Teacher's Humorous Composition (19 compilations)
Happiness is being together
2024-05-10 09:00:28

Teacher's Humorous Composition (1)

Mr. Shi is my new math teacher. He has a strict voice, just like an officer instructing us to study hard, and we are not allowed to make small movements secretly in class. He has a tall body and big eyes······

Because he is the secretary of the school, I thought he was very strict, but after a long time, I found that he was not as strict as I thought, and also very humorous. Every time in math class, he led me into those interesting and vivid math problems.

I remember one time, when the teacher was giving a lecture, he accidentally knocked a book off and said to us, "Look, this book is full of information, but I have to tell you vivid and interesting math problems bit by bit. It's not easy." We looked at Mr. Shi and thought, "It's not easy to be a teacher." I will listen carefully in the next class.

From what I said just now, I know that in the eyes of Mr. Shi, mathematics is also very irritable.

Whenever I hear the words "mathematics", I feel a terrible thing dangling before my eyes, but since Mr. Shi came, I feel mathematics is not very terrible. "Now, I always regard mathematics as an interesting thing, just like white clouds floating in front of me, like horses running on the grassland, like eagles flying in the sky, It's like a small fish swimming freely in the water······

I will never forget the kindness of my teacher's teaching.

In the future, I will repay my teachers with my outstanding achievements.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (2)

"Boys and girls, I don't have a very good memory. You can call me" silly "later. Please give me more advice!" Wow, is the world upside down? There are many students who teach the teacher and ask her to call her nickname. Everyone is wondering what strange things will happen in the future. Everyone is looking forward to it. The man I mentioned just now, guess who it is? Hey hey, you can't guess. She is our new and old teacher Yuan in Grade One. She is known to everyone in a 50 mile radius as "Chief Yuan"! Want to know her? Let's show you some short videos. The origin of "Boss Yuan" One day, we studied by ourselves in the middle school, and the classroom was very quiet. The old class wanted to pay the accountant, so he called at the door. At the beginning, the accountant asked, "Who are you?" Teacher Yuan said with a smile, "I'm your boss Yuan." Just after the old class said this, the whole class laughed with their backs folded, belly laughing, and many people cried with laughter, even slapping the table.

(Parter1 ends) The origin of "beauty" came another day. A male classmate sent out a book and suddenly couldn't find the female classmate. As a result, the old class smiled and said, "What eyes are you looking at? Such a beautiful girl can't see? Alas, it's true these days. More and more people are nearsighted." The students almost laughed their teeth off, and the female classmate's face was red. (PARTER2 ends) The old class is very good. When the festival came, the teachers handed out fruits. The old class never brought them back, but gave them to us and ate with us. Teacher Yuan is very serious in teaching. Her family is in Shanghai, and the child is only one year old. She is at school from Monday to Saturday every week. She will return to Shanghai on Saturday afternoon and back on Sunday. She is also in poor health. She has to cook soup for an hour every night, so she has no time to go to the hospital. Because she has to prepare lessons at night, she often stays up until 1 o'clock to go to bed. We asked her why she was not sleepy when she was so tired, but she said seriously to us: "Although I am really sleepy sometimes, I feel energetic when I see you, so you should also cheer up. In the past three years, we will go through together. I hope you all can get a good high school entrance exam."

On one occasion, her child suddenly became ill, but Teacher Yuan still insisted on finishing the class before returning home, and then came back at night to prepare for our lessons the next day. We respected Teacher Yuan even more. Teacher Yuan is humorous, open-minded, kind and responsible in teaching. We all like her very much. We should cherish the three years we spent with Teacher Yuan, take an exam in a good high school, and live up to her hopes for us.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (3)

If you were to guess the teacher I wrote, you might guess that it was an English teacher, a Chinese teacher, etc., but the teacher I wanted to write was different. He was my Lego teacher. Do you want to know what my Lego teacher is like? Please look down.

My Lego teacher is a funny and humorous person. If you draw him as a cartoon, he looks like this: his hair is neat, he wears a pair of black frame glasses, he always has a kind smile on his face, and he likes to wear a black coat and khaki trousers.

Why is he funny? It is because he often gives us some difficult problems. One time when we were programming, he said beside us: "This is too simple. You can integrate these two programs to program together!" So we have no idea.

He is humorous because he often tells jokes in class. One time, he said: "Today, I will tell you a particularly funny joke. Shut your mouth first, or you will laugh carefully later." Then he said: "There was a survey team in the Antarctic. They investigated the living habits of ninety-nine penguins. They all said that eating, sleeping and playing Doudou. They all thought that playing Doudou was a game. When they asked the hundredth penguin, it only said eating and sleeping. When they asked why it didn't play Doudou, it said it was Doudou." We almost burst out laughing.

Do you have such a teacher?

Teacher's Humorous Composition (4)

Humorous teacher composition 800 words (1)

800 words of excellent composition

A Good Teacher in My Heart (I)

In your life, you will meet many different teachers. These different teachers may bring you different knowledge and impressions. What is my good teacher like?

The assignment is interesting

A person's life can't be without homework assigned by the teacher to accompany your growth. However, various "boring" homework inevitably makes students not want to write homework. Therefore, my good teacher should be flexible in assigning homework! The flexible assignment, of course, is that the assignment is very interesting, which can lift the interest of students! The teachers must have questions again! What kind of homework can arouse people's interest? I feel that it is necessary to read, write, read and copy newspapers!

It is not only fun, but also can improve our practical ability. In addition, when we finish copying the newspaper, the eyes of others show love or admiration, which can greatly increase our self-confidence. Reading is an interesting activity that can't be more interesting. Reading can help us increase our knowledge and increase our knowledge. How wonderful! What's more, in the process of reading, you can see, think and feel, which is such a happy process

If the teacher is good, it must mean that the teacher is very cheerful and has a wide range of knowledge! My teacher must be like this!

In class, the humorous language is full of witticisms, the lively figure is "jumping around", and the chalk on the hand is making a noise. That must be a lively teacher! Our science teacher, Miss Zhao, although she taught us only as a minor subject, she could still make the classroom lively and the atmosphere was very happy, so she became the most lively teacher in the hearts of the students! Moreover, a good teacher must have a wide range of knowledge. She must be a teacher who "knows astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom". Whenever students ask questions, that teacher can answer them!

At the end of class, I think a good teacher's "serious dress" should be replaced by a "cute dress", playing together with his classmates, and "making friends" with them! What if a more successful teacher? That is, students are willing to tell their secrets to the teacher.

This is what I think of as a good teacher. However, a teacher in real life cannot be as perfect as I said in my article. Therefore, I feel that a good teacher in my mind should be the most natural teacher! Teachers' Day in September is coming! I wish every teacher in the world who loves his students a happy holiday! Smile (2)

Don't need too many words, don't need gorgeous decoration, just a shallow smile, perhaps, is a wonderful.

One day, when you walked through the noisy street with a heavy heart, you gave me a smile. Maybe we have never met, but from your eyes, I read the sincerity and hope. The corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and the corners of my eyes were slightly lined. In just a few seconds, it seemed that I had reached the bottom of my heart through my body. That smile, into an eternal, let me happy again. I looked up at the sky. All the haze had turned into a blue and deep sky. The white clouds seem to have pieced together into smiling faces of hope. I gave you a smile, also with sincerity, but, more than a grateful.

No matter who you are, when you give someone a sincere smile, you will get friendship, gratitude, joy and respect. When you give others a smile, you will forget your troubles and be happy. Your smile, passed to others, will be an ordinary happiness, but the most ordinary things, often the most moving.

Smile, a kind of beauty beyond words; Smile, a kind of plain and touching happiness; Smile, like a wisp of spring

The wind blew through the green meadows.

Smile weaves the beauty of love and spreads in every corner of the world, surpassing power, money, national boundaries, beauty and ugliness. Small warmth, do not deliberately feel, the most sincere smile, everyone's heart, will feel. Exchange a smile, so that we understand the bad of embracing the world, and understand that hope is everywhere.

In life, smile is also necessary.

Life is a thick book, which needs you to read all your life. Life is a seven color board, which contains the hardships of pursuing dreams, the joy of success, the pain of setbacks, and loneliness. At this time, you need to smile at her.

The road of life is inevitably rugged, because the rugged is attractive and beautiful. The road of life is inevitably bumpy, because bumpy, just more colorful. When your tears are about to roll down, tell yourself that you should smile at life, face life, face everything. Life needs a smile, and people also need a smile, give to others, give to yourself. Smile is not just an action of one, it may be a light in the dark, a warmth in the cold. Smile, smile with your heart, and you will find that life is so beautiful.

Bees (3)

I am a little bee. We bees live in groups. There are three kinds of bees in a colony: a queen bee, a few drones and thousands to tens of thousands of worker bees. I am one of these ten thousand worker bees.

My mother is the queen bee, her body is the largest, almost lost the ability to fly. It doesn't matter. It has tens of thousands of children. We can support it and count it as filial piety! In my family, only the queen bee can lay eggs. It can give birth to 1? 50000 to 20000 brothers. The life span of the queen bee is about three to five years. In our family, it can be said to be the longevity star.

There is another kind of bee in the colony called drone, which is quite different from us. It has a strong body and long wings. Its duty is to copulate with the queen bee. After mating, he died. In terms of the number of workers in the family, our worker bees are the most responsible. We are the main members of the bee colony, and our work is also the hardest: collecting pollen and nectar, brewing our "rations", feeding our brothers, feeding our mothers, building our houses, protecting our homes, adjusting the indoor temperature and humidity, Just like a meteor in the sky - it flashes away, and there is only a little time to shine. We bees are the most industrious in nature. In the flowering season, we are so busy that we forget the morning and evening, and sometimes we pick flowers and make honey by moonlight. Honey is difficult to brew. If we want to brew one kilogram of honey, we must collect raw materials from one million flowers. If our honeycombs are one and a half kilometers away from the flowers, we would have to fly 450000 kilometers to collect a kilogram of honey, which is almost equal to flying 11 circles around the Earth's equator. It seems that our achievements are not inferior to Apollo! Although it is difficult for us to collect honey, a swarm of bees can cut dozens of jin of honey every year. People of the same clan in Guangdong are busy all the year round. If the animal world is also organized, then we bees will be able to obtain the "most loving labor medal".

Perhaps you want to ask: In the boundless nature, how do you know where plants bloom and flow honey? To tell you the truth, we have a lot of "detectives" who are sent to scout and tell the results to our companions when they come back. Our "language" is dance.

Our family is like this. Our life is short, but don't worry. We have brothers and successors. They will continue to work like us. Our family continues to multiply in this way.

Beyond Yourself (4)

Someone once asked: "Who has the greatest strength in nature?" The answer is varied.

Some people say it is an elephant, because it can uproot big trees; Others say it is a whale, which can overturn a huge ocean going ship. In my opinion, the ant has the greatest strength and can lift something 13 times its weight. The reason is simple: other animals are thinking about how to surpass others, while ants surpass themselves.

In fact, we humans have been transcending ourselves.

The battle between peers in the market is a kind of mutual transcendence;

The battle of learning between students is also a kind of transcendence.

——There are too many differences, but there is only one similarity, that is, we are all surpassing others.

Always set a very near goal for yourself. Once you are lucky enough to surpass yourself, you will begin to be complacent and not strive for progress. Little did we know that there was a mountain outside the mountain. It was not long before the goal surpassed us again and we began to catch up in a panic. This is a vicious circle.

Therefore, in our world, there are few successes and many failures. Even if I fail, there is also a way to comfort myself: if I look back at those who are not as good as me, I will have unlimited satisfaction in my heart. Perhaps this is why I have always been mediocre and mediocre.

It was not until one day I read the story of Ants that I suddenly realized the true meaning of life that people should surpass themselves in life.

Recalling more than ten years of blindness and mediocrity, I do not regret it, because I am still young, young is hope.

As long as the hope is not broken, I will seize every touch of my own and go all out to make the hope come true. Let everything begin from transcending oneself!

Only when we surpass ourselves can we know how to measure the value of others; Only when we surpass ourselves can we understand how to accept everything except ourselves.

The past has become history. We put it in a bag and carefully and seriously said, "That was childhood". Today and tomorrow are the real way to go, so we loudly announced, "This is the flowering season!"

Cowardly to childhood, mature to the flowering season, smiling with the past toast.

All new things will start from a brilliant starting point -- transcending oneself!

Humorous teacher composition 800 words (2)

Teacher, please also remember my 800 words composition

Teacher, please also remember my 800 words composition

Cheng Mengjun, Junior 3, Yuying Middle School, Haidian District, Beijing

The sun shines evenly on each flower, which greedily bathes in the sun. In this sunshine, flowers grow healthily. Therefore, every flower can not forget the sunshine. However, the sunshine may only remember the most vigorous, bright and fragrant one.

Accompanied by sunshine and flowers, I ushered in a tense holiday - the summer vacation of junior high school. In order to make some progress in my study in the third day of junior high, I applied for a cram school during this holiday. At first, I was not interested in writing compositions, but after several days of learning, I gradually liked writing compositions because I listened to Mr. Wang's class.

I remember the first time I went to Miss Wang's class, I felt that she was very kind at the first sight, because Miss Wang and my grandmother looked similar: they all had black curly hair, wore a pair of glasses, were slightly fat, and had a kind, kind smile. I listened to Teacher Wang's lecture as carefully as I listened to Grandma's story when I was young.

Miss Wang's lectures are humorous, and her expression is very rich - it will change with the different feelings expressed in her compositions. Every time I see the teacher's changeable expression, I always think in my heart - Teacher Wang is so cute! It seems that the composition in my hand has become lovely when I think about it. At first impression, I deeply liked Mr. Wang's class.

Later, I listened carefully and observed every expression of Mr. Wang in every class. Gradually, Mr. Wang often said, "I published the composition of so and so," and "an article is the work of one of my students," and so on. I suddenly had an idea: I want Mr. Wang to remember me! At first, the idea was just a flash, but slowly, as soon as I saw Mr. Wang, the idea would fill my brain.

When I got home from school, I took out my notebook, pen and paper and began to conceive my composition. Just then, my mother came in and saw that I was thinking hard about writing a composition. I saw a ray of joy across my mother's eyes. My mother sat beside me, touched my head with her hand and said happily, "My Yue is really long

Teacher's Humorous Composition (5)

Under her curved crescent eyebrows, there is a pair of big watery eyes, a tall nose, and a small and exquisite mouth. She is Miss Qiao in my remedial class. She taught us one profound truth after another with her humorous words.

I remember one time, Mr. Qiao came to the classroom with a large stack of test papers, and then began to report scores: "He Xinran is 100, Chang Rui is 98." While the whole class was looking around with the test papers, I saw Mr. Qiao holding a test paper, frowning, and then loudly said: "Zhao Mugui!" Everyone was surprised, what? Where is there a Zhao Mugui in our class? Then she lengthened her voice and said, "Zhao Mu Gui." Then I understood. I touched the student named "Zhao Mu Gui" with my finger. He quickly stood up and said, "Teacher, this test paper is mine."

"Are you Zhao Mugui?"


"But I'm looking for Zhao Mugui," she said deliberately.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I have divided Huai's writing."

"You should write carefully in the future, you know?" Teacher Qiao returned the test paper to him. After he got it, he quickly erased the word "Mugui" and wrote the word "Huai" squarely.

I remember another time, the teacher took a test paper and shouted, "No, no, this test paper is really an eye opener for the teacher." We don't understand. Anyway, we only know that there is a good play. Then she said, "This student wrote a 'white wheat seedling' on the Chinese translation of the test paper, and I can't understand it. Then your wheat seedling can still be white? Well, today I will assign this student a task to bring your white wheat seedlings. " The whole class laughed. The student also lowered his head shyly and admitted his mistake to the teacher.

This is my teacher, a humorous teacher.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (6)

"Ding, zero zero" class, the students rushed to the classroom, and quickly returned to their positions.

A minute later, the teacher still did not come to class. The students began to lose their patience. The students at the front table and the back table, the left table and the right table talked with each other. More and more students spoke. The classroom was no different from the food market. Even the loud thunder could not be heard. "Why hasn't the teacher come yet? There must be something wrong, liberation!" Some students shouted. But some students didn't seem to believe it. They left their seats quietly and walked out of the classroom. They looked around like a large nest of thieves preparing to take action!

After confirming that the teacher can't come, we talked about life, family life and games without learning. Everyone left their seats and the classroom became a mess

You sit on my chair and I sit on your desk. Laugh and talk. Laughter is deafening.

Some students not only talked, but also held their own wrestling conference. They hugged each other and shook each other like two living ducks fighting. Suddenly, another student fell to the ground with his feet mixed. What should I do if I break it with such a loud noise? To my surprise, he stood up, rubbed his buttocks and smiled. He said it was all right, unbelievable! Some students have also held the Olympic Games and are running marathons! Run after each other in the classroom.

Suddenly, a student's sharp eyes saw the teacher coming to the classroom. In a hurry, they shouted: "Here comes the teacher, here comes the teacher." Everyone flew back to their seats. Look! These organizations also have special guards!

We all picked up the composition books and looked at them with affectation. The teacher came in and saw us reading, very satisfied.

But is it right for us to do so? Are you worthy of yourself? Are you worthy of your conscience? Is that how we behave when the teacher is not here? Should we feel lucky? no Be ashamed!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (7)

"Boys and girls, open your intelligent eyes and raise your extremely intelligent head!"

The teacher held the triangle and knocked on the blackboard heavily, like singing the Yellow River Cantata. We all roared with laughter and the table clapped noisily. The teacher has always believed that we are very smart, so he has always encouraged us to learn math well.

My math is not very good, but the teacher has always said that I am smart. There was a math quiz, full score of 60, excellent score of 50, and I got 44 points. The teacher was so happy that he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Oh, it's not bad. In the future, you will be called" Lin Fan "!". "Lin Fan" is homonymous with "Ling Fan", which means "smart" in Changsha. The teacher is praising me, so I just stand beside and laugh foolishly. Sure enough, my math is getting better and better.

The teacher has a bad habit and loves smoking. His office is often full of smoke. Once my classmates and I went to find a teacher to ask questions, but we saw the teacher with a cigarette between his fingers and took a mouthful of it intoxicated. I didn't forget to pop out a famous saying: "A cigarette after dinner is as happy as a fairy!" After a while, the teacher fell in love with chewing betel nuts again. He always frowned when he chewed betel nuts. His classmates always whispered together and laughed at him, saying that his wife didn't want him.

Although the teacher is sometimes not serious, he is still very serious. There are three giants in our class who always like to talk. Just when one of the three giants, the "handsome" comrade, kept "twittering", the teacher patted the table, and the A4 paper teaching plan was scattered all over the floor: "OK, this student with a beak, is what I just said right?" The handsome man stood up expectantly, unable to say a word. In fact, the teacher didn't say anything. He just wanted to "play" with the student and ask him to stop talking. "Well, sit down and let me play with you." The whole class roared with laughter.

After a pause, the teacher said seriously, "In fact, learning depends on you. If you don't learn, you will not be able to stand in the society in the future." He also told us the story of his previous learning of "counter attack", which made us respect and deeply impressed by the teacher's persistence. "So, learning depends on yourself, and if you have faith in your heart, you will be able to do it!" So we clenched our teeth and worked harder.

After the final exam, my grades were surprisingly good. The teacher laughed and said that he would invite me to have a meal in the canteen. I didn't believe it at first. When the bowl of rice was put in front of me, my eyes were moist. That was the most delicious meal I had in the canteen.

The teacher started yelling at his famous saying again, opened your eyes of wisdom, and raised your villagers' incomparable heads!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (8)

This morning, as soon as the science homework was handed out, I couldn't wait to read it. Wow! I got another "A" in my homework. I'm so excited! It was not easy to find a spare time to go to the science teacher's office. As soon as I went in, I saw Mr. Yang. I said, "Mr. Yang, you said that you can draw a lottery if you get an 'excellent' in science this time, right?" As soon as I finished, Mr. Yang understood my meaning and said, "OK, you can smoke it once. But remember, if you smoke mango flavor, you should put it back." Fortunately, I smoked apple flavor lollipop. At this time, Miss Yang said, "You've got apple flavor, you want to give it back to me, right?" I just wanted to give the lollipop back to my teacher, and suddenly it occurred to me: Miss Yang just said it was mango flavor before putting it back! I explained my explanation to Miss Yang. Miss Yang smiled and said to me, "Yes, you can! Just now, several students came to my lottery, which was misled by me. You and another student understand the context."

The science teacher is really humorous!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (9)

Our teacher is very humorous, so our students are also very humorous. Now let me give our "barbaric teacher" a score! (Full score of five stars)

1. "Brother Ling" ---- Profile of Chinese teacher (*******): His original name was Chen Ling. Although he was 40 years old, he still looked like a big brother aged 15 or 6, so he was called "Brother Ling". Appearance: With glasses, he looks very "weak" because his forehead is as bright as polished lard (he said he was extremely smart).

Funny deeds: There are countless, especially whole people. For example, when talking about the lesson "Hurt Zhongyong", he talked about the disadvantages of being famous. At last, when the bell rang after class, he gave a sly smile: "Remember a word: you are afraid of being famous, you are afraid of being strong!" and ran out with a smile. It took us a while to realize that we were afraid of becoming famous pigs!

2. "Two moons" ----- geography teacher (* * * *)

Profile: His original name is Ma Liu. Since QQ has two moons, he is called "two moons"

Very young, over 20 years old.

Appearance: With glasses, big eyes and big face, he looks good.

Funny deeds: There are many. For example, one day he talked about Africa south of Sahara. It was very hot in late June. When class was about to end, he bowed deeply to us: "Sorry students, because today's talk is about the tropics, which makes everyone feel hot. Don't worry. Next time we talk about the Bipolar Region, remember to wear cotton padded jacket!" Everyone almost laughed.

3. "Brave Brother" ----- Biology teacher (* * * *)

Profile: His original name was Gao Yong. He was also in his 20s when he saw No Thieves in the World.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (10)

In the sixth grade this semester, I met a humorous teacher who called himself "Fan".

He was a medium-sized man with a pair of big, intense eyes that sparkled with humor. On that egg face, his mouth, which could only speak, looked yellow, but this problem did not affect our listening to the speech. His high nose was filled with sweat.

I was deeply attracted by him the first time I went to his class. He introduced himself just after class. "Hmm, good! Hello, everyone, my surname is" Fan ". You can call me Teacher Fan, hmm! I am proud of my name, because my voice is the same as that of rice..." He talked a lot, and his voice was very loud, He often humorously makes some funny and funny expressions and actions... The students in our class, like me, are attracted by this teacher and look at him with wide eyes.

In class, everyone was friendly. In the first section, we learned "What is composition".

"Composition! What is composition?" Teacher Fei began to make a speech with his voice that sounded like a big bell. "Composition! It means having snacks in class, and making small movements in class, isn't it?" Then he made an unusually funny movement. He pointed at the two students, turned around, and jumped up like a girl. Suddenly, the whole class burst into laughter, some of them were laughing until the stars flew, while I was crouching on the ground laughing.

Teacher Fei only wrote a word "SPORT" on the blackboard. In the classroom, the sign was immediately silent, and even a needle fell on the ground. Unfortunately, no one lost the needle. Teacher Fei looked around and saw that someone in Han was smiling, so he began to "Hmm"! Hahahahahahahahaha...... The ground howled. We all tried hard not to be amused by Teacher Fei. Finally, one of our classmates couldn't help laughing wildly. At that time, Teacher Fei suddenly said something that surprised many people, "Hmm! It's really worthy of being a hero in Yue!" After saying that, he made a hero go to war and look far ahead. Alas! We still don't have such great ability to resist Teacher Fei's "attack" and burst into laughter!

I believe that this teacher can lead us from the desert island of ignorance to the other side of wisdom.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (11)

At the beginning of the new semester, we have changed our classes and teachers have changed into new teachers. Among these new teachers, my favorite teacher is Mr. Gu, who teaches us mathematics. Because Mr. Gu's class is humorous and funny, I like his class very much.

"Tink, Tink, Tink" The class bell rang, and Miss Gu came into the classroom with two "Lessons Practice" and a math book in her arms. Mr. Gu first asked two students to come to him, and then asked gently: "Why didn't you do your homework yesterday, A red face bowed his head. Another student said pitifully, "Mr. Gu, the homework was not sent to the group." Mr. Gu said with a smile, "You still need someone to send your homework. Which class are you in?" The student listened and bowed his head in shame. Then Miss Gu asked the two students to return to their seats and begin the class. As Gu talked, some students began to "rebel" again - playing. When a student can't sit still in class and wants to wander, Mr. Gu will stare at him with his eyes, and the student will immediately sit up, because Mr. Gu's eyes are like a missile, ready to launch at any time. When Mr. Gu talks about the oral arithmetic problem, let's write it ourselves. When two students finished writing, they took out their books to read. When Miss Gu saw it, she asked them to come up and each sent a gift - "pull the ear". In fact, I know that when Mr. Gu pulled us, it was like massaging our ears. It didn't hurt at all. He was just reminding us to listen carefully. I started to do the "problem solving" part. After I finished it, I also took out a book to read. The result was too engrossed. When Mr. Gu called me to him, Mr. Gu grabbed my ear and said, "Mr. Gu likes your little ear best." At this time, I was also very embarrassed. I thought I should listen carefully in math class in the future, Don't let Miss Gu down on me.

This is my math teacher - a funny and humorous teacher. Do you like it?

Teacher's Humorous Composition (12)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Humorous and funny Teacher Zhang's composition 200 words

Mr. Zhang is our math teacher from grade 4 to grade 5. He is tall and has more than 1.80 people, but he is thin and even shows his bones and muscles. However, Mr. Zhang is very humorous, even when criticizing his classmates, he still does not forget his own humor. Once, Diao Weizhe was pulled onto the platform by Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang deliberately raised his glasses, but Diao Weizhe wore them again, and Mr. Zhang raised his glasses again. At this time, the whole class laughed as if Diao Weizhe was a little shy and did not move. Then, Mr. Zhang said a few words about him and let him down. Another time, when we were learning multiples and factors, Teacher Zhang took Diao Weizhe as the theme and said: "Diao Weizhe was beaten by his mother, but it can't be said that his mother was beaten by Diao Weizhe." Then, Teacher Zhang continued: "Diao Weizhe is my mother's son, and it can't be said that Diao Weizhe is my son. In this case, Diao Weizhe is an orphan!" "Hahaha......" The whole class laughed in unison.

However, sometimes Mr. Zhang is also very serious, because if he is not serious, he can't learn knowledge. Therefore, in class, the expression on his face is very serious. Thank you very much! Mr. Zhang, in Mr. Zhang's class, I seem very relaxed, but I can also learn knowledge! Mr. Zhang, our whole class likes you!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (13)

Miss Su is our math teacher and our deputy head teacher. Despite his important position, he did not put on the teacher's airs at all, and always looked careless. He also showed interesting ways in mathematics from time to time, which added color to our monotonous learning life.

I remember that there was a period of study, with a lot of homework, and everyone complained bitterly. That day, Miss Su stood in front of the platform. It was time to assign homework. Everyone secretly said: less homework, less homework... I saw Miss Su standing on the platform and casually "strafing" around, the corners of her mouth actually slightly opened, showing an unpredictable smile. "Today's homework -" He deliberately lengthened his tone, and our hearts hung in our throat; "The homework is - yes - no!" Teacher Su suddenly stopped his prolonged voice, and two words that we were almost glad to jump out of his mouth. This time, the classroom seemed to explode a frying pan and burst into cheers, which could open the roof; Some students jumped to and fro, and some shouted, "Long live Miss Su!"... Just as we were all immersed in joy, Miss Su's tone suddenly changed: "But --" The classroom suddenly became silent, and everyone stared at Miss Su. He looked around, "evil" smiled, "to complete the unit! ”"Mommy --" In our screams, Miss Su walked out of the classroom with a triumphant smile.

Recently, the learning situation of our whole class was very poor. Of course, Miss Su was not satisfied. She kept a stiff face all day long. In one class, Miss Su was giving a lecture quietly when she saw Chen Yufeng writing his English homework. Suddenly, she was furious. She hid the English exercise paper and criticized loudly. Everyone dared not move and held their breath. Chen Yufeng lowered his head in shame. It seemed that he could hear a needle falling on the ground in the classroom. Miss Su casually inserted the paper into the gap of the platform and was about to go on with the class. Suddenly, she found that Chen Yufeng's eyes had been fixed on the vertical exercise paper, so she went to pat his head and pointed at the paper: "What do you think this looks like? Is it like a tombstone?" At this time, everyone could not help but smile secretly with his mouth covered below. Mr. Su looked at us again and said meaningfully to Chen Yufeng, "If you don't study hard, you will enter this sad tombstone." At this time, he turned to us and said, "You are the same. If you don't try harder, you will eventually enter this tombstone." Nobody laughs anymore. Everyone looks at each other and falls into a deep meditation

Mr. Su's humor can not only make us happy in our study, but also inspire us to think deeply. Our math learning has fun wings because of the humor in our hearts, and we can fly freely.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (14)

Once, we learned the poem "Bamboo and Stone". It means that a bamboo tree is very strong. In order to survive, it must grasp the stones tightly. As long as it lets go, the bamboo may die. So Principal Huang asked us, "Boys and girls, if you were bamboo, what would you say?" We didn't raise our hands. Principal Huang said, "Well, let me say first, if I were a bamboo, I would say to Stone, 'Do you think you are really handsome? Do you think I really like you? I just hold you for survival!'" Before we finished, everyone laughed until they could not stand up. Principal Huang, you are so good. You think of it. I really admire you.

Now, I am no longer afraid of Principal Huang, because he is a humorous and different teacher.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (15)

Once, by chance, my father sent me to listen to a lesson of Mr. Li Quan. In the face of strange environment, I am still very nervous. After the bell rang, a young and handsome teacher came in. Say solemnly: "Boys and girls, we have class!" Then I began to lecture, telling the knowledge of Olympiad Mathematics that is strange to me vividly and interesting, and I was no longer nervous at once.

This lesson is about logical reasoning in sports competitions. Since the topic involves the knowledge of sports group competitions, teacher Li Quan explained it to us with the World Cup as an example. Mr. Li took the 20xx World Cup as an example. At that time, it was the only time that the Chinese football team qualified for the World Cup in the qualifying group. The Chinese people were very excited, although the Chinese team lost miserably in the World Cup group match. Teacher Li Quan assumed that there were four countries in the group game, including China, but when explaining the scoring rules, he assumed that the Chinese team won Brazil, Germany and Japan, which caused everyone to laugh.

At the end, Teacher Li Quan suddenly said, "Of course, China is the champion in the end! Hehe." Teacher Li Quan smiled and rubbed his hands. This sentence made us laugh, and some people bent over with laughter. Teacher Li Quan also smiled and narrowed his eyes. Now we are laughing even harder! In this humorous way, Mr. Li Quan made us understand the logical reasoning in sports competitions.

Teacher Li Quan always smiles in class. He speaks well in class and writes neatly and beautifully on the blackboard. Especially the geometric figure is perfect. The blackboard writing in each class is neat and neat, with beautiful graphics embellishment, just like a beautiful picture scroll. He can use humorous language to explain each profound mathematical olympiad lesson, making it easy to understand and absorb.

Teacher Li Quan is such a teacher that I respect. There are always some humorous words that make us "unprepared" when teaching, making us laugh, and the classroom atmosphere becomes active. His humor is also a clever way to break the sleepy mood and activate the atmosphere, so that we can better "digest" the lecture content.

Such a rigorous, serious and humorous math teacher led me to travel in the ocean of mathematics, enabling me to activate my mathematical thinking and learn more knowledge. I love my teacher Li Quan!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (16)

Wherever he goes, the place will be full of laughter. Therefore, everyone likes him.

Once, when the teacher was in class, one of the students was doing small movements below. The teacher shouted, "What are you doing?" We were shocked. We thought that the teacher would be furious. Unexpectedly, the teacher posed a shooting gesture with his hand and shot the student. "Well, you are 'dead' and can't move any more." As soon as the voice came down, we all burst into laughter.

Another time, a student who was late rushed over and shouted, "Report!" The teacher said, "Stop!" We were all frightened. We thought that the student must have a criticism. Who knows, the teacher cleared his throat and said, "The code! 'The moonlight in front of the bed'." "It's supposed to be frost on the ground." The student said in a daze. "Good! Pass." The teacher motioned him back to his seat, then he put his right hand to his mouth, lowered his voice, and said: "Be careful, he may be a spy!" We laughed again.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (17)

I remember a substitute teacher of Chinese in grade three gave us lessons. That day in Chinese class, the substitute teacher corrected our homework books and found that there were many wrong characters in our class. There are only five questions in one day's homework. Their typos are flying everywhere, and I am one of them. The teacher said, "If there is a typography contest in the world, our class will compete, and we must be the champion. But in the afternoon class, I thought it was a free activity, but I was wrong. The teacher was still changing his homework book when he suddenly said, "It's garbage. It's garbage." One student said, "What?" The teacher said, "Isn't that right?" He pointed to the homework book while saying. Then he said, "I asked Chen if you have a dog? Did you bring the dog? I ate the dog with a real cross as a bone." "I didn't bring the dog." After listening to the teacher's words, everyone burst into laughter, and the classroom was full of "hahaha" laughter.

Although our teacher is humorous in class, he is not very humorous after class. He is only our substitute teacher, but we welcome him to our class at any time, but I will never forget his day! It took me back from the country of typography to the country of orthography. I like this humorous teacher.

Teacher's Humorous Composition (18)

Who makes our class full of laughter?

It's her - our teacher: Miss Chen!

She is humorous, has a height of 1.6 meters, and is very slim. Every spring, she wears a beige windbreaker, with a black and white skirt inside, a pair of red glasses on the high bridge of her nose, a cherry mouth in the middle of her face, and a flower shaped hairpin on her black and shiny hair. When the wind blew, her windbreaker danced, which was very beautiful.

On weekdays, she is the "joy" of her classmates. On one occasion, the students began to complain bitterly at the beginning of the class, saying that they were too tired to attend the Olympic math class. Hearing their complaints, she immediately played a fun and funny game with the students - three seven twenty-one, while the losers had to accept the punishment of "taking a big risk with sincerity". After playing, the atmosphere in the classroom immediately cheered up.

Another time, the atmosphere in the classroom was very dull. In order to make the atmosphere happy, the teacher used an idiom to tell a funny joke. The idiom was "integrity", but the villagers in the story heard that "nothing happens if you eat". Make the students in the classroom roar with laughter, and the happy atmosphere flows like spray.

This is our teacher Chen. She is not only knowledgeable, but also our joy. Living with her will be enjoyable. I am really proud of having such a teacher!

Teacher's Humorous Composition (19)

Selected humorous teacher's composition comments

1. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate, and the mood of the characters is set off by the description of the environment. It is very artistic, complex and not messy. It can be detailed and appropriate, and the key points are highlighted. The end is just right to point out the center, and the language is simple and profound, thought-provoking

2. Start with feeling and end with feeling. This will make the article coherent, and at the same time make the theme of the article repeat, with strong appeal

3. With full passion, he describes..., which is concise at the beginning, highlighting the key points, appropriate in details and specific in content

4. The article fully and appropriately portrays the atmosphere of..., and delicately and vividly portrays the key points of the article. The purpose is high and impressive

5. It is practical, contains simple and profound philosophy, and is exciting and emotional

6.... The close-up shot is fresh and full of interest. The full text is full of childlike innocence and childlike interest, which makes it more intimate to read

7. This article is full of passion. From the lines, I can feel the little writer's love for... The full text is clear and fluent

The first thing I want to see is the teacher's comments when I hand out the test paper every time. The handwriting embedded in the striking corner of the score may be a bit scrawled. Occasionally, I will see the handwriting in different depths after the pen is refilled with water, but I feel very warm and full - it was written by the old teacher himself, and naturally I will cherish it. Looking at the comments carefully, I will always be intoxicated with them, just like appreciating a small poem. Looking at the unrestrained handwriting in the comments, how wonderful! Especially when the words of praise appear on my test paper, how precious!

8. Look at those changeable words, sometimes serious, sometimes humorous and cheerful, sometimes approachable, sometimes thought-provoking. Whether it is easy to understand, or deep and melodious, it is like a drum beating my heart. Sometimes, instead of criticizing and praising directly, we leave a short and enlightening sentence for ourselves to experience

9. Success and failure coexist, not every exam will be smooth.

10. Maybe it's because I did well in the previous exam and got carried away. Maybe it's because I was addicted to the Internet the night before the exam, and I did surprisingly poorly in the math exam. Until now, the pain of that failure is still deeply imprinted on my mind. I am no longer eager to hand out the test paper, no longer eager to see the teacher's comments, or even afraid to see it. I know that my behavior has failed the teacher's trust, and I am also ashamed of the comment that the line on the test paper contains the teacher's painstaking efforts.

11. The test paper was handed out, and I clearly saw that the student who handed out the test paper was smiling at me contemptuously. Faced with the test paper, I didn't even dare to see the comments under the score. I didn't want to see the cold criticism comments on the test paper, and I didn't want to know that the teacher had lost hope for me. I glanced at the test paper helplessly, and what I saw made me feel relaxed:

12. "If a wise man thinks twice, he will lose something. What's more, you? Don't lose hope. The teacher expects your next good result."

13. A few short words touched me very much. The teacher didn't despise me because of my mistake, but he understood me.

14. Just because of this lesson and the teacher's profound comment, I changed my rash, arbitrary, arrogant and impetuous mentality, and firmly remembered every knowledge. In the next exam, I answered the questions with ease and did well.

15. The mood of reading the teacher's comments has also become relaxed. Looking at the content of the comments always brings me thinking and daydreaming. "Where there is a will, there is a way." "Ninety nine percent of genius depends on hard work." It seems kind, encouraging and meaningful.

16. Because of these reasons, I prefer the teacher's comments. Whether it is praise, encouragement, criticism or exhortation, I will seriously understand, remember, and constantly learn and grow in the teacher's comments

17. You are a warm, generous and honest child who cares about the collective and other people's affairs very much. You are a student with learning ability in learning, but learning is not an easy thing. You should have the confidence and perseverance to overcome difficulties, and hope to grasp every day and be an excellent student.

18. You are a silent and quiet child. The tasks assigned by the teacher must be completed carefully, but you dare not ask questions if you don't understand them in learning. I don't know whether you have found this deficiency. I hope that in future learning, you can ask questions if you don't understand them, and ask boldly. Success will belong to you.

19. You care about the collective and have a strong ability to take care of yourself. You can finish all your homework on time, but sometimes you are not careful enough in class. There are also some small moves. I hope you can stand up bravely to fight against fun and fear of difficulties, so that you can make continuous progress. I believe you will do it.

20. The teacher was deeply gratified to see your attentive eyes and serious learning attitude in class. Seeing the neat handwriting on your homework book, and seeing that you can successfully complete the tasks assigned by the teacher, the teacher likes you very much, and your diligence is not to make your efforts known! Your tomorrow will be better!

Humorous teacher's composition review recommendation

1. The intense emotion, like the eruption of a volcano, can deeply move readers.

2. The feeling is true and sincere, like the mellow wine, which makes people drunk without drinking.

3. The true emotion is natural without the suspicion of affectation.

4. The mental process is real and delicate, and the thoughts and attitudes of the characters can be seen in front of the readers.

5. True feelings, exquisite words, touching words are really from the heart of the author.

6. Seek the gains and losses of life from self reflection and reveal the true feelings in repentance.

7. The language is concise, concise and comprehensive, to the point of being concise and powerful. A few words can convey the charm of the characters.

8. The language is smooth and clear, the description is detailed and vivid; The meaning of the sentence is implicit and euphemistic. After reading, you can enjoy the lingering fragrance of wine.

9. The language is lively, funny and humorous.

10. The language is too brief, which seems to be outline narration but fails to outline. The text is incomplete and the narration is dull, dry, dull and lifeless.

11. The article begins with a simple and appropriate description of the environment to set off the feelings of the characters, which is very artistic. The beginning is concise and to the point

12. The beginning of the article is novel and has the preemptive effect. The readers will be able to have an impression of the characters as soon as they meet.

13. The beginning of the article is fascinating to attract readers The combination of point and surface makes the article vivid, specific, detailed and appropriate.

14. The article is vivid, rich and readable. The first move is extraordinary and attracts readers. The first move has real feelings.

15. The explanation at the beginning of the article is very clear and plays the role of the master's full text. The novel selection of the article arouses the readers' desire to read

16. It describes...... With full passion, with emphasis on details and details. The metaphor is appropriate and the words are vivid.

17. The language of the article is easy to understand and close to the reality of life It is very memorable to tell us in a relaxed and pleasant tone.

18. The narration is natural, vivid, compact, cohesive, natural and coherent.

19. The description language of scenery is concise and the accurate association is the natural fusion of touching the scenery and creating feelings.

20. The characters' ideological quality is set off by enriching their language and actions.

Humorous teacher's composition comments

1. The article expresses feelings while narrating.

2. Make full use of the combination of dynamic and static writing, supplemented by figurative personification and other techniques

3. The young writer observes and narrates carefully in order

4. The use of some ingenious words adds a lot of interest to the article.

5. The article is elegant, graceful, smooth and coherent, especially the characters' language is humorous and funny

6. The article imagination is reasonable

7. Make readers feel like they are in a dream through vivid language description.

8. The article has a clear clue and a prominent theme.

9. The detail description is quite ingenious. Very knowledgeable.

10. Delicate description of the language, demeanor and action of the characters is a major feature of this article.