One Thing 600 words of excellent composition (16 compilations)
The confusion dissipates
2023-10-24 07:27:40

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (1)

You must have many unforgettable things! In the summer vacation, I remember one thing that is still fresh in my mind, and I also blamed myself, that is, the flute grading test.

I still remember that day, when the sun was shining and the sky was clear, it was the time for me to take the flute grading test. On the way, I came to the music shop with confidence and confidence. From time to time there came a series of clear notes, and from time to time came some noise.

This is the first time for me to take the flute grade examination, so I can't help feeling nervous. Once I entered the grading room, my little heart couldn't stand it. It was the person in front's turn to take the grade examination. He tried the sound of the flute, and the judges frowned with dissatisfaction. He began to play, blowing intermittently, but also forgot the score, and would skip or repeat where he could not. Alas, he must have failed in the grade examination. My heart was nervous again and I began to recite the music secretly, but I could not recite half of it. I thought to myself: Alas, what if I can't recite it! Otherwise, I will muddle through the exam like this! But he is a national teacher after all, isn't he so stupid?

It was my turn to play the flute. I stood up and the judges immediately relaxed. ha-ha! Is this the omen of the grade test? I started to play, and I really forgot my score later. Another judge noticed and stared at my face. There was also a judge who seemed to be a real idiot. He didn't realize that I was wrong, and he was intoxicated and almost fell asleep. It's not good to play two pieces of music. It seems that my efforts these days have been wasted.

Out of the door, the teacher touched my heart and said that the speed of the jump was super fast, I must be too nervous! Although I'm not good at it, I still have accumulated a lot of experience in grade examination from an optimistic perspective!

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (2)

There were so many interesting things when I was a child. They were like stars all over the sky. But in my memory, there are two eggs shining in my mind like two bright pearls.

At night, as I lay in bed, a strange idea flashed through my mind: "Mother chicken can hatch lovely chickens with eggs, so can I hatch chickens with eggs?" So I quietly went into the kitchen, took out two eggs, put the eggs under the quilt, and then I lay on the quilt, thinking: My chickens will hatch tomorrow morning. Thinking, I fell into a sweet dream.

"Nan'er, Nan'er, get up. "God! What have you done?" My mother said in surprise, "Baby, eggs need a certain temperature to hatch chickens." My mother was worried about my sadness, so she added angrily and laughingly. At this time, I was so confused that I lowered my head shyly.

Later, when I was in kindergarten, my mother came to pick me up from school. Far away, I saw my mother holding a transparent small box in her hand. There was a small yellow thing in it. I don't know what it is? When I approached my mother with doubts, my mother said happily, "Honey, look what my mother brought you." "Wow! It's the yellow chicken, thank you, mom!" I said with surprise. When I got home, my mother said to me earnestly: "In the future, you will be entrusted with the task of taking care of the little yellow chickens. You will feed them food and water every day and clean their small home!" I nodded as hard as a chicken pecking rice, "Mom, I will take care of them!" I repeatedly replied.

Now that I'm grown up, I can't help laughing when I think about the chicken hatching when I was young.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (3)

The merciless years, like smoke, drifted away from me and disappeared in the air. But I will never forget the interesting sports meeting last week.

The exciting day finally came, and I was very excited at that moment. The colorful flags fluttered on the playground, echoing beautiful music, making people feel refreshed. The cheering team held the small red flag to cheer for the athletes. The voice was deafening. The indomitable and hard working athletes also showed their "eagle" posture and were ready to show their talents.

I clearly remember that in sports, there are two collective activities that require the whole class to participate together, "rope skipping" and "sit ups". I can still skip rope, but the other project is a headache for me. I think: I can't even do ten sit ups at ordinary times, let alone the competition? But it's also about the honor of the whole class. I can't drag the class back!

"At the end of the class, please come to the competition ground to prepare for the sit ups in Grade 6!" A burst of radio came. I thought to myself: it's our turn so soon. I will try my best to do more sit ups to win honor for the class!

We came to the match ground and lay on the mat. Some strangers helped us hold our legs. "Du" a whistle sounded, and the students quickly did sit ups, and I also worked hard. After a while, everyone gradually slowed down, but I was out of breath and couldn't do it anymore. The teacher is cheering for us. I think of the honor of the class. Everyone is fighting for our class. How can I discredit the class? I tried my best to do sit ups quickly. "Du" Another whistle sounded, the game was over, and I made 28! Although others did much more than I did, I was very happy. After all, I did my best, and I didn't regret it at all.

All the games were over, and we left the playground in a big way. Although our overall performance is not very high, we are very happy. This is my most unforgettable activity.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (4)

In my mind, there are many unforgettable things, but one of the most unforgettable things is that I cooked for the first time.

It was the summer of that year. At noon, when I came home from school, I shouted, "Who is cooking today? I am starving". When I got to the restaurant, I found my parents were not there. I was worried. I saw a note on the table, which said: "Son, we won't come back today. You can cook for yourself.". Seeing this note, I thought to myself, "Hum! It's just cooking. Who can't? Today I will show my hands to them.". What should I do? Just make my favorite egg noodle.

First, I took two eggs. Holding the egg in my left hand, I firmly knocked on the bowl with my right hand. Without talking about it, the egg was smashed by me, and the yolk spilled on my hand, so I had to knock again. I took another egg in my hand, and learned the lesson of the last time. This time, I knocked on the egg with a little force, and it just knocked into the bowl. I danced happily. Then, After hard mixing, I began to mix with noodles. When the noodles were ready, I cut them with a kitchen knife. I cut these noodles left and right, and let me cut them in disorder. When the noodles were ready, I turned on the induction cooker, and the water in it boiled, I put the eggs and noodles into it and cooked them together. After seven or eight minutes, the noodles were ready. In the middle of the process, I turned on the TV, I began to watch my favorite TV play. After a while, I walked to the restaurant and saw that the noodles were already ripe. I quickly poured the noodles into a bowl. Fortunately, they were not so bad and could still eat. I heard my father said that adding some vinegar and pepper would make the taste better. Then I added some vinegar and pepper, and finally I tasted my "masterpiece". Ah, it's not bad, but it's a bit spicy. I nodded proudly and ate my own noodles.

Mom and Dad will be happy when they come back to taste my noodles.

This is my unforgettable first time. I never thought that I would burst into laughter when I saw you. How about you?

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (5)

Today is New Year's Day and January 1st. There must be a lot of fun on this day, right? Today, let me introduce the interesting things that happened around me!

My sisters and I showed our hands at noon. I thought about making a dish of fried chicken, which made my mouth water a thousand feet long. I couldn't help laughing. When my sisters saw me giggling, they began to talk about me. When I found out, I smiled awkwardly.

Sister Liu told me that she would make fried mushrooms with flavor, and she couldn't help laughing. Sister Li told me that she would make fried tofu. I smiled with confidence.

We started cooking. It's like a war. Everyone has his own task. Place the pan and pour in the oil. Ah! The oil splashed everywhere, which scared me to hide several meters away from the pot. There is water in the pot. As sweat drops down, I told myself: Come on, it will work!

Twenty minutes have passed

Ah! It smells good after tasting it. I am secretly pleased that my sister on the side has also started to stir fry mushrooms. The mushrooms should be smooth, so a little sugar should be added.

ten minutes later......

"Ah, it's delicious, it's delicious..." said my sister. My sister was also secretly pleased. Sister Li also began to stir fry tofu. Tofu should be kept beautiful, so you should fry it carefully.

Five minutes later......

"Ah, why is the tofu so soft? I almost chopped the tofu." She was secretly complaining.

Ah! I found that if you do something with your heart, you will succeed. If you fail, you will be fine. Anyway, failure is the mother of success. Everyone works hard and believes that you will succeed. My New Year's Day fun is interesting, huh.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (6)

One afternoon, the bell rang and the teacher came in. Seeing the teacher holding the test paper, the students immediately sat up and listened, eager to turn their ears into sound collectors. One name flew out of the teacher's mouth, one score thought through the classroom, excited to hear that they had unexpected good results, while those who heard bad results were dejected and complained repeatedly. Why doesn't it have mine? Anxious mood prompted me to leave the stool and stand up soon. "Wu Jinxiu"! At last, I listened with bated breath and staring. The teacher stopped for a moment, and then said slowly: "71." Ah! The sound of "71" was not loud, but it hit my head like a flash of lightning. It seemed that I was thrown a basin of cold water, and my whole body was numb. Is it possible?

71 points, which is rare in my performance history. But the truth is merciless. Looking at the exam paper with "X" painted on it, I remembered the scene of yesterday's exam. The students were all writing. Only I played a "charge" to finish the paper first, and looked at others contemptuously. Alas, when I think about it at the moment, I regret very much. Why didn't I check/if I checked, there would not be so many mistakes; If the inspection is carried out, the situation of the day will not occur; If the inspection is conducted, there will be no personal interest 1 point. All the mistakes are my carelessness. At this time, I want to cry, but I can't cry. I have to correct my mistakes carefully. What did you get by handing in the paper first? 71 points? Is it my result? I can only make up for these mistakes by correcting them. At this moment, I really understand the importance of careful inspection, and understand that inspection is the guarantee of 100 points.

The teacher's words reminded me again: "We must check carefully." Right! After a while, I found the error in the inspection. I made up my mind at this time, and I must check it carefully in the future.

I will never forget this 71 points. I will treasure it forever in the history of achievements, and let it remind me that I must carefully check it all the time.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (7)

There are countless interesting things that happened in my family, but I remember the most clearly is an event of eating meatballs this summer vacation.

That day, my cousin made a fuss to ask my mother to make sweet and sour meatballs for her. Before noon, my mother carefully made a plate for us according to the recipe. When the sweet and sour meatballs were just put on the table, my cousin and I couldn't wait to put one in each person's mouth. Suddenly, our mouth was full of fragrance, as if all the greedy insects in our stomach had been caught. Our chopsticks moved faster and faster. My cousin saw that she could not compete with me, so she went to the kitchen to get a small spoon and ate with it. Of course, I didn't want to be outdone. I also went to the kitchen to get a small spoon and a small bowl. I scooped up a small bowl to eat. My cousin was so flustered when she saw it. She simply didn't do anything or stop. She picked up the plate and ran to one side to eat it. After eating it, she actually licked the plate clean with her tongue.

Watching us enjoying our meal, my mother teased us: "You two won't eat my plate and bowl!" After listening to my mother's words, we both laughed until our stomachs ached. After a while, my cousin wiped her mouth and asked her mother: "Aunt, the meatballs you made are too delicious, are there any more. But he said, "I just want to eat!" At noon, when others were eating, neither of us sat down at the table - there was no room to eat!

Interesting things like this are often staged in my family. I feel extremely happy and proud to live in a happy family!

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (8)

Today, I held a tug of war contest with my two brothers, and my two sisters are assistants.

My two younger brothers are discussing how to win. Then the game began. We all pulled back with all our strength. Then I said "stop" and we suspended the game. I said to them: "This game is based on the best of five games."

Our game has officially started. We all grasped the rope with our hands and finally pulled back with all our strength. However, due to my greater strength, I won the game easily.

During the break, my two younger brothers were whispering about how to win me. But I think they are overconfident. The second game started, my brother said he would change people, and I agreed. They invited their sister to help them. I thought I was doomed to lose, so I surrendered and gave up the game, and they turned the tables.

"I also asked for a replacement!" I said to them. I will fight my brother against my sister and another brother. So the game began. We all used all our strength. When they were about to win, we used our unique skill to pull the rope together. They seemed to be frightened by our momentum and were stunned. We took this opportunity to pull back and turn defeat into victory.

We won the game, and we were very happy. I was ecstatic and said to them, "Ha ha, we only need to win one more game, and we will win!" They said, "We don't know who will win or lose?" The fourth game started, and they asked for a replacement, so another sister went on the battlefield. We tried our best to pull the rope. Unexpectedly, we were on a par for a long time. Finally, my sister pulled hard again, and we lost.

My sister proudly said to me, "Now we are tied. The last game decides who wins. The last game starts, and we use our strength. Finally, we won the tug of war.

What an unforgettable day!

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (9)

The most familiar thing is composition, especially the most basic and common narrative composition in writing. Narrative composition is a style that describes a real or fictional event, or a series of such events, in the form of prose or poetry. So how should I write this type of composition? The following is an unforgettable story collected and sorted out by the small editor, 600 words of excellent narrative composition. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope to help you.

An unforgettable event Excellent narrative composition 600 words 1

In my memory, there is one thing that I cannot forget. That was one evening when I was 8 years old, my father taught me how to ride a bike. The scene at that time has been lingering in my mind.

On the evening of that day, my family had just finished dinner, and I saw a little older than me learning to ride a bike on the road behind my house, so I suddenly had the idea of riding a bike and immediately said to my father, "Dad, I also want to learn to ride a bike." Dad thought about it for a while, and then said to me earnestly: "It's very difficult to learn to ride a bike. You can wrestle, and there will be all kinds of unexpected difficulties. As long as you master the tips, it will be as easy as you study. Do you want to learn now?" I can't wait to say yes... Let me try Dad. My father smiled approvingly, so he pushed the bike out of the door and said cheerfully, "Go ahead, my good father! "After that, we began to practice nervously.

First of all, my father gave me a demonstration. He held the tap tightly with two hands, one foot on the pedal, and the other foot on the ground. The bicycle wheels turn and the bicycle moves slowly with the gentle pedal of the foot on the pedal. After watching it, I also rode the bike like my father, but I fell off as soon as I pedaled. In this way, I rode repeatedly for several times, and then fell several times, even breaking a big hole in my pants and swelling my feet, My mother, who was silent all the time, said to me when she saw me fall like this: "Don't learn, don't learn, you are still young, and you will learn when you grow up? I thought about it carefully... I must learn it now that I have learned it. So I decided to continue learning. I fell down, got up, and rode again and again. After many falls, I finally learned it. My parents showed a knowing smile. Do you want to know how I learned it? Hee hee... In fact, it will be simple. As long as the body is relaxed, it will not be so stiff, and of course it will not fall.

After this experience, I silently thought to myself that learning bicycle is really hard, but as long as we persist, we will succeed. The same is true for learning. We must work hard to achieve good results.

An unforgettable event Excellent narrative composition 600 words 2

In my memory, I have a very unforgettable thing. I remember that it was the summer vacation of the third grade. One day, I was alone at home, and no one played with me. I had to take out my own painting book and draw idly. It was very hot at that time. I was painting while blowing an electric fan, but the fan was not cool at all. At this time, I remembered that my mother bought a big watermelon and put it in the refrigerator this morning. So I came up with a plan: why not hold the watermelon to cool down! As soon as I said yes, I started to carry the watermelon carefully onto the mat. I held the watermelon and fell asleep on the mat. But the watermelon gradually became ice free, and the water on the watermelon skin dropped drop by drop onto the mat. I woke up and my clothes were wet. I had to put the watermelon back in the refrigerator.

"Too hot, too hot..." I said to myself. What should I do? There is nothing to relieve the heat, and there is no popsicle in the refrigerator. I can't think of anything. So I thought, watermelon can be put in the refrigerator to "enjoy the air conditioner", why can't I use the refrigerator to "enjoy the air conditioner". So I immediately moved the recliner to the front of the refrigerator and opened the door of the refrigerator. A cool wind blew out of the refrigerator, making me cool, not to mention how comfortable. I secretly feel happy for my "cleverness". I thought: I will tell my parents about this cooling method when they come back, so that we can enjoy the air conditioning when we go to bed in the morning. Will my parents praise me? I feel happy in my heart. After a while, my mother came back. I was shocked to see me lying in front of the refrigerator. Thought something was wrong with me. I told my mother how to cool down. Mom said in tears: "Get up quickly, it's easy to catch a cold and get sick. It's not good for my health, it wastes electricity, and it will also affect the service life of the refrigerator." Hearing my mother's words, I quickly jumped aside

Since then, I have never done such a silly thing again, which I will never forget.

An unforgettable event Excellent narrative composition 600 words 3

One sunny morning, after breakfast, I went to the balcony to bask in the sun. "The weather is really good! The sun is shining high and the sky is clear!" I cannot help sighing. Suddenly, I inadvertently glanced at something

"Oh yeah! Great! The seeds of marigold sprouted! Mom, come and see!" I jumped three feet high excitedly. After hearing the news, the mother saw the weak young plant, first covered her mouth strangely, and then she was happy like a child. You must be wondering: What happened to the mother and daughter? Is it the wrong nerve? Or do you have a brain problem? Isn't it worth being so happy that the seeds germinated? This story has to start a few months ago

It was a noon. The head teacher said that there was an activity about planting marigolds (also called marigold) at noon, and asked whether we would like to participate. I hesitated, but I still got up the courage to raise my hand. So I was assigned a small seed. When I got home, I took out a small flower pot that I had always treasured, put two-thirds of the soil, and then carefully buried the lovely seeds in the soil and poured water on them. All right! The first step has been successfully completed, and the next step is to wait for the seeds to germinate! In order to complete the second step, I went to "visit" it almost every day, watered it, and built a "small greenhouse" for it according to what was said on the Internet. Needless to say, my various actions showed my eagerness to let it break through the ground as soon as possible. However, this time, it was not as smooth as the first step. The seeds of other students had germinated, but it still did not germinate. I was really anxious at that time. I was so anxious that I could not eat or sleep well. I am so anxious that I look forward to the stars and the moon every day, but it still doesn't sprout

Today, a small seed has finally broken through the ground, sending out green buds and showing infinite vitality.

However, is this the bud of weeds or the bud of marigold? Let's wait and see with its growth! However, no matter the result is still not good, the moment I saw the small green shoots in the flowerpot, it was not only an unforgettable moment, but also an unforgettable moment.

An unforgettable event Excellent narrative composition 600 words 4

People often say, "A mother's love is as soft as water, and a father's love is as heavy as a mountain." But when I was young, I didn't realize the mountain like father's love, because my father worked in Fuyang, and there was no car at home. My father usually came back once a week or two to stay with me. Time was even less, but this strong father's love did exist. Just when I was six years old, something happened, Just like a shovel, I dug out the father's love

One Sunday, I ran around the house, even though my mother kept reminding me: "Be careful, the ground just dragged, slipped..." Before my mother finished, I slipped, hit my head on the iron gate, and the blood kept flowing out, and I cried. Dad rushed out to see me like this. He quickly picked me up without wearing any shoes and went straight to the hospital. On the road, due to excessive bleeding, I have no strength to cry, but I always feel that there are big hands holding me to give me strength

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor saw the wound and sent me to the hospital for stitches. It really hurt to sew a needle on my head. I cried hoarse, but my father kept holding my hand to support me and let me survive. The three stitches were finally sewn. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to see my father's foot bleeding a lot. The whole foot blood was connected, and even the socks were dyed red! I can imagine how painful my father felt when he ran with me in his arms and those small stones and fragments cut his feet! I looked up, and my father frowned, and his expression seemed very painful. But I knew that his pain was not because his foot was cut, but because he saw that I was in great pain when sewing needles. He was like his heart was pierced three times. Suddenly, a torrent came to my heart, and I cried again, this time, not because of pain, but because

This event made me unforgettable, because it proved that my father's love for me was no less than others', but he was not good at expressing it, but he expressed his love for me with his bloody socks. I finally realized the mountain like love. It is so heavy that I can't carry it all my life

An unforgettable event Excellent narrative composition 600 words 5

The passing years are like the surging river, and the past events are like fish in the river. They come and leave in a hurry, which makes it difficult to remember them, but one thing is deeply recorded in my heart. Whenever I think of that touching scene, I can't help shedding tears

In winter, the wind is chilly.

At first, there were few people on the bus. Then there were more and more people on the bus. Soon, the bus was full. The window was tightly closed, and the cold wind outside could not hit me again, but I still felt cold, as if something was missing.

At this time, the car stopped. A white haired old man walked slowly up with a shoulder pole. He looked around as if he was waiting for something. His eyes suddenly stopped and he took a step. I stared blankly. What would the old man do? He came to a young man and said in a hoarse voice, "Young man, you are young and dashing, can you let me sit down as an old man who is over 80?" The young man glanced sideways at the old man and looked out of the window. He ignored the old man. Everyone in the car began to talk about youth, but no one got up. Looking at this scene, my heart seemed colder.

"Give up your seat" didn't start from preschool, so why didn't anyone in the car get up and give up their seat? "Grandpa, come here, let me sit for you." Suddenly, a childish voice surrounded the car, surrounded by the hearts of everyone in the car.

A little girl with two braids of sheep's horns was pulling the lapel of the old man towards her seat. "Old man, you sit here, and I stand." When everyone saw the scene, they began to praise the little girl. The young man bowed his head and fell into meditation.

The girl leaned on the chair seat, with two plaits swinging around, as if she was cheering for the little girl. The young man walked up to the little girl in silence and carried her to his seat. My heart gradually warms up. He smiled, very happy and brilliant!

Yes! It turns out that in the cold winter, people will feel warm as spring, because there is love in the world. It is the little girl's golden heart that moved many people and made many people stand up to give up their seats. No matter how cold the weather is, as long as love is around, it will be warm in the cold winter!

Although this event has passed for a long time, it is deeply impressed in my mind. When I think about it, it will make people feel very warm.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (10)

Childhood is like a seasoning bag, which is sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty; It is also like colorful shells on the beach, shiny and shiny.

One Saturday at noon, my sister came to my house to play. I saw an egg in her pocket, so I hurried up to her and asked, "Sister, why do you put an egg in your pocket! My sister also told me that this was her chicken, which was about to be born. I quickly took an egg out of the refrigerator in the kitchen and ran back to my room. My sister saw that I also wanted to hatch eggs, so she said to me: "Eggs are fragile, you must put them away for me." I quickly took a paper box and put some cotton in it, and put my lovely eggs under the bed.

About three or four days later, I suddenly thought of my chicken, and I suddenly became silly. How come my little egg hasn't been stirred up for so many days? Could it have been swept away by my mother? I rolled down the bed and looked for my little egg under the bed. Alas, thank goodness the eggs are still there, which scared me to death! But the little egg is the same as before. It has not changed at all. What's going on here? Hens lay eggs on their buttocks, right! I, Chen Minxuan, am really smart. Isn't it because the temperature is not enough? I will put it in the bed!

In the afternoon, I had to go back to school with my mother. I reluctantly took the small eggs out of the bed. Just as I was about to go out, the eggs fell to the ground with a bang. Just listening to the sound of "ah!", my mother ran out of the room and asked, "What's wrong?" I told my mother about my eggs. My mother laughed her head off and told me that hatching eggs requires high temperature, and no one can hatch chickens except hens. I nodded with shame.

Later, every time I saw an egg, I would smile with shame.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (11)

A person's life will be affected by a person, a sentence, or an event, such as: Nothing is difficult in the world, if you have a heart. Students' diligence. The degree of influence varies. Some may change one of their bad habits, or let you understand the truth of something; Sometimes I hate or thank that person for his lies. That person is my classmate, and I was affected by his kind heart.

His seat is on my left. His name is Guan Pu. He has dark hair and a pair of bright eyes on his face. It seems that he can see through your mind at once. Then he has a nose and a small mouth below. He always talks tirelessly and has a faint moustache around him.

One day in the second semester of the fifth grade, I only remember that it was Monday, but what happened on that day was deeply impressed in my mind and could not be forgotten for a long time.

That afternoon, after lunch break, I returned to the classroom. Because that day was Monday, I was going to clean the blackboard as the team leader on duty. I was walking up well, but I didn't know where a "stumbling block" blocked my way, and tripped me. My right hand made a supporting movement, but my wrist could not support my body weight, Then I hit the ground with a "click", and my right wrist was injured. Looking back, it was Kong Junjia, the naughty boy in the class, who tripped me up. I had to rub my injured hand and return to my seat with severe pain. When Guan Pu saw the scene, he immediately told the teacher that when he heard the news, he rushed over and asked Guan Pu and Kong Junjia to go to the school doctor's room first. Soon, we arrived at the school doctor's room. The school doctor also learned about the situation in time, so he took an ice bag from the freezer and put it on. I saw that he ran up and down, sweating a lot, so I asked him to go back, Because the teacher contacted my mother in time, and he would come back soon. But he didn't listen to me. I said, "Go back quickly, don't delay the class, and it's hard to make up when the time comes." But he insisted on staying here. After that, the school doctor said that the injured student and the injured student should stay here. Guan Pu had to go back to class first.

It has been a long time, but it seems to be a permanent video, which is difficult to delete from my memory. This matter deeply affected me. I think Guan Pu was the one who influenced me and made me go on the right path in my childhood. I have become a good partner with him, and now we have nothing to talk about.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (12)

In our life, we will meet many people. Under their influence, we grow up day by day. In my childhood memory, there is such a person who is stern in appearance but kind in heart. He always cares about me meticulously. He is my grandfather.

Grandpa cooks very well. When I was a child, the most familiar flavor in my memory was Grandpa's specialty dishes. Until now, I can still name them. At that time, I was still young and ignorant. I always asked my grandfather to cook delicious food for me. Sometimes grandpa is busy and forgets to go to the supermarket to buy food materials. He looks at my disappointed pout and apologizes to me. In retrospect, my heart is full of guilt. Grandpa is so tired and always takes the trouble to cook for me. I am the one who should say sorry most! But whenever I mentioned something about my childhood, he always said, "It's a matter of course that grandpa cooks for his granddaughter."

Grandpa also likes playing chess. The military flag, gobang and checkers are all masters. Every time when I was free, he would teach me to play chess. When I first learned to play chess, I was very excited. I always pestered my grandfather to play chess with me, and I won every time. I've heard from adults that grandpa is very good at playing chess for a long time. In this way, I will be even better! So I kept showing off to my family that I had become the top expert in the world. When I grew up, I realized that Grandpa was deliberately letting me play chess in order to stimulate my interest.

Gradually, Grandpa became old and his legs were no longer as agile as before. I remember when I was young, Grandpa carried me along the road and crossed five streets. Now he can't even walk one street. Recently, I have become more and more forgetful. I forgot to put salt in the cooking and plug in the electricity when watching TV. I can't find my way home

I began to take care of my grandpa, just like my grandpa took care of me when I was a child. I cooked delicious food for him and played chess with him when he was bored. My grandfather taught me how to be grateful. Under his influence, I grew up from ignorance to maturity. Thank you, my dear grandpa!

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (13)

Late at night, floating wind, rain.

At night, I was awakened by the beating rain. Looking around, I can't see my fingers.

Open the window, touch the night breeze and collect the raindrops. So, this night, this wind, this rain caused me infinite reverie

My careless character seems to be predestined. No matter what I do, I always lose everything. My parents have criticized me for this many times, but I still go my own way. It has become a habit to rely on my parents.

I got up late that day and rushed to school after a quick wash at home. Of course, I forgot my school card again.

I didn't realize until I got to the school gate that I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot in the morning. I called my parents in a hurry. I thought my parents would still agree with me in a helpless and spoiled tone, but my mother refused. She told me clearly on the phone that she wanted me to solve the problem by myself.

Put down the phone, a sense of loss arises spontaneously. For the first time in my life, I understand what it means to be anxious; For the first time, I began to complain about why I was so careless; Of course, I began to blame my parents for not being considerate

However, I was worried when I looked at the fewer and fewer students at the school gate. I planned how to deal with it in my mind, but all kinds of ideas were rejected. I looked at my watch. There was still plenty of time left. My heart crossed and I turned to run home.

My home is not far from school, so I complained all the way about my parents who would not spend five or six minutes to send me school cards. When I got home, I saw my mother staring at my school card. I was very happy to see me back. But I didn't notice, just took the school card and left in a hurry. Similarly, I did not notice the comforting smile of my mother behind me.

Of course, since then, I said goodbye to "carelessness" forever. At that moment, I really understood my parents' painstaking efforts. Maybe my mother was worried when she ran around my school, but she did not help me, but witnessed the process of my farewell to "carelessness".

For me, I have gained two things: mother's love and good habits. I never rely on my parents for small things. The independent character was formed at that time. I believe it will accompany me all my life. Mother's love, it also integrated into this habit, with my growth.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (14)

Sometimes I feel warm, sometimes I feel cold, sometimes I feel angry

Looking back to 17:45 on August 7, it was an inspiring moment, a moment of great attention, and a moment that made the whole Chinese people boiling. Because the flying man Liu Xiang is going to take part in the preliminary race of 110m hurdles at this moment. I also stood in front of the TV early, staring at the screen. With the countdown: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1," the game begins! Liu Xiang stood at the starting line and waved to the people all over the country. With the sound of the gun, he rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, and jumped up to the railing.

At that moment, the flying man did not fly, but tripped over the railing. There was an uproar on the court, foreign audiences and competitors were eyeing us with envy, and Chinese audiences were staring at each other. At this time, Liu Xiang did something that surprised us. He stood up slowly and forced a smile to the audience. Then he jumped forward step by step with one foot, his eyes were so firm and his feet were so steady. After jumping the 110m track, he touched the audience and welcomed warm applause. Foreign competitors all looked at him with awe and took the initiative to hug him. He bent down and kissed the railing, saying goodbye to the Olympics in a special way. My heart shook like a drum, which touched my sensitive nerve. I felt that my heart was in great pain. I felt heartache for his injury, and I felt sorry for the loss of a sports master in our country.

His condition affects the hearts of millions of viewers and becomes the focus of the world. Suddenly, people have different opinions, which has attracted many questions. More people discredit and abuse Liu Xiang, which is awesome; Because of his exit, he was given many nicknames: Liu ran, Liu fell, and Liu jumped. These offensive words even touched my young soul. I felt like a thousand arrows pierced my heart. There is a poem that says well, they were born from the same root, and it's not too urgent. Such a war of words can submerge a person. He is under the pressure of the whole nation, It once created a myth of great contributions to China's track and field sports, but it does not mean that he can always meet our requirements in expectation. He is a person, not a god, so we should understand him and forgive him. We should treat him with a calm mind. Injuries and diseases are common for the transport personnel. Some diseases are not easy to cure. He has suffered a lot, so we should not sprinkle salt on his wounds, and do not throw stones at him. Please be merciful and pay more attention to his injury!

Brother Liu Xiang, don't cry. No matter what success or failure, you will always be a hero in my heart. Heroes bleed without tears. You are still the pride of China. Please don't be overwhelmed by public opinion and shrink back. After being injured, you can still walk the track bravely and bravely, and bid farewell to the Olympic Games reluctantly. Your will to fight is worth learning, and I will always support you.

At this moment, Liu Xiang's indomitable spirit and people's doubts about him touched my heart and made me feel angry and regretful.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (15)

The north wind is like a car that can't stop the brake. It seems that it has to be blowing. With the snowflakes falling all over the sky, my mind drifted to that winter.

"It's so cold, mother. I want to take a bath. It's hot," I said to my mother with blinking eyes when I just came back from outside. "This is a good way. I don't know what happened this winter. It's so cold. The room should be warm according to the principle. Is the air stopped?" Mom complained. "Then I went in. It's so cold." I picked up the towel and toiletries and was about to enter the bathroom when a voice came from behind: "How can you wash first as a child? If you want to let the elders, I will go first, and you and your mother will stay together. I will come out and you will go in again." Dad said arrogantly. I blinked and looked at my mother. After looking at my father again, my mother nodded and said to me, "Let Dad go first. Let's wait." I twisted my body and reluctantly backed back. Dad went in for a bath.

After more than ten minutes, my father walked up to my mother and whispered a few words in her ear. My mother got up and walked to the bathroom and said to me, "Mom, wash first, and then wait? Mom will come out soon." I stood still and looked at my father. My father must have said something. I could have washed it first. If you said that, I would be the last one. I yelled: "Why? Why should I wash it last? I should let me at least." Mother smiled and touched my head: "Child, it will be fine in a moment." I was speechless. This happened frequently before warming up, so I complained to my parents at that time: really, the parents were fighting for a bath with their children, and they didn't hurt me at all!

Not long after, I accidentally revealed the secret of bathing that day by chance. On the weekend, my parents were not at home, and I was alone, so I happily prepared to take a bath: today, no one and I were competing to take a bath, great! I packed up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water heater. God, it's so cold. It's freezing to death. Why wasn't it cold before? I was surprised. Thinking in my mind, I shivered and insisted on taking a bath. When cleaning the bathroom, I looked at the water vapor in the room and felt the room temperature rising slightly. The mystery was solved: in winter, it was very cold, the temperature in the room was not high, and there was no Yuba in the bathroom. At the beginning, the bath temperature was very low, so I felt very cold. My parents were afraid that I would catch a cold when I took a bath, so they scrambled to wash first. When I entered the bathroom, the bathroom was full of steam and felt warm. I understood the truth that my parents were rushing to take a bath, and tears filled my eyes: I felt sorry for my parents all over the world. My parents had noticed such a small detail of life, and I still complained blindly. Mom and Dad, please forgive my ignorance!

Outside the window, heavy snow is still falling, and the north wind is still blowing. Recalling that winter, my heart is warm. It was in that cold winter that a small bathing event touched my heart and made me feel the selfless love of my parents. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. Every love is different; Every love is complete; Every love is unique. This little thing that touches my heart will remain in my heart forever.

One thing Excellent composition 600 words (16)

In life, there are many unforgettable firsts, like the stars in the sky, countless. For example: the first time to cook, the first time to wash clothes, the first time to make friends, the first time to learn cycling, and the first time

But the most unforgettable thing for me is an extremely ordinary little thing. That was the first time I learned to play basketball. When I was a child, I was very fat. I didn't like working, sports or going out to play with children. Like lying in bed watching TV, watching cartoons. Lie in front of the computer and play with it. It was my uncle who helped me get rid of my bad habit. It was a summer morning. I was playing in my dream. Suddenly, there was a roar. A huge monster appeared in front of me and rushed at me. I woke up with fright. When I got up, I saw that the phone was ringing. I was busy answering the phone. It was my uncle. He said he would take me to the court with his brother to play basketball. I quickly got up to brush my teeth, wash my face, and went to the battlefield after eating. On the way, I thought: Alas! I can't play basketball. It's tiring and too destructive

The more I think about it, the more worried I become. The more I think about it, the less interested I am in basketball. The more I think about it, the less I want to play basketball. So I have no choice but to go to the court. When I got to the court, I met them. They knew I wouldn't play, so they told me how to play. Before I finished listening, I felt that I could play. I picked up the ball and hit it with all my strength. The ball flew. In the blink of an eye, the ball fell from the sky and hit me with stars. I staggered to my uncle and sat down. I continued to listen to my uncle. He told me how to hit the ball and how to pitch the ball, How to grab the ball, how

A series of words made me dizzy, and I nodded vaguely. Finally, he asked me to throw 10 balls. I struggled to throw, but none of them went in. I used my uncle's method to throw 10 balls in a short time. We played very happily. I became interested in basketball and played regularly. I also gradually lost weight and got rid of the problem. I am also very happy about it. This star makes me really unforgettable!