hometown. They work hard every day to cultivate their own lives and look forward to blooming their own beauty in the "sunny days".

The summer in my hometown is very hot, and it is dry and hot, which makes people feel bored. It is this weather feature that shapes the fiery character of the people in my hometown. You can see that the earth is scorched by the sun. There are fewer pedestrians on the street. The dog sticks out his tongue and lies motionless in the shade. The thick and luxuriant trees that had just spread out were also sunned and hung their heads. When the sun sets in the west, the heat in the daytime gradually dissipates, and every household sets up a roasting pan with a pot of freshly mixed oily beef, a pot of vegetables, a plate of sweet potato slices, and two bottles of drinks beside it. Adults don't forget to prepare beer. The dinner of Qiqihar people begins. In the summer evening, wherever you go, you will almost smell the fragrant smell of barbecue, but it will make you salivate.

Autumn is a harvest season. The earth is golden. Autumn in my hometown is called a lively season. The annual Green Food Expo is held here. At this time, you can see that many green foods are on display: kidney beans, peanuts, sunflowers, beef cattle, etc., attracting businesses from all over the country and even foreign countries. The green food in my hometown has also won the Natural Food Certificate issued by the American Natural Food Association!

My hometown in winter is a scene of "Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". Our children have fun rolling snowballs, making snowmen and playing snowball fights in the snow. The Longsha Park in my hometown is the largest comprehensive park in the three eastern provinces. At this time, the ice sculpture exhibition in the park is really beautiful: small animals with different shapes, antique pavilions and pavilions

I love my hometown, the spring with flowers, the summer with meat, the autumn with rice, and the winter with snow.

Qiqihar (6)

Some people say that I love to laugh, because I am the daughter of the Great Northern Wilderness. People living in this dark land are straightforward and straightforward. Laughter is their life, and love is their character. The clear and sweet water of Nenjiang River nurtured me, a smiling daughter. Now, I can tell you with a smile that the Beidahuang is no longer desolate. It has long been known as the beautiful and rich Beidachang.

Qiqihar, the "Iron and Steel Machine City, the land of fish, rice, melon and fruit", has already replaced the border town three hundred years ago. The tall buildings here show its elegance. Especially in the past few years of reform and opening up, a straight ten mile long street runs through the north and south, making the old Bukui Street even younger.

With a population of more than 5.7 million, Qiqihar is one of the 30 major cities in China. Do you want to visit? The people of my hometown and all the plants and trees in my hometown will welcome you with a smile.

In midsummer, visiting Mingyue Island is like a fairyland. The name "Mingyue Island" was given by the old revolutionist and former governor of Heilongjiang Province, Grandpa Chen Lei. Qiqihar and Harbin are sister cities, and Mingyue Island and Taiyang Island are sister cities.

It is surrounded by water, and you must take a cruise ship on the island. There are three kinds of cruise ships: large, medium and small. Large cruise ships are like a building and can be loaded with various vehicles on the broad deck; Medium sized cruise ships are people's favorite, because the tickets are cheap, and you can stand on the deck to enjoy the summer wind, watching the waves turning up at the rudder, and arousing many daydreams. Of course, taking a small cruise ship is the most comfortable. You can sail around the Nenjiang River and enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river: cattle, horses and sheep on the green grassland; The lofty and distant songs of the Daur, Mongolian and Kirgiz herdsmen make the originally colorful scenery on the west bank of Nenjiang River more attractive; The towering chimneys and factories show the magnificence of the east bank of Nenjiang River. However, the ticket is expensive. I was just lucky to have taken it once.

When you come to the island, you must take the small train around the island to go to the Wanshan Temple, the center of the tour.

The Yuhuang Pavilion of Wanshan Temple is located in the west of Mingyue Island. The antique temple reminds people of Journey to the West. The Jade Emperor lived here. He is as stable as Mount Tai, leisurely and contented. Two palace maids behind him are playing the sun and moon fan for him, which is very impressive. Taibai Venus on the right looks loyal. He looks down and ponders. It seems that he will give the Jade Emperor some bad advice again; Li Jing, the King of Tota on the left, is majestic. He is followed by the third prince Nezha. They seem to be waiting for the order of the Jade Emperor. Maybe they want to catch the monkey head of Monkey King. Many devout men and women spent money to burn incense and piously inserted it in the censer in front of the Jade Emperor. Some simply threw their money at the feet of the Jade Emperor. I was a little angry and thought to myself: You are too proud of the Jade Emperor. Why don't you even say "thank you"?

Out of the Jade Emperor Pavilion, you will see the residence of Avalokitesvara on the right, the palace of Maitreya on the left, and a tall Wangjiang Pavilion in the far front.

The water here is crystal clear! The tree here. Surrounded by lush, fragrant flowers here are intoxicating; People here are generous and hospitable. Hotels, restaurants and cold drink halls are antique, dance venues and amusement parks are modern, and swimming pools are spacious, comfortable and safe.

Leaving Mingyue Island, we can visit the hometown of cranes. Zhalong Nature Reserve is located in my hometown. It is a nature reserve for large waterfowl such as the red crowned cranes in China and the world.

Zhalong Nature Reserve takes waterfowl as its book. There are more than 280 islands, mainly protecting cranes, so it has a good name of "hometown of cranes". This is indeed the hometown of cranes. There are only 15 kinds of Western cranes in the world. There are 9 kinds in China, and 6 kinds in Zhalong, which is the top crane habitat. There are red crowned cranes, white cranes, grey cranes, white headed cranes, white naped cranes, and coir feather cranes; There are also rare waterfowl such as white birds, swans, mandarin ducks, egrets, black cranes, cygnets, white thrushes, geese, etc. "The stick beats the roe deer and ladles the fish, and the pheasant flies into the rice pot", which means Zhalong.

In August 1982, the beloved Grandpa Hu Yaobang visited Zhalong Nature Reserve. At the same time, Deng Xiaoping and other central leaders also inspected it. It has attracted the attention of the whole world, and 12 experts and scholars from the International Crane Foundation have come to visit, investigate and tour it.

Welcome friends to visit Hecheng. I will welcome you with a smile. If you agree, I will be your guide. We can also visit the Wufu Neolithic site, mosque, Longsha Park, Mahayana Temple, especially the glittering ice lanterns in winter.

Qiqihar (7)

One day in the summer vacation, our family came to Qiqihar Zoological and Botanical Garden to play. At the gate of the Botanical Garden, the three words "Botanical Garden" were written on the top of the gate, emitting brilliant light. Two fragrant, crystal clear lilac trees shook with the wind, as if to welcome us.

Entering the gate, you can see all kinds of flowers in a daze. There are graceful jasmine flowers, elegant Milan, crystal daffodils, small and exquisite cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums in various shapes, bright camellias... I seem to have entered the world of flowers. Nearby, a piece of green grass makes people feel relaxed and energetic.

Walking along the path, I can smell a strange smell. I think it should be the strange smell from animals! Go on, there are so many animals here! There are lovely white doves; Naughty monkeys; There are also "four unlike" elk... one of my favorite is the white dove. It has a snow-white fur, a sharp and long mouth, and its fleshy nose and orange yellow claws are really beautiful. I bought a bag of corn kernels nearby to feed white pigeons. At first, these white pigeons were afraid to see me, and they always avoided me and did not eat the food I gave them. But after I turned them over, they were not so afraid. They slowly walked to my side. I gently put the corn kernels on the ground, and Xiaobai looked at me while pecking at the corn kernels with his sharp mouth for only a few seconds, Corn kernels became his favorite food. There are also several white pigeons flying around the house, as if they were playing hide and seek with their partners!

Follow the tree lined path to the pavilion.

A few steps down the stone ladder, you will come to the long corridor of the pavilion, and walk along the corridor to the center of the pavilion, where there is a stone table and four stone benches, and the pavilion is surrounded by various flowers and fruit trees. The color of the pavilion is deep red, fiery red, and it looks energetic and dynamic. It is at the highest point of the Zoological and Botanical Garden, which is particularly eye-catching.

Along the winding path, I soon came to the small pond that I yearned for every day. It was like a kaleidoscope, changing its fascinating scenery with the seasons. On the green lotus leaves in the pond, a frog "croaks" and sings lyrically. He is so free in the pond! Pulling aside the duckweed, you can find that there are countless small tadpoles like commas playing happily. From a distance, a red dragonfly is beautiful on a lotus leaf just emerging from the water. The flowers and plants around the pond grow very luxuriantly, as if it has brought a beautiful wreath to the pond. The lotus is quietly opening, silently emitting intoxicating fragrance. And the lotus leaves are really diverse, some like a big green plate on the water, some like a graceful girl, when the breeze blows, he will twist his slender waist, and the lotus leaves roll with crystal dew, which is very beautiful!

Time flies. One day's play is over. I look back at the beautiful zoo and botanical garden and leave reluctantly.

Qiqihar (8)

Qiqihar, also known as the hometown of cranes, is, as the name suggests, the hometown of cranes. There are 15 kinds of cranes in the world, and there are 6 kinds there. Among them, the red crowned crane is the most famous. In July, four of us came to Qiqihar, my grandfather's hometown, and saw the red crowned crane with our own eyes.

On July 25, my family and I came to Zhalong Nature Reserve in Qiqihar. Entering the reserve, the sky is blue and the reeds by the lake are swaying in the wind. It's really a good place for red crowned cranes to settle down! We selected the best observation point and waited for the arrival of the red crowned crane at 2:30. We are looking forward to it. "Ding Yin Yin", it was 2:30 Beijing time, and only heard a few "clatters". Red crowned cranes flew up one by one. They hovered over our heads, forming a "person" shape, forming a "eight" shape... We looked up at the performance of the cranes, and tourists occasionally slurped their praises. Slowly, slowly, the cranes were tired of flying and landed beside the lush 'wetland'. We followed the tourists to the platform near the wetland. At this time, we are only one meter away from the red crowned crane. We held our breath for fear of disturbing them. Even his naughty brother was much quieter. Looking at the red crowned cranes, they are all white and pure feathers, but their neck and wings are black. Their legs are long, their necks are long, their mouths are long, and their heads are bright red, like a ruby. At this time, some red crowned cranes sang in the grass, and some flew into the sky. Some young red crowned cranes are chasing and fighting with their partners, while others are learning fishing skills from their parents. Suddenly, the younger brother pointed to a red crowned crane and said softly, "Sister, look!" Ha ha, a red crowned crane was sleeping. It stands on its own two feet, its left foot in the mud, its right foot in the snow white wings, its head held high, but its eyes closed, and it fell asleep. What an interesting sleeping position!

Qiqihar Hexiang is really worthy of its name!

Qiqihar (9)

[20xx Qiqihar High School Entrance Examination Composition: I want to take a vacation.]

Looking up, the night looks like an overturned ink bottle, so deep and thick. The moon seems to be a shy girl, buried in the dark clouds, and a few wisps of cold moonlight sprinkled on the world. The stars blinked their big, watery eyes, as if they wanted to play with me. I waved my hand and said no quietly. I saw them angrily disappearing into the clouds. Looking back, we saw the apartment building that had fallen asleep, and people had already fallen asleep. Looking at the incandescent lamp in front of me, several moths are flying.

So, what about me? I was tied up with a heavy bag and carried them to climb the towering mountain with countless people with high martial arts skills. The mountain is called "No.1". Whoever arrives first is the first. One carelessness, one slip, fall into the abyss, never recover. Everyone made full use of their strength to climb up. Our luggage is too heavy, so we unload our friendship, health and happiness. In this way, we only have indifference, ruthlessness, and too much homework.

In the quiet night, I am doing my homework quietly, and the clock is walking quietly. None of us will influence or quarrel with anyone.

It's a new day, and it's full of scolding. Looking at the bright red fraction, the red ink bloomed red ripples on the paper. Throwing my test paper and breaking my heart into pieces of glass, I quietly swept it into the darkness of my heart. My tears are sliding across the cold cheeks, "pattering", dripping on the test paper. The black ink burst out, burst out, burst out a black bud, comparable to the ripples.

Mother took the test paper and sighed deeply. Her sideburns were covered with snow, and her face was wrinkled in different depths. I seemed to see the vicissitudes of life depicted on her face by years. I said, "Mom, don't worry, I will stand out." I held the test paper, counting trembling, and walked back to the room, unable not to cry loudly.

Mother looks forward to her becoming a phoenix, just like a shackle, wearing away my wings. So I plunged into the sea of topics again, and the cold sea water pricked my skin. Everything weighed heavily on me, and I swam into the deep sea with my parents' expectations. Mixed with the cold sea water, I moved my lips.

I said, "Let me take a day off!"

[20xx Qiqihar High School Entrance Examination Composition: I miss you very much]

5.13 Mother's Day... I remember that at this time of the year, although I didn't give my mother any blessings, at least we talked and ate together. This year, we were far away from each other and didn't even get through a phone call. The mobile phone was tightly held in my hands, but my heavy hands never had the courage to press the dial key. At this time last year, we were still talking on the phone. Later, because I found a boyfriend, who was eight years older than me, and was from other places. {Actually, it was Anqing in Anhui Province, and I was from Fuyang.} My father was very angry, perhaps because he didn't agree with me? It's time to haggle over money. Although we are married now, our relationship has also broken down. Dad never answers my phone calls. Of course, I dare not call him. He didn't let us go home for the Spring Festival. Now there are children, but every time I think about it, Dad still feels angry. So every time something happens, the arduous task of making phone calls is left to my husband. Mom is uneducated and can't play with mobile phones, so every time I want to call her, I can only say a few words to Dad by the way

My sister is only 16 this year, and she has also gone out to work. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't go to her cousin's factory. She wouldn't spend more than 1000 yuan a month. She wouldn't be hungry every day because she didn't dare to buy food. The factory didn't have enough food to eat, and she wouldn't be monitored by them. She was afraid that she would spend money recklessly and only give her 200 yuan a month to live on. She wouldn't suffer the summer heat there, and would also be bullied by people in the dormitory. She wouldn't repay the money she borrowed, Not to mention that we would lose several pounds by eating two meals a day... If it weren't for me, we could work together, go shopping together, and play together. I really want her to come here and find a well paid and easy job. We can eat together, play together and live together

We are all outside. There are only my 80 year old grandmother and my 14 year old younger brother left at home. My younger brother is in junior high school. My grandmother cooks for him every day. Last year, my grandmother celebrated her eightieth birthday. When I was at home, I told my grandmother that when I made money, I would buy her a big cake. But what now? I didn't even go there. Grandma couldn't hear clearly, but she still wanted to answer my phone. She didn't call me like they did, but asked me if I was OK and let me go home to have a look. It's summer vacation. I really want my brother to play. I haven't seen him for a long time. I wonder if he has grown taller, grown up and understood? Of course, my brother wanted to come, but he asked me, "Will my father let me?" I smiled bitterly and replied, "Don't you say he will know? When I hung up the phone, I didn't have a clue.

Many times I wonder whether it is my mistake or his stubbornness that has led to this situation. When will this knot be solved? Alas, I remember my aunt, my relatives who have raised me for eight years. How are they now living in poverty? Are you still earning a living from rags? Remembering the little touches in my childhood and the money they earned from selling rags, I didn't want to spend it, but bought snacks for me. Remembering the endless bitterness in my heart, I would like to go back to see them. By the way, I wonder if my aunt's diabetes is better? When can I do my duty to you? I think of my aunt, my niece, my alma mater, my teachers, my classmates, and my brothers and sisters

Stop writing and pray silently in your heart, you will be happy and safe!

[20xx Qiqihar High School Entrance Examination Composition: I want to read

I don't want to chase and fight like a child, which is not my personality: I don't want to sit at the table all day like a food critic and taste those delicacies, which is not my pleasure; I also don't want to sing the praises of life with the symbolic high voice in the magnificent and elegant palace like a singer, which is not my pursuit. But I really want to read.

I really want to read. In "Five Thousand Years of China", we can experience the long history of the Chinese nation, feel the glorious deeds of great people in all ages, and inherit the fine traditions of the Chinese people. In "Four Famous Classics", he sighed for the sad love story of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu; He applauded for the unswerving belief of the four masters and disciples; For the heroic sentiments of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms. In The Analects of Confucius, learn to be a person, make friends and deal with affairs. In Lu Xun's Collected Works, I realized the good intention of saving Chinese people's numbness in laughing and scolding.

I really want to read. From Robinson Crusoe, I can learn from his firm will to never give up in adversity and his intelligence to solve all kinds of difficulties. In "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", feel the wonder and mystery of nature, and feel the courage and determination of people to conquer nature. In the autobiography of Helen Keller, experience Sullivan and Helen Keller? The hardships behind Keller's success.

I really want to read. Whether it is the "Historical Records", which is "the swan song of historians and the unrhymned Lisao", or the "Liaozhai", which is "writing ghosts and writing lonely and superior people, with greed and banter going deep into the wood". Whether it is the affectionate "Selected Poems of Xu Zhimo" or the "Poems of Bing Xin" of all fraternity.

Qiqihar (10)

[Excellent Composition]

I miss you so much

I don't know when time will slip through my fingers. The past has long been gone, how can the past become a memory. A gust of wind blows slowly, and inadvertently, it blows the ripples of many years' worries. Standing on the high breakwater, the flowing water rolls under the feet, but it is the past of youth that is submerged. The happy, carefree childhood seems to be too far away from us. No matter how light the wind is, the flowers bloom and fade. At least we once felt so beautiful.

The sound of flowers blooming

When I snuggled up to my father, carrying my mother's carefully selected schoolbag, and walked into the door, I was doomed to embark on a road of never returning, and you were also doomed to be the most important and important passers-by in my life. Each of us is destined to meet. It's just a matter of time.

Flowers are thriving

It was not until after graduation that we found that our friendship was like this, and that you had suffered so much because of us for so many years. I don't remember the reason why the class raised money to buy a cake. I only remember that time when everyone in the class paid more or less and bought a tiny cake in the cake. Then we carried the cake to the table tennis table and fought a cake war. But when we were having a good time, someone saw the teaching director coming and shouted, So dozens of people ran and hid. At that time, we forgot that there were many cameras in the school. The teaching director didn't need to do anything else. Just look at the surveillance cameras. Later, we didn't know how to solve the problem, but we can be sure that the headmaster must have invited you to have tea, but you didn't mention it to us. I'm sorry, forgive the young we don't understand, always let you worry about us, but we never understand you.

At that time, we were just beginning to fall in love, and there must be one admirer in everyone's heart. At that time, a boy with poor grades liked a girl who was one of the best in the class, so everyone asked the boy to tell the truth, but the boy actually bought a fifty cents ring and a box of one yuan chocolates at the school gate, walked into the classroom and told the truth, so everyone went to watch the excitement. I don't know who told the people in the next class, So people of the whole grade crowded at the door of our class to watch the excitement. In fact, the final result was also conceivable. There was no such beautiful ending as in the novel. The girl just said, "crazy," and then went to bed on the seat. Later, this story came to your ears. When school was over that day, you blushed and taught us how to be young and know what love is. That was the first time I saw you angry, and the last time I saw you angry in the whole primary school period. I'm sorry, forgive the young we don't understand, always let you worry about us, but we never understand you.

Flowers bloom and fall sometimes

I always remember that when you graduated that day, you were reluctant to give up. You sent off many children, and this batch will go again. I know how you feel at the moment. In fact, on the last Teacher's Day, we began to discuss how to give you an unforgettable Teacher's Day, in order to repay you for cultivating us for so many years, and thank you for the years you have worried about us for so many years. But there was no time on Friday and Thursday on Teacher's Day, so we were buying materials and decorations on Saturday. On Monday, you walked into the classroom and saw different us. More importantly, we grew up. On that day, I could see the tears in your eyes clearly. At that time, we stood up and said loudly, "Teacher, you have worked hard.", Please accept our belated holiday happiness

It has been a year and a half since I left my alma mater and your arms. Although I often went back to see it for a year, I sent you a flower during the festival and a New Year note during the Spring Festival. But now I have no more time for the exam, but I will still send a blessing on holidays. When I passed my alma mater that day, I suddenly found that the old teaching building was a ruin. That building was a place to carry our warm memories, and it collapsed like our friendship. When did you think of her and want to go to her space after leaving among the classmates who once had the best relationship? It clearly showed that the host had set permissions for you

I miss you so much. Where are you now

Qiqihar (11)

So, what about me? I was tied up with a heavy bag and carried them to climb the towering mountain with countless people with high martial arts skills. The mountain is called "No.1". Whoever arrives first is the first. One carelessness, one slip, fall into the abyss, never recover. Everyone made full use of their strength to climb up. Our luggage is too heavy, so we unload our friendship, health and happiness. In this way, we only have indifference, ruthlessness, and too much homework.

In the quiet night, I am doing my homework quietly, and the clock is walking quietly. None of us will influence or quarrel with anyone.

It's a new day, and it's full of scolding. Looking at the bright red fraction, the red ink bloomed red ripples on the paper. When I fell my test paper, my heart broke into pieces of glass. I quietly swept it into the darkness of my heart. My tears are sliding across the cold cheeks, "pattering", dripping on the test paper. The black ink burst out, burst out, burst out a black bud, comparable to the ripples.

Mother took the test paper and sighed deeply. Her sideburns were covered with snow, and her face was wrinkled in different depths. I seemed to see the vicissitudes of life depicted on her face by years. I said, "Mom, don't worry, I will stand out." I held the test paper, counting trembling, and walked back to the room, unable not to cry loudly.

My mother looks forward to her becoming a phoenix, just like a shackle, wearing away my wings. So I plunged into the sea of topics again, and the cold sea water pricked my skin. Everything weighed heavily on me, and I swam into the deep sea with my parents' expectations. Mixed with the cold sea water, I moved my lips.

I said, "Let me take a day off!"

Qiqihar (12)

Put on slippers, patter to the bathroom, look at me in the mirror, my hair is messy, a bit like a "witch". After washing and combing, and having breakfast, although still sleepy, I still have to go to school! The children on the road were singing and laughing, but I was still immersed in sleep. I was really worried about sleeping on the roadside. It was really true. It was late at dawn, and I was going to school at seven o'clock. I couldn't see anything on the road, which brought great convenience to my sleep. In order not to make me fall asleep, I deliberately jumped and walked for a while, "bang", "ouch" hit the pole, I try to keep my eyes open. I can't, I'm too tired. Finally, I arrived at school. After I handed in my homework, I fell asleep on the table. Before long, the clear and sweet bell rang and rubbed my eyes. No, I still want to sleep

In class, I tried to look at the blackboard. The teacher thought that I was a good girl, so I could not live up to the teacher's expectations of me. Let's work hard. After a few lessons, school will be over. After school, because I wanted to sleep very, very and very much, I bumped several people, "You are blind, what are you bumping into?" "Oh, it hurts me!" "Oh, what are you bumping into? My whole body is famous brand, can you afford to pay for it?" I am so bored, I really want to ride in the clouds, and I will be home in one second! I can't help it. I don't have any tools, so I have to leave!

"Dangdang..." When I got home, I was stuck in a comfortable bed and could not be pulled up. "Get up, I'm late for school!" I didn't know how long later, I was awakened by my mother's cry, "Wow, ah, my God!" I looked at my watch, there are 10 minutes to go to class, wait, I haven't eaten yet! No matter what, just take a few mouthfuls and it's done. "Deng Deng Deng..." After coming downstairs, I ran to the school as fast as I could. "Ding Ling..." I really hurried there. Strangely, I was energetic, maybe because I slept too much!

One day has passed with fear. It seems that I really need to practice the method of "early to bed and early to rise". Have you ever had an experience like mine? Maybe your experience is more exciting and interesting than mine. Let's share it!

Qiqihar (13)

Never been so sad

Try all the feelings in the world, sometimes happy, sometimes lost. Like a trace of depression across the heart bridge, the memory box plays back the sad past again, but I'm afraid that all these will be forgotten by me

The light rain drizzled, and I was powerless to kick the pebbles on the roadside. I recalled the bright eighty-eight points on the test paper hidden in my schoolbag. The eighty-eight points seemed to laugh at me with a big grin, and the flowers on the roadside also seemed to satirize that I had a bad score. However, all these seemed destined; My mother asked me to review. I was busy watching TV; My mother asked me to extract the wrong questions before, and I was busy playing with the computer... Thinking of all this, my tears fell down again involuntarily. In the distance, a thunder struck and rain fell. The weather seemed to be helping me.

Finally, I got home. As soon as I got home, I fell on the bed and cried. I took out the test paper, and I was wrong - all my wrong questions were correct. There are two word problems that I forgot to write the answer to. What a simple word problem! I can figure it out even with my eyes closed, and there are still two empty eyes. At this time, I saw the tree outside the window. Although it was swayed by the wind, it still refused to yield. Even the tree is so strong, I can't shrink back!

I am an optimist, and I have always been.

Like tears wiped away, they will never come back! It's just a temporary memory and can't come back. The wind blew in every corner, but at that time, I felt sad and had dreams.

To give me the feeling of "ups and downs", when I failed, I was laughed at and pointed at; When you succeed, you finally realize the result of your efforts. Painful and happy, hard work has created two extremes: basin and plateau, hell and heaven, low and top... Find your own dream, work hard with your own strength, and enjoy the fruits of your dream!

Never been so happy

Today is the birthday of our head teacher. Yesterday, we all donated money to buy cake for our head teacher.

At noon, we sent several team members out of school to buy cakes. Half an hour later, we bought the cake and put it on the platform. The bell rang, and we waited quietly for the teacher's arrival. Here comes the teacher! She opened the door, and when she came in, she was shocked. We began to sing birthday cutting. After singing, the teacher asked us who was the "leader" and who bought the cake with a straight face. We were all flustered. We thought we had made a mistake. But then the teacher turned around and said, "I knew you were going to surprise me just at the door, so I was very moved. Thank you for buying me a cake." After hearing this, I was excited and tears filled my eyes. Then the teacher smiled and began to divide the cake.

"Ah, it's delicious!" the students said while eating. I feel like I'm eating honey. It's sweeter in my mouth and sweeter in my heart!

Several students also sent cakes to other teachers in the grade for sharing.

Today, I am so happy that I let my teacher have the most interesting birthday. Seeing my teacher happy, our hearts are even happier.

Unconsciously, a class passed like this. I've never been so happy!

Never been so happy

This summer vacation, I followed my father's teacher tour to Guilin, Guangxi. I had a lot of fun there. I've never been so happy before.

It was August, and our party came to this beautiful city called "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". The strange mountains and waters there make us happy. The mountain is full of jagged rocks and dangerous peaks; Water, clear to the bottom, flows smoothly. What impressed me most was the scene of visiting the Lijiang River

After breakfast that morning, we drove from Guilin to Yangshuo. As soon as we got off the bus, a lot of businessmen selling water guns gathered around us. We had heard that the most interesting thing in Lijiang was fighting water battles. I, Ma Yiling, Wang Zichen, Kang Xiaohan and other children and some teachers bought water guns.

Then we took a battery car to the bank of Lijiang River. Five or six people sit on one bamboo raft (with motor), and a total of six bamboo rafts are used. The bamboo raft we were sitting on had not yet started. Teacher Xie Ping and her bamboo raft were besieged by boatmen all around, so they fought back. Due to the strong fire of the boatmen, after several rounds, teacher Xie Ping and her colleagues could not stand it, so they had to hold up the prepared umbrellas for defense. We had to hurry because we were too far away from them to reach them. Fortunately, they soon broke out of the encirclement and we drove upstream together.

Along the river, we saw that the bamboo rafts in front of us were fighting incessantly, all of them were soaked and soaked. While gloating, suddenly a stream of water came from behind. Looking back, I found that two boys and girls about our age were jokingly shooting at us. Angered, we immediately retaliated. One shot at you and one shot at me. After dozens of rounds, Ma Yiling's father immediately joined us. The balance of the war suddenly leans towards us. Those two men only have the ability to parry but not fight back. When we saw that the aggressor was punished, we called it a day.

About an hour later, we came to a cliff called Nine Horse Painting Mountain. There are nine white scenes on the cliff, and the guide said there are nine horses. She said that it was said that the horse above was originally a divine horse in the Heavenly Palace. Because the "Bi Ma Wen" was not strictly guarded, he stole the mortal world. When crossing the river to drink, he was seen by a painter, who wanted to describe it. As a result, the horse was frightened and mistakenly entered the stone wall and stayed in the world forever. We were almost intoxicated by the fascinating myth.

In order to wait for the bamboo raft behind us, we arrived first and took a rest on the beach opposite Jiuma Painting Mountain. Dad and his children went swimming in the water. We children were not idle, and each took a water gun to work. First, when Liu Yan was unprepared, she got together to attack and made her run away. She said, "You are so naughty.". Later, we came to the warlords and fought in a muddle, until we were exhausted.

The bamboo rafts behind us arrived, and we had a rest with them for a while. Then we went back. Just as he turned around and swam down, a bamboo raft carrying foreign tourists was speeding from his side. Ma Yiling and Prince Chen shouted "hello, how do you do" to them. The foreign tourists were very friendly, waving their hands and saying "Hello, hello". The non-standard Mandarin made us laugh.

As they had water pistols in their hands, we shot them without hesitation. After several rounds of fighting, they surrendered and said "no... no... no...". We gave preferential treatment to the prisoners and watched them go away.

The sun gradually set, and we also returned to the hotel where we stayed, but we could not calm down. That day was my happiest day, and I had never been so happy.