Composition of detailed description of sports (collection of 6 articles)
Prosperity and vicissitudes
2024-05-11 01:45:18

Composition of detailed description of sports (1)

This Thursday is our annual sports meeting. On Wednesday, we have prepared food and chairs.

At the sports meeting, a classmate said, "We have brought so many things that the sports meeting will soon become a picnic.". The students around laughed. The running race started. The first time the sports meeting started, it was 100 meters. At that moment, the winner and loser were determined. At the sound of the gunshot, the students' legs were like arrows running away from the string. They ran very fast and reached the end point in a few seconds. The students' chests were high, and we succeeded. Some people in our class won the first place, and others won the second place.

I can't believe that my classmates are so powerful. I want to learn from them.

Composition of detailed description of sports (2)

"One, two! One, two!" On the playground, we were sweating in the hot sun, because in a few days, the expected race would be held.

In the endless calls of everyone, this exciting day has finally arrived. But when I saw that my opponents were all tall and big, a chill seemed to rise from the soles of their feet and head. I thought I was hopeless. Gunfire! All the players rushed forward bravely, and the battle was very fierce. As expected, I was the last player far behind. Looking at the backs of other players, I finally realized the meaning of the words "out of reach".

When I was overwhelmed by the depressed mood, my friends shouted cheers in my ears. They shouted enthusiastically: "Come on! Come on!", a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and the pictures of devil training since these days came to my eyes one by one, and my heart cried: hard work cannot be wasted! I rushed forward with all my strength. Unexpectedly, I came from behind and overtook several rivals, which dramatically changed the overall situation. The result of the competition was announced - I held back a shiny runner up trophy.

After this competition, I got an enlightenment: the so-called "there is no free lunch". Mr. Hu Shi also said: "How can we harvest? We should plant like that first!" So before doing anything, we should first practice hard; However, once you are fully prepared, you should be confident and never "surrender without fighting". Only by showing your strength and persevering in the end can you win the final victory.

Composition of detailed description of sports (3)

Today is Friday and the sports meeting. The first race is the race. Now it's the second grade race. Xiao Hong comes out first in Class 1, Grade 2, Xiao Ming comes out first in Class 2, Grade 2, Xiao Liang comes out first in Class 3, Grade 2, Xiao Lan comes out first in Class 4.

At the beginning of the race, Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang, and Xiao Lan all ran quickly to the end, but Xiao Lan ran a little slowly, so she ran behind Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, and Xiao Liang. Xiao Hongyan saw that she was about to get the first place at the end of the race, but Xiao Ming overtook them all at once, so Xiao Ming won the first place, and Xiao Hong won the second place. Xiao Lan saw that Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong were working hard at the end of the race, They also ran quickly to overtake Xiao Liang, and Xiao Liang soon caught up with Xiao Hong. They ran to the end from a tie and won the third place together. Back in class, Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang and Xiao Lan thought it was a very memorable game. But Xiao Hong, Xiao Liang and Xiao Lan were not convinced, so Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang and Xiao Lan went to the playground for a race after class. Each time, the first place winner was different. After such a race, Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Liang and Xiao Lan became best friends. On weekends, Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Lan and Xiao Liang would go to the stadium for a race, and also play, eat and play chess together, They became very good friends.

Composition of detailed description of sports (4)

One day, with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, it was raining heavily, and the sky and earth seemed to be hung with a very wide curtain of water, which could make the sound of "ba ba" on the bottom. After a while, the rain stopped. I wore rubber shoes and played with some friends in catching snails in the grass. I found that snails were smart enough to hide under the grass leaves so that they wouldn't be caught in the rain. We caught many snails. You Jiapeng suggested, "Let's hold the One Dollar Snail Race Games!" I and several other friends said with one voice, "OK!"

We named some of our snails You Jiapeng's snails "Race One", my snails "Race Two", Huang Boqi's snails "Race Three"... We put the snails on the starting line, and at this time, the snails all shrank their heads and did not come out. After about five minutes, You Jiapeng's "Race No. 1" poked out his head and began to wriggle slowly. After a while, my runner No. 2 slowly got up. At this time, other snails began to run. You Jiapeng's "Race No. 1" took the lead all the way, and he proudly said, "Ha ha, the champion must be my" Race No. 1 "! Ha ha ha..." I and several other small partners also refused to be outdone, and kept shouting, "Come on! Come on!..." Suddenly, you Jiapeng's "Race No. 1" shrank his head to his "house" and stopped climbing, Other snails took the opportunity to surpass You Jiapeng's "Race One". You Jiapeng was furious and shouted at his "No. 1 Runner": "Why do you stop! Don't be lazy! Climb! Climb!" He said, taking a piece of grass and beating his "No. 1 Runner". But the harder it was smoked, the less it ran. You Jiapeng's "Race No. 1" didn't start to climb until the snails were almost at the end of the race. Suddenly, Jin Hao's "Race 6" ran out of the runway. Jin Hao sighed and said, "Oh, what bad luck!" When Huang Boqi's "Race No. 3" was just a little closer to the finish line, he was hit by my "Race No. 2", and "Race No. 3" immediately withdrew his head to his "house". Huang Boqi was furious and shouted, "Climb quickly! If you don't climb again, you will be trampled to death!" We laughed until our stomachs hurt. At this time, my "Race No. 2" and Wang Tao's "Race No. 4" reached the finish line at the same time, ranking first. After a while, You Jiapeng's "Race No. 1" reached the end. Huang Boqi's "Race No. 3" then stretched out his head and climbed to the end.

Ha ha... This is interesting!

Soft wind, light catkins and warm sun shine. On this warm winter day, our school held the fourth sports festival in 2010. Young vitality should not be frozen because of the heavy study and the cold winter. We actively participated with the encouragement of teachers.

The atmosphere of the opening was very lively. For example, after some preparation before the competition, the competition finally started. For a while, the athletes of all classes were eager to show their skills on the playground.

The first event was the 100 meter race. After the gunshot was fired, the athletes rushed to the end of the race, chasing each other, one after another. The students outside the field all worked hard to cheer for their classmates! After a short and fierce competition, a sportsman finally reached the end, and then everyone arrived one by one. Stepping on the runway is a choice. It is a kind of courage to leave the starting point. Running on the field is a victory. Although everyone's ranking is different, in my eyes, everyone is victorious! Because we are proud of them!

A sports meeting united the hearts of the students. Fitness is also the foundation of health. At the same time, I have seen and learned a lot about the spirit of competition, the strength of unity, and the victory of perseverance!

Composition of detailed description of sports (5)

In the afternoon, I came to the stadium and quietly watched the start and end of the 100 meter race. My eyes moved back and forth. What came to my mind was the scene that I ran in the first place, won the championship and I was excited. I thought quietly in my heart, "Blessed by Bodhisattva, blessed by Bodhisattva!"

Accompanied by bursts of music, from the rostrum, the candidate for our women's 100 meter race came to the call center for recording. My heart suddenly came to my throat. I was nervous and excited. My heart could not be calm for a long time. The referee led me to the field of play. I looked around, and all the people were half a head taller than me. I thought: "It's over, it's over. I must not run fast at first sight. I really have no hope." When I was down, I wanted to get on well with my classmates in Class Two. Maybe they would let me! Although I thought it was naive, I did. I said to my classmates nearby, "Come on, let's go!" At the same time, I also gave them thumbs up, and they gave me a positive look. Suddenly, the students in the next Class 2 frowned and said to me, "What should I do? My foot is twisted." When I heard this, my heart jumped three feet high. I was happy to eat to comfort, sympathize and encourage him. I tried to hide my happiness and gloating. Although I thought this idea was too shameful, I didn't understand... I was too stupid. I just forgot my left opponent. Since it was carefully selected by the teacher, it must be the strong among the strong. I think it is inferiority. I thought, "My mind is calm and naturally cool." However, I am like an ant on a hot pot. My whole body is hot, especially my heart, as if it were burned

Thinking about it, the referee did not know when he stood at the command place like a boudoir, and only heard the sound of "take your place" and "bang", which startled me into a cold sweat. I was half a beat slow, but fortunately it was not far away. I thought about the way I played with my classmates. She was fast and slow, while I was slow and fast. Let me lose the contest with her. Now in the race, I use my big stride and her fast frequency to sprint. "Surpass! Surpass! I looked at the left and right sides with my spare light and shouted this sentence silently in my heart. At the same time, even the students on the rostrum responded to this sentence with one voice. I have to have my head empty. I don't think about anything, but just want to run forward. Almost every move of mine is fatalistic. I forget everything. I forget about the competition and my opponents. Even if I care about whether my classmates applaud or not, I forget everything. I just need to run. They didn't seem to surpass me. I didn't dare to neglect them or turn back. I was afraid that I would lose my step and my speed would decrease. I only had one idea in my mind: "I want to be the first, I want to be the champion steadily, and I can't let others take advantage of it." To be honest, I only thought about these things at that time. I doubt that I was inspired to rush forward with all my heart because of this idea? I don't know, I don't understand. I just want to win honor for my class and add a gold medal for myself. The gold medal seems to have been ready for me. As long as I work harder and move forward a little, I can win the gold medal.

"Oh, I won!" I heard our classmates shouting loudly. I can understand the excitement of the whole class, because I am as happy as they are to win honor for the class. I breathed the air with a big mouth. I squatted, my hands on my knees, and tried to breathe the air as smoothly as possible. I was completely immersed in the joy of the women's 100 meter champion. I raised my hands above my head and made a movement of "one", indicating that I was the first. My classmates seemed to be more excited and excited than me. I looked at my classmates in Class Two. They were all depressed. Some were arguing for their own class; Some pout to face the champion, which is not rare in their class; Others blow their beards and stare, their angry hair exploding. But our class is not, everyone is happy, some shout; Some, like Class 2, cast excited eyes; Others jumped with joy. They are not only cheering for me, but also cheering for our class, because I have added a gold medal to the class. I never thought I could win the gold medal because her contestants are not bad, so I can only say narcissistically: "Their skills are not as good as mine, ha ha, After hearing this, I smiled on my face and felt like eating honey.

I received praise from my classmates one by one. I feel that I am now like a star sought after by thousands of people. Ha ha... I'm so happy. This sports meeting really gave me a big surprise. "Bodhisattva bless me, Bodhisattva bless me!"

Composition of detailed description of sports (6)

I still remember the spring sports meeting this year. I defeated three members of the school's sports training team in the 100 meter event in a row. I still worry about the memory of that game until now. I can say that the game was played at a super level

That time when I heard my number broadcast on the radio, I was both happy and nervous when I entered the 100 meter final. I was happy because I entered the 100 meter final for the first time (note: this is my first time to participate in the 100 meter final) and it was exciting to think of being able to compete with those masters, but nervous because those masters are so easy to deal with! So this game is bound to be very fierce.

After a while, the radio broadcast "Please report to the report office for the contestants in the 100 meter final of Grade 5". I ran to the report office as soon as I heard it. I was afraid that the competition would have started when I passed by. By the time I got to the report office, my opponents had already been waiting there. Look at each other as if they are going to eat each other. The atmosphere is more tense, especially the contestants of Class 5 (A) and Class 5 (16), because their class scores are only 1 point lower, as long as Class 5 (A) wins the game, the score will be higher than that of Class 5 (16).

Suddenly, a teacher asked the men's 100 meter finals contestants of Grade 5 to follow me. "Ah, the competition is finally coming" thought in my heart. We reached the starting point of the competition. In front of us was the men's and women's 100 meter finals of Grade 6.

It's our turn. Standing at the starting point, I often think what if I can't run well? What if I fall down in the game? If

Anyway, I was extremely nervous. "Ready", "Oh, I can't think any more, everything is ready", I only heard the sound of "tasting", and we all "flew" out like the arrow that left the string. We were almost equal in the first 50 meters, but when I ran to our class, I heard the cheering of my classmates. I suddenly shouted "ah" and rushed to the first and continued to the end.

Now I don't know how to describe my mood at that time. Anyway, it's just "tired".