Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (Collection 17)
From the beginning
2023-11-10 03:45:46
junior middle school

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (1)

I like rain, because it is crystal clear, moist heaven and earth. But I prefer the rain in summer, which has a cordial feeling in its roar. It combines with the wind, and has an invisible force. Like a soldier, it sweeps away all obstacles blocking its progress, and has never been afraid of any difficulties.

In summer, the scorching sun always shines on your head. In the air, there are hot elves everywhere. They make people sweat and even upset. When it rains, I feel that there will always be a feeling that I can't say, which makes me feel relaxed immediately, just like putting down a heavy stone. Several thunderbolts opened the sky, and black clouds immediately covered the sun, and the lightning in the sky started the symphony prelude of wind and rain ensemble in a blink of an eye. "Boom boom! Boom boom!" It's scary and crazy. Come on! Come on! Unlike one drop or two in the spring, millions of troops fell from the sky, washing the exhausted city and inspiring it. It bounces again on the cement floor, as if it has infinite vitality and is divided into countless parts, just like the fireworks of nature. After falling into the pond, the whole pond boils up and jumps up, breaking the past tranquility and reborn, just like the hot dance between water and water, impeccable, and the whole world jumps up. "Pi li pa la!" The sound is so beautiful. The madness in disharmony, the ceaseless splash, the ceaseless splash, the indescribable beauty. Only nature has this ability.

Soldiers will never be tired, and soldiers will never fall! The voice of God generated after the combination of heaven and earth makes the world look new and incomparable. I love the summer rain, just love her fanaticism. Her dancing is full of infinite vitality, as if it is reborn. This is God's grace. This power will always inspire me. Whenever I see rain, I will be full of spiritual power again, so that I will no longer fear any difficulties. I will, like rain, sweep away all obstacles that hinder me.

I love the unspeakable rain in summer.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (2)

I like the rain because it is crystal clear and enriches the world. But I prefer the rain in summer. It has a sense of intimacy in its roar. It combines with the wind and has an invisible force. Like a soldier, it sweeps away all the obstacles that block its progress and has never been afraid of any difficulties

In summer, the hot sun always shines on my head. In the air, there are hot elves everywhere. They make people sweat and even upset. Until it rains, I feel that there will always be a kind of inexpressible feeling, which makes me feel relaxed immediately. It's like putting down a heavy stone. Several thunderbolts split the sky, and dark clouds immediately covered the sun, The lightning in the sky starts the symphony prelude of the wind and rain ensemble "Boom boom! Boom boom!" It's scary and crazy. Let's go! Come on! Unlike one drop or two in the spring, millions of troops fell from the sky, washing the exhausted city and inspiring it. It bounced up again on the cement ground, as if it had infinite vitality, divided into countless parts, like fireworks of nature. When it fell into the pond, the whole pond boiled up, jumped up, broke the previous tranquility, and was reborn, Like the hot dance between water, it is impeccable and the whole world jumps up "Pi li pa la!" The sound is so beautiful. The madness in disharmony, the ceaseless splash, the ceaseless splash, the indescribable beauty. Only nature has this ability

Soldiers will never be tired, and soldiers will never fall! The voice of God generated after the combination of heaven and earth makes the world a new and unparalleled place. I love the summer rain, and I love her fanaticism. Her dancing is full of infinite vitality, as if it is reborn. This is God's grace. This power will always inspire me. Whenever I see the rain, I will be full of spiritual power again, so that I will no longer fear any difficulties. I will be like the rain, Sweep away all obstacles that stand in my way

I love the unspeakable rain in summer

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (3)

Of all the sights, my favorite is rain. You may feel strange because when it comes to rain, you may think of the gloomy sky, the terrible thunder, or the wet people. And I like the rain, because I like the fun when it rains. One day in the summer vacation, I saw the biggest and most enjoyable rainstorm.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, a thunderbolt thundered across the sky, followed by a howling wind and black clouds. After a while, it began to rain heavily. The rain was so fierce that it could make the road billow with smoke. This shower is also very dense, so dense that people can become drowned as soon as they go out. In this shower, the earth seems to be covered with a layer of white gauze. When it rains, it sounds like a flash flood. The rain is like many naughty water drops dancing in a group dance, like many dark clouds crying loudly, and like many people sprinkling water in the sky, which is both joyful and spectacular.

The rain was falling in the garden, and the flowers lowered their heads as if they were carrying heavy loads. The grass added a lot of crystal dew, which was very lovely.

The rain moistens the long drought land. Although the withering crops are bowed, their hearts are full of joy. They thought: Great, someone finally came to save us. It's really 'good rain knows the season, when summer comes'!

The rain fell on the roof, only to see a puff of mist rising and falling, thick and thin, rolling. The rainwater on the roof flows down with the pipeline, forming a "rushing and noisy" river.

The rain is falling on the trees. The big tree stood tall and ready for the baptism of the storm. It seemed to say, "Let the storm come faster!" Looking at the leaves, they were competing to suck the summer dew.

The rain is falling on the wires. The raindrops are just like the notes arranged in order on the staff, like water drops racing there, or beads XX there. The heavier the rain, the more water drops, and naturally the faster the speed of falling.

The rain falls in the city. Some people complain about the bad weather at home. People on the road suffer even more. One by one, they become drowned. The traffic is also blocked by heavy rain. In short, heavy rain is a bad thing in the eyes of city people.

Rain falls in the countryside, and the reaction of rural people to rain is diametrically opposite to that of urban people - rural people like rain very much. When it rains, the rural people's faces are full of smiles, because the heavy rain moistens the crops and adds vitality to the dying crops.

Rain falls in nature, which is full of vitality everywhere

Summer rain, you are not as misty and poetic as spring rain. But you are irresistible, magnificent, and can also bring people a happy 'feeling. I like your summer rain.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (4)

The rain is acute. It's cool and dense.

Such personalized rain must be summer rain (summer rain). "Pa, pa, pa," I'm afraid only Xia Yu can make such a powerful voice.

The sky suddenly became overcast, saying it was raining. When it rains in summer is anyone's guess. Lightning, thunder, wind and rain, holding an umbrella will feel the cold summer rain. People are flustered and worried about who will send me an umbrella. Let the rain stop! Under the light, it rained one after another. Like a vivid child, she threw herself into the warm embrace of the mother earth.

Then, the rain began to fall more and more quickly. The streets were sparsely populated and there were fewer vehicles. The rain drops were like a bird yearning for the blue sky, falling irregularly. In the farmland, the rain moistens the thirsty crops; In the soil, the rain is watering the withered branches and withered leaves. This is really a "timely rain". If it rains a minute earlier, the branches and flowers may fall. Looking far into the misty rain, you will feel cold.

Finally, the rain gradually stopped for a while, and the sun broke through the dense cobweb like clouds, and everything began to look new. Another day is coming, another new start, come on, work together! If you open a window of your heart, you will feel the fresh air of rain, the fragrant soil, the new high-rise buildings, and the world will take on a new look.

The rain came so fast and went so quickly, which is exactly the words: hurry to come and hurry to go. How beautiful the rain is. The beauty is not empty, which makes people feel warm and comfortable. The rain is like a woman rushing to buy fresh vegetables. The rain gives life on the earth a long lost rain. The rain this summer! How can you let me talk!

I love rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (5)

The rain is acute. It's cool and dense.

Such personalized rain must be summer rain (summer rain). "Pa, pa, pa," I'm afraid only Xia Yu can make such a powerful voice.

The sky suddenly became overcast, saying it was raining. When it rains in summer is anyone's guess'. Lightning, thunder, wind and rain, holding an umbrella will feel the cold summer rain. People are flustered and worried about who will send me an umbrella. Let the rain stop! Under the light, it rained one after another. Like a vivid child, she threw herself into the warm embrace of the mother earth.

Then, the rain began to fall more and more quickly. The streets were sparsely populated and there were fewer vehicles. The rain drops were like a bird yearning for the blue sky, falling irregularly. In the farmland, the rain moistens the thirsty crops; In the soil, the rain is watering the withered branches and withered leaves. This is really a "timely rain". If it rains a minute earlier, the branches and flowers may fall. Looking far into the misty rain, you will feel cold.

Finally, the rain gradually stopped for a while, and the sun broke through the dense cobweb like clouds, and everything began to look new. Another day is coming, another new start, come on, work together! If you open a window of your heart, you will feel the fresh air of rain, the fragrant soil, the new high-rise buildings, and the world will take on a new look.

The rain came so fast and went so quickly, which is exactly the words: hurry to come and hurry to go. How beautiful the rain is. The beauty is not empty, which makes people feel warm and comfortable. The rain is like a woman rushing to buy fresh vegetables. The rain gives life on the earth a long lost rain. The rain this summer! How can you let me talk!

I love rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (6)

The summer rain, quietly and gently, today's summer rain is a golden key, she opened the door of Xiaoshu while you were not paying attention.

The rain in summer is colorful. She has a box of colorful paint boxes to describe our beautiful world with paintbrushes. The invisible colored brush was painted on the thick willow trees, and the willow leaves were more bright green, bright green, burning your eyes. She painted on the gorgeous flowers. The beauty of the flowers is more attractive, and the colors are more beautiful. She is very happy to bathe in the summer dew. Beautiful flowers dance happily in the summer rain.

The rain in summer is very dense and dense. Today, I went through the window to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the rain and listen to the songs of rain. With the sweet music, I saw the weeping willows and flowers printed in the water at a glance. If Li Bai Shixian saw this moving picture today, no one could guess how beautiful he would be.

The rain in summer is like ox hair, embroidery needle, broken bead, and even more like the gauze that Miss Xia skillfully weaves. The rain is like gauze, and the earth is covered with mist! The green grass, moistened by the rain and gently brushed by the breeze, nods frequently and smiles heavily. From a distance, it becomes a green sea and raises waves of gratitude for the summer rain. The crystal clear "pearls" on their bodies are more cordial than the dew drops in the morning. The people walking in the rain are really free and easy. They hold umbrellas in one hand and play with others in the other. What is more attractive is that umbrellas come together like a fair and become pieces of umbrella flowers, like the flower skirts of many little girls slowly opening.

The summer rain, still falling, converges into a stream, gurgling and flowing, the wind blowing ripples, and the ripples also flash a few white lights, which reminds you of a mysterious realm.

The rain in summer, you add beauty to my hometown, add poetic; You have brought me joy and infinite happiness. My hometown and my heart are like fairyland in fairy tales.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (7)

This summer, I love rain. The sky is like a crying child, who will never stop crying. Our city has been washed by light rain and heavy rain for N times, and the heat in summer has escaped without trace.

July days, like the face of a child, change as you say. It was still sunny and sunny just now. After a while, there came leaden clouds, and the sky gradually darkened. Suddenly, a flash of lightning pierced the sky, followed by a roar of thunder. Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. The heaven and earth seem to be hung with a pair of extremely wide bead curtains. The wet road is like shining satin, and the naughty light rain will jump onto the eaves and lift up silver flowers; After a while, he jumped into the roadside water and splashed small bubbles; After a while, they fell on the leaves, like crystal clear pearls. The rain became heavier and heavier, and the whole city became white under the cover of rain.

No amount of rain can stop people from working and studying. Taxi ran quickly across the road, and ripples rose and drifted to both sides of the road; Cyclists wear colorful ponchos to work in the rain; People on foot are wearing colorful umbrellas. The beautiful umbrellas are really like mushrooms. They are very beautiful.

The rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, the sun shone on the earth, the earth was golden. The air is as fresh as a filter. After the baptism of rain, flowers, plants and trees stretch their branches and leaves. They are very green and beautiful.

Ha ha, I will spend the summer in the cool. I really want to thank you for the summer rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (8)

Although summer is sultry, it can also be cool, especially when it is sunny after rain.

At noon today, the weather was extremely sultry. People were shaking big cattail fans under the trees. Sweat still trickled down. The cicadas chirped in the trees, and their hearts were upset. The dog stretched out his tongue under the tree and gasped for breath. The seedlings hang their heads, and the leaves on the trees are listless.

Grandpa Feng seemed to know what people were thinking, so he untied the wind pocket, and the wind flew out with a whoosh, and blew up with a whoosh. The child cried happily, "It's blowing hard, and it's raining heavily." The lightning didn't show weakness, but it cut the sky with a snap, like a sharp sword trying to split the sky in half. Duke Lei also came to help. He came from far to near, beating gongs and drums. Occasionally, there was a loud "click", which made people shocked.

The main character finally comes. Who is it? It is our grandpa black cloud, and grandpa black cloud called out his children -- -- little raindrops. The raindrops came bouncing to the world. The rain "splashed" underground. The raindrops fell on the house, making a sound of "slapping", splashing small water flowers on the lawn. The grass "rustled" and laughed, as if to say, "Take a bath!" The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the world was foggy, and the water on the ground was flowing into a stream.

After a while, the sky turned blue after the rain. A beautiful rainbow hung in the sky. The grass became greener and the trees became more energetic. The frogs in the pond jumped on the lotus leaves. People went out of their homes to breathe fresh air with a satisfied smile. The world after the rain was as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (9)

This summer, the sun was blazing, and the whole world was like a big steamer. Flowers and trees were wilting, and people were listless. The kids hid at home to blow the air conditioner. It was too hot to play outside. Boring, I always like to lie on the windowsill and look at the sky helplessly, silently saying that let's have a rain to cool down!

In the evening, the dark clouds spreading from the distance blocked the blue sky one by one, and the sky gradually darkened. Lightning streaked through the sky, followed by rumbling thunder. Suddenly, it rained cats and dogs from the sky, splashing raindrops ran everywhere, wet the balcony, and crackled on the glass window. The heaven and earth seem to be hung with a pair of extremely wide bead curtains.

The wet road is like shining satin, and the naughty light rain will jump onto the eaves and lift up silver flowers; After a while, he jumped into the water on the roadside and splashed small bubbles. The pedestrians on the road panicked to find shelter and hid under the eaves. On the road, fast running cars splashed with water, and two long white tails seemed to be dragging behind the wheels. The rain became heavier and heavier, and the whole city became white under the cover of rain.

After a while, the sky gradually brightened, the raindrops became smaller and smaller, and the sky also turned from black clouds to cotton candy like clouds, becoming more and more sparse, leaving only thin white gauze that broke with a poke, and finally melted into the sun, and the sun came out again. Then look at the scenery outside the window. The road and trees seem to have just bathed, and the air is much fresher. The summer rain came and went quickly, hurriedly took away the stuffy heat and quietly left cool. What a timely rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (10)

Rain is the most common natural phenomenon in the four seasons, but what I like most is the heavy rain in summer.

The heavy rain in summer is sudden and fierce. In the hot summer, a heavy rain makes people feel very comfortable. Before the heavy rain comes, there will be many scenes. When thick dark clouds cover the sky, and the sky is dark, people are depressed, which also indicates that a heavy rain is coming. If you are at home at this time, you'd better stay indoors, or the rain will fall on your head the moment you go out. If you are outside, you should hurry to the house, or the heavy rain will drench you. The dull thunder seems to be wrapped in dark clouds, and it rumbles to break away from the clouds. Suddenly, a flash of lightning came down from the sky, as if it had opened the dark sky and lit up. Thunder broke through the dark clouds and roamed happily between the sky and the earth like a divine dragon. Thunder also followed in the world, "boom --" shocked people's ears "buzz" sound, followed by the "boom" sound, like war drums on the battlefield. At this time, the wind also came to cheer, and gusts of strong wind swept the sand and blew on people's faces, like a knife. "Tick tock" When the first rain fell on the ground, in the rumble of war drums, the heavy rain rushed to the earth like thousands of troops charging. The downpour poured down. Suddenly, the trees, grass and houses became wet, and the ground was covered with thick water. The world looks like water is full of the world. The heavy rain brings coolness, and people's mood is very comfortable, just like spitting out a long breath of sulk, which disappears in the vast rain with the heavy rain. In a short while, it was sunny, and the sun showed a smiling face from behind the clouds. A colorful rainbow bridge was set up in the sky. The scenery became very clear and real, and the air became very fresh. People looked at the beautiful world and took a breath of the air with the fragrance of flowers and plants. Ah --, it was good!

Rain, heavy rain, heavy rain in summer, intoxicating heavy rain! I like heavy rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (11)

On Sunday, my mother asked me and my father to pick up my aunt and little brother to play at our house; On the way, my father said he would take me to watch the rain first. I said how could it rain in sunny days? Dad smiled at me mysteriously.

Dad drove the car into the car wash shop. I wonder why Dad drove the car here? Did Dad take me here to watch the rain? I was thinking about it when I saw my uncle and aunt in the car wash shop carrying a hose and spraying water on the car glass. The water was very urgent. Through the window, I felt that it was really raining outside, and it was raining heavily. They threw themselves on the car like waves. I was afraid. I asked my father if the water would get into the car? My father said, "No, because there is glass to block us." I was enjoying the happiness of the rain. Suddenly, the rain stopped. Through the car glass, I saw pieces of white foam jumping up from the car body. They were like white snowflakes falling one after another. More and more snowflakes came, covering the whole car body, and our car seemed to be buried in a snowdrift, I was intoxicated with the happiness when it snowed in winter. Suddenly the snowflakes disappeared and a large duster cloth appeared. Oh, it was the uncle of the car wash shop who wiped the snow clean and sprayed layers of water on the car body. The car became very clean.

Dad said that he was watching the rain when washing the car. I said that besides watching the rain, I also saw the snow.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (12)

In our daily study, work and life, we will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Composition requires a complete structure of the text, and we must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is my composition about Summer Rain Junior High School. Welcome to share.

It was too hot yesterday to fall asleep for a long time. After 6 or 7 in the morning, I woke up from the heat. In summer, even if it is hot at night, it is still cool in the morning. After breakfast, I feel that the weather is not scientific. According to my years of experience in animation, it must rain!

Because there is a row of black lines under the ground, it must be ants. They are struggling to climb up with food on their heads. The sky master also put on a thick gray raincoat. I feel hotter and hotter. It's hard to breathe. The air of the fan is hot. I'm just going to rush into the air conditioning room, rumbling~rumbling~. To my surprise, I seemed to see grass and wild flowers bathing in the summer rain, greedily absorbing the moisture of God.

Boom, boom, boom, boom. The pouring rain, with a fishy smell, rushed to the balcony. Feel that a big wave of summer rain is coming, -- Pa! I came here as expected. I felt wet all over. I felt cold and excited! How can the rain come so fast? It's so intoxicating. I shivered for a while, only to find that I had no clothes on, and decided to return to the city to supply.

Sitting on the sofa, it was dark, like the Jade Emperor knocked over the ink bottle. Boom~Then another lightning struck. Just now, dark clouds were rolling, and now it's thunderstorm. My friends and I were shocked.

When I stood in the window and looked into the street, a group of people scurried like devils entering the village. The difference was: "Don't shoot unless you enter the village quietly". It's not just shooting, it's obviously shooting, it's mortar. Far away, I can't hear you.

The rain is getting smaller and smaller, and the cry of Uncle Wang's little sister next door is also getting smaller; Downstairs is still playing mahjong, as if it was just a movie; Upstairs is the music of happy fight against landlords

I stood on the balcony: If I had not run into the house but enjoyed the moisture brought by this summer, wouldn't it be wonderful to enjoy nature, low-carbon and environmentally friendly. If God could give me a chance, I would choose to stay on the balcony. If I had to add a deadline, it would be a...... Boom~Xia Yu killed a rifle.

I quickly ran into the room.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (13)

When it comes to rain, the first thing we think of is the rain in spring.

Yes, I want to wet the apricot blossom rain with my clothes, and the willow wind is not cold when blowing my face. The rain in spring is always gentle and beautiful; Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently, and the rain in spring always brings many quiet feelings; Yurong's lonely tears are dried up, and the pear blossom is full of rain in spring. The rain in spring always brings loneliness and desolation; Four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasty, in the misty rain of many towers, the rain in spring is always a bit hazy and ethereal

Spring rain is as precious as oil. Spring rain is always beautiful.

However, compared with the lingering and amorous spring rain, I prefer summer rain.

The rain in summer is stormy, torrential, torrential, stormy, vigorous and heroic.

Maybe it's my nature. I like to touch nature and run and play in the field. However, the lingering spring rain is always intermittent and wet everywhere, which often makes people feel hazy and distinguish between good and bad. Although holding a book in rainy days and leaning against the window to read it carefully have a special charm, the raindrops falling under the eaves always have some sadness, which makes people unhappy.

The rainy days in spring are mostly melancholy. It's better to have a good rain in summer, which will thoroughly clean the floating dust on the leaves, on the road, and on people's hearts. It was as if this heavy rain was going to wash away the turbid air between heaven and earth. At this time, there was chaos between heaven and earth. The tiles on the roof were crackling. It seemed that this rain also had the ability to dim the sky and destroy the earth.

Sitting by the window and watching the splashes of raindrops falling to the ground, they seemed like lotus flowers in full bloom, showing the enthusiasm of life without concealment.

I like the rain in summer, because I know that the bright sun and colorful neon will be welcomed after such a magnificent scene. Maybe I am also such a character. When I am in a bad mood, I will find my trusted relatives or close friends to vent. After venting, I will continue to work hard and be happy with the beautiful yearning for life.

Life should be the same. We will have low ebbs, difficulties and difficulties. But believe that there will be a rainbow after the rain. After experiencing a storm, you will find that the sky is bluer, the sun is brighter, and the air is fresher.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (14)

Rain is the most common natural phenomenon in the four seasons, but what I like most is the heavy rain in summer.

The heavy rain in summer is sudden and fierce. In the hot summer, a heavy rain makes people feel very comfortable. Before the heavy rain comes, there will be many scenes. When thick dark clouds cover the sky, and the sky is dark, people are depressed, which also indicates that a heavy rain is coming. If you are at home at this time, you'd better stay indoors, or the rain will fall on your head the moment you go out. If you are outside, you should hurry to the house, or the heavy rain will drench you. The dull thunder seems to be wrapped in dark clouds, and it rumbles to break away from the clouds. Suddenly, a flash of lightning came down from the sky, as if it had opened the dark sky and lit up. Thunder broke through the dark clouds and roamed happily between the sky and the earth like a divine dragon. Thunder also followed in the world, "boom --" shocked people's ears "buzz" sound, followed by the "boom" sound, like war drums on the battlefield. At this time, the wind also came to cheer, and gusts of strong wind swept the sand and blew on people's faces, like a knife. "Tick tock" When the first rain fell on the ground, in the rumble of war drums, the heavy rain rushed to the earth like thousands of troops charging. The downpour poured down. Suddenly, the trees, grass and houses became wet, and the ground was covered with thick water. The world looks like water is full of the world. The heavy rain brings coolness, and people's mood is very comfortable, just like spitting out a long breath of sulk, which disappears in the vast rain with the heavy rain. In a short while, it was sunny, and the sun showed a smiling face from behind the clouds. A colorful rainbow bridge was set up in the sky. The scenery became very clear and real, and the air became very fresh. People looked at the beautiful world and took a breath of the air with the fragrance of flowers and plants. Ah --, it was good!

Rain, heavy rain, heavy rain in summer, intoxicating heavy rain! I like heavy rain!

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (15)

"Whoa - whoa -", this is the joyful singing voice of Miss Xia, accompanied by the fresh air.

The sky was overcast and heavy, like a big hat, it was too stuffy to breathe. "Pa -- Pa --", this is the voice of the naughty Rainbaby jumping onto the canopy. Hearing the accompaniment, Miss Xia sang more and more vigorously. People on the street panicked. Some ran home immediately, some hid in the nearby shops temporarily, and some drove home hurriedly by motorcycle... Soon, there was no one in the street, only the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

The roadside plants seemed to be hurt by these raindrops, and the leaves were dancing. "Sand -- sand --" seems to tell Miss Xia: "It's killing me! It's killing me!" Many leaves have lost their support and fell to the ground. One tree connected to another. Soon there was a leaf carpet on the ground.

The small dragonfly dances gracefully on the water surface of the pond with the sound of rain. The birds flew under the eaves, and the rooster flapped his big wings and moved his feet, barking and running under the canopy.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is more and more water on the street, which seems to be a river. The raindrops beat on the water, splashing water flowers.

Slowly, Miss Xia stopped singing. The rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky followed Miss Xia's singing quietly.

There is less water on the street, people come out of the house, cicadas start to sing, birds fly into the blue sky again, "chirping", roosters come out from the canopy again, as if they are enjoying the world after the rain! Even the spider that sheltered from the rain in the corner climbed out and began to weave its new home. Everything is back to the usual bustle. There are more cars on the street.

It had thunderstorms in the afternoon for several days in a row, but unlike in spring, the rain was very short and suddenly came and went.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (16)

When it comes to summer, some people will think of swaying cattail fans, frozen fruits and melons in the old well, and continuous noisy cicadas in the shade. Some people will think of the clear night sky, the bright stars all over the sky, and the little fireflies flying in the air.

But the summer in my memory is the home of rain.

In midsummer in the north, a dark cloud often sweeps across the sky, followed by torrential rain.

It was still sunny. The old people sat under the tree and watched the chess pieces. The children and their partners chase and play with each other, and the free people chatter in groups. The lines in the yard are drying wet clothes or a bed of quilts, which are colorful.

The sun is like a naughty child. In a twinkling of an eye, it hides behind the clouds. The clouds in the distance began to gather, and the heavy cloud pressure people could not breathe. It was getting dark, and the old people under the tree scattered in a crowd. The children still laughed and refused to leave until they heard their parents' cries. The people who got home raced against the clock to put away the bedding on the rope for fear that it would be too late. In a moment, there was no one in the noisy street, but cicadas on the trees were chirping tirelessly.

That kind of rush is always unexpected. The first step into the house, followed by rain.

Big raindrops hit the window hard. With the sound of crackling rain, the window left water marks, and the rain curtain hung on the eaves. Looking out, the world has long been covered by rain.

It was raining all the time, and the wind blew hard. Then they whirled and shook. Under the empty tree, there is only an empty chessboard. Scattered rain falls on the chessboard to act as chess pieces. This is the game of wind and rain. This is the unique play of nature.

For a long time, the sound of crackling on the window disappeared and was replaced by gentle drizzle. The light rain flowers are like the drifting fog, white and boundless. Kissing the pedestrian's cheek, slightly itching, and gently wetting clothes. She seems to have thousands of magic fingers and thousands of rain strings. Only such changeable rain can play such changeable sounds.

In the evening, the rain stopped, listening to the sound of water ticking under the eaves. From the bottom of my heart, I felt as if I had never lived before. Gently walk into the alley, the raindrops jump on the surrounding tiles, that is the musician of nature. The puddles on the ground are shining, oh! It holds the sunset.

Summer Rain Composition Junior High School (17)

Xia Yu is extraordinary. With wind and thunder, he makes a "crackle crackle crackle" sound, like beans in a frying pan, which makes the house tile "

The sound of "Pa Pa". Instantly, a huge rain net was covered from the sky.

The summer rain is boundless, and the distant mountains are indistinct and mysterious.

The summer rain is cool. It washes away the dust, the heat, the dirt, the earth, and brings comfort and coolness.

The summer rain is cheerful. It falls into the pond and makes a tick sound. The little crab climbs out of the water. Use pliers to beat the rhythm, and light rain jumps out of the water to listen to the cheerful symphony.

The summer rain is