Necessity and contingency (20 selected articles)
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2023-12-10 09:16:37
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Necessity and contingency (1)

If a grain of sand accidentally enters the clam, it will not become a warm pearl without the daily sharpening of the clam; A tree species accidentally left in the crevices of the rocks cannot grow into a magnificent welcoming pine on Mount Huangshan without the ambition of being as tough as a rock.

Just as many people said that the publication of Green's Fairy Tales was accidental, they did not know that the Green Brothers worked hard!

There is no accidental success that is not drawn with "inevitable" perseverance; There is no accidental success, nor has it been stained by the sweat of "necessity"!

Do you know? Wong Kar wai, a famous Chinese director, is a chance to achieve his career. When he was young, he worked as a screenwriter in a film company. He was depressed and frustrated, and lived like a year. Later, due to coincidence, a small budget film could not be invited as a director, and his recommendation made a good story. However, if he is not full of talent and excellent film technology, how can such "accidental self recommendation" achieve the glory of his future film history? Behind the accident is the necessity. How can we see the bitterness of his years of studying film art!

Do you know that Morrison, who is famous for "Three Cups of Tea", seems to become a mortal by accident! Morson, whose career is weak and his family is at odds, only traveled to the Middle East by accident. This move to bid farewell to the depression made his love spread in the land that hates Americans! "Three Cups of Tea" records in detail the American's dedication to the backward world in the Middle East. It seems that the chance is still inevitable. If Morson had not felt compassion and love for other nations, how could he be willing to let love shine in other countries!

It is only said that Van Gogh's success was accidental, but he did not see the young man who always embraced the sunshine and gave his body and mind in Al Town; It is only known that the unsuccessful Prince Tong of Gymnastics met a famous teacher by chance, but he did not know that when he was young, he kept turning somersaults in front of his teacher's door for a glimpse; It is said that Jay Chou was occasionally promoted to become the king of Chinese, but he forgot that he wrote songs day and night and accumulated his dream into a thick stack of lyrics

There is always a kind of success that is misread as "accidental", but behind it there is always the bitterness of "necessity"!

Necessity and contingency (2)

Is the fate of human life inevitable or accidental?

A person with excellent moral character is usually excellent when he is in high school, junior high school or primary school, and excellent when he is in kindergarten. He is often born in a good family. On the contrary, a person's bad behavior is often bad behavior in high school, junior high school, primary school, scolding and bullying children in kindergarten, and is often born in an uncivilized family. There is no water without a source, no rootless wood. There is a certain truth in the saying that "everything is inevitable if we trace it from the result".

Therefore, even if a person's "past" is not excellent, as long as he can see the "present" of life as a new "occurrence", as long as he can start excellent from the "present", he can also produce "tomorrow" excellent "results.

On the other hand, "from the occurrence of predicted results, all results are accidental". A father who is addicted to gambling and often takes drugs has two sons, one of whom becomes a criminal when he grows up, and the other becomes an excellent entrepreneur and philanthropist when he grows up. The former said, what can I do with such a father? The latter also means that with such a father, what can I do? It can be seen that from the occurrence to the result, it is possible that "white sand is in nirvana and becomes black with it", or "it emerges from the sludge without contamination". "All results are accidental", everything is possible.

"All roads lead to Rome", and vice versa. You can get to many places from Rome. However, where we finally reach depends on how we grasp our own life direction and how hard we work.

Every "occurrence" of today comes from a "result" of yesterday, and every new "result" of today breeds a new "occurrence" of tomorrow. "Occurrence" and "result" are both inevitable and accidental; "The world was not an objective existence of necessity and contingency". The fate of a person's life is the shaping of the "inevitable" or "accidental" era environment, and is also the result of his own subjective "inevitable" or "accidental" choice and his actions after choice.

No matter what kind of misfortune or failure or setback one's destiny encounters, one should carefully analyze the "inevitable" and "accidental", and never complain about the bad fate. Complaining about the fate, suffering and depression, has no significance, and will only make our present and future worse.

Only by taking the present and today seriously can our destiny become better and better.

Li Nianjun, Senior 3, a teacher of Kaifeng No. 5 Middle School, Gulou District, Kaifeng, Henan

Necessity and contingency (3)

The awe inspiring and surprising Liu Zhongsheng, Han Han, has become the idol of many young students today because of his courage to challenge the shortcomings of the current education system. Regardless of whether Han Han's behavior is impeccable or not, I would like to say that Han Han has sounded an alarm bell for the education sector. The emergence of "Han Han phenomenon" reflects many drawbacks of the current education system.

In recent years, China has implemented the policy of nine-year compulsory education. It is said that this is to "pay attention to the foundation" and let's see how schools lay the foundation: lock children who have not enjoyed childhood fun into the classroom and start 1, 2 and 3 digital careers. Teachers in all grades and subjects crammed in the so-called scientific and cultural knowledge, and began endlessly calculating what was the 200th place. Let's see what kind of so-called talents this kind of education produces. To be fair, this kind of education can cultivate students who are at best unlicensed secretaries who can take shorthand, computers that can add, subtract, multiply and divide, or dictionaries that can recite all words and grammar but do not know how to talk.

It is obvious that the educational circle holds the banner of "all-round development", but on many occasions, many times, scores are still the only criterion to measure whether a person is a talented person. At the beginning of the 20th century, Qian Zhongshu made batch after batch of "talent machines". At the beginning of the 20th century, he only got 15 points in mathematics, and still entered Tsinghua University. Isn't the current educational system of "taking people by shares" going backwards? According to a friend of mine, there was a talented student in the Department of Information and Telecommunications of a famous university in Hangzhou who couldn't bear the higher education and jumped off the building in anger. Another candidate from Ningbo was admitted to a famous university in Yunnan and fled back to his hometown less than a month after the start of school because he could not take care of himself. Are there few examples of such high scores but low abilities?

"Examinations are the magic weapon of teachers; scores are the lifeblood of students." This ballad is not only a true portrayal of the current education system, but also a merciless mockery of the current education system. In the 1996 college entrance examination, Zhao Zhanfeng, a new candidate in Henan Province, wrote the wrong exam number, and his high score was invalidated. This shows how ridiculous the college entrance examination system is at some times! Should the educational world be grieved for wasting talents? What a ridiculous logic it is to test the results of more than ten years' hard study through a college entrance examination paper to decide whether to accept or reject. Does a full score college entrance examination paper necessarily come from a person with "all-round development" of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor? The answer, of course, is no.

The truly conscientious and insightful people cannot shut their eyes to the drawbacks of the current education system. The emergence of Han Han's phenomenon, which is a combination of chance and necessity, has sounded an alarm bell to the educational community. Education reform is imperative.

Necessity and contingency (4)

When Euler, 28, used only two days to perfectly prove the conclusions drawn by several mathematicians in a few months, the world was shocked. But the young man was very calm. He had already known that this was the inevitable result: he knew that he had paid for it. When Steinmetz used only three days to restart the machine that several engineers could not repair for months, the whole factory looked at him with great admiration. He calmly said: "All this comes from my decades of accumulation."

Yes, it seems that some people succeed only because of luck, but behind the unexpected achievements, there is much hard work. In this way, everything is reasonable again. Sima Qian, who has "become a family member", is not so? When he was sentenced to corruption, everyone thought that he would sink. But he clenched his teeth; Promise to release the excitement of life with words. He melted the feeling into the flowing Chinese chapter, and interpreted the historian's eternal masterpiece with blood and tears. It is surprising that such an unfortunate person has achieved so much, but how natural it is that such a proud person can finally shine in the long history! When the leaders of the Qing Dynasty proudly watched the anti British Lin Zexu being sent to Ili, the heroic old man unexpectedly led the people of Ili to dig a channel to lead the people to Xiaxuefeng.

At the time of wandering in the valley of life, he still does not forget to benefit the local people! And all of this, it is not from his sincere patriotic heart! In this way, Lin Zexu did what he should do most in his heart in people's amazement. His deeds shine through the ages! And not just for individuals? So is the action of a nation, even a country! President Nixon's visit to China in the 1970s shocked the world. But isn't it because China is becoming stronger? At the Asian African Conference, the Chinese representatives were calm and made great contributions to promoting world peace and development. When the representatives of other countries raise their thumbs in surprise, how can they not admit that this is China; The real strength of this accelerating country! When a seed sprouts on a cliff, when a clam presents a dazzling pearl, people will feel how surprised!

However, in front of its ceaseless struggle day and night, and its daily suffering from sand grinding, how natural it is. It turns out that the unexpected success is also common sense.

Necessity and contingency (5)

Time is changing, and life is ahead. It can't change the change of time, but with time, life moves forward!

The familiar alley is walked over and over again, the familiar words are said over and over again, and the people around you are accompanied day by day... the familiar people, the familiar land... The road at the foot is always backward, but the road of life is always ahead, regardless of the height of the road, the road is at the foot, take the current step by step, walk towards the road ahead, and walk out of your life.

In my hometown and in a foreign country, what remains unchanged is people, what changes is things and scenery, and what goes on is life. In the limited time, it is an indispensable pursuit of life to take good care of your life, enlarge your dreams in your heart, and move towards the future of your dreams!

Distance is not far away, it is a concept, a psychological manifestation. Time is like a knife, a knife is like a blade, and time is like the wind. It can make you invisible... It can make you worry about your life and give you the breath of spring breeze!

A wonderful life is always accompanied by risks, and a plain life represents tranquility... What is changing and unchanged is your life path! Walk with determination, experience the baptism of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the running in of years will make your path!

The same is the person, the different is the way; The same is the way, the different is the person! The same question, different choices, different choices, different pursuits, or original intention, or against one's will, wonderful people may not be loyal to, quiet people indifferent enough to Zhiyuan!

The journey is full of hardships, the key lies in your way, or sitting, or lying, or walking, or talking, or happy, not speaking, or worried, or happy, or plain...... Happy people, but rarely calm when spreading laughter; People who are indifferent are full of peace but have few happy words

What you get hides your loss, and what you lose means you will get. Even if you lose everything, you get pity. Don't hold grudges. Holding grudges can't return what you lost. It is your choice that caused your loss. You know more about losing than others, and you know more about cherishing. Maybe the loss means that you will get the chance to choose again, maybe your choice will be extremely smart, maybe you will stick to it as always, maybe you will sink... This is not given by God, it is your choice.

If you have a choice, you have to bear it. You can also escape, and escape also has to pay a price. Reality is a combination, which is a random combination of luck, sorrow, payment, price, current situation, humanities, geography, astronomical phenomena, groups, etc!

Don't blame, don't complain, in your opinion, it is accidental, in others' opinion, it may be inevitable. There are only two hands, and the only thing you can grasp is to grasp and then grasp; There is only one pair of feet, and all we can do is run and run. But the fact tells us that there may be a third one and a fourth one... because we can use it to create.

How much can the brain create with both hands? You're not sure? This is chance, it can also be necessity!

Necessity and contingency (6)

Is the fate of human life inevitable or accidental?

A person with excellent moral character is usually excellent when he is in high school, junior high school or primary school, and excellent when he is in kindergarten. He is often born in a good family. On the contrary, a person's bad behavior is often bad behavior in high school, junior high school, primary school, scolding and bullying children in kindergarten, and is often born in an uncivilized family. There is no water without a source, no rootless wood. There is a certain truth in the saying that "everything is inevitable if we trace it from the result".

Therefore, even if a person's "past" is not excellent, as long as he can see the "present" of life as a new "occurrence", as long as he can start excellent from the "present", he can also produce "tomorrow" excellent "results"

On the other hand, "from the occurrence of the predicted results, all the results are accidental." A father who is addicted to gambling and often takes drugs has two sons, one of whom grew up to be a criminal and the other an excellent entrepreneur and philanthropist. The former said, what can I do with such a father? The latter also means that with such a father, what can I do? It can be seen that from the occurrence to the result, it is possible that "white sand is in nirvana and becomes black with it" or "all results are accidental".

"All roads lead to Rome", and vice versa. You can reach many places from Rome. However, where we finally reach depends on how we grasp our own life direction and how hard we work.

Every "occurrence" of today comes from a "result" of yesterday. Every new "result" of today breeds a new "occurrence" of tomorrow; "The world was not an objective existence of necessity and contingency" The fate of a person's life is the shaping of the era environment "necessity" or "contingency", and is also the result of his own subjective will "necessity" or "contingency" choices and actions after the choice.

No matter what misfortune or failure or setback one's destiny encounters, one should carefully analyze the "inevitability" and "contingency" and never complain about the bad fate. Complaining about the fate, suffering and depression, has no significance, and will only make our present and future worse.

Only by taking the present and today seriously can our destiny become better and better.

Necessity and contingency (7)

The Necklace is the work of Maupassant, the French master of critical realism. In the novel, the author put forward the view that "a very small thing can ruin you or help you." Here, the author attributed Mrs. Lu Wazhan's misfortune to accidental opportunities in life, which was incorrect. Madame Luwazhan's pursuit of enjoyment, the creation of her vanity, and the emergence of her tragic ending all have inherent reasons.

Capitalism sprouted in the feudal society, and the replacement of the feudal society by the capitalist society cannot but be said to be a historical progress. But with the development of the capitalist society, in the 19th century where Maupassant lived, some inherent drawbacks of this society were increasingly exposed. For example, on the one hand, money plays a more and more important role in society. Marx pointed out pointedly that in capitalist society, "I can do anything that my essential strength cannot guarantee with money." In that society, people are judged by their appearance, power and prestige are closely linked with money, and money worship and hedonism are rampant. On the other hand, the naked money relationship is covered by a veil of tenderness. On the surface, the capitalist society is very prosperous, but in fact it is weak, decaying and dying.

Mrs. Luwazhan has endured hardships for 10 years because she lost her necklace. The author believes that this is an accident. In fact, losing the necklace is only a direct cause. Under the domination of such thoughts as the love of vanity and the pursuit of enjoyment, people like Madame Luwazen are bound to suffer setbacks. Even if they do not lose their necklaces, they may also have other tragedies for other reasons.

Necessity and contingency (8)

In his memory, he always worried that he would grow old, like a vain little woman who was afraid of aging. He wore neat clothes every day and combed his hair until it was bright.

When I was a child, he had great strength. Once he raised his hand, he could lift me above his head, and I sat on his shoulder. He didn't care about his neat hair.

But that year, when I was in the fifth grade of primary school. One day, I held a certificate of merit in front of him, and he was excited to curl my hair, with a smile on his face. He tried to lift me up, but that time, he put it down in vain halfway up and angrily shook his arm. Mother scolded on one side: "I really think I'm still young." He looked into the mirror and sighed.

Occasionally, when I came home from school, I saw him poking his hair in the mirror and pulling out one from time to time. I looked around secretly. There were some white hairs in front of the mirror. He noticed me and called me to him. I saw that I was already on his shoulder - the height he dreamed of when he was young. I looked carefully at his face in the mirror. My eyebrows and eyes were very similar to his, but there were several wrinkles on his smooth forehead. He also realized that he reached out to smooth the wrinkles, but it was a pity to smooth the unevenness.

I turned my back and felt a sense of sadness.

The man who once let me sit on my shoulder, this man, is really afraid of old age.

I think this is accidental. People in their 40s are not old yet!

But the years are relentless. He is really old. He works as a train driver. At that time, China's science and technology were not very developed, and trains still needed coal. He sometimes adds coal. However, the loud noise of the locomotive when it started hurt his hearing a lot. Sometimes, he may not be able to hear when calling him through the door.

His family has hereditary alopecia, and he is also doomed. The white hair falls with the black hair. He was frightened, but helpless. A few years later, he had no hair left on his head. In a fit of anger, he cut his hair, which used to be combed bright and neat before going to work.

I always think that his back was so tall, so now I look at his slightly stooped back and think that this "hair loss and deafness" must be accidental.

But these years, I don't know! The man is so afraid of getting old, so unwilling to get old. In his heart, his children are still young and need to rely on him, and his wife also needs his company. Therefore, he did not want to grow old, let alone grow old himself. However, "aging" is inevitable.

He and his mother raised me with great pains, but time never gave them half a minute of youth forever. Aging is not an accident, but a necessity!

Long Yingtai said that the so-called "father daughter mother son fight" only means that your fate with him is that you are constantly watching his back fade away in this life. So when I occasionally turned back, I knew that the vague outline had inevitably bent.

Over mountains and over waters.

The sideburns are speckled.

Necessity and contingency (9)

Give your opponent a round of applause

In a TV program of the World Professional Boxing Championship, there are some warm details. The match was between two American professional fighters, the elder named Kafeila, 35 years old this year; The young man is called Barrera, 28 years old this year. In the first half, the two players played six rounds, and their strength was equal. It was difficult to win or lose. In the seventh round of the second half, Barrera repeatedly hit the head of veteran Kafela, making him black and blue.

During the short rest, Barrera sincerely apologized to Kafela. He first wiped the blood stains on Kafela's face with his clean towel, and then sprinkled mineral water on Kafela's head, with an apologetic look, as if he was injured. Then the two continued to fight. Maybe he is old, maybe he is weak, and he falls to the ground after being hit by Barrera again and again. According to the rules, after the opponent is knocked to the ground, the referee shouts three times in a row. If the boxer who falls to the ground cannot get up, the opponent wins. Kafela struggled to get up, and the referee began to count: 1, 2, 3. When 3 had not yet exited, Barrella pulled Kafela up. The referee was surprised. Such a move is rare in the boxing ring. Barrera explained to the referee: "I made a foul, but you didn't see it. I didn't win this game." After holding up Kafela, they continued to fight with a smile and high five. In the end, Kafela lost to Barrera by 108:110. The audience poured into Barrera to offer flowers, salute and gifts to him. Barrera pushed aside the crowd and went straight to the neglected veteran Kafela, and gave the flowers to his opponent. They hugged each other tightly and kissed the hit part, just like a pair of brothers. Kafela sincerely congratulated Barrera and smiled heartily. He held Barrera's hand high above his head to salute the audience.

Analysis: Although Kafela lost, he lost gracefully; Barrera won, and won a lot. One of them lost in boxing, and the other won in personality. But they all won - in personality. Sometimes, to remove a stone from others' feet is to open a shortcut to success. It is also a success to applaud your opponent when you fail.

Necessity and contingency (10)

When panning for gold in the long river of history, different faces of heroes emerge in my mind, and I carefully distinguish them. Considering the people's minds in the past, everything is no longer accidental, but inevitable.

As teacher Monman said, there are two reasons for the emergence of all heroes: the times create heroes, and character determines fate.

On the eve of Qin Shihuang's burning books to pit scholars, is it just a coincidence that Chinese culture has reached its peak, a hundred schools of thought have been contending, and all civilizations have emerged? The answer is no, because in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the army was in dispute and the Emperor had no authority, many heroes were created with the troubled times. When the emperor of Zhou was no longer the head of the various states, the territory of Zhou began to crack, and the armies of various countries invaded each other. The flames of war never cease. It is in such a time that cultural constraints no longer exist, and hundreds of schools of thought put forward their own ideas and plans to realize their own ideals. The most famous one is Confucius, who will become a teacher for all generations in the future. The emergence of Confucianism is inevitable. Mr. Yi Zhongtian once commented that Confucius was "an honest man who dares to anger, joy and sorrow". Because of this character, Confucius insisted on realizing his ideal of creating a harmonious society. He loved his king and his country more, so he did not want to live in seclusion in the mountains all day long to Lao Zhuang, rather than work in the fields all day long like Mo Zhai. He believed that he was the talent of the prime minister. However, when he saw that the ancient mythical animal Kirin had been brutally killed in troubled times, he finally shed tears and stopped traveling around the world to write Spring and Autumn Annals. Confucius' mood changed with the passage of time. In the turbulent Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius, with a heart of serving his country, read poems and books, and travel between countries with a heart of serving his country. His thoughts are not constrained in this era. His character and dreams add fuel to the flames. He yearns for high office and his life. He is persistent, regardless of being ignored or expelled, which makes his heart more shining and transparent. He appears and is buried at this time, reappears and shines again many years later, and everything becomes inevitable.

For five thousand years in China, the only empress appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which was not an accident. The Tang Dynasty's open control over women was the factor of the times that created the empress. This was evident when Wu Zetian, as a talented person of the Emperor Taizong, was ready to teach the lion how to be clever. Wu Zetian finally ascended the throne because of her perseverance, wisdom and never giving up character. She is not limited to seizing opportunities, but has the courage to create opportunities. She broke through the boundaries of human relations and became the queen of commoners, and even broke through the boundaries of social relations and killed her infant daughter. It has to be said that Wu Zetian is an inevitable historical landscape resulting from the integration of the times and character.

Today, the diverse cultures around us collide and blend. The scenery of the times is different from that of the past, but it is still beautiful. In this landscape, we should think more comprehensively and thoroughly with dialectical thinking, and all of this is based on knowledge. At this time, I need more modest personality and calm attitude to integrate in today's era, adhere to what I want, accept what I lack, and shape myself.

The determination of the times and character has already indicated the inevitability of the results. Looking back in the dust of history, whether Confucius' fame or Wu Zetian's success is doomed, we look up and look forward to the future, and we should move forward with an inevitable attitude, without any "accidental" hesitation.

Necessity and contingency (11)

The awe inspiring and surprising high school student Han Han has become an idol among many young students today because of his courage to challenge the shortcomings of the current education system. Regardless of whether Han Han's behavior is impeccable or not, I would like to say that Han Han has sounded an alarm bell for the education sector. The emergence of "Han Han phenomenon" reflects many drawbacks of the current education system.

In recent years, China has implemented the policy of nine-year compulsory education. It is said that this is to "pay attention to the foundation" and let's see how schools lay the foundation: lock children who have not enjoyed childhood fun into the classroom and start 1, 2 and 3 digital careers. Teachers in all grades and subjects crammed in the so-called scientific and cultural knowledge, and began endlessly calculating what was the 200th place. Let's see what kind of so-called talents this kind of education produces. To be fair, this kind of education can cultivate students who are at best unlicensed secretaries who can take shorthand, computers that can add, subtract, multiply and divide, or dictionaries that can recite all words and grammar but do not know how to talk.

It is obvious that the educational circle holds the banner of "all-round development", but on many occasions, many times, scores are still the only criterion to measure whether a person is a talented person. At the beginning of the 20th century, Qian Zhongshu made batch after batch of "talent machines". At the beginning of the 20th century, he only got 15 points in mathematics, and still entered Tsinghua University. Isn't the current educational system of "taking people by shares" going backwards? According to a friend of mine, there was a talented student in the Department of Information and Telecommunications of a famous university in Hangzhou who couldn't bear the higher education and jumped off the building in anger. Another candidate from Ningbo was admitted to a famous university in Yunnan and fled back to his hometown less than a month after the start of school because he could not take care of himself. Are there few examples of such high scores but low abilities?

"Examinations are the magic weapon of teachers; scores are the lifeblood of students." This ballad is not only a true portrayal of the current education system, but also a merciless mockery of the current education system. In the 1996 college entrance examination, Zhao Zhanfeng, a new candidate in Henan Province, wrote the wrong exam number, and his high score was invalidated. This shows how ridiculous the college entrance examination system is at some times! Should the educational world be grieved for wasting talents? What a ridiculous logic it is to test the results of more than ten years' hard study through a college entrance examination paper to decide whether to accept or reject. Does a full score college entrance examination paper necessarily come from a person with "all-round development" of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor? The answer, of course, is no.

The truly conscientious and insightful people cannot shut their eyes to the drawbacks of the current education system. The emergence of Han Han's phenomenon, which is a combination of chance and necessity, has sounded an alarm bell to the educational community. Education reform is imperative.

Necessity and contingency (12)

If you get a sum of money by accident, it will never become a lot of money without your daily work; If you don't work hard every day, you will not become an outstanding person if you are admitted to a good university by chance; Being noticed by a person occasionally cannot become a permanent idol without your touching deeds.

Everyone only saw the overnight establishment of 'Alibaba', but who really understood Ma Yun's hard work?

There is no accidental achievement that is not painted with "inevitable" efforts; There is no accidental achievement that has not been stained by the sweat of "inevitability"!

Do you know that the famous actor Yi Shuo Qianxi is a chance to achieve his career. Compared with the other two members, he was black and thin when he first started, and was no different from the little boys in ordinary families. Because of his appearance and character, he has been questioned for 13 years. With the help of his teammates, he became more and more inconspicuous, and fans seldom noticed him. But up to now, no one has ever thought that this little boy who was the most inconspicuous at the beginning has become an idol in the hearts of 60 million fans. How can such an accident bring him so much glory? Behind the accident is necessity. How many unknown sweat and tears are there behind all this?

You know, tfboys sang his new song "Too risky to be honest", and his handsome dancing won everyone's applause, but who knew that there was an unhealed scar on his wrist joint. It seems that the chance is still an inevitable foreshadowing. If he had not worked hard and practiced day and night, how could he have achieved great success on the stage?

The success of Yiqing Qianxi is accidental, but the young man who embraces the sunshine and gives his body and mind all day long in the entertainment circle is not seen; The dancing prince Yi Shuqian Xi was occasionally promoted to become the king of dancing, but he didn't know that he rehearsed and practiced day and night at that time; Daoyi Qianxi was accidentally made an idol in his heart, but he forgot how many times he had worked hard to achieve today's glory, and accumulated his dream into a thick stack of lyrics and dance volumes

There was once a kind of success that was misread as "accidental", but today, behind it lies our unexpected "inevitable" sadness!

"Incidence" is not necessarily the premise of "necessity", nor is it always the foreshadowing of "necessity". Occasionally growing on the grassland, if there is no sufficient water resources, it cannot grow into a magnificent tree!

No success is only buried in "chance", and there must be "inevitable" blood and sweat on the way to it!

There is no kind of eternity that only likes "chance". Eternity often paves the way between piles of hard stones!

Want to be a millionaire? Want to be an outstanding person? Want to be an idol who will be missed forever? Please draw those occasional with inevitable perseverance!

Necessity and contingency (13)

Give your opponent a round of applause

In a TV program of the World Professional Boxing Championship, there are some warm details. The match was between two American professional fighters, the elder named Kafeila, 35 years old this year; The young man is called Barrera, 28 years old this year. In the first half, the two players played six rounds, and their strength was equal. It was difficult to win or lose. In the seventh round of the second half, Barrera repeatedly hit the head of veteran Kafela, making him black and blue.

During the short rest, Barrera sincerely apologized to Kafela. He first wiped the blood stains on Kafela's face with his clean towel, and then sprinkled mineral water on Kafela's head, with an apologetic look, as if he was injured. Then the two continued to fight. Maybe he is old, maybe he is weak, and he falls to the ground after being hit by Barrera again and again. According to the rules, after the opponent is knocked to the ground, the referee shouts three times in a row. If the boxer who falls to the ground cannot get up, the opponent wins. Kafela struggled to get up, and the referee began to count: 1, 2, 3. When 3 had not yet exited, Barrella pulled Kafela up. The referee was surprised. Such a move is rare in the boxing ring. Barrera explained to the referee: "I made a foul, but you didn't see it. I didn't win this game." After holding up Kafela, they continued to fight with a smile and high five. In the end, Kafela lost to Barrera by 108:110. The audience poured into Barrera to offer flowers, salute and gifts to him. Barrera pushed aside the crowd and went straight to the neglected veteran Kafela, and gave the flowers to his opponent. They hugged each other tightly and kissed the hit part, just like a pair of brothers. Kafela sincerely congratulated Barrera and smiled heartily. He held Barrera's hand high above his head to salute the audience.

Analysis: Although Kafela lost, he lost gracefully; Barrera won, and won a lot. One of them lost in boxing, and the other won in personality. But they all won - in personality. Sometimes, to remove a stone from others' feet is to open a shortcut to success. It is also a success to applaud your opponent when you fail.

Necessity and contingency (14)

The companionship in youth is the greatest happiness in life, and in the face of all this, it is always sneaking away! But it is also bitter in the fleeting, sweet and bitter. Because of this, life will always be enjoyable! Colorful, just like the status quo, every layer has disappeared. Such 'unexpected things' are always here, and they want to find their true selves, but they also make the same efforts. The so-called loss of soy milk is the backing of persistence! There is chance but there is necessity! Every time you worry about gain or loss, you will have it in this life! Grasp everything in the present, and the road to the future will be owned!


The ups and downs in life are always enjoyable. Maybe one second will be a smile, and the next will be a crying face! The most important thing in the world is to have chance and opportunity! But no matter what kind of way to play, it will be your own destiny! But also, this kind of opportunity will be around you! He may bring you a better time, but please believe that this is not the so-called sudden. But only own! Accidental opportunities give us great surprise! After all, there is no such thing as good luck! Then better be yourself at this time, don't let this time slip away! Because the so-called "flow away" will be "people leave tea cold"! Those who accompany each other in their lives disappear. I believe this is not what we are facing now. Although the so-called people go to tea, they still have to be accompanied by this time. After all, they will be a distinct individual! A unique individual! Then we should seize the chance of good luck! Because I know that such good fortune is not much, such courage is not much! If we don't know how to cherish it now, what about the future? Will it happen again? Seize the opportunity, be yourself, tomorrow will be better!


Maybe there are many in reality. But do you believe in yourself? There will be all kinds of hardships and disturbances. Are you ready? How about the right to choose, it only depends on yourself! Everything in the inevitability will be realized in reality, the feeling in it is the same as the deep place, and the constant innovation and ownership! All will be the future! Everything in necessity, but also with the same heart to change! Because in the heart hard new that success hit! The unrepentant youth. It will be expected again! Then there is only success. No matter what, there is no need to make any resistance. The more you resist, you will lose your original appearance. The needs of that life are certainly too many and too many experiences, so we should cherish the present! Regretless youth will accompany the future! I believe that you will be worthy of possession, and the initial appearance is indeed my joy! Then try to pursue everything, for the present and the past, for the present! The return time of youth is so wonderful. Then be bold and find a real you! The future and the future will be more exciting!

In the long river of life, there will always be chance and necessity to decide everything! Then go and work harder. Youth without regret, this fate. You will be more wonderful in the future! Sunshine mentality is just like you. Youth is flying without publicity. Chances are bound to be the result of hard work!

Necessity and contingency (15)

What is chance? What is necessity? What we think of as contingency is that the subject is our contingency: we didn't think of it, but it happened. Most of the contingency we use, in fact, should be occasional, or accidental, but we think we use contingency correctly - mistakes that we think are right. In fact, we always live in a muddle, far from being wise.

For example, because the occurrence of debris flow is actually affected by geological characteristics, climate characteristics, etc., we think it is accidental, but in fact it is inevitable. Necessity must have certain regularity, which conforms to the law of causality; Contingency, also under the law of causality, is the necessity of another name.

Inevitability: There are causes and consequences. Before anything happens, there will be a cause, so between the cause and the occurrence, it is inevitable, but why do we still use "contingency"? What kind of situation do we mean by contingency?

What does not happen to us as we expected, but happens without our knowledge, this is what we call contingency. In Schopenhauer's words, "contingency means that things that are not related in cause and effect meet in time, but nothing is absolutely accidental,..." To sum them up, we usually refer to contingency as pointing to us and taking us as the main body. In fact, the concept of contingency is not a real concept, because every contingency is an occurrence, and every occurrence has its cause. If there is cause and result, it is inevitable; Therefore, in fact, there is no real chance in the world; The so-called contingency is just pointing to the occurrence of a specific subject.

In life, many people will fail, but they never think about why they fail. They just find an excuse to say, "This is caused by accident." All success is inevitable, and all failures are also inevitable. There is no chance in this world. Don't look for accidental excuses for failure, There is no need to say that success comes from luck and chance - there is only necessity in the world of the strong.

An occasional cause, combined with occasional conditions, casts the inevitable result. You can't predict the cause of the occasional, but you can know the condition of the occasional. Why not trace the cause before the cause to embrace the inevitable good result?

We always lament our past experience, grieve for our ignorance, and secretly happy to imagine the future glory, but the past and the future are not real in essence: the past is just a remnant of the present, and one can't retain it; The future is just a preview of the present. One can't welcome in advance. Only the present that we don't pay attention to is the only thing we can grasp.

Necessity and contingency (16)

When panning for gold in the long river of history, different faces of heroes emerge in my mind, and I carefully distinguish them. Considering the people's minds in the past, everything is no longer accidental, but inevitable.

As teacher Monman said, there are two reasons for the emergence of all heroes: the times create heroes, and character determines fate.

On the eve of Qin Shihuang's burning books to pit scholars, is it just a coincidence that Chinese culture has reached its peak, a hundred schools of thought have been contending, and all civilizations have emerged? The answer is no, because in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the army was in dispute and the Emperor had no authority, many heroes were created with the troubled times. When the emperor of Zhou was no longer the head of the various states, the territory of Zhou began to crack, and the armies of various countries invaded each other. The flames of war never cease. It is in such a time that cultural constraints no longer exist, and hundreds of schools of thought put forward their own ideas and plans to realize their own ideals. The most famous one is Confucius, who will become a teacher for all generations in the future. The emergence of Confucianism is inevitable. Mr. Yi Zhongtian once commented that Confucius was "an honest man who dares to anger, joy and sorrow". Because of this character, Confucius insisted on realizing his ideal of creating a society of great harmony. He loved his king and his country more, so he did not want to live in seclusion in the mountains all day long to Lao Zhuang, rather than work in the fields all day long like Mo Zhai. He believed that he was the talent of the prime minister. However, when he saw that the ancient mythical animal Kirin had been brutally killed in troubled times, he finally shed tears and stopped traveling around the world to write Spring and Autumn Annals. Confucius' mood changed with the passage of time. In the turbulent Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius, with a heart of serving his country, read poems and books, and travel between countries with a heart of serving his country. His thoughts are not constrained in this era. His character and dreams add fuel to the flames. He yearns for high office and his life. He is persistent, regardless of being ignored or expelled, which makes his heart more shining and transparent. He appears and is buried at this time, reappears and shines again many years later, and everything becomes inevitable.

For five thousand years in China, the only empress appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which was not an accident. The Tang Dynasty's open control over women was the factor of the times that created the empress. This was evident when Wu Zetian, as a talented person of the Emperor Taizong, was ready to teach the lion how to be clever. Wu Zetian finally ascended the throne because of her perseverance, wisdom and never giving up character. She is not limited to seizing opportunities, but has the courage to create opportunities. She broke through the boundaries of human relations and became the queen of commoners, and even broke through the boundaries of social relations and killed her infant daughter. It has to be said that Wu Zetian is an inevitable historical landscape resulting from the integration of the times and character.

Today, the diverse cultures around us collide and blend. The scenery of the times is different from that of the past, but it is still beautiful. In this landscape, we should think more comprehensively and thoroughly with dialectical thinking, and all of this is based on knowledge. At this time, I need more modest personality and calm attitude to integrate in today's era, adhere to what I want, accept what I lack, and shape myself.

The determination of the times and character has already indicated the inevitability of the results. Looking back in the dust of history, whether Confucius' fame or Wu Zetian's success is doomed, we look up and look forward to the future, and we should move forward with an inevitable attitude, without any "accidental" hesitation.

Necessity and contingency (17)

Give your opponent a round of applause

In a TV program of the World Professional Boxing Championship, there are some warm details. The match was between two American professional fighters, the elder named Kafeila, 35 years old this year; The young man is called Barrera, 28 years old this year. In the first half, the two players played six rounds, and their strength was equal. It was difficult to win or lose. In the seventh round of the second half, Barrera repeatedly hit the head of veteran Kafela, making him black and blue.

During the short rest, Barrera sincerely apologized to Kafela. He first wiped the blood stains on Kafela's face with his clean towel, and then sprinkled mineral water on Kafela's head, with an apologetic look, as if he was injured. Then the two continued to fight. Maybe he is old, maybe he is weak, and he falls to the ground after being hit by Barrera again and again. According to the rules, after the opponent is knocked to the ground, the referee shouts three times in a row. If the boxer who falls to the ground cannot get up, the opponent wins. Kafela struggled to get up, and the referee began to count: 1, 2, 3. When 3 had not yet exited, Barrella pulled Kafela up. The referee was surprised. Such a move is rare in the boxing ring. Barrera explained to the referee: "I made a foul, but you didn't see it. I didn't win this game." After holding up Kafela, they continued to fight with a smile and high five. In the end, Kafela lost to Barrera by 108:110. The audience poured into Barrera to offer flowers, salute and gifts to him. Barrera pushed aside the crowd and went straight to the neglected veteran Kafela, and gave the flowers to his opponent. They hugged each other tightly and kissed the hit part, just like a pair of brothers. Kafela sincerely congratulated Barrera and smiled heartily. He held Barrera's hand high above his head to salute the audience.

Analysis: Although Kafela lost, he lost gracefully; Barrera won, and won a lot. One of them lost in boxing, and the other won in personality. But they all won - in personality. Sometimes, to remove a stone from others' feet is to open a shortcut to success. It is also a success to applaud your opponent when you fail.

Necessity and contingency (18)

There are many celebrities in the world who become famous because of some very accidental things that happen to them. Many people turn their lip to them: it's just that many accidental situations are met by them. If I encounter that kind of situation, I can be as successful as them. However, when it happens by chance, how many people can grasp it, and how many people can analyze the value it contains? In the world, there are only a few people.

Some people may think that I am pure nonsense, but we should have heard this joke: someone asked God to complain, let God give him a chance, let the apple hit his head, so God agreed. But when the apple hit him on the head, he just looked at the apple and threw it out, and the apple happened to fall on Newton's head, so gravity was born. Although this is just a joke, no one has ever seen falling objects, Newton is the only one in the world who discovered gravity. If it is not because he observes life carefully, is good at questioning, and has enough knowledge, then this accident is just accidental.

The famous physicist Maxwell was able to achieve the present achievements, most of which were under the guidance of Hopkins, and his encounter with Hawking was also an accident: one day, the famous mathematician Professor Hopkins went to the library to borrow an advanced mathematical monograph, but was told that the book had been borrowed by a student named Maxwell. The professor was both surprised and curious, because ordinary people could not understand this book. He found Maxwell, gave him enthusiastic guidance, and accepted him as his graduate student. Under the guidance of Hopkins, Maxwell studied hard and made great progress in his studies, eventually becoming a famous physicist. Then someone said, "Isn't it just a book that I borrowed? If I borrowed it, I could be the same as Maxwell. But if Maxwell hadn't studied hard, read widely and studied in a more advanced field before, would he borrow that book? If not, it would not happen by chance.

Yuan Longping, the well-known father of hybrid rice, started his successful journey because of a male sterile rice plant. But if you see a male sterile rice plant, let alone whether you can see the difference between it and other rice plants, even if you can see it, it is only a surprise at most. Do you think it has anything to do with increasing rice production? If Yuan Longping had not studied hard before, how could he have today's hybrid rice? Therefore, the chance is inevitable on his way to success.

To sum up, if there is no unique perspective, rich knowledge and the spirit of being good at questioning, then occasionally it will not be possible to create world-class teachers. On the contrary, if there is the above spirit, occasionally it is just their inevitability. Therefore, we should enrich ourselves, seize every chance, and make them inevitable for our success!

Necessity and contingency (19)

Looking at the past and present, who is a wise man who has not read hard for decades before he can leave a poem that has been passed down through the ages? What poet can write immortal classics only after he has read poetry books and experienced human sufferings? If you admire the fish without any intention of netting, you will achieve nothing. Although this truth is simple, in fact, not everyone can realize it.

As the old saying goes, "If you don't accumulate silicon steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river or a sea." All those who make achievements in the world start from small things, pay attention to the accumulation of little by little, consciously cultivate their moral talents, and constantly improve themselves. How could Zu Ti conquer the Central Plains in the north and become immortal without his perseverance every day? How could Wang Xizhi be honored as a calligrapher if he didn't spend years painting the water with ink? How could Chen Jingrun be famous in the world if he did not spend half his life studying the draft of calculus?

People only said that Van Gogh's success was accidental, but they did not see the young man who always embraced the sunshine and gave his body and mind in Al Town; Everyone knows that the failure of Prince Tong of Gymnastics is due to a chance encounter with a famous teacher, but they do not know that when he was young, he kept turning somersaults in front of his teacher's door for a glimpse; It was only said that Jay Chou was occasionally promoted to become the king of Chinese, but he forgot that he wrote songs day and night, and accumulated his dream into a thick stack of lyrics

There is always a kind of success that is misread as "accidental", but behind it there is always the bitterness of "necessity"!

No success depends only on "chance", and there must be "inevitable" blood and sweat on the way to her!

There is no kind of success that only favors "chance", and success often paves the way for one piece of hard work after another!

"The flower of success is admired by people for its present brilliance, but its original bud is soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice", which reveals the mystery of success.

Accidental success? Please build it with necessary will.

Necessity and contingency (20)

As teacher Monman said, there are two reasons for the emergence of all heroes: the times create heroes, and character determines fate.

On the eve of Qin Shihuang's burning books to pit scholars, is it just a coincidence that Chinese culture has reached its peak, a hundred schools of thought have been contending, and all civilizations have emerged? The answer is no, because in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the army was in dispute and the Emperor had no authority, many heroes were created with the troubled times. When the emperor of Zhou was no longer the head of the various states, the territory of Zhou began to crack, and the armies of various countries invaded each other. The flames of war never cease. It is in such a time that cultural constraints no longer exist, and hundreds of schools of thought put forward their own ideas and plans to realize their own ideals. The most famous one is Confucius, who will become a teacher for all generations in the future. The emergence of Confucianism is inevitable. Mr. Yi Zhongtian once commented that Confucius was "an honest man who dares to anger, joy and sorrow". Because of this character, Confucius insisted on realizing his ideal of creating a society of great harmony. He loved his king and his country more, so he did not want to live in seclusion in the mountains all day long to Lao Zhuang, rather than work in the fields all day long like Mo Zhai. He believed that he was the talent of the prime minister. However, when he saw that the ancient mythical animal Kirin had been brutally killed in troubled times, he finally shed tears and stopped traveling around the world to write Spring and Autumn Annals. Confucius' mood changed with the passage of time. In the turbulent Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius, with a heart of serving his country, read poems and books, and travel between countries with a heart of serving his country. His thoughts are not constrained in this era. His character and dreams add fuel to the flames. He yearns for high office and his life. He is persistent, regardless of being ignored or expelled, which makes his heart more shining and transparent. He appears and is buried at this time, reappears and shines again many years later, and everything becomes inevitable.

For five thousand years in China, the only empress appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which was not an accident. The Tang Dynasty's open control over women was the factor of the times that created the empress. This was evident when Wu Zetian, as a talented person of the Emperor Taizong, was ready to teach the lion how to be clever. Wu Zetian finally ascended the throne because of her perseverance, wisdom and never giving up character. She is not limited to seizing opportunities, but has the courage to create opportunities. She broke through the boundaries of human relations and became the queen of commoners, and even broke through the boundaries of social relations and killed her infant daughter. It has to be said that Wu Zetian is an inevitable historical landscape resulting from the integration of the times and character.

Today, the diverse cultures around us collide and blend. The scenery of the times is different from that of the past, but it is still beautiful. In this landscape, we should think more comprehensively and thoroughly with dialectical thinking, and all of this is based on knowledge. At this time, I need more modest personality and calm attitude to integrate in today's era, adhere to what I want, accept what I lack, and shape myself.

The determination of the times and character has already indicated the inevitability of the results. Looking back in the dust of history, whether Confucius' fame or Wu Zetian's success is doomed, we look up and look forward to the future, and we should move forward with an inevitable attitude, without any "accidental" hesitation.