My Secret Base Composition (8 popular ones)
A low-key silent person
2024-05-30 05:23:27
Expository text

My Secret Base Composition (1)

In our family, everyone has his own paradise. My aunt said that her paradise was the kitchen, where she could show her skills with ease. My uncle said that his paradise was on the chessboard. Chess was like life. He had no regrets about the ending of the game. For me, my paradise is a secret base found in the community.

Needless to say, the green lawn of the downstairs garden, the flowers competing for beauty, and the lush trees; It is not necessary to say that neighbors who go downstairs to dance in the square after dinner, old people who do sports, and teenagers who ride scooters; Just one mu of land in front of 18 bicycle parking areas has endless fun to attract me to stop. It is my secret base and paradise.

I often go into this park when I help my family with express delivery or after school. Lying on the soft grass, the blue sky looked high and far, and the hot sun could make my cheeks like a ripe tomato. I like to take some interesting books with me and read them with great interest alone.

There is a tall camphor tree on the left side of the secret base. Whenever there is a bird sound on it, I will use the outdoor high-precision slingshot, coupled with a special bullet made of cassava powder - starting equipment, thump! Scared, the bird fluttered away with its wings. Further ahead is a wide fish pond, where many colorful koi are raised. On the right is a few sticks of different lengths that I picked up. As soon as the pests on the side of the pool call, I will gently poke with the stick, and it will fall into the pool and become a goldfish's bag. On weekends, I will bring my good brother here to play family games. I even picked up foam boxes as furniture. Here, everything is happy and relaxed. Even the air is full of pleasure. You can do whatever you want. It's free.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. It wasn't long before the property management uncle found my secret and taught me not to play there. It was easy to be bitten by insects. Alas, it's a pity to say goodbye to my secret base.

My Secret Base Composition (2)

Everyone has his own paradise. Some people's paradise is a gym, some people's paradise is a library, and some people's paradise is a campus. My paradise is my roof garden, which is my "secret base" and brings me endless fun.

When spring comes, all things revive. The garden is not only surrounded by flowers, but also Grandma's vegetable field. My roof is also full of vitality. The grass poked out its head and looked at the world curiously. The flowers smile. Some of them are as red as fire, some are as pink as clouds, and some are as white as snow. They are very beautiful. Butterflies are dancing on the flowers. At this time, what I want to do most is to touch them gently. But what I like most is sowing in Grandma's vegetable field, fertilizing and watering vegetables. I picked up the prepared vegetable seeds and sowed in the soil like my grandmother. After finishing my homework every day, I would go upstairs to water and fertilize the vegetables and take good care of them.

Autumn is coming, and the vegetables in the yard are ripe, including pumpkins, loofah, etc. The yard is fragrant with melons and fruits, but the most eye-catching one is the beautiful osmanthus tree. The tree is full of sweet scented osmanthus like stars. Take out a chair and sit under the sweet scented osmanthus tree to read a book. You can smell a fragrance of flowers, refreshing. At that time, if you are tired, you can rest against the chair. The birds singing in the branches are the best lullaby of nature. It will make you feel incomparable relaxed. Under the embrace of nature, you will feel very comfortable with the burden on your body and mind.

I love my "secret base" - my roof garden. It can not only bring me happiness, but also let me enjoy the nature and find beauty in it.

My Secret Base Composition (3)

Everyone has their own secret base, and so do I. At home, my sister and I built a secret base. At the beginning, I will go to the secret base to put some dolls, sweaters, etc. to help tidy up the secret base of my sister and me.

Every morning, I will take my sweet and delicious breakfast to eat in my secret base. I feel that eating in my secret base is not the same as eating at the table. However, one day my mother asked me, "Sister, why didn't you and your sister have breakfast at the table in the morning?" Then my mother found out the truth. My sister and I made a secret base with wooden piles. Mother asked, "Can I join you in the activities of this secret base?" "Of course," my sister and I said in unison.

Just now my father is in Beijing. When my father comes home at 9:30 on Sunday evening, my sister and my mother will hide in the secret base together to frighten my father. "Now let me think about it. If I want to frighten my father, I should make the secret base of my sister and mother more terrible." So I put all my black objects on the top and inside of the secret base. Now this gentle secret base has become a house for Halloween!

After waiting for a long time, Dad finally came back. "Ding Dong" Dad rang the doorbell.

I made this secret base when I was in a small class. This secret base is full of beautiful time. I hope I can keep it forever.

My Secret Base Composition (4)

My secret base is also my bedroom. It is my happy little world. Let me give you a detailed introduction!

As soon as you come to my house, you will find the living room next to my bedroom. There are tiger and cow heads on the door of my bedroom. Walk into the bedroom, which is spacious and bright. I also saw my "rolling" bed. Every morning when I get up, I find my quilt is placed in a strange way, which is made of 360 degrees at night. There are also many pillows. There are three pillows, two long pillows and one "cow head pillow" on my bed. That pillow is very strange. There will be static electricity when sleeping on it. Every night, it will make a sound of "Zizi, Zizi".

Sitting on the bed, you will see that there is a recessed hiding wardrobe on the wall. The reason why it is called hiding wardrobe is that whenever guests come to play hide and seek, I will hide in the wardrobe. It was bought in 20xx, and now it has been seven years. So this cabinet is seven years old. There is a layer of things as slippery as oil on this wardrobe. Once you touch it, your hands will feel very slippery.

You will also see a window, which is a VIP window. All visitors to my room are VIP. Because there is also a 180 degree view of rural scenery, it is a VIP window with a unique "plateau Suzhou style" outside.

I also have a bookcase with many books on it, such as Green Fairy Tales, Teahouse, This Wolf Series and Ma Xiaotiao Series. There is a computer desk under the bookcase. Go here for information and homework.

My bedroom is my small world and my secret base.

My Secret Base Composition (5)

When you see this topic, you must be very confused. I will tell you about this secret base! It is WC. Hahaha, you must be embarrassed, but, in my opinion, WC is my multi-functional paradise, let you see the function of this paradise!

The first function: WC is my cartoon base. I rush to WC directly with a bosom friend or rustling in a hurry. When I am tired of doing homework, I start the first function.

The second function: WC is my karaoke base. When you enter WC, as long as you are fake, hahaha, you start karaoke. Recently, we have popular "Rebellion". I have to run to WC ten to eight times a day. In WC, you can freely karaoke (here's a warning, if the sound insulation of WC is not good, then the function will not be used.)

Third function: WC is my toy factory. Take a toy quietly and rush to WC, close the door and turn on the light. Now the toy can be taken out and played. That's really cool. After loading, put it back quietly, which adults don't know (I warn you here that it's usually a long time to finish WC at night, otherwise parents will think you fell into the toilet).

My secret base has many functions. See you next time!

My Secret Base Composition (6)

Everyone has his or her own secret base, and some of them belong to his or her unique place.

My secret base is the quilt. When I am sad or sad, I can hide in it to vent my feelings. There are many dolls in my secret base. They can talk with me and make my mood gradually better.

The secret base is a ferocious thing. If you encounter something that makes you unhappy, it will defeat all the villains and will not bully you again.

The secret base is like your second home. It can accompany you to write homework, read books, and grow happily with you. It's great!

Although the secret base can't speak, it can hear my heart. When I am sad, it will hold me with both hands and comfort me. When I am happy, it will share the things that once made it happy with me, making me happier.

But since my mother changed a quilt, I separated from it. On that day, I reluctantly said goodbye to it, hoping to meet again.

Until one day I saw it in front of me. At that time, I was really happy to cry, and finally I could meet it.

So my secret base and I have a deep love. Since we always have love after a long time together, are you the same as me?

My Secret Base Composition (7)

Two pairs of light feet over the warm and humid soil, two pairs of bright eyes shining in the dark, two thin figures rushed out of the bushes, fast as a whirlwind.

That's me and my sister. I'm taking her to my secret base.

The secret base is located in the flower on the left side of the fountain, where there are several shrubs with soft and smooth water red leaves. They grow luxuriantly and surround the whole flower bed. Whoever goes in will disappear. There is a cycad on the right, a pine on the left, and a big stone in the center. In the eyes of outsiders, this may be the only thing, but for me, it has my secrets, my emotions and joys, all of which are here.

I took my sister to climb up the flower bed and taught her to listen to the birds singing on her head, the noisy water, and people's voices. We listened attentively and identified various strange sounds.

There is a wall between the flower bed and the current. I climbed it and sat on the wall. My sister plays in the flower bed alone. I closed my eyes and felt the sun tearing away the shade of the trees. The heat began to rise. The wind flatters the sun, tormenting the lives with its wheat like arms and full of fire. A cloud came and the sun fell. The wind in turn flatters the cloud, comforting all living beings with its flowing fingers and mouthful of coolness. The coolness of the fountain not far away is coming.

The dark clouds were defeated, and the ferocious sun again sent out a needle like light. The hot wind is everywhere, and the animals are hiding from the sun. I jumped down from the wall and hid in the bush dome. The sun is getting stronger and stronger. I grabbed my sister's hand and led her to jump off the flower bed and go home.

My Secret Base Composition (8)

One of my favorite things to do on weekends and holidays is to ride bicycles to Riverside Park with my family. Although it hurts to ride my feet, as long as I think I can run freely there, I will step on my bicycle more quickly and run forward.

Riverside Park is very large, where you can have picnics, feed sheep, fly kites, etc. It is really a relaxed and happy enjoyment to enjoy the breeze and the afternoon sun! I often ride to the top of a mountain that looks like a mountain to me. My father said that this used to be a garbage dump, and the garbage in our area was buried here. Now after finishing, the grass has grown up and become so beautiful, becoming our outdoor leisure place.

But the most attractive place for me is the wetland, which is my 'secret base'. I will visit it in different seasons. Although I have to ride the bumpy gravel road, I don't care at all! For a while, because there was too little rain, even the mud was almost dried up. I saw the fish struggling to jump high, but they were eaten by egrets; I also saw a large group of millipede like horses near the drainage outlet. They stopped there and did not move. We poked them with a twig. Suddenly, millipede ran everywhere. My brother and I were scared to death. In fact, they were just basking in the sun! It's not death. It's a false alarm.

I often stay in the secret base for the whole afternoon. That tall Kuling tree is my main character! In spring, it will slowly send out buds, and then it will open white and lavender flowers; In summer, the trees are full of mung beans. My brother and I will use these mung beans to attack each other. We have fun every time! At this time, my father would always say to us: "This bitter fruit is poisonous! Don't eat it!" This winter, watching the beloved bitter fruit tree wither, my father said: "bitter fruit died for the New Year", that is, every time the Chinese New Year comes, the leaves of bitter fruit will fall off, and the whole tree looks like only dead branches, not the tree will die. I imagine they all sneak out for a walk. When spring comes, they will come back in new clothes.

Now I find that more and more people are coming to visit. Some people are planting flowers here, some people are hanging hemp rope on my favorite Kuling sub tree to play swings, and some people are fishing. I am really worried that more and more people will destroy my secret base. I am blowing in the breeze and basking in the sun here. I feel that all the flowers and trees are beautiful, and the small insects are walking happily. I hope everyone can observe and protect the nature carefully, so that such beautiful scenery will always exist.