Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (8 recommended)
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2024-05-11 05:53:02

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (1)

Today, I wanted to eat dumplings, so I asked my mother to cook them for me. My mother patted my head and said; "Little greedy cat, you are not too young. You can eat dumplings, but you need to learn. I'll make them today, and I'll make them myself later." I smiled and nodded.

My mother first brought a large basin with white glutinous rice flour in it, and then brought two balls of lard stuffing. She rubbed them into a bowl as big as longans. Pour a small amount of water into the basin, shake it repeatedly, then squeeze a large dough, and then pick the noodles into sections. Then, knead sections of dough into a shape similar to a small bowl, and finally put in a spoonful of filling and knead it into a round shape.

I watched my grandmother quickly rub out glutinous rice balls, and couldn't help trying. I told my grandmother this idea, and she agreed. Ask me to wash my hands quickly. Only after washing my hands can I make dumplings. I washed my hands and couldn't wait to learn from my grandmother; Well, I tried too hard, and the dumpling revealed its filling. How ugly it is to see white with black! Later, I rubbed a few more, and they were white and round. Looking at the results of my own work, I was very happy!

Grandma fried a pot of dumplings in a pot. First, she heated the oil in the pan and fried the dumplings one by one. When all sides are yellow, they will be ripe.

Grandma just took the cooked dumplings out of the pot. I inhaled the fragrance and ate one. It was delicious. As I ate, I thought, "There is a legend in our country that eating dumplings for the Spring Festival symbolizes family reunion and harmony. Is this true? Maybe it is true. I hope our family can be happy every day!

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (2)

After the New Year's Eve dinner, we were all happily watching the Spring Festival Gala, but my mother and aunt were still busy, so they were making dumplings.

They are in no hurry and are not busy wrapping dumplings, and those white and round dumplings are neatly placed in the tray, cute and beautiful. I thought it was very interesting, so I wanted to work with my mother. I washed my hands first, and then, like my mother, I took a small piece of glutinous rice flour, put it in my palm and squeezed it into a small bowl. Then I put a small ball of sesame dumpling stuffing in a small "bowl" and sealed the mouth. Finally, I put it in my palm and rolled it into a round shape. But when the dumpling cracked in my hand, the stuffing revealed, It made me very nervous. My mother taught me to rub gently, with my hands bent, or I would not rub round. I used this method, and the tangyuan finally became round, but there was still some stuffing exposed outside, like a smiling doll, which made us laugh.

My cousin and my cousin came to help me when they saw how happy I was. I finally made a qualified dumpling, and they gradually became skilled. But my cousin began to make trouble when he could. He made a long dumpling with a tail on the back. My mother "fired" my cousin because he was so careless. My cousin wanted to continue to make dumplings, but my mother wouldn't let me do anything, so my cousin could only watch the Spring Festival Gala. After a while, we had already made a lot of dumplings. My mother asked us if we wanted to taste our own dumplings. Of course, we were happy.

The dumplings were cooked quickly, and we started to eat. I had a taste, which was very delicious. It was more delicious than any dumplings I usually eat. Maybe it was because I made them myself! Mom said it was delicious.

I had a very happy New Year's Eve this year because I not only learned how to make dumplings, but also helped my mother.

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (3)

This morning, I heard my brother yelling "Eat dumplings!" in the living room. When I was still asleep, I felt like being called up loudly. I got up quickly and washed.

After finishing the washing, I came to the big living room, but my mother said, "I will go to have a haircut with your brother, and you can cook dumplings yourself." I was stunned for a moment, and then agreed to my mother. Before leaving, my mother specially said to me: "When cooking dumplings, we must let them be put next to the water in the pot!" "Oh," I answered carelessly.

I started to cook dumplings. I took out a bag of frozen dumplings from the refrigerator. The water in the pot had boiled. I tore the packaging bag and put the dumplings one by one into the pot. But I was immediately dumbfounded when I had just put the first dumplings. Because I used the "high altitude throwing method" to put the dumplings, so a lot of water splashed out of the pot. At this "critical moment", I remembered my mother's words. I tried to release some according to the way my mother told me. "Hey, it's really smart. The water didn't spill a drop." I suddenly realized. When all the dumplings were cooked, I sat on the sofa patiently waiting for the dumplings that had gone through the "ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties" to be cooked. The long three minutes finally passed. Like an alarm clock set by someone, I immediately stood up and headed for the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I opened the lid of the pot, and the hot air came to my face. After I checked that the dumplings were all ripe, I took a bowl to scoop up five dumplings and ate them in the living room. At the end of the meal, I found a crack in one of the dumplings. "I was not careful when I put it on." I said to myself, thinking: with this experience, you must pay attention to the next time when you cook dumplings!

Through cooking dumplings this time, I understand that everything has its secrets, and as time goes by, you will know it unintentionally

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (4)

[Part 1: Boiling Tangyuan]

Today, I volunteered to cook dumplings for my mother. After my hard work, I finally went to the battlefield.

Looking at the dumplings, they seemed to become small question marks, and countless voices hovered in my ears: "Can you do it?", "Can you do it?"...... I didn't believe it. I "bravely" poured boiling water into the pot, and a few minutes later, "enemy one" was defeated (the water boiled), and then I would face "enemy two" and cook dumplings. After defeating "Enemy 1" (boiled water), I bravely threw "Enemy 2" (tangyuan) down, as if I remembered the scene of stone sinking into the sea. "Report that I have put" Enemy II "into the battlefield!" I report to the commander (mother). Five to seven minutes after the "fierce battle", Tangyuan came up and continued the "fierce battle". Two or three minutes later, "Enemy II" was defeated (Tangyuan was cooked). The battle was successful.

After this "battle" victory, I finally got the "trophy" - Tangyuan. Blow a dumpling in your mouth, its skin is smooth and it emits a light fragrance. Take a gentle bite and linger in your mouth. It's really delicious! I also gave it to my mother.

Today, I not only learned to make dumplings, but also got happiness and happiness.

[Part 2: Boiling Tangyuan]

Today, I got up early in the morning. Since my mother hadn't got up yet, I had to cook dumplings by myself.

I went to the kitchen and took out dumplings from the refrigerator. I first put two bowls of water in the pot, then turned on the gas and waited for the water to boil. Taking this opportunity, I quickly removed the packing bag of dumplings and saw round, chubby little snowballs lying quietly in the plastic lattice. When the water boiled, I opened the lid of the pot, carefully put the snowball into the pot, and then covered the pot. After a while, the water in the pot was boiling again, and a lot of hot gas came out. I quickly opened the lid of the pot to see that some dumplings were floating gently on the water; Others jump up and down, unwilling to settle down. I added a cup of cold water to the pot in the way my mother taught me before. Suddenly, the naughty "children" just now suddenly became obedient "children". They seemed to obey orders and sank to the bottom of the pot again. I covered the pot with satisfaction.

Two or three minutes later, when I opened the lid again, I saw: Ah! Snowball seemed to be enchanted and gained a lot of weight. It became a pure white ping-pong ball on the water! Flip somersault. The dumplings are ripe.

After tasting my own achievements, I nodded with satisfaction, because it was cooked by myself, so I felt better.

[Chapter 3: Composition of Boiling Tangyuan]

Mother is ill. When I get up in the morning, I'm going to cook dumplings myself.

First of all, I boiled half a pot of water, and after a while, bubbles of all sizes kept floating in the water - the water boiled. Then, I took out a package of dumplings in the refrigerator and poured them into the water. Look, these "little pearls" have each found a comfortable and stable place and started to "sleep"

After sleeping for about five or six minutes, they became restless and began to "somersault" on the water, making a lot of noise and excitement! I heard their footsteps and noise, so I quickly fished them out.

Looking at the round and tender glutinous rice balls on the plate, my mouth watered involuntarily. I thought: Mom must be very happy to see them. I ran to ask my mom to taste them.

After eating, my mother said happily, "Son, this is the best dumplings I have ever eaten. How sweet it is! Thank you!" I smiled happily as I watched my mother eat dumplings.

[Chapter 4: Boiling Tangyuan]

Today, on a whim, I cooked a pot of dumplings for my family.

Start cooking dumplings. I poured a little water into the pot, and the water began to boil after a short time in the pot, and small bubbles appeared, like bubbles blown by naughty children. I took the dumplings out of the bag. They were still cold, as if covered with ice. After a while, more than a dozen dumplings jumped into the water. This is, the water is not bubbling, and three or five dumplings are cooking together, as if in a meeting! There were several others around, as if they were whispering. Gradually, gradually, the temperature of tangyuan is getting higher and higher. They slowly rise and rotate, like children dancing ballet, and are constantly changing their tracks.

All the glutinous rice balls came up, and a pot of glutinous rice balls was ready. My mouth watered and I couldn't wait to have a bite, my mother said with a smile; "Little greedy worm, the dumplings are still very hot, you can't even lick them." I had to swallow my saliva. After a few minutes, the dumpling won't be hot. I tasted one. Ah! How sweet! So I ate another one, and my father also ate one and said; "How sweet!"

This time when I went to the kitchen, I realized the fun of cooking again!

[Chapter 5: Boiling Tangyuan]

Early in the morning, I was in a good mood, so I learned to cook dumplings from my mother.

My mother broke a small piece from a ball of glutinous rice balls, rubbed it in the palm of her hand, kneaded it into a round shape, grabbed a hole, and loaded the meat into it. Finally, knead it into a circle and place it on the cutting board. Very simply, I can't wait to squeeze a small piece into my hand and learn how to make it. At the beginning, the dumplings didn't listen to me. They could not be round by rubbing around. "Give your palm a little bit, so..." My mother showed me how to do it. I quickly followed my mother's method, and after a while, the dumplings became round. I made a big hole in the middle with my thumb, and then put the meat filling in. The meat filling is always exposed. How come I don't listen to dumplings in my hands? I'm a little worried. "Look at me" mother took the dumpling and pressed the meat stuffing, which was easily closed. Mother said while wrapping, "There is too much stuffing, which can't be twisted, and it is easy to burst when cooking! There is too little stuffing, which is not delicious, so we should master it.".

Later, I rubbed a few more, and under the guidance of my mother, my dumplings became better and better. Looking at my dumplings, I felt happy. They are the fruits of my labor!

I began to cook. It was not easy to wait until the water boiled. I carefully put the dumplings into the nest one by one. After that, in order not to let the dumplings stick to the pot, I used the soup ladle to swing back and forth. I turned on the big fire. After a while, I saw a dumpling with a crack. The meat came out quickly, and the soup also changed color. I quickly turned down the fire. After about two minutes, one by one, the dumpling floated up. They shook their white bodies and looked proud. The size seemed to grow larger. I waited for a while, when my mother said "OK", I quickly started to scoop into the bowl. When I caught the chopsticks, a smell came to my face.

It tastes different when you eat your own dumplings!

[Chapter 6: Boiling Yuanxiao]

After the Spring Festival, I look forward to the early arrival of the Lantern Festival, so that I can eat my favorite dumplings.

Today is the Lantern Festival. When I got up, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to eat dumplings!" My mother smiled and said, "OK! I'll cook them for you right away!"

Soon, my mother brought a bowl of delicious dumplings. While I was happily eating, it suddenly occurred to me that if I could also cook dumplings, how wonderful it would be! Later, when I want to eat, I can do it myself! She immediately said to her mother, "Mom, can you teach me how to cook dumplings? If I can cook them, I can cook them for you!" Her mother smiled and said, "OK, OK, I'll teach you!"

In the evening, my mother stood beside me, guiding me to cook dumplings. I was a little afraid to do it alone. My mother said to me, "Don't be nervous! You can do what I say, OK.

I first pour water into the pot, then turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil. Then put the dumplings into the pot happily. At this time, the hot gas in the pot was rising, and my eyes were a little closed. I didn't care about three or seven or twenty-one, so I took the lid of the pot and covered it. "Don't worry! You should turn over these dumplings with a spoon!" Mom said to me. I carefully lifted the lid of the pot and stirred it with a spoon. "It's time to add some cold water!" Mother said on the edge again. The hot gas in the pot is getting more and more. I'm in a bit of a hurry now. I don't know what to do. Mom looked and laughed! Bring a bowl of cold water and pour it into the pot. There is much less heat.

After two or three minutes, my mother said, "You can open the lid of the pot!" I opened the lid and looked, wow! The green glutinous rice balls float on the water like pieces of green jadeite, rolling in the boiling water from time to time! "The dumplings are cooked! Dad, come and see!" I cried excitedly. "Get them out quickly, or they will be burnt!" I was so happy that I forgot what to do next. My mother loudly reminded me at the side!

When a pot of delicious dumplings was put in front of my father and mother, I smiled happily.

[Chapter 7: Boiling Tangyuan for the First Time]

Today, after I finished my homework, my mother just bought some dumplings, so I scrambled to cook them. Under my "three inch tongue", my mother finally agreed.

I can't wait to open the pot, put water in it, close the switch and wait for the water to boil. I open the lid of the pot every once in a while, but the water is wrong with me. It just doesn't open. Mother poked her head in to remind me. "Oh, I see.". I went to read. I don't know how long it took, "Oh, my water!" When I rushed to the kitchen, the water in the pot was almost boiling dry. I had no choice but to add some more water and continue to boil. This time I dared not leave the pot, so I had to wait patiently beside the pot. After waiting for a long time, the water boiled. I poured all the dumplings down, and then remembered that I should put them down gently. I was immediately discouraged. However, those tangyuan are very strong, only a few of them are broken. "I can't help it. Let it be.". I sighed, and gently pushed the dumplings away with a spoon as the book said, but those failed dumplings were "listed" one by one.

When the water boiled, I turned down the fire and added some cold water. The fillings in the dumpling are all exposed and become a pot of black water. I can't help it. Just make do with it. When the water boils, I'm done.

"Mom, dinner is ready". When my mother saw my "masterpieces", she laughed up and down, but I thought they had a unique taste.

Through this cooking of glutinous rice balls, I realized that my practical ability is too poor, "once born, twice cooked". I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, I will be able to cook delicious glutinous rice balls.

[Chapter 8: Boiling Tangyuan]

Early in the morning, I was in a good mood, so I learned to cook dumplings from my mother.

My mother broke a small piece from a ball of glutinous rice balls, rubbed it in the palm of her hand, kneaded it into a round shape, grabbed a hole, and loaded the meat into it. Finally, knead it into a circle and place it on the cutting board. Very simply, I can't wait to squeeze a small piece into my hand and learn how to make it. At the beginning, the dumplings didn't listen to me. They could not be round by rubbing around. "Give your palm a little bit, so..." My mother showed me how to do it. I quickly followed my mother's method, and after a while, the dumplings became round. I made a big hole in the middle with my thumb, and then put the meat filling in. The meat filling is always exposed. How come I don't listen to dumplings in my hands? I'm a little worried. "Look at me" mother took the dumpling and pressed the meat stuffing, which was easily closed. Mother said while wrapping, "There is too much stuffing, which can't be twisted, and it is easy to burst when cooking! There is too little stuffing, which is not delicious, so we should master it.".

Later, I rubbed a few more, and under the guidance of my mother, my dumplings became better and better. Looking at my dumplings, I felt happy. They are the fruits of my labor!

I began to cook. It was not easy to wait until the water boiled. I carefully put the dumplings into the nest one by one. After that, in order not to let the dumplings stick to the pot, I used the soup ladle to swing back and forth. I turned on the big fire. After a while, I saw a dumpling with a crack. The meat came out quickly, and the soup also changed color. I quickly turned down the fire. After about two minutes, one by one, the dumpling floated up. They shook their white bodies and looked proud. The size seemed to grow larger. I waited for a while, when my mother said "OK", I quickly started to scoop into the bowl. When I caught the chopsticks, a smell came to my face.

It tastes different when you eat your own dumplings!

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (5)

I have had many firsts, but I can't forget the first time I cooked tangyuan.

It was the morning of a weekend. My mother had something to do and went out. My father had been sleeping soundly, but I got up early. I naively thought my father was making breakfast! But I ran to the kitchen to see where my father was? I think: Dad hasn't got up yet. He must have been exhausted last night. Why don't you surprise them by cooking a pot of dumplings

When I think of delicious tangyuan, my mouth has become the source of the stream -- my mouth dribbles. Don't be disgraced. Let's start cooking tangyuan.

My little hand couldn't resist the temptation of delicious tangyuan, and took out tangyuan from the refrigerator. While recalling the scene of my father cooking dumplings, I added water to the pot.

I stretched out my little hand to press the red button. At this time, I was timid at ordinary times and became bold under the temptation of delicious food. Regardless of the danger of fire burning my hands, I bravely pressed the button and quickly "escaped from the scene".

I am looking forward to my mother coming home early and the water smoking early. Suddenly, the water was smoking. I desperately opened the lid of the pot, put in the dumplings and sugar, and then continued to look forward to it.

The water started to smoke again. I reached over my hands, opened the lid of the pot, filled the dumplings, and walked to the table. Then my father got up and my mother went home.

Dad said, "Little guy, I can cook dumplings. I dare not underestimate you any more."

I ducked my mouth and said, "Dad, I'm really hungry. I don't have any sympathy."

Mom said, "Don't tease me, and try my daughter's craftsmanship!"

I ate the dumplings I cooked for the first time with relish, and my heart was happy. This is the most delicious dumplings I have ever eaten.

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (6)

After buying Yuanxiao, it must be cooked well to be both delicious and beautiful. There are several key points to master when cooking Yuanxiao:

1. Gently pinch. Before cooking, use your hand to gently pinch the Yuanxiao to make it slightly cracked. The cooked Yuanxiao is easy to cook inside and outside, soft and delicious.

2. Boil underwater. Boil the water with high heat, then put the lantern into the pot, gently push it away with the back of the spoon, let the lantern rotate a few times, and the bottom of the pot will not stick.

3. Cook gently. After the Yuanxiao is boiled in the pot until it rises, it should be quickly switched to a mild fire. If the Yuanxiao is still boiled with a strong fire at this time, it will break if it keeps rolling. If the Lantern Festival keeps turning, the heat is uneven, and it is easy to be cooked outside and hard inside.

4. Tap cold water. After the Yuanxiao is put into the pot, it should be poured with proper amount of cold water every time it is boiled to keep it in a state of rolling rather than rolling. After two or three times of boiling, it can be boiled for a while, and then it can be taken out for eating. The dumplings cooked in this way are soft, sweet and delicious.

5. Change soup frequently. After two or three pots of Yuanxiao, the soup thickens, greatly restricting the activity of water molecules, so the water should be changed before cooking. Otherwise, it will be cooked slowly and easy to be mixed.

"Three Steps" for Cooking Yuanxiao

There are many varieties of Yuanxiao, including stuffing and no stuffing. The stuffing free Yuanxiao is usually sweet, with dates, osmanthus, lotus root, longan, etc. There are sweet and salty dumplings with stuffing.

There is also a little knowledge in cooking Yuanxiao. You must master the "Three Steps". Bao Jun has a delicious Yuanxiao:

The first step is to stir the boiling water with a spoon to make it whirl, and then throw the lantern into the pot. In this way, the lantern will rotate with the water and will not stick to the pot, so that it can remain "perfect".

The second step is to turn down the fire when the Yuanxiao boiled with high fire comes out of the water, and then slowly cook it with low fire to prevent it from cracking.

The third step is to add a little cold water into the pot at any time after boiling to prevent the continuous boiling water from washing away the Lantern Festival. When the appearance becomes soft and beige, press with chopsticks, and the pot will start when it is soft, and the family will have a good meal.

The 600 word composition of the sixth grade pupils about the Lantern Festival is a clear and concise article.

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (7)

600 words in a composition about tangyuan: boiled tangyuan

In the third class in the morning of one week last semester, we came to the playground to prepare for PE class, but we held bags one by one, and many teachers cast puzzled eyes. The most interesting one was the PE teacher. They knew that we were going to cook dumplings, so they asked us to cook dumplings for them, at least ten for each person!

In the fourth class, Mr. Shi took us to the Science Museum, where everyone put everything on the table. Some people in each group were responsible for cooking dumplings, and some people prepared the materials and waited for the arrival of dumplings. The students were in a hurry. Some water boiled, but the dumplings disappeared; Some dumplings are cooked, some are in a hurry to find a bowl, and Mr. Shi is not idle. Some need to let Mr. Shi see if they are cooked, and some need teachers to cook. There is not a moment of silence in the science classroom. Our group was very successful. As soon as our water boiled, we put in two packages of tangyuan. We had a lot of tangyuan. We not only had a lot of tangyuan, but also were the fastest to eat tangyuan. Other groups envied us for eating tangyuan so quickly.

The funniest thing is that we were just trying to taste delicious dumplings, but we forgot the ones we were cooking. As I ate, I turned around and saw a lot of bubbles rushing out. I was busy calling Wang Shuo, and everyone around the pot was afraid to pick them up. Finally, Wang Shuo raised the lid of the pot, and many cigarettes flew around like birds. We were busy calling Shi, who asked us to add more water, We put in water and finally the "birds" settled down. We sat back and ate happily.

When you are full, go! Wait a minute, you seem to have forgotten something, that is, sorting. Don't think sorting is boring. Our group has a clear division of labor, washing the floor, wiping the floor, and managing the geography. In this way, we can sort it out at once. The same goes for the students.

In that class, the science classroom was full of our laughter!

Composition on Boiling Tangyuan (8)

Composition on cooking dumplings 900 words: delicious dumplings

After the Spring Festival, I look forward to the early arrival of the Lantern Festival, so that I can eat my favorite dumplings. On the 14th day of the first lunar month, my mother's unit issued four boxes of dumplings. "Now, I can have delicious Longfeng Tangyuan!"

Today is the Lantern Festival. When I got up, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to eat dumplings!" My mother smiled and said, "OK! I'll cook them for you right away!"

Soon, my mother brought a bowl of delicious dumplings. While I was eating happily, it suddenly occurred to me that if I could also cook dumplings, how wonderful it would be! Later, when I want to eat, I can do it myself! She immediately said to her mother, "Mom, can you teach me how to cook dumplings? If I can cook them, I can cook them for you!" Her mother smiled and said, "You devil!"

In the evening, my mother stood beside me, guiding me to cook dumplings. I was a little afraid to do it alone. My mother said to me, "Don't be nervous! How can you do it?" When I thought that if I learned how to eat, I could cook by myself. I got up the courage, picked up the spoon, and started to work like my mother usually cooks dumplings.

I first pour water into the pot, then turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil. Then put the dumplings into the pot happily. At this time, the hot gas in the pot was rising, and my eyes were a little closed. I didn't care about three or seven or twenty-one, so I took the lid of the pot and covered it. "Don't worry! You should turn over these dumplings with a spoon!" Mom said to me. I carefully lifted the lid of the pot and stirred it with a spoon. "It's time to add some cold water!" Mother said on the edge again. The hot gas in the pot is getting more and more. I'm in a bit of a hurry now. I don't know what to do. Mom looked and laughed! Bring a bowl of cold water and pour it into the pot. There is much less heat.

After two or three minutes, my mother said, "You can open the lid of the pot!" I opened the lid and looked, wow! Baihuahua Tangyuan floats on the water like snow-white cotton, rolling in the boiling water from time to time! "The dumplings are cooked! Dad, come and see!" I cried excitedly. "Get them out quickly, or they will be burnt!" I was so happy that I forgot what to do next. My mother loudly reminded me at the side!

When bowls of delicious dumplings were put in front of my father and mother, I smiled happily.