Composition Don't Forget (15 anthologies)
A true hero
2023-08-12 05:51:53

Composition Don't Forget (1)

In March, spring sprouts. In this harmonious spring, beauty quietly climbs onto the balcony of the city and enters the rural courtyard. The changes are all around us, and each of us can feel the kindness and magnificence of the great motherland from the changes around us.

(1) From the perspective of people's demand for green, today, with the development of human society, large cities with a population of more than one million have spread all over the earth. However, no matter how large the urban population is, people can't measure a city's modern civilization without its greening status and per capita green space area.

Modern scientific research believes that flowers, plants and trees are natural oxygen generators, vacuum cleaners, wonderful sound insulation boards, fungicides, experts in regulating the climate and guardians of protecting the environment. Take the oxygen production function as an example, plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and release oxygen. If an adult needs 0.75 kg of oxygen for daily breathing and 0.90 kg of carbon dioxide for discharge, each person needs 10-15 square meters of trees or 20-30 square meters of lawn. If the "green lung" in the city is too small, the human lung will not get sufficient oxygen. It can be said that without green plants, there would be no human beings. The survival and development of human beings can not be separated from the green earth, which nurtures her mother for a moment.

(2) Seen from the yearning for green of ancient Chinese poets and poets, they not only planted trees in hot weather, but also left many popular tree planting poems for future generations: "making friends with distant wind in Pingchou, good seedlings also cherish new ideas", "willow trees shade the back garden, peach trees and plum trees in front of the hall", "the wild in the south, keep humble and return to the countryside", "hanging around the window, hanging around the orchid, hanging around the willow trees in front of the secret hall", etc, These are the masterpieces of Tao Yuanming, the poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who loved willows all his life. Poet Du Fu: "The peach blossom of the red man is tender, and the green willow leaves are fresh", "One hundred peach flowers are offered for begging, and before spring, they are sent to Huanhua Village", which is a vivid portrayal of the poet's love for nanmu and peach blossom. Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, loved pines and willows most in his life: "The young pines are not full of feet, and his beloved hands move by themselves", "The pines are planted all over the backyard, and the front gallows are planted in the shade of willows", "You can live without roots, and the shade is not too late; after three years of leaving the county, you can see Yiyi", "The willows were planted on the south bank of the Yangtze River, and you can spend two spring days away from the south bank of the Yangtze River; when you recall the Qingqing River from afar, you don't know who is climbing?" Judging from this famous poem "Recalling the Willows on the River", Bai Juyi is really "infatuated" with willows.

Plant trees! Plant trees! Our hundreds of millions of troops and the hands of hundreds of millions of heroes are working together to dispel desolation and poverty and create beauty and glory. The motherland will never forget, and the people will never forget: the meritorious deeds of harnessing rivers and mountains and greening the motherland will last forever as the sun and green!

There is a long way to go for a great cause, and we must work on it from generation to generation! "Every mountain is green, every water is clear, flowers are fragrant at four times, and birds sing in thousands of valleys. They decorate rivers and mountains with beauty and paint the country with verdure."

With a gentle breeze and warm spring flowers, it is just the time for China to plant trees and trees. My friends, let's hand in hand, heart in heart, pick up the hoe, pick up the shovel, go to the field, go to the hillside, carry forward the ancient tree planting spirit of "infatuated with who makes green", "let the mountains and slopes wear green clothes", so that the Chinese nation can shake the breeze through the ages.

Composition Don't Forget (2)

I had a daydream. There are two sounds in the dream, and the picture is very simple:

"Our life is very bitter, isn't it?" she asked him, narrowing her eyes. The sunshine is so lazy that people can't get up their spirits, just as she is about her future.

"Maybe..." He didn't seem to agree with her.

"If I can choose the direction of my life, I will give up the present road and set foot on another one! Ah! I seem to smell the sweet road overflowing!" She narrowed her eyes again, but this time it was a fantasy.

"Well... can you choose?"

"... You can't sigh..." She lowered her eyes sadly, and his words woke her up.

"Oh, why not add some sugar to your life?"

The girl in the daydream is dissatisfied with the reality and very romantic. Admittedly, the boy is not attracted to reality, but he is really "realistic". The girl comforts herself in fantasy, complaining and compromising at the same time; The boy is changing himself in his mind, adding sugar while building confidence.

In real life, there are often nine or eight bad things. We are just like the sand lying on the edge of the sea. The sea waves hit our peaceful life, and the salty and astringent sea water came with them. We cannot hide, nor can we hide, but let them leave traces in life. Don't forget, there is still a piece of sunshine in our sky. No matter how the waves hit us, the sun is always spreading eternal glory to all things. Since you can't get rid of the salty and astringent life that comes one after another, please add some sugar to your life with a sunny mood.

The morning light comes out and spreads all over the corner, but it can't penetrate into your decadent and self enclosed heart. Try to open your heart to the sun. Smell your own life. It turns out that after being salty and astringent, it is a refreshing fragrance.

There is another version of daydreaming. There are still two sounds in the dream, and the picture is still simple:

"Their life is very bitter, isn't it?" She asked him with a frown. Dark clouds piled up heavily on her head, just like her mood at this time.

"Yes......" He took a positive attitude towards her words.

"What should I do? Poor!" She curled her mouth, worried about other people's lives.

"... Help them! Add some sugar to their life." His eyes brightened.

After the boys and girls in Daydream version 1 were detached from their own mentality, they did not forget to add sugar to others' lives in version 2.

I remembered something several years ago: a female student in Zhengzhou University was suffering from uremia, and I forgot anything else. I just remember that she was seriously ill, her family was poor, and her classmates were helping her raise money. At that time, at the gate of our living area, primary school and junior high school, and university, there were signs of "Blue Sky Supporting Life", as well as donation boxes that were red and bright as life. I didn't think too much at that time, but I simply thought that the beautiful sister should enjoy the bright youth like us, and she should live well. So I donated five yuan. Her classmates bowed to me and I smiled at them.

When our life is favored by the sun, don't forget to pass this feeling on to others and add some sugar to other people's lives.

In the breeze and in the sun:

"What about the future?" Her hair rose in the wind.

"Oh... in short... there will be pain." He smiled relieved.

"That..." She deliberately paused.

"Don't forget to add sugar then!"

"Alas, don't forget others!"

The two laughed knowingly. The world is as beautiful as clouds and winds.

I haven't published a paper for a long time, but I'm not in the mood to write recently. I just wrote several articles at school according to the teacher's requirements. This is the latest one, and I am also the most satisfied one... Maybe you will feel different from my previous articles, which is also true. Finally, this is an official article for the teacher, It seems that life is not as bad as we think``

Composition Don't Forget (3)

Life is colorful. Although sometimes dull days are very boring, as long as you add some sugar to them, you will realize that it is still sweet.

Although the hot summer vacation makes people feel very stuffy, I will not be upset because of it. At this time, I always go to the beach with my parents. I remember once I came to the golden beach, the hot sun was burning the earth, and a feeling of heat came along. I quickly changed into a bathing suit, and my whole body was wrapped tightly.

I sat on the recliner and hid under a big umbrella. I enjoyed the sea breeze with a little salty smell, and let it blow my hair. Just then, my mother came to me and asked me to go swimming together. I was a "dry duck" when I was young, and I couldn't swim, so I didn't dare to go into the water. All of a sudden, I felt pushed by someone, and I "rushed" into the sea. The surging sea rolled around me and pushed me away from the shore. I crawled backwards to climb back to the beach, but the naughty sea water sucked me into the sea again. In my hurry, I was choked by a mouthful of seawater, which was bitter and astringent. I was very angry and kicked the water hard. Then the sea seemed angry and pushed me. I calmed down and stopped. It seemed that the sea was also "quiet". It was flowing slowly. I looked down. Suddenly, I found several beautiful fish scurrying around my feet. Those water elves were lively and lovely, and they played hide and seek with me. I couldn't help smiling, and immediately fell in love with this sea. At this time, my mother waved to me and threw me a sandwich milk candy. I put it in my mouth, sweet with a warm taste.

Although the sea water is very bitter, don't forget to keep a sugar in your heart. It will make you happy and full.

Life is like living in this vast ocean. During the busy time, I never forget to add some "sugar" to my heart to make myself relaxed and happy.

Composition Don't Forget (4)

If you are alive, you should create a wonderful life, and life will be meaningful. But in this creative life, don't forget to stay for a while. Enjoy the beautiful scenery around you, relax and enjoy life at the right time.

Life needs creation, and creation makes life more exciting. West, a young man with broken legs in the United States, was born without legs. But in order to avoid mediocrity in life, he climbed the mountain with his hands at an altitude of 5875 meters through his own efforts, explaining that nothing is impossible, and adding color to his life. He created a beautiful life with his hands; Liu Wei created his own piano life with his feet, and also brought people the wonderful sound of piano; Hawking used his fingers to create a space for thinking and let people understand his wonderful thinking. God may forget to give them perfect bodies, but this can not stop them from creating life. They may not know that they were doomed to be difficult from the moment they came to the world, but they did not let life see that they were just like the eagle flying in the sky without wings. They all created a wonderful personal life. Therefore, life needs to create, create to drive away the blind and welcome the bright.

However, life is too creative, which is no good. When people are busy creating. Don't forget to stop, appreciate the things around you slowly, enjoy life in time, and life will be complete.

Have you ever remembered that Tao Yuanming was far away from the tedious palace and returned to the embrace of nature. Only then did he have the ambition of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the southern mountains"; Li Bai is far away from the life of overt and covert struggle. Only when he wanders around the world can hundreds of volumes of romantic poems be preserved; Wang Wei also returned to the countryside, so he realized that "less is suitable for vulgar rhyme, and nature loves hills". In the rush of life, stop in time to enjoy the beautiful scenery around you, relax the tense mood, let yourself return to the original nature, and enjoy life in time is the way of life.

In a modern society, everyone wants to create a career, but the pace of life becomes tense. People are always busy creating, ignoring the beautiful scenery of life, and even die from overwork. This is wrong. Although creation is important, it is equally important to enjoy life at the right time. If you can stop at the right time, you will find that there are many beautiful things in life besides creation, such as family and friendship. These need us to stop to find their beauty, so that life will be complete.

My friends, life needs to have fun at the moment, stop the pace of creation, find more beautiful things around you, and even create because of busy, so that the "Little Yueyue" event happens again, carry forward good morality, and create a beautiful life.

As the saying goes, "Life is not short of beauty, but of discovery." We should enjoy ourselves in time while creating, so that we can discover the beauty of life and create a complete and wonderful life.

Composition Don't Forget (5)

"When you play the piano, you must focus on it and don't think about it! Why can't you always remember it!"

Slowly, the afterglow of the sunset disappeared on the horizon; Slowly, the trees outside the window are also covered with green and dark coats... Why? Why did I pull it wrong again? What is the problem? Eyes ache, heart unwilling. The trees outside the window seemed to laugh at my incompetence. Over and over again, the scene of losing the Erhu competition kept emerging in front of me, and the colorful notes in my heart also became monotonous noise

Arrive at the examination room with confidence and show indifference to others' taunts; When performing, I was proud of the examiners with appreciative smiles on their faces; In the twinkling of an eye, I pulled a wrong sound, and the examiner's smile became somewhat perfunctory; At last, when I read the music on the scene, I thought of forgetting to ask what tune... It was like buying a ticket to "Happy Valley" and taking a roller coaster inside. I wanted to prove myself to the people who mocked me, but I didn't expect it to make me relaxed, so that I let go, and the stones hit my feet heavily.

It was not until my mother closed the door and the "bang" sounded that I suddenly woke up, and my eyes and thoughts moved back from the window. I put Erhu on my back and got off. The erhu, which usually has few double weights, seemed to be a close thing. I walked as if I would fall down.

When I got home, I put down my erhu and sat beside the bed, looking out the window to see the sky slowly darkening; See the catkins scattered by the wind; Look at the lonely shadow of the big tree... I want to break free from the claws of unwilling and humiliated people, but I can't do it. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and began to sob.

I don't know when my mother sat next to me and said, "Don't always live in the eyes of others, because that's not your nature. You don't always want to become a strong person like others, but you want to become a strong person, because you have your own characteristics. People live for themselves. As long as you don't infringe on the rights of others, you don't need to live for others. Think about it for yourself. " Then she got up and went to cook.

Yes, why should I care so much about other people's opinions? Only by being good at yourself can you live brilliantly. But I didn't get up, because I found that my mother was always enlightening me when I couldn't take it easy, but I never valued it. Because she is too ordinary, but just because she is used to it, its weight is heavier. So please don't forget who is behind you; Please don't forget who is paying for you; Please don't forget who gave you warmth

The sky is already dark, and the shadow of the tree can only see the outline, but the love my mother gave me makes my heart free from night, and always spring

Composition Don't Forget (6)

The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk. "In the past childhood, the past love, in the past childhood, there are five bottles, their name is" Wuweiping ".

One day, the sky was clear and the breeze was blowing. I opened my sleepy eyes vaguely, and suddenly there was a clear clatter. I opened my eyes wide and tried very hard to warn myself that it was not true. But the mess in front of me made me shocked: pieces of pottery in the ground, translucent thick liquid splashed everywhere. "Whew", he could not help sighing with relief: "This is the honey pot in the Schisandra bottle. The thick liquid is the crystallization of hard work honey.

I dipped the food into my mouth and immediately put it into my mouth. "Oh," a breath of fragrance and sweetness seeps into my heart. Why do I have tears in my eyes? Because this is my precious childhood - a kind of inexplicable and kind feeling. I have been thinking and looking for it. I am even afraid to rummage through the boxes and cabinets at home, because I don't want it to be locked in the memory of history forever, I frantically searched the dictionary and all the books that I could find at home. I searched endlessly, so that those books were almost destroyed by me. The hope was dim, just at the moment when the hope was about to be destroyed.

——It suddenly dawned on me. I picked up the "Childhood" beside me and read it carefully and attentively

Everything is clear. It is really "the mountains are heavy and the waters are difficult to find a way, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright". The heavy fog in front of us suddenly disappears without a trace.

I am still immersed in the scholarly family.

"Childhood" - playing hide and seek under big trees with young companions, the sun is scorching the fragile earth, even if a delicate inch of skin is exposed, it will be burned by the strong sun. But under the big tree, there was no heat at all. Everyone chased each other. Under the embrace of the big tree, we jumped and jumped, screamed, shouted, laughed, and jumped, enjoying ourselves and laughing, making the dead summer come alive

Before I knew it, I read the whole book. Indulge in fantasy dreams.

I was deeply touched - please add some sugar to your life - childlike fun, which will make your life full of fun.

Composition Don't Forget (7)

Have you ever been grateful? Even a tiny gratitude? If not, you are really pathetic. If you still have time, go to be grateful! Because if one day the years diffuse to the end, then the tears of regret will be just one, slightly bitter drops.

Her mother is a foreign girl who is a dishwasher. She is extremely inferiority complex in school. She doesn't laugh every day, but she is depressed and doesn't speak. Whenever she sees her mother, she will bury her head and leave. Mother was very worried when she saw her like this. Finally one day, my mother got the ticket to go to the ski resort. She hoped that she could make the girl happy. She worked late for several weeks to get the ticket. The girl went to the ski resort with the ticket, and her mother was also very pleased. On that day, the mother and daughter enjoyed playing in the snow, but it happened unexpectedly. The avalanche buried the mother and daughter in the snow, and the mother desperately shouted her daughter's name, but the daughter cried, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't do this!"...... The mother was silent for a long time, The girl also fainted in her hatred When she woke up, the doctor told her that her mother had dyed the snow red with blood, so that people could find them in time and the girl survived. The girl burst into tears. She finally realized that she was stupid and ungrateful, but it was too late, and she could no longer have a mother

Think about ourselves. When my mother worked hard all day and couldn't sleep well because of her work, we were extremely worried, but we didn't know what to do. I remember that when I was worried about my homework or other things, she always comforted me by saying, "Think slowly and don't care too much"; Sometimes she would rub my shoulder, and that always warm care is extremely happy. So one night, my mother was lying in bed reading a book, and I ran to her and said, "I have nothing to do today, let me give you a massage." My mother was very happy, and I suddenly felt happy.

Please remember to be grateful! Recall who used to hold your umbrella on rainy days, who comforted you when you were upset, who cared for your injured skin, who told you everything when you went out, and who was more happy when you were happy

Be thankful! You and others will be pleased. Be thankful! When they fade away, your crying will become a kind of "hypocrisy".

Composition Don't Forget (8)

It is said that a man admired the way of walking of his neighbors and thought that their way of walking was like dancing, so he got up and went to study in his neighbor's country. Two years later, the man not only failed to learn the way of walking in his own country, but forgot his own way of walking, and finally had to crawl home.

This story sounds absurd, but when we think about it carefully, it tells us a very important truth: Don't forget yourself when learning.

China has a long history and countless spiritual wealth. There are countless things worth learning, but when we study, have we ever thought about whether such things of ancient people are suitable for modern people? It would be counterproductive if we blindly copied without considering the actual situation. It is precisely because some socialist countries in Eastern Europe blindly copied the socialist model of the Soviet Union that they lost power after less than 40 years in power. The Chinese revolutionaries avoided blindly copying, and created the socialist road with Chinese characteristics according to the actual situation of China. Only then could China embark on the road of becoming a powerful country, and we could live a comfortable life today.

Now the society is also full of some popular words and literature. There are some things worth learning from among these things, which are full of sense of the times and give people vitality. But not everything is like this. Nowadays, some books advocating violence and murder are mixed into the market. These are the cultural garbage that should be banned. Confucius said: 'Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad.' Don't we not understand the truth that even the ancients understood? Now some Japanese singers from South Korea come to China to perform. The whole audience is shouting and screaming. The campus was originally a place for learning. Now there are many so-called 'pop songs' that have no reason to speak. Some middle school students almost go crazy to learn to sing these songs. They don't even look at these traditional songs in China. Students should not forget their own national things

Qi Baishi once said, "Learn from me and you will live as if I were dead." This sentence is easy to understand. It tells us that others should learn the good things in their bodies. But what's the use of learning if we don't adapt to our own conditions? We study in order to make ourselves stronger, so we should learn according to our own conditions. Don't learn to become others, or even become "four different".

Hurry on, just don't forget yourself.

Composition Don't Forget (9)

In the composition of grade four in primary school, don't forget that you are the descendant of the dragon

From the second grade, I felt that I was the descendant of the dragon

On this day, the scorching sun hung high in the clear blue sky, emitting hot and dazzling light, as if to melt the whole earth into a vast sea of flames. At that time, we were having a physical education class. Suddenly, the physical education teacher proposed a "running race". We were trying to avoid the scorching sun. After hearing this, we asked the teacher for mercy. The teacher did what he said, as I expected, the competition started smoothly, and the students went up one by one.

It was my turn. I walked up calmly and thought proudly: "My running performance is poor anyway. Even if I ran the worst, the teacher would not treat me badly!"

"Prepare -- run!" A loud voice sounded in my ears. After running for a circle, I began to feel overwhelmed, and the distance from the second student was getting bigger and bigger. At this time, cheers came to my ears: "Yingchao cheers, Yingchao cheers..." I looked back, as if to see the support of my classmates, and hear the encouragement and trust of my classmates. In an instant, my heart kept singing: "There is a dragon in the far east, his name is China..." Suddenly, I seemed to be full of infinite strength again, and rushed forward bravely. Chongci, first place!

The teacher praised me and won the honor for the first time. In front of my eyes, it seems that there is a huge dragon that is not afraid of mountains and fires. That is me. He fills me with confidence.

Friends, whenever you encounter difficulties and setbacks, please don't forget that you are the descendant of the dragon.

Composition Don't Forget (10)

There are some things you have to face, you can choose to escape, but there is one thing you must be clear, you can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime. Choose to escape, it is better to face bravely.

You should be clear about your situation now. No one can change it except you. So what are you going to do now? Everything depends on your choice. Don't be afraid. Although other people can't change, they can give you encouragement and support you in spirit forever.

Doesn't their encouragement matter to you at all? Do you think you are the only one who has trouble? If you really think so, then I can tell you that you are too naive.

Oh, yes, there is one thing I haven't told you. Don't forget how scared you were when you came to this strange place alone and were laughed at by those people. They helped you. Now, you won't be ungrateful.

Don't forget that without them, we would not have achieved today. Without them, you are still the weak person who is afraid of this place. You are still alone.

Composition Don't Forget (11)

Whether you are in school or in society, you can always get in touch with composition. With composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. How to write a good composition? The following is a carefully organized composition of Don't forget to like life, for reference only, welcome to read it.

"The love of life is also something that needs constant practice." I seem to agree with this sentence more and more.

Before starting this topic, I would like to introduce and recommend a Spanish animated short film Alike. The first time I saw this animation was during a study tour in London, a lesson of great significance to me. There are no ups and downs in the plot, but more ordinary but real life like us.

In a pale world, there is a father and son who are still full of color. However, in the assembly line of life, their enthusiasm for life has finally been exhausted, and their colors gradually become lighter. Fortunately, my father began to realize that this was not the life he wanted. The father plucked up his courage to stand under the orange maple tree, disregarding the strange eyes of others, "playing" the violin that his son was interested in at first, just to awaken his curiosity and expectation of life. At that moment, the joy on their faces and the bright colors on their bodies were so incompatible with the dead city, but only they insisted on not letting their own color fade from life.

I used to like the guitar very much. Even if my fingers were abraded, blistered, or even scratched accidentally, I could be happy and excited for a while as long as I could play a small song and the chord conversion was a little smoother. Because I know very well that I am working hard for what I love. But after the second day of junior high school, I played the guitar with ten fingers. At first, I comforted myself that I couldn't do anything because I didn't have time, but later I simply accepted the reason that I was too lazy. Until the day when I cleaned the room, I looked at the guitar with some dust. At that moment, I was not sad, but I thought it was a pity.

"Drinking morning tea" can be regarded as a habit of our family every weekend. When we pass that alley when we go home, my mother is always willing to spend some time to choose some fragrant and charming flowers and buy them for home display. I was a little impatient once, and blurted out to ask her, "You are so busy with your work, and rarely have free time. How can you be interested in spending such a period of time here to pick flowers?" She thought carefully, "I am used to it, and I like it, which will make my life more comfortable." This sentence really made me envy her, In the busy work, but still methodically doing what you like, this is the sense of life, this is the enviable state.

In fact, I seem to feel a little powerless in the repeated life, gradually losing my own color, giving up what I love, and weakening my enthusiasm for life. Busy and lazy are no reason at all, because occasionally even if it is just a tiny action, such as wiping off the dust on the computer keyboard, or the sticky grease stains on the soy sauce cover, it is enough to make your mood happy and feel that life has become comfortable again.

To remind yourself, don't forget to like life, don't forget to stick to the things you love, the things that will make life more comfortable and happy, and don't forget to be a colorful person.

Composition Don't Forget (12)

Chapter 1: Don't forget your original self

Remember the man who cried and asked his mother to buy a doll or a car? Remember that guy who sat on the ground crying after wrestling and waited for warmth? Do you still remember how glad you were because of the first small victory in life? Do you still remember the man who vowed to be admitted to the best school in the world?

When we were just born, we didn't have to think about anything but eating and sleeping; When we were three years old, we had no worries. We all felt that our parents were heroes in the world because they could give us everything we wanted; At the age of five, we learned that there was a place called "kindergarten" in the world, and there was a special name called "teacher". Called "classmate": when we were seven years old, we said goodbye to the wooden horse and the seesaw, and came to the door of an experimental primary school. We gradually found that life here was more regular and strict; When we were ten years old, the intensity of our life seemed to be greater than that of our parents. We had to take classes in the daytime, practice piano and paint in the evening, and finally even rest became an elusive luxury; At the age of 15, "confusion and rebellion" became the synonym of youth. We began to hate schools and tyranny. We no longer know what is "innocence" and what is "freedom"; At the age of eighteen, we no longer disdain the control of the school and the nagging of our parents. We prefer to confine ourselves to a small corner, think about the meaning of life in the face of darkness and narrowness, and finally find ourselves trapped in an endless vortex, endless... In the eyes of our parents, there is less expectation and more disappointment, they do not know how to wake up our nearly numb hearts, They also gradually felt that the three words of "no way" in other people were almost helpless. They could only watch and look forward to your "turning back" quietly. I don't know how many times we have stayed up late at night. There are always two people who recall the glory we brought to them in front of the wall of awards. But I don't know when we saw this wall is no longer glory, but satire, satire that we forgot our original self and lost ourselves on the way to growth, how ridiculous.

Perhaps, when we were partying with our friends in the dark, two people were searching hard in the street; When we were lying on the bed to drip because of irregular work and rest, two people secretly wiped tears when turning around; When we were punished by the school or even persuaded to leave, those two people were almost desperate.

The soul brocade collection, which was forgotten in the corner of the bookcase, is also marked with the trace of our reading. The tick marks on it also record our struggle when we were confused. Sometime, it comes into our sight again. We can't help but calm down and taste it quietly. When I saw the sentence "My dear, I must be the most authentic person, don't ask whether it is fate or robbery", my eyes were wet unconsciously. Yes, how much have we gained and lost? Is it really what we want now? I really want to say yes, but the word "yes" is stuck in my mouth. What's wrong with me?

Now I finally understand that what we seem to be mature is actually more childish. Those days of going to bars all day are the brand of our failure. Now, since we understand the truth, what is the right to say that we should continue to be decadent, and what is the right to continue to waste our youth with our parents' money?

From now on, dear, let's make an appointment. From now on, no matter what setbacks and mistakes you encounter, don't forget your original self, OK?

Chapter 2: Don't forget your original self

It is said that a man admired the way of walking of his neighbors and thought that their way of walking was like dancing, so he got up and went to study in his neighbor's country. Two years later, the man not only failed to learn the way of walking in his own country, but forgot his own way of walking, and finally had to crawl home.

This story sounds absurd, but when we think about it carefully, it tells us a very important truth: Don't forget yourself when learning.

China has a long history and countless spiritual wealth. There are countless things worth learning, but when we study, have we ever thought about whether such things of ancient people are suitable for modern people? It would be counterproductive if we blindly copied without considering the actual situation. It is precisely because some socialist countries in Eastern Europe blindly copied the socialist model of the Soviet Union that they lost power after less than 40 years in power. The Chinese revolutionaries avoided blindly copying, and created the socialist road with Chinese characteristics according to the actual situation of China. Only then could China embark on the road of becoming a powerful country, and we could live a comfortable life today.

Now the society is also full of some popular words and literature. There are some things worth learning from among these things, which are full of sense of the times and give people vitality. But not everything is like this. Nowadays, some books advocating violence and murder are mixed into the market. These are the cultural garbage that should be banned. Confucius said: 'Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad.' Don't we not understand the truth that even the ancients understood? Now some Japanese singers from South Korea come to China to perform. The whole audience is shouting and screaming. The campus was originally a place for learning. Now there are many so-called 'pop songs' that have no reason to speak. Some middle school students almost go crazy to learn to sing these songs. They don't even look at these traditional songs in China. Students should not forget their own national things

Qi Baishi once said, "Learn from me and you will live as if I were dead." This sentence is easy to understand. It tells us that others should learn the good things in their bodies. But what's the use of learning if we don't adapt to our own conditions? We study in order to make ourselves stronger, so we should learn according to our own conditions. Don't learn to become others, or even become "four different".

Hurry on, just don't forget yourself.

Chapter 3: Don't forget your original self

When the world is gradually shrouded in black, everything is swallowed up by the darkness, everything around seems to be quiet, the noise is no longer, the pomp is gone, it seems that the world has held its breath, and I dare not breathe, for fear that this subtle sound will destroy this rare peace. Such a night is quiet and silent, but my heart is impetuous and restless. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the wind blowing through your ears. I tried to calm my impetuous heart, but I was powerless.

Time changes, and the turn of time makes people unprepared. In the tunnel of time, we are finally changed by life. We stumble away from the original self, never return to the leisure of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan", and never again the free and easy of "life is not satisfactory in the world, and the Ming Dynasty sends out a boat". Life forces us to constantly face and accept the reality. After repeated failures and lessons, we began to understand that the road we have to walk on our own after all, and the future belongs to us. Life should look ahead and always be limited to the past and the present, so that you can never see the bright future, and what should be lost will still be lost. For example, time, no matter how tight you grasp it, will eventually slip away from your fingers, and it will still pass from your palm when you open your hand. Some things are unavoidable, just sooner or later, why bother yourself.

Sometimes there must be something in your life. No one can take what belongs to you. The person who wants to go will not be retained. Only occasionally, he will feel sad. There are really not many people who can accompany you in your life. Along the way, I stumbled and stumbled, and people around me slowly dispersed, until I finally found that only myself was left. Youth is a lonely and long journey, and there is only one person on the way. Sometimes someone will accompany you for a while, but eventually they all slowly get separated, so I began to get tired of this kind of departure, don't accompany me if you can't give me a long companion, the sudden silence after the noise will only make people more uncomfortable, and the only thing left after the end is loneliness.

If life is just like the first sight, what's the autumn wind sad to draw fans? "If people meet each other only at the stage of just knowing, how good it would be, there will be no later changes in people's hearts, but the old people's hearts will change. Life has taught us to grow, and it has slowly changed our original appearance. If one day we can all go back to the time we just met, I just want to say that no matter what the future will be, don't forget the original self.

Composition Don't Forget (13)

Yes, today's winter solstice is the longest night!

After that day, the darkness gradually subsided, and the day gradually dominated life. The time of two minutes a day was about to usher in another spring.

I don't know when I began to have a sense of panic about the change of seasons. I don't know when to begin to become calm and calm in the face of any success and failure.

From panic to sense of urgency, from urgency to sense of calm, this change has experienced many vicissitudes of fate, including many feelings and sublimations of mood, and what kind of life experience!

Just as Stephen Covey explained, "Can you imagine that farming depends on temporary cramming? Can you imagine that you forget to sow in spring, muddle through the whole summer, and then do a big job in autumn - plow, sow, water, and maintain - and then look forward to a great harvest overnight?" From believing in the law of success with impetuous mentality to grasping the law of farming when things come naturally, I learned to sow at the right time, but also calmly adapted to the usual work, not the harvest. In the harvest season, I will never forget the joy of harvest and success.

How many people who desire success neglect sowing seeds in their fate; How many people who desire happiness have no patience to water and catch insects. In the end, I complained about the unfair fate in the face of the end of my own tree.

At the beginning of the winter solstice, Christmas, New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival... festivals come in profusion one by one, beginning to harass you, seduce you, sentimental you, numb you, and surprise you.

Is it a human festival or a natural festival? Is this the festival of the material world or the festival of the emotional world?

Is this your holiday or our holiday?

Composition Don't Forget (14)

A word of thanks. In life, many people think that this is just a polite thing to say. Perhaps it is just this polite sentence that can make people feel happy and joyful.

An old grandpa was friendly and polite all his life. He never forgot to say thank you, so he is very popular. When Grandpa was dying, almost a villager went to see him. Grandpa's last words were: Thank you. Many people also mourned him, which is the charm of a simple thank you.

Once, I went out to play and just took the bus home. The bus was full of people. An old lady with white hair kept coughing. She swayed from side to side when the bus was driving fast, almost falling down. I held the old woman, her wrinkled face smiled and said to me, "Thank you, young man." At that moment, my heart was excited and happy, and there was an incomparable happiness. Previously, I didn't express myself very much and didn't like to say thank you. From that day on, I knew what to do. Originally, a thank you can make people so happy. From that day on, I deeply felt the magic of these two words.

A smile, a thank you and a touch of warmth can make life more valuable. And those successful people never forget to say thank you, perhaps because of this, they can succeed.

So, in life, whether out of politeness or sincerity, don't forget to say thank you!

Composition Don't Forget (15)

That day, a friend suddenly asked me, "Have you poured 100 cups of water for your parents?"

This is really a problem that is caught off guard. To be honest, in my life, I don't have many memories of pouring water for my parents, not even once, let alone 100 cups. This is a problem that I don't care about at all.

Probably, there are not a few people who feel the same way as me. They don't care about how much they have contributed to their parents, or most parents don't care about how much their children have given themselves. Both parties inadvertently weaken the communication with each other, and even create the so-called generation gap.

Of course, as parents, or they really do not require their children to contribute anything, even a simple glass of water, because in their view, in life, for the sake of their children's growing up, their own pay has been incalculable, still care about this glass of water? As children, they are not incapable of pouring a glass of water for their parents. However, things are often so strange. It is so difficult for people to complete a very simple action, let alone repeat it 100 times or more.

I remember a song called "Go home and have a look". From the melody, I don't think it is particularly beautiful, but it has occupied the pop chart of the music industry in the early years, and has been popular across the country. I think as long as the simple lyrics of this song touched people's hearts. The song sang: "Find some time, bring a smile, take the children, and often go home to have a look. Mom prepared a table of nagging, and Dad arranged a table of good dishes.

Talk to your mother about your troubles in life, talk to your father about your work - -- often go home and have a look - -- even if you wash your chopsticks and wash your dishes with your mother, even if you rub your back and beat your shoulders with your father, the old man doesn't want his children to make much contribution to the family, but he will spend his whole life running for reunion - -- "In fact, this song is not a great classic, The theme expressed in it is just the process that ordinary people often go through. However, it is this seemingly ordinary language that most impresses people. It is not the appearance piled up with gorgeous words, but the real life.

From the song, we can't help sighing how broad the minds of the parents are. Even if they have endured a lifetime of hardship, it is nothing in their eyes. What matters is that the family is safe and the children are successful.

I feel a little guilty about this. I don't really pay attention to my parents' needs at ordinary times. Sometimes my parents want me to do something for him. I even lose my temper and blame them for doing too much. For example, when people from rural areas come, Dadu will first find my parents' home, explain that they have something to ask for help, and ask my parents to come forward to intercede with me for them. What they ask for intercession is nothing more than fights and traffic accidents.

At first, when my parents saw the people from my hometown coming, they naturally gave me a warm reception. They ate good food and lived well. They also re educated me as a poor and lower middle peasants and moved me with emotion, so that I never forget my roots. In this case, I tried my best to help them at the beginning, and occasionally I would get lucky. Because of this, things got out of hand. In my hometown, my reputation spread quickly, and I became a hero in their eyes

There is nothing that can't be done. They all like to come out to me. No wonder, since we have come here, we have food and shelter, and we have to get things done. Why not? It's just hard for me to live and eat. I have to worry about whether I can get things done. After a month, there is little left in the salary I just received, which even makes it difficult to support my family.

Gradually, my attitude also began to change. I was no longer so enthusiastic about working for the villagers. It was useless even to intercede with my parents. Sometimes, I even blamed them severely. At this time, parents did not dare to say much, but showed their grievances. Or sometimes he would say to himself, "It's not easy for rural people. If conditions permit, it's OK to help them."

But how to help? Can I help that much? What's more, some people feel disgusted when they see it. They think that you can accomplish anything if you have a job. Some even think that it is natural for you to do things for him. Even if you do 99 good things for him and one thing fails, he will sing about you and say that you have no intention. How can you tolerate him?

However, if you look back, you can't blame your parents. The parents were just acting out of kindness.

Moreover, as children, we have no right to blame our parents. Imagine how much we have really done and paid for our parents in our life. As our friends said, have we poured 100 cups of water for our parents? I believe our parents don't care about this glass of water or two cups of water, but it is such a glass of water. If parents who have worked hard all their lives get it from their children

What satisfaction and pride! And once we as children, even if there is something wrong, parents may be willing to pay their lives.

I once heard a story about a couple who were mountaineers. In order to celebrate their son's first birthday, they decided to carry their son up the 7000 meter snow mountain.

They deliberately chose a sunny day, and set out on the journey when everything was ready. At first light, the weather is just like the forecast

When the sun is in the sky, there is no wind and no half cloud. The couple quickly and easily climbed to the height of 5000 meters.

However, when they took a short break to prepare for a new height, an unexpected thing happened. The wind and clouds rose suddenly, the wind blew heavily and the snowflakes danced.

The temperature dropped sharply to minus thirty or forty degrees. Most importantly, because they fully believe in the weather forecast, they neglect to carry the vital locator.

Since the wind is too strong and the visibility is less than 1m, it means danger or death. In desperation, they found a cave and had to go into it for shelter