600 word composition on farewell junior high school (7 selected articles)
Laugh about the situation
2023-10-26 01:53:39
junior middle school

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (1)

Farewell, I don't know where the word came from, but at the moment, I am more and more worried about its arrival, and have to face it. In a few months, I will leave here with the steps I took when I came -- my junior high school campus. Everything in the campus is treasured at this time. I look around the campus and don't allow my eyes to stop looking at the campus even for a moment. I also want to appreciate the luxuriant grass and bamboo leaves at this time, because I am reluctant to leave here, every tree and grass, every teacher and every student here. Three years ago, there were so many days and nights worth feeling and cherishing, but why can I only know how to cherish today?

I remember a few days ago, my deskmate said to me, "Why does time go by so fast? It's another week in a twinkling of an eye, and this week will pass quickly again!" I replied, "No, time will not speed up its pace, but now you and I can understand that the days in school are less and less."

"I can't bear it," he said. I nodded and said: "Everyone is the same. It seems that we have not matured at all in the past three years and are unwilling to become independent... We are still homesick."

He and I both sighed and hummed "Farewell" quietly. In the soft humming, I also feel attached.

"The end of the world, the corner of the earth, friends scattered."

"A pot of stale wine will make you happy. Don't dream cold tonight."

Over the past three years, we have changed a lot. But there is still a feeling that is difficult to change - the reluctance to leave campus. At this time, I can't help thinking about what will happen to me when I really want to leave here in a few months? Can we say goodbye to every inch of land in the campus with a strong smile? Man is really a strange creature. Although he doesn't want to think about it anymore, he still stays in his mind as if he were engraved on it

The time of a few months, long or short, should be taken care of. We should not regret it until we really want to wave goodbye to here, nor wait until we are old and recall the present to repeat the "Farewell" with tears.

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (2)

One year ago, when I was naive, I suddenly remembered that I was also impulsive to cry, and such a good friend had passed through difficulties together; So many students, who would be willing to give up suddenly when they helped themselves when they were hurt mentally? The osmanthus in the school flower bed will touch its strong thorns with Qi every morning.

I leaned against the window sill and kissed the sweet scented osmanthus when I fell asleep. In my dream, the simple laughter of my primary school days reappeared before my eyes. I wanted to go back to that time. When I woke up, my pillow was soaked with tears. How I wish I could be in the same class with you in junior high school!

The following is written to my dear sweet potato baby:

How is the baby doing in Changsha? Maybe only a few familiar friends! Be sure to take care of yourself. Don't eat ice cream in cold weather. It will hurt your heart! Remember that sunset? On the last day of the graduation exam, did we sit on the hillside and press the sunset when school was over? At that time, we were really carefree, but we didn't say a word. Everyone knew that we should cherish it, and only for the sake of that agreement, we avoided talking. Finally, I felt the loneliness and pain of parting. I really wanted to see you. Can't I see you again? Isn't National Day a holiday? You know I like you. Why did you propose FS just because of CC?

Don't talk nonsense. I just hope we will not forget me in 10 years. We are still the best. We intended to give you a small gift, but you left in a hurry. At last, when you were leaving, you scolded me and didn't argue with you. Your note only felt that it was our last communication because I was too good to treat it as six years ago. You declared war on me that day, As a result, I can't stand still, and you still cling to me. Maybe you read the question. I only know that you are the most compatible boy in this school with me. I wish you well.

To Xiaohe's friends:

Xiaohe gave me the opportunity to write, let me have the opportunity to release my mood, and also made a lot of heart friends, thank stars, thank Sister Meng, thank brother Adai, thank all the people who supported me and gave me advice, thank you for helping me improve my writing level.

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (3)

Just walk quietly all the way, walking around the 400m runway, temporarily sinking, temporarily sleeping, temporarily forgetting memory, temporarily losing direction.

How can I wave my hand to say goodbye to the clouds in the west, think in the wind, and think in the moon? Maybe you and I can't be relieved.

Meet the beginning of summer again. At that time, the cross head, what a good age, it was "more than 13 years old, cardamom top in early February", face pimples, sunshine hundred basketball shelf warm, left hand next to the clasped right hand, so, together with them, left deep footprints on the road to youth.

My sad tears were left on the blue glass window of the lake. It was my youthful aggression that made me cry when I fell down occasionally. It was my reluctance to say goodbye to my hometown when I went to school far away. It was the palpitating sadness that was raised and dropped again. It was the muddled days that were soaked with tears. Finally, I opened my chaotic eyes and saw lines of hopeful poems written on the clear sky.

The orange flowers are printed with my heartfelt smile, which is

So I have the most amazing youth color.

In the library, I looked up from the English dictionary and saw some dedicated seniors who had bright eyes but blocked a pair of glasses in front prematurely; They bow their backs into a shrimp and quietly absorb the stream of knowledge. I smiled and hugged the book out of the silence and Enron, but my heart was never calm.

Once, I squandered my time and lived in emptiness. I stumbled to find a direction in the storm. It was vague, but bright.

At the end of June, the wings of dreams will open, and I deeply bless every young heart; It's time to say goodbye! Senior three's brothers and sisters, they want to give a reply to the future. It's time to say goodbye and say goodbye to their once ignorant and childish thoughts.

Choose to say goodbye again and again to become a sharp eagle, fighting the sky and competing for freedom.

Step by step, through light and dark, through rugged and flat, farewell, nirvana, have a new life.

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (4)

Fish said goodbye to the pond. Do you think she will die? No, she is pursuing her own river; The bird said goodbye to the bamboo cage. Do you think she will starve to death? No, she is pursuing her own mountain forest; Do you think Shizi will be lonely when he leaves the mountain? No, he is pursuing his own world

Everything in nature is trying to say goodbye, because they have their own pursuit. I have to say: Farewell is a kind of courage.

Zhuge Kongming lived in Longzhong deeply. He enjoyed working hard and sang for fun. It seemed that he had no intention of going to war. But he often compared himself with Guan Zhong and Yue Yi. It can be seen that he had long been determined to enter the arena. Therefore, even if Liu Bei did not make three visits, Zhuge Liang would eventually come to the door and recommend himself. It is a kind of courage for him to take part in the arduous and outstanding political struggle because he said goodbye to the comfortable life.

Tao Yuanming was originally an official of the imperial court, but he hated the darkness of officialdom and pursued fame and wealth. Therefore, he abandoned the officials to live in seclusion, gave up fame, wealth and prestige, because he had his own pursuit - "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain." But his feelings of saying goodbye to dignitaries, abandoning the secular world, and taking part in beautiful landscapes were absolutely courageous.

Lu Xun had always devoted himself to medicine, hoping to save China by curing diseases, but later he found that the Chinese people were not only suffering from diseases, but also suffering from diseases of their hearts and minds. Therefore, he abandoned medicine and took up the pen pole, a sharp sword, to remove the pain of their hearts for the Chinese people. His integrity of "turning a cold face to a thousand fingers, bowing down to be a willing ox" also shot out from the tip of his pen, Because he has his own pursuit - to revitalize China. It is undoubtedly a kind of courage for him to leave medicine and embark on the endless road of literature.

Now, I sit in the examination room of the middle school entrance exam. It should be said that it is just a pursuit on the battlefield - try my best to fight. I bid farewell to all distractions, and seemed to see the light of hope of victory on the battlefield. Isn't it a kind of courage?

Fish bid farewell to the pond, may face drying up; Birds say goodbye to bamboo cages and may face death; Shizi said goodbye to the mountains and may face loneliness, but they have their own beliefs, so they chose to say goodbye, shining with heroic courage, and began the journey to find the most suitable place for themselves

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (5)

There are many joys and sorrows in my life. Even if I persist in the banquet for a long time, it will end one day. At this time, all I can do is say goodbye

Perhaps you will choose to wave goodbye, choose to come gently, walk gently, not take away a cloud, this is the best! Believe that the sky is always blue, the sea is always wide, there is always light ahead, and farewell is always light

Maybe you will be full of tears, choose to be serious, choose to linger, want to take anything away, so what? Believe that everything is your own, only you can have it, but the result is not

Maybe you will ignore it, choose to escape, choose not to care about these chores, and do not want to take anything away. What will happen? Believe that the sky is always gray and the forest is always retreating

Perhaps you will abandon, choose to stay together, choose to accompany, to have any good things, so good? I believe that as long as we are together, regardless of his farewell, there will be a large rainbow in front of us, and we will guard forever!

Maybe you will choose hypocrisy, choose to cover up something, is this a good way? I believe that as long as we camouflage, all the sad things will be gone, which will not be good! Because you are deceiving yourself!

Maybe you will let nature take its course and choose to understand things. Everything is according to God's will. Is that right? I believe that things will always pass, God has already arranged! You don't need to bother. Maybe this is a good way to take refuge!

Maybe you will bless secretly, choose to wait behind the feelings that have passed away, and believe that one day there will be hundreds of birds around, and flowers will bloom... Waiting for the outcome that will come or will not come is the only power!

No matter whether you choose them or what you want to believe, there will be a good ending to repay every farewell you have ever made. The bad one has gone, and the good one will come back here to report. At that time, after the farewell, we will meet again! Maybe all beautiful things are rainbows hidden behind dark clouds! Light behind darkness! Yeah! Farewell is nothing to be afraid of. What I'm afraid of is that you won't meet

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (6)

Su Shi, a litterateur in the Song Dynasty, said, "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs." This sentence is absolutely true! Let me see! As relatives and friends, you can't stay together all your life. There is always a time to leave. I have such experience in my life.

I have a good friend, Chen Shenghong. Although we have only been together for two years. However, our feelings are already very deep. We went to school together, wrote homework together, read books together, played together... Later, it was not because my father told me that I might go to Shenzhen to study. The environment there is good, the school is good, and the teachers are also good... I think I must go to Shenzhen to study this time. I am reluctant to play big Shenghong together from childhood. When I told him I was leaving, he was not sad. He sobbed and said, "Brother, when you come to Shenzhen, the big city, remember me! You should always send letters back. When you come back, call me and buy a gift for me. I will send you tomorrow morning."

In the evening, I couldn't sleep at all. I simply rolled over and got up. Thinking that I was going to leave Sheng Hong tomorrow, I felt very sad. I went to the toilet and cried alone

Today has finally come. Why didn't Sheng Hong come? I'm leaving quickly. Wait, wait! Why haven't you come yet! Dad said impatiently, "Who are you waiting for?"! Hurry to get on the bus. I hesitated to get on the bus. Suddenly, a familiar voice came from a distance, "Stinky boy, don't run away. I catch you and have to deal with you." I heard, and tears fell down again. So I opened the car door and Sheng Hong ran over, "HI! Buddy, I wish you a sudden surge in your academic achievements in Shenzhen. Don't cry, you will make others laugh, it's not a parting in life or death. Well, this is my heart, please accept it!" "Thank you! I... sincerely wish you...... Your academic achievements are among the best in the whole grade." "I will certainly cheer up, thanks, brother! Ah, it's over, my mother's assignment..." "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The whole audience laughed. Goodbye, my best friend and my best opponent.

When I got on the bus, Sheng Hong still stood there and waved to me. At this time, tears once again dive down

600 word composition on farewell junior high school (7)

Time, the hourglass, quietly flows through the fingers like sand, but can no longer find the traces of the past.

In three years, we reached the end in the blink of an eye. Smiling and crying, I said goodbye to my junior high school life.

Three years ago, I still remember the nervousness when I first stepped into the school, the dullness when I first met my classmates, and the inexperience in cleaning the classroom for the first time. I don't know when, sweat was sprinkled on the playground by us, tears were collected in our hearts. Eyeglasses climbed up on the bridge of my nose silently, my hair dropped to my ears, and the corners of my mouth hung down. Everything was for the final war. There was no smoke, but it was extremely cruel.

In three years, how many people have left and how many people have come back, and their hearts are happy and sad with them. Tong used to say "grow up" when he left. Rui used to say "be strong" when he left. So I tried to grow up, try to be strong, and use all my strength to let those who care about and hurt me see my strong appearance. The days of dancing with a mask are as calm as water, but ripples appear again. The sun sparkled on the water.

Three years, how long, I didn't expect that this road would be so hard, with depression, sadness, others' suspicion, jealousy, betrayal, and lying. But I'm growing up. Learn to be a giant in action and prove to others that I am really great.

The dream in my heart and the direction of my heart never change. It is just like a bright light, illuminating my way forward.

Say goodbye with a smile? I still remember the scene of the hundred day oath. We shouted out the declaration loudly and said that we would win honor for the school, as if it was yesterday.

Say goodbye with a smile? My dear comrades in arms! In the past three years, we have cried and laughed together. After suffering, we have learned something. Finally, we have to walk left and right at the school gate.

Then, say goodbye with a smile! My alma mater, my comrades in arms, my past