Composition on Early Autumn (19 required)
Sitting in the garden watching the sunset
2024-05-13 09:23:00

Composition on Early Autumn (1)

When the green leaves on the branches began to turn into dazzling golden yellow, the smell of early autumn came to us with the cool autumn.

The sun's temper softened, instead of burning the earth with anger, the sun gently stroked the earth with both hands. Everything became so peaceful and calm.

Autumn is very special. It is not as cold as the winter wind, nor as hot as summer, nor as vibrant as the spring wind; It is very comfortable. When you are sleepy, when you stand in the autumn wind, you will feel refreshed, just like standing on the top of the world and looking down on the world, the buds are very open; It is joy that wakes up the rice in the field and fills them up one by one. The autumn wind tells people that autumn is coming.

The most beautiful thing in autumn is the different colors; There are red, yellow, green, orange... When the autumn wind blows gently, leaves will take pains to fly to the ground like butterflies. Seen from a distance, it is as if pieces of gold fall from the heaven. It is beautiful!

Every morning when I get up, there are always layers of thin leaf blankets on the road. It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground! The most beautiful thing is the red maple leaves all over the mountain. Wish to open is an endless sea of fire. With the autumn wind blowing, it draws perfect arcs. The sky over there seems to be on fire, and the face has always been red like a shy girl.

The sky in autumn is the clearest and brightest. If you observe the sky at this time, you will find something wonderful: the sky is bluer, and there is a feeling of sudden brightness; The clouds became whiter as if the mature cotton in the field was floating on the sky; The sunset glow seems to be dyed with dye, but it is so kind and natural; The moon is more round, like a golden basin hanging upside down in the sky... I wonder who can draw a picture of all this?

Facing the autumn wind, the farmer uncle's face was filled with a happy smile, walked into the field, and went to harvest

Autumn comes and goes with the wind. He took away people's worries and sorrows, and brought joy and joy.

Composition on Early Autumn (2)

The spring rain is so sad; Xia Yu is so irritable; Winter rain is so annoying. Only you - the light and quiet autumn rain is my favorite.

Not long after the beginning of autumn, you quietly came to my side and gently dripped on the bed in my bedroom. Suddenly, I lost my comfort. I put down my books and walked out of the door happily. There was a stone bench sitting in front of the door. You seemed to feel my loneliness and came to accompany me early.

Sitting there, I looked around and saw that the rice in the paddy field had turned yellow, looked exhausted, and seemed to have matured a lot. Do you want to tell me: "I am mature", to change yourself? I will. The grass on the roadside has withered and fallen, the leaves of the trees have fallen one by one, and the beautiful flowers have withered one by one. Do you want to tell me that time waits for no one, and I should study hard? I will remember.

I got up from the stone bench and walked towards you. When I arrived, you seemed to become fierce and irritable. You hit me on my forehead and cheeks one by one. At that time, I felt so painful. Gradually, you make me feel very cold, I can't stand it. Are you telling me not to stand beside you, lest I catch cold and delay my study? OK, I will leave you now.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew towards you, and you left me soon. Suddenly, I became lonely again. I turned and walked to the door. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew towards me again. It was cold, like a bone. I thought: Did you get caught by the wind just now and become the wind yourself? You came to me secretly and told me to hide and add clothes? I will., I will listen to your instructions.

Since that time, I have been waiting to see you come, but you always appear and disappear, which makes me unable to grasp and touch. But one thing you have not changed is that you come to me gently.

Thank you for giving me selfless care; Thank you for accompanying me during that time; Thank you for helping me guide the way ahead. I love you - early autumn rain

Composition on Early Autumn (3)

When the wind blows, there is a sense of autumn in it, which makes people surprised. The midsummer has passed, leaving behind pieces of leaves that have been blown off by the wind. Looking up at the sky, I found that the sun has become soft and no longer so dazzling. Oh, autumn is coming, leaving no trace. Blink, the whole world suddenly becomes quiet and silent.

The light rain drizzles continuously, quietly telling the arrival of autumn. It is far and quiet. I want to leave my umbrella and walk in the rain, but I think that walking slowly in the rain with an umbrella is more in line with the artistic conception of autumn, elegant, gentle, silent and quiet.

Looking at the clear sky after the rain, I suddenly felt an impulse to recite a poem. However, I couldn't find a suitable poem for a moment. I can only use the ancient masterpiece to volatilize my feelings, which are broad-minded and heroic----

"Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I said that autumn is better than spring.

When a crane flies on the clear sky, it brings poetry to the blue sky. "

At this time, I was like Liu Yuxi. After a burst of autumn rain, the blue sky, the rain stained grass and the sun made me feel really beautiful in early autumn. The super clean, impurity free sky and the dirty clouds that are not allowed to be mixed in make people feel peaceful and beautiful.

I got up early and prepared to walk slowly to school alone. It was a little cold in the early autumn morning, but it didn't shrink in winter. An atmosphere, a calm, quietly spread out. When I walked across the lawn, dew seeped through my shoes and socks, and the cool air reached my feet. I immediately turned over the lawn, looked down at my canvas shoes, and smiled helplessly. The leather of these shoes was really thin.

The early autumn in my eyes is beautiful and gentle, not depression. From time to time, you can see geese flying south; When you look down, you can see the tenacity of the grass. Is this warmth a depression? I don't believe it.

The breath of early autumn ---- that day, the clouds, the geese, the grass, and the rain all belong to autumn, its tranquility, its elegance, and its happiness.

Composition on Early Autumn (4)

With the passage of the season, the beautiful shadow of summer fades gradually, and all the vibrant scenes pass away with the waves, leaving more sighs. Some people say that the 'heart' in autumn is "sorrow", lacking the warm charm and breath in spring and summer. However, the nature of autumn is hard to detect. If you look at it carefully from another angle, autumn is also full of poetic and colorful!

In the autumn fields, everything is on schedule. All kinds of dazzling colors are drawn together to weave a perfect picture scroll, which adds vitality to autumn. Qiyan flowers, tall trees, all kinds of attractive crops... Therefore, this is the best proof to overturn the theory that "autumn is the same as loneliness".

Every life is striving for this season to create a picture of hope and prosperity. Every time I walk into autumn, I feel like touching the most authentic color, never pretending, no need to envy. Autumn is always the most precious, only she gives people food!

On the field, a tired figure, waving a sickle, dripping hard sweat, smelling the smell of sweat; Hear the crisp and loud sound of wheat cutting; Fingertip stroked every grain of rice bowing to thank; How can we not be grateful when tasting every grain of rice?

There are few professional Michaels. With the rapid development of technology, machinery has replaced them. But in the autumn fields, those figures are like the most beautiful scenery. "Planting one grain of millet in spring, harvesting ten thousand seeds in autumn", who can understand their hard work and bitterness?

It may be beautiful, interesting, poetic, charming, bitter, helpless, sad, lonely, but only she includes all of them, which is the colorful fields in early autumn.

Composition on Early Autumn (5)

Every time I come to my grandpa's house, I will go to the fields for a walk, and this time is no exception.

Dad took us to the fields on an electric tricycle, and the fields were full of vitality. One by one, sorghum plants stand tall and form a square array. The immature sorghum ears point to the sky like huge brush branches, with red tips, like dipped in red ink; Rows of corn were also standing in neat rows. There were curious little heads sticking out where the leaves were connected to the corn stalks. Some were blond and some were red. Those were growing corn stalks; Cotton stood awkwardly beside the road, covered with cotton peaches. Some looked like small green peaches in bud, some opened a little mouth to spit out white silk, and some split into four petals, revealing white and soft cotton blossoming one after another; The newly planted green vegetables have just sprouted, and the leaves with big nails are like green cabbage butterflies dotted on the newly turned land... In a newly harvested land, two or three egrets are walking leisurely. When we passed by, they didn't panic at all. They walked and stopped as if nothing had happened.

Grandpa's land is at the end of the path. When we arrived, he had dug out all the peanuts. We and grandpa began to pick peanuts. The peanut pickers should be careful and careful. If they were not careful, the peanuts hidden in the soil would be missed; If you are not careful, you will encounter slippery earthworms and slimy snails!

On the way back, we saw a piece of barren land covered with bristlegrass and unnamed weeds. We worked hard and received goods. Today's harvest comes from Grandpa's hard work!

Composition on Early Autumn (6)

In early autumn, the color of the park will change. The green leaves have started a new round of fading, and are quietly changing into new clothes... Let's go and have a look.

When entering the park, the first thing that attracts attention is not the rockery surrounded by pine trees, but the flowers and leaves surrounded by fences. Flower is the color of chrysanthemum, which has shown the unique charm of autumn; The leaf is purple red with rose red, and there are also rose red with deep purple. There are many layers.

Looking up, the rockery is surrounded by dark green pine trees. The rockery hasn't changed its clothes yet, because it wears a green coat that is warm in winter and cool in summer. However, the rockery owners keep warm and wear autumn clothes. Look, look closer, there are golden underwear between the branches and leaves! The tree is close to the tree, and the branches are connected with branches. Look at the foot. Ah, under the sunlight, the small golden leaves become more and more brilliant. The thin and small fragments of leaves leak out from the branches and leaves, like a group of ants playing on the ground, looking at a different scene. There is his pulse on the rockery. When going up and down the mountain, just follow the pulse, and it will be safe! It's early autumn, and the birds haven't flown away yet. Look, over there, in front, and in the west, there is the singing of birds, which is more quiet among the trees. The birds fly here and there from time to time. They are very happy and have fun! Sometimes, when you pass behind it, he ignores your existence; Sometimes, they get together, like saying: It's fun here, and we don't want to go, or we can go again at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter? The birds are so interesting!

Walking along the north road, you will see the green Luohua Lake, which is rippling with microwaves. Red dragonflies will come to touch the water from time to time, which is as elegant as a dancer. The glistening lake reflects the sleeping willow girl. The afterglow of the setting sun is scattered on her hair, which seems unwilling to let her sleep. But in order to make the willow girl more beautiful before sleeping, the setting sun keeps the afterglow for a long time... On the white bridge, Xiangyun prays for her and welcomes the arrival of the autumn girl; Erlong, too, is busy fighting for the bright pearl. He seems to want to end the struggle as soon as possible. He doesn't want Miss Qiu to see the scene of their struggle; Auspicious clouds set off the red sun and are also welcoming the arrival of Miss Qiu

Everything is so beautiful. In early autumn, the park we saw was quiet and peaceful

Composition on Early Autumn (7)

The red glow of sunset in the setting sun still lingers in the sky, and the wind has the smell of newly ploughed earth. Blowing, blowing, heralding a new dawn tomorrow. The 'noise' in the street gradually became desolate, and then a summer passed away. The night covered the earth like a mysterious girl in a black skirt. The bird singing in the tree. Is it to meet the dawn?

You see, the milky white fog in the sky still stays here, and there is a light in the gray sky. The border has bright red and light golden fog as a foil, just like a Lingbo fairy roaming in the sky. Suddenly, it rained. It was the first rain in early autumn. The rain was so frightened that it was like cow hair, flower needles, and filaments tightly woven diagonally. Slowly, it's dawn. The wind is blowing gently... I know it's autumn.

Look, this is another unique landscape painting. You see, this sea of fog is shrouded in this golden autumn. The colorful flowers also withered. The golden leaves swayed on the branches. When the wind blew gently, the bright golden leaves circled freely in the air, like colorful butterflies dancing in the air. Then he slowly stopped on the ground. Looking from afar, it looks like a gorgeous golden blanket. Only the maple forest is still red

I love the maple leaves that are like fire. They are red, deep red, and gorgeous red. When I walked into Fenglin, I was intoxicated. I am immersed in the bright colors of maple leaves. I am reluctant to leave. This maple forest is like a woman with luxurious clothes. She can stand the wind and frost, and can stand the western wind in autumn without fear. It is more beautiful with the severe frost. The maple leaf red is so direct and shows its charming style without concealment. Maple leaves dare to be red, red has boldness. Show an air of fearlessness. I can't help thinking of Du Mu's "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February."

Autumn is also the season of harvest. In the field, near the rice field, the whole land looks golden. It was heavy and Daohuidu was bent over. A gentle breeze blew, and Daohuidu were squeezed, with golden waves surging up. Make a "rustling" sound. The sweet smell of glutinous wafts. I take a deep breath. "Wow" I was so intoxicated. In the corn field, the neat corn stalks were thick. It seems that the soldiers in line stand upright, and the leaves are like flowing ribbons. Beautiful. The fruit trees are also full of fruit. Peasant uncles are busy collecting their own fruits of labor. A happy, bright smile on his face.

If spring is charming and enchanting, summer is enthusiastic and unrestrained, and winter is spotless, then autumn is brilliant and rich. Although ancient poets and modern poets praise the spring when flowers are blooming, like the hot and quiet summer, and praise the snow covered winter. Let me love the bright and joyful autumn alone.

Composition on Early Autumn (8)

With the passage of the season, the beautiful shadow of summer fades gradually, and all the vibrant scenes pass away with the waves, leaving more sighs. Some people say that the heart in autumn is "sorrow", lacking the warm charm and breath in spring and summer. However, the nature of autumn is hard to detect. If you look at it carefully from another angle, autumn is also full of poetic and colorful!

In the autumn fields, everything is on schedule. All kinds of dazzling colors are drawn together to weave a perfect picture scroll, which adds vitality to autumn. Qiyan flowers, tall trees, all kinds of attractive crops... Therefore, this is the best proof to overturn the theory that "autumn is the same as loneliness".

Every life is striving for this season to create a picture of hope and prosperity. Every time I walk into autumn, I feel like touching the most authentic color, never pretending, no need to envy. Autumn is always the most precious, only she gives people food!

On the field, a tired figure, waving a sickle, dripping hard sweat, smelling the smell of sweat; Hear the crisp and loud sound of wheat cutting; Fingertip stroked every grain of rice bowing to thank; How can we not be grateful when tasting every grain of rice?

There are few professional Makers. With the rapid development of technology, machinery has replaced them. But in the autumn fields, those figures are like the most beautiful scenery. "Planting one grain of millet in spring, harvesting ten thousand seeds in autumn", who can understand their hard work and bitterness?

It may be beautiful, interesting, poetic, charming, bitter, helpless, sad, lonely, but only she includes all of them, which is the colorful fields in early autumn.

Composition on Early Autumn (9)

The ancients always said, "Hurt spring and grieve autumn." But I didn't feel hurt for spring, instead, I felt that the green spring was quiet and full of hope. In autumn, the weather turns cool, the leaves turn yellow, and the cool breeze makes the sky blue. The flowers have entered the dormant period after the blooming in the hot summer. Autumn is quiet, no agitation, no publicity, no cold. It just quietly tells its feelings. Listen, the faint sound of falling leaves is its sigh, and the faint sound of rain is its grief.

There has always been an unspeakable feeling for rain, and the rain in autumn is different from that in summer. I always remember the rainy season I spent in my hometown when I was young. The north is not as humid and hot as the south in summer. The sky is always blue, and the sun emits aggressive 'hot light. But when it rains, it always thunders first, and then the sky becomes overcast. It began to rain soon. At that time, I loved listening to the sound of rain. The rain hit the roof and the plum tree in the yard. The intermittent sound was as straightforward as the character of northerners. It was both comfortable and enjoyable.

The autumn rain is different. It is less hearty and more sad. The cool rain drops fall at dusk, which makes people cool and sober. She is clean and cold, as if she can clean the gloomy yellow sky. There is such a beautiful and sad scene in the Red Mansion. The pulse of autumn rain is uncertain, and the dusk is getting earlier and earlier. No wonder Lin Daiyu will write down the "Autumn Window on a Rainy Evening" in this situation. Reading the Red Mansion, he always feels that the Xiaoxiang Pavilion itself is full of autumn sadness. Maybe it was getting dark that night. Lin Daiyu, who was sitting by the window, felt a little cool. Looking out of the window at the autumn rain, she felt more sad when she heard the rain hitting plantains. So he wrote: "I feel that the autumn window is endless, and the wind and rain can help me feel desolate. I can't bear to sleep in autumn, so I moved my tears to the autumn screen." Maybe autumn itself is not sad, but everything is quiet, and the eyes are thin. So someone with a heart gave sorrow to autumn, and told his accumulated grief through rain and leaves.

Since autumn is so easy to involve people's sadness, why are there so many literati writing poems for autumn? Perhaps it is because it is a kind of artistic conception to face the gloom of the heart quietly alone and listen to the rain. There is beauty in joy and beauty in solitude. Loneliness is a kind of artistic conception, just like the feeling that autumn brings to people, that is, sorrow comes from the middle and can not bear to forget. No wonder Wang Wei also wrote in the Autumn Night Song: "I am afraid of being empty and can't bear to return." This is different from Sister Lin, who is both "sad for autumn" and "can't bear to leave autumn". The charm of autumn is self-evident.

It's autumn again, but I can no longer feel the continuous autumn rain in the central plains where there is little rain. I miss the sound of rain in my hometown, and I also want to experience the rain hitting plantains in Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Autumn and rainy days are strong feelings in my heart that I can't give up. I repose it in the cool wind in the dark moonless sky, and I repose it in the fallen leaves when walking under the plane trees. Autumn is the time when I indulge my emotions, and she carries too many memories. In this season, what I feel is not only autumn, but also the indelible memories of the past. They have been placed in a place only I know.

Composition on Early Autumn (10)

"After the empty mountain and the new rain, the weather comes late in autumn." Wang Wei's poem seems to describe this early autumn. A heavy rain washed away all the heat and irritability, and the weather gradually turned cold.

Although looking around, most of the trees are still green, just a little yellow. But the moment I opened the window and the cool breeze came to me, I knew that autumn was coming quietly.

In the morning, when I opened the door, I bumped into the cool wind, which was mixed with the fragrance of leaves. It's refreshing in the morning.

May be affected by the typhoon, the yellow green leaves dance in the strong wind, and the grass and wild flowers beside the road are also nodded and bowed from time to time, like a loyal servant.

More children play on the ground in early autumn. The warm autumn sun and the gentle breeze are very comfortable. Cats and dogs seem to be full of joy at the arrival of autumn. One and two Han sleep in the grass, the sun is scattered on them, mild but not hot. Occasionally, he would utter a "meow -" as if he were talking about his expectations for autumn.

The river is gurgling, like a green ribbon, making a sound of gurgling; The leaves rustle, a gust of wind blows, leaves and leaves interweave, kiss each other, rustle, rustle, glow the symphony of green leaves; The sparrow also came to join in the fun. He and his friends seemed to be talking about something. Jumping in the treetops, twitter, twitter, fun. Shuffling, rustling, chirping, gathered into a beautiful song, which is the best gift from nature to people.

Early autumn, although not as graceful as other periods of autumn, has a unique charm.

Composition on Early Autumn (11)

In the usual study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a 600 word composition about the cool early autumn, compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference only. Let's have a look.

When everything turned to early autumn, I really felt the chill of autumn from every breath. The sky, which used to be clear and blue, also becomes gray at this moment. The earthly wine is drunk in the morning, and the moon shadow is scattered and sighs for falling flowers. Autumn leaves are cold and candlelight is gone, and I still miss my old family in my dream.

During the National Day and the Mid Autumn Festival, the cool feeling and the full moon in the night sky set off each other, and the quiet atmosphere seemed to cover it with silver sand, making it more mysterious. Gusts of cool wind blew, and my face felt a little cold. The vast night was covered by moonlight, and the vaguely bright light shone straight into my heart, leaving only confused thoughts

When I woke up in the morning, the vast land was still in deep sleep, and there was silence everywhere. I stood in front of the window, gulping the fresh air, as if I had learned from the chaos. Reach into the invisible air and feel the wind gently across my fingers. Suddenly, I was shocked. I really felt the existence of autumn. It haunts everyone's side, with a cold breath, throwing itself into everyone's arms.

This afternoon, I was lucky to ride my bike to the library, but the sky became extremely gloomy. White clouds disappeared from the gray sky, and the whole world seemed to become dim. The hand holding the handlebar is also cold. The leaves are rustling, and the constant autumn wind blows off several leaves, which makes me feel sorry.

When I moved my wrists, I found that the whole palm was numb and my fists were clenched. A sense of interdependence spread all over my body. In the sky, a few drops of rain fell, all of which are signs of the coming of autumn.

My heart still water, looking into the night, feeling the purity and brightness of the moonlight. The cool early autumn is just at the right time. I don't know what the world of mortals is. I only see the change of the flowers of the years. Another drop of autumn rain falls, and a gust of autumn wind blows, which takes away a trace of tediousness in my heart and a heat in summer.

Falling leaves, the air filled with cold, I smiled, early autumn, no bad.

Composition on Early Autumn (12)

In the study, work and life, everyone has been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a 700 word composition about autumn, compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference. Let's have a look.

The sky was gradually covered with a black curtain on that day, and went to the window to see the sunset in the distance, like a thick egg yolk, it fell back into the arms of the horizon. I don't know whether it is the setting sun's nostalgia for this land that has stained the surrounding clouds with different colors. Several birds also sing to each other and fly away gradually. It really has a lasting appeal of "sunset and lone ducks flying together".

Taking advantage of my great interest, I decided to take a walk in the street. Open the door and come to meet you, instead of the stuffy air in the past, it has become a refreshing light night breeze. When I looked up, the small yellow flowers on the green trees not far away were also blown down by the cool wind and spread into a yellow carpet. At this time, I gradually feel that autumn is slowly coming to us

Walk on the spacious street and enjoy the cool breeze in early autumn. The cicadas beside the ears are much quieter than before, and the noisy carriages and horses seem to calm down. The sun has set early, and the reflection of the street lamp reflects my shadow on the road. It is a kind of enjoyment to walk in such a leisurely and cool night?

At this time, a touch of yellow at the foot attracted my eyes. Looking down, several pieces of yellowed ginkgo leaves were lying on the road peacefully, reporting the slow arrival of autumn to people. I bent down and picked up the light yellow, which looks like a small cattail fan and has been dyed yellow in autumn. Only the edge of the leaves, still left a trace of light green. The lines on the leaves are faintly visible, but not as moist as in midsummer, but more so in early autumn. It's amazing how time flies. It's another autumn! I turned my eyes to the road again, followed the pieces of ginkgo, and finally found their "headquarters" at the corner. At this moment, instead of just a few leaves, they are ginkgo trees swaying slightly in the wind. They are gradually changing into yellow clothes to greet the arrival of autumn, waving in the wind to remind people that autumn is coming. Such a lovely autumn messenger makes people feel the coolness of autumn and smile at the same time.

Autumn is slowly coming to us, and summer is gradually leaving us. How can we not cherish the "four seasons" of our life while lamenting the fleeting time? Spring sowing and summer planting, autumn harvesting and winter storage, everything is worth cherishing, everything needs to work hard to harvest the sweetest fruits in their own autumn!

At the moment, I am still immersed in the autumn scenery under the ginkgo tree, but I do not know that it is already late. A bright moon is hanging in the sky, and it casts a light on my way home

Composition on Early Autumn (13)

With the rapid pace of the years, we have stepped into the early autumn world again. Early autumn has a distinctive style and unique scenery.

In the evening, I stood on a small mound in the wild and watched the distant view. The setting sun has fallen to the western horizon, and the red round face is set off by the green trees on the hillside, which makes it particularly charming. The flaming sunset glow is accompanied by the sunset, and even the floating clouds are dyed red, as beautiful as the blush of a shy girl.

Looking around, the fields in front of us, dark green rice seedlings are growing well. A cool autumn wind blew, and the fields turned into layers of green waves. How spectacular! The autumn wind also carries the fragrance of rice flowers, which makes you relaxed and happy.

There is a unique scenery on the ridge, look! The corn planted by farmers is tall and thin. Some of them are bent and some of their hands are broken. They are crowded together like a group of wounded soldiers waiting for treatment.

At this time, the setting sun has fallen behind the tree, and the sun shines through the gaps of the tree. The sunset in the sky turned blood red, against the shadow of trees, mottled. Walking down the small mound, the little wild chrysanthemum beside the road has not yet bloomed, and just has a small bud. The small pond not far away is covered with water grass. Two or three fish come out stealthily for food. As soon as people approached, they immediately dived into the water, as if they were playing hide and seek with me.

As night fell, the setting sun had already fallen down the mountain. The surrounding mountains were shrouded in the twilight, and could not be seen clearly, leaving only the outline. The fog also drifted head-on. On the way back, my hair was wet, and there were small drops of water on the grass tip. At this time, the autumn wind with a chill touch my face, cold.

Ah! I love early autumn, its distinctive style, and its unique scenery.

Composition on Early Autumn (14)

After three months of scorching summer, the earth ushered in a cool autumn.

The first thing to welcome is autumn rain. When the dawn was about to dawn, suddenly, the rain began to fall. Not small, but very gentle, with the unique freshness of early autumn. Quietly, quietly, the sky dimly lit up a little, and then lit up a little, slowly, the whole city shrouded in rain appeared.

It's dawn, and the rain has stopped. The rain seems to wash everything in the world, everything is bright. The leaves of grass and trees on the roadside are shaking slightly. Oh, it's the cool wind, the strong smell of plants and trees, and the sweet taste of vegetables from the fields. The birds on the trees have already "plopped" up, the clear song announces the arrival of autumn, and the little creatures on the ground are ready to move - ants have lined up to carry food; The cricket also pulled out the violin, and the sound of the piano filled the sky; The grasshopper hopped about in the grass

In the distance came the melodious singing of the old people walking. Their singing seemed to have magic power, making the world bright and lively. so what? On the campus playground, the students also began to do morning exercises. In the face of the cold wind, their faces were blooming with hot youth, and their clanging steps bravely walked on the ground and ran forward!

The sun rose, and the warm sun shone on the earth, warming up. When the plants wake up, the sun gently touches their stems and leaves, reminding them to carry out photosynthesis for the benefit of people; When the animals wake up, the sun beats their biological clocks, making them relax; When people woke up, the sun gently patted their buttocks, enabling them to start a day of learning and work.

The school gate is crowded with parents who send their children to school. The children are full of smiles. They are the morning of a new day and the hope of a new era!

Composition on Early Autumn (15)

When the green leaves on the branches began to turn into dazzling golden yellow, the smell of early autumn came to us with the cool autumn.

The sun's temper softened, instead of burning the earth with anger, the sun gently stroked the earth with both hands. Everything became so peaceful and calm.

Autumn is very special. It is not as cold as the winter wind, nor as hot as summer, nor as vibrant as the spring wind; It is very comfortable. When you are sleepy, when you stand in the autumn wind, you will feel refreshed, just like standing on the top of the world and looking down on the world, the buds are very open; It is joy that wakes up the rice in the field and fills them up one by one. The autumn wind tells people that autumn is coming.

The most beautiful thing in autumn is the different colors; There are red, yellow, green, orange... When the autumn wind blows gently, leaves will take pains to fly to the ground like butterflies. Seen from a distance, it is as if pieces of gold fall from the heaven. It is beautiful!

Every morning when I get up, there are always layers of thin leaf blankets on the road. It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground! The most beautiful thing is the red maple leaves all over the mountain. Wish to open is an endless sea of fire. With the autumn wind blowing, it draws perfect arcs. The sky over there seems to be on fire, and the face has always been red like a shy girl.

The sky in autumn is the clearest and brightest. If you observe the sky at this time, you will find something wonderful: the sky is bluer, and there is a feeling of sudden brightness; The clouds became whiter as if the mature cotton in the field was floating on the sky; The sunset glow seems to be dyed with dye, but it is so kind and natural; The moon is more round, like a golden basin hanging upside down in the sky... I wonder who can draw a picture of all this?

Facing the autumn wind, the farmer uncle's face was filled with a happy smile, walked into the field, and went to harvest

Early autumn comes and goes with the wind. He took away people's worries and sorrows, and brought joy and joy.

Composition on Early Autumn (16)

Autumn, a symbol of harvest and fulfillment, is a beautiful season of the year. But the arrival of autumn, I do not know why there is a kind of sadness, or a kind of sad and melancholy. Outside the window, the early autumn rain, unknowingly up

The rain in early autumn fell intermittently all night, but the leaves on the trees seemed to have been discussed and refused to fall. Indeed, it's a bit early to leave now. The leaves were washed bright by the rain. A drop of water fell from the tree leaves, reflecting a hazy light, and then fell quietly in the puddles, leaving ripples, scattering little ripples, reflecting the gray sky.

There is a lot of water on the road, and there are petals lying quietly on the water. The road was quiet, only the rustling rain and wind. There was no one on the road. It was a long time before one or two people hurried past with umbrellas. The driver will try to increase the speed and stir up a series of water spray. Also, who will walk happily on the street in the rainy environment?

The rain seemed to defy the advice of the rebellious youth and kept falling. In the grass, only the last two flowers are left. The rain is still relentlessly beating the wet petals. Those two flowers seem to be smaller than before. The petals have black edges, the holes on the leaves that have been eaten by insects slowly turn yellow, and the flowers hang like a girl suffering from disease. However, they still insisted on sending out faint fragrance to the autumn wind. They may know that there is not much time for themselves, and they should smile in the last time to meet the reincarnation of the next season

The rain in early autumn is still falling. The rain in early autumn will change the color of the earth, put a golden coat on the earth, enrich the fruits on the trees, and open a new world.

At this time, looking out of the window, in the early autumn rain, there was a petal and golden leaf falling down like a butterfly, playing a strange and brilliant movement, and the sky and the earth were their stages

Autumn, dancing with wide sleeves, quietly came to us

Composition on Early Autumn (17)

In early autumn, from the thick ink to the heavy color in midsummer, the pen and ink changed suddenly, lighter and lighter. The Tianfang Buddha is always gray, and the maple leaves are falling. The whole city seems to fall into the abyss of silence, full of loneliness. Memory, loneliness and solitude are synonymous with autumn through the ages.

Just nine years ago at this time of year, in the golden autumn, it was raining in the autumn. It is this autumn rain that adds a fuzzy filter to memories. On that day, the kindergarten held a physical examination, and all the children were very excited, jumping around like lively birds. I am also the last one in the team. After a long wait, the teacher led me into a classroom with dim lights. There is a light box on the table with many black outlines. An aunt sat in front of the light box, pointing and smiling. The teacher asked me to tell him what his aunt meant. I didn't speak. The teacher comforted me not to be afraid and said what I saw, but I was still silent.

Later, I only remember that the aunt shook her head and restrained her smile. My parents came to the school, talked to the teacher for a while, and then took me away. In the hospital, we shuttled back and forth in the stream of people, all of whom had solemn faces and hurried footsteps. It's raining all the time.

At night, the lights are bright and the city is noisy, which fully shows the prosperity and beauty, but the thin curtains block me from them. At night, a choking voice came from my home. It was me. My father is going to give me some eye drops. The eye drops into my eyes are cold, but with slight pain. My eyes blurred, then I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The traces left by my tears were dried on my face, full of pain.

When I woke up the next morning, my eyes could not see the light. It was like a overturned palette. The colors were mixed together. I could not see the words on the paper. My heart was calling. Where are you? In that month, I could not see it. I fell into the dark abyss and could not extricate myself from it. It was a heart wrenching ordeal.

In early autumn, the next year, my eyes were like dust laden reunion, tears of joy filled my eyes. It's raining again, light rain, cool and comfortable

Composition on Early Autumn (18)

When the city still has the smell of summer and the temperature allows people to wear only a thin T-shirt, the countryside has a clear sense of autumn.

A few months after I left my hometown, when I returned to the familiar town again, I found it was early autumn. In the morning of a cool autumn wind, I got up early to find my feelings in autumn.

The morning light outside the door is beginning to show. Through the light mist like gauze, we can see the outline of the trees that are still green in front of the door. The branches are beautiful and the trees are thick, which reminds me of my childhood memories. No matter what season, I like to sit under those big trees and read comic books, play with stones or play games with my friends. No matter how long you play, you don't have to worry about what homework you haven't finished. That scene is still deeply imprinted in my mind; Those innocent and ignorant smiling faces; Those trees are not the green seedlings of big trees, and those lines of geese fly across the sky leisurely; Those wisps of smoke with the smell of dinner that floated from the chimney can now be changed. A new road has been opened up in the village. The place where the game was played was already overgrown with weeds. It's hard to see smoke coming out of someone's chimney again. That's also because people's living standards have gradually improved. Where can they still burn firewood? In the past, people who had no idea about their partners became more and more elusive with the passage of years. oh How carefree childhood is!

Unconsciously, the sun appeared lazily from the other side of the mountain. The sunrise in autumn is different. Its round face was crimson and rippling, like the shy face of a girl who had seen through her worries. People can't help but want to reach out and touch it. Gradually, the fog dispersed, showing the face of the mountain, bathed in soft light, as if a sleeping baby naturally had a sense of peace that people did not dare to disturb it! What a quiet autumn scene in the countryside!

Finally, Chaoyang climbed to the top of the mountain, stretched a long stretch, and his face was filled with a bright smile. At that moment, the whole countryside was covered with the warm sunshine, and the birds in the forest began to sing. The sound was clear and sweet, like the wind blowing a bell, which made people relaxed and happy. The trees on the roadside also seemed to wake up in an instant, with a thriving appearance. Ten feet outside the door, there is a green grass with a little yellow. It used to be my childhood paradise. In the sunny and cool days, I always like to lie on the soft grass, raise my head, cover my eyes with my hands, catch the shadow of an eagle passing through the gap, and then imagine that one day I can fly under the broad sky like it. Now I am sitting on this grass. Although it is early autumn, the grass leaves are still as green as before, Put your hands down as soft as a pile of cotton

As time went by, I looked up and saw that the sun was setting and the west was setting and dusk was coming. I walked by the river. Across the river was a large rice field. By this time, the harvest had been completed, and there were only rows of crisscross straw. They stand on the field one by one, watching the field like soldiers stationed on the border. From time to time, a few unknown birds fell in the fields, leisurely digging millet. Farther away, the endless mountains were covered by the silent floating fog. It becomes dark green, which is mysterious. In the western sky, the setting sun slanted, making the clouds there dyed blood red, just like the red forging in the palace, spread there. Bathing in the glow, I completely relaxed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and the breath of autumn in the countryside is sucked into my chest; That is a familiar smell mixed with the fragrance of soil!

Autumn! Autumn in the countryside, if I were a tree, I would like to wither on the land in autumn; If I were a moth, I would like to end my life in the autumn lights; If I were a floating cloud, I would like to stay in the autumn sky!

Composition on Early Autumn (19)

On the fourth day of the National Day holiday, it happened to be cool in the northeast, and the weather was a bit cold. Our family decided to take a trip at will - to Changchun Jingyue Lake.

Jingyuetan is a national 5A level forest park with high forest coverage. As soon as I entered the park, fresh air came to me, and I couldn't help taking a deep breath.

We decided to swim around the lake. Along the wooden path, we came to the lotus weeping willow garden within a few steps. In the distance was the white towering moon tower, and in the near was the eyeful of lotus leaves. It is late autumn, and the lotus has become a remnant. The withered lotus stands proudly in the water, as if it still shows her glory and beauty. I can imagine what a delightful picture it was in the midsummer when the lotus in the lake and the weeping willows on the bank were still graceful and beautifully arranged!

Along the way, we walked along the path into the forest unconsciously. Soon we saw a high and steep dam. We climbed up the steps to the dam. Looking down from the dam, wow, what a big lake. A pool of clear water is embedded in the mountains, like a bright moon. The lake is very quiet, so quiet that you can't feel it flowing. The light wind blows, and the microwave is sparkling, making people happy.

We specially went to the skiing scene area. Although we could not ski, we could take the cable car to overlook the forest scenery from a high place. The cable car was erected between two mountains, with a total length of more than 1300 meters and no steep slope. Sitting in the open cable car, as the cable car moves slowly, it seems that a beautiful picture has slowly unfolded in front of me. The trees in the forest are yellow, green, red, and straight white birch trees, which look like a colorful oil painting from afar. Looking down, the deep forest is still scary, but the red trees in the top of the mountain are cute and cute under the shade of green trees. In some places, the cable car will pass tall trees, and the colorful leaves are close enough to reach out. My parents are afraid of danger, so they hold on to me tightly. But I just want the cable car to slow down, slow down, and better stop, so that I can always wander in the boundless beauty.

Of course, besides the beautiful scenery, I think the most interesting thing is the return trip. You can take the slide instead of the cable car. The slope is slow, and the speed of sliding can be adjusted by yourself. Like taking the slide, it is much more interesting than the cableway. It's easy to slide down, and the wind passes through our ears, leaving us laughing and laughing. The green trees on both sides also seem to welcome us to visit.

Time flies. Although we haven't walked through the Jingyuetan yet, it's getting dark and we can only go back home. At the moment when I walked out of the gate, I couldn't help looking back at her. I said to her in my heart: "The beautiful Jingyuetan, I will come back to see you!"