Adventures (18 Practical Chapters)
Charming posture
2023-11-27 09:15:11
fifth grade

Adventures (1)

One evening, the king was hungry.

The king could not wait to enter the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, he rubbed his eyes and said to himself, "It's wonderful!"! The king saw a small man, who was wearing a ragged dress and had a hole in his pants. The king squatted down and asked, "What's your name?" The little man replied, "My name is Tom. Who are you?". The king said, "I am the king, are you a human being?" When Tom heard this, his head rose higher and higher, and he proudly said, "I am an elf." After saying that, he shivered with cold. The king's heart softened. He took the elf in his arms, went out of the kitchen, and returned to his bedroom.

At this time, the elf stuck his head out of the king's arms and said, "King, you are very kind, and I want to repay you.". The king said, "Oh, how can I repay you?" The elf replied, "I can satisfy your wish; The last choice is to live forever.

The king thought to himself, I have governed the country here for so long, and I have not seen the great rivers and mountains of the motherland! "So he told the elf his idea. The elf said," OK, start to travel around the world tomorrow. "The king scared his mouth into an" O "shape. "What are you talking about?" the elf said again, "From tomorrow, I will travel around the world." The king called, "Oh, you can't travel around the world, can you?" The elf said, "Why not? I am capable!"! The king nodded, stopped asking, and fell asleep on the bed.

The elf did not sleep. He sat by the window, and the moon in the sky hung in the sky like a boat; The stars wink mischievously in the sky, wondering how many beautiful flowers, green mountains, green waters and big trees there are.

The next day came. The king got up and looked. He was stunned. So he became smaller? The elf said, "You have become smaller, so you can save the fare"! The king nodded and understood. He packed up his things and went on a trip with the elves.

The elf said, "We must have a vehicle." After a while, a bird was called. They got on the "small plane" and flew away.

They saw blue sky and white clouds, green mountains, colorful flowers, clear water, and the happy journey soon ended.

The king is looking forward to traveling again.

Adventure (2)

In the "Digital Kingdom", "0" is the most special. No matter what number is added to it, it is also equal to this number; No matter what number is multiplied or divided by it, it is still equal to "0". We all think it's no fun to play with it. No one wants to make friends with it, and almost forget the existence of "0".

"0" can no longer tolerate the disregard of others for "0", and it decided to leave this digital kingdom without warmth and cold, and to find its own "world" alone!

"0" climbed many mountains, crossed numerous rivers and came to the gate of a castle. Through the thick gate, beautiful music can be heard from time to time in the castle. It turned out that "0" came to the "Music Kingdom", and "0" walked into the gate with enthusiasm, but found that the residents here did not welcome it. The only residents of the "Music Kingdom" are: "Duo, Lei, Mi, Fa, Sou, La, Xi", (1-7). Not only is there no "0", but also "8" and "9". "0" feels very depressed and leaves the "Music Kingdom" without hesitation.

One day, "0" was still walking untiringly, and suddenly fell into an underground cave. It turned out that there was another cave in the cave. There was a city in the cave - "0" city. "0" city was part of the "temperature kingdom". All the temperatures here were several degrees below "0". The whole city could not lack "0". "0" here is simply "like a fish in water". It has finally found its dream "kingdom"!

Adventure (3)

On a sunny Sunday morning, seven year old Shasha and eleven year old sister Lili were at home, and her father and mother were away. Lili felt bored. So she said to Shasha, "Sister, do you feel bored?" Shasha nodded. Lili then said, "Let's go out and play!" "No," said Shasha, holding her hand. "If I do this, I'm worried..." "OK! OK! Don't worry so much!" She took Shasha to the park.

They were tired after playing for a while. I was about to go home. When I got home, "Oh, my sister forgot her key!" The two sisters were in a hurry. They didn't know what to do. After a while, they were hungry. Fortunately, my sister took some money with her and said, "Sister, let's buy some steamed buns!" My sister was very happy and took her to sell steamed buns.

After buying steamed stuffed buns, I still feel hungry after eating gauze. So she said to her sister, "Sister, I'm still hungry. I really want to go home to eat.", He said, "I brought money to buy steamed stuffed buns..." In the middle of the conversation, a wallet fell from a branch and hit Lili on the head. Lili fainted. When Shasha opened the wallet, there was a wallet in it, and there was another wallet in that wallet Until the fourth time, Shasha became impatient and said, "There must be no money in this wallet, only a wallet!" She shouted three times, dropped her wallet and walked away. Just as my sister was woken up, she saw a wallet and opened it. "Ah!" cried her sister. "What's wrong?" Shasha ran back curiously. It turned out that there was 500000 yuan in the wallet! (Ha ha! It's incredible, isn't it?) Shasha saw it and said happily, "Ha ha, now I don't have money?" "That... it was just an accident. If I didn't have a wallet, I wouldn't have no money?" The sister lost the wallet. Shasha took the wallet and said, "OK! Let's not argue about this little thing! I forgot it just now, ha ha..." "I'm dizzy!" The elder sister said, "This will forget." "Elder sister, can we stay here for the night?" "Can we stay here for the night? Think about it for me!" The elder sister said and patted her head.

So, my sister walked to a garden with gauze. Sister looked around and saw a security guard standing guard at the door. The elder sister asked the security guard, "Can you give me a house for the night?" The security guard didn't speak. The elder sister was very angry and knocked the security guard down with one blow. Shasha looked carefully and found that the security guard was made of wood. There was a security guard who was sleeping soundly inside. My sister saw him and ran to wake him up. However, he was so sleepy that he could not wake up. It was very late, and Shasha trembled with fear. My sister saw a hospital nearby, so she sent the security guard there.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor was checking the body of the security guard. Half way through the examination, there was a sound of "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!" Only to see the security guard and the doctor came out madly. They pulled down the curtains, ran to the bathroom, and soon came out again. They used the window curtain as a skirt and sang: "I like to brush, I like to brush, yohong! I like to brush, I like to brush, Yohong!... "While singing, they danced for us. They almost shook the whole hospital! Shasha worried that her sister would become like this, so she took her sister's hand and walked out of the hospital.

Adventure (4)

Walking on the path of the park, I was attracted by a burst of ringing. Is it a bird singing beautiful songs there? I look for the voice, walking, walking

I just walked forward with my head down. Gradually, the sun no longer shone brightly. Is it going to rain? I closed my eyes and listened quietly. "Sand, sand..." Look up, what a big bamboo forest! When the breeze blows, the bamboo leaves sway gently, as if playing a "Bamboo Sonata". From afar, I seem to see a giant panda, leisurely eating bamboo. What a beautiful scene! I lay on the soft grass and gently picked up a piece of green bamboo leaves. I really want to stay here forever.

"Baby daughter, where are you?" I vaguely heard the voices of my parents. I reluctantly left here. Is all this true? I don't even believe the adventure of this day.

Adventure (5)

In 2026, I will go to space in a light speed spaceship. While enjoying the wonderful scenery of space, I suddenly saw a blue crystal sphere with a golden halo outside. what is it? I drove the spaceship to it quickly. When I came to this strange planet, I was shocked. It is a crystal planet, with houses, land and sea. At this time, a crystal man came to me and said, "You are the first earth man to come to the crystal planet, and I will take you to visit the scenery here." I said, "OK!"

We came to an ancient tree, and he said: "Hundreds of years ago, there was a piece of colorful crystal stone, which was weathered for a long time and became this beautiful" hundred year old tree ". "Let's go to the Perfume Crystal City to have a look!" said the Crystal Man, "The Perfume Crystal City is the most peculiar city in the planet. First, the crystal there is very fragrant; second, other cities are all crystal, and the Perfume Crystal City has other things." When I saw this city, I thought it was just a treasure city, land made of fragrant crystal, grass made of soft jade, Fruit made of type A agate, house made of palace diamonds. The Crystal Man also said: "The rain in the Fragrance Crystal City is gem rain, and the snow is pearl powder." I bought a bunch of grapes, which taste very good. Although they are made of agate, they are not hard at all. I reluctantly left the Perfume Crystal City and the Crystal Planet.

When I returned to the spaceship, I thought about everything just now. Suddenly, a thick fragrance came to my nose. I followed the direction of fragrance and found it was a candy planet. When I came to the street, I saw that the road was made of chocolate, and there were many candies like trees on both sides of the road. Unable to resist the temptation, I became bigger and ate. At this time, the candy man came up to me and gave me a certificate of "excellent cleaner", saying: "Thank you for eating the garbage beside the road." Huh? I lowered my head in shame.

I came to the hotel, took out paper and pen to write to the Earth Headquarters, but found that the paper was made of chocolate and the pen was made of egg rolls. Looking at it, I could not help but "drool down three thousand feet." Then I ate. At night, while I was dreaming on my marshmallow bed, someone woke me up. As a person from Crystal Planet, I asked him strangely: "Crystal Man, why did you come here?" "Our Crystal Planet and Candy Planet have long been good friends, and we are ready to become good friends with the Earth!" said Crystal Man. I was very happy to hear that and immediately sent a super KK letter to the Earth Headquarters. Since then, Earth, Crystal Planet and Candy Planet have become the best friends in the universe.

I think the curiosity between planets is not important, but peace and friendship are important.

Adventure (6)

One day, I was doing my homework in my room. Suddenly, I felt as if I was drunk. Ah, I'm spinning! My feet left the ground, like a fairy wandering in the air, I panicked, and my pen fell to the ground. When I was in a panic, suddenly, I disappeared in the room and came to a strange planet.

I stood there like a statue, motionless and scared. It took me a long time to come back to my senses. In front of me stood a group of aliens in white space suits, probably because the planet was not attractive. Their hair is colorful, very beautiful, and their eyes are all blue and yellow, which is different from people on earth.

I thought to myself: these aliens are so alert to me, because my appearance must be different! So I drew a picture with my hand and said to them: "I am a human being on earth, and I have just crossed here. Don't worry, I will not hurt you." For a long time, they finally understood that I meant no harm. The leader of this group of aliens led their troops to salute me. Their way of salute is very special. First, they bend down, put their left hand on their chest, and raise their right hand to the right. Then, they took me, the "distinguished guest", to the villa where they lived. This villa is strange and luxurious. It is made of mysterious transparent space materials. Sometimes it is as bright as the moon, and sometimes it is as brilliant as the sun. It towered in front of me. I was deeply attracted. When I walked into the living room, I saw brown sofas coming into sight, and they would automatically move to your side, like high-tech magic. The whole wall can change the pattern at any time, and can also be used as a TV set. At this time, my stomach growled. I followed the fragrance to the kitchen. The clean, clean and snow-white kitchen showed up in front of me. Like a magician, they suddenly turned out a lot of food, which was strange in style and delicious. No matter how much I tasted, they looked at me with satisfied eyes, and I gave them a thumbs up, Make a deep bow to them. When I was having a good time, I suddenly remembered that my parents would be very anxious when they found me missing. They had to say goodbye to the aliens. They lined up to see me off and gave me a souvenir. I reluctantly crossed back home.

In any case, I will never forget this mysterious trip, which has brought me infinite happiness. I will study hard, become a scientist when I grow up, and establish good relations with aliens.

Adventure (7)

I opened my eyes and found that I was in a strange place, where the trees were thick. I slowly sat up. A rabbit appeared in front of me, wearing a suit and a small tie around his neck. I was shocked. I suppressed my curiosity and asked, "Who are you and why am I here?"

"I'm Earl Ashe, and I've come to take you to the castle," said the rabbit.

"Ah! The rabbit has become a spirit! You, you, you... can talk?" I said.

"Of course I can talk. Everything here can talk. Come on, get on the bus!" said the rabbit.

I calmed down and looked at the rabbit in front of me. He got on a pumpkin car, and I couldn't help walking up. Slowly the car started, "Wow! How beautiful! What is this? Wow! It's a Dumbo! Look, the tree can walk..." As the car started, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery. It may be a fairy tale world, and the tree can walk here, Elephants can fly and grass can dance. The sky here is pink, and the river is green. The clouds here are cotton candy, the leaves are candy, and the stones are hard candy

Our car came to a castle, "Please get off, we have arrived."

I looked at the castle in front of me. It had five floors. The top of the castle was made of cotton candy, the body of the castle was made of hard candy, and even the windows were made of glass candy. The rabbit made a gentlemanly gesture and invited me in. Suddenly, a suit of prince's clothes appeared on my body. I walked in and saw a teacup coming to me. He said, "Your Highness, please come with me. Let's go to the place of the dragon. Only you can defeat the dragon!"

I was stunned for a moment, thinking that since it was a fairy tale world, everything would happen. I thought for a moment, and then I followed. I just followed, and suddenly heard a roar, "Who is bothering me in my afternoon nap to die?"

I saw a huge dragon lying on the ground, just by the river opposite. Another roar came, and the teacup said in a trembling voice, "This is the dragon. Here you are. This is a sword. He was trembling when you came. He chose you as the master. Only you can kill the dragon!"

As soon as the tea cup was finished, it slipped away. It was really unreliable. I picked up the sword. The sword was glowing red. At this time, the dragon rushed over. I quickly flashed aside and hid. The dragon was very angry. He sprayed a breath of dragon at me. I could not hide. I used my back foot to move the sword forward. The breath of dragon sprayed over. The sword was red all over, and he actually absorbed the breath of dragon, At this time, the sword sent out a light wave, and the wings of the dragon were cut off. I rushed to cut off the dragon head at this time.

I walked back to the castle and found a handsome boy waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he said, "You really killed the dragon. I am the cup I just had. I was forced into a cup by the dragon. Now that you have killed the dragon, I have also become a man. So is the rabbit I just had. Now let me send you back. No, no, no, no, I will give you a feast first."

As soon as he spoke, the whole castle suddenly became resplendent. A group of fawns flew down from the top of the castle, and the whole castle became a fairyland on earth. The leaves and branches of the small trees became gold, and the golden leaves fell down. Many delicious foods were suspended in the air. I was about to stutter and suddenly said, "Get up, lazy!"

I jumped up on the bed and found that everything just happened was a dream, but it was very real. I opened my clenched hand and there was a golden leaf in it. I looked at it and smiled slowly

Adventures (8)

One night, my father brought back a UFO magazine. I was absolutely fascinated. I looked at the vast night sky and said to myself, "UFO, UFO, how I want to see you!" Suddenly, a light spot appeared in the night sky, flying towards me, flying closer and closer. Ah, it's a UFO. When it rushed to me, "wow -" the cabin door opened and a long carpet was spread from the cabin.

I stepped on the carpet with curiosity. Suddenly, the carpet flew up and rolled up, and I was swept into the cabin. I was hesitating, when a voice came from the bulkhead: "Dear little guest of the earth, I am the intelligent man of Trulux, code name KBO." Just after the voice came out, a door opened and a robot with KBO printed on its chest came out. KBO took out the ultra-thin suction cup and sucked down the chair hanging on the wall. I sat on the chair and the chair rose to the platform on the second floor. There are several people sitting on it. I have a closer look. They are Newton, the ergologist, Edison, the inventor, Faraday, the electrician, Stephenson, the physician, and Hua Luogeng, the mathematician. Surprised, I asked, "Eh, how did you get together?" "Oh, we are replicas of the Earthman. Welcome, real Earthman."

They told me that the earth is 1 away from the sun. It is 500 million kilometers away, and Truluk is 3 trillion light years away from the sun. At this time, "Grandpa Hua Luogeng said," Qiyu, let's take you to my hometown! "I asked strangely," Grandpa, how do you know my name? ", We have reached Trulux.

We first came to Tru Road City. The buildings in the city, like the pyramids in Egypt, are very strange. Grandpa Edison told me that Truluk people live in these buildings, with ample lighting and wide vision. To my surprise, there are no roads in the city. Grandfather Stephenson told me: "The car can only be seen in the museum, which is a thing tens of thousands of years ago. Look --" I followed his advice: many people in the sky are flying, free and amazing. When my eyes fell on the road again, I found that the legs of pedestrians were not moving, but people were moving forward. Grandpa Hua smiled and said, "Everyone on this planet has aircraft, which is fast enough to exceed the speed of light!"

Then we went to the Botanical Garden. The botanical garden is a large glass house. There are small holes on the roof of the glass house. There are large and small pots on the ground. There is only wet soil in the pots. I asked, "What is this?" When Grandpa Edison pressed the red button, the soil became loose, and then many young plants were drilled out. When he pressed the green button, it rained cats and dogs. The rain stopped, and a miracle appeared under the beautiful rainbow: green melons, red peaches... I tasted one. It was delicious, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Ding Lingling..." When I looked at the electronic watch on my hand, ah, it was already light, and I was only two minutes away from school. Grandpa Faraday said, "Don't panic! There is still plenty of time. I promise not to be late." They sent me to board a UFO. Then a group of Truludians came to greet me warmly. Their hospitality made me cry with excitement. I said goodbye to them with a smile on my face

Before returning to the earth, Grandpa Hua said to me quietly: "Liangliang, if you want to come again, you will keep shouting in the middle of the night in the space: 'UFO, UFO, I want to see you...' You must not reveal this secret trip, or you will not come."

Adventure (9)

Today's afternoon, the gentle breeze blew, which made me feel very happy. I decided I would go to my favorite library to read books~
Stepping into the library is like coming to the forest in the fairy tale, full of faint fragrance! I just stroll slowly to find the books I want to read this time
Finally, there was a book that attracted my attention. I reached out to take it away from the original home and began to read it.
Unexpectedly, the person in the book moved. A little girl came out of the room and said, "Finally, I can breathe fresh air after waiting for a long time. I remember that it was a long time ago when the book was opened last time." I was also surprised after listening to him. I really didn't believe that the person in the book could speak. I didn't expect that today would happen in front of me. At this time, The little man in the book began to speak again, "Yes! Would you like to come into our story, Another voice came out just now: "I haven't introduced myself to you just now, right? My name is Xiaolin. Welcome to our fairy tale world. Let me see what will happen at this time. Alas! This time is the time for the princesses to quarrel again. Come to my home quickly. My home is the best place to watch!" God! I don't remember this scene in fairy tales, do you? But I'd better go and have a look~
Soon, I saw five princesses appear and glared at each other. First, Snow White said, "The magic mirror once said that I am the most beautiful in the world, so the prince should marry me!" And the unconvinced Sandra said, "The fairy said that a kind heart is the most beautiful!" Princess Ailuo (Sleeping Beauty) Then she said, "The fairy once said that I would get a beautiful and kind heart, and the prince should marry me." Princess Jasmine suddenly shouted, "What's the use of you making such a noise? It will only make people think you have no temperament!" Before hearing Princess Jasmine's words, Princess Belle said, "Don't make a noise! The prince will choose me!" Another voice came out: "I will sacrifice my wonderful voice for the prince, will you!
As a result, we went to another place and saw the big wolf running after Little Red Riding Hood, making Little Red Riding Hood cry and cry. As soon as the hunter appeared, he turned into Little Red Riding Hood and the hunter ran after the big wolf, which made the big wolf not only wet his pants, but also cried "Mom, Mom" all the time, Maybe she was heard by the witch in the candy house, so the witch limped slowly towards Xiaolin and me, and smiled amiably and said, "Children, do you want to come in and sit down? There are a lot of delicious candy cookies in my house." The sensitive Xiaolin Masheng told me, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Don't be fooled by the mother-in-law!", I immediately moved my little wings, which I had just acquired a while ago, and ran away with Xiao Lin in my fastest and most powerful way. My mother-in-law on the ground also kept saying, "Come on, kids, I have a lot of candy cookies. Don't run away."
The voice of her mother-in-law made my face green all the way. Finally, Xiaolin flew to a big tree to rest and found that there were many stories ahead. I also asked Xiaolin, "I remember in fairy tales that you didn't appear..." Xiaolin smiled and said, "Of course, I am a future superstar. How could I tell others my existence so quickly? In a while~I will appear~and before that, you should help me keep secret! " I smiled and said, "Of course, thank you for taking me to visit your world today, and I will almost go back to my own story." I made an appointment with Xiao Lin and met again. "Ding ding", I returned to the original library again, and Xiao Lin on the book smiled brightly. When we went back to the house, the pictures stopped moving, and I returned home with satisfaction, Continue to belong to my story.

Adventure (10)

On a night without lights, it was quiet outside the window. I was lying in bed, reading by the light of a candle. Time passed unconsciously, one minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes.

Suddenly, I was sucked in by a light blue halo. I came to a mysterious world where flowers bloom all the year round. There are no people here, but there are many extinct animals and plants on the earth. I took my compass with me and walked south, through a forest, across a prairie, over a volcano, and finally to a place where people are, There was a house where I knocked on the door. There was a monster with one eye and eight legs. It said friendly: "Hello, you must be from the earth. Come in quickly, I'm looking for you!" I said doubtfully, "You look for me?" "Yes." I thought it would be good to help people, so I asked, "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to help me move the big stone ball away, but when moving south, the big stone ball will press my house, and when pushing north, it will press my beloved pond. What should I do?"

I thought for a minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes... After a rain, I found the big stone ball running with me, and then

I found that I was at home. I asked my mother, has the big stone ball been moved? My mother touched my head and said, "No fever!" I realized that it was a dream.

Adventures (11)

Paper is an ordinary white paper. People never care about it. They serve people in obscurity and selflessly.

One day, when I came to the big forest, I felt like a tree. I am bathed in warm sunshine every day, listening to the beautiful songs of birds. How happy I am! But one day, some lumberjacks came here. They said, "The trees here are really lush! They can cut back and make a lot of paper." They wielded big axes one after another, cut down my brother and sister, and finally cut down me. Some of my brothers and sisters said, "I don't want to become paper." Others said, "What is paper like?"

With doubts, we were transported to the factory for processing, and we became pieces of paper. I think: since I become paper, I should benefit people.

My companions were printed into textbooks; Some were printed as picture books; Some of them were printed into a calligraphy book... then I was printed into a necessary homework book for students.

I was transported to a primary school, where the children are really cute, like a group of lively elves; The flowers are like graceful girls; The luxuriant willows are waving to us, as if to welcome our arrival. I'm very lucky to be transported here, because the flowers here are red and the willows are green. I think the children must also cherish me.

I was sent to a third grade pupil. I was rectangular, thin, but smooth. I silently dedicated myself to him. He wrote carelessly and didn't cherish me. He used a few pages to throw me away. I was very sad. One day, I was picked up by a little girl with a red scarf and clean clothes. She is just the opposite of the last little master. She writes very carefully and cherishes me very much. I like her very much.

When I turned over, I woke up. It was a dream! I recalled this dream and realized many things

Grade 6: Zhang Han

Adventures (12)

The pace of winter has not gone far, but spring has been hurried away by summer. On the streets, boys and girls can't wait to put on T-shirts and long skirts. I went back home with my mother unprepared. I was wearing a thick sweater and wilted by the heat. Mother said: "This weather will be 'bad'!" Sure enough, a spring thunder in the evening, the temperature dropped sharply, followed by strong wind and heavy rain.

The next day I had to go to work and school. My mother took me to drive back to Jiangyin overnight. To tell the truth, my mother is not very experienced in driving. I dare not speak in the back row for fear of affecting my mother. The wiper is swinging from side to side at the fastest speed, and the front is still blurred. I can feel my mother is nervous.

Coincidentally, the book is completed, and a more severe test is in front of us. The fuel gauge light is on, and the gasoline is almost used up. It is 40 kilometers away from the next service area. Obviously, the remaining oil cannot reach the service area. The wind and rain outside the window are intertwined, adding to mother's anxiety. When I was at a loss, my inspiration came to me: "Mom, find an exit!" "Why?" "Find a gas station!" "Ah! Why didn't I think of it?" Mom suddenly realized.

Near midnight, the wind is getting stronger and the rain is getting more and more urgent. My mother drives in a strange city to look for it. When the sign light of the gas station came into sight, we were all excited and shouted.

God has eyes. When we drove on the highway at full speed again, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, the thunder went farther and farther, and only weak lightning lit the way home.

On this day, I experienced the season crossing of ice and fire, the intimate contact of midnight wind and rain, and the mixed feelings.

Adventures (13)

"Ah, we haven't arrived yet!" I complained loudly and breathlessly, kicking the can out of the way. The can tumbled out of the way and hit the rock with a "bang bang" sound.

The weather was cold and waxy, but it was still more than 20 degrees. It was as hot as summer. On such a hot day, I have to be dragged to the fishing village for a walk by my aunt and aunt. It's really unlucky.

Through Shitangkong and along the middle coastal road, we finally climbed a hill with withered branches and withered leaves. Climb, crawl, crawl on a hot day. Are you tired! When I was whispering, I looked up and saw a pavilion with new eaves and neat railings. It was just time to sit in it for a while to soothe my weak legs! I quickly walked into the pavilion and sat down on the bench. I couldn't help looking into the distance. Unconsciously, we climbed so high that the whole Xiangshan Harbor came to us. The sea is calm and the sun is shining. Although it can't be called vast, there is also a feeling of suddenly enlightened. The most spectacular is the orderly rows of fishing boats with upright masts and flying flags. The fiery red flag is more and more beautiful against the blue and white ships. Auntie and Auntie also hurriedly took out their mobile phones and snapped them. Tut tut, this photo is just like the magazine "Fisherman's Pride".

After a short rest, we went down the mountain by another road. As we walked, the straight cement road turned into a rugged trail, and soon we came to a stream.

Ah, the water in this stream is so clear! I could not help but bend down and lift the water with my hands. It was cold and cold, and there was a kind of piercing coolness in a hot day. The surface of the stream is full of large and small stones, some of which are flat and some of which are concave and convex, but all of them have lost their edges and corners under the moist grinding of the stream, which makes them look simple and mellow. I jumped up and down on it and enjoyed myself. If the scenery seen on the mountain is a heroic work, the Xitou will have a graceful flavor.

On my right side, there is a prominent land, covered with thick yellow grass hanging from the top, forming a natural tent, cool and comfortable. I couldn't help being curious. I walked in with a low head, and found that I couldn't stand up straight after entering. Then I sat down on the ground naturally. A breeze blew, and the heat just swept away.

I can't believe that there is such a beautiful and even dreamy place hidden in such an ordinary fishing village as Tongzhao. Nature is so wonderful!

Adventures (14)

"Good rain knows the season, when spring happens..." In the quiet and beautiful night, I remembered the clear and sweet sound of reading. It was not others who were reading Du Fu's "Joy in the Spring Night", but me. I put down my textbook and looked up at the beautiful night sky, as if I had returned to the adventure of yesterday.

Yesterday, I went to Taoyuan Villa with Chen Yan and Luo Ruolan. The peach blossoms there are refreshing and enchanting. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery until we came to the top of the mountain. When we were about to sit down and rest, the crowd suddenly surged, and I got separated from other friends. As I was walking, I suddenly fell into a long tunnel and came to a terrible world: garbage, waste water and stench were everywhere. I thought to myself, where is this? Is it so smelly? Did I travel through time and space? God! Where is this? Just when I was puzzled, I saw ten spaceships parked not far ahead. In front of the spaceships, there were ten "long dragons" with backpacks and boxes. In front of each "long dragon", an uncle commanded people to board the spaceship. I thought: He is the mayor of the town. What are they doing and where are they going? I was very curious and went to know the truth. I know from an elderly person that this is a large area of children's home in 2133. Due to the increasingly serious pollution and people's excessive felling of trees, the earth has become a garbage dump. The air is dirty and the sand is rampant, so people decide to leave the earth. People have found a planet called Blue Mercury suitable for human habitation, so the area manager is directing people to move away from their homes to Blue Mercury. When I heard this, I was shocked and thought sadly: How beautiful it used to be here, with fresh air, birds singing and flowers fragrance, and streams flowing. I walked up to the mayor and said, "Mayor, hello! I am a girl from the past. Today, I came here unintentionally through time and space, and saw all this indignation. Why has the beautiful home become like this? You have polluted the earth, and now you have gone to destroy other planets. Don't you feel ashamed?"

The mayor retorted: "There is too much garbage on the earth to live on." "Will you pollute the environment and not manage it? This is your mistake you should bear!" I said angrily, "Maybe you are right, we should make up for it, we should be responsible for what we caused." The mayor said after a moment of reflection. The people present also replied with one voice: "We must make up for our mistakes." Then the mayor immediately asked the old and weak women to evacuate to Blue Mercury, stay for a while, and let scientists study and invent machines to transform garbage and waste water into useful energy. Scientists work hard and make unremitting efforts to turn waste water into useful energy. Now my hometown has changed. The grass grows out and the flowers bloom with a smile. The town became more beautiful than before. The mayor smiled happily and said, "Thank you, little friend, we will take good care of the environment in the future. I still enjoy the beautiful scenery in Taoyuan.

But thinking about yesterday's adventure and looking at the beautiful starry sky, I can't help thinking of the terrible appearance of the polluted earth. If we don't take good care of the environment, we will really go to outer space.

Adventures (15)

Hello, everyone. I'm a dog. My name is Youmi. I often complain about my poor life. It's so hard to live better. But recently, God has satisfied my wish.

On that day, my master took me out for a walk. As I walked, I saw another dog. He was in another world, and I wanted to scratch it. Who knows, I scratched and went to another world. At first, I didn't realize it until I found that the owner was missing. When I turned around, everything disappeared. I had to bite the bullet. Sorry, I really don't know what scalp is. Go, go, eh? Why doesn't the master show up? This is the situation of god horse? 55555。 I don't want to be a stray dog! Wait a minute, a dog appeared in front of me, "Who are you?" I added a few words to the dog, "chatter, chatter, chatter." The dog brother said a lot of words I didn't understand. Seeing that I didn't respond, he pointed to the calendar, er - how today became January 15, 5467. Seeing that I didn't understand, he put something in my ear, I can understand what it said, "Are you stupid? Today is the 15th! You are going to learn etiquette! Your Royal Highness, I am puzzled." I asked, "I am the prince?" "Yes, you are the prince of our dog planet! You want to learn archery, horseback riding, etiquette, music, and dancing. Well, after I say this, do you understand?" I shook my head, "Can you give me a mirror?" said the dog, who was quite white, so he called him Abai. Abai looked at me in surprise, but he went to get the mirror, eh? How can I become so white? How strange! I remember I was yellow and white! "Hey! Are all the dogs here white?" I asked doubtfully. Ah Bai took a cold breath and said, "What's the matter with you, Wang and Prince? The dogs on our dog planet are all white! You, remember, remember, come on, come on -" Oh, it's the dog planet. Slow, slow! The dog planet? Are you sure? "This is the dog planet, I'm sure." Ah Bai looked at me innocently. "That, that, that, do you know there is an earth in the world?" I opened my mouth wide, very surprised. Ah Bai shook his head. 555555 was miserable, and he couldn't go back to 555555...... But what was it like to be a prince? Let's try it. What is the name of a person? Call, call, remember! It's called "Take it as it comes." Don't worship me. I'm just a legend. Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This etiquette class only took 6 hours to shake hands. Besides, let me stand up! c'mon! I am a dog, not a man - I lie on the bed and shout: "God! If you want to make me happy, you can't send me to such a late place!" Suddenly, the white light flashed, and I went to another world.

I opened my eyes and a drop of water fell on my head. I looked up and saw, oh my god, dinosaurs! Help me - I ran quickly. I hid in the cave and thought: I should be in the ancient times now, cough, cough, these are all what I learned when I was reading, I think it is a physical training! Why am I so miserable! Alas, Tick tock, Mommy - Dinosaurs are coming again! "Help! I'm dying!" I tried to run and run. I shouted, "I'm going home."

Suddenly, the white light flashed again, and I went home again. Alas, I'd better be my pet dog in peace. Don't have any more extravagant hopes. Thinking about it, I fell asleep in the nest.

Adventures (16)

My mother is good at everything. She just likes to nag: "Yao Yao, eat less junk food and order fruits many times, which is healthy." "Have you finished your homework yet? Hurry up to do your homework!" "Don't read in bed, it's bad for your eyes"... I face such a "bloody storm" every day.

"Well, if anyone can stop his mother from nagging, I'd like to give him all the snacks!" "Is that true?" A clear voice came from beside me. I turned around and saw, alas, a big head, a small body, a pair of small tentacles and a long tail of the green villain stuck out his head in the cabinet. Seeing me, he jumped onto the bed lightly, blinked his star like eyes at me, and said: "I have a way!" Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and I, my mother and the little green man came to a dark world

I held my mother's hand tightly and said trembling, "Mom... Mom, I... I'm afraid." My mother also said to me gently, "Yao Yao, it's OK, there's my mother." At this time, the little green man said, "Don't be afraid, this is just the entrance to the kingdom of non nagging." "The kingdom of non nagging?" My mother and I said with one voice. "Oh, yes! I forgot to remind you that you can't nag or repeat words when you arrive at the kingdom without nagging. Someone will catch you!" "Why?" I couldn't help asking. "Well, because the king of this country often listened to his mother's nagging when he was young, he swore that when he ascended the throne, no one would nag." The little green man replied seriously.

Suddenly, there was a light in front of our eyes, and finally we reached the kingdom of no nagging!

Wow! Don't nag! There are many snacks in the kingdom! We have everything we can eat in a lifetime. But the residents here are very silent and cold. I saw a bag with sugar in it. I grabbed a handful of sugar cubes and was about to put them in my mouth. As soon as my mother was about to say something, I said, "Be careful!" My mother had to walk away helplessly.

In the next few months, I lived a free life every day: eating snacks, drinking drinks, not brushing teeth, not doing homework... and my mother would not nag. However, a few months later, I became a "fat man". The "milk white teeth" in his mouth also became "chocolate black teeth". Every day, my body is soft and weak. I can only walk by holding the wall. I can't bite anything when I eat.

One day, my mother couldn't help shouting at me, "Go and brush my teeth, and don't eat any more snacks!" My mother was taken away by the soldiers as soon as she finished talking. I cried and shouted, "Mom! Mom!"

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and found that I was lying at home, and my mother just came over. Seeing my appearance, I began to nag again: "Why are you lying reading again and falling asleep..." I didn't contradict, but hugged my mother tightly and said to her: "Mom, your nagging is the most beautiful voice in the world."

Adventures (17)

When I was young, I lived in the countryside. When I heard the sound, I was scared to death.

When I sleep at night, I cover my head in the quilt. As soon as I heard the sound, I grabbed the quilt tightly and pricked up my ears to catch every sound carefully.

I remember one time when I was lying in bed, listening to the wind blowing the leaves outside the window, making a rustling sound, and my heart was like a big stone weighing a thousand kilograms. Suddenly, I felt a surge of liquid in my body. Yes, I wanted to go to the toilet. My first reaction was to light the lamp. However, the switch is far from the bed, outside the door. I hesitated for a moment and thought: No! Hold back; Go! I have no idea! I thought for a while, go! I picked myself up and walked out. There is a row of bushes on the way to the public toilet. I squatted down and climbed over slowly.

Suddenly, I found a golden thing in the distance. When I looked carefully, it seemed to be a fire. I was wondering when suddenly, a tall man passed me. There are big characters on his arm, "Carnivore". He played with his mobile phone while walking. I slowly climbed forward again. The tall man went to the fire and sat down. He also greeted his friends, "Let's grab someone to bake!" I suddenly felt tight: they won't find me! As soon as I thought about it, I hurried forward to speed up my climb. Suddenly, that group of cannibals suddenly stood up and walked towards the place I climbed. Suddenly, I felt cool behind me, as if countless eyes looked at me through the bushes. And I felt something following me. I was really afraid. If they found me, I would have to be their food? no Suddenly, a human like carnivore came up and said, "Eh, I clearly saw a child here just now. Why is it missing?" I got into the bushes and climbed forward more quickly. 10 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters, 1 meter, finally, I got to the toilet. After going to the toilet, I changed a path and went home.

What an adventure! I listened to the wind outside the window and fell asleep

Adventures (18)

This morning, I went to the store and bought a big balloon. After shaking it a few times, it turned out to be the largest balloon I have ever seen.

But when the big balloon put me in, it flew. "Wow, wow! SOS! I'm afraid of heights!" The balloon seemed to understand my words and fell straight down.

Dong! When I opened my eyes, I saw the blue lake, the dazzling light, and the lovely clown fish swimming freely around me. At the same time, I looked at me curiously, as if I was an unknown object. The air flow in and out of my "cage" didn't make me feel uncomfortable, but it was a kind of enjoyment. What a rare artistic conception!

The air current pushes the balloon deep. What is it? A closer look shows that it is a mermaid. (Ugly, I don't know why people call it a mermaid?) Not far away, I found a beautiful castle. Open the door and look, wow! How big the castle is! There's no end in sight. A group of soldiers came towards me in a fierce manner. I was frightened by this formation and fled quickly.

Moving forward, suddenly dozens of big sharks came to me. I thought it was over! It's over! I'm going to be swallowed by a shark, but I feel light when I close my eyes. What's going on? It turned out that a dolphin saved me in a critical moment. I put my face against the dolphin, stroked it with both hands, thanked it, and became my best friend with it.

This underwater adventure has let me see an unusual underwater world and made me good friends!