Miracles Created by Love (Collection of 20)
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2024-02-28 07:33:34
primary school

The miracle created by love (1)

Maybe everyone of us is willing to bathe in the atmosphere of love, love of family, love of friendship, love of teachers and students... It is happy to be loved, and it is also happy to give love. Human beings will always progress and develop in mutual help and care.

Love can create a miracle.

I recently read a book, "Laughing Cat Diary - A Singing Cat". A female cat named Er Ya is a compassionate cat. In order to sell newspapers to the deaf grandpa, she learned to drink after the babe who can speak. In a car accident, Yiyi's father died unfortunately. Yiyi's mother threw Yiyi out of the car at a critical moment. She became a vegetable and remained unconscious in the hospital. The doctor said that she could only be called by love. So 6-year-old Yiyi sang the "Lu Binghua" her mother taught her every day in front of her bed. At 20 o'clock, Yiyi went home to sleep. At night, the ward was cold and quiet, Erya learned about this and asked her to sing "Lu Binghua" with the help of myna. Day after day, her kung fu has paid off. Erya finally learned to sing. In the song, Yiyi's mother finally opened her eyes

Although this story is somewhat fictional, it can also be felt that the word "love" does not mean that cats can speak. Deaf people hear voices, dumb people can speak, blind people see light

Love can create a miracle. isn't it?

Love, as a beautiful emotion, is not just words every second, but concrete actions in daily life. To care about everyone you know and don't know, even a little sympathy and comfort can bring infinite warmth and strength to people.

Love is like the sun, which needs to shine on the real earth. No matter what kind of love it is, it needs to be realized in concrete actions. Let's each dedicate our love concretely! Then, century love will be full of sunshine and become more beautiful.

The miracle created by love (2)

Goethe, the great playwright and poet, said: "Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person." Yes! A good book can benefit us a lot. I read the book Black Bear Dancer, which made me understand that love can create miracles.

What attracts me most here is the story of Beauty and the Lion. The beauty is Sun Manli, the trainer, and the name of the lion is Xin Wei. Although Xin Wei is only an animal actor trained by Sun Manli, Sun Manli treats Xin Wei like her own child. She took good care of it and cared about it. When Xin Wei was injured, she helped him bandage the wound. She felt as sad as if he was injured. Once, when Xin Wei was performing an acrobatic performance with the acrobat Zhai Baoshun, he had an accident. Zhai Baoshun, the "magic whip", accidentally pulled the whip down Xin Wei's face. As you can imagine, of course, Captain Xin was very angry, and he made an attack. At this time, Sun Manli suddenly made a dangerous move --- put her palm into the lion's big mouth, and it was all over. Xin Wei felt Sun Manli's love for him from his daily life. It was this love that resolved an impending bloody accident.

Every story in Black Bear Dancer contains all kinds of love. The "black bear dancer" talks about the deep love between people and animals; "Wandering Love of Polar Bear" is about the bleak love between mother and children... People, don't think animals are cold-blooded and don't know how to feel. In fact, as long as we really pay, they will also sincerely repay this love. Those greedy people who kill animals wantonly for mink coats, fox scarves and personal interests, please put down your butcher knife and give back the animals life and freedom.

After reading this book, I deeply felt that love is really mysterious and beautiful. It makes animals and people so close, and it can make us live in harmony with people. The power of love is infinite. It can create miracles and make the world a better place!

Fu Jiayi 402

The miracle created by love (3)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. If you put it in her arms, you can't enjoy happiness ------" Maternal love is an eternal theme of mankind. "The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body. ------ Who can say that an inch of grass heart, reported three Chunhui". How many poets and writers have described and eulogized the greatness of maternal love.

Today, when I finished reading the article "Father and Son in the Earthquake", I deeply felt that father's love was also great. The greatness of motherly love makes us ignore the existence and significance of fatherly love, but for many people, fatherly love has always affected them in a unique quiet way. Father's love is like sunshine, which can warm children's life.

The article "Father and Son in the Earthquake" depicts the image of a great father and composes an ode to fatherly love. Because of his love, the father insisted on not eating or drinking for 38 hours, kept digging, and finally saved his son. Because of his love, his son waited for 38 hours without eating or drinking under the dark ruins, and finally ushered in the time of his father's help. Love creates the miracle of life.

It was once reported that a mother came home from shopping for vegetables and suddenly saw her three-year-old son falling off the balcony on the fifth floor of her home. The mother ran from far away and caught the child. Later, the firemen made an experiment to let the mother run from the same place at the same time, but the mother could not catch a sandbag. Why is this? It is because the great mother suddenly broke out the power of extraordinary love, avoided the tragedy and saved the child.

Love, how great, how powerful; Love is the source of all power; Love makes people firm and brave; Love makes people trust and power; Love can create miracles!

The miracle created by love (4)

Miracles happen every day, but everything is different. At this time, questions came to my mind. What is a miracle? What created the miracle? In my heart's dictionary, there is no explanation of the word "miracle".

When I finished reading the book Bronze Sunflower, I was already in tears. The simple bronze, the kind sunflower, and the touching story that can speak and narrate miracles and great love have taken root in my heart——

Sunflower, who unfortunately lost both parents, was adopted by the Bronze Family. This girl from the city and the "dumb" boy who has been growing up in the countryside have become brother and sister like friends. They love each other, live together, grow up together, and live a simple life full of love... However, who can predict that when sunflower was twelve years old, fate called her back to the city. After the sunflower leaves, bronze can only look at the end of the barley field and the direction of the sunflower. One day, bronze sat on the tall haystack as usual, and his yearning arose spontaneously. He tried his best to shout: "Sunflower!"

Bronze can talk! This is incredible! Once upon a time, a strange "mute" in people's eyes created miracles with love! Recalling the scenes in the book, Sunflower paid a lot for bronze: taught him to read, write every stroke, and even gave up the chance to go to school. Bronze makes beautiful ice necklaces for sunflowers and braves the cold. They are like brothers, more like relatives, and have created miracles with ordinary love!

In my life, I feel the love from my parents, teachers and friends all the time. I remember when I was just in primary school, I didn't adapt to the life of two or one, and my academic performance was not very good. Seeing other students making progress in succession, my heart was both anxious and sad. But the teacher comforted me not to worry, and always found advantages from me and encouraged me. Gradually, I became self-confident, and my performance improved rapidly, which made me feel incredible.

Last summer vacation, I carelessly cut a big hole in the middle finger of my right hand. After sewing and binding in the hospital, I went home to rest. The doctor told us not to sweat or see water. My parents asked me to stay in the air-conditioned room and read books. They also took good care of me in life. Sometimes, afraid of my loneliness, I also take time to chat and play games with me. The wound that would have taken a month to heal, I recovered in two weeks, and even the doctor sighed that I recovered quickly. How can I leave my parents' meticulous love for me?

Yes, with more love between people, the world will become a more warm, harmonious and beautiful family. I believe that as long as everyone gives more love and care to others, less contradiction and calculation, and with little effort, more miracles will be created!

The miracle created by love (5)

Before my mother went on a business trip, I could hardly feel her love. I felt that my mother spent almost all her time criticizing me. Watching TV for one more minute, she scolded me; Play more games, she scolded me; Playing football a little longer, she still scolded me. I am simply bored to death by this "female tiger". When my mother announced the business trip, I almost jumped up with joy.

But when my mother left, I felt our house was empty. Without my mother's voice, I am not used to it. No one prepared sweet and delicious fruit for me, no one reviewed Chinese with me, no one accompanied me to read in the moonlight. How I look forward to my mother coming back!

I also began to recall my mother's kindness to me.

At the end of the winter vacation, my mother received a call from my teacher and arranged me to speak on the stage as the representative of the fourth grade students at the opening ceremony. Mother conveyed the news to me at the first time. After hearing the news, I opened my mouth wide in surprise. This is my first time on the stage! I can't help getting nervous.

The next day, I returned home with a 400 word manuscript. The teacher asked me to recite it, but it took me less than half a day to prepare it. So I put down my schoolbag and began to practice without stopping.

After dinner, my mother will check my manuscript recitation. For the first time, I stumbled on my back, but my mother was not angry. She asked me to read the manuscript several times. After I read it quickly, I took the initiative to check with my mother, but I still had many flaws in my memory. My mother asked me to read it again several times, but this time the tone was much stronger, and my eyes were a little scary. I also began to be impatient and wanted to recite the manuscript immediately. The third time, after I read carefully, I still failed to pass the pass. I found that my mother's anger had reached the extreme. When talking to me, the script was "clattering" in my hand. The fourth inspection did not make progress, but I forgot what I had memorized. Mother's anger broke out completely. She threw the manuscript to the ground and beat me on the back. The fifth examination was better than last time, but it was still not fluent enough. My mother couldn't stand it. She shut me in the bathroom and asked me to recite. I was so angry that I slapped my thigh. The sixth inspection, the result... my mother helplessly let me wash and go to bed first.

However, in bed, my mother became gentle. She sat beside me and read the script to me again and again as if she were a child. With her beautiful voice, I fell asleep, and the content of the script magically entered my mind.

The next day, my mother rewarded me with a book. When I returned home, I was not overwhelmed by joy. I held a book in my hand and remembered the scene of my mother tutoring me. I owe half of my success to my mother. Without her voice last night, I could not have played so well on the stage today. I wouldn't be so fluent without her reading to me at my bedside during her rest last night

It turns out that maternal love can really create miracles.

The miracle created by love (6)

What is a miracle? It was the three Charlotte sisters who knocked on the door of the literature hall with an iron will and became an immortal legend in literature. It was the tenacious vitality of a willow in the Qinghai Plateau in the harsh environment. There is no doubt that the birth of miracles requires perseverance and unremitting efforts. However, an ordinary feeling in the world can create the greatest miracle: Karen found that she had another girl, and like other mothers, she told her three-year-old son Michael, so Michael sang songs to the children in his mother's belly every day.

However, after the birth of the child, she became seriously ill, and the probability of survival of the girl was very small. Michael didn't know these things. He still pestered his parents every day and kept saying, "Where is my little sister? I want to sing to her!" After consideration, his parents decided to take Michael to the hospital to sing to the girl, even though it was not allowed in the hospital. "You are the sunshine I can't take away, my only sunshine. You never know, dear, how much I love you. Therefore, please don't take away my sunshine." Day after day, night after night. In the song, the little girl recovered slowly and escaped from death. This is love, the power of love! The miracle of love! A song can make the little girl recover? No, that song contains the pure heart of Michael's three-year-old child. Maybe he only knows that he is his brother and she is his sister. Maybe he also knows that he should protect his sister. Therefore, an invisible bridge - love bridge has formed between them. Isn't it a miracle that a critically ill girl can finally survive? If there is no love in the world, there will be no touching story of Mr. Tan's sacrifice to save others and protect students. There will be no tolerance, kinship, warmth, encouragement and friendship.

If there is no love in the world, it will be cold and dark. Love is not a description of years in words, it comes from the heart. It is a warm current, a bright light, a miracle, even a meat bun bought by my mother when I was hungry, and a consolation for my father when I failed in the exam. Love can create miracles. Love itself is the greatest miracle.

The miracle created by love (7)

It may be due to historical reasons. I am very disgusted with the Japanese because they once ruthlessly invaded China and massacred our people. However, I happened to see an article written by Japanese in a book, which made me change my opinion about them. The title of the article was called "A bowl of buckwheat noodles in clear soup".
This article describes the truth, goodness and beauty of the world, and tells about a bowl of buckwheat noodles in clear soup and the silent kindness of the noodle shop owner and his wife, who accompanied the mother and son through the most difficult period of life.
This is a simple and moving love in ordinary life. The boss and his wife of the noodle shop always treat the poor mother and son with sincere kindness. This kindness has also become a kind of silent warmth and encouragement. They are like a ray of sunshine shining into the hard years. Although it may not be enough to warm all the years, it can make all the lost, timid and hopeless people have the courage and confidence to face the future life with a smile.
And in the world, it is because of these kind and lovely people that they become particularly bright and beautiful. The vulgar and old-fashioned words are always useful to people. For those who are in trouble, we should help them selflessly within our ability. The enthusiasm and good wishes of the boss and his wife made the mother and son feel the beauty of the world, and also made them more confident and strong to face difficulties and work together to overcome difficulties, so that they raised the sail of yearning for a better life and rode the wind and waves in the turbulent life.
In my opinion, there are many difficult and impossible times in one's life. At this time, do you need someone to comfort your painful soul? On the other hand, if you help others to solve their mental pain, will your own mind also feel happy? In the story, the kind-hearted boss and his wife only used one thing to accompany the mother and son, that is, a bowl of buckwheat noodles in clear soup.

The miracle created by love (8)

Today, we watched "2013 Moved China's Top Ten People" in school. After reading it, I felt that they were all great! They have created one love miracle after another with their own strength!

In today's society, many people only think about themselves and never think about others, but the "Top Ten" are "selfless" and think about others. If others are good, they will be happy.

Among them, what moved me most was the old man Liu Shenglan. Rather than live a poor life, we should help those children who have dropped out of school. Liu Shenglan used to work in a workshop, but the workshop closed down, leaving him without even a small income. Whenever I think of Liu Shenglan, the old man, who eats leftovers and meals picked up from the garbage every day and makes money by selling waste products, but still saves money to help those children who can't afford to go to school, my eyes become moist. Despite such a hard life, Liu Shenglan, an old man with five guarantees who has been carrying the mackerel, donated a total of more than 70000 yuan to help more than 100 students. He used his whole life to explain the word "benevolence", and his noble mind made his life more profound. The awarding words that moved China to give Liu Shenglan the old man are still fresh in my memory: the wind and candle in the dying years, the faint light, the old hand, and the great love written in the world. With a sickly body and noble mind, he looked down on life at the age of 90. A stack of remittances is a questionnaire sent to us, and everyone should think about the answer.

Yes, the great act of Liu Shenglan, an old man in his nineties, is worth asking ourselves and thinking deeply. I will always remember Liu Shenglan's kindness.

"Moving China" not only moves us, but also conveys love. Like Duan Aiping who suffered from cancer, he justified the village officials with his selfless actions; Shen Kequan and Shen Changjian, "Rapeseed Father and Son", have dreamed of only one rape flower for 35 years; After retirement, Dr. Hu Peilan, who has been attending clinics for 20 consecutive years, insisted on visiting doctors for days a week, still insisted on his post at the age of 98; Yao Houzhi, the mother who ran against time, just wanted to leave more for her children as much as she could

Duan Aiping let us see that "small village officials" have big minds; Shen Kequan and Shen Changjian show us the strength of persistence; Hu Peilan made everyone admire him; Yao Houzhi made us moved by maternal love again

Yes, this is the power of love! All this comes from love! The power of love creates miracles

The miracle created by love (9)

When I came home from school on Monday, I had just stepped into my house when my grandfather ran to me excitedly: "I caught a little rabbit..." "Really!" I jumped three feet high with joy, grabbed my grandfather's hand and shook it hard. "Where?" I flipped over the obstacles on the chair in a hurry, Smile and say: "Ho ho, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Let me take you!"

I lay around the cage, staring at the cage: brown fur, curled up, like a big fat pompon; Two long 'ears hang back naturally, almost integrated with the fur; A pair of intense eyes flashed, as if a gem was emitting light. The rabbit lay quietly in the cage, its shiny fur made me reach out to touch it. Finally, my hand quietly opened the cage and touched the rabbit's head: Wow! A heat wave was sucked by my hand! I stroked it gently and softly. The hare did not seem afraid, but still lay there peacefully.

Early the next morning, I rushed to the cage and looked around. Finally, I cried out with joy. The rabbit was alive under my careful care. This has greatly satisfied my little vanity. I injected all my love into the rabbit and turned it into a force for survival and created a miracle!

Related topics: [Love]

The miracle created by love (10)

This article was published in the "Primary School Chinese Teachers' Daily" The miracle created by the commitment and trust of love (October 26, 2004) - Reading the "Father and Son in the Earthquake", I feel that Liu Jiaorong has love and trust, there is a miracle! This is my feeling after reading Father and Son in the Earthquake. It makes me believe that any miracle can happen - as long as there is love, trust and firm belief. The story happened after the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake, a young father went to school to find his seven year old son. When he arrived, the school was in ruins. After crying a lot, he remembered the words he often said to his son: "I will always be with you no matter what happens!" It was with this firm belief that he began to dig next to the ruins of his son's classroom. Other children's parents came, and after crying in despair, they advised him not to dig. It was too late, Then they left; The fire captain and the police said it was dangerous to stay there and advised him not to dig. But he ignored the advice and only thought: "My son is waiting for me." He kept digging in the ruins alone. When he dug for 38 hours, a miracle occurred: his son's voice came from under the rubble. It turned out that his son and 13 other students were waiting for rescue under the big triangle formed by the collapsed house. After 50 minutes, the 14 children were saved! What touched me most was not only that my father dug alone near the ruins for nearly two days and two nights without help, but also how those seven year old children overcame fear and hunger under the ruins, without water and food, and spent 38 hours of hard life? It is the miracle created by Amanda, the son of the great father! The father promised that his son would stay with him no matter what the situation was, and he also believed that his son was still alive waiting for him. The son also believes that his father will stay with him no matter what happens. He believes that his father will save himself. He uses this belief to encourage himself and encourage students not to be afraid. It is this trust in their father that makes these young children no longer panic and fear in the ruins, and wait with hope for an unimaginable 38 hours! How wonderful Amanda is! As soon as he heard the sound of digging from above, he accurately guessed that it was his father. When the safe passage was opened, his father called him out, but he asked his classmates to come out first, saying that he was not afraid, because he knew that his father would stay with him no matter what happened. How wonderful this father and son are! One keeps his promise of love and never gives up. One believes in love and is full of hope in the desperate situation. Together, they created a miracle and saved 14 lives! What makes us afraid of despair? It is not poverty, not illness, nor difficulties and setbacks, but the lack of firm love and care! We will not be afraid, because our parents and relatives stand beside us, and they will also say: "Don't be afraid, children, there is a mother (father)!" They will tell you that no matter how hard and tired they will make money for you to read, as long as you can read. If you are sick or disabled, as long as you have the love and care of your relatives, you can live well, stay strong, and create miracles of life. Helen is like this, so is Shi Tiesheng. When I read this article, I also remembered a story about a colleague who asked us a group of friends to make troubles in the bridal chamber. It was fun at that time. I imitated the priest in the movie to preside over the ceremony. I asked the groom: "So and so, do you love her, But how many people can't keep their promises and trust without love when encountering poverty, illness, hardship, and finally move towards separation, unable to work together to create miracles in their lives. There are also many people like the father and son who keep the promise of love, believe in the promise of love, walk out of difficulties together and create miracles. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I will think of the ceremony I presided over and the promise of love I had. I will also keep my promise like the father. At the same time, I will believe in the promise of love like the son and work together to create miracles in life! "This wonderful father and son are hugging each other happily." May we all overcome difficulties with love and trust and embrace the people we love very happily! Note: This is the text of Lesson 11, Volume 9, People's Education Press. This unit requires students to write their feelings after reading, so I wrote this essay on water.

The miracle created by love (11)

I am an ordinary boy, but I live in an unusual family. My mother is a farmer, my sister is a technical secondary school student, and my father is a disabled person with only a three-year-old child's IQ. This is because of a car accident when I was three years old.

A car accident made my father stay in the hospital for one year, which saved all our savings, and we still owe a lot of foreign debts. The doctor finally said, "Go home and keep it. After being cured, he is also a vegetable. Being able to walk is a miracle.". My mother took my father home with tears in her eyes.

At home, his mother never took care of him, wiped his body, fed him, and talked with him. He also asked me and my sister to always accompany him, chat with him and sing to him. Mother said to us: "We all have to take care of Dad. We can't give up. Miracles will happen."

As time went by, miracles really happened. Dad's illness gradually improved, and he could walk slowly with a crutch. When my mother saw all this, she hurried to contact the hospital where my father was treated. The doctors were surprised and decided to perform a second operation on him.

During the operation, my mother sat at the door of the operating room for eight hours. After the treatment, my father was much better than before. After a few days, Dad can walk without crutches. But his IQ was fixed at the age of three forever. Sometimes I can't find my way home when I leave home.

The burden of life at home falls on my mother, who has to pay off the debt and provide for my sister and me to go to school. As a rural woman, it is not easy to often work for others. She worked hard. But my mother always faces life with a smile. She never complained about the hardships of life, and always said with satisfaction: "This is enough, our family can be together, this is God's gift to us, we must live well."

Teacher's comment: This is a very touching article. The author did not deliberately exaggerate the family's misfortune, but from those stories I read how unfortunate the car accident has brought to the family. Mother is the central character of this composition, and her love and strength support the family. But the author did not describe her vigorously, only caught what she said to us twice. "We all have to take care of Dad. We can't give up. Miracles will happen.". So we should be good at grasping the key points in our composition, even if it is just a sentence.

The miracle created by love (12)

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body. The temporary sewing is so tight that he is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the three Chunhui." Many poets praised the greatness of maternal love in writing. Today, when I finished reading the article "Father and Son in the Earthquake", I deeply felt that father's love was also great. The text "Father and Son in the Earthquake" tells that in 1994, when a big earthquake occurred in Los Angeles, the United States, a father settled down his wife and ran to his son's school, and the three storey classroom building became a ruin. The father ran to his son's classroom to dig earth to save his son. The fire captain and the police came to persuade the father to give up, but the father refused to listen. The father dug for 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and finally heard his son's voice when he dug for 38 hours. The son told his father that 14 classmates were alive. A passer-by came to help his father open a safe passage. The father asked his son to come out, but the son told his father to let his classmates go out first, and then he went out, because his father said to his son, "No matter what happens, I will always be with you." There was a report that a mother bought vegetables to go home, Suddenly I saw my five-year-old son falling from the balcony on the sixth floor of my house. The mother ran from far away and caught the child. Later, the firemen made an experiment to let the mother run from the same place at the same time, but the mother could not catch a sandbag. Why is this? It is because the great mother suddenly broke out the power of extraordinary love, avoided the tragedy and saved the child.

How great is the power of love!

The miracle created by love (13)

Love can create miracles

——Thoughts on Reading Harvard Family Instructions

The power of love is great, and love can stimulate hidden potential. Where the flower of love is in full bloom, the flower of life can flourish.

The greatest love in the world is the love of parents. We are always the most important thing in their hearts. This article is about:

When a woman was about to get home, she habitually looked at her balcony on the fourth floor. Her son was looking forward to her mother's return. When she saw her mother, her son began to wave, and her mother also waved deliberately. Suddenly, she realized that this might be dangerous, but it might be too late. Her son lost his balance and fell off. But the mother did not know why she ran so fast. In such a short time, she caught the child at such a long distance. According to the speed at that time, she should have broken the 100 meter world record. When doing experiments with objects of the same weight, no matter who can't catch it, even the mother doesn't have the speed.

It can be concluded that the power of love is great and it can create miracles. Because every one of us has unpredictable potential, this potential is usually not reflected, it is just hidden in the body. But when the time of danger comes, he will burst out, and love is one of them, it can definitely create miracles.

Parents can stand up for their children regardless of danger. This kind of love does not contain any impurities. We should worship our parents' great and selfless love. In our hearts, we should always remember their kindness and repay them with a fiery heart.

Not only people's parents have love, but also animals' parents have love for their children.

A mother mouse gave birth to a litter of mice, but unfortunately something happened. There was a tumor on the mother mouse. The tumor would absorb nutrients and grow up every day, but the mice were in lactation and needed the mother mouse to feed them. So the mother mouse ate the tumor painfully every day to suckle the mice, and it died until the day when the mice were able to stand on their own.

The love of parents is the greatest in the world, because she never asks for return, and every child is the concern of parents. In the article, the mother mouse, because she did not put down her child, tried to make herself stay until the day when the mice could stand on their own, and finally could not bear to leave. This female rat was originally used by experts to do experiments, but the female rat after illness could miraculously sustain for so many days. Everyone was amazed at its tenacious vitality, but it could survive because of the power of love, because the mother mouse loved its children.

Here is the great power of love, which can let anyone and any animal create miracles and create incredible results.

Second day: Rose's Commitment 9

The miracle created by love (14)

Love creates miracles

The spirit of the ancient spirit is a zebra. She follows her parents' buttocks every day and is inseparable from them. So are her father and mother. Anything delicious is stuffed into the mouth of the spirit of the ancient spirit.

Once, when the family was enjoying the sunshine, the ancient spirits and ghosts crowded in the middle of their parents and played with each other. But this happiness did not last long. After a while, the ancient spirits and ghosts began to snore slightly and slept for a while. The zebra herd began to gather, and the parents of the ancient spirits and ghosts stood up, Thinking that the other zebra in front was his own child, he rushed up at once, but the "real" spirit of the ancient spirit was still sleeping at their feet! The spirit of Gu Ling woke up and found that his parents were missing. Tears welled up. Just then, a tiger appeared. He glared at the spirit of the ancient spirit, stuck out his drooling tongue and pounced on it. The spirit of Gu Ling rolled away and thought about jumping into the air. When the tiger wanted to act again, his parents arrived with a large team of people. When the tiger saw this excellent composition, he focused on the writer. He was frightened and ran away in dismay. The parents saw that the zebra was always following others, so they went to have a look. Ah! It was "eat well", not "spirit of ancient spirit". My parents were so flustered that they immediately ran back without stopping. Finally, they saw spirit of ancient spirit. My mother licked her wound - it was scratched when she rolled. When the family finally met, the spirit of Gu Ling cried happily, and tears burst out at this moment.

Another time, the zebra encountered the biggest enemy - snow and wind. The zebra herd walked hard on the snow. In order to absorb heat and not be frozen to death, they huddled together. Gu Ling said thoughtfully, "Mom and Dad, you must insist, and I will insist. Let's work together to tide us over the difficulties"! These words make parents feel warm, and they are not afraid of the cold. Because of my daughter's words, we are not afraid of any storm, overcome difficulties, rush out of difficulties, and we want to go out! In the face of the oncoming wind and the falling snow in the sky, everyone stepped up again and walked quickly for a whole night. The next morning, when the snow stopped and the wind stopped, everyone was relieved. The heavy step became obviously brisk. The stone in the throat finally dropped smoothly, and everyone talked and laughed together again.

This is the power of love. Love is great, and it can ignore everything and even life. With a stroke of pen, I wrote down my temporary feelings:

Love can create miracles!

The miracle created by love (15)

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. As long as we persevere, we can create miracles even in the most difficult situation. Even though this book was written in the 1940s, today, at least in my eyes, it can still bring readers a kind of strength and shock. No matter you are a noble royal family, a scientist who has attracted all the attention, or a common people, everyone is a miracle if you persist and work hard.

This is a legend that happened more than 200 years ago. The newborn pony has a red mole on its head, which is regarded as an ominous sign by all people and should be put to death. A mute slave boy was reluctant to give up and objected to everyone. You said that he secretly fed the cheese and camel milk to the pony and promised the king that he would take care of the pony and not let it run wild for many years. After that, the boy trained the pony into a swift Arabian horse "Shan" and became the favorite of the royal stables of the Kingdom of Morocco. An unexpected opportunity brought it to France, Then he went to England. However, fate has been playing tricks on it. He is buried in the noisy marketplace. None of this can change "flash"

His noble blood, in the constant struggle, he finally achieved the best racing breed ever in Britain.

This is also a story about love and responsibility. The mute boy Agba made a promise at the birth of "Shan": "My name is Agba." Ba "and" Dad "have the same pronunciation, and I am your father. Shan, when you grow up, everyone will bow to you, and you will become the king of the wind. I promise that" for the sake of solemn commitment, he and "Shan" are as close as father and son, never give up, and encourage each other, Finally, we have arrived at the glorious moment.

Learn to be loyal to the wind, and your talent will show. Open your wings and fly hard. You can also create miracles. You are also Bing of the Wind

The miracle created by love (16)

People in life are always in pursuit of money, power, identity and status, but they have not really realized an emotion that people need more, that is, love.

When I was young, my parents loved me so much that they didn't want me to be hurt at all, even spoiled me. Although such indulgence was criticized by many people, I felt very happy and comfortable at that time. After going to school, the teacher worked hard to educate us. For our study, the teacher broke his heart. I was deeply moved to see the teacher look tired after class every day. Sometimes, I wonder what people really need? Is it money, house or car? It is obvious that simply giving people these things can not make people happy. What people want most may be love, pure love, pure love.

Love is a kind of emotion that is difficult to express. It may just be that one morning in winter, when you are about to step out of the house, a cry from your parents reminds you to forget to wear cotton gloves, and comes forward to hand you the gloves. It may just be that in the hot summer, when you fall down due to intense sports on the court, your friends come to help you and help you care for the wound. Or maybe it's just in the bleak autumn, when you walk with your girlfriend on the street with few pedestrians, her girlfriend suddenly whines and asks you to hug him. It is more likely that in the street wonton stall at ordinary nights, the boss saw that you were unlucky and had a bad complexion, so he put a few more meat filled wontons in your bowl.

This beautiful feeling is often only in silence. Love is so precious and beautiful. Its value is higher than mountains and deeper than sea. It is priceless. No amount of money can measure it. Just because it is love, so energetic, it is reasonable that love can create miracles.

The miracle created by love (17)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am familiar with composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a carefully arranged junior high school composition of Love Creates Miracles. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Before my mother went on a business trip, I could hardly feel her love. I felt that my mother spent almost all her time criticizing me. Watching TV for one more minute, she scolded me; Play more games, she scolded me; Playing football a little longer, she still scolded me. I am simply bored to death by this "female tiger". When my mother announced the business trip, I almost jumped up with joy.

But when my mother left, I felt our house was empty. Without my mother's voice, I am not used to it. No one prepared sweet and delicious fruit for me, no one reviewed Chinese with me, no one accompanied me to read in the moonlight. How I look forward to my mother coming back!

I also began to recall my mother's kindness to me.

At the end of the winter vacation, my mother received a call from my teacher and arranged me to speak on the stage as the representative of the fourth grade students at the opening ceremony. Mother conveyed the news to me at the first time. After hearing the news, I opened my mouth wide in surprise. This is my first time on the stage! I can't help getting nervous.

The next day, I returned home with a 400 word manuscript. The teacher asked me to recite it, but it took me less than half a day to prepare it. So I put down my schoolbag and began to practice without stopping.

After dinner, my mother will check my manuscript recitation. For the first time, I stumbled on my back, but my mother was not angry. She asked me to read the manuscript several times. After I read it quickly, I took the initiative to check with my mother, but I still had many flaws in my memory. My mother asked me to read it again several times, but this time the tone was much stronger, and my eyes were a little scary. I also began to be impatient and wanted to recite the manuscript immediately. The third time, after I read carefully, I still failed to pass the pass. I found that my mother's anger had reached the extreme. When talking to me, the script was "clattering" in my hand. The fourth inspection did not make progress, but I forgot what I had memorized. Mother's anger broke out completely. She threw the manuscript to the ground and beat me on the back. The fifth examination was better than last time, but it was still not fluent enough. My mother couldn't stand it. She shut me in the bathroom and asked me to recite. I was so angry that I slapped my thigh. The sixth inspection, the result... my mother helplessly let me wash and go to bed first.

However, in bed, my mother became gentle. She sat beside me and read the script to me again and again as if she were a child. With her beautiful voice, I fell asleep, and the content of the script magically entered my mind.

The next day, my mother rewarded me with a book. When I returned home, I was not overwhelmed by joy. I held a book in my hand and remembered the scene of my mother tutoring me. I owe half of my success to my mother. Without her voice last night, I could not have played so well on the stage today. I wouldn't be so fluent without her reading to me at my bedside during her rest last night

It turns out that maternal love can really create miracles.

The miracle created by love (18)

1200 Words Love Posture Composition: Creating Miracles

In the boundless river of love in the world, there are friendship, mother love, father love... Each kind of love can make people feel warm, and each kind of love has a gesture, and that gesture can also make your heart full of emotion. At 14:28 on May 12, a tragedy that shook half of China was staged in Wenchuan.

One minute, no, even tens of seconds. A warm family, a naive face, a pair of moving eyes. In an instant, like a shooting star across the night sky, it disappears quickly and becomes an eternal memory. During the earthquake, there were too many stories that moved us, too many heroes that we remembered, and the most unforgettable ones were those touching love gestures at the moment of the earthquake. I will never forget that when the soldiers picked up the rubble with their bare hands, they found a teacher holding two students tightly. The teacher's face was still smiling, but her body was cold and stiff, and her hands seemed to be fixed on the students' bodies, which could not be broken. This gesture of love made the hearts of the whole audience tremble slightly. In tears, the soldiers saw off the teacher's arm and took out the students.

"Take off my wings and send them to you to fly." The teacher interpreted the lyrics with life, and firmly guarded the door of life for his students with flesh and blood. I will never forget that a volunteer named Gong Jin saw such a scene: a young mother holding a three or four month old baby in her arms curled up in the ruins, her head bowed, her coat lifted up, and she lost her breath. The baby girl in her arms is still comfortably holding her mother's nipple and sucking. In her dusty breasts, the baby girl's face was red. It is hard to imagine how the mother put her nipple into her daughter's mouth when she was dying; It is even more difficult to imagine that a dead mother is still nursing her child. Without Gong Jin, the witness, we would not believe in such a miracle. Yes, it is a miracle, created by mother with love. Only love can create such a miracle.

I clearly remember an old man who approached the collection box, took out 100 yuan and put it into the collection box. This small action seemed to be a little inadequate, but in the old man's mind, it had been thought hundreds of times that the old man was a beggar. He begged several times at noon, and finally reached 100 yuan. He gave all his savings, together with his hope for survival, to the children in need of help in the disaster area, What a great idea! Who can donate 100% of his wealth like him? Let us always remember them and their gestures, which are the gestures of great love in the world.

The miracle created by love (19)

But when my mother left, I felt our house was empty. Without my mother's voice, I am not used to it. No one prepared sweet and delicious fruit for me, no one reviewed Chinese with me, no one accompanied me to read in the moonlight. How I look forward to my mother coming back!

I also began to recall my mother's kindness to me.

At the end of the winter vacation, my mother received a call from my teacher and arranged me to speak on the stage as the representative of the fourth grade students at the opening ceremony. Mother conveyed the news to me at the first time. After hearing the news, I opened my mouth wide in surprise. This is my first time on the stage! I can't help getting nervous.

The next day, I returned home with a 400 word manuscript. The teacher asked me to recite it, but it took me less than half a day to prepare it. So I put down my schoolbag and began to practice without stopping.

After dinner, my mother will check my manuscript recitation. For the first time, I stumbled on my back, but my mother was not angry. She asked me to read the manuscript several times. After I read it quickly, I took the initiative to check with my mother, but I still had many flaws in my memory. My mother asked me to read it again several times, but this time the tone was much stronger, and my eyes were a little scary. I also began to be impatient and wanted to recite the manuscript immediately. The third time, after I read carefully, I still failed to pass the pass. I found that my mother's anger had reached the extreme. When talking to me, the script was "clattering" in my hand. The fourth inspection did not make progress, but I forgot what I had memorized. Mother's anger broke out completely. She threw the manuscript to the ground and beat me on the back. The fifth examination was better than last time, but it was still not fluent enough. My mother couldn't stand it. She shut me in the bathroom and asked me to recite. I was so angry that I slapped my thigh. The sixth inspection, the result... my mother helplessly let me wash and go to bed first.

However, in bed, my mother became gentle. She sat beside me and read the script to me again and again as if she were a child. With her beautiful voice, I fell asleep, and the content of the script magically entered my mind.

The next day, my mother rewarded me with a book. When I returned home, I was not overwhelmed by joy. I held a book in my hand and remembered the scene of my mother tutoring me. I owe half of my success to my mother. Without her voice last night, I could not have played so well on the stage today. I wouldn't be so fluent without her reading to me at my bedside during her rest last night

It turns out that maternal love can really create miracles.

The miracle created by love (20)

One day, my little sister was born. Although she was born, she had to live in the intensive care unit of the hospital. The doctor said that the little girl had little hope for life. My sister has been asking to speak to her sister. He said, "If I don't go, she will miss me."

Mother still refused. But the little girl walked into the intensive care unit. She said to her born sister, "I love you. You should be obedient."

After a few days, the baby girl's heartbeat became stable. It was hard to breathe, but suddenly it became smooth, like a kitten whirring. The nurse and her mother were frightened by the scene. Her mother said hurriedly, "I love you, my good sister."

The little sister relaxed and went to a quiet sleep. This quiet hypnosis saved my little sister's life.

Love can create miracles!