Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (collection of 18 articles)
Holding love and half covering face
2023-09-27 04:46:51
junior middle school

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (1)

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. To protect the environment, start with me.

This originally lush Populus euphratica forest has turned into a "withered branch and withered leaf", just like ghosts and monsters with their teeth open, like beggars kneeling on the ground in the desert begging people for water, their hands to the sky, as if they were telling people about their pain. Because the groundwater level dropped, this Populus euphratica forest died of drought.

Why? This "warning world forest" has already told us the answer.

People use a lot of water and waste water, which leads to the decline of groundwater level. If we don't waste water and save water resources, how beautiful this "strange forest" would be now: birds singing in the branches, squirrels jumping around in the branches, rabbits dancing happily in the forest, birds singing and flowers smelling, butterflies dancing, streams clear, fish freely dancing in the streams... What a beautiful scene!

Isn't that good? If we don't waste water resources, what we see now may not be the "strange forest" with withered branches and withered leaves, but the lush "Populus euphratica forest", which is caused by our human beings.

Do not litter, cut down trees or waste water resources. Throw the underground peels and paper scraps into the dustbin. It is forbidden for industrial wastewater to flow into nature. Collect batteries to prevent the batteries from harming nature. Purify the air, reuse water resources, and return the fresh air and clean paradise to nature and human beings.

Just imagine: if all life on the earth were extinct, would human beings still live long?

This question deserves our human meditation

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (2)

Little rabbit was eating tender grass in the forest, and little squirrel hurried to the little rabbit and said, "Little rabbit, little rabbit! Let's go! The tiger king is going to hold a forest conference, and it's said that there is an emergency!" "Why do you want to hold an emergency conference?" Little rabbit asked puzzled. The little squirrel ran away early.

At the meeting place, many animals have arrived. The owl also complained that "people are working at night, and now they are so sleepy!" The majestic tiger king and leopard police officer came out. Tiger King said, "The leopard police officer has heard many such cases recently, and the birds said that their big tree house has arrived! Tell me who did it, and I will be lenient now. The angry thrush lady yelled, "Who did it? Why are you so wicked! You have made mistakes and still don't admit it. Now we can only live at a friend's house. Sobbing..."

Everyone was silent. Grandma tortoise broke the silence. She said slowly, "I know who did it! My great grandson's grandson was captured by them! They stood on two feet with long feet and guns in their hands." The pilot eagle said, "Yes, they are. They shot us with guns and killed us!"

After hearing these words, Little Rabbit could no longer control his emotions and said: "We live on the same planet with those villains, and we should respect us anyway! They are hurting us, and we will fight with them! ”The animals under the stage applauded loudly.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (3)

The fog was so heavy that day.

This is my second day in Zhangjiajie. On the bus, I felt as if I was at a loss. People who traveled with me complained, and I was speechless. Since it is useless, why waste words?

When we arrived at the scenic spot, when the door opened, in addition to the rain gear peddlers, the rest was the boundless water vapor, and the air was still sprinkled with drizzle. The wind blows through the skin, so cool.

It's very beautiful here. The light and shadow from the fog can make me sure of this.

Take the cable car to the top of the mountain and feel the atmosphere more dignified. Through the window, I found that the fog wrapped the cable car tightly, as if I could see my heart surrounded by layers. Where did I go? Quietly, I stared out of the window with nothing in it, dazed.

The cable car took me out of the heavy cloud and I saw a lone peak rising from the ground. It's beautiful to see the fog just surrounding me floating under my feet. Raindrops hit the window, hit the cloud, hit the whole world, hit the heart. It is like tiny diamonds dancing in the air and then turning into smaller particles. The clouds seemed to wander and flow in the valley, like lovers' parting, unwilling to leave for a long time. I have never seen this snow white fog, like the flying snow on Tianshan Mountain. Although heavy, it is totally pure.

Gently, the cable car slid to the top of the mountain and walked out of the cable station, only to find itself in the fog again. The fog here is bigger than that at the foot of the mountain, and there is another sense of melancholy in my heart. Walking on the platform on the top of the mountain and moving forward in the fog, you can not feel the romance of walking in the clouds, but a kind of confusion. The thick fog covers the road ahead, making it difficult to see through.

When I went down the mountain, I didn't want to take the cable car again. I remember seeing many scenes that I didn't see when I came up, and I knew that some missed scenes could come back. It was the fog that made it possible. On the way back, I was reluctant to part, but I didn't know whether to part with the scenery or the fog.

Maybe I am really confused and forget that I came here to see the mountains and water rather than the fog. Maybe I am the same in my life. I keep moving forward but I am confused. People often say that it is not good to be like this. People should strive for a certain goal. Maybe we can get out of the fog and have beautiful scenery. We can find our lost goal if we get out of the fog. But in the fog, all you can do is forget everything. Let the mind rest quietly.

I think that's why people always close their eyes when they sleep.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (4)

Today is a sunny day. I came to a small river early in the morning to enjoy the beautiful scenery there. Ah, the river is like a mirror, which can reflect people. The fish in the river swim back and forth in the water. It's really beautiful! I saw these fish as if I saw some dancing fairies. Some fish are playing beside colorful stones. Two carp collided, as if whispering. What about some other fish? Guess! Oh, maybe you can't guess, let me tell you! They are playing hide and seek. It seems that they are still singing!

Suddenly, a woman came. She dressed so clean and tidy, but she threw a bag of dirty garbage into the river. As soon as this bag of garbage came into the water, it dispersed and polluted a large area of the river. Its pollution scope is still spreading around. Just as a farmer passed by, he immediately fished the rubbish out of the river with a net. Those fish just recovered from their distress and became so happy. They swam back and forth in the water.

Friends, we should protect the environment and not destroy it. Because if you destroy the environment, you are killing your own life.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (5)

Everyone must be familiar with the topic of water conservation, because everyone pays close attention to it. However, who can really save water? One day, when I walked to the sink on a corridor to wash my hands, I saw the following scene:

The words "Please save water" on the top of the faucet are eye-catching, while under the faucet, clear and transparent water is flowing "clattering". There are many people coming and going, but no one turns it off... I can't look anymore, so I hurried to run and turn off the faucet.

Do you know how precious water is! Our life is inseparable from water everywhere. Let's take our life as an example. We need water for cooking, for washing, and for drinking! We can't live without water.

You know what? Although 70% or 8% of the earth is covered by water, there are very few fresh water resources. Of the total water resources, 97% and 5% are salt water that cannot be drunk. 87% of the remaining 2.5% of fresh water is the polar ice sheet, alpine glaciers and ice and snow in permafrost areas that are difficult for human beings to use. What humans can really use is a part of rivers, lakes and groundwater, which only accounts for 0% and 26% of the total water volume of the earth, and is unevenly distributed.

In order to protect water resources, the "World Water Day" has been set up on March 22 every year! Let's start from every bit of life and save our precious water resources!

Save water, start from me - strive to be a little guard of environmental protection!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (6)

Elegant environment can bring us a good mood and is good for our health. Trees are the best air purification plant. Trees can not only beautify the environment, but also prevent sand storms and soil erosion. In order to prevent the environment we live in from becoming a desert and make everyone have a wonderful home, we should not only protect the existing trees, but also actively participate in afforestation activities.

White pollution and urban garbage. In the modern social environment, white pollution and urban garbage treatment have become an environmental problem of concern around the world. The so-called white pollution is the environmental pollution caused by polystyrene plastic waste. Plastic packaging bags, foam lunch boxes, etc. are the most common polystyrene wastes. Once such wastes enter the environment, they are extremely difficult to degrade and have a long retention time, which has a great impact on the environment. It is a good dress, a pair of beautiful leather shoes, and a beautiful book. If you litter them after use, they will become garbage and pollute the environment. Therefore, to prevent white pollution, the most important thing is that each of us must develop good health habits and not litter. At ordinary times, plastic waste can be recycled by collecting, cleaning and recycling. Now that we know the importance of the environment to us and the harmfulness of destroying the environment. Therefore, from now on, we must protect the environment.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (7)

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment

In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I know a lot about composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is collected by my editor for everyone. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. It is only for reference. Let's have a look.

Every time, some people complain about the bad environment and insufficient resources, but have they ever thought about how much they have contributed to the green world? How many times have you turned off the light? How many backwaters have you turned off? To protect the environment, we should start with ourselves. This is very important for each of us, and it has a lot to do with the happiness of each of us. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

The earth used to be a beautiful and healthy planet. Because of the wanton destruction of our human beings, the earth is now weak. Look, northern China has been hit by the yellow sand in the sky for several times, and Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi and other provinces are flying sand and rolling stones, showing a severe sandstorm sky; The severe water shortage in southwest China caused drought; The drought has not stopped, Yushu earthquake, can be said to be a series of disasters.

All this, mankind has an unshirkable responsibility! Someone once asked me: "As a primary school student, you are busy and ordinary everyday. What contribution can you make to the environmental protection of our home?" I think environmental protection is not only a matter for adults, but also a responsibility and obligation for our primary school students. In fact, greening our homes, protecting the ecology and saving the earth is not a lofty undertaking. Just start by yourself! I can't stop people from cutting down indiscriminately, but I can save every piece of paper and take care of flowers and trees; I can't stop people from killing rare animals, but I can avoid catching and eating all animals protected by the state; I can't prevent the overwhelming white garbage from polluting the environment, but I can use environmentally friendly bags to enter the supermarket and reduce the number of times I use plastic bags; I can't prevent people from polluting the environment by littering with waste batteries, but I can send the waste batteries at home to the designated place for recycling

I can't stop too many things damaging the environment, but there are many things I can do to protect the environment. I can start from small things, from daily life, and from what I can do.

I think that if everyone does this, our living environment will reduce some pollution. For our own sake, for the sake of our descendants, for the sake of our common homeland, protecting the environment should be our conscious steps. Environmental protection, start with me! My dear friends, from now on, let's start from using less and no plastic bags, sorting garbage and other small things in life! "Big things can't be done, and small things can't be done", which will not help to solve the problem of environmental pollution; Everyone, let's do it. Don't let disasters come to our planet again. Don't let the earth become a black planet with no tears. Let's work hard to create a green home!

In order to make our life more beautiful, people should advocate and urge each other: create a green home together, leave a green mood, start from me, protect the nature, protect the environment, everyone has a responsibility to make our home more beautiful and brilliant! Let's work together to create a beautiful green home!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (8)

Now the resources on the earth are decreasing day by day. In the next few decades and hundreds of years, if people only know how to develop oil and cut down trees, but do not know how to love and plant, and finally because people only know how to destroy, we should do the following work:;

First; As for water pollution, some people throw garbage into the river, some factories discharge sewage that pollutes water resources into the river, and some sweep dust into the river together.

Second; People's air pollution, some people cut down trees, because there are no trees, flowers and plants, and spit out fresh air. After cutting, sandstorms and waste gas come here, making people's air worse. Some people throw garbage at their own door to pick up money, so that flies come and release harmful gas, making the gas people breathe harmful, After the development of oil and natural gas, it will become desolate.

The third is that people kill beneficial insects. Without beneficial insects to protect crops, all people will destroy and revive pests, especially pests, because the virus of pests is much more toxic than other animals. People who watch one field after another being destroyed by pests feel that something must be done.

I want to tell people that if people destroy the earth, people will have no place to live. Some people will say, "We can migrate to other planets, That is our lovely earth.

Gu Chaohong's Instructor: Huang Ruming

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (9)

When you stand on the grass and look up at the sky, geese fly in the sky. Have you ever thought about whether you can enjoy this wonderful time in the future? When you walk by the stream, enjoy the river, and fish swim in the water, have you ever thought about whether you can still store time here in the future? Now please think about how many times people have destroyed Mother Earth for their own interests?

Due to people's insufficient anticipation of the negative impact of highly developed industry and unfavorable prevention, three major global crises have resulted: resource shortage, environmental pollution and ecological destruction. Human beings continuously discharge pollutants into nature. However, due to the diffusion, dilution, redox and biodegradation of atmosphere, water, soil, etc. The destruction of this series will be a fatal blow to mankind and even the earth. "Stop! Citizens of the earth, we long for the earth and a beautiful home!"

Say again how brilliant Beijing, the capital of our country, was once; How prosperous it used to be; How desirable it was once, but all of this has been once. When you look at the weather forecast, there are sunny days written on it, but how many days are haze written on it? When you see that the weather forecast screen writes heavy haze, poor air quality, pm2.5 concentration and so on, don't you feel ashamed of yourself for destroying the environment? Because of the destruction of human beings, the word "haze" appears again. The emergence of haze naturally suffered great disasters, and all these were caused by human destruction. "Come to your senses, human beings!

To protect the environment, we should start from ourselves, and we should do this: do not litter, go green, and save resources... We will bring blue sky and smile when we do this.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! In order to see the colorful spring, the lush summer, the fruitful autumn in the future... For the once beautiful earth, start from me, and start from the plants around me! I believe tomorrow will be better!

Class 6 (3), Miyun No. 3 Primary School

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (10)

This afternoon, I watched TV upstairs, watched the record channel, and saw the history of the earth before. Without Jupiter, the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, the trees were dense, absorbing a lot of carbon dioxide, and exhaling oxygen. At that time, the air was fresh, but after a few years, more and more people came to cut down trees, dense forests

Seeing this, I went out for a walk. Suddenly, I saw a cleaner pushing a garbage truck and sweeping the road. A child ate ice cream and threw it everywhere. The cleaner sighed helplessly, ran there, bent down and swept up the paper scraps I really wanted to talk to that child about civilization. If everyone in the world threw a piece of paper, there would be disgusting garbage piled up. The stink would stink and everyone would get sick. How serious should the consequences be?

As long as we pick up one more garbage and one more tree, will the environment remain unchanged? Students, let's take action. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (11)

I came from afar and heard the river crying! I asked, "Miss River, what's wrong with you?" "Me. Me. Look at me. I'm full of garbage, packaging boxes and plastic bags. It's disgusting to see people. I think I can't see people. It turns out that I'm clean. As long as there is any dirt, the master will row a boat and take the net. But now." Miss River said sadly. I walked away and thought: What's wrong with human beings? Even a small river has polluted her like this, so every city is like this, and the world will not change? At that time, there is no time to save! Ah!

I went on and came to a wide road. I saw all the rubbish on the ground. I heard Brother Lu crying again, and I asked, "What's the matter, Brother Lu?" "Stop talking. I've been ruined by human beings. Banana peel, vegetable peel, and garbage are everywhere. It's really disgusting. If human beings continue to behave like that, I will. Alas! I don't know what I will become! God help me!" Brother Lu said painfully. "Don't cry, Brother Lu. I will tell the people to love the environment and protect the earth is everyone's responsibility!"

Everyone should mobilize, love the environment, protect the earth on which we live, and make the world more beautiful!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (12)

Our Changsha is a beautiful city with beautiful parks, picturesque Yuelu Mountain, Shuilu Island, and Juzi Island. However, a few people, because of some bad habits and uncivilized behaviors, have done something to discredit the image of Changsha and the people of Changsha. For example, spitting, defecating, littering with peel and paper scraps, disposable products, etc., have damaged the environmental health; Some randomly picked branches and trampled on the grass, which damaged the green environment; Some of them pasted graffiti around the street and under the overpass, making our city suffer from unsightly "psoriasis"; Some set up stalls at random along the road, violating the urban management regulations and food hygiene management regulations, and there is a 'hidden danger of food poisoning'; Some units are still emitting black smoke from their chimneys, and sewage is directly discharged into the Xiangjiang River without treatment, which causes odor and sewage crossflow, seriously damaging our living environment. All kinds of germs have become the biggest enemies that directly threaten people's health. If they are not treated, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Under the direct leadership of the State Council, the Changsha Municipal People's Government is also actively carrying out afforestation and patriotic health campaigns, advocating everyone to take care of flowers and trees, make the land green, and let small trees grow into forests. At the same time, beautiful public toilets have been built near the streets, and many waste bins have been set up, which greatly facilitates the needs of the people, and garbage on the roads has also been significantly reduced, The streets have become clean and beautiful.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from our city beauticians - sanitation workers. These uncles and aunts clean the roads day and night in order to give the people a clean, comfortable and elegant environment. In the early morning, when we were still asleep, they began to make up for our city. Sprinklers kept washing the streets and watering flowers and trees. Sanitation workers were not afraid of hardship to clean up the garbage for the city; At night, when we fell asleep, they were still cleaning the streets for the city. What reason can we destroy the environment when we see this?

I appeal to everyone to act immediately. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment, starting from me and now. In the future, do not spit, defecate, litter peel and paper scraps, disposable products, etc; Don't pick branches and trample on the grass at will; Effectively monitor the discharge of waste gas and water. Only when everyone takes care of the environment, will our Changsha change with each passing day and become more brilliant. Let's take active action and work hard to build our common beautiful home. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (13)

When spring came, everything revived, and the little swallow flew back from the south. Unexpectedly, he lost his way when he came back. He thought, "This road is the one I fly to and fro every year when the seasons change. I can't go wrong. Why is this place so dirty, and the air is gray everywhere? Am I really going the wrong way?"? The swallow opened her eyes wide and looked carefully into the river below. Finally, she saw a little shadow of the river. She stopped and landed beside the river. Looking at the black water full of rubbish, she sighed and said, "Human beings are so bad. They throw rubbish everywhere and make the river black. How can small fish live? How bad!" At this time, a small fish appeared, "I can't help but say," I can't breathe! I can't find my home, and I really don't know how long I can live. "Another little swallow said anxiously," Why don't we take away the garbage, clean the river, and help the little fish, or the little fish will not live long. "So they picked up the garbage one by one, Throw it into the trash can, and finally put up a sign on the water bank: Do not litter, but also give us a clean environment! Since then, people who pass here or come here to play can't bear to litter after seeing this sign, and the river water here has become clearer and clearer, and the small fish swim happily in the water. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. Everyone should start from a bit by bit. Don't litter in the future!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (14)

One day after school, I was walking home when a classmate next to me suddenly shook the newspaper into a ball, kneaded it again, and threw the paper ball into the garbage can with a "whoop". I was surprised and asked, "Why do you throw away a good newspaper?" He said carelessly, "I'll throw it away when I finish reading it." A newspaper is worthless and insignificant in our eyes. But if everyone in the world casually discards every "useless" newspaper, it will be a big tree and a forest in total. With the development of science and technology, human demand for natural resources is increasing. People are cutting down a lot of trees. The original dense forest has receded, revealing bare loess; The original patches of green land have been destroyed in large numbers and replaced by high-rise buildings. All this means that animals are homeless, making the world a place where there is no birdsong, no frogs chirping, no horses hissing. These are all our human photos. The animals who have lost their homes and wandered around, and people have not let them go, one by one, were killed cruelly and fell in a pool of blood crying. In order to eat shark fins, people cut off shark fins. The shark put back into the sea has no fins and can't swim, which means the shark will die. It is said that 7300 sharks will be killed every year, and the ecological balance of the sea has been seriously damaged. A large number of forests have disappeared, and a large number of animals have been killed. Is this what humans want to see? No, human beings do not want to see their homes destroyed. All of us have also tasted the bitter fruit brought by this. Humans have realized that big trees can protect our homes, reduce noise, prevent water and soil loss, and let us breathe fresh air... Protecting animals can also make our lives more colorful. Let's protect this human's good friend - nature!

Composition of Everyone's Responsibility for Protecting the Environment (15)

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment

The environment of Zhang Xiaoni, Class 68, Yangcheng Primary School, Huishan District, Jiangsu Province, is the most basic condition for human survival. If we destroy the environment, it is equivalent to destroying our living conditions.

At present, the ecological environment is getting worse and worse, and the biggest impact on us is water resources. According to relevant data, the laying of drainage systems and the use of detergents have increased, consuming oxygen in the water, killing fish and deteriorating the ecosystem. Human activities will cause a large number of industrial and agricultural pollutants to be discharged into the water, which will pollute the water. Every year, more than 420 billion sewage is discharged into rivers around the world, polluting 5.5 trillion of fresh water.

What a shocking fact! Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Why destroy it?

There was a small river near my grandmother's house. It used to be crystal clear. When my sister and brother were young, they often swam in the river and played with their friends. My uncles and aunts often washed clothes and vegetables in the river. Now, a chemical factory has been built beside the river to discharge production wastewater into the river, The original clear river gradually became a black river with strange smell. Adults no longer go to the river to wash clothes and vegetables, and children no longer go to the river to play······

How I miss that clear river! I think: cherish resources and protect the environment, these are all great events that have contributed to the present age, strength and future! If we pollute water in this way, we will have less and less water resources to use. We destroy the environment, which is to destroy our living conditions.

Let's join hands to protect the environment. Don't let fresh water become sewage. Protecting the environment is our common responsibility!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (16)

Whenever we walk in the streets and alleys, there are big signs hanging everywhere to protect the environment; Public service advertisements for environmental protection are often broadcast on TV. However, few people really achieve environmental protection.

In our community, garbage is everywhere. Although there are fixed garbage trucks, there are still people who leave their garbage beside them and leave it alone. Some even leave their garbage in the corridor, making it smell strange. There is a small river in the south of my community. It used to be good, but recently, every time I pass there, the river has become dark, with some food bags and messy things floating on it. In this way, the original clear river has become fishy, like a dirty, smelly old woman. Humans! I sincerely hope you can repent. Otherwise, the last drop of water in the world will be your tears of regret!

Students, let's build up the awareness of environmental protection, take active actions, start from ourselves, start from the little things around us, protect the environment, and protect our beautiful home!

Fourth grade of the Second Experimental School of Jilin Changchun Automobile Industry Development Zone: Tan Bing??

Composition of Everyone's Responsibility for Protecting the Environment (17)

Once upon a time, in the forest kingdom, the sky was cloudless, the four seasons were distinct, and fresh air was everywhere. The earth is a lush forest, flowers and trees grow happily. The animals are very happy. Monkeys chase and play under the shade of trees, and are mischievous. Birds build nests on the branches leisurely. Sometimes they sing a song, and sometimes they flap their wings and fly. What a lively scene!

Now, the limpid river has disappeared, and the bodies of fish are everywhere. The animals also hide from the river. At this time, the famous Dr. Panda suddenly found a metal pipe on the bank discharging thick sewage, so he made this beautiful and clear river in a mess. What a pity for these animals! So the animals are determined to work together to protect their homes and prevent the vandals from destroying our homes in this way.

Everyone is wondering who is here to "destroy our homes in an evil way. All animal citizens have taken action again to find the hateful saboteur. The saboteur finally appears in everyone's anger, which is their hateful human. These people cut down trees and litter in large quantities in the forest, seriously damaging the ecological balance for their own interests, causing a lot of water and soil loss, and causing one of the terrible natural disasters - floods, which caused widespread disasters here.

The top official of the animal kingdom paid a visit to human beings for this purpose. The animals asked human beings to make three rules, not to damage the environment, cut down trees or hurt animals. Human beings are not unreasonable. They feel that this is right, so they are very willing to sign the treaty. And made good friends with animals to protect the environment on which we live.

Since then, the animals have lived happily on this beautiful land, and no one will bother them with their dreams.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment (18)

But now the clear river has become a dirty and smelly ditch; The green forest has become a bare slope... Everything is horrible. The earth is our big family for human beings, animals and plants to live and multiply. But now, the earth is no longer that clean and beautiful earth. It is becoming riddled with holes and bruises, and is crying alone. I don't know who to tell about the misfortune I have faced. At present, the ecological environment is deteriorating day by day, and the biggest impact on us is water resources. According to relevant data, the laying of drainage systems and the use of cleaning agents are increasing, which consume oxygen in water, kill fish and worsen the ecosystem. Human activities will also cause a large number of industrial and agricultural pollutants to be discharged into rivers and pollute the water. According to relevant data, more than 420 billion tons of sewage is discharged into rivers every year around the world, polluting 5.5 trillion tons of fresh water. What do you think of when you see these shocking data? Yes, this is the end of human destruction of the environment, and this is the punishment of nature for human beings!

When the sky above us is no longer clear and blue, do we remember to protect the environment we live in? When the land under our feet becomes yellow sand and desert, do we regret not cherishing our nature? In the face of all the beautiful things, we can't help asking aloud: "Who will protect our green home?" The wheel of history is roaring toward the 22nd century. As a primary school student and a small citizen, we must stand up bravely and appeal to everyone: the protection of the environment has reached the point of no delay, and we have no other responsibility! Who wants to see the earth mother who has nurtured us since ancient times will soon become a black earth with no tears? No, no one wants to see it!

In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment: refuse to use disposable items; Use cloth bags; Minimize the generation of white garbage; Try to make the articles can be used for the second time... To be small, what we can do is: do not litter; Don't play with water; Save electricity and so on. If everyone can do this, the world will become a beautiful home.

The earth has harmonious and beautiful green, and the flowers are charming and moving; With pure green in the heart, the soul becomes more red and brilliant. Humans need green, and Mother Earth needs green even more. Let's hold hands and connect our hearts to create a green environment, make the blue sky bluer, make the water clearer, and make Mother Earth more lovely and vibrant!

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Let's work together to create this great home!