Vital Composition (18 pieces)
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-09-25 03:01:32

Vital Composition (1)

We are looking forward, looking forward, and finally, Spring is coming to us with infinite vitality.

The campus wakes up, the water ripples and the sun blushes.

Hearing the news of spring, the grass poked its head out of the soil, bright green and young. By the corridor of the campus, large pieces of grass are fighting for territory. Some students squatted on the edge of the corridor, some hid under the shade of trees, and others lay prone on the corridor. The wind is soft, the grass is soft.

Jasminum nudiflorum, peach blossom and rose blossom in a hurry. Red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow. The campus has a strong fragrance of flowers, some pungent, some delicate. Bees of all sizes revolve around the flowers, and pairs of butterflies shuttle through the flowers. Flowers are in pieces. Looking around, the campus seems to be a sea of flowers.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil. It's good. Rain is common. Look, sometimes it looks like fine silk, sometimes it looks like pearls, falling on the ground in a dense way. The whole teaching building is covered with a thin layer of smoke. Under the background of spring rain, the leaves are green and shiny, and the grass is also shining, especially when large raindrops are embedded in the flowers, it looks particularly beautiful. On the promenade, on the playground, beside the clear pool, there are classmates who still play with umbrellas and teachers who are chatting. The raindrops slowly slid down the umbrella until they landed.

More and more people come to play on the playground. People in the classroom and office rush out to study after activities.

Spring is like a happy angel. It brings us infinite fun.

Spring is like a beautiful girl. She brings a scene of vitality and recovery of everything.

The campus in spring is like a colorful picture!

Vital Composition (2)

When I walked out of the door, I saw green everywhere. Well, what's going on? It was spring. Spring girl wore a beautiful green dress and traveled all over the world. Wherever she went, she took green with her. In this way, the world has become green, vibrant and more attractive.

You see, Xiao Cao has put on new clothes and green clothes of spirit, like little soldiers. Struggling with nature in the breeze, they use ordinary and perseverance to create the vitality of spring.

You see, all kinds of small flowers are competing and blooming. They use beauty and fragrance to show the vitality of spring and dance with the wind.

You see, poplar trees have also taken out new branches and sprouted new green leaves, which grow higher and higher, but they always stand there like sentries, and they use integrity to generate spring vitality.

Look, the bees are busy again. Some are moving mud to cope with the coming rain. Some go to visit the flowers. They use hard work to create spring vitality.

You see, butterflies fly freely in the wind and dance with flowers, adding another beauty. They use beauty and freedom to create spring vitality.

You see, the birds freely travel around the world under the blue sky and the white clouds. They use freedom and singing to create the vitality of spring.

You see, the rain silently moistens all things in the world at night, and they use selflessness to create the vitality of spring.

You see, the sun shines on the earth with sunshine, and radiates the vitality of spring with warmth.

You see, the ice is also infected by the warmth of the sun, and continues to run away happily. They use joy to create the vitality of spring.

You see, people are also busy. They use hard work to create spring vitality.

In spring, you are so charming that you awaken all things on the earth.


Vital Composition (3)

The warm wind blew the spring girl, and the spring girl stretched out, opened her hazy eyes, looked at the sun father-in-law, and the energetic composition brought by spring. The sun father smiled and said, "Spring girl is awake, everything is awake."

The withered branches in the past have sprouted tender buds, and small flowers and grass have poked their heads out of the ground and smiled at us. The geese fly back from the south, as if to tell people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming."

Eh? Where has Miss Chun gone? It turned out that I had gone to play hide and seek with the children. The first grade composition of primary school was "The composition of vitality brought by spring". Where did Miss Chun hide? Oh, it was hidden on the willow branch. Spring girl danced on the willow branch, like a beautiful picture. In the morning, go out for a breath of fresh air. There is no pollution in the clean air. It is full of thick soil fragrance, which makes you unable to breathe. Look at the flowers and grass. They have grown up. Little bees are collecting honey, butterflies are flying in the flowers, some children are playing in the flowers, and others are lying on the green grass looking at the blue sky.

I love spring, the plants and trees in spring, and everything in spring. I will always love this warm and beautiful spring.

Vital Composition (4)

Attitude determines mood. Living in a dull life, your attitude will determine your interest in life and your way of life, just as an old carpenter who is going to retire will work with a complaining attitude. You can be full of complaints, just depressed because of the continuous rain; You can be comforted because flowers and trees are nourished; You can cry because the roses hurt your tender hands; You can also smile, because the fragrance of winter jasmine is refreshing; You can complain because you have to work hard; You can also feel cheerful, and you can also be glad that you still have a job; You can... Your attitude determines your mood, and your mood determines the success or failure of your career.

Attitude determines quality

There was an old carpenter who was going to retire and go home to enjoy the happiness of his family. The boss was reluctant to let him leave and asked him to build another house. Although the old carpenter agreed, his heart was no longer on work. In his hurry, he built a poorly built house and paid the job. However, the boss gave the house to him after years of hard work, but he was ashamed and ashamed. Taking a negative attitude to work will inevitably bring emotion in the work, creating inferior products, affecting his wisdom in life, and adding a layer of dark color to his hard working and kind-hearted life.

Attitude determines true feelings

Aunt Wu, the dormitory administrator of Nanjing University of Information Engineering, won thunderous applause many times for her speech at the graduation ceremony. Some people wondered why a dormitory administrator could be respected and loved by so many students, You don't need to do something spectacular, but you need to integrate the truth. True love is a warm current that melts the ice in people's hearts. True love is a spring breeze that blows away the smiles on people's faces. True love is a spring that cleans up the filth of the secular world. Let's exchange true love for true love.

Attitude determines responsibility

In the face of difficulties, we should be brave to take responsibility. Moved by Chinese test pilot Li Jianying, he was struck by pigeons during a test flight mission, and the engine stopped in the air. He could have carried a parachute, jumped out of the plane, and saved his life. But there are many villages below, where thousands of people live. If the plane crashes into the village, the consequences will be unimaginable. At the moment of life and death, he did not hesitate to give up his plan to parachute jump. With his life and superb skills, he wrote a beautiful hymn of the people's army loving the people. Li Jianying has not forgotten the heavy responsibility behind the word "soldier". Only by taking responsibility can he respect the profession of test pilot. He saved countless lives with his own life, which deserves our gratitude and admiration.

The grass's attitude towards spring is to dig up the soil and spring will embrace the grass with enthusiasm; The attitude of the flower to the summer is to be in full bloom, and the summer pays back to the flower with rain; Ye's attitude towards autumn is to find his mother at the root, and autumn returns to Ye with a tight embrace; Wood's attitude towards winter is to recuperate and hibernate, while winter's answer to wood is to listen to the charming heartbeat... Attitude determines the beauty, angle determines the height, passion determines enthusiasm, enthusiasm determines creation, and what kind of attitude to adopt. The results are totally different.

A long journey may be favored by God, or disaster may come. Attitude can determine the direction of your life, the quality of your process, and the success or failure of your career. In short, attitude determines everything. Only those who have a good attitude can succeed.

Vital Composition (5)

The four seasons are like a colorful watercolor painting. Each season has its own brilliance, but I like the vibrant spring best.

Spring girl took the key and walked briskly to the door of spring, slowly opening the door of the vibrant spring.

After a spring rain, various celebrities appeared on the stage in spring: Miss Peach Blossom stood on the stage and opened her pink smiling face. Look, she smiles at us without shyness. Willow girl, holding a comb, combs her hair while washing it in the lake. It can be said that "jasper makes up a tree high and ten thousand green silk tapers hang down"! Then, one after another colorful flowers rushed onto the spring stage to show their beauty to everyone: white pear flowers, red cherry flowers, and yellow rape flowers.

The beauty of spring is not only plants, but also animals. There are a group of small fish in the pond, and they shuttle in the water happily all day long. As long as people throw fish food into the water, the fish will swarm together to compete for these delicious fish food. Some small and weak fish can only be pushed aside by big fish to wait for "food leaking from the net". A few ducks are playing on the water, stretching their necks and flapping their wings, which reminds me of the famous phrase "The Prophet of Duck in Spring River".

I like beautiful spring, but I prefer vigorous spring.

Vital Composition (6)

On February 18, I went to visit Qinglong Mountain at Putuo No. 2 Middle School. Walk along the steps for two or three minutes to the gate. Above the gate, the five glittering characters "Qinglongshan Park" are particularly eye-catching.

Further inside, you can see a small square. It is very lively. There are many old people exercising: some are dancing swords, some are playing badminton, some are playing taijiquan, and some are dancing with the rhythm of music! Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the mountain looks very energetic. Big trees stand tall and upright like soldiers guarding Qinglong Mountain, and the overlapping branches scatter tiny shadows. Along the winding mountain road, I found many kinds of wild flowers, dark red, light red... here and there, they gathered together as if they were whispering! Suddenly, I saw a small blue flower, small and beautiful! It's a pity that I don't know the name of this flower.

Further up, you can see a four corner pavilion. The pavilion is very beautiful. The glazed tiles on the top are shining. If you are tired, you can go to the pavilion to have a rest. The pillars of the pavilion are carved with many mascots, including two dragons playing with pearls, two phoenixes flying together, and lions playing with balls. They are vivid and beautifully carved! Go up the path and you will see a big lawn. There are fitness machines on the lawn. Everyone can enjoy playing Wulun. Go up to the top of Qinglong Mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, you can have a panoramic view of the whole Shenjiamen. The scenery is spectacular. On the top of the mountain, there is a monument recording the names of the martyrs who died to liberate Dengbu Island. The green pines and cypresses on the four sides of the monument are shining green. Each green leaf seems to have a new life shaking. I love the beautiful Qinglong Mountain, and I love the vibrant Qinglong Mountain Park.

Vital Composition (7)

In the spring when the flowers are red and the willows are green, everywhere is full of vitality. In order to make the students celebrate the festival, Spring Girl seems to deliberately gently blow green the campus, and the blowing magnolias also show their beautiful faces - blooming white "fairies in flowers". The plum flower also took off its beautiful flower clothes and put on a thick layer of green gauze, making all kinds of beautiful gestures, as if it was very happy for the holiday. The mushroom like evergreen looks more full of vitality

In the scorching summer, when the hot sun is scorching the earth, the parasol tree shows a unique skill of the plant - the leaves are covered with crystal water drops, like the crystal tears of the parasol tree, as if she could not open her eyes and cried because of the sun. The camphor tree has also completely changed into a new outfit to welcome a new season

In autumn, Chinese parasol trees, cinnamomum camphora, and the green leaves of plum blossom were also stained with a layer of yellow. A gust of wind blew gently, and the withered and yellow leaves were like small yellow butterflies, while the gray sparrows flew down from the trees one after another, ready to catch pests, which added a lot of vitality to the yellow autumn. The evergreen grass in the four seasons also began to grow twigs, ready to bear fruit

In winter, many trees can't stand the cold thorn of the cold winter girl, and all the leaves have fallen off, leaving only a few thin dead branches standing there firmly, while those evergreen trees and plum flowers don't give in at all. Evergreen trees are still evergreen, while the plum flower girl takes off her dry clothes, blooms, and acts like a coquette under the winter girl's eyes, The cold winter sends out charming fragrance

In a word, my campus is always full of vitality in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Vital Composition (8)

Jin Dan's cold winter has just passed, and the beautiful spring is coming with light steps. All this looks like just waking up. The grass sneaks out of the soil, tender and green. Swallows also flew back from the south. They were like messengers of spring, bringing good news to people. The rain in spring is continuous and gentle. It warms everything and makes everything look fresh and energetic. The apricot blossom rain, which was wet with clothes, washed away the dirt on the earth, washed away the fatigue, and everything became clean, looking energetic and energetic. The wind in spring is warm, and the chill in winter fades little by little under the east wind. The animals that hide in the cave in winter wake up gradually under her gentle call.

The flowers all over the mountain opened their eyes, and one or two of them merged into a sea of flowers. The flowers smile in the wind and look at the magnificent flower sea in spring, which makes people full of confidence and become excited and heroic. Look at her, full of hope and strength: from now on, for their own tomorrow to work hard! In spring, the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and the sun is so warm. With such beautiful scenery, children, where have they gone? The children are flying kites in the fields! Those dazzling kites are theirs.

Under the reflection of blue sky and white clouds, the kites are flying and dancing freely, and the children are laughing, which is so beautiful. Spring belongs to children, and so does the sky. Spring is always colorful. Spring is full of laughter and happiness. Spring girl is like a painter, depicting the blue sky, vibrant flowers and trees, endless streams, showing beautiful pictures. Spring girl will always wave her brush to draw beautiful spring after beautiful spring.

Spring is the fusion and embodiment of all beauty in the world.

Vital Composition (9)

Warm spring, a warm pronoun. Everything is in the embrace of spring. Gradually came to life. soft spring rain. Unlike the summer rain, it comes with great vigour; Unlike the autumn rain, so bleak and desolate; It's not like the winter rain coming with cold wind.

Chunyu is a kind messenger sent by God to thaw the earth. She didn't have the heart to hurt the earth when thawing, so she had to float down slowly to warm the rain in the air. The spring rain gently hit people's faces, so that the wanderers alone in a foreign land can feel the warmth of their mothers. Spring rain, always so timely and moderate. The wind in spring. Gently brushed people's cheeks, blowing away the fatigue of the previous year and starting the happy life of the new year.

"February spring wind is like scissors" spring wind, like a top stylist, cuts the willow girl's hair extremely beautifully. When the spring wind blew on the children's faces, they all laughed because they could finally take off their thick cotton padded clothes and fly kites. The wind in spring is warm and always gentle. Spring creatures are so full of vitality. Perhaps it is to repay them for the warmth brought by the spring breeze and rain. Grass, soft and green, comes out of the soil quietly. In the garden, the grass is surrounded by beautiful flowers, while the flowers help the grass block the sun. The children ran to the park after school because they had to fly kites in the spring breeze, otherwise they would have to wait another year. Graduated youth are busy sorting out their personal files. Encouraged by spring, they will start a new journey and experience. The flower fields in the countryside are full of colorful waves. This is the flowers thanking the spring for their warmth. Spring takes away winter and ushers in summer. It is the transition between the ice and snow and the scorching sun. It is a beautiful season, a short season, and a warm season!

Vital Composition (10)

Vibrant nature

There is a beautiful place with luxuriant foliage, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and natural beauty everywhere.

The sky there is blue and blue. There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. The gentle sunshine shines on the earth. A group of birds fly freely in the sky.

In the distance, the tall mountain was wearing a light green coat with colorful "patterns".

Nearby, the earth seems to be covered with a huge carpet. Several big trees are like a row of green guards, always protecting the safety of Mother Earth. The river is as clear as a beautiful silk. In the water, a small fish is sticking out to look at the beautiful world. Ah, it really looks like a beautiful landscape painting.

Such a beautiful place is rare on the earth. Let's protect the environment and make nature more beautiful.

Vital Composition (11)

Spring is coming. Spring girl comes to the world with cheerful steps. She brings vitality to the earth.

When spring comes, everything recovers and spring returns to the earth. The grass peeped out from under the soil and looked curiously at the strange world. The grass just unearthed is verdant, just like a little green doll, so cute that I hate to touch it. The grass swayed gently in the breeze, as if to say to us: "Spring girl is coming! Spring girl is coming!"

The swaying grass seems to wake up those sleeping flowers.

The flower stretched and straightened her chest. Peach blossoms bloom their beauty. Pink and pink peach blossoms stand in the grass, proudly opening her beautiful and lovely petals, just like a proud queen. The pink jasmine is dancing in the gentle spring breeze while broadcasting to people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming, let's welcome spring together!" People listened to the call of grass and jasmine, and also took off their cotton padded clothes and put on comfortable spring clothes.

This is a familiar voice from the river: "Who is singing the symphony?"

Oh, the willows are talking!. The willows swayed in the breeze like a fairy dancing. The branches of willows are really long, like a long rope; The branches of willows are really thin, thin 'like a thread; The branches of willows are really soft, like a ball of cotton. As the great poet He Zhizhang said, "Jasper is made up to be a tree high, and ten thousand pieces of green silk tapers hang down."

Spring has come, and the river has frozen. It has changed into a gurgling river; Poplars also sprouted, and the posture was no worse than that of willows; Small animals are also feeling the breath of spring. Swallows fly back from the south and fall on the eaves, flapping their wings, as if they are composing a song of spring; Dayan also flew back from the south, and a neat "herringbone" formation was broadcasting the notice.

When spring comes, the spring girl will bring the breath of spring wherever she goes. Spring is really a vibrant season!

Vital Composition (12)

The dragonfly searched for plants painfully. It has searched the ruins for three days and found nothing. It's about to give up.

Suddenly, a green of hope flashed before my eyes. It subconsciously flew to the top of the little bud.

"No!" The wall jumped.

The dragonfly woke up and looked at the bud in front of her. It was small and tender. It stuck its head out from the crack of the brick stubbornly. Two tiny buds mixed with fine hairs shook slightly under the light quiver of its wings.

Just below it, a large clump of green shrubs stared at it curiously and unkindly.

"Ah, is it a wall? This bud sucks your body, why should you not protect it?" Although there is plenty of food below, curiosity finally defeated hunger.

"Oh, its grass seeds were sown by the human who used to live here accidentally. After the human left, I was alone until the child appeared. So, I should take good care of it." The wall smiled, "It's strange to say that there is no fat, water, which are the necessary conditions for sprouting, as the new kids said, and the child also took root and sprouted tenaciously. Even if it is a little weak, it has pulled out leaves like ordinary buds. "

"Yes, we are all new shrubs from the rest of the ruins. I was proud to have thought that we could become a few surviving plants, but when we saw this child, we found that we were much worse than it." The shrubs could not help feeling ashamed.

The dragonfly froze. It didn't expect that the bud it almost ate was so special.

"Nothing, I just want to live. Seeing the sunshine outside, there is hope in life after all." Ya smiled shyly. I tried countless times, and finally found the best position for Rogan; I tried countless times, and finally I saw the light! "

Dragonfly was shocked, and remembered that he wanted to give up after only trying for three days. Compared with Xiaoya, who had tried countless times, he was so bad that he could not help feeling ashamed.

It flapped its wings and left. For it, Xiaoya is not only the life force of survival, but also the power to strive to live!

Vital Composition (13)

In March, after several heavy snowfalls, spring finally came, although it came late.

Look! Look! The timid grass has not yet poked its head out, but the bold winter jasmine has already blossomed, just like naughty children, raising the big golden horn to tell people that spring is coming! Spring is coming! After a while, the magnolia also woke up, it stretched out, and then silently stretched its delicate huge beautiful petals. It seems that it has been accumulating energy all winter, just for this short flowering period. After a while, Peach Blossom was also woken up by the sound of the horn. He came out of the branch quietly, no one saw or heard, as if to give people a surprise.

You listen! The thawing river gurgles, as if whispering... Yes! It must be saying to us: "The long-awaited spring has arrived, and everyone should get ready to meet it quickly!" The voice seems very far away, and also seems very close to us. Haw haw! Eh, who is it? Oh, isn't it Mr. Swallow, the image spokesman of Spring? It is dressed in a dress, where flowers are red and willows are green, perhaps it is spring. Hoo hoo! Spring breeze, the second image spokesman of spring, has also come. He gently brushed your face and said hello in your ear. "Spring is coming, and I will bring this news to everyone on the earth!" said Spring Wind. He blew over mountains, plains, cities and villages. What blows away is snow and ice, and what blows in is spring!

How beautiful and lively spring is! I really hope spring will not go away!

Vital Composition (14)

At the beginning of this year, everything is happy to open their dim eyes, and the world is full of vitality. The campus, the park and the river are full of its unique color green. It is the green of life, the green of vitality.

The pace of winter lingers, but the vitality of life quietly ripples in the earth. Finally, the green owner infected the earth and became the master of the world. Each flower grows in its bath, buds, opens its petals, and unfolds its most beautiful side. The snow on the tree quietly melted away. Its messenger took away the cold breath, and the bird stood on the branch looking up at the blue sky and singing. On this day, it was blue, and some people could not believe that it was a natural color.

Small leaves, growing slowly, decorate the brown and yellow branches in a colorful way. This is a growing season.

A small seed, with yearning and curiosity for the world, slowly drilled out the soil, sent out small buds, and slowly grew up.

The wind is blowing gently with some warmth. The thin clothes on the lake gradually faded and rippled one after another. The willows beside the lake are also affected by the warm wind. They can't bear to be so silent, and sway with the wind.

The sleeping animals also woke up. Looking at the warm season, the beautiful forests and ponds, they stretched out, stretched their legs, and started a new life.

Tourists sit on the bank and listen to the sound of the water, which is the whispering of water waves and banks.

Vital Composition (15)

Spring girl came to the river. It was strange to say that when the river saw Spring girl coming, the ice immediately melted, and the river flowed away. The fish are also happy, they jump up and down, as if to welcome the arrival of the piano.

Spring girl walked to another open space and waved her magic wand. Grass woke up. She poked her head out of the dark soil and saw the colorful world. Grass said, "What a beautiful world!"

Spring girl came to the willow girl again. With a wave of magic wand, the willow tree grew green buds, just like the willow girl's long hair. When the spring wind blew, those buds floated with the wind, as if the spring wind was helping willow girl comb her hair.

"Boom!" Duke Lei sounded the gong and drum, woke up the hibernating animals and the little frogs who were dreaming. The little frogs "croaked", as if to say: "Spring is coming, I will go to the fields to help farmers catch pests!"

"Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in our articles..."

Vital Composition (16)

"Spring is coming, spring is coming!" The birds chirped, as if they were announcing good news! Camellia bloomed in the campus, although he was not as beautiful as roses; Not as strong as grass, but he is the "protagonist" of spring. Camellia is really beautiful. Some are as red as fire, and some are as pink as clouds; Camellia is so fragrant that you can smell it ten miles away; Camellia is really beautiful, beautiful like a girl coming out of a painting. Honghua Jimu is also unwilling to admit defeat. Some of them stretch their necks to show their beauty; Some seem to embrace each other, whispering, beautiful!

In summer, green trees make shade. Huangshan Luan grows leaves and flowers, like grains of rice, so cute. The sun is baking the earth, so we can fry eggs. Students enjoy the cool under the tree, very leisurely!

The autumn wind is blowing gently, and it brings us fragrant fragrance. Guilin opened, shaped like a "ten" character, very small, composed of five or six petals, like a small star, like a golden doll. The ginkgo tree turned yellow, and one after another, like small fans, flew down, like butterflies, and put on a piece of clothes for the earth.

In winter, the wintersweet blooms on campus are very beautiful. No matter how cold it is, camphor trees and pine trees still wear green clothes to guard our campus. On the playground, the students played happily, and the campus was filled with laughter.

Campus, he is our starting line, he leads us to the ocean of knowledge, to achieve the goal of tomorrow.

Vital Composition (17)

In spring, our campus is colorful. At that time, the magnolia had already opened, and the magnolia was really white, it looked like it was painted with a layer of paint, so pure; There are so many magnolias. When you look at them from a high place, they look like open palms, so lush; The magnolia is so fragrant that you can smell it when you stand a hundred meters away from it. At this time, the camellia also bloomed. There are many clusters here and there. Some flowers are in bud, like a shy girl; Some flowers are still blossoming, like a shy little ball, never daring to show up; Some flowers have opened their smiling faces, like a graceful girl. The leaves of red leaf heather are red and green, like a beautiful shirt.

In summer, our campus is green. The ginkgo tree looks like wearing a green dress. If the students feel hot, they can enjoy the cool below; If the fish feel hot, they can enjoy the cool under the lotus leaves.

In autumn, our campus is golden. Osmanthus fragrans trees have blossomed, some of them are still buds, only the size of rice grains; Some flowers have fully opened, like lights; Some flowers have just opened, like a shy face, from a distance, like a big lamp. Chrysanthemum is also flowering at this time, there are yellow, white, ochre, and red. There are so many kinds of them that they can't be counted. Some are like pompons, some are as thin as silk, and some are as sharp as dragon claws. At this time, the leaves of the maple also fell, and picked up a piece to look like the palm of the hand that had been hit with a stick.

In winter, our campus is white, and the snow like goose feather falls from the sky, like laying a carpet on the earth. The leaves of the ginkgo tree are all gone, and only the bare trunk and the bird nest can be seen. In the bird nest, the birds are chirping, adding infinite vitality to the campus in winter.

I love my vibrant campus!

Vital Composition (18)

By the stream, willows sprouted, flowers stretched their limbs, and the sun was smiling in the sky. The industrious Spring girl washed her clothes by the river and turned the water green. A white dove flew to pick up a willow branch, full of vitality everywhere.

Wurong Park, which people often go to, is also awakened from a winter's sleep by bursts of bird songs. People who have been bored all winter come here for a walk, and the whole park is full of vitality. There is a landmark building in the middle of Wurong Park, called "Prosperity", which was built to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the founding of Nan'an City. Because Nan'an is also called Liucheng, this sculpture takes the willow leaf as the creative element. The willow leaf represents vitality, and the five leaf willow leaf combination stretches upward, implying that the social and economic development of Nan'an is booming. It is surrounded by green trees, and the flowers in the flower bed are red, yellow, purple... Colorful and colorful, everywhere is full of infinite vitality.

In the river of the park, many fish play happily in the water; The tadpoles swam together in groups, intending to find their mother; The shrimps are dancing neatly. They seem to be celebrating the arrival of Spring Girl.

This is my hometown, a beautiful and vibrant place.