Cherish Youth (8 Practical Articles)
Ordinary mind
2024-01-05 02:53:14
primary school

Cherish Youth (1)

Standing on a cliff, looking at the luxurious and bright youth crawling at their feet, wave goodbye, the past, the all night revelry.


I like to lie in bed and think about my future, especially on a quiet night like this, where no one bothers me, and I want to run like a runaway wild horse. It suddenly occurred to me that I might have such a quiet night when I was old. I might listen to elegant songs, sit on a cane chair and slowly shake, and miss my arrogant youth. What kind of artistic conception should it be?

How much does a person's youth account for his life journey? One third or one quarter, I can't tell. I vaguely feel that my youth is flying fast. This feeling is just like that today is Monday but the weekend is coming in a blink of an eye. It is too fast to be accepted. From the beginning to the end of the year, I have walked for many years, making the years almost bend into a bow. I always feel that time is too fast, just like the speed of light, which is difficult to surpass. It's very helpless.

Xue Xue is my friend. She once told me that we would be together forever. I sneer at it. I said that the words of the ancients are classic, and there is no feast that never ends. She laughed. Then one day, we really separated. In different places, different schools. The day she left, she said you were right again. I squatted down and cried. Because I know some people will never meet again once they are separated. She turned and left. I could see her thin shoulders shaking in the wind. Later, we didn't contact each other for a long time, not because we didn't want to, but because we didn't dare. The past friendship is so far away now. I thought we would make a monthly communication agreement, but only when things happen will I know that things will not develop in the direction I thought. Perhaps, this is the legendary effect of youth! It is unpredictable and difficult to grasp.

Youth is to bear hardships together and enjoy happiness together. Although the process is as short as Epiphyllum, it is more brilliant than fireworks.

I remember a sentence in a TV play before: "What youth leaves us, we will become what kind of people." I often think, what youth can leave me, it should be a lot, but I can't feel it now. Maybe one day, I will suddenly wake up, but I don't know when I will wait. Maybe it is the end of life or just a moment. But youth is too abstract for me, so I don't know how to grasp it, control it, and most importantly, how to cherish it.

I remember Jay Chou wrote a song called "Snail", which is very inspirational and pleasant to listen to. I especially like the lyrics of the song: "Small days have big dreams/heavy shells live in a light distance/I want to go up step by step/climb to the highest point and fly forward with the leaves/let the wind dry the tears and sweat flowing through/One day I will belong to my day."

Stand on the shore of the years, and make a splash to your past. The line that can be reached, the years that cannot be reached; Audible promises and inaudible fleeting years are all traces of youth. So far, those good and bad in the past, new and old, beautiful and ugly have remained in the past. Cherish the youth you have now, and do not let the growth rings of the years turn. Fortunately, at the moment when life stops, you will not regret it.

Cherish Youth (2)

Time is like a small stream, winding and flowing, leaving behind all kinds of water lines. The water lines under the sun are shining with youth and vitality.

The trees are long and the birds are singing. Rows of willows are green. A person leans under a willow tree. The willow tree has sprouted new green, and the glory of life is quietly opening. There are too many beautiful memories left here. The flowers bloom and fall, and the withered branches grow new. Time, like raindrops falling on the earth, leaves a gorgeous rain mark in the air and then disappears into the earth.

Sitting alone in the moonlight at night, I can't help but feel the sadness of "farewell in Nanpu, the west wind curling in autumn.". Alone in the shade of willow trees in the daytime, I also have the heroic vision of "sailing through the wind and waves sometimes, hanging the cloud sail to help the sea.". Youth should be like this. Remember that long-distance race? The competition of catching up is the strength of our youth and endless vitality. Remember that tug of war? The strength of each of us is condensed on that rope. The deep friendship between us is our strongest strength. Remember that group photo? Our smiles are full of reluctance, which is a symbol of friendship. Remember the song we sang together at the New Year's party every year? It is the symbol of youth and the witness of friendship.

The sun is tottering in the western mountains, and the warm afterglow still shines on the willow tree. The breeze gently blows the willow tree's hair, sending out bursts of fragrance. It was getting dark, but the willow tree was still shining new green. The willow tree stretched its branches. Although it could not hold back the pace of time, it was blooming new green on the branches.

Time is like drifting water, never to return, but our youth has left a sparkling light in this water.

Cherish Youth (3)

Time flies like an arrow, time flies like a shuttle, cherish time, and let life glow with infinite glory. Time, like flowing water, passes through our fingers minute by minute, but we can't keep it; Time, like a melodious tune, passes by carelessly. Time is stingy and generous. The diligent man is the master of time, and the lazy man is the slave of time. If you win time, you win wealth. If you abandon time, time will abandon you.

An important secret of Lu Xun's success is to cherish time. He said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you squeeze it, there will always be time. Mr. Lu Xun's family is not very rich, and his living environment is not very good. In addition, he has many illnesses in his life, but he works late every day, and time seems to be in his hands. Mr. Lu Xun cherishes time so much, but I don't know how to cherish time. Let precious time pass in front of my eyes. For example, when I come back every day, I always throw my schoolbag aside and open the computer to play games. Sometimes I think of finishing my homework late at night. Day after day, back and forth.

One day when I saw the alarm clock on the desk, I stared at the alarm clock in boredom, watching the pointer move around in circles, listening to the familiar click sound of the pointer as it moved, I fell into meditation, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly realized. Time does not leave us in a daze. If time is used for thinking, it will be the source of wisdom; Spend time reading, it will be the source of knowledge; It is the essence of life to devote time.

Although I have wasted a lot of precious time before, I will not let time run away from my hands again. The candle has a heart, so it can shed tears and inject sparkling light into people; Willow has a heart, so he can lower his hand and meditate to bring sober green to the sleepy earth; Flowers have a heart, so they can float out the fragrance of youth in the sun. Cherish the "validity period" of life, Chuang Tzu said, "life in heaven and earth, if fleeting". Therefore, Sima Guang used a pillow to remind himself to cherish time. Hugo shaved his hair and beard to refuse to waste his life; Lu Xun devoted his coffee drinking time to his non-stop work.

Time is like a net. Where you sow it, you will reap it. Smart, diligent and ambitious people deeply understand that time is life, even more precious than life. They will never let precious time slip away. Edison, the great inventor, always treasured time. He devoted his time to invention and struggled to experiment late at night. Thirsty, drink cold water; Hungry, eat a piece of bread; Sleepy, lie on the table and take a nap. Newton, Madame Curie, Einstein... This is true of all ambitious and accomplished people. They never waste time, let alone wait and see tomorrow. Time is their precious treasure in life.

We are still young, and the time of youth is even more precious. We should cherish the time of youth more, and not waste time on those false games or useless books. Youth, only once, flows away and never comes back.

Time, gone forever. Youth is like a basin of water. If you spill it, it will disappear. This just proves a sentence: "Youth is not a short candle, but a torch that we take over for the time being. We should burn it more vigorously, and then pass it on to the next generation." Let us cherish time and let it shine in our colorful years, wonderful life, and brilliant youth.

Cherish Youth (4)

Little by little memories have wings.

Gone far away.

Reach out and grab.

But it is lost from the hands.

Fragmentary thoughts.

With a vague and clear smile.

Stranded in the harbor of the heart lake.

Reflects the imprint of youth.

Tears like broken buds.

Aromatic, mellow and dry with ideas.

I want to keep the time when flowers bloom.

One after another efforts to bloom.

Petals are shining with flowers.

But just as the flowers fall.

I can't stay.

I only hope that next year will be more splendid.

I want to keep my youth.

But when the horn sounded.

He looked at the end of the clock and watched it turn second by second.

Listen to the sound of ticking.

I don't think I can stay.

Youth time.

There is no chance to come again next year.

I want to keep time.

Keep it frozen in my heart.

Wish to cherish time and youth.

Cherish Youth (5)

Bing Xin once said in her "Turning off Happiness": "You can't say what happiness is, I can only say what she looks like." I can't say what she is like, such an abstract thing as happiness, but I dare say boldly: "Youth is happiness."

Youth is magnificent, nothing can compare with her, no matter peony or rose. She is shining like gold, which makes people marvel at her beauty.

Youth is energetic. She is as grand as the sea and as deep as the blue sky. She is as magnificent as a desert and as gentle as water.

Youth is priceless. You can buy clothes and food with money, but you can't buy this person's youth once in a lifetime.

Youth is fair. God distributed her evenly to everyone. No matter rich or poor, that's why we have the advice of "young and young do not work hard, old and old are sad", and we also have the feeling of "it's easy to have a hundred years, youth will never return".

In fact, having youth is equivalent to having everything. Grasp youth, the key of life's destiny will open a wonderful door for you. If you lose your youth, you will open a completely different world. As for which door to open, it only depends on whether you can grasp the fate of youth.

Napoleon once said: "A man who wants to win never says' impossible '". So if you want to change your destiny, try your best to grasp youth, and don't say, "Impossible."

Friends, grasp youth. For your happiness, throw away the "impossible". Let it disappear completely and strive for the goal!

Praise for youth! Struggle for youth!

Cherish Youth (6)

Who has immortal youth, only to make it immortal

Maybe youth is the worry that parents never stop nagging; Maybe youth is a small secret in the book in the drawer; Maybe youth has countless passions and crazy impulses;

Standing at the age of high school sophomore who is experiencing youth, it may be too simple to talk about youth. Maybe I haven't experienced many emotional setbacks, betrayal of friendship or what others call a cruel run away from home. But I know that people have only one youth in their life, and I hope I can achieve one thing in these innocent and carefree years. Don't try to indulge yourself in this limited youth. And I don't want my son to be educated by an old mother who has never met in college. I will let my youth shine and be immortal.

Time only takes away your face, and the only thing left in your heart is eternal youth. Who has not been arrogant, and has always been moving forward with a spirit of fearing death for everything. Who has no love and impulse for the opposite sex in his youth, and has filled his diary with worries and locked it, No one wept secretly after the failure, but dared not admit it under the pride of longing. Become extreme, become mature, become rebellious, become difficult to control themselves, become too delicate in many things, become irrational. Is youth causing trouble? No, it is you who are wasting your youth, bluffing and bluffing under the guise of youth, and finally losing yourself and youth.

Maybe I can't guarantee how hard I study. At least I know what I want calmly and clearly. I don't want some illusory feelings. I don't need to compare whether my clothes are famous brands, nor do I need to worry about the future of others. I just need to study hard for myself and nothing else. It's like choosing to degenerate for a while, but I always see time chasing me. It tells me to "cherish time and youth". Then I will think that every cell in my body was once an asteroid, and then I will survive. Sometimes I don't know where my little ideas come from. Fortunately, at least it is good.

Maybe when you experience these growth, you will experience countless setbacks and disappointments, but you must always believe that when you are still young, the pain you suffered, the losses you suffered, the responsibilities you shouldered, and the sins you shouldered will eventually become light, illuminating your path. And you also realize your own value and have more and better things on the bright road in the future.

Youth is like this. When you carry it with you, it is worthless. Only by using it up and looking back, can everything be meaningful. Those who have loved us and hurt us are the meaning of our youth. There is no time to be serious and young. When we understand, we can only choose to be serious and old!

Cherish Youth (7)

They are still frivolous and young, and how much time they wasted to become youth. Youth should have sung songs in the daytime and indulged in everything in the Jianghu. However, the suffering of life fetters us; Our parents' expectations hold us back; The tension of study oppresses us. We always have many troubles when we are young. We are like oysters in the deep sea. Do we curl up in the shell to escape the reality, or do we bravely accept the sand, and sublimate into dazzling pearls in pain? Everyone has their own answers and choices.

Someone said that "the bed is the tomb of youth", but Yu Shen thought that he had never overcome his laziness in nature. Our youth is the future of our country, the flower of the greenhouse, the genius and the prodigy. Our youth should be profligate. However, what is left of the self who has squandered his youth and accomplished nothing? However, "a bustling dream, the white land is really clean". The most beautiful but young, the best but youth. Youth is not fun or capricious. It is the youth buried behind the books that is the flower, lasting and more fragrant. Just as the saying goes, "I urge you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, and I urge you to cherish your youth", I polish a long sword with ten years of youth, and when it comes out of its sheath, it will be amazing. The bright future of your success depends on the blood and tears of youth.

Walk and sing along the long road of years, drink and ride horses, and keep company with youth. The Royal Guards will return home in the future. Can you regret your poor years? If you come back to the world once again, or if you leave a breathtaking sigh when the fireworks are gorgeous and fleeting, or if you are difficult to find by all living beings, or if you leave a heavy mark in the history books. If you can live up to your original aspiration, you can live up to your youth.

For me, youth reposes dreams. I am unwilling to hide in the world, unwilling to live a mediocre life, and would rather be the firecracker that can make the demons dare to destroy! What if I turn back to ashes? Life is just like a dream. If you don't gamble on youth with your life, what's the meaning of life?

Please cherish your youth. This is a unique youth, a youth that only comes once, a youth that belongs to you. The youth will never return. I hope you will never regret when you hear this youth movement from the music box of time many years later.

Winged by dreams, we sing the praises of youth, and with the fearless courage of young people, we wave our clothes and anger freely!

Said: "My youth, do not regret.". I hope you can smile to cherish your youth here.

Cherish Youth (8)

The tail of youth

Looking at the dim old photos in front of me, I felt safe. I was moved by my youth, like a grand and prosperous drama.

The sky is still weird blue, no loneliness, no happiness. As I breathed clean and textured air, I suddenly remembered Haizi's "facing the sea, spring blossoms" - what a happy life it is!

Youth - This is a stage that is as pure as a clear and transparent dream. Although it is short and suffocating, it occupies the best memory of people indelibly.

In growing up year after year, I have strange but ordinary feelings such as sadness, pain, confusion, confusion, etc. During this time, I was either agitated or tearful, leaving reasons for eloquence in my young and thin youth handbook.

Youth is an occasional wandering around on a bicycle, with no direction and no end. With a low mood, I shuttled in the dark and shy corner, smiling at the expressionless pedestrians, which was hysterical emptiness. Inadvertently think of someone who used to be.

Wearing cheap white shirts in sunset melting gold; A laissez faire look; Whistle to passers-by from time to time; Confused with examination papers; I think Paris, France is the most romantic place; No belief; Chat with strange opposite sex; Think that the whole world is the smartest; I can't stand the rules and regulations of discipline. This is not found in other age groups. It is also the seal of youth and cannot be erased.

I will not be lost in the encounter of life, just like fireworks shining in the sky and then falling down, soon there will be no trace to find. Sometimes I indulge myself to release my dissatisfaction. For example, I willfully don't take an umbrella in rainy days, and then I catch a cold.

Most of the time, I hide in the dark and suck my wounds silently. Time will quietly pass through the lonely bushes and tear open the shutter of memory. I am in the midst of youth, raging and decadent myself.

Those things that have been powerless will be mercilessly diluted by the years along with the memory of youth, as easy as the purple kapok is forgotten. That is, in this rotating time, my sensitive fingers hit the computer keyboard, making a lonely voice like youth. Then there was a scattered low-key.

Standing on the tail of youth, I found that I was so brave, and all my helplessness was coming to an end, but the process was very painful, like a heartless bad boy.

Coffee, youth

The reason why I unconsciously chose coffee was not because of the taste of first bitter and then mellow. Just because of the unknown fatigue when I came to senior high school, bagged Nestle coffee and exquisite coffee cups appeared on my desk. Occasionally, I watched the brown liquid rotating due to stirring, in which fine particles rolled heartily and then slowly melted into a part of the liquid. Just like the restless youth enjoying the boiling in high school.

We brew coffee in a cup, just as we brew youth in high school, what do we gain?

A cup of brewed coffee, when first tasted, is a kind of bitter and astringent. We often have this feeling when we are boiling in high school. In the face of their parents' expectations of children and women, I feel my heart is more than my strength; Looking at the ups and downs of the score analysis table like the value law table, I weighed my broken self-confidence; Looking at the stars in the distance, she sighed slightly and wiped the glasses on her nose that became heavier and heavier with the growth of school age; Decadent and powerless, he fell down on the pitch with loud voice, and looked at the scoreboard flipping quickly in the opposite side; Our mouth often has an arc of less than 10 degrees, a standard wry smile, with a trace of self mockery and self reproach, and we may cry "Go out with a laugh in the sky, we are not Penghao people" to console ourselves, but more is to stay quietly in the corner to slowly dilute the bitter.

The bitterness of the coffee slowly faded, and we tasted the mellow taste. Youth gradually ferments, emitting a touch of sweetness. In these colorful and childish years, our life is like a short and pithy philosophical poem, short, but long. In a corner of the classroom, we can quietly taste the fragrance of words; Through the thin bangs covered in front of us and through the antique wooden windows, we can stare at the old banyan trees outside the window, which are comparable to the teaching building; This year is like the splash ink landscape painting. We draw a heavy outline in the thick part, and we weigh carefully in the light part, and follow our rhythm in peace; There is also Naqia, a young student, who is at the height of his youth and wild, who lies on his back on the lawn in front of the teaching building with a wild smile. Then with the click of the shutter, youth will be frozen here forever; With the slow rotation of the music called youth in the gramophone of high school, it may be as melodious and lingering as the autumn whisper of Clydeman, or as passionate as the vast ocean and sky of Byond, carrying our reluctance, youth will soar, hover and hover in our sky like this

Youth, the season of flowers

The autumn wind is rolling the fallen leaves, floating down. Looking at the leisurely and swirling leaves all over the sky, I feel inexplicable emotion in my heart. When I look back, what kind of flower season we had when we were 17 years old.

We gradually grow up through accumulation and training. Life gives us colorful pictures. The bloom and fall of youth make us no longer lonely. Look back.

We learned to be strong when we grew up. When the problems of life pressed us again and again, we stood up and faced them with tears, smiled and said: "Life tests our will!

"The strong flower on the youth tree bloomed. It understood patience, strength, and commitment.

We have learned self-confidence in our growth. When the inferiority complex affects us again and again, we bravely pick up our own life's color palette and boldly mix colors on the palette of life. The self-confidence flower on the youth tree bloomed. It understood self-confidence, learned to abandon inferiority, learned to challenge life and challenge the future!

We learned to have dreams when we grew up. When the loss and helplessness hit us, we arrogantly put up the bamboo raft to go on a voyage, seeking the ideal of life, with dreams as wings, even if the big waves, we can sail. The ideal flower on the youth tree bloomed. It learned to have a dream, that every heart has a pair of wings, and that there is no place that cannot be reached

Youth, the season of flowers, we have a strong, confident, with the ideal, years like tide, surging, like dreams like smoke of the past, sowing its fragrance. We have stepped through the era of childhood warmth, and are weaving a dream of youth and happiness. Young people, please use the spirit of self-improvement to develop, forge ahead, and innovate! The glorious road of life is waiting for us to step on it. The success of flowers, applause, and smiling faces is waiting for us to fight for! Young friends, youth does not say tired, believe it! Life is more wonderful because of us!