Imagination Composition (15 Collections)
Searching for Plum after Snow
2023-10-26 00:47:34

Imagination Composition (1)

Let us have a colorful heart. Since Pangu created the world, there have been all things in the world. There are magnificent seas, towering mountains, pink flowers, green grass, but there is no head of all things - human beings. Recently, Nuwa Empress came to this world where Pangu had bought her life because she was bored. The scenery here is beautiful and pleasant. Although there are occasional bird calls, there is no life. Why? The reason is simple, because there are no vibrant human beings here.

So Nu Wa's mother frowned and hit upon a plan, so she decided to create people. Just do what she said. After returning to the heaven, Nu Wa collected the colorful clay gods everywhere, and then squeezed them one by one into shapes. She spared no effort to squeeze tens of thousands of clay figurines overnight. At last, she blew a breath of fairy gas on the little clay figurines, and saw that some of them became young people, some became old people, and some became children. Later, Nuwa Empress used her finger to gently point out the difference between men and women. Then Empress Nuwa swung her sleeves, and these people fell into the world with a sound of "brush" and began their life on earth.

But Empress Nuwa forgot to reassure them. Now there will be a good show. On that day, Nuwa Empress wanted to see the people who were made by her on the spur of the moment. It was not so bad, but she was startled at the sight. The smoke of war was everywhere, and everything in the beautiful world was ruined by them. Nu Wa's original intention was to turn this place into a paradise on earth, but now it has turned into a hell on earth. Nuwa's empress was very regretful, but she only had the ability to make people, but she didn't take back people's ability. What should she do? She watched these people intrigue every day. (Oh, yes, it seems that they can't use the word carefully, because they have no heart at all.) Illegally sad, she tried everything to make up for it, but it was useless. At last, Nuwa Empress finally found that it was because they had no heart. So Nu Wa's Empress gave them each a beating heart and sent messengers to place it quietly at night. None of them should be missed. Goddess Nuwa thought that human beings would coexist peacefully after the success. But after peace of mind, human wars are more frequent. What is the reason for this? Oh! It turned out that the careless Nuwa Goddess forgot to add color to their hearts again. The hearts in people's bodies only have a dull earthy color. What good can "black hearts" do? Nuwa wanted to give up, but in order to realize her dream and turn the earth into a paradise on earth, she had to collect materials everywhere.

At the beginning, Nuwa Empress looked for the materials of "selfishness", "hypocrisy" and "pride". These materials looked beautiful on the surface, but finally they merged into black. She put this color into people's hearts, which would only make people more violent and cruel. Nuwa Empress had no choice but to look for materials again. This time, she tried her best to find materials such as "understanding", "communication", "honesty" and "modesty". Although these materials were extremely ugly, their fusion results surprised people, and they were as gorgeous as a rainbow. When Nu Wa's mother carefully spread this color to the world, great changes took place in the world: the war stopped, the noise ended, everyone shook hands and made peace, like a family, helping each other, understanding each other, living in harmony, and having fun. Nuwa's empress was very happy when she saw this. She finally knew what people needed. Hell on earth suddenly became heaven on earth. A colorful heart has saved a world. What reason do we have to refuse? We must thank Empress Nuwa for her hard work!

Imagination Composition (2)

Far away, I stood on the street and looked ahead. I saw a man wearing a crane cloak, a feather fan and a silk towel, floating like a fairy. Well, this is not the legendary Zhuge Liang!

He looked blankly at the cars coming and going around and cast curious eyes. But he said that as soon as he put his head out, the car coming by was so easy to pass by. It was breathtaking. Surprised, he said, "Oh, what a monster! It's faster than a chariot. Why should the Han Dynasty be unpopular when I wanted to have this thing to follow my lord?"

I followed him secretly for a long time, but I didn't know anything. It seemed that he was tired of walking. He crowded onto the bus with the crowd. I certainly followed. "Ding ding!" There was a sound of bus card, which scared his front foot to step on the bus, but his back foot had already retreated. I was facing him, standing behind him, laughing to myself, but also trying to make a fool of him on purpose, I pushed him into the car as if I had no intention.

As he sat down, I sat next to him. Turning around, I saw a big hand close to the window, touching, but looking out of the window. Looking at his natural face, he looked nervous, his lips kept trembling, trembling and whispering: "Oh, what a monster! Even his clothes were made of steel!" Looking at the historical name in front of me, I couldn't bear it. At the terminal, despite his frightened eyes, I forced him out of the car.

He was like a frightened chicken, curled up in a ball, and looked at me with hidden curiosity. Smile, just as I was ready to explain to him about modern times, the water on the beach rose rapidly with a "boom". In an instant, the undulating sea water ran like a runaway wild horse. In a twinkling of an eye, the bus beside me has been swallowed away. Just when I opened my eyes wide and couldn't believe everything in front of me, the alarm clock rang

Imagination Composition (3)

Imagination refers to the process in which the human mind creates a new image by subjectively processing and transforming the external things seen and retained in the mind. Imagination is an artistic generalization derived from life, which aims to reflect life more realistically and typically.

Imagination composition can be divided into two types: one is to write one's own imagination, pursuit, desire and dream exercises, which are often combined with science fiction. The other is fairy tales, which use the "personification" technique to imagine various animals, plants and objects as "people" and tell readers some truth through interesting stories.

To write a good imaginative essay, we should do the following:

1、 Observe life, show life. Imagination is not nonsense, it should be in line with the reality of life. Only when we know life and observe it concretely can we have imaginative raw materials.

2、 Clarify the center and expand imagination. Before writing a fairy tale imaginary article, you should first clarify the central point, that is, the purpose of writing. For example, to explain the harm of conceit is to explain the benefits of helping each other. Then it is necessary to observe various phenomena related to the performance of the central government, observe the habits, living environment and inherent characteristics of animals and plants, and on this basis, develop rich imagination to write stories.

3、 Imagination is good and the intention is profound. Imagination must have a "good" central idea. If you just make up a hilarious story, you will lose the meaning of imagination. Writing imaginary articles can stimulate the imagination of pupils and use their brains. So primary school students should train more.

Imagination Composition (4)

Imagination composition for primary school students: magic hut 1

When I want to relax after finishing my homework, I will go to my magic house to play for a while, ride a wooden horse, and play intellectual games with my parents. When I did well in the exam or did well in my performance, my mother would reward me to go to the Magic House to enjoy myself. During the summer vacation and winter vacation, I will invite my good friends to come to my cabin and have fun.

The hut is my amusement park. It relaxes my tense study life and gives me more opportunities to enhance friendship with my friends. It also gives me time to play and communicate with my parents. I like my magic hut.

I will work harder to learn science and culture, learn skills, and make my dream come true - to really own such a magical house.

Imagination composition for primary school students: magic hut 2

I want to have a magical house.

There are vegetable gardens, farms and beautiful gardens in the hut. There are many vegetables in the garden that I like to eat. I water, fertilize and catch insects every day to let them grow healthily. In the harvest season, fresh and lovely peppers, purple eggplants, big red tomatoes, green cucumbers, and green beans. There are many lovely animals in the farm, including white rabbits, golden chickens, black and white cows, all kinds of them. In the garden, flowers are in full bloom, chrysanthemums, magnolias, roses, a string of red...... Colorful, colorful.

The hut can also become a zoo, with my favorite animals: beautiful peacocks, smart monkeys, gentle goats, lovely birds

I will get along with them. In the morning, I will get up in the chirping of birds, whose chirping is more beautiful than the alarm bell; In the daytime, we study and play happily together; In the evening, small animals accompany me into a sweet dream

There are many treasures in my hut. Welcome to find them. I also dreamed that my Barbie could live and become my good sister.

Hehe, if this dream could come true, how beautiful it would be!

Imagination Composition (5)

When! When! When! In class, I like teaching very much. Because the teacher can talk about where things happen, and also about the professional knowledge of small animals, but there is also some course content that I don't like, like English. If I can play games all the time, it would be great.

If you can sit on the cloud and watch the scenery, eat snacks and teach at the same time, how good it would be. You can also clearly observe the shape, feathers and claws of the bird. If you have a camera, you can take a picture of it. You can also share the experience of bird watching with your classmates. But the most important thing is to be friends with nature.

If you can be a spaceship in outer space, you can go to explore. As a small detective in outer space, everyone will want to take pictures with you, so that people all over the world can understand you and see interesting things. You can also take pictures of things you see as souvenirs and share your experience in exploration.

If we can invite famous stars to teach us how to sing and dance in class, we will probably be able to become singers in the future, earn money to be filial to our parents, and repay their kindness to take care of us now. She can also teach everyone to paint makeup and nail. This is her powerful area. I think all students will be surprised if they see big stars! And would like to invite her to teach every day!

If teaching is as comfortable as taking a hot spring bath, if teaching materials are as shiny as naked diamonds, if tables and chairs are as soft as soft cotton wadding, then everyone must not want to go home after school.

Imagination Composition (6)

There are many flowers and trees on my campus from grade one to grade five. There is a tall ginkgo tree in the middle of the school. A five storey building has sprung up. Although such a campus has been very satisfactory, it is still not as beautiful as the imagined campus.

The campus in my imagination is a campus with beautiful environment and good education for children; The campus in my imagination is not so beautiful, but it can teach students a lot of knowledge. When you step into Dongqiao Central Primary School again, what you see is no longer Dongqiao Central Primary School that you are familiar with, but a campus that has entered the new century. There are also many flowers and trees in the campus, but these flowers and trees are repaired by workers, so they will give out a fragrance, which can enable students to go to school in a good environment. The surface of the building has not changed much, but has been repainted. One more thing! Why do you feel so comfortable? It turns out that the paint on the surface of the building is made by the newly invented machine, which makes people feel very comfortable at first sight. Each classroom is 100 square meters. The desk in front of each classroom is low, and the desk in the back is high. This can make the students behind see the blackboard clearly. I imagine the school garden is beautiful! I hope you can enter the campus I imagined.

Imagination Composition (7)

One day, Moon's sister held a grand game concert at home. She invited all the planets in the space: Sunlight, Jupiter, Mercury... The concert needs to start. Everyone came one after another, but Mother Earth didn't arrive again and again.

All of us were anxious to wait. It was a long time before Mother Earth arrived. However, everyone found that Mother Earth was different from usual: her hair was basically gone, she was blind in one eye, her clothes and pants were tattered, and there were many small holes. Everyone was shocked and asked quickly, "Are you the Earth Mother?"

"I'm Mother Earth!"

"Where is your luxuriant hair?" asked Moon's sister in surprise.

"Hey! Everyone has been cutting down trees, so my hair has lost all!" Mother Earth said sadly.

"How did your beautiful clothes and pants break?" Jupiter inquired.

"Everyone polluted the air and destroyed the atmosphere." Mother Earth sighed.

"Then how are your eyes blind?" asked the moon's sister.

Mother Earth was even more sad: "Everyone always discharges waste water into the river and litters."

After listening to this, Moon Sister wrote a notice to everyone, calling on everyone to protect the ecological environment and never litter. Finally, Mother Earth restored the original state, and she smiled happily.

Imagination Composition (8)

[I have a dream]

At noon on Saturday, I lay on the sofa at home, bathed in warm and comfortable sunshine, and dreamt vaguely

Suddenly, I woke up from the golden bed and walked to the bedroom, which was 200 square meters long. I carefully observed the whole room, ho! The warehouse in the room is full of dollars, pounds, diamonds, RMB

Difficult... Have I become a multi billion millionaire? I pinched myself hard, hmm! It's true. I almost jumped up with joy.

I quickly cleaned up and swaggered out of the door. At that time, I was wearing a expensive suit, a jazz hat made of diamond, and a world famous watch, which made everyone envious. It is estimated that even Bill Gates is not my "opponent" now.

First of all, I donated 100 million US dollars to all disabled fund organizations to let disabled people who are ill and have no money to treat them free of charge. I also donated 100 million US dollars to the Red Cross and built many "Hope Schools", so that children who can't afford to go to school in poor mountainous areas can go back to school and learn knowledge. Through my efforts, I have successfully funded more than 200 million people.

My hometown is in the beautiful and rich Yancheng. I bought the whole Yancheng. Since then, it has been called "Yongcheng". I have built the most luxurious and advanced "Haiyong School" here, which can accommodate more than 50000 students at the same time. The cost of each student per semester is only 100 yuan. Our school has been elected by the world's educational institutions as the "top school in the universe" The laudatory name of.

Just as I was standing on the podium of the "Top Philanthropist" to receive the award, I was awakened from my dream by the sound of "ding ling ling, ding ling ling". I opened my eyes. Alas, it was just a daydream!

Imagination Composition (9)

Stationery box of the future

Do you know what the stationery box will be like in the future? Let me tell you! The stationery in the future is very valuable. If you lose it carelessly, it will start protective measures. It will judge whether you are its owner by your fingerprint. If you are not its owner, it will appear a red dot and give an alarm.

There are three buttons in the future stationery box. They are red, green and gold. If you press the red button, a three-layer stationery box will appear. The first layer is for pens, the second layer is for pencils, and the third layer is for erasers. If you press the green button, a black bag will appear. If you want anything, just put your hand in it. If you press the gold button, it will reduce the weight of the stationery box and your schoolbag will also reduce the weight.

Will future stationery be very interesting! I believe that one day we humans will create such a stationery box.

Imagination Composition (10)

A magic book

Xiaoli plays games every day. Her mother asks her to do her homework, but she doesn't go. She really hopes to have the summer vacation. One day, on her way to school, Xiaoli saw a book lying on the ground. She looked closer and found that it was a book with magic. Xiaoli didn't believe it, and then some words appeared on it: "If you don't believe it, write what you want on it". Xiaoli thought for a moment and wrote on it: "I want a bottle of milk." A bottle of milk appeared in the magic book. Xiaoli was so happy that she put the magic book into her bag in a hurry. Finally, after school, Xiao Li ran home in a hurry. Xiaoli took out her magic book and thought for a while. She wrote on it: "I want to have the summer vacation." Sure enough, the school announced that the summer vacation would be over soon. She played games with her friends every day, but before long, Xiaoli got tired of it. She wrote in her magic book: "I want to go back to school and study with my classmates." When she got to school, Xiaoli and her classmates studied and played happily. Of course, they also use magic books to help people in need.

Imagination Composition (11)

I want a magic life

"I really want to have magic." Thinking about it, I fell asleep.

In a daze, I felt a group of sheep running by the bed. A sheep knocked down the golden magic wand at the head of the bed. The fat sheep quickly shrunk into a cute little sheep. I could not help but look closely and curiously. On the top of the magic wand was a pearl the size of a red bean, with gold and black purple lace on the edge. The staff is made of pure gold, carved with pearl and snowflake patterns, and surrounded by beautiful golden lace.

Looking at such a beautiful magic wand, I suddenly had a fancy to use the wand to make a net to cover the sun, so that it would never come out again, so that I would not have to go to school. I looked at my watch subconsciously. Alas, it's already 7:44! When I remembered the teacher's stern face and the sonorous words: "You must be at school before 7:40!" I felt nervous and my hands shook. Miraculously, the magic wand really turned out a net to cover the sun. The time changed back to 7:40, and I also sat in the classroom.

I have magic! I'm so excited! On this day, I have been using magic: when I saw my deskmate talking in class, I fixed him with my magic wand and let him listen carefully; When taking the bus, he also used his magic wand to hold the students who cut the queue, maintaining order

Suddenly, a machine gun like sound woke me up: "Cheng Zhuoyi, get up quickly, you will be late for school!" Alas, it was just a dream

Imagination Composition (12)

The Story of Autumn

When autumn comes, the leaves turn yellow. One by one, they fell down into the yard, telling us that autumn is coming; Fall on the river and tell the little fish that autumn is coming. Find a place to hide; On the frog's head, tell him to get ready for winter.

The ears of grain in the countryside were golden. The farmer uncle hurried to harvest the rice, his face brimming with joy of harvest. Persimmons in the orchard are red; Pomegranate grinned; The apple flushed and waved to the farmer.

The geese in the sky flew to the south in groups, sometimes in a straight line, sometimes in a straight line. The ants are carrying food for the winter. The little snake is also looking for its prey, preparing a beautiful meal to spend the winter safely.

What a beautiful autumn, a beautiful story.

Imagination Composition (13)

I am a fallen leaf that can dance

The autumn wind is blowing slowly, and the ground is covered with golden leaves. I know that my partners are also in the golden carpet, frowning and crying in a low voice.

I grow on this towering tree. In the past, he was covered with hair, fresh green leaves, and full of vitality, shading people who suffered from the heat. Now, it is like an old man in his twilight years. The autumn wind has taken away his green hair and its vitality. He is totally bald and lonely in the autumn wilderness, which inevitably makes people feel desolate.

I looked down and trembling to the few good friends around me, I said, "How tall!" But they were silent, all bowed their heads and cried.

At this time, the sky seemed to cry for us, "Hua la la..." The autumn wind took us away with impunity, "It's our turn!" I whispered, "No! I don't want to leave the tree! I want to stay!" Other good partners struggled in the biting autumn wind. Is there really such a picture? I thought in my heart, swaying my posture in the air, my whole body seemed no longer cold, and my mood was no longer sad. I was not only a leaf, but also a leaf that could fly. Oh, I was dancing, swinging

The body of the big tree and the great bank is getting farther and farther away from me, and the broad mind of the earth is getting closer and closer to me. "Look! Many golden butterflies are flying in the sky, so beautiful!" The clear voice bursts into my ears. It turns out that it is the loud praise of the autumn tourists for me, and I become the most gorgeous color in the magic picture of nature.

I enjoy everything that nature brings me. How clean I am washed by the autumn wind! How dry the autumn wind blows me! I gradually fall into the earth, gradually, gradually, I return to the original place, back to the solid earth that nourishes life, I will incarnate in this land, become a part of the endless cycle of nature, continue the cycle of my life, meet again and again, always the warm sunshine

Imagination Composition (14)

The Story of Smurfs

hello everyone! I am a smurf. Today is my 50th birthday. Our smurf family is holding a grand birthday party for me, but I only want a different birthday, so I slipped out of the meeting quietly.

I was wandering in the street when suddenly a voice came from the roadside radio, telling the story of a little girl. She was a little hero in the Wenchuan earthquake. In order to save others, she was blinded by stones. Go and see her. Maybe it's meaningful. I crossed a busy street and walked to her house. "Oh, how lively!" This small room was covered with ribbons. There was a big cake in the middle of the table. The girl was putting her hands together, as if making a wish. She was also celebrating her birthday! I listened carefully, hoping to know what her wish was. "Mom, Dad, let my eyes get better, even if it's only a minute, oh, no, a second." Sweet voice is full of expectations, but her parents are helpless. Oh, how pathetic! She can't see the beautiful world, and how beautiful the colorful spring is! This is unfair to her. She should have beautiful big eyes. I want to help her!

So I knocked on the door gently, "Hello, little girl, I'm a smurf, maybe I can fulfill your wish, can you let me in?"

"Really? Great! Mom, let it in quickly!" The little girl cried excitedly.

Her mother came over and gently opened the door. I walked up to the little girl and said, "Wait three seconds, miracles will happen!".

"One", I quickly cast a spell "Mickey do, Mickey do, Smurfs." "Two", "Give the girl a pair of eyes, a pair of big eyes." "Three", now give it to her right away. The girl opened her eyes.

"Ah, light, Mom and Dad! Thank you, Smurfs..." she said excitedly. Then, tears burst into my eyes. My nose was sore and my eyes were full of tears.

I told her that today was not only her birthday, but also my birthday, so I invited her to celebrate her birthday with me. She said goodbye to her parents and came to my home.

Upon arriving at the meeting, I introduced the brave little girl to my companions. They all gathered around her enthusiastically to communicate with her. Tired of giving her a beautiful hairpin, sleepy gave her a small purple hat...... Flowers surrounded the little girl, her face is filled with a happy smile.

This is really a different birthday! For the first time in 50 years, I am so happy. It turns out that helping others is so happy.

Imagination Composition (15)

600 words of future police composition

The times are changing, and science and technology are constantly developing. Recently, a policeman came to Fantasy Kingdom. He has excellent martial arts skills. He can not only climb the eaves and walk the walls, but also walk through the trees. When he arrived, he drove a silver motorcycle, which was as fast as a leopard. This makes people secretly surprised.

The policeman called himself Feng. Police officer Feng was exceptionally employed by the Director General just because of his superb martial arts. It's just that Officer Feng is good at martial arts. He is also very handsome. Every time it's his turn to patrol, he will be surrounded by a large group of girls who are crazy about flowers.

But calm days are not long. Since police officer Dafeng came here, everything has gone wrong every day. People just think it's a natural phenomenon and don't notice anything, but as a police officer Feng, who has lived for 2140 years, he has long predicted that something big will happen. He began to remind everyone to go home as soon as possible after work, and not to go out if you have anything to do

But this day finally came. In the hot afternoon of summer, a man with a beard came to the post of police officer Feng. When Officer Feng went out on patrol, the guards said he was not there, but the mysterious man didn't believe anything. He grabbed the policeman by the collar, ready to take out the answer from his mouth. At that moment, Officer Feng suddenly appeared: "Don't embarrass people of this era, they are innocent, one person does everything one person does!" After that, a whistle came and a silver white sports car flew over. Officer Feng flew into the car and hurried away.

The mysterious man immediately followed him closely: "Today, you want to pay back your blood debt!" After saying that, a big gun that people had never seen appeared in his hand and began to shoot Officer Feng. However, Officer Feng acted quickly and these bullets were flashed by him one by one.

The ground was already crowded with people because of the gunshot. Officer Feng tried to avoid the crowd so as not to hurt the innocent. Seeing Officer Feng being chased and beaten like this, everyone was sweating for him. Several shots were missed, and the mysterious man panicked. It was Officer Feng's turn to counter attack. He took a dazzling pistol out of his pocket and fired at the man in black. He hit the man in black in the chest with a bang.

Immediately after him, there was warm applause.

Officer Feng knows that he has exposed his whereabouts, and can't stay in the moment anymore. He must go back, or he will bring disaster to the people. He took a nostalgic look at the ground, then got on the sports car, hurried away, disappeared in the brilliant sunlight