A scene of composition in memory (4 popular articles)
be light of heart from care
2023-10-16 02:58:02

A scene in memory composition (1)

The sad scene of composition in memory

In the light daily life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the composition of the sad scene in Xiaobian's careful memory, for reference only, let's have a look.

In memory, there is always a scene that cannot be erased; Forget, forget not. It exists in my mind and is engraved on my heart.

That summer, the sun was so strong that it almost melted the asphalt road. Through the whirling tears, I can still see clearly that the "Hehe" fell in the pool of blood, which is the last summer it spent in the world.

"Hehe" is the tip of my heart from childhood to adulthood. In memory, it is always so carefree. With white hair and big eyes, once I got home from school, it ran towards me like the wind and rubbed my legs hard. That feeling is so familiar and intimate. Now, I can no longer see your wagging tail, hear your "barking" cry, or feel the feeling of you licking my fingertips with your soft tongue.

Several years have passed, and I always want to ask you in my dream, how are you doing? Will the world be as happy as before? But the rustle of leaves outside the window always answers me.

The sunshine on that day was as dazzling as today. You became very upset and kept rubbing against my leg. I know that if you want me to take you to the park again, I will sacrifice my life to accompany Zhengren once.

Once you open the door, you are like a stiff wild horse, getting rid of the rope and running to the road. "Bark..." Your cheerful cry echoed on the shiny asphalt road.

"He He, slow down, He He." I shouted and chased after you.

"Di --" A sudden whistle woke me up, and a big truck came running. I must have been scared silly at that time. I didn't know whether to stop or run away. My brain suddenly froze and my legs didn't listen. Just stood in the middle of the road, waiting for the arrival of the truck.

You suddenly stopped. At that moment, your reaction was so fast. You quickly turned around and ran to me. To be honest, I never found that you could run so fast. You tried hard to support my stiff legs with your body, and I fell on the roadside green belt.

"Bang --"

"Zhi -" The truck finally stopped, and you

There are more and more people around the road, and a pool of red blood drips on the ground. You become absent-minded, and the whole road is full of thick smell of blood. You just lie quietly and will never stand up again. Hehe, I'll take you home! I'm crying to find something to put you up.

"Stop it, little girl."

"Stop pretending. Look at that bloody thing."


People around me are trying to persuade me, but I can't listen. I just want to take you back.

At that moment, my sadness can flow into a river, just like your blood flowing all over the place.

A scene in memory composition (2)

The touching scene of composition in memory

No matter in study, work or life, everyone has written a composition, and must know all kinds of compositions very well. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a moving scene of composition in Xiao Biandun's memory for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Last month, a scene that moved me happened on the way to travel. This is the story of a careless sister and a cleaning aunt.

We had just arrived in Yunnan that day, and were on our way to the hotel. On the way, we found an elder sister who seemed to be "quarreling" with the cleaner's aunt. Her face was red, she held the money and mobile phone in her hand, and the aunt shook her sister's hand and pushed hard, saying, "No, no".

After staying for a while, we probably knew that the cause and effect of the "quarrel" was due to carelessness. My sister went shopping with her good friend and accidentally dropped her mobile phone and several hundred yuan on the ground, which happened to be seen by the kind cleaning aunt. The cleaning aunt overtook the sister and returned the things to her intact. The sister didn't know what was going on, and she looked dazed. Ha ha, you can imagine that the expression was too funny. It took her a while to respond, and she kept thanking the cleaning lady, and insisted on giving her 500 yuan. Auntie said no, my sister must give it to me. You pushed me to "give or take", which was a moving scene.

There were more and more onlookers, and the face of the cleaning lady turned into a "red apple". The sister saw the right moment, put money into her hand, and ran away with her good friend. The cleaning lady looked at her back with a complaining face, and did not know what to do.

Although the cleaner aunt has a low income, she has a quality that is more valuable than gold - kindness. I can't help feeling: people should have a good heart, regardless of appearance, I can't help feeling: people should have a good heart, regardless of appearance, regardless of rich or poor, high or low, good heart is noble in the world.

A scene in memory composition (3)

It was a cold winter night, and the north wind was cold. I woke up from the cold and suddenly found several small pimples on my feet. They were very itchy. Scratch them and they broke. I put the quilt back on and went to sleep, leaving it alone.

The next morning, I put on my shoes and felt the pain on my feet when I walked. Only then did I realize that I had frostbite on my feet. However, I don't want my mother to know, for fear that she will feel more worried when she knows this.

However, careful mother still found it. At night, when she washed my feet, I refused to take off my socks, so she grabbed my feet and took them off. When my mother saw the chilblain on my feet, she screamed with pain and hurriedly brought me some liquid medicine to gently wipe it for me.

A few days later, my mother bought some balls of wool from the market. In addition to going to work, eating and sleeping every day, I spend most of my time knitting. Almost all of my time is squeezed out, and I take the trouble to do this every day.

Just the night before the completion, it was more than ten o'clock, and my mother was still knitting. I urged her: "Have a rest!" "OK, OK, you can wear it tomorrow." I was very moved to hear that. It was midnight and I got up to go to the bathroom. At this time, the clock hand had pointed to "2". It was already two o'clock in the morning. I couldn't help crying: "Mom, go to sleep!" "Go to sleep first!" Mom raised her head and gave me a quick look with loving eyes, but still couldn't stop the wool in her hand.

The next morning, my mother gladly brought me a pair of socks, a hat, a scarf and a pair of red and white gloves. Looking at my mother's dark circles under her eyes, the wrinkles left on her face by years, and the tired eyes full of joy and concern, my eyes felt wet and my nose felt sour. I said, "Mom, don't stay up late in the future, pay more attention to your body..."

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body." I finally understood the meaning of this sentence. The scene of my mother staying up all night knitting for me not only warms my heart all the time, but also makes me understand the greatness of maternal love, which is deeply branded in my heart and makes me unforgettable.

A scene in memory composition (4)

The touching scene in the memory of composition [1]

School is over, and I'm on my way home. Today, God is deliberately against us. Hot people can't breathe. As I walked, I fanned with my hands. Somehow, I felt a little cooler.

At the crossroads near the Party School, the red light came on. I hummed and looked in all directions. At this time, I suddenly saw an old woman not far away, with white hair, wrinkles on her face, and dark eyes. With a basket full of vegetables in his arm, the old man was laboriously walking forward. At that time, I really wanted to help the grandma, but the hot weather made me lazy. The grandma was so pathetic. Do you want to help or not? My heart is full of contradictions!

When I was in a dilemma, a thin and short young man came from behind us. He was dressed in blue, and his thin black face rolled with beany sweat, looking very unhealthy. But when the tricycle was in full swing, she gave a screech next to the old woman, and suddenly stopped. The young man jumped out of the car and said to the old woman, "Aunt, where do you live? Get on the bus quickly, and I'll take you home." The old woman said slowly, "Thank you, son, my home is in Wangjiazhuang, and I can walk home by myself." The young man said anxiously, "It's so hot, and you will get sunstroke, get on the bus quickly!" "This... OK, please, young man." The old woman said excitedly. The young man helped the old woman onto the car, and the tricycle drove forward again. I opened my mouth and looked at the direction of the tricycle going away. I felt that the young man was so tall, but I was so small. This touching scene will remain in my memory forever.

The touching scene in memory composition [2]

Today, I was sick again. My mother took me to the hospital for examination. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor examined me and told my mother to hang salt water. First, let us go for a skin test. I came to the place where the skin test was done. It really felt like I was bitten by a mosquito. It didn't hurt at all. When we were worried about having no seats, the grandma standing in front of me immediately stood up and let me sit down, I almost cried, but I didn't say that only I knew the secret in my heart. After the skin test, we went to the infusion room again. There were not many people today, so it was my turn soon. I don't know why, I was more nervous than anyone before I hung the brine, but when it was time for me to hang up, I was more relaxed than everyone!

At this time, I heard the doctor reported my name, my mother took me to the infusion window, the nurse aunt asked my name, and I answered truthfully, and the aunt took out the brine I wanted to hang. At this time, I closed my eyes in fear. When I opened my eyes, everything was gone, I didn't say, only I knew the secret in my heart! When I got to the door, there was only one seat. My mother asked me to sit first, and my aunt next to me immediately made room for my mother to sit. This scene moved me very much.

These two moving stories are true. It is our Young Pioneer's responsibility to give up our seats to the elderly. But today, I did not fulfill my responsibility as a Young Pioneer! I feel ashamed! So I solemnly apologize to this aunt and grandmother. Although they can't hear what I'm saying now, I know that I have already expressed my apology, and they must feel it!

A moving scene in memory composition [3]

Moving deeds happen every day, one by one, one by one, people still remember. People should support each other. Because only in this way, our world will be more beautiful!

One thing I still can't forget: remember, it was a bitterly cold day, my mother and I waited for the bus again. Suddenly, I saw a "Great Xia" standing outside the supermarket across the road, wearing a big military cap, an open coat on his body, and a pair of slippers on his feet. This reminds me of the tragic state of the little match girl. At this time, a rag picker came trembling and sat down beside the young man. He didn't know what to say, and then "hard" took out ten yuan. It was difficult, but it was more because his hands were frozen and it was inconvenient to pay. After putting it in the young man's hand, he turned around and walked slowly again! I saw the old man's thin back, but I thought his back was huge.

Seeing this behind the scenes, I think his behavior is extremely moving. I have seen many rich people helping the poor; Learning well helps learning badly; Adults help children, in a word, with conditions and without conditions, but I have never seen the poor help the poor! What a great feeling! It is worth learning, as long as everyone is full of a little love, the world will become a beautiful world!

The touching scene in the memory of composition [4]

That night, the moonlight spilled into my windowsill, and I was frightened by the shadow of the leaves, because it was too like a monster in a horror film. At this time, my mother came in, hugged me and comforted me: "Don't be afraid, our program has begun!"

My eyes widened curiously. The soft moonlight like water and warm light danced in the room, and the hand shadow was also bright and dark with the light dancing. My mother and I were even more happy, immersed in this moment of joy. I found my mother's fingers were as lovely as fairies. She played a bird, a rabbit, a dog... While changing the pattern, her mother told a beautiful fairy tale.

Unconsciously, I was also attracted by fairy tales. The shadow on the wall no longer frightened me, but became the background of the story. My nervous expression gradually relaxed. I can't help making up stories with my mother

The story had a perfect ending, my mother and I both smiled knowingly. My mother slowly approached me and said, "Baby, look, how fun the moonlight on the wall is! It's not scary!"

All of a sudden, I understood everything. It turns out that my mother played this game to help me overcome my fear. My mother's meticulous care for me moved me. I even inadvertently no longer afraid of not thinking.

A moving scene in memory composition [V]

Every day in life will not be peaceful. Open the door of memory, and countless things will gradually float in front of me. There are happy, sad, painful, and beautiful things, among which the one that moved me most has always been printed in my memory. Now I will tell you!

"Boom" With a loud noise, suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. The heavy rain hit the ground, hit the saplings, and at the same time, hit my fragile heart.

That was the same heavy rain as today. I was playing with some friends at a friend's house. It was 9 o'clock before I knew it, and we had to hurry home. But one day, some students were dumbfounded. The rain outside looked like the sky had broken. Fortunately, several of us had umbrellas with us, and I was one of them. At that time, he asked me if I could share an umbrella with him. I looked at my umbrella and thought: This umbrella is too small. If two people share it, then... He saw me hesitating, so he ran straight out into the rain curtain.

Now, the same size umbrella and the same two people just change places. But he resolutely shared an umbrella with me. I was embarrassed to ask him, "Last time I didn't help you, but you did..." He blushed and said, "It's right for classmates to help each other." At this moment, my heart seemed to melt. On the way, I couldn't help looking back and found that his left shoulder had been wet by rain. His blue umbrella also drew a 30 degree oblique picture in the air. At this time, my heart warmed again.

Although it has been several years, I still can't forget it.