Writing about animals in the first day of junior high school (4 in total)
Old Hunter
2024-05-11 05:43:40
Junior 1

Writing about Animals in Junior One (1)

The little animals went to school today, which was the first day of school for the little animals. The little white rabbit and the little squirrel came to the school early to clean up. At this time, the little dog came and said, "Wow, how clean the classroom is! How beautiful the walls and pillars are!" So he picked up a pen and wrote on the pillar, "I am the third to arrive", When the little squirrel saw it, he said, "Look at the beautiful pillar. What did it look like?" The little dog was embarrassed and took the initiative to admit the mistake to the little squirrel and the little white rabbit. The Sanyang teacher knew this and praised the little squirrel. The little white rabbit and the little dog said, "You are good children!"

How to write about small animals

; How to write about small animals? If you want to write about small animals well, you should first observe them carefully and observe the same animal as many times as possible. When observing, pay attention to the following two points: 1. Observe in a certain order. Generally, it is from beginning to end or from top to bottom, or the whole can be first and then the part. 2. Observe the characteristics. For example, the rabbit's long ears and three beaks; A kitten's talking eyes, whiskers, etc. Three aspects should be paid attention to when writing: 1. There should be content and order. Generally speaking, we should pay attention to the characteristics of animals in the order of observation. 2. Have some imagination. 3. Third, the language should be fluent. For example, the little white rabbit has a pair of long ears, ruby like eyes, a three valve mouth, and a short and small tail. It is covered with snow-white fur, like a big pompon. The little white rabbit has short front legs and long back legs. It is very cute when walking.

Writing about Animals in Junior One (2)

There are 10 koi with their own characteristics in my aquarium. They are the only pets in my family.

These koi are really beautiful: some have eyes like black pearls, as if they were saying to me: "Look, my eyes are so beautiful, no one can match me!"; Some fish have black upper lip and red lower lip; Some of them are golden red, like a princess with a body of gold powder, and their whole body is shining with golden light; Some are covered with black and white stripes, which are exactly the same as the stripes on the zebras in the zoo; Some of them have big stomachs, and they swim very slowly, which makes them very clumsy and silly; Some were silver all over, like a piece of silver in the dark; Some have short tails. Don't underestimate them! Its swimming skills are better than all the fish in the aquarium! The koi swim beautifully. Sometimes they swing their fins and slowly swim forward. Sometimes they open their eyes and slightly swing their slender bodies.

I remember one time when I finished all my homework, packed my schoolbag, walked out of the room, and saw the koi swimming happily in the aquarium. I felt very happy at once, so I walked over. The koi thought I would put the feed into the fish tank, and they swam to me desperately, wagging their tails desperately, as if they were saying to me, "My friends and I haven't eaten for two days. We are hungry, would you please give us some feed?" I felt sorry for these "little guys", so I quickly put a little feed into the fish tank, and when they saw the feed, they immediately swam up, Their mouths feed back and forth. Hehe, when they were full, they swam to me and waved their tails as if to say, "Thank you for giving us the feed."

I love these 10 distinctive koi. Even if I have to move in the future, I have to take them with me. I will always remember them.

[Comment] The description of the koi by the author of this article is very wonderful. Both the action description and the appearance description are in place. "Some... some" describes the uniqueness of each little life. The love for these little creatures is shown between the lines.

Writing about Animals in Junior One (3)

A round mouth opens and closes one by one, a pair of watery eyes are black and bright, a body of fiery red armor is sparkling, and a flexible and beautiful tail makes up a lively little goldfish.

Small goldfish are sometimes very playful. They are also very cute when playing. Some of them play with ghosts to catch people. The ghosts slow down first, and then catch people when they are unprepared! Some are playing hide and seek. The hidden goldfish hide in the water plants as if they are invisible. The goldfish they find can never be found. Others are going through the cracks in the stone. They are lining up to rush forward one by one, as if the water in the aquarium is the sea. They are going to rush to the front to get the treasure. I want to join them.

Little goldfish is still a big food! They eat to the east and to the west. They refuse to give up after all the eight fish feed has been eaten. If they do not give food, they will go out of the water. They want to bite me. What an airs!

Small goldfish are sometimes very domineering. When I put a fish feed into the water, they all want to eat the fish feed, so some goldfish start competing with each other. But by the time they decide whether to win or lose, the fish feed has been eaten up by goldfish that have not fought. At this time, those domineering goldfish will attack the goldfish that ate the fish feed, They won't stop until I throw some more fish feed into the water.

What's more, I found that they have another characteristic when they sleep: they sleep with their eyes open. Why is this? I checked on the Internet and found that goldfish have no eyelids. They are paralyzed when they sleep. If you touch your hand on the water, they will immediately return to normal and then run away.

The goldfish are playful, greedy and overbearing. How much they want to be overbearing piglets!

Writing about Animals in Junior One (4)

Cute Little Turtle

My family has two turtles, one is big, the other is small. The big one is called Xiaohui, and the small one is called Xiaoqing. They have lived in my family for five years.

Xiaoqing and Xiaohui have many common characteristics. They always carry a hard shell on their back, which is full of patterns; Their round eyes are like two small gems, which are very smart; Their tails are short and often hide in their shells; They all like to eat meat, and when they are full, they rest in the fishbowl without moving. As the weather gets colder and colder, they eat less and less, and then they don't eat anything - they want to hibernate. When spring comes, they will be lively and stretch out their necks to look for food everywhere. Maybe it's because they don't eat in winter. They always grow slowly.

The turtle is so timid. When I touch its shell with my fingers, it will immediately retract its head, feet and tail into the shell, and will not come out for a long time. Sometimes they take a lazy walk in the room. As soon as they hear a sound, they stop quickly and do not move until they are sure there is no danger. The most interesting thing is that the big tortoise carries the small tortoise. Xiaoqing often climbs on Xiaohui's back and slowly crawls on Xiaohui's back. But when he hears any sound, Xiaoqing will roll down from Xiaohui's back immediately and retract his head, feet and tail into the shell, motionless, very cute!

I also did a small experiment. When I put my fingers on a transparent fish bowl, two little guys would bite my fingers with their mouths open. Put a small goldfish in the fish tank, and the small goldfish will become the object of their bullying. They will bite the big tail of the small goldfish into bald. They really want to eat anything they see.

The cute and funny turtles make me like them more and more.