600 word composition on the topic of tears (9 anthologies)
2023-10-24 07:38:22
topic of conversation

600 word composition on the topic of tears (1)

People often say that you can get happiness if you get four leaf clover, so everyone wants to get four leaf clover, and I have been looking for that piece of four leaf clover! But now I don't need to find it. Our meeting is as lucky as four leaf clover, as sweet as four leaf clover, and as unforgettable as four leaf clover! And this four leaf clover is a friend!

But time always passes so fast, I just have it, will throw it away, six years of time in a hurry, we want to leave, is so reluctant, so unfair! But we can only carry our bags and start our new journey alone stubbornly. I know that as long as only a few friends stand behind me and stare, I feel heavy. But when we decide to go alone, all the curses and betrayals are left behind, we can smile stubbornly or cry sadly, but we still have to move forward!

Now, I can only see your smiling faces in photos. When the days become old photos, when they become memories, we can only move forward back to back. There is no way to retreat, and we can never start again! The departure of your door makes my life empty. Sometimes, when I see you in a picture, I will see the scene of playing with you in front of me. Look, look, tears have already flowed down my face. Tears flow down my cheeks and drop on the picture. I will not wipe it, because there is my missing in my tears.

Perhaps, you will forget me, but I will not forget you. I have your shadow in my heart. We are not separated, because our hearts are always connected, just like the leaves of the clover are always connected to its stem!

At night, I woke up quietly, the night light scattered on my tired face, the memory walked in your residual fragrance, wrapped up the quilt and tasted the pain.

Tears are still flowing... Missing is still flowing

600 word composition on the topic of tears (2)

These days, the teacher's heart attack again. We are all like a mouse with a cat. We are afraid to offend our teacher. But a group of bad students took this opportunity and tried to make the teacher angry.

The next day, a group of students made a lot of noise. It turned out that all the students in the back row had gone on a collective "strike" - did not do their homework. Upon hearing the news, many students and I seemed to feel the danger before the eruption of the volcano, and students were also whispering.

At this moment, just listening to the "Dong" sound, the teacher broke into the door, and our every nerve was strained. The teacher's face was full of anger. When he threw the textbook on the platform, we were all scared out of our wits. Sweat ran down my face nervously. Pointing at us, she said weakly, "I worked so hard to teach you, but what did you give me in return? I still have heart disease, and everyone advised me to give up. Although I don't want to give you lessons, I don't want to drop you classes. The teachers in the whole school are unwilling to teach you. I just insisted on it, but the reward you gave me was not to write homework. I really can't teach! " Then he smashed the things on the desk and slammed the door.

The whole class was silent, and even Geng Binxuan, the most difficult one, closed his mouth. The monitor came to the stage, took out seven yuan and told everyone: "I'm going to use this money to buy a gift for the teacher to express our apology." As soon as class was over, the monitor bought a jewelry box and put it on the table. All of a sudden, the students began to write something and quickly stuffed it into the box.

"Ding Lingling --" After class, the teacher walked into the classroom. It seemed that he was still angry. At this time, she saw the jewelry box on the desk, and a big question mark immediately appeared on her face. Our whole class stood up at the same time and shouted with one voice: "Sorry, teacher!" Maybe it was because my feelings were too weak, and tears kept rolling in my eyes. I looked up quietly and looked at the teacher. I found that under the teacher's glasses, a pair of red eyes clearly had tears flashing. I looked back secretly and found that several female classmates could not help wiping their tears.

This tear may be a symbol of friendship between our teachers and students.

600 word composition on the topic of tears (3)

When you read in the bright light: when you are playing with your friends; When you eat delicacies in a restaurant... have you ever thought that some children are

A few days ago, I saw a news: there was a 10-year-old boy whose mother died. This was very unfortunate. What was more unfortunate was that his father was paralyzed and lay at home, unable to take care of himself. In the face of difficulties, the little boy did not shrink back. He bravely supported the family alone.

When school is over, he can always be seen running back and forth in the alley. He can't play with his classmates because his father is the first in his mind. After returning home, he was busy cooking noodles and cooking food for his father. After his father finished eating, he ate leftovers. Because he didn't have the money to pay the electricity bill, he could only borrow the light of cooking to do his homework; Because there is no stool, he can only squat on the ground to do his homework; Because... after finishing his homework and finishing his meal, he will never forget to give his father medicine to eat; Before going to bed, he will never forget to move his legs and feet for his father.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Tears kept rolling in my eyes, and I couldn't help shedding tears. What a touching story it is!

In life, in addition to seeing moving stories, I will shed tears, there are many things that will also make me cry. Once when I ate slowly, my father said something to me, and tears somehow came into my eyes. It still flowed down if I wanted to let it go back.

Maybe it's because "women are made of water"! Girls love to shed tears. Jiang Yijia in our class is a straightforward girl. Once she failed in an exam, she began to cry sadly. We persuaded her for a long time before she stopped crying.

"Men don't tear lightly.". But some boys also like to cry. There is a boy in our class who loves crying. His name is Wu Yifan. Sometimes when the teacher criticizes him or wrongs him, tears will roll down his fat face.

Tears are indispensable silhouettes in life. They accompany us through life. Tears can reduce a lot of pressure. In fact, it is also good to cry more.

600 word composition on the topic of tears (4)

When I was a child, I was very good at crying. Now when I grow up, I also like to cry. In fact, tears are not only an expression of excitement or extreme sadness, but also an expression of release, relief, and love.

I need tears in my life. When I think of that, my heart will ache.

Ding Lingling picked up the alarm clock and turned off the ring at 6:30 a.m. Eh, something seems to have occurred to me. right! Today is my birthday! My mother said that she could invite my good friends home for dinner on this birthday. You know, for my mother, who never allowed me to take my friends home, this is the first time ever. I am very happy, but I feel a little uneasy, as if something is going to happen.

It was not easy to get through school. In the evening, I invited many friends home. My mother had already prepared a table of delicious food and bought many good drinks. My mother called me into the room. I think it must be that she told us not to play too crazy. Who knows, this is not the case at all.

"Do you know why mother asked you to invite your classmates home?" Mother touched my head and said softly. "I don't know." I replied in puzzlement, "Maybe it's my birthday today?"

"No, it's because you're leaving these good friends and we're moving."

My heart suddenly became very painful, listening to the laughter of friends outside, and my eyes were full of tears. "Don't let my friends know," I thought to myself. "Let's have a good time!" But I couldn't be happier.

At the beginning of the meal, my friends seemed to see something, but no one asked, just try to make me happy. When they sent me gifts one by one, I couldn't help crying. I suddenly felt that I had a thousand words to say to them, but I didn't know what to say.

The students left one by one. My mother and I sent them downstairs. Looking at their faraway backs, tears moistened my eyes again.

The next day, I never saw my friends again, because I had moved to a new home and a new school.

As we all know, tears represent an unforgettable experience that will leave a deep impression in the depths of emotion; Tears represent the record of growth and reflect the course you have gone through.

600 word composition on the topic of tears (5)

Tears are the crystallization of many emotions.

Tears, from the moment I was born, you always haunted me, I really want to get rid of you

Tears, I hate you!

I hate haircuts! When I was young, I struggled desperately in my mother's claws whenever I met a haircut. Tears, why did you come? As soon as I got home, I was beaten half to death by my mother's feather duster, but you kept pestering me and refused to let go. I had to be beaten several more times. For this reason, I hate you!

Tears, why didn't you let me go even when I was resting? When did I offend you? Every night when I just fell asleep, you tortured me like a dream temple, once again made me suffer from skin and flesh, made me bear the charge of "unclean children", and made me the focus of the neighbors' discussion. On this point, you tortured me for 10 years.

Tears, I hate you, hate you! Do you know that I have a hard life. On the one hand, I suffer from skin and flesh all day; Moreover, it made me the object of public ridicule, which made me lose my self-esteem. Am I easy, me? So I have to treat you as the enemy.

However, I like you in some ways.

I know that I used to be an ignorant girl, but since I became sensible, you have also given me many benefits.

I like you, tears!

When I hate you, I regard you as the enemy, and I fight against you desperately. Whenever I quarrel with my mother, I try my best to restrain you and avoid you, for fear that your presence will make me beaten again. Over time, I became strong. I thank you!

So, I like you!

At these times, the performance is unstable, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and the mood also changes. You have come, let me fall into meditation, let me forget the unattractive results. In my reflection, you left again unknowingly, but my face has left traces of your past, which reminds me of obscurity. So, I love you, tears!

Tears, I hate you and love you, it's really contradictory, you are not easy!

Because of tears, I became a crying child.

Because of tears, I become strong.

Because of tears, I learned what is unknown.

Because of tears, I have tasted the ups and downs.

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600 word composition on the topic of tears (6)

Tears are salty. A small tear contains countless emotions. It is moving, sincere, maybe happy, maybe regretful... In short, every tear has a different story, full of joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows, bitters and sorrows. If all the tears in the world are gathered together, it will be a huge sea of life, moistening the field in the heart and warming our hearts.

Chen Binqiang, the most filial teacher, told the story of Zhejiang language teacher Chen Binqiang who took his mother with severe dementia to work for five years.

He Yue, the most beautiful student in Guangxi, told that after suffering from brain cancer, she persuaded her family to donate their organs and saved three young lives with her love.

They are all ordinary people who love each other with boundless love. They make contributions to the society and their families by virtue of their own ability and dedication. Chen Binqiang has taken care of his mother for five years and accompanied her every day, rain or shine. In the past five years, he has never complained about his life and never gave up his mother. How many people can do this today? Chen Binqiang's mother has Alzheimer's disease, and Chen Binqiang does not abandon it. Now the number of empty nest elderly people in China has increased sharply, and it is not good for the elderly to stay at home alone! While there is still time, parents are still alive, take more time to accompany them! They are lonely, and they need the love of their children

He Yue, a very ordinary female student, has saved three young lives. His life is being saved in another form, making contributions to the society and donating his own organs. Now people are thinking about how to make their bodies stay in the world forever. To ensure the integrity of the body, although cremation is now advocated, few people will donate their organs. People come to the world naked and can't take anything away when they leave. It's better to make some contributions to the society before they die.

Tears are not regret medicine, so don't cry, dry your tears before you start, to find the meaning of life, to find the destination of love, if you want to cry, don't hold back, vent is better than endure. Tears are not just a drop of water from your eyes. Every tear is the crystallization of your growth.

600 word composition on the topic of tears (7)

Tears always bring your mood out like a small bargain. Sometimes it tastes sweet, making a happy expression appear on the face; Sometimes it will take away your sad mood. That kind of taste makes people feel sad, rustling and bitter. It mercilessly scratches your cheek and prints a clean mark on your face.

Tears are sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter. The bubbles made by sweet tears may be pink, carefree pink, so naughty and cute.

The tears of bitter times are full of strong and unyielding. Although it is sad, the bubbles it produces are the most simple white in the world. Although limited and monotonous, it is the most beautiful color in the end.

Tears always fall when people are unhappy, like a dazzling star, emitting infinite light. These tears are like crystal diamonds. They are so pure and elegant. They seem to be a wealth that God has given to mankind. This wealth can express people's emotions vividly. Small tears can show every aspect of human nature. No matter how strong you are, you will cry in the end. The tears will soften your heart. But after the tears dry, you will be a strong person.

"There is a shortage of paper. Tang Yan is full of sad tears. It is said that the author is crazy. Who can understand the taste of it?" The opening volume of Dream of Red Mansions is a word of "tears". Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions came and went crying. Since she came into the house, she has been crying in Jia's house. Perhaps it is because of her tears that people have quite a feeling about A Dream of Red Mansions. Her tears are very beautiful, just as the saying goes, "The soul of the bitter crimson pearl finally repaid the kindness of Shen Ying with its tears of life!"

Daiyu's tears may be for a small matter, or for Baoyu, or it may be because she is lonely and helpless. However, her tears always make people sad and pitiful!

Tears, like silver ribbon across the cheek.

Tears, like blue sorrow made of gems.

Tears are like bubbles blown by the golden God.

Tears always fall down when people don't care. They are always pure, noble and extremely moving. Blue sadness bursts into tears and falls on people's hearts

600 word composition on the topic of tears (8)

I think everyone will cry when they are sad and when they are excited. It means different things among people of different ages. For example, babies cry because they cannot express what they want to do. Crying means they want to eat and sleep; When Beijing successfully applied for the Olympic Games, people also shed tears, that is, happy eyes; When old friends meet again after a long separation, sometimes they will burst into tears, which is the tears of happiness. But there is one kind of tears that will make you feel sad and make you feel guilty. That is the teacher's tears.

You may ask, why does the teacher cry? Because we usually see the teacher's kind smile. When students answer questions brilliantly in class, the teacher will show a satisfied smile. When students understand the meaning of the text, the teacher will show a happy smile. When students gradually grow up and mature, the teacher will show a happy smile. But sometimes we can also see the teacher's rare tears. If the students do not understand the teacher's painstaking efforts, the teacher will be very sad. When the students do not obey discipline, the teacher will be very angry. When the students do not pay attention to the lecture in class, the teacher will feel that his painstaking efforts have been wasted. The teacher's tears are sad tears, and the teacher's tears are the tears that hate iron but not steel.

Do we like the teacher's smile or the teacher's tears? I think most students will choose the former answer, just like me. Let's work together! Be a good student who loves learning and keeps discipline!

600 word composition on the topic of tears (9)

[Chapter 1] How many times should tears flow

Broken beads have no chance to recover; Lost Records

Memory, no longer healing. And there is a kind of liquid --- tears, which can continue after flowing, but we don't want to, because it will only make us sad and depressed.

Once upon a time, I had a strange childhood. I wanted to fly a kite in a green lawn, but there was no reason to break the line in my hands. Listen --- The wind is coming. I don't want to fly the line. In order to complete my mission, the wind makes me float in the air. The line in my hand has broken. The kite has lost its way. My eyes are red with tears, but my heart is flying happily.

Once upon a time, I had a painful childhood. My mother urged me to study for myself last night. I was tired of this family, so I ran away. I am free, and there is no picture of the caged bird, but where can I go from now on? If I surrender, will my mother scold me? Will Grandma worry about me? These question marks have taken root in my heart. My mother came after me. I ran and ran again. A "savior" - a lawn appeared in front of me. I jumped into the grass and let my mother pounce. Here I created another sky of my own.

Now I return to that lawn again. It has changed in the past. Now it is a personal garbage dump. I cried. Why is it like this? A short period of three years has passed in the blink of an eye. In these few years, there has been such a big change! I cry. Tears can't stop the wound in my heart. Who can comfort my inflamed wound?

Painful emotions always bring me to those beautiful scenes: Grandma holds me there to see the stars; Mother and I are playing hide and seek. All things, do you want it to end? I cried again, tears with emotion, it was raining outside the window, my wound was inflamed again! Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! Oh, my God! Leave children a free sky! The rain outside the window is getting heavier and heavier, and my hungry tears are flowing more and more! Tearful memories are hard to say.

[Chapter 2] Missing in Tears

People often say that you can get happiness if you get four leaf clover, so everyone wants to get four leaf clover, and I have been looking for that piece of four leaf clover! But now I don't need to find it. Our meeting is as lucky as four leaf clover, as sweet as four leaf clover, and as unforgettable as four leaf clover! And this four leaf clover is a friend!

But time always passes so fast, I just have it, will throw it away, six years of time in a hurry, we want to leave, is so reluctant, so unfair! But we can only carry our bags and start our new journey alone stubbornly. I know that as long as only a few friends stand behind me and stare, I feel heavy. But when we decide to go alone, all the curses and betrayals are left behind, we can smile stubbornly or cry sadly, but we still have to move forward!

Now, I can only see your smiling faces in photos. When the days become old photos, when they become memories, we can only move forward back to back. There is no way to retreat, and we can never start again! The departure of your door makes my life empty. Sometimes, when I see you in a picture, I will see the scene of playing with you in front of me. Look, look, tears have already flowed down my face. Tears flow down my cheeks and drop on the picture. I will not wipe it, because there is my missing in my tears.

Perhaps, you will forget me, but I will not forget you. I have your shadow in my heart. We are not separated, because our hearts are always connected, just like the leaves of the clover are always connected to its stem!

At night, I woke up quietly, the night light scattered on my tired face, the memory walked in your residual fragrance, wrapped up the quilt and tasted the pain.

Tears are still flowing... Missing is still flowing

[Chapter 3] Tears and Rain

The thunder kept ringing.

The rain keeps falling.

I was walking in the street. I don't know why there are only two or three people running in the busiest street today; I don't know why the sky would cry with me; I don't even know whether I am "full of tears" or "full of rain."

Suddenly, a little brother with an umbrella stood on the roadside crying. I think he may have been abandoned like me. Alas, what a poor boy! However, I soon learned that my idea was wrong, because my little brother's mother came to pick him up and he was just lost. "There is no other poor child like me!" I laughed at myself.

I continue to walk endlessly, tears and rain forever intertwined. I don't know when a girl who is not much older than me stood in front of me with an umbrella. At this time, I stopped and asked her: "Do you know the difference between tears and rain?" "Tears are alkaline and warm, but it gives people a bad feeling; rain is cool." She replied. "Oh, really? I used to cry all the time, not rain. Hehe." I smiled bitterly. She immediately went on to say: "Yes, you are indeed crying now, but I hope you know that after the heavy rain, there will be a bright rainbow. Moreover, I would like to be your rainbow." "No, you don't want to be my friend, I don't need your pity." I said fiercely. "Come here at 1:15 tomorrow afternoon, see you later, my friend," she said and left.

The next day, for some reason, I really arrived on time, and she also arrived. It was still raining that day, but Dig finally felt what she said: "The rain has a cool feeling." I also added in my mind: "People will see a bright rainbow after the rain."