Face mistakes (3 required)
Farewell to the past
2024-03-10 08:34:21
primary school

Face mistakes (1)

Blessed is a man who knows his shortcomings and can mend his ways—— Shakespeare's Making Trouble from Nothing


In our daily life, we often encounter some setbacks and failures, but we have different attitudes towards mistakes and different ways to deal with them. Some mistakes will cause losses, while some mistakes will bring us great profits and reduce losses. It doesn't matter how many mistakes we make. What is important is that we should face mistakes correctly.

Once upon a time, there was a story: there was a well at the foot of the mountain. Standing on the edge of the well and looking down, the well was large and deep. Standing on the mountainside, one could only see a small wellhead. Standing on the top of the mountain, one could not even see the wellhead. People compared the well to a mistake. Some people advocated standing on the wellhead and looking down, some advocated standing on the mountainside to look at the well, and some advocated standing on the mountainside to look at the well. If the well is compared to a mistake, when standing at the wellhead and looking down, you will see that the mistake is great and give up; Standing halfway up the mountain and looking down, I saw that there was only a small wellhead, and I jumped over it; Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, I saw a very small hole, so I made a mistake, and finally I will face greater failure! So different ways of facing mistakes will lead to different results!

In our hearts, those celebrities~rich businessmen and so on, all make us envy, but we do not see their failure, their success may have suffered countless failures, but they were not frightened by this setback, but they made more efforts to cross the well in one step, so they achieved success!

We will encounter many mistakes in our study and life. And sometimes we don't stop to reflect, but make mistakes again and again!

Mistakes and failures are not terrible. What is terrible is that we will not face it correctly, which will eventually lead to the deterioration step by step and eventually lead to a big mistake! So when we encounter mistakes, we should bravely face them and defeat them, so that our tomorrow will be more wonderful!

Face mistakes (2)

Facing Your Mistakes

In our ordinary daily life, everyone has written a composition. In the composition, we must focus on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the unified theme, and avoid rambling, loose theme or even no theme. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is a composition written by Xiao Biandun in the face of his mistakes. Welcome to read and treasure it.

From primary school to junior high school, I have been sitting on my unshakable first row "throne" for seven years. Since the beginning of the seventh grade, small c has always been my back table. She is a girl who is not so good at expressing her feelings and ideas. Even if others bully her, Little C always bears it silently and hides it in her heart.

One day during the lunch break, the math teacher handed out the textbooks handed in that morning and threw all the textbooks of our group on my desk. Because Xiao C went to the League members' meeting at noon that day, she didn't know that the teacher was looking for her. The teacher saw that Little C was not there, so he had to ask me to remind Little C and go to the teacher's office with his textbook when he came back. I nodded, allowing the teacher's request.

Looking at Xiao C's textbook left on my desk, I saw a big C on the open page. No wonder the teacher wanted to find Xiao C.

After a while, I didn't see Little C coming back. In addition, I felt sleepy and fell asleep on the table. When I woke up, the bell for the first lesson of the afternoon had rung. I hurriedly took out the book, sorted out all the sundries on the desk, and threw them into the drawer, including Little C's textbooks.

Maybe it was because Xiao C was not good at expressing herself. She didn't ask others why she didn't have a textbook, nor did she ask the teacher. In addition, the teacher didn't come to urge her, so I slowly forgot about it.

In the evening, I was going to write my homework. When I opened my schoolbag and took out my textbook, I found Xiao C's textbook. All of a sudden, I suddenly remembered what the teacher told me. But now it's too late to tell xiao c that she may have bought another one and finished her homework. What should I do? I feel stressed when I tidy up. Don't say, but I'm afraid that Xiaoc can't finish his homework and will be criticized by the teacher tomorrow; She said that she was afraid that Xiao C would blame me for not telling her early, so that she would go to show it to the teacher tomorrow. I'm in a dilemma. I don't know how to choose.

After all the entanglement, I still decided not to tell Xiao C to avoid having a bad time with her. In this way, I still spent the day with some trepidation.

The next morning when I handed in my homework, I saw that Xiao C took out a new textbook and handed it in. I took a look at the textbook, and silently took a peek at the textbook of Little C hidden at the bottom of my bag. My heart slowly began to suffer and feel sad. I felt like a thief. I stole something from Little C and stood in front of Little C, afraid to face Little C. But I have to study and live with little C every day. How should I face little C? Pretend you don't know? No such thing? But after a long time, I will feel uneasy and dare not face it in retrospect. Even if I hide it, what will people think of me if they know that I am a thief or a dishonest person? Anyway, they don't know the truth, and no one will doubt it.

The more i think about it, the more i feel uneasy. i look back at little c. I was a little shaken. I called Little C to the corridor at the gate of the class and said a lot of empty words. Little C was a little confused. I sighed and took a deep breath, as if to cheer myself up. I made up my mind: i will tell the truth to little c.

But I still finished without confidence. Then, I lowered my head silently and dared not face the eyes of Little C. But I vaguely saw with my spare light that Little C opened his arms towards me. I was a little surprised and slowly raised my head. I saw that Little C still had a smile on his face.

I went up to hold Little C silently, and Little C also held me, and whispered, "Forgive you!" I didn't answer, but silently held her tightly. thank you.

Face mistakes (3)

When I face mistakes

Zhao Yuhang

I have always been good at mathematics. Since I entered the second semester of the fourth grade, I have never scored less than 95 points. However, a serious mistake made me tell a lie. That lie made me unforgettable all my life.

That's the second unit comprehensive test. The day before the exam, I was confident, because I reviewed very well. When I was about to put down my book and do my Chinese homework, my mother stopped me and said, "Review again." I angrily contradicted my mother, "I have reviewed many times, and I will definitely get a hundred points. Besides, there are too many Chinese homework tonight." My mother refused to be outdone, He said, "Well, if you understand that you can't get 100 points in the exam, I won't reward you even if you can get 100 points in a row in the future!" As soon as he finished speaking, his mother went out of the house.

The next day, when I handed out the test paper, I "brushed" it quickly and handed it in without checking. When I handed out the test paper, I was stunned. There were striking cross numbers on the test paper. When I looked at the test paper, 88 points! I thought to myself: It's over. I have to have another meal of "shredded meat with bamboo shoots" when I go home.

After school, my mother asked me: "How many points did I get?" I said gingerly: "I got 100 points in the exam..." "Tell the truth!" My mother's "horrible" eyes made me shiver. Unconsciously, the mouth did not listen to say the true score. Instead of scolding me, my mother praised me. I never lied again.

We must be honest!

Instructor Cui Meiru