Operation disturbance (19 selected articles)
2023-11-06 02:54:10
fifth grade

Operation disturbance (1)

One summer night, I wanted to watch TV, but my mother asked me to read English for half an hour and make a math paper. I shook my head. I didn't want to do my homework at all. I really wanted to relax. But my mother insisted that I write, so I had to turn off the TV. My mother saw that I had turned off the TV and went out of the room with confidence.

As soon as my mother went out, I turned on the TV again and watched it with interest. I was just seeing the wonderful part when my mother suddenly pushed the door and came in. What she saw was not me who was doing my homework, but me who was watching TV. Her face suddenly darkened: "So you have just been watching TV?"

"So what?" I don't know who gave me the courage, so I refused to write.

Seeing that I looked as if nothing had happened to me, my mother's face suddenly became serious. He glared at me and asked again: "Did you really watch TV? Did you not write a word?"

"Yes, I won't write, what do you do with me?" I raised my head, and my hands were also very angry.

My mother's eyebrows were wrinkled and her hands were clenched into fists. I only felt that the air in the room was solidified at this time. How afraid I was that she would hit me. But I still had the cheek to yell at my mother: "Every day I know how to talk about it. What else can you do besides talking about me?"


Seeing my mother's angry red face, I felt that I had said something wrong, but I didn't want to admit my mistake. My mother turned around and went back to her room. We started our own business. From then on until midnight, I didn't say a word to my mother. Don't ask me why. I'm angry! At 12 o'clock in the evening, I climbed onto my mother's bed, hugged her tightly and fell asleep

Operation disturbance (2)

”Zero -- "The bell rings. For the students who are being baptized by the teacher's saliva, the bell is like a march with high morale. The students are like chicken blood, and their faces are flushed with excitement.

The teacher seems to have guessed our thoughts: "Half of the homework assigned in the last class has not been handed in. I hope the team leader can urge us to finish the class! "That left us a far away figure. The students who finished their homework were naturally happy and rushed out of the classroom to enjoy the precious ten minutes after class; the students who did not finish their homework had to sigh, complain and think hard; and the group leaders were even more pitiful. They could not go out to play when they finished their homework. It was really dumb to eat coptis -- something hard to say.

Therefore, the team leader who wanted to liberate quickly started the begging operation mode. Hu Aoteng, the leader of our group, walked quickly with several exercise books in his arms and his waist crossed with one hand, knocked on the table, and looked like he was pressing for debt: "Hand in the exercise books quickly! Give you five minutes, or... Hum! "As he spoke, his eyes burst out with fierce light as if he had a deep hatred for others.

In order to win sympathy, some team leaders were even more "humiliated". They found that he was holding his chest with one hand and his forehead with the other hand, groaning in his mouth. He came unsteadily: "All good people, please hand in your homework quickly. If you don't hand in your homework, I will..." He said with a pathetic expression.

”All right, I'll write it right away. "The other party waved impatiently.

Well, this is the answer the team leader wants, and he waits contentedly.

Operation disturbance (3)

"Jingle - Jingle -" The annoying alarm clock rings on time, and the busy day begins again.

I folded the quilt, washed carelessly, chewed a few mouthfuls of bread, picked up my schoolbag and left.

After getting on the bus, I thought about the new card that my classmates gave me yesterday, and I watched the scenery outside the window in a boring way. This is, my mother reminds me whether I have any dancing shoes for my interest class on Wednesday. As soon as I listened to it, I didn't immediately answer, because as soon as I finished my homework last night, I lay on the sofa and watched TV. How can I get so much? So I decided to rummage through my schoolbag to see if there was one. Sadly, I brought my dancing shoes, but I didn't bring my exercise book! It suddenly occurred to me that as soon as I finished my homework last night, I left my homework book on the tea table, and then I began to read "Very Little Boy Ma Mingjia" with great interest. So, the homework book must still be sleeping on the tea table. Ah! Heaven! What can we do about it? I said to my mother, "Let's go home and get it? Let me be a monitor and receive such treatment. Only a fool would do so. Besides, I can't be blamed for this kind of thing. That TV is also wrong! Who told it to tempt me with such beautiful TV? " After pleading, I used my last trick to cry. My parents were so noisy that they had to take me home to get it.

Alas, nowadays, it's not easy for our primary school students to get along. Look, it's so sad that a small homework can cause such a big disturbance!

Operation disturbance (4)

Recently, there was a "homework storm" in our class - homework was not handed in completely.

Why? Because one day, Gao Jia led a group of middle and lower reaches students to resist. They didn't want to write too much homework. The teacher asked Zhao Zitao, the monitor, to leave homework, and the students cheered. But the good times are not long. A few days ago, Zhao Zitao stayed less, but this time. Zhao Zitao left so many homework that he couldn't finish it at midnight. So Gao Jia didn't write Chinese today and math tomorrow. What about the day after tomorrow? English and science are not written again

We all went to the teacher to complain, so the teacher said to choose a "male leader" from the boys and a "female leader" from the girls, and let them leave homework. I have been selected as the "female leader"! I was so happy that I only left a little homework. The "male leader" turned out to be Zhao Zitao. Zhao Zitao was angry because of previous events and left a lot of homework for the boys. After several days of fire suppression, there was less homework left.

This "operation disturbance" was solved perfectly!

Operation disturbance (5)

On Friday morning, I came to school early, handed in my homework, and sat down to read. While I was fascinated, the conversation between the two people next to me caught my attention——

"Hey, 'Ginger', can I copy the math homework?" "Cookie" said to the "Ginger" sitting beside.

"Well... well, I'm afraid it's not good. Let the teacher know what to do?" "Ginger" looked embarrassed.

"Hey, if you don't tell me, who will know?" "Cookie" looks careless.

"But if..." "Ginger" still hesitates.

"Don't be in case!" "Cookie" hurriedly interrupted him. "The teacher is so busy, how can he manage us so much? It's OK!"

"Oh, that's all right." "Ginger" then handed over the exercise book.

"What a dude! Come to me if you need anything later." "Cookie" patted "Ginger" on the shoulder and said with a smile.

I couldn't stand it any longer. I glared at "Biscuit" and gave him a warning. Who would have thought that he was indifferent to this, and even swaggered with his exercise book to "copy". Now, the volcano finally erupted. I slapped the table and shouted: "You dare to copy your homework in the morning. You take the teacher's words as a deaf ear?"

He looked up and rolled his eyes at me, saying, "It's none of your business if I copy my homework! Where can I stay cool?"

Seeing him like this, I was even more furious: "Be careful that I tell the teacher what you have done!"

Hearing this, he seemed afraid and begged, "Please, my eldest lady, I'm wrong. Please don't tell the teacher, will you?"

Seeing his pathetic appearance, I felt a little soft hearted and planned to let him off; But when I thought that this was a task assigned to me by my teacher, I felt I should say it. Is it to say or not to say?

Class, I am still wandering in contradiction. The teacher saw my heart was wandering, so he came to me and asked me if something was wrong. Seeing the teacher's question, I had to admit the truth from beginning to end. "Cookies" and "ginger" were also criticized by the teacher.

In the next few days, both of them ignored me and told other students that I was a "traitor" specializing in small reports, which made several of my good friends unknowingly alienate me. I'm so lonely and sad!

However, on second thought: I didn't do anything wrong! If I don't say it, it will really hurt them. Maybe they hate me now, but I believe that one day they will understand. If this is true, isn't it a good thing?

So I smiled and walked to them

Operation disturbance (6)

"Alas, what bad luck!" In the sun, a little girl dragged a big sack with difficulty, and golden round potatoes were shining brightly in the sun. They are mixed with big drops of sweat, leaving deep and shallow traces on the mud behind... And that little girl is me.

That year, I just went to kindergarten. Little me, always looking forward to the arrival of homework! Look at those pupils! A pencil with beautiful patterns. They draw beautiful arcs on the clean book. It's so impressive that people yearn for it.

Finally one day, the teacher solemnly assigned an assignment - bring a potato tomorrow! I am ecstatic. With excitement and joy, I ran home breathlessly, told my grandmother about this important assignment, and insisted on going to the food market to complete this "life event".

Wow, in the vegetable market, there are a variety of bright and attractive fruits and vegetables, and the fresh taste catches my feet... I am greedily breathing, dancing happily

When we came to the vegetable area, all kinds of green came in: tender green, emerald green, dark green... How fresh and green the colorful leaves were under the bright light, and even those wrinkles seemed to be delicate lace edges! Ah, no! This is the lace presented by nature!

In the thick green, the potatoes are so conspicuous. I ran at full speed to the target.

An attractive golden color

Breathing heavily, I picked up a large plastic bag, picked it up quickly, and kept mumbling: "This is big and full, yes! This is small but exquisite, yes! This is moderately fat, yes!..." Gradually, three plastic bags were bulging, and I stopped

The next day, when I stood at the door of the classroom, all eyes turned to me in surprise. God, each of them has a potato in his hand, but I... At the moment, those golden potatoes seem to laugh at me! I lowered my head in embarrassment and slipped back to my seat

This homework disturbance is full of interest. Every time I think of this childish thing, I smile to myself. However, it is these silly things with a little interest that make me gradually fade away from my dullness and move towards maturity!

Operation disturbance (7)

"Ding Lingling..." School was finally over, and I flew home with a happy mood.

The pots and pans in the kitchen are playing a cheerful symphony. After a while, my mother brought out the steaming and fragrant food, and my mouth watered three thousand feet at the table. "Baby, eat more." My mother told me while helping me with dishes. "Mom, today's food is good." I can't help but give a thumbs up. "If it's delicious, you can eat more so that you can grow up." Mother's voice was soft and her tone was full of concern.

After eating the delicious meal, I coquetered with my mother: "Mom, I have been studying all day, and I am tired to death. Let me watch TV for a while!" When my mother heard this, she frowned, changed her face, and shouted, "Have you finished your homework? You want to play all day long, but your academic performance has not improved. How many points do you get in math? Don't watch TV!" I wanted to watch TV for a while to relax my nervous mood, but my mother severely criticized me. I felt very sad and full of grievances. So he quarreled with his mother: "You adults can watch TV or play with mobile phones, but I can't watch it? Don't you know I'm tired of studying all day long? You adults don't understand the mind of children at all..." After that, I returned to my room with tears, and my tears wet my homework.

Two hours later, I finished my homework, packed my schoolbag, washed and went to bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up and found a quilt covering my body. I knew that my mother helped me to cover it. After that, I realized that, in fact, it was good for me that my mother didn't want me to watch TV. I shouldn't quarrel with my mother. I misunderstood my mother.

The next morning, when I got up, I saw my mother had prepared breakfast and brought it to me. Thinking of the quarrel last night, I felt very ashamed and said sorry to my mother. My mother smiled, and I ran to my mother and had a love breakfast with her.

Operation disturbance (8)

Tomb Sweeping Day is over!

Excited, I turned on the TV when I got home, watched it with relish, and left all my homework behind. On the first day of the holiday, I played happily and planned to do my homework tomorrow. In a twinkling of an eye, it's Sunday. Just got up, I felt sick all over and had a rash. Ill, I delayed my homework again.

It was not until the last day of the holiday when I came back from the tomb sweeping that I found time to start doing my homework. Just opened the schoolbag that had been lying quietly in the corner for two days, took out the file bag, opened the zipper, and desperately searched for "Weekend homework". However, there was only one "Weekly Record Book"... I told my mother about the situation, and she said: "That's no way. I can only go back to school to get it." When my father heard it, he said with regret: "What to take! I had been playing for a few days and dragged it until today, only to find that I didn't bring my homework! I will make it up tomorrow!" I heard this and sobbed in a low voice.

My mother said to my father, "Dangdang played a little too much the other day, but this is the first time in five years that I forgot to bring my homework. Let's drive to get it and give him a chance." I glanced at my father secretly and felt very nervous. Suddenly, I felt that my father was going to fire, so I didn't say a word. Dad has been watching, as cold as ice. With tears streaming down my face, I thought: Mom is strict with me at ordinary times, but today she actively helps me! My mother stopped talking. She came over and took my hand and said, "Let's go! I'll ride with you to get it." When we got to the elevator, my father said in a low voice, "It's windy outside, let me take you there!" "No," my mother said, "Let's go! Let's ride our own bikes to get it." After that, the elevator we took slowly went down.

In this small space, only listen to the "bang" sound of closing the door at home. This sound is very loud, but I feel it is a very reluctant voice. We picked up the car. When we came out of the non motor garage, a car blocked in front of us. A big hand was stretched out from the driver's seat and waved to us. He was my dearest father! From his pale face, he saw that he was tired, but for his son's fault, he usually chose to compromise. This is a complicated mood. In this way, he took us to get the homework lost in school.

I had no control over my homework, which affected my parents. They quarreled because of me, but I didn't wake up. Today, when I started writing, I couldn't tell what kind of love it was. I only knew that parents were parents.

Operation disturbance (9)

"Alas, there is so much homework." The colorful baby complained while writing. Finally finished, it was already nine o'clock, and the colorful baby crept into bed weakly.

In the morning, the colorful baby hurriedly packed her schoolbag and forgot to put her homework book in. The monitor collected the exercise book, and the colorful baby turned over the schoolbag again and again, but where is the shadow of the exercise book? The colorful baby looks like an ant on a hot pot -- in a hurry. Then he remembered that when class was over, everyone went out to play. Only Jingjing didn't go out to play. So the colorful baby grabbed Jingjing and said, "Why did you take my homework book? I'm sorry I thought you were a good friend! Did you take it to copy it?"

Jingjing was startled when he saw the colorful baby's aggressive appearance, and said: "Who took your homework book? Could it be that you forgot to bring it?" Pang saw the colorful baby and said: "Don't wronged Jingjing at random..." The colorful baby interrupted Pang's words and angrily said: "Even you won't help me!" At this time, the colorful baby's eyes lit up, "Look, what is that?" The colorful baby said, reaching out to grab the exercise book from Jingjing's desk hole. Holding up the "evidence" in his hand, he proudly said: "You said you didn't take it. Now you have nothing to say!"

Jingjing angrily snatched the exercise book back, spread it out, and said wrongly, "Is this your exercise book? Take a closer look." The colorful baby was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say for a moment. Pang said sarcastically, "I'll say Jingjing won't do that." The colorful baby felt like there were 100 bunnies bouncing around. Said it was fast at that time, the mother of the colorful baby shouted at the door: "colorful baby, you are so careless, you forgot to bring your homework book!" The colorful baby hurried to the past, took the homework book in her mother's hands, and returned to her seat.

Jingjing patted the colorful baby on the shoulder and said, "Look, you haven't lost your homework book, have you?" The colorful baby scratched her head and said, "Sorry, Jingjing, I misjudged you!" Pang laughed and waved to the window secretly.

Teacher's comment: Very good. The little writer started with a small incident that happened in the class and expressed his sincere feelings through simple language. It is valuable to learn a lesson from it and benefit a lot.

Operation disturbance (10)

"Alas, what bad luck!" In the sun, a little girl dragged a big sack with difficulty, and golden round potatoes were shining brightly in the sun. They are mixed with big drops of sweat, leaving deep and shallow traces on the mud behind... And that little girl is me.

That year, I just went to kindergarten. Little me, always looking forward to the arrival of homework! Look at those pupils! A pencil with beautiful patterns. They draw beautiful arcs on the clean book. It's so impressive that people yearn for it.

Finally one day, the teacher solemnly assigned an assignment - bring a potato tomorrow! I am ecstatic. With excitement and joy, I ran home breathlessly, told my grandmother about this important assignment, and insisted on going to the food market to complete this "life event".

Wow, in the vegetable market, there are a variety of bright and attractive fruits and vegetables, and the fresh taste catches my feet... I am greedily breathing, dancing happily

When we came to the vegetable area, all kinds of green came in: tender green, emerald green, dark green... How fresh and green the colorful leaves were under the bright light, and even those wrinkles seemed to be delicate lace edges! Ah, no! This is the lace presented by nature!

In the thick green, the potatoes are so conspicuous. I ran at full speed to the target.

An attractive golden color

Breathing heavily, I picked up a large plastic bag, picked it up quickly, and kept mumbling: "This is big and full, yes! This is small but exquisite, yes! This is moderately fat, yes!..." Gradually, three plastic bags were bulging, and I stopped

The next day, when I stood at the door of the classroom, all eyes turned to me in surprise. God, each of them has a potato in his hand, but I... At the moment, those golden potatoes seem to laugh at me! I lowered my head in embarrassment and slipped back to my seat

This homework disturbance is full of interest. Every time I think of this childish thing, I smile to myself. However, it is these silly things with a little interest that make me gradually fade away from my dullness and move towards maturity!

Operation disturbance (11)

In the morning, the math teacher came to collect the homework in the classroom. I opened my schoolbag, but I couldn't find my homework book for any reason... The air suddenly quieted down, with the chatter of classmates on the side, the play of classmates on the corridor, the noise of classmates on the playground... They no longer echoed in my ears, and the world seemed to be my only one.

"How can I not find it?" Such a question came up in my mind inexplicably. The bigger it is, the bigger it is. I casually rummaged through the drawer again, but my eyebrows were even tighter - I still got nothing. In any case, I have to hurry up and figure out my "confession" to the teacher, because the teacher's forgiveness is the only possible way for me to escape today. The teacher received the second group, which is getting closer to me... But in fact, I already know the truth.

"Give me your homework quickly!" As soon as the teacher came, he went straight to the topic.

"I... I didn't..."

Before I finished speaking, the teacher became suspicious of me and interjected: "You're 'me' or 'me'. You can't have failed to do it! I tell you, if you can't take out your homework before class today, you can't go home!"

"That's not true... I... I didn't bring it! I really just didn't bring it!" I whispered, "I clearly remember I put it in my schoolbag yesterday."

"Teacher, look at his guilty attitude, he definitely didn't do it!" The deskmate continued to gloat, with a smile that was not easy to detect but was extremely thoughtful.

"XXX (deskmate name) is right! Can your homework still fly?"

"Really not! I absolutely did it!" I panicked, pretended to be calm, and shrugged helplessly.

"Well, then call your parents!" The teacher's fingertips danced on the phone, and my heart also shook

The teacher finally pressed the dial key

Operation disturbance (12)

Every morning after self-study, I have to hand in the homework I left last night. I am the team leader, responsible for receiving Chinese homework.

"Ling......" The preparatory bell just thought about it. Chang Shiyu, a student in the group, ran to my desk with his homework in his hand and put it on the desk. He still felt uneasy and said, "I have handed it in, and you have handed it in!" At least he had to talk about it for two minutes before he felt relieved. He is the fastest to hand in his homework any day! I took my homework and walked up to Wan Shuaijing, the English team leader. Wan Shuaijing looked at the English homework in a mess and was busy. When she saw me coming, she hurriedly turned over her schoolbag, threw her Chinese homework into my hands, and continued to sort out her English homework... "Gao Ziming --" This is the second time I asked him to hand in his homework. Gao Ziming, Why did you go to self-study in the morning? After a while, he came back slowly, poked his neck and asked me what I wanted to do with him, and I only answered him briefly: "Hand in - do - work -", "Oh, yes, I forgot!" Every morning when Gao Ziming handed in his homework, his catchphrase was "Oh, yes, I forgot"! Is he really so forgetful? "Team leader --" Zhang Zongxin, with another look of crying, came with his head down. "I didn't write my homework!" Zhang Zongxin, who didn't write or bring his homework every day, volunteered to hand it in several times occasionally, which is also a "miracle"! "Can you not tell the teacher?" he asked carefully. "No - can -" I answered firmly. He had to wait for the teacher to "invite" him to the office.

Of course, I will not help him hide the truth. Only in this way can I become a good team leader!

This is an interesting story when our group handed in the homework. Students have their own characteristics. I will graduate from primary school soon, and I will always remember such interesting things, because it records my colorful primary school life!

Operation disturbance (13)

Since I entered junior high school, I naturally have more homework. Many students do not do their homework at night and come to school the next day to copy. For this reason, the teacher taught us a lesson in the class every day, ushered in the storm of copying homework.

At the beginning, I was also a member of the supplementary copy homework. Every morning, we came early to copy others' homework. We finished our homework every day before the teacher came. Soon there was a monthly exam, and my results were very unsatisfactory. I reflected on myself and thought that I should finish my homework every day. The homework I copied a few weeks ago was either b or c, which was criticized by the teacher many times. Now I have finished my homework carefully at home, and the quality and accuracy of my homework have also improved a lot. Now homework is either a or b. Now the teacher checks more and more strictly, and the phenomenon of copying homework in the class is much less. However, there are still unconscious people copying every day. Recently, some students asked others to help with their homework. The teacher saw through the students' tricks at a glance and criticized those who did not do their homework well.

Once, I forgot to bring my homework. The next morning, I came early to copy others, but my classmates found me and told my teacher. The teacher criticized me, and I said that I really hated the student who reported me. I really forgot to bring my homework with me. It's not a reason why I don't want to write it. Now the teacher says that if you don't take your homework with you, it's because you haven't written it. Students should check it carefully when they go home. However, there are still some die hards who deliberately do not bring them to the school to copy, so that the teachers do not believe that the people who really forgot to bring homework.

Now there is almost no phenomenon of copying homework in our class, and the storm of copying homework has almost passed. Now the students have finished their homework by themselves. I believe that the performance of our class will certainly improve and become the best class among the five classes.

Students, for the sake of our class, put an end to bad habits and work hard!

Operation disturbance (14)

That morning, when I was sorting my schoolbag, I turned the room upside down and couldn't find my math homework book. I cry to myself. I am finished today. My end is coming. Our math teacher scolded people. It can be said that it was the water of the Yellow River. It was like the Tang Monk who talked about the journey to the west. It was terrible.

I arrived at school at seven o'clock. In order to find my homework book, I crept into the campus, only to hear a thunder on the flat ground. I was familiar with that voice. It was the voice of the math teacher. She stopped me, like a judge, and asked me seriously: "Why did you come so early? Did you not do your homework to make up for it?" I knew that the teacher was very suspicious, I confidently held my head high and assured the teacher: "I'm ready, teacher." "OK, I'll wait for the classroom to check." The teacher said as he walked. My mind has collapsed. Unexpectedly, my teacher has turned against me!

When I entered the classroom, the teacher also came. At that time, I was alone in the class. The teacher came up to me and began to take out my homework. I couldn't take it out for a moment, so I had to rummage in my schoolbag, and whispered: "How can't I find it? Where is it?" The teacher directly launched the skill - ear following the wind, and listened to my words clearly. The teacher came to Zhang Fei's avatar, and his face was black, his eyebrows were up, and his hair was up. I have seen a flaming flame jumping in the teacher's heart. At this time, several students came to the back row and became melon eaters. The teacher directly started his scolding mode: "Do you know how terrible it is not to do homework?" "I didn't bring it" I said wrongly. "Not taking is not doing," the teacher continued to scold rudely.

At this moment, a glimmer of hope came. It was my mother who brought my homework. I was so excited that I held my hands to the teacher. The teacher gave up.

When I got home, the things I welcomed were even more terrible. It was the taste of "parents' doubles", but the bamboo shoots and fried meat slices were thousands of times more. At last, my mother said to me, "Just remember later."

After this homework disturbance, I dare not leave my homework behind!

Operation disturbance (15)

Assigning homework is a common thing for our pupils, but this time I will never forget it.

When it was time to assign homework again, we all stared at the screen. The classroom was silent, as if time had stopped. In addition, it is raining outside, which adds a bit more serious atmosphere to the classroom. The teacher clicked the mouse, and a line of words appeared on the screen: recite two famous sayings about psychological description. My mood suddenly brightened up: great! Excellent! So little homework! I can finish it early this evening, so I can go to QQ and use WeChat... Although it's raining outside, I feel that birds are singing and flowers are fragrant everywhere, and the warm sun shines on me, which makes me feel very comfortable.

When I was having a dream, the teacher clicked the mouse again, and the dream turned into a nightmare in an instant: I wrote two articles after reading. "Oh -- My -- God!" suddenly came a thunderbolt, and the good mood also changed 180 degrees. A scene seemed to appear before my eyes: the bell sounded late at night, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock... I was still writing the first article of reading impressions, and my pencil was wiping, wiping... My forehead was sweating like rain. Before I knew it, the teacher clicked the mouse again, and another line of words appeared on the screen: complete three test papers. "It's over! It's over!" The students cried bitterly. I scolded in my heart: What kind of teacher is this! It's the devil! Big tigress! I felt dark all around. I could only hear the roar of wind, rain and thunder. Then a dazzling white light flashed past. There was a door in front of me. I went in and saw three evil faces, "test paper monsters", were slowly coming towards me. I wanted to run, but I found I could not move any more

I was struggling in a nightmare, the teacher clicked the mouse again: the above homework is false. I can't believe my eyes. The cheers of my classmates are deafening and loud! I saw the light again, the sun lit up the sky again, and a colorful rainbow hung on the horizon. Flowers were blooming, birds were singing, and I finally got rid of the nightmare! What a special dream, what an unforgettable lesson! What a soul stirring homework disturbance!

Operation disturbance (16)

Our Chinese teacher is a humorous person. Today, it was her humor that made the Chinese class we had a soul stirring and uneasy.

Near the end of class, the teacher began to assign homework on the blackboard - reciting famous quotes about psychological description. I felt confused and excited, and thought: Today is Friday, why is there so little homework? Did the teacher remember wrong - no, the teacher assigned so little homework, I should be happy Whatever! I need to finish my homework quickly and have fun!

But to my surprise, the teacher then assigned two homework assignments to write the impressions of reading. I thought with apprehension: "Alas! With so much homework, what should I do? What should I do? What should I do if I can't finish my homework? - Alas, one composition is enough for me at ordinary times... Now there are two compositions... What should I do if I can't finish it?... What kind of teacher is Li Qundi? Thanks to me, I'm less complacent about the homework just now! It seems that I need to hurry up to do my homework.

I thought this was the end of my homework. Unexpectedly, there was a third homework - completing three test papers. Oh, my God! I seemed to see the darkness in front of me. I heard Brother Lei playing drums all the time and smelled the stink around him. "Three test papers, no! Am I dazzled?... No, it's true... How can the teacher treat us like this... How can she assign so much homework? Alas! It's unreasonable!... Who will save me! Alas! It seems that this weekend, I can't even find time to sleep, let alone play. " While I was frowning, the fourth homework came out and I completely collapsed... Unexpectedly, the fourth homework was - all the above homework was fake. In an instant, I felt as if I had rushed from hell to heaven. Seeing the light again, I was elated: what a surprise! What a surprise.

This is really a scene from hell to heaven, which is exciting and soul stirring.

Operation disturbance (17)

Recently, I became a math group leader, and I was very happy. But soon something came up that left me in a dilemma and made me very upset.

That morning, Li Yichen forgot to bring his homework again. He is a professional who forgets to bring his homework, and almost does not bring his homework every day. But he can fight. Once, he had a "bloody battle in Class 3" (once he broke into Class 3 for a pen, people in Class 3 fought with him and refused to let him in, so he just beat others to leave a bloody nose, He stopped caring about him, so he was afraid.

Just as I was about to report to the teacher, Li Yichen crept up to me like a little mouse, pretended to be pitiful, and whispered to me, "Brother Du! Don't tell the teacher about this! Do you think you can let me go, an old man?" "No!" I said firmly. When he saw that the soft one was no good, he began to intimidate again and said, "If you Du Jingxin dared to mention this to the teacher, you would have bad luck after class!" I began to waver, because Li Yichen was not easy to provoke. Maybe I would be beaten into meat sauce after class! But I was relieved when I thought of what the teacher said. I said, "If you have the ability to beat me after class! As long as you are not afraid of the teacher, ignore you!" Li Yichen turned his eyes and began to lure me again. He took out a piece of money and whispered to me, "If you don't tell the teacher, I will give you a piece of money. How about that?" I was in a dilemma. I felt like two villains were arguing, One of the villains said, "Whatever! The teacher doesn't know anyway, and there is still a net profit of one yuan..." As he said this, I felt a little pleased. Another villain said, "Don't you want to be a scientist like Galileo? Galileo would not do dishonorable things because of the temptation of money when he was young, did you do it?" Hearing this sentence, my face immediately blushed like a boiled shrimp. I firmly said to Li Yichen, "I can't do it! If you don't finish your homework on time, it will be wrong. Even if you want to cheat, it will be a mistake. I can't help you with this! " Then I walked away from him with a serious face and returned to the classroom.

Maybe my words touched him, or maybe he realized his mistake. After class, Li Yichen didn't beat me, but went to the teacher to admit his mistake. The teacher didn't scold him, but praised him for having the courage to admit his mistake. After this, the students all handed in their homework on time, and my work went much better.

Operation disturbance (18)

I haven't finished my homework yet, but my head is heavy and drunk. I slowly touch the bed and fall down, just like an octopus clinging to the bed sheet. I'm too lazy to move. Hands and feet are extremely sour, which is even worse than those who endure torture! At nine o'clock on Sunday evening, I had destroyed more than half of my homework, but there were still so many waiting for me in bed. "I can't live this day! It's so painful......" From my room, my "sounds of nature" came out again. Mom heard this, kicked the door open and rushed in. She started her "Hedong Shihou": "If you cry and howl for me again, I will throw you into the pot and cook you!" Mom was so angry that my voice immediately became smaller, which was almost as small as a mosquito's cry: "It's just a cry or two. Do you need to throw the pot to 'bathe'? Besides, I haven't finished my homework yet. It's not time to take a bath. You always calm down. Do you calm down? " I said with a smile. Mom was really angry and funny after listening to this. Her anger soon subsided and she was about to go back to her room. I proudly added, "Please go back to your room and continue to have your 'Spring and Autumn Dream'. I dare not bother you any more."

"What? You said I had a 'Spring and Autumn Dream'?" Mother's anger suddenly flared up again. I quickly explained: "No, no, no, I'm not talking about you. How dare I say you? Please go back to your room and have a rest!" "That's about the same." Mother went out with two hands in her hand. After the door was closed, I smiled and said, "It's not a big dream in spring and autumn, it's a daydream!" Just after that, my mother stuck her head out of the door. "No, no, no, no, no, no, I don't mean that, I mean others, I mean others. I wish you a good dream, good night." I lost my smile and quickly distinguished. My mother slammed the door, and my smiling face collapsed immediately: "Scared! Why is this' aunt 'more intelligent than a rabbit? Fortunately, I have a high IQ and strong adaptability, otherwise, she will have to' rest 'tonight. God, my eyelids can no longer support the weight of drowsiness, and I lie on the bed. Like a roast chicken waiting to be roasted, the speed of complaining about the teacher is getting slower and slower. The teacher pointed at my nose and said, "Why didn't you finish your homework? Do you know that it's shameful for a girl to be called to the office by her teacher often? Aren't you afraid of shame?" The teacher was so angry with me that she had to grind her teeth in front of me. After a lesson, finally, the teacher ordered me to bring my parents this afternoon.

When I heard this, I felt terrible. My head "boomed". No, it must not be. I must find a way, and I must not let the teacher's "conspiracy" succeed! What should we do? At this time, I don't know what time it is... The eyelids of the two people who have embraced for a long time actually opened. Looking at the clock at 1 am, I knew subconsciously that it was a dream. Out of fear, I could not take up the pen and scribble vaguely

I really hope that there will be less homework assignments in the future. I really hope that such homework disturbances will not occur again in the future.

Operation disturbance (19)

When talking about the composition written by my deskmate, the teacher first took a meaningful look at the deskmate, and then said: "It's important that the composition is not written well, but you can't copy the results of others, right?" At that time, the deskmate's face turned red, her eyes stared at the teacher, and she could not say a word.

I know my deskmate very well, and I know that according to her personality, she will never copy her composition, but now in class, she can't argue. So after class, I took her to the Chinese teacher's office to make it clear.

After face-to-face communication, we realized that the teacher thought that the style of her desk mate's composition was quite different from her quiet writing before, so she thought that her composition was not written by herself. The deskmate explained that she had been writing a style of composition, which was very boring, so she wanted to try to write in a different style and style, but the teacher wronged her.

When the teacher found out the truth of the matter, the teacher apologized to my deskmate in front of the whole class, and my deskmate also happily forgived the teacher's fault, so the composition storm ended.