600 character composition with smile as the theme (7 required)
Mature and steady
2024-04-18 02:44:12
primary school

600 words composition with a smile (1)

In our life, there are smiles everywhere. The following is a collection of 600 words of expository essays on the subject of smile for everyone, welcome to learn from them.

600 words in expository composition with smile as the theme

On that night, I still can't forget the smiles of several uncles, aunts, grandparents

On Thursday night, I played downstairs with Xiaoxi and Yuqi, but the time was fast. It was eight o'clock in a blink of an eye, and it was time to go home. When I came to the door, I saw an aunt and an old woman at the door. They didn't seem to have an access card. I went forward and pressed the door switch to open the door. The grandmother said "thank you" to me in a hurry and pulled my hand with a smile. When we were so close, I saw that the grandma's face was full of wrinkles. When she smiled, the wrinkles also rose and fell, and became a flower. I suddenly remembered my grandmother, who was also so fond of smiling and smiled so brilliantly

When I came back to my senses, the grandmother had gone far. I looked at my grandmother's back. It was only a few seconds before I could recall. I could only look at her with a smile, and suddenly remembered that experience

On the other day, I came back from my easy to speak English class and was "trapped" at the door of my security room. I shouted "Uncle Security!" several times, but the security guard didn't give up his work - I was a little angry when talking with other security uncles. At the same time, an uncle who was smoking came and shouted to the security uncle in a gruff voice: "Security, come and open the door!" The security uncle came angrily and opened the door for us. Just as the uncle entered the door, he immediately released the platoon's hand, and I was almost hit. Fortunately, at this moment, an aunt ran a few steps behind and immediately blocked the door. "Little girl, you can make progress." "Aunt thank you! Thank you!". I was so grateful that my aunt smiled at me. "You're welcome, little girl." We smiled at each other and walked together. I don't know which building my aunt lives in, but the smile on her gentle face has been warm to my heart, and has been warm until now.

Smile! It can change you, change me, and it can change our lives. Isn't it?

600 word expository composition with smile as the theme

I remember a time when I read books crazily for the sake of exams;

I remember a period of time when I played computer crazily in order to practice;

I don't know how many days and nights I have struggled in pain.

At that time, it was like boiled water. No one put sugar and salt in it. I was also like a soul, wandering in the depths of my heart. Every day, I see some immature faces. I don't even know them, let alone myself.

From then on, I began to look for what? No goal, just surf. Life, all things are not surprising, and wait, there is no inner smile. In those days, I looked forward to a little rainbow when the wind and rain came, but it was a heart wetted by rain. Yes, the road to find is very long, and I don't stop falling down. My thoughts branch off like branches, and my hope is getting smaller and smaller. There is not a trace of light, I only know that life is slowly monotonous. So, I was defeated in the class, and life whispered here.

Finally, I began to look for hope in my life. Naked in my heart, I seem to have come back to the world. I accidentally stumbled upon a smile, which was bright, expectant, bright, natural and soft; The smile, as warm as the sun, as warm as the east wind, also lit up my heart like a candle.; That smile is a great enthusiasm and determination for life, a high style of sincerity and generosity, and a mature and smart face to life. The dry face faces the sunshine again, and the smile makes me weave every smile in my life.

Smile is a kind of spiritual release. The seemingly shallow smile contains all kinds of feelings, excitement and joy, and the most sincere touch from the heart. Life is too short to smile? People often say that when you smile, you are ten years old. Since you are a white headed person, when you smile, you will be ten years younger. What's wrong with young people?

Yes, it was so. The result surprised me. Because I found a need in my life, that is - smile!

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

If you listen to the complaints and sighs of people around you, sometimes you will habitually feel sorrow and sympathy for everything they encounter. But when I contact myself with those things that upset them, I'm really glad that I can still smile.

I am an optimist, a typical slow type. Although my first impression is progressive and introverted, the people I have really contacted will exclaim: Oh! So you can speak so well!

My preference for quietness and solitude is developed from the time of recording things. Maybe I am tired of their endless noise or simply used to being alone, and always receive coldness and complaints from my friends from time to time. They said I was not friendly enough and not proactive enough. Hehe, the summary is really like me: I don't want to say more words, as if I'm afraid of offending others, because I'm not good at words.

I like chatting with my sisters, but there is always some reason to hinder me. Not because they are busy with each other or because they are unwilling to talk about privacy, many topics are lost. So what? It seems that I haven't talked much about it! But after a long time of communication, I will still be shocked by my way of communication, which is cold before hot.

This is the formation of my dual character. I really want to find someone to communicate with, but I am always held back by the lack of topics.

Fortunately, I am a generated optimist, and I know how to adjust my mood, at least not to make myself very upset and confused; At least I know how to smile. Maybe it's because of my attitude! One thing will not spoil the good mood. Therefore, in front of troubles, I will never yield to it. The best blow to him is to drive it away with a smile.

Fortunately, I also know how to smile. I heard that he was annoying in the population every day, but now he has not been infected. I'm glad that my excellent attitude is here every day.

Fortunately, I also know how to smile. In front of everything and even anyone, they are unwilling to show their own weakness. Then, give a big smile to problems, concerns, friends and life.

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

"Please take your song back to your home and leave your smile..." A song full of enthusiasm and sincerity tells the important role of smile in life. More smiles, less resentment and blame; More smile, less loneliness and sadness; More smiles, less disappointments and curses; More smile, less complaint and loneliness. Smile can purify your heart and moisten your heart.

Smile is the embodiment of leniency. When someone breaks your things, and both parties are in an awkward situation, a smile can erase the unhappiness and complaint of the former.

A smile is a symbol of enthusiasm. When you first step into this beautiful and eye-catching campus, the smiles of your classmates make you more happy and less lonely. The smiles of teachers make you feel kind, warm and no longer lonely.

Smile is an understanding. When you failed the exam, your mother's smile made you less frightened and uneasy, and more courageous and determined.

A smile is an expression of encouragement. When you fall down and cry on the road when you are young, what you are given is not a warm hug, but a smile - an encouragement to get up from where you fall. When you encounter a "roadblock" when doing homework, what you are given is not the answer to the problem, but a smile, warning you to have the spirit of overcoming difficulties and becoming a butterfly.

When our lips are slightly pursed and raised every day, what we give others is a lot of warmth. Smile, like bamboo shoots springing up after rain, fresh and bright; Smile, like a song floating in the night sky, sweet and beautiful; Smile, like a spring in the desert, gives people hope

Let's face each day of life with a smile and give others warmth and happiness.

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

In our life, there are smiles everywhere. In everyone's memory, there are also several unforgettable smiles: the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa, the sweet smile of classmates, the kind smile of flight attendants... However, in my memory, there is a smile that always encourages me to forge ahead and cheer me up. Ah! That unforgettable smile, eternal smile!

It was the afternoon of an early spring. I walked slowly in the street alone. I failed an assignment in the exam, and I failed to practice the erhu well. My mother scolded me for sorting it out and quarreled with my good friend again. I'm in a bad mood. I really want to find a place to cry. I kicked a stone to vent my anger.

As the stone turned, I looked up and saw a girl in a wheelchair struggling across the road. Perhaps because of the reason of "cherishing each other", I ran to help her. "Thank you". While thanking me, she tried her best to push the wheel. She only had one leg. I think she should be more missing than me, but there was no sorrow or sadness on her face, only the smile of youth. She was smiling at me! I asked: "Your leg..." I regretted the words as soon as they were uttered, because I knew that it would only make her more sad and sad, but she did not care. "An accident" she said, but what surprised me more was that the smile was still blooming on her youthful and enthusiastic face.

On the sidewalk, she waved to me and said: "Thank you, goodbye." I also waved to her and said: "You are welcome, she is still smiling at me, passers-by and life.

From then on, when I met something unpleasant, I would recall it. The smile was more sweet and kind than the smile of the Mona Lisa, classmates and flight attendants. We healthy people are much happier than their disabled people. Isn't our smile less than theirs? Don't you want to smile? There is no reason not to smile!

600 words composition with a smile (2)

Whenever someone shows a bright smile to me, I will be happy. Because I understand that he also gave himself a smile. Indeed, in the real busy life, why don't we set aside a smile for ourselves?

Give yourself a smile, and you will wipe away your pain. In the journey of life, we must have such a demeanor. Failure and frustration are just a memory, which will only make us more mature. A smile with scars is another wonderful part of life.

Give yourself a smile, and don't overdraw your mood too much. We should learn to filter our mood and be kind to our mood. Keep running, let our laughter with a few bitter. Therefore, we should always clean the storehouse of our hearts, clear away yesterday's troubles, and make room for our hearts to store more happiness today. The body of a huge stone that cannot be pressed across is sometimes twisted with a sigh.

A person does not have a good mood, and no matter how rich he is materially, it is also a "strong outside but weak inside".

Give yourself a smile, and you will take it easy. We will appreciate but not be intoxicated with the flowers competing for beauty, and we will deal with but not escape from the storm. Although we can't stop running, we will master the rhythm of our steps. Whether it is difficult or successful. If you have difficulties, give yourself a smile. We will not escape. We will try our best to find solutions. This is a kind of beauty; With success, give yourself a smile, we will not be proud, seek relief in the joy of success, calmly move forward, let the pace of life more stable, which is also a kind of beauty.

In the journey of life, we must have such a demeanor: failure and frustration are just a memory, just a noun, and will not increase the burden of life. Putting the banner of victory on the highland of success with scars and showing a proud smile in the smoke of gunpowder is another wonderful part of life. The wind can blow down the rubble, but it can never blow down the lofty mountains. We need to learn to filter our mood, be good at giving our mood a holiday, keep running, and make our laughter a bit bitter. Therefore, we should always clean the mental storeroom, sweep out yesterday's troubles, and make room for the mind to store more today's happiness. Sometimes life is to live a mood, and the quality of mood is also the quality of life.

Give yourself a smile, and you will understand that once you suffer, you will understand happiness more concretely; Once you fail, you will have a deeper understanding of success; Once you are frustrated, you will feel more clear about your success; Once you make a mistake, you will understand the meaning of seriousness more clearly.

Give yourself a smile and make your mood comfortable; Give yourself a smile and open your mind; Give yourself a smile and make life better.

Always give yourself a smile to make yourself happy. Your life must be beautiful and happy.

600 words composition with a smile (3)

Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings. It is a beacon of hope built with confidence, a piece of sunshine of love in the palm of the weak, a piece of sweet cheese in the hearts of beggars, and a raging fire for the cold to melt the iceberg, whether you are exposed to wind and rain or bathed in sunshine and rain; Whether you have climbed to the top or trapped in a huge valley, the smile of life can affect the wet mood and erase the color of unhappiness.

Remember Helen Keller? When her life ran into a wall in the dark, it was Miss Sullivan's smile that made her feel the warmth of the sun. She said: "The warm sun shines on my face, my fingers touch the flowers and leaves, and I realize that spring is coming.".

Carnegie, the American steel magnate, said: "Smile is a kind of magic wave, which can make others agree with you unknowingly." At a grand banquet, a businessman who usually has a strong opinion of Carnegie attacked Carnegie behind his back. When Carnegie heard him talking in the crowd, he did not know, which made the host of the banquet very embarrassed, Carnegie stood there quietly with a smile on his face. When his assailant found out that he was studying, he felt very embarrassed. He was trying to get out of the crowd. Carnegie still had a smile on his face and walked up to shake hands with him as if he had never heard him speak ill of himself. Later, this person became a good friend of Carnegie. As Hugo said, "A smile is sunshine, which can eliminate the winter color on people's faces."

Smile can not only drive away the gloom of the soul, but also make people friendly. Once, an embarrassed beggar put his hand in front of Turgenev, but Turgenev searched every corner of his body and found nothing. So he held the beggar's hand tightly and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm sorry I forgot to bring it today." The beggar's eyes were filled with strange light and said with emotion: "This palm, this smile is alms!"

Sunshine always comes after rain, no matter failure or pain, if we can start with a smile, smile at life, smile at life, you will find that the sky is so blue and the clouds are so charming, then we will get happiness with a smile, and even have golden fruits. Friends, let's start with a smile!

Life is a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile at you. Smile is a ray of sunshine that can warm oneself and others. Others can face life with a smile. We should also be able to! Even if we are grass that nobody knows, we should smile to welcome the baptism of wind and snow, and dye people's hearts with our own strength. Although a faint smile is insignificant, it makes me walk in the city with a happy smile every day, and it seems that I feel the smile of every shoulder wiping person. Let's start with a smile!

600 words composition with a smile (4)

Smile can communicate friendship between people, eliminate contradictions between people, and make people get along more harmoniously and friendly!

Once, I went to the dental hospital to see a doctor. There are so many people who want to see the doctor, who doesn't want to see it earlier? However, due to the large number of patients and the small number of doctors, it is inevitably unsatisfactory. An uncle who had made an appointment to see a doctor was impatient waiting at his seat. "He stood up and ran to the station in three steps and two steps, shouting to the nurse on duty," Why is it not my turn? '' Seeing this situation, he is determined to make a scene. I think: if the nurse can't hold her breath, a "big war" is inevitable. However, the nurse did not speak immediately, but stood up with a smile on her face. How kind and natural that smile is, where bread contains understanding, sympathy and regret. Before the nurse opened her mouth, I knew that the "battle" could not be fought because the smile was too moving. She said, "Sorry, comrade, there are too many patients today, so I will go to see them." Then she turned and entered the clinic. Sure enough, the angry uncle immediately calmed down. After a while, the nurse came out and said, "It's your turn, comrade. Please go in."

When the uncle came out of the hospital, he did not leave immediately, but smiled to the nurse on duty and said, "Comrade, I'm sorry, I was so impulsive just now, please forgive me." The nurse still smiled and said, "It doesn't matter." "I expected a fierce" battle "" so that the smile of both sides subsided.

When you go to the store to buy something, the salesperson smiles to entertain you; When you take the bus, the salesperson smiles and gives you the station name; When you walk on the road, pedestrians or people you know or don't know all smile at you, you will also greet them with a smile. At this time, don't you realize that you are living in love?

May there be more love, more understanding and more smiles in the world!

600 words composition with smile as the theme (5)

I remember when I first went to kindergarten, I was fascinated by playing zither, and I also loved to compose and sing songs by myself. After playing for a year, I began to learn the official music without thinking about it, and then I began to feel pressure. Not only that, my pressure was already very heavy, and there was a time limited grade examination, which increased my pressure. Since then, playing zither has become less interesting, and I rely on my patience to support it.

When I was five years old, I got through a great difficulty: I waited and played alone in a strange place. And I heard that the examiners at that time were very strict. I wish everyone would correct some mistakes and give me a passing grade.

I sat on the cold blue plastic chair with trembling legs, looking around from time to time, trying to dig a seam to hide, that's good, so I don't have to take the exam. However, what should come is still coming. When the assistant shouted my name in the corridor, I stood up straight and walked forward, but my heart seemed to have gone home. I walked into the examination room, sat stiffly on the wooden chair, posed and prepared to play, but I was too late to get off the exam, and was at a loss.

At this time, a young female teacher on the opposite side showed me a warm smile and said to me gently: "You can start, don't be nervous, just play well." I didn't expect that someone would encourage me at this time. I suddenly felt like a car full of fuel. I came to power, played my best and exceeded myself.

"La!" When the last sound was played, the afterword was still lingering. When this was over, I timidly raised my head and saw the young female teacher across the street showing a sweet smile, which warmed my heart again.

How many years passed quickly. Maybe that young female teacher has already forgotten the shy little girl, but I still remember clearly that she gave me a special gift - a warm smile. It is because of that smile that gives me the impetus to move forward and gives me the courage to persist and work hard.

600 words of composition with smile as the theme (6)

On Thursday night, I played downstairs with Xiaoxi and Yuqi, but the time was fast. It was eight o'clock in a blink of an eye, and it was time to go home. When I came to the door, I saw an aunt and an old woman at the door. They didn't seem to have an access card. I went forward and pressed the door switch to open the door. The grandmother said "thank you" to me in a hurry and pulled my hand with a smile. When we were so close, I saw that the grandma's face was full of wrinkles. When she smiled, the wrinkles also rose and fell, and became a flower. I suddenly remembered my grandmother, who was also so fond of smiling and smiled so brilliantly

When I came back to my senses, the grandmother had gone far. I looked at my grandmother's back. It was only a few seconds before I could recall. I could only look at her with a smile, and suddenly remembered that experience

That day, I came back from my English class and was "trapped" at the door of my security room. At the same time, an uncle who was smoking came and shouted to the security uncle in a gruff voice: "Security, come and open the door!" The security uncle came angrily and opened the door for us. Just as the uncle entered the door, he immediately released the hand that pushed the door, and I was almost hit. Fortunately, at this moment, an aunt ran a few steps behind and immediately blocked the door, "Little girl, you go first." "Aunt thank you! Thank you!". I was extremely grateful. My aunt smiled at me. "You're welcome, little girl." We smiled at each other and walked together. I don't know where my aunt lives, but the smile on her soft face has been warm to my heart, and has been warm to this day.

Smile! It can change you, change me, and it can change our lives. Isn't it?

600 words of composition with smile as the theme (7)

600 words in expository composition with smile as the theme

On that night, I still can't forget the smiles of several uncles, aunts, grandparents

On Thursday night, I played downstairs with Xiaoxi and Yuqi, but the time was fast. It was eight o'clock in a blink of an eye, and it was time to go home. When I went to the door, I saw an aunt and an old woman at the door. They didn't seem to have an access card. I went forward and pressed the door switch to open the door. The grandmother said "thank you" to me in a hurry and pulled my hand with a smile. When we were so close, I saw that the grandma's face was full of wrinkles. When she smiled, the wrinkles also rose and fell, and became a flower. I suddenly remembered my grandmother, who was also so fond of smiling and smiled so brilliantly

When I came back to my senses, the grandmother had gone far. I looked at my grandmother's back. It was only a few seconds before I could recall. I could only look at her with a smile, and suddenly remembered that experience

That day, I came back from my English class and was "trapped" at the door of my security room. At the same time, an uncle who was smoking came and shouted to the security uncle in a gruff voice: "Security, come and open the door!" The security uncle came angrily and opened the door for us. Just as the uncle entered the door, he immediately released the hand that pushed the door, and I was almost hit. Fortunately, at this moment, an aunt ran a few steps behind and immediately blocked the door, "Little girl, you go first." "Aunt thank you! Thank you!". I was extremely grateful. My aunt smiled at me. "You're welcome, little girl." We smiled at each other and walked together. I don't know where my aunt lives, but the smile on her soft face has been warm to my heart, and has been warm to this day.

Smile! It can change you, change me, and it can change our lives. Isn't it?

600 word expository composition with smile as the theme

I remember a time when I read books crazily for the sake of exams;

I remember a period of time when I played computer crazily in order to practice;

I don't know how many days and nights I have struggled in pain.

At that time, it was like boiled water, no one put sugar and salt in it, and I was also like a soul wandering in the depths of my heart. Every day, I see some immature faces. I don't even know them, let alone myself.

From then on, I began to look for what? Wandering without goals. In life, all things are not surprising, and so on, there is no inner smile. In those days, I looked forward to a little rainbow when the wind and rain came, but it was a heart wetted by rain. Yes, the way to find it is very long, and keep falling down, thinking like a branch of the same fork in the road, my heart's hope is getting smaller and smaller. There is no light, I only know that life is becoming monotonous. So, I was defeated in the class, and life whispered here.

Finally, I began to look for hope in life. Naked in my heart, I seem to have come back to the world. In a moment, I ran into a smile. The smile was bright, expectant, bright, natural and soft; The smile, as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, also lit up my heart like a candle.; That smile is a great enthusiasm and confidence for life, a high style of sincerity and openness, and a mature and intelligent face to life. The dry face faces the sunshine again, and the smile makes me weave every smile in my life.

Smile is a release of the soul. The seemingly shallow smile contains all kinds of feelings, excitement and joy, and the most sincere emotion from the heart. Life is too short to smile? People often say that when you smile, when you are ten years old, you will be a white headed person. When you smile, you will be ten years younger. What's wrong with young people?

Yes, it was so. The result surprised me, because I found a need in life, that is - smile!

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

After listening to the complaints and sighs of the people around them, sometimes they will habitually feel sorrow and sympathy for what they have encountered. But when I contact myself with those things that upset them, I'm really glad that I can still smile.

I am an optimist, a typical slow type. The first impression I made was that I was calm and introverted, but people who really contacted me would exclaim: Oh! So you can speak so well!

My preference for quietness and solitude is developed from the time of recording things. Maybe I am tired of their endless noise or simply used to being alone, and always receive coldness and complaints from my friends from time to time. They said I was not friendly enough and not proactive enough. Hehe, the summary is really like me: I don't want to say more words, like I'm afraid of offending others, but it's actually because I'm not good at words.

I like chatting with my sisters, but there is always some reason to hinder me. Not because they are busy with each other, or because they are unwilling to talk about privacy, they have lost many topics. So what? It seems that I haven't talked much about it! However, after a long time of communication, I will still be shocked by my way of communication, which is cold before hot, after I really understand it.

This is the formation of my dual character. I really want to find someone to communicate with, but I am always held back by the lack of topics.

Fortunately, I am a born optimist, and I know how to adjust my mood, at least not to make myself very upset and confused; At least I know how to smile. Maybe it's because of my attitude! Don't spoil your good mood because of one thing. Therefore, I will never yield to it in the face of troubles. The best blow to him is to drive it away with a smile.

Fortunately, I also know how to smile. I heard that he was annoying in the population every day, but now he has not been infected. I'm glad that my excellent attitude is here every day.

Fortunately, I also know how to smile. Don't easily reveal your own thoughts and weakness in front of anything or anyone. Then, give a big smile to difficulties, worries, friends and life.

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

"Please take your song back to your home and leave your smile..." A song full of enthusiasm and sincerity tells the important position of smile in life. More smiles, less resentment and blame; More smile, less loneliness and sadness; More smiles, less disappointments and curses; More smile, less complaint and loneliness. Smile can purify your heart and nourish your heart.

Smile is the embodiment of tolerance. When someone breaks your things, and both parties are in an awkward situation, a smile can erase the unhappiness and complaint of the former.

A smile is a symbol of enthusiasm. When you first step into this beautiful and strange campus, the smiles of your classmates make you more happy and less lonely. The smiles of teachers make you feel kind, warm and no longer lonely.

Smile is an understanding. When you failed in the exam, your mother's smile made you less afraid and uneasy, and more courageous and determined.

A smile is an expression of encouragement. When you fall down and cry on the road when you are young, what you are given is not a warm hug, but a smile - an encouragement to get up from where you fall. When you encounter a "roadblock" when doing your homework, what you are given is not the answer to the problem, but a smile, warning you to have the spirit of overcoming difficulties and becoming a butterfly.

When our lips are slightly pursed and raised every day, what we give others is a lot of warmth. Smile, like bamboo shoots springing up after rain, fresh and bright; Smile, like a song floating in the night sky, beautiful and pleasant; Smile, like a spring in the desert, gives people hope

Let's face each day of life with a smile and give others warmth and happiness.

600 character expository composition with smile as the theme

In our life, there are smiles everywhere, and in everyone's memory, there are also several unforgettable smiles: the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa, the sweet smile of classmates, the kind smile of flight attendants... However, in my memory, there is a smile treasured, which always encourages me to forge ahead and cheer me up. Ah! That unforgettable smile, eternal smile!

It was an early spring afternoon, and I walked slowly in the street alone. I failed a lesson in the exam. My mother scolded me for failing to practice the erhu well, and quarreled with my good friends again. I'm in a bad mood. I really want to find a place to cry. I kicked a stone to vent my anger.

As the stone rolled, I looked up and saw a girl in a wheelchair struggling across the road. Maybe it was because of "being in the same boat", I ran to help her. "Thank you". While thanking me, she tried her best to push the wheel. She only had one leg. I think she should be more lost than me, but her face was not sad or sad, only the smile of youth. She was smiling at me! I asked: "Your leg..." I regretted the words as soon as they were uttered, because I knew that it would only make her more sad and sad, but she did not care. "An accident" she said, but what surprised me more was that the smile was still blooming on her youthful and enthusiastic face.

On the sidewalk, she waved to me and said: "Thank you, goodbye." I also waved to her and said: "You are welcome, she is still smiling at me, passers-by and life.

From then on, when I met something unpleasant, I would think back to it. The smile was sweeter and friendlier than the smile of Mona Lisa, classmates and flight attendants. We healthy people are much happier than their disabled people. Are we smiling less than them? Do you want to smile? There is no reason not to smile!