Growing up in Caring 600 words composition (7 articles)
Self floating forest
2023-10-31 00:23:10

Growing up in love 600 words composition (1)

Everyone should grow up in love, and I am no exception.

When I was young, I grew up with the care of my grandparents and parents. Grandparents always give me the best food in the family. Other people bring snacks and snacks to my grandparents. They always bring them to my home at the first time. Of course, I was still young at that time and would not refuse. Thanks to my grandparents, they devoured them. Soon, I swept all the delicious food away. My parents treat me as a treasure, holding me tightly in their hands for fear of breaking, gently holding me for fear of falling on the ground. They always refuse me to do anything. They always say, "What can I do when I am so young?".

When I grew up, I went to school and grew up under the care of teachers. When I meet difficulties in learning and lose confidence, the teacher always encourages me and coaches me at the first time; When my exam results were not ideal, I was discouraged, and the teacher would surely comfort me, "Don't be discouraged, it's OK to fail one exam, and I will do well the next one, come on!" Then I regained confidence. Now that we have entered adolescence, we will encounter many puzzling things in our life, and the teacher will talk to us again. On weekdays, teachers also prepare "special articles" for our girls to use once a month. For seven years, teachers care and love us meticulously. They are teachers at school, more like our mothers.

The course of primary school is coming to an end, and there is also a trace of reluctance among our classmates, which is growing up under the care of friends. Every day when we go to school, students always say, "Let's review together today, the exam is coming, and we should get good results together!" This is almost no one to refuse. Every morning, there is a sound of reading. After class, the students will play together and cherish the remaining primary school time.

I am a happy, sunny, happy girl, growing up under the care of so many people, I will repay those who care about me in the future, and will not let you down.

Growing up in Caring 600 Words Composition (2)

Family love is warm.

When I was young, I lived in the countryside. One year when it snowed heavily, I was so happy that I ran out of my house and caught the drifting snowflakes on the street. It was snowing heavily, and there was already snow on the ground. I picked up the snow and put it in my mouth. Because the snow was like sugar, I wanted to taste it to see if it was sweet. Aunt saw it and stopped it. She wanted to catch me. I was playing hard. How could I stop? Run away quickly, and my aunt will catch up. Later, I was caught. Because of the thick snow, my shoes were soaked and my feet were red with cold. My aunt covered my feet in her arms and felt very warm. While warming my feet, my aunt scolded: Look at you, what are you running in snowy days? I will suffer with you! It's not good to stay at home, but we have to cool off outside. Now that we are well, our feet are red with cold. It really deserves it. " After saying that, she gave a big sneeze. At this time, my heart is warm.

A friend's love is kind.

In the winter when I was in primary school, the weather changed very quickly. Yesterday, it was still sunny, but today, it is cold. I was dressed so thin that my teeth trembled and my whole body trembled. When my good friend saw me, I said it was because it was too cold. She looked at me, took off her padded jacket and gave it to me. I hesitated and asked her if she was cold. She smiled and said yes. I took the clothes and put them on my body, with her residual body temperature on them. I stopped cold immediately. When she turned around, she shook her fist slightly. At that moment, I understood that friends can be so good and kind as family.


We often complain that no one hurts us, and our relatives and friends hate us. In fact, on the contrary, everyone is caring for you.

Cherish every friend and family around you. Maybe one day, you will go far alone and find how happy you were before. Cherish them and don't regret them in the future.

We are always surrounded by love, and we have always grown up in love.

Growing up in love 600 words composition (3)

Life is full of warmth. This warm feeling comes from the care of others. When you are depressed, friends always come forward to amuse you - this is caring; When your academic performance drops suddenly, the teacher always asks you why with concern, and patiently tutors for you - this is also concern; When you are unwell, the elders always ask for help, bring you tea and water, and rush you to the hospital in a hurry - this is more concerned.

I feel especially deeply about my parents' concern for me.

I remember that summer very clearly. The weather was extremely hot. It was at this time that I caught a cold. In the first few days, I had a runny nose. I didn't care too much, but my mother told me to see a doctor. I just didn't agree. My mother couldn't help but let me take cold medicine. But after a few days, the condition did not improve, but worsened. My mother soon found something was wrong with me. She immediately asked me whether I felt pain here or there, and immediately took me to the nearby outpatient department to see a doctor. The doctor gave me several prescriptions and said that I would be almost ready after eating.

After eating the medicine, my illness still did not improve. My mother was worried and dragged me to Tingzhou Hospital. The doctor said that I was cold and had a fire. My mother asked the doctor anxiously if I had any problems. The doctor said that only a few injections and a few days' rest would be all right, so my mother was relieved. My mother was relieved, but my heart was stretched. Why? Because I am most afraid of injection! My mother seemed to see my mind. When I was giving the injection, she covered my eyes and told me jokes. I felt the warmth of my mother's palm. When I heard it, I felt no pain. In the afternoon, my mother was supposed to go to work, but she and her boss asked for leave to take care of me at home. I know very well that asking for leave is to deduct salary. In the past, when there was something important at home, my mother seldom asked for leave. But in order to take care of me, my mother asked for leave for the first time. My mother also bought a lot of fruits that I love to eat, as well as posters of my idols. With my mother's careful care, my illness gradually recovered.

This is just one of the things that my parents care about me. If you want to say it, you can't say it for five days and five nights. I am surrounded by care. In caring, I feel warm and happy. Under this warm and happy environment, I grow up healthily and happily.

Growing up in love 600 words composition (4)

I feel especially deeply about my parents' concern for me.

I remember that summer very clearly. The weather was extremely hot. It was at this time that I caught a cold. In the first few days, I had a runny nose. I didn't care too much, but my mother told me to see a doctor. I just didn't agree. My mother couldn't help but let me take cold medicine. But after a few days, the condition did not improve, but worsened. My mother soon found something was wrong with me. She immediately asked me whether I felt pain here or there, and immediately took me to the nearby outpatient department to see a doctor. The doctor gave me several prescriptions and said that I would be almost ready after eating.

After eating the medicine, my illness still did not improve. My mother was worried and dragged me to Tingzhou Hospital. The doctor said that I was cold and had a fire. My mother asked the doctor anxiously if I had any problems. The doctor said that only a few injections and a few days' rest would be all right, so my mother was relieved. My mother was relieved, but my heart was stretched. Why? Because I am most afraid of injection! My mother seemed to see my mind. When I was giving the injection, she covered my eyes and told me jokes. I felt the warmth of my mother's palm. When I heard it, I felt no pain. In the afternoon, my mother was supposed to go to work, but she and her boss asked for leave to take care of me at home. I know very well that asking for leave is to deduct salary. In the past, when there was something important at home, my mother seldom asked for leave. But in order to take care of me, my mother asked for leave for the first time. Mom also bought a lot of fruits that I like to eat, and my idol S H. E poster. With my mother's careful care, my illness gradually recovered.

This is just one of my parents' concerns for me. If you want to say it, you can't say it for five days and five nights. I am surrounded by care. In caring, I feel warm and happy. Under this warm and happy environment, I grow up healthily and happily.

Growing up in love 600 words composition (5)

When I was young, my father was my horse, and my broad and powerful shoulders were my saddle. It was this man who picked me up and lifted me above his head, so that I could learn to be brave. On a cold day, he held my cold hands in his palm, and a warm happiness lingered in his heart. At that moment, I warmed up my dissatisfaction and sadness after being criticized by the teacher, and my sadness and resentment after being bullied by my classmates. Once foolishly thought that as long as he was there, the difficulties in front would be solved easily. With him around, there would be a sense of security.

When I grow up, I am not as good as when I was a child. Maybe rebellion is a necessary part of everyone's growth. Gradually, I like to speak with an adult voice, thinking that being a prickly child is just to protect myself better. I don't know since when my father and I have been communicating with each other, only the sound of "Hmm" and "Ah" is left. Even if we are sad, we will not show it in front of him. We would rather cry alone in the quilt and vent our dissatisfaction to the thick diary. I remember that in the final exam, my score unexpectedly dropped to several hundred. The moment I saw the achievements, I could hardly believe my eyes, but the truth was still unfolding. Filled with guilt and regret, I returned home with tears. The air seemed to solidify, almost suffocating me. I handed the paper to him. I thought he would be furious, but I saw a sense of loss and helplessness in his eyes. My heart, which wanted to find an excuse for my own fault, softened. He only said one sentence: "Look at your goal ahead, you can still get up when you fall down." Although there is a lack of communication between us, we can always find that he cares about me silently. Sometimes, it's just my favorite food on the table

That dish; Sometimes, it is the cup of warm milk on the desk behind the door; Sometimes, it's just a simple sentence.

In fact, his love for me has different expressions. Just like oxygen, it is always around. Sometimes it seems invisible, but it does not mean that it does not exist. I put this piece of love into my pocket and took it with me, along with my growth.

Growing up in love 600 words composition (6)

When I was young, I always hoped that I would grow up quickly, because when I grew up, I could get rid of my parents' teaching and blame.

When I go to school, growing up is still so strong for me, because I can have freedom when I grow up. So I often think in my heart: grow up quickly, grow up quickly, grow up will not be disciplined by parents every day, be scolded by teachers

When I graduated from primary school, I happily said to my mother: "Mom, I've grown up! I've grown up!" My mother just smiled and said: "One day, you will naturally understand what growing up is." So my mother's words made my excitement disappear.

In middle school, I still only know a little about growing up.

Until one day, my mother and I went shopping. When we walked to the roadside, an elderly grandmother walked past me, carrying several bags in her hands. She looked very heavy, so tired that she stopped walking. Suddenly, the bag in the grandma's hand was broken with a sound of "Pa", and fruits, vegetables and some daily necessities were scattered everywhere. At that time, my heart somehow gave me a burst of power, so I could not help but go to the grandma, help her pick up the items scattered on the ground, find a bag to put it in and return it to the grandma. Grandma smiled and said thank you to me. I feel warm in my heart.

At this time, my mother who was standing beside me came up and said something that surprised me, "My daughter has grown up." She also stroked my head.

On that day, I grew up and learned what responsibility is; That day I grew up, and grew up to let me understand what love. Growing up has taught me a lot. What it has given me is neither money nor power, but it is better than these.

Growing up in love 600 words composition (7)

Junior high school students grow up in love 600 words composition (1)

In the vast sea, there are countless boats. Each boat has its own way, which is a piece of sky belonging to each boat. Father's love is a ship, mother's love is a sail, and that piece of sky is home.

Father's love is a ship. It carries you. You depend on him. Without him, you can't live in this sky, nor in the vast sea. Many people praise the greatness of maternal love. Yes, maternal love is indeed great. It is our mother who gave us life and fed us with sweet milk. However, fatherly love is also indispensable. If gentleness is an indispensable factor in maternal love, then fatherly love needs courage most. "Strict father and loving mother" means that the father loves his children and wants to be gentle with them. But the father knew that it might harm the child. So the father has always played the role of "strict father", watching himself yell at his children, why does the father want to do this? Therefore, what a father needs most is courage! No matter how strict your father is, please believe that he loves you. Father love is a ship, it carries you, you rely on him, always remind you when you grow up.

Motherly love is a sail. It encourages you, you need it, without it, the ship will not be able to travel, the sky will become dark. When you are scolded by your father, when you are discouraged and have no confidence, your mother will comfort you and encourage you. Maternal love will make your complaints disappear, and you will be refreshed and confident. When you are helpless, mother will try her best to help you. No matter what you do to your mother, she always loves you. Maternal love - the most beautiful love in growth! "Mother, I just want to return to you. Let me abandon the lake and mountain outside my heart!

Father's love is like a mountain. Let us learn to be tough and confident. Mother's love is like water. Let us understand warmth and kindness. No matter father's love or mother's love, it is indispensable for us to grow up. No one can replace it. Love us and encourage us when we grow up!

Junior high school students grow up in love 600 words composition (2)

The love in spring lets all things reveal new shoots for it, the love in summer lets the delicate flowers bloom for it, the love in autumn lets the fruits hang on the branches, and the love in winter lets the mother earth be wrapped in snow and full of radiance. Yes, because there is love, the earth has added color, because there is no barrier between lovers and people, because there is love, life becomes more beautiful, because there is love, the world is full of warmth, because there is love, the world will be so colorful...... Among thousands of kinds of love, the love given by our parents is undoubtedly the greatest, And I can thrive because of the greatest love in the world.

My father suffered from a serious gastric ulcer, and I was very sad when I learned that he was also very sad when he learned of his illness, but the reasons for my grief and my father's grief were quite different: I was worried that my father would endure the pain of his illness and still work day in and day out; But my father was worried that no one would earn money or work to support the family after he became ill! Sure enough, Dad ignored his health and fought with the disease tenaciously, but he went to work with illness and still went to work on weekends

Watching my father gasping for breath because of fatigue and pain, I often advised him to take a rest, Dad. But he said, "I am the pillar of the family. How can I not make money?" Because of this, I always felt ashamed of my father.

One day, when Dad came back from work, he looked very painful: he had his hands over his stomach, his face was black and blue, and big sweat beads rolled down from his forehead. I asked nervously, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Is your stomach hurting again? Don't worry about you?". Although my father said with a smile, I could still see that my father was in pain. I know he did it to make me feel at ease to study. I stayed at home to take care of my father. Suddenly, Dad bent his foot and leaned on the table, pressing his abdomen with both hands, his teeth biting his lips and biting them. Seeing my father tortured by the disease, I really want to suffer for my father. I said, "Dad, I'm not going to study these days, and I'm taking care of you at home." Dad listened to me and immediately scolded me severely: "I can't easily let you go to school, how can I not go to school? Your mother and I still hope you can read good books, and have future prospects, so don't suffer!" When I heard this, my tears could not help bursting out, not crying because my father scolded me, But my father's great fatherly love moved me.

Because there is a father who loves me, I am proud of this. In this mountain of fatherly love, I will cherish the flowers no matter how they bloom or fall!

Junior high school students grow up in love 600 words composition (3)

There is a big tree, we rely on her to dream in spring, rely on her to flourish in summer, rely on her to mature in autumn, rely on her to meditate in winter... This big tree is the teacher who gives us infinite love.

We still remember deeply that last September, when I entered the junior high school, it was the moment when I just left the primary school to join a new environment and a new collective. We first ushered in the hard military camp life. I had heard that senior brothers and sisters had said about the hardships of military training, but I did not flinch, even though there was a little fear, I still embarked on the military training journey in spring.

In the joyful campus, I met many strange students. The only thing that is not strange is the teacher's concerned eyes and thoughtful care. Here, I met the head teacher of my junior high school, Mr. Miao

During this period of military training, the teacher gave us unlimited care, which made me very moved.

When I started military training, I often didn't obey discipline. Finally, the teacher called me out. I thought that the teacher would criticize me severely, but to my surprise, the teacher was sincere in explaining the truth for me, analyzing my mistakes, asking me to know my mistakes and try to be a perfect person, be a person of honor, and not be influenced by the personnel around me... The teacher's love is a compass, leading us to the right path of life.

In the process of military training, the teacher saw our hard training and felt painful. So the teacher went to the office to borrow a water dispenser for us, which solved the problem of drinking water for the students. When the students saw the water dispenser, they were all excited and rushed to fill the water. The teacher looked at it silently, not to mention how happy they were. After the military training that day, the students returned to the classroom. The teacher stayed at the military training place to help students clean up the ground. It turned out that after the students finished drinking water in bottles and cups, they threw it everywhere. It was the tireless teacher who helped us clean up the mess. Perhaps the hardest part of military training was the teacher. Seeing this, although I didn't leave tears, I was deeply moved, which was hard to say. But the teacher did not complain, and he was happy. The teacher's love is so ordinary and great.

The teacher's body is a bridge that leads us to this knowledge world full of treasures; The teacher's face is Pang, the sun that never sets, giving us endless energy; The teacher gave us love and let us grow up with health and love.

Thank you, teacher, for your infinite love for us, thank you!

Junior high school students grow up in love 600 words composition (4)

A person's life is like a cup of mellow wine. If you enjoy it slowly and taste it carefully, you can naturally rhyme the flavor of life.

My mother once asked me: "What kind of life do you want to have?" I answered without thinking: "I want to have a full, happy and wonderful life."

Whenever I do something wrong, or let her find out my bad behavior and habits, she will patiently tell me some big truth: be responsible for everything, be brave to take your own mistakes, and warn me not to do it again next time. When I met difficulties in learning, she helped me analyze the reasons for failure. My mother often taught me not to be discouraged in the face of difficulties. My mother was always my spiritual corrector. When I got a good result and was praised by my teacher, my mother would praise and encourage me: Don't be proud in front of honor. The future is still long. You have just arrived at a small dock in the voyage, far from your victory harbor!

In the long journey of reading, every "dock" will be loved by my mother. On cold nights, when I have been doing homework for a long time, she will gently put on a dress for me and bring me a cup of steaming milk. On hot summer nights, she will gently send me a cup of cool orange juice

This unforgettable maternal love always accompanies me, which is inspiration and happiness!

In class, when I was anxious to scratch my head when I encountered a problem, my beloved teacher gently explained it to me with gentle words, timely removed the obstacles in learning, and made me get love

When you haven't finished your homework and see your classmates help you clean up, please don't be indifferent. Please pat her on the shoulder and attach a gentle sentence: "Sorry, thank you for helping me clean up!" At that time, you will find that the corners of her mouth tremble slightly and the friendship in her eyes is deeper. Then why not love you?

Kinship, like a honey, gives you sweet taste; The teacher-student relationship is like a spring in the desert, which can help you when you have difficulties in learning; Friendship, like an ideal ship, carries me and my classmates on a voyage.

All things have feelings. Don't ignore their feelings. Don't underestimate their feelings. Everyone and everything need love. Please build a bridge in your heart for everyone to love each other. Then you will find that the sky is higher, the sea is wider, and the world is more beautiful!