Achievements in Senior Three (18 selected articles)
be neither humble nor pushy
2024-03-01 02:21:56
third year in high school

Achievements in Senior Three (1)

Dear school leaders, teachers and students

hello everyone! I'm Ke Fengting from Class 2, Grade 3. I'm glad to speak on behalf of all the students in Grade 3. Today is a special day, and it will certainly be engraved in our memory, because in another 100 days, we will take the ardent hope of our teachers and the affectionate advice of our parents to enter the college entrance examination room, to write the most beautiful page of youth, and to open a new chapter of Wangjiang Middle School. At this moment, our eyes have never been as firm and persistent as they are today, and our thoughts have never been as mature and full as they are now; Our hearts have never been so turbulent and burning.

When winter goes and spring comes, there are thousands of hopes; The fragrance of calligraphy paves the beautiful campus. Three years ago, in a season full of sweet smelling osmanthus, we came to look forward to our high school life and our dream. In the past three years, we have walked through the rough mountain of books and the vast sea of learning, and our campus is engraved with our diligence and competition. 900 days and nights, intense competition between students and sincere cooperation between teachers, the classroom is full of our happiness and sadness. Today, as we beat the drum of the 100 day dash for the college entrance examination, please allow me, on behalf of all the junior high school students, to sincerely say to all the teachers who have worked hard day and night to nurture us: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Youth is like fire, and the years are like songs. In a twinkling of an eye, the three years of high school are almost over, and the assembly number of the college entrance examination has sounded. At this time, we may hesitate because of our poor performance, sigh because of the short time, be nervous because of the fierce competition, or complain because of the monotony of learning. The former cannot be remonstrated, while the latter can still be pursued. In the face of the college entrance examination, some people say that it is a wall of life, a river across the years, across it, we will achieve a brilliant. Let's seize the throat of our destiny with hard work, sow hope in life with sweat, build a hundred days of glory with confidence, forget about tension, anxiety, fear, anxiety, pessimism, and disappointment, and let's all say to ourselves loudly: I can do it.

It was another year of spring tide, another year of sword shining. One hundred days can be very short, as short as a flick of the fingers; A hundred days can be a long time, long enough to change a person's life. The god of time is ourselves, and the sword of destiny is in our hands. One hundred days, if you solve one problem every day, you will understand one hundred problems; One hundred days, if you correct one mistake every day, you will make 100 fewer mistakes in the college entrance examination. One hundred days, although very short, but our struggle can continue its length; One hundred days, although very hard, but our hard work can glow its glory; One hundred days, although very nervous, our sprint can light up its dream. Let's cherish the last 100 days, do a good job of every problem in hand, and take every step of the way; Mobilize all wisdom, gather all enthusiasm, and strive for the college entrance examination in 100 days!

The vast sea of learning is full of hidden dragons, and the mountains of books are full of green pines. The spring wind can help thousands of sails compete, and the dew can nourish thousands of trees. Dear students, please believe that: after ten years of hard work and a hundred days of hard training, we will walk to the golden list; A cavity of blood, lofty sentiments, hope that China will create brilliant! Finally, I sincerely wish our teachers good health, happiness and happiness! I wish the students to strive for 100 days, make progress every day, be proud of the exam room, and win the future!

Thank you!

Achievements in Senior Three (2)

It rained all day and I was bored. I took a small umbrella and decided to walk on the mountain alone, looking for mushrooms.

The rain is very light, but not without an umbrella. Walking on the channel that made great contributions many years ago and is still playing a role at my age, I found that my interpretation of time was not as calm and comfortable as his. Now he is not as fresh and sturdy as I was when I was a child. The two sides of the channel have been reclaimed by farmers, and are full of vegetables, and some have planted fruit trees. Two pear trees unexpectedly bloomed at such a time, and there were many remaining fruits on the trees. His body was also riddled with holes made by mice. But he was still silent, still doing what he needed for decades. At the end of the channel is the foot of the mountain. Because of my absurd and empty body, I climbed a small slope and was panting. There are citrus trees on both sides of the road, which makes the mountain road narrower. When I finally arrived at the flat ground where I had rested for countless times, I looked at the way I had come: the mountain opposite and the house here were just separated by a blue river, which was cut off by an oasis. Standing here, the hometown looks very small. Not only can you see the side with half an eye, but also the number of houses can be counted. The school is on the top of the village. In addition to the comings and goings of people, it shows its uniqueness. The rest is because of its space and the flying red flag.

Keep going. Maybe it's because of the rain for several days. The mountain road is very muddy, and there are horse dung everywhere. In the past, we saw only cow dung when we went up the mountain. Now there are few cattle, but there are more horses. Because it can help villagers to carry their needs up the mountain and their gains down the mountain, it is also loved by villagers. There are few hills in the field, let alone farming? Cattle were out of sight, not to mention plows and harvesters had already gone to the countryside. There are citrus trees all over the mountains, and mature fruits can be seen everywhere. But my heart is not on them. I was breathing the moist but extremely fresh air, and wanted to shout loudly at the house below the mountain. But I just howled, and could not howl out my sullen heart heartily. I tried several more times, and the result was the same. I stopped struggling, and walked along the mountain path that I had walked countless times in my childhood to the top of the mountain.

When did the camellia blossom? Several camellia trees left on the roadside are full of white flowers, but many are beginning to wither. But it still surprised me. As a child, the white camellia flowers all over the mountains, the happy teenagers chasing under the flowers, and the sweet honey dew of camellia flowers can only be regarded as good memories now. I cut a straw and made a straw. There are many insects in the camellia, but there is no nectar, which makes me very disappointed. There are many beautiful wild flowers on the roadside. I think it's better to pick a bunch of flowers for yourself. The bunch of flowers in the room has already withered.

There are a lot of wild flowers, but most of them are independent and not easy to pick. But I know there is still a long way to go.

Picking while walking, the heavy dew wet my jeans. I don't want to deal with it, because there is no way to deal with it. Wild grass grows on the side of the mountain road, and some of them have already crossed the road. It is impossible not to wet your clothes. As I walked, I suddenly roared out with a loud voice. The sound was bleak and shrill, like a fierce wolf and tiger, which scared me.

What a big field of wild flowers! I am ashamed of my haggling just now.

A large bunch of wild flowers, with a white camellia in the middle, surrounded by several long grass flowers, yellow, white and red, quite a charm, let me very proud of my flower arrangement art.

When the flowers are picked, I also feel a sense of retreat. There was just a path to go back, so I started to go back.

There may be fewer people walking on this road, which is not only overgrown with weeds, but also very steep. I carefully protect my flowers, step by step down. There are many more beautiful wild flowers on both sides of the road, which makes me regret my impatience.

The steepness of the mountain shortened the distance, and I soon reached the foot of the mountain. Looking back at the mountain, the top of the mountain is still shrouded in fog, while the nearby mountain is clearly visible, especially the citrus trees full of fruits, with countless yellow stars shining in the green, which makes you not only feel it is a kind of beauty, but also a kind of satisfaction!

I don't feel regretful for not finding the sand egg mushroom, just like I often fish but can't catch fish. I always feel that every time I come out, I release my depressed mood and find a carefree life, which is a rare harvest!

Achievements in Senior Three (3)

Harvest Friendship Senior 3 Composition

In daily study, work or life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a carefully arranged composition of the third year of Harvest Friendship, for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

In the eyes of different people, the harvest is different: in spring, you can harvest boundless green; In summer, you can harvest enthusiasm everywhere; You can harvest many fruits in autumn; In winter, you can harvest refreshing cool. 20xx For me, I have gained pure friendship!

Aristotle once said: "The person who likes solitude is either a beast or a god." I think that a person who has no friendship to support his soul should be incompatible with society, lacking sincerity and dedication. How can he say "god"?

A pure friendship is hard won. Good friendship can add happiness to life; It can help you in difficult situations; Can let you in the loss of a few words of encouragement. In my opinion, friendship does not need to be shocking, but it must be sincere and innocent, even just a shoulder to rely on, a good suggestion, and a heartfelt applause of praise and encouragement.

Thank God, at least I have gained such a pure friendship!

It's raining outside the window all the time, which makes me worried at the school gate: "How can I go home when it's raining?" With this lesson, I finally understand the truth of "always take an umbrella and be lazy to get drenched".

"Oh, if only I could meet an acquaintance at this time, as long as I could get on the bus!" I have been looking forward to it. From a distance, my deskmate seemed to be looking at me and laughing, "Hum, are you laughing at me? I knew you had a grudge. You finally got the chance to laugh at me after quarreling with you last time!" I was angry when I watched my deskmate smile proudly. Unexpectedly, she came up to me and didn't show off that she didn't need to be in the rain. Instead, she asked me with concern: "Why didn't you bring an umbrella? Do you need me to send you?" Hearing this, my anger immediately disappeared. "Well, I won't argue with you today, and it is the most important thing to go home quickly." So she acquiesced in sending me.

On the way, my deskmate didn't stop blaming me and kept saying: "Look at you, a person who is usually very careful, why not take an umbrella with him, what to do if he gets wet, what to do if he has a cold..." Although listening is very annoying, I think she cares about me, and I'm not angry!

Listening to her words, I can't help thinking of the happy days in studying and living with her. Although it is noisy at ordinary times, I will not hesitate to help each other every time I need help. Isn't this true friendship? Is this friendship so fragile that it can't stand a quarrel? Thinking that I decided to take her hand, we looked at each other with a smile, forgetting that we were still "enemies"!

It is not easy to get a sincere friendship. I will treasure our friendship and wish the tree of friendship evergreen!

Achievements in Senior Three (4)

A rare harvest composition for senior three

In our ordinary daily life, we always have to get in touch with the composition. The composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the emergence of open-ended composition. How to write a good composition? The following is a rare harvest composition of senior three collected by my editor for your reference. I hope it can help you in need.

It rained all day long, but it was really boring. I took a small umbrella and decided to go to the mountain alone to look for sand egg mushrooms.

The rain is very light, but not without an umbrella. Walking on the channel that has made great contributions many years ago and is still playing its role, I found that my interpretation of time was not as calm and relaxed as that of him at my age. Now he is not as fresh and sturdy as I was when I was a child. The two sides of the channel have been completely reclaimed by farmers, who have planted various vegetables, and some have planted fruit trees. Two pear trees unexpectedly bloomed at such a time, and there were many remaining fruits on the trees. His body was also riddled with holes made by mice. But he was still silent, still doing what he needed for decades. At the end of the channel is the foot of the mountain. I had already climbed a small slope because of the absurdity and arrogance. I was out of breath. There are citrus trees on both sides of the road, which makes the mountain road narrower. When I finally arrived at the flat ground where Yi had stopped for countless times, I looked at the way I had always seen: the mountain opposite and the house here were just separated by a blue river, which was blocked by an oasis. Standing here, the hometown is already very small. Not only can you see the side with half an eye, but also the number of houses can be counted. The school is on the top of the village. In addition to the comings and goings of people, it shows its uniqueness. The rest is due to its space and the flying red flag.

Inherit and go up. Maybe it's because of the rain for several days. The mountain road is very muddy, and there are horse dung everywhere. In the past, we saw only cow dung when we went up the mountain. Now there are few cattle, but there are more horses. Because it can help the villager carry what he needs up the mountain and what he gets down the mountain, it is also loved by the villager. There are few hills in the field, let alone farming? Cattle were out of sight, not to mention plows and harvesters had already gone to the countryside. There are citrus trees all over the mountains, and mature fruits can be seen everywhere. But my heart is not on them. I was breathing the moist but extremely fresh air, and wanted to shout loudly at the house below the mountain. But I just howled, and could not howl out my sullen heart heartily. I tried several more times, and the result was still the same. I stopped struggling, and walked along the mountain path that I had walked countless times in my childhood to the top of the mountain.

When did the camellia blossom? Several camellia trees left on the roadside are full of snow-white flowers, but many are beginning to wither. But it still surprised me. The snow-white camellia flowers all over the mountains, the happy young people chasing under the flowers, and the sweet honey dew of camellia flowers in childhood can only be regarded as beautiful memories now. I cut a straw and made a straw. There are many insects in the camellia, but there is no nectar, which makes me very disappointed. There are many beautiful wild flowers on the roadside. I think it's better to pick a bunch of flowers for yourself. The bunch of flowers in the room has already withered.

There are a lot of wild flowers, but most of them work independently, which is not easy to pick. But I know there is still a long way to go.

Picking while walking, the heavy dew wetted my jeans. I didn't want to take care of it, because I couldn't take care of it. Wild grass grows on the side of the mountain road, and some of them have already crossed the road. It is impossible not to wet your clothes. As I walked, I suddenly roared out with a loud voice, which was bleak and shrill, like a fierce wolf and tiger. It scared me.

What a big field of wild flowers! I am ashamed of my trivial contest just now.

A large bunch of wild flowers, with a white camellia in the middle, surrounded by several long grass flowers outside, yellow, white and red, quite a charm, let me very proud of my flower arrangement art.

When the flowers are picked, I also feel a sense of retreat. There was just a path to go back, so I started to go back.

There may be fewer people walking on this road, which is not only overgrown with weeds, but also very steep. I carefully protect my flowers, step by step down. There are many more beautiful wild flowers on both sides of the road, which makes me regret my original irritability.

The steepness of the mountain shortened the distance, and I soon reached the foot of the mountain. Looking back at the mountain, the top of the mountain is still shrouded in fog, but the nearby mountain is clearly visible, especially the citrus trees full of fruit, with countless yellow stars shining in the green, so you can not only feel that it is a kind of beauty, but also a kind of satisfaction!

I don't feel regretful for not finding sand egg mushrooms, just like I often fish but can't catch fish. I always feel that every time I come out, I release my dull mood and find a carefree life. It is a rare harvest!

Achievements in Senior Three (5)

The scorching summer vacation has finally arrived. In the summer vacation, swimming and skating are very effective ways to relieve the heat. Because I had never skated before, I begged my mother to take me skating. My mother agreed. My mother first checked online where she could skate, and found that a large skating rink was opened in the Colorful City in Oak Bay, not far from my home.

My mother took me to Wucai City. The ice rink is on the fourth floor. The skating rink is very large. There are guardrails around the round rink. The words "Five Colored City" can also be seen under the ice, which is very beautiful.

I put on my protective gear and skates and walked onto the ice rink carefully. I was a bit nervous, afraid of falling down. But after a while, I got used to it. Hehe, it's almost like roller skating. I gradually sped up my speed and fell down at once. It's really "arrogant and defeated". However, I found that falling on the ice did not hurt at all, and it was very fun. Sometimes wrestling can slip a meter or two. So I have more courage, the more slippery the better.

When I was skating hard, the ice sweeper would come to sweep the ice. It would take 20 minutes to sweep. We need to wait outside the skating rink. The ice sweeper is very big, twice as big as the car! There are several staff on the car. The ice sweeper slowly walks for two or three circles to suck up the broken ice, and then slowly sprinkles some cold water on the ground. It takes about ten circles to walk. It can continue skating when the water freezes into ice.

After sweeping the ice, I rushed to the court again. I think the ice is much smoother than before, but it is too smooth and not very good. I fell a lot. A few minutes later, there were many traces and many pieces of ice on the ice. At that time, there were few people! I thought: what will it look like when there are many people!

I go skating every day. Every time I go home, I am reluctant to part. In fact, I think the biggest gain is not skating, but the feeling of dancing like a butterfly on the ice, which makes me very happy.

Achievements in Senior Three (6)

Since childhood, I have been an introverted child who doesn't like talking with others. Therefore, I didn't have any friends around me, and this situation changed after I went to middle school.

It was a sunny and cloudless afternoon. My classmates and I had information lessons in the multimedia classroom. The teacher is teaching us how to sort and classify computer files. The students listened with great interest, and they were all operating carefully according to the methods taught by the teacher. Only I could not keep up with the teacher's steps, just like a headless fly, I did not know what to do. Seeing that the students have finished their tasks one by one and started to play computer games, there is little time left. I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

At that moment, the girl sitting next to me, Xiao Hui, said to me, "Xiao Yi, have you finished the homework assigned by the teacher?" I quickly replied, "Not yet, I... I'm not very good at it." After that, I hung my head down in embarrassment, like a child who had made a mistake. I spoke with a little cry in my voice, as if tears would burst from my eyes in the next second. Xiaohui quickly comforted me: "Don't worry, I'll help you." I thanked her gratefully. Without saying a word, we immediately entered the state, Xiao Hui carefully guided me aside, and I also operated very carefully. The effort pays off. We finally finished the homework assigned by the teacher before class.

Xiao Hui comforted me when I was most anxious and helpless; When I was most helpless and lost, Xiao Hui gave me a helping hand; When I was most lonely and desolate, it was Xiao Hui who extended a hand of friendship to me... I think I gained a sincere friendship, which made me no longer lonely or alone. It was also this friendship that made me go out of the world of only myself. I will cherish this friendship. May the tree of friendship between Xiao Hui and me be evergreen forever!

Achievements in Senior Three (7)

Some people said that people began to overdraw their mother's life when they were born, but I was born to revenge my father. I will never forget his divorce from his mother. At the time of judgment, I finally chose my father, and I want to make him sad all his life. Before long, my father got married again, which deepened my hatred for him?? Although my stepmother always tried to please me, I never smiled at her once. My father is often angry with me, and at this time, my heart will always ignite a terrible joy. A few years later, they had a child of their own, but he was just a sick child and had to be sent to the hospital twice a day. I often wake up in the middle of the night and see my father driving my brother to the hospital and my stepmother crying and howling in front of the door. I became a numb audience without any worry.

On that day, I received a notice from a key middle school, which was my biggest wish for more than ten years besides revenge on my father. When I got home, I threw the notice at the table, "I was admitted to a key middle school, and I will report tomorrow, and pay 2000 first!" My father took the notice, and his eyes slightly raised, but soon recovered heavy. I know that in recent years, my brother's illness has almost consumed all my family's savings, but I will never give up. The father slowly got up and paced back and forth. Finally, he made up his mind to go to his stepmother and said, "Xiao Wei's disease needs to be cured, and Xiazi's book needs to be read." "There are only two thousand left at home. The doctor said Xiao Wei might have an operation at any time, and the money could not be used!" The stepmother cried. "But we can't miss Xiazi's future!" After saying this, his father rushed out of the house. Looking at all this, I feel a little sad.

The next day, the hospital informed me that my younger brother might not be able to do well, so we should be prepared. At that moment, I was shocked for the first time. That day, I looked at my brother with a ashamed heart. It was the first and last look after parting.

The night before I went to the key middle school, my father called me into his room and said earnestly: "Xiazi, actually I am not your biological father. Your biological father abandoned your mother and daughter, and I married her in order to keep your mother's reputation. We agreed to divorce you when you grew up, but you chose me

This is like a bolt from the blue. How can I believe that my father, who has been revenging, is my greatest benefactor, a person who has nothing to do with me but has raised me for more than ten years in vain... Looking at my father who is aging before his eyes, my hatred has become unbearable. I threw myself into my father's arms and cried loudly: "Dad, I'm sorry for you!" My father patted me and said: "Father will never blame his children!"?? It turns out that I have lived in vain for more than ten years. Only today can I truly find myself.

Achievements in Senior Three (8)

The melodious school bell rang, and the students walked out of the school happily with their schoolbags on their backs. I also skipped home happily.

I was almost home, but at the intersection, I couldn't help shouting "Ouch!". Where did a rope come from? Suddenly, it tripped me and almost hit the flower bed on the roadside. How annoying!

Just as I was looking around to find the reason, an uncle of a clay worker with dirty hands came up to me and asked with a smile, "Did you fall, kid?" I replied quietly, "OK, I almost fell. It was you who put a 'roadblock' here!" The uncle of a clay worker bent down to straighten the line and tidy it up again, At the same time, he answered me, "Yes, kid, be careful next time!" I asked again with great incomprehension, "Uncle, why do you have to pull a line on a good road? How inconvenient it is for us to walk like this!" Seeing my blank and curious face, he said to me with an air of arrogance, "Don't underestimate this line, this baseline is my 'eye'."

I was even more curious, so I stood behind the mason and watched carefully. How did he use this thread? What is the function of this thread? What does he mean by "eyes"? A series of question marks linger in my mind, but I intend to uncover it myself. Curious, I ran to the end of the flower bed to have a look, and then went to the side of the mason uncle to have a look. Aha, finally let me understand. I jumped up happily like Columbus discovering the new land. It turns out that the bricklayer must follow the direction and height of this line when building a brick. If the brick is high, it should be knocked with a leather hammer; If it is low, use small stones to cushion under the bricks. With this line, the border of the flower bed built by the bricklayer is really straight and straight, with no ups and downs, and no concave and convex on the left and right. I felt it with my hands, and it was very smooth. Hey, you can't underestimate a baseline!

The "eye" of the mason uncle, a small baseline, contains too much wisdom and strength of the working people behind it. Every side, every corner, measures our beautiful home, so beautiful, so grand, so colorful! The industrious and brave working people have defeated the natural environment with great perseverance and outstanding talent. This spirit will always inspire us to forge ahead with great efforts!

The world is so interesting. When you are caught by a sudden thing that is out of time, it may not be a bad thing. On second thought, it may bring you unexpected gains

Achievements in Senior Three (9)

As the saying goes, "No pains, no gains."

Paying and harvesting are like farmers planting seeds in spring, then growing seedlings by watering, and then growing seedlings by weeding and fertilizing. Farmers use hard work and sweat to gain autumn harvest. This is: no pains, no gains.

Paying and getting is like my learning. In the first grade, because I was young and childlike, I had a lot of fun. Every time I go home from school, I have to go downstairs to play. I never consciously go home. Sometimes I don't want to go back when my mother calls, let alone take the initiative to study. Sometimes I even forget about the homework assigned by my teacher. My playfulness and laziness have lasted for more than a year. Of course, the final exam ended in failure. Finally, after reflection, I realized that there is no gain without effort!

As I grew older, I was about to enter the third grade. My mother thought it was time to take care of my study, so at her insistence, we discussed and formulated a detailed study schedule, including monthly plans and daily plans, even the time period of each day. Since then, my study has gradually been on the right track (with my mother's constant company during this period), and my learning consciousness has also been gradually cultivated. After a year of hard work, my grades have improved by leaps and bounds. When I saw the final exam transcript and took the certificate of award from the teacher, I was ecstatic, and witnessed that my efforts were not in vain, and I succeeded. Since then, I have found the motivation for struggle.

Sunshine always comes after rain, and I firmly believe that only when you pay can you reap.

Achievements in Senior Three (10)

The flowers are soaked in the tears of struggle and the blood rain of sacrifice, so they have the beauty of blooming. The pupa moth must experience the challenge of life and death, and persevere with perseverance, so it has the amazing moment of cocoon breaking; The cicada has been sleeping with the earth for seven years, singing with its hoarse throat in that summer, just to roar out the last loud sound of life

Fan Zhongyan studied hard for several years before he had the ambition of "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the world later"; Tao Yuanming's' Don't give up for five bushels of rice ', leaving the official position to go to the farm, then he has the tranquility of' picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the southern mountain '; Gou Jian had a chance to turn over after years of hardships; The Chinese nation has the Chinese people's unity and hard work for several years before the victory of the resistance against Japan and the rise of the oriental lion... From ancient times to the present, there has been a steady flow of perseverance, hard work and successful talents. If they did not have the sweat of the past, they would not be able to continue their reputation today; If they don't have the sweat of the past, maybe they are like the dust on the top of the mountain, which can't fall on the ground for a long time

Of course, there are many so-called 'ghosts' who died prematurely in the greenhouse. Fang Zhongyong is the most typical example among them. When he became a poet at the age of three, everyone in the world was different. However, under the wrong guidance of his father, he lost his aura one by one until he reached adulthood, which was no different from ordinary farmers. It can be seen that natural aura is important, but it is more important to have a strong heart and be willing to pay unbearable sweat and hardships for the journey

In ancient times, most women were humble, but they did not admit defeat. They would break through the cocoon and become butterflies even though they faced many hardships, leaving a strong mark in the ancient history. Like Xiangling's poor student who studied hard and became a poem, like Wu Zetian who became a king step by step... They used their tears and sweat to prove to the world that women are not inferior to men.

But now? Now girls obviously have superior conditions, but what is their return? Spend your youth in the concert hall and dance hall, yield to the real society, fall into the illusory and tempting traps arranged by God, and destroy the seed of "I want to become a talent" in my heart in Wenrong Township

Of course, there are women like Tu Youyou, Shu Ting and Bing Xin who can resist the temptation, build their own success with sweat and prove themselves to the world with their own efforts. I have to say that they are my role models.

So, girls, let's work together. Water yourself with sweat and bloom the most beautiful flowers in the world!

Achievements in Senior Three (11)

Everyone has had setbacks, some people choose to give up, some people are strong, not convinced by setbacks. The word "hard work" is forgotten by many people, who are doomed to fail in life. Try hard, there will always be failures in life. Try your best to refuel on behalf of you in life. Work hard, you must have paid in life.

If you don't work hard, don't refuel, and don't pay, there will never be success in your dictionary, and there will never be anything extraordinary in your life. That is forever, forever. Work hard, refuel, and pay. Although you work hard, if you succeed, you will represent that your life will be wonderful and happy.

There is a song whose lyrics are well written. How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Yes, you have never experienced it. You have been lying on your back all your life without bumping. Then you have no complete life, no wonderful stories, and no happy smile. That, you, is doomed to fail, you, is impossible to succeed, you, will not have a happy life, you, are doomed to regret. As long as you don't shrink back in a storm, go to meet the storm and tell it loudly, I'm not afraid of you, I want to meet you happily, I must defeat you, I will succeed, I will refuel. After a storm, you are still working hard, then, you have succeeded, you have overcome it. The rainbow will come out and smile at you. It will say, "You have succeeded, you have defeated it, and you are our hero." And you will be happy for yourself and proud of yourself.

Everyone is only one step away from success, but if you don't go beyond this step, you will never succeed, because you don't want to go beyond this step, you think you can stop this step, you think you have succeeded, then you are totally wrong, that step is the key, as long as you refuel, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay, You are the winner, you are the winner, you will have a little satisfaction, a little happiness.

I just want to say:

strive! come on. Give! Will succeed.

Have confidence in yourself.

Achievements in Senior Three (12)

People will encounter many things in their life, including unforgettable, heartbroken, happy and embarrassed. I'm no exception, of course. Every time I think of that day, that event, my heart swells with joy, fatigue, excitement, which I can't forget for a long time!

It was the fifth day of the first month of last year. The business of my aunt's shop was very prosperous. Please help me look after it and let me exercise. My task is to look after the toys placed on the street outside the store. The toys are colorful and dazzling. There are Barbie dolls loved by girls, Dingdang cats, SpongeBob babies, pocket kitchenware, toy guns loved by boys, cars of various models, forklifts, cranes, and strange little dolphins... What a sea of toys! I don't think it's OK to just look after them. I have to sell some for my aunt, but how can I sell them? It must be yelling. I want to yell, but I can't put my face down. If I yell to many people to see what I can do, I must be embarrassed, but I can't attract others to sell it... Alas, no matter how many, I summon up the courage to yell, "Toys are sold!" But I don't know why, but the sound is as small as a mosquito buzzing.

Just when I was worried, a father and son came to see the toy gun. I hurriedly held several guns in front of them and asked them to choose. The father picked out the price and asked how much it would cost. I quickly opened the price and signed it and said, "128 yuan," and the father said, "It's cheaper. I think it's too expensive for them to buy. I said," 100 yuan, please. "They paid freely. I took the money and excitedly handed it to my aunt, ready for her to praise me. Unexpectedly, my aunt asked about the situation and said that it was too cheap. The cost of this toy gun was 100 yuan. When I heard it, I withered like a deflated ball. What should I do? Do you just throw in the towel? No, I can't kill Xiaoqiang! As the saying goes, "A fall is a gain." Now I have experience, so I braced myself up to receive a child

On that day, my body was exhausted, my throat was smoking, and my feet were swollen, but my heart was very happy. I defeated myself, drove away my cowardice, gained the joy of success, and understood the hard work of making money. In the future, I must save and change the bad habit of waste!

Achievements in Senior Three (13)

Outside the window, gardenias are blooming. At our age, they are like budding flowers, beautiful and full of hope. Looking at the gardenias in front of us, we feel warm in our hearts.

Shot 1: Just arriving at the door, I smelled a fragrance. I couldn't wait to enter the kitchen. The table was full of my favorite "Nestle Lily", "Stir fried Shredded Pork with Carrots", "Stir fried Bamboo Shoots with Eggs". Mom was busy, and she still said, "What's the best dish to cook? This dish was cooked the day before yesterday, so it's time to buy the recipe again, and don't let them get tired of it." Yes, for our healthy growth, mom has to rack her brains every day to make new dishes for us to ensure our nutrition. Looking at her busy back, a warm current comes to her heart. At this moment, I gain the warmth of my family.

Shot 2: Alas! I failed again! 56 points! What should I do? I must be scolded by the teacher. "The teacher asked you to go to the office." Little A shouted to me, "Why go to the office?" "I don't know, hurry up." I dragged my heavy step into the door of the office, saw the teacher looking at me, thinking: God! I have to bear the teacher's high and fierce scolding voice again. "Come and sit next to me." Unexpectedly, the teacher was so gentle to me. I was stunned and sat down. "If I remember correctly, you were upgraded to the top three in the class. But you almost gave up your studies this time, you know? The high school entrance exam is coming soon, and you are carrying the expectations of teachers and parents. Don't let us down, son!" The teacher said earnestly, looking at her sincere face, I nodded seriously. At this moment, I gained the care of my teacher.

Shot 3: The terrible physical training starts again! After running one lap after another, I am already too tired to breathe. The end is ahead! Come on, I can! At the end of the race, I was lying on the grass, covered in soreness. My classmates immediately came to help me, rubbed my legs, and poured water for me to drink. I knew that they had just run, and were as tired as I was. But they still took care of my moved tears and blurred my eyes. At this moment, I gained the true and pure friendship.

I looked at the gardenia in front of me, and many scenes poured into my mind. There are no rosy clouds all over the sky and no flowers everywhere. Let's write our life with the most sincere heart!

Achievements in Senior Three (14)

Stroll along the Long Beach of Love, listen to the time sing softly, and walk through the songs to plant and plant landscapes, either colorful or dull, which are different but can leave me the most precious harvest.

The swimming competitions that once stared at the screen for many times, the blue pool, and the athletes who appeared in the water waves, without any accident, aroused the yearning in the heart. However, I was always shrouded in dark fear in reality, and I could not walk out of the shadow. Because of the panic at the moment of suffocation and the despair in the water, the lessons learned many years ago still haunt me, but the desire to tumble in the blue waves that was more than once trapped me in contradictions. The training will not be smooth. Holding my breath and choking water are certain. Can I still bear the fear in my heart? But learning to swim is an additional survival skill, which plays an incomparable role in a special environment. Do I have to stop touching water all my life? The tangles and doubts in my heart make me restless. Try it and I will comfort myself that I can't always live in fear. So I decided to learn swimming.

At the beginning, I met a bottleneck. Years of carefulness will eventually be broken. Holding my breath is the most necessary skill for beginners. A few seconds or a minute is not a problem in the eyes of others, but it seems to me like an insurmountable gap. Take a deep breath, breathe in a big breath, hold it, and sink into the water. Other students are talking and laughing, and act quickly. I don't want to be noticed by others. With my heart beating like a drum, I follow the coach's instructions, slowly bend my legs filled with lead in the water, bit by bit, the water overflows on my shoulders, then overflows, and gradually fits into my jaw. I open my eyes, breathe, But he refused to drop another millionth of a centimeter. I was like a lonely island in the water. I had nothing to rely on, and fear spread everywhere.

"Since I have chosen to study, I can only stick to it. Be brave, and wait more for practice when I go home. I will accompany you." On the way home, my father said something, and the autumn wind swept the ground. Those flowers that once bloomed for a while gradually lost their color. What else can I do? I will make up my mind to double my efforts. "Well, it's settled." The autumn sun is still hanging in the sky, although not as bright as summer, it still reveals the temperature, warming my uneasy heart. So I tried to lower the height again and again and sank into the water. One second, two seconds, half a minute, one minute, I tried to diffuse my life and brought me success.

So I know that overcoming inner fears and making additional efforts will eventually yield something. The appearance of hard work has become the most beautiful light and my most precious harvest.

Achievements in Senior Three (15)

Senior Three Military Training Composition: Military Training with Much Gains

I have experienced two military trainings, and the most unforgettable one is the military training in senior three. I have gained a lot in it

Before the military training, I saw many students from different schools come out of the military training. I saw some people say: "It's hard, everything is difficult to do;" Some people say: "It's great to be in there!" After hearing this, I felt uneasy and wondered what would happen in the military training? Can I persist? I am very ambivalent.

The next day we came to the military academy.

I just came to the military academy and saw the drillmaster frowning fiercely. I was really right. He gave us a threat at the beginning. He told us to go from high to low platoon, but his voice was too low for us to hear. When he saw that we were indifferent, he scolded us. We were afraid of him at this time. When he saw something wrong with us, he would be furious. He often said to us, "Bastards, do you have intentions?" After a while, my evaluation of him changed. On the second day after we came to the military training, we began to practice guns. The instructor saw that we were working hard with a 14 kg gun in the hot sun. At first, we couldn't hold the gun steadily. Later, the instructor kept encouraging us to say, "Hang on, women's army, hang on." Hearing the instructor's encouragement, we kept on. We were tired of practice, and the instructor would take us to a cool place to rest, Sometimes he would make us laugh together with the fat instructor. These scenes show that our instructor is a good instructor who is straightforward, but not malicious and kind.

In addition to these I deserve to recall, others I remember are a little scary, For example: "Where I sleep, I sleep on a board. I sleep together. I don't sleep on a board at ordinary times. But now in military training, I can't help but sleep on a board. At first, when I sleep on a board, I feel sore all over and no more than five people in the same room at home sleep together. But now I feel uncomfortable sleeping together as a group, but I have gained a lot. I have gained friendship here We will help each other. There are many things here, although they are hard, but they have gained a lot

When I got home, I missed our drillmaster very much. I learned to persist there. I said to myself in my heart that I had spent more hard days in military training, and I would certainly overcome all difficulties in the future. Persistence is victory!

This unforgettable military training is really worth aftertaste!!

This is the end of the senior military training composition. I hope it can help everyone and improve their writing skills.

Highlight: {Senior high school military training composition} {Military training feeling composition}

Achievements in Senior Three (16)

During the summer vacation, the first book I borrowed was called "The Land of Witch and Cat", which was very interesting.

There is an old legend that there is a mysterious tribe living on the back of a snail in an ancient forest. One day, the tribe suddenly disappeared. Frog Changjiao, mouse Yuri, parrot Xiaohei and explorer Lao K set out together to find the lost tribe. Along the way, they encountered man eating bats, flying jellyfish, giant plants, and so on. They also passed the whirlpool and overcame all kinds of difficulties, and finally entered the country of witch cats. The country that has disappeared in legend still exists.

After reading this book, I learned that no matter what others say, don't blindly believe it. You should observe it yourself, look for it, and do it yourself. Only in this way can you know whether it is really like what others say.

Achievements in Senior Three (17)

The summer vacation has come. In the summer vacation, there are happiness, sadness and harvest. Do you want to know what my harvest is? Take a look!

Now is the summer vacation, I can be free! Once, my mother said, "Tingting, what do I think of you as me tomorrow?" "Of course!" I said proudly. I thought to myself: Why is it difficult to be a mother? It's just to cook, buy a dish, wash it, and make something edible?

By the next morning, I was sleeping in! However, when I woke up, it suddenly occurred to me: Today I am a mother! I can't sleep late! I hurried to wash and gargle. When I went to the room again, I found that the quilt had not been folded. I thought again: I am a mother today, and my daughter can't fold the quilt! After thinking about it, I immediately folded the quilt. When I got to the "daughter"'s room, I saw that she was sleeping late! I thought angrily: I usually get up at this time, why hasn't she got up yet? Hum, I must wake up my "daughter"! Thinking, I started to act! First of all, I scratched her neck, and she didn't respond. I scratched her feet again, and she finally woke up

It's time to clean the house! I first clean the house, then drag it again. My "daughter" broke the ground I had cleaned so hard! I was so angry that I really wanted to beat my "daughter", but who told me to be her "mother" now? I can only hold my fire, alas! I have to sweep again and delay again!

It's time to buy vegetables! I took the money, no one took me, so I had to take a taxi. When I arrived at the food market, I carried a basket and happily selected dishes. What would I eat today? It suddenly occurred to me that we hadn't eaten scrambled eggs with tomatoes for a long time. Let's choose tomatoes! I picked some big red tomatoes, paid for them, and wanted to eat cucumber salad. I went to choose cucumbers, but how? I had to grab a few at random, and the old woman next to me said, "Choose cucumbers as straight as possible, and those with many small prickles are so fresh!" I followed her advice and selected several cucumbers. Another laver soup! I bought another packet of laver and went home.

It's time to cook! I started cooking as my mother usually does. My "daughter" once said: "When cooking, at least, salt is needed. I thought about it, and started to cook tomato scrambled eggs. I only added salt and MSG; when making cucumber salad, I added pepper, salt, MSG, garlic, scallions, sesame oil; when making laver soup, I only added salt.

ate. This link made me nervous. My father tasted it and said, "The scrambled eggs with tomatoes are not bad, the cucumber salad is too salty, and the laver soup is too weak!" I listened to this, and the big stone in my heart came down. I added some more salt to the laver soup, and finally it was better

At night, I said to myself, "It's not easy to be a mother!"

Through this event, I have a new harvest: it is not easy to be a mother! This time, I'm not like me at all. I'm actually a little naughty. It's hard for me to take care of the girl my mother plays. I was even more naughty when I was young. How did my mother survive? I made up my mind to be a good child! This summer new harvest!

Achievements in Senior Three (18)

Darren Hardy, publisher of Success magazine, interviewed some famous successful people to explore their ways of success. At last, he concluded that their success lies in giving up some minor things and focusing on the few things that are important. Indeed, sometimes we must give up some things to achieve great things, and we can win a thousand miles with light clothing.

In today's "fast-food era", the acceleration of the pace of life also forces many people to be eager for quick success and instant benefits, hoping to achieve success. At the Cannes Film Festival, which opened in May 2017, Korean Bird Uncle was sought after by many people. But at the same time, Uncle Bird appeared at the first meeting in Singapore, which puzzled everyone. However, when the facts were revealed, everyone's suspicion turned into abusive. Uncle Bird, who appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, is just a stand in for Uncle Bird. He cheated on food and drink at the Cannes Film Festival and made a splash, but made the bird uncle fever in the film festival a laughing stock. I think that rather than just being keen on imitation, he has been blinded by fame and wealth. In the new media environment, we should give up the dependence on imitation and say goodbye to the simple "take it" doctrine. And those who strive for fame and gain in the guise of idols should reflect that true success is not self camouflage but self innovation. If you imitate blindly, you will only lose your future. Admittedly, if we resolutely give up the so-called fame and wealth, give up the meaningless imitation, and become true and new ourselves, success is not a fantasy!

I think that if a person can put down those flashy and rusty things, he will use a more brisk pace towards success. Similarly, a society also needs to abandon. Even though some traditional etiquette and customs have been inherited for thousands of years, they need to be constantly enriched, but only when enough is enough can they be based on society. Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. Every family eats zongzi to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. However, in recent years, zongzi has become a gift instead of a sacrifice. Mo Huaiqi, the writer, said angrily about this phenomenon: "Why must these smelly dumplings use bamboo leaves instead of plastic bags?" Perhaps the sadness of material life is reflected behind this sentence. It is not so much about paying attention to etiquette and reciprocity as over packaging, which runs counter to etiquette. I think that those nihilistic appearances should be given up decisively, and traditional virtues and social ethics should not be rigidly attached to modern people's material outlook and possessiveness. Perhaps if a society can give up the so-called "gold and jade", remove the "bad things" in them, and let them no longer become shackles, this society can move forward indefinitely.

No matter people or society, if they want to make progress, they should resolutely abandon something. No matter how far you go, you should remember why you started. Sometimes giving up is also a kind of gain

Seeing abandonment as a kind of gain is not only a kind of mentality but also a kind of mind, which is well reflected in the composition of 900 words in Senior Three.