Composition on Beethoven (15 required)
Blue sea and sky
2024-05-11 06:48:59

Composition on Beethoven (1)

Whose sadness fills the Rhine River?

The fingers keep jumping, wandering on the black and white keys. He could only listen to the thunderous applause from the stage with his pure heart.

The lonely city of Bonn is full of moving notes. Who is playing the Ninth Symphony in a dark corner of the city? Who is devoting his youth to monotonous music?

Beethoven's sadness was mixed into "Moonlight Song" and penetrated "Silent Night", but who knew that the cocoon accumulated by his fingertips over the years was telling his helplessness and sadness

In the quiet night, the soft moonlight shines on the leaden earth, and the shadow of camphor covers people who are sad about spring and autumn.

When the familiar melody of the Ninth Symphony came from the first floor, the sad heart window slowly opened. When we listen to the world as carefully as Beethoven, we will find that the helplessness, sadness and pathos in our hearts are the supports that support our spiritual world.

Beethoven told us with his empty eyes and cocooned fingers that the sadness of those who have encountered, experienced and embraced loneliness is the support of the whole world.

Composition on Beethoven (2)

He has a great depression and refined beautiful soul for life. He is a hero of the soul, and his music is the expression of this hero's heart—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Beethoven, a great German musician. His works have a very profound impact on the development of world music, and he is honored as "Le Sheng". He has a lofty position in the world symphonic music industry. However, this great man's life was extremely bumpy and unfortunate.

Influenced by his father, Beethoven showed his musical talent when he was young, and he was quite famous in the music industry at a young age. At the age of 17, he studied composition with Mozart, the great musician in Europe at that time. Mozart's music is the art of feeling, while Beethoven's music is the voice of the soul!

I don't know if God envies talents. When Beethoven's career reached its climax, the great musician lost his hearing! Deafness is the death of a part of the world for ordinary people, but the death of the whole world for musicians. The whole world is gone and Beethoven never dies! After he lost his hearing, he did not choose to bow to bad luck, but to face the cruel fact, to face his own shortcomings frankly, and to overcome ordinary people's strong will, to face frankly and fight tenaciously, and created the greatest work of his career, the Ninth Symphony. It is a miracle that deaf people can make music. What's more, what they have done is the most outstanding work in the world. It can be seen that this is the product of transcending the soul. Only the great depressed hero who transcends life can get it. It can be seen that fate can only manipulate cowards for human beings, but can do nothing about this great spiritual hero. He has really managed to seize the throat of fate.

Deafness also made this music giant more and more isolated. He was unwilling to contact outsiders. Most of the time, he was alone in the piano room, communicating with music, and devoted his life to music. He never married. A poor, disabled, lonely, born with pain, the world never gave him happiness, but created happiness for the world! He forged happiness with his own pain. He summed up his life with a heroic sentence: only pain can make happiness.

All people, including their souls, are equal. All perfection or defects are the packaging of that soul. God is so great and fair, just as he gave Beethoven ear disease, but also created the soul stirring Destiny. You should know that defects are also perfect.

Composition on Beethoven (3)

Beethoven was a talented musician, but he was deaf. How admirable.

Beethoven was a talented musician. Although he was a genius, God gave him too much pain. If you can't marry your lover, you will be deaf. How important is the ear to a musician? The ear is the most important organ of a musician. But he didn't give up, still looking for his music dream, still looking for his' true love '. He has no bosom friends, even no friends. Beethoven accepted the reality and suffered the painful fate given to him by God. Therefore, he has become a hero in the author's mind, but also in our hearts. Beethoven's music that shook the human soul was the joy he exchanged with pain. He suffered alone, woke up the people who were intoxicated in the world at that time with music, sacrificed all his own things, his own love, his own hearing, in exchange for the joy of all people. Beethoven is a worthy hero and lives in our hearts forever!

Composition on Beethoven (4)

Ludwig Beethoven was a genius. He is a great German composer and pianist, and also a representative of the classical music school in Vienna, known as "Le Sheng".

Behind this great success, who knows the pain of his childhood? Beethoven learned music from his father when he was young, and performed on the stage when he was eight years old. His father is very strict with his son. If he is careless, Ludwig may be beaten black and blue by his father. Although Beethoven's mother loved him very much, his mother died very early, which caused a psychological shadow for Beethoven. He was deaf at the age of 26. But Ludwig never flinched.

My weakness is evasion. Beethoven never lost his responsibility. I can learn his responsible spirit.

Beethoven is always full of a fiery heart, but his enthusiasm is very unfortunate.

In 1823, Beethoven completed his last book. In 1827, Beethoven died. He never married.

From Beethoven, we know that disability does not mean that everything is gone. We should respect the disabled.

Composition on Beethoven (5)

The year 1827 may have been a tragic day. When people were still immersed in the roar of the destiny symphony, there was a news that broke the original peace. At night, quietly, Mr. Beethoven died at the age of 53, and will sleep underground with beautiful music. The news suddenly flew all over the world like a pair of wings.

We deplore the "Lesheng"'s leaving without saying goodbye, but we are also helpless. "There is no feast that never ends". One day we will face the end and departure, and Mr. Beethoven just said goodbye to us early. But we are sad that there will not be a second Beethoven in the world. Yes, there is only one Beethoven. His name is Ludwig van Beethoven.

Beethoven, only one. This makes us recall the story of Beethoven and Licinovsky. Young Beethoven wandered in Werner, where he was taken care of by Prince Licinovsky. Beethoven was very grateful for this. Later, the prince tried to force Beethoven to change his will. Beethoven became furious and announced that he would break off with him. In his farewell letter to the prince, he wrote: "You became a prince because of your accidental birth; I became Beethoven because of myself. There are some princes now, and there will be some in the future; and there will always be only one Beethoven."

Once a classmate asked me; "Whose music do you listen to?" I calmly replied: "Beethoven!" She looked at me in surprise, as if a little strange. I was very angry at that time, but I couldn't help feeling sad for them again. Perhaps they have indulged in the joy of pop music, or they have forgotten the lively melodies, or they have lost in the bustling world and forgotten the soul of life. But Beethoven never forgot that he came to this world to spread music, spread happiness and let happiness drift away.

Seeing how the children of music miss Beethoven, they will cry out: "Beethoven, there is only one. In this life, we must listen to his music! Without listening to him, we cannot feel the soul of our heart; without listening to him, we cannot understand the ups and downs of our destiny; without listening to him, we cannot abandon the glitz of the world; Without listening to him, we can't know the profound essence of the music. "

Beethoven, only one!

Composition on Beethoven (6)

"Oh, yes, he is great," my deskmate said. My friend said, "Nobody makes such beautiful notes." As for my brother, he said, "That's God's music." The person who made this song of God is deaf Beethoven.

After losing his hearing, he created the first song of God: "Pastoral Symphony", which is beautiful and moving, and reminds people of a group of white clouds like sheep on the green grass. You will hear Beethoven's longing for the countryside. There is also a song of God, the fifth symphony known to women and children: Symphony of Destiny. Beethoven's tortuous fate is vividly expressed in this piece of music.

Speaking of his destiny, I naturally think of his words: "Grab the throat of destiny!" How many people in the world have such a fate? Few people, how many of them hold the throat of destiny? It is rare. How many people handed their fate to the god of death. Among those who do not share his destiny, more than half of them let their destiny move freely. Only people like Deng Jiaxian and Qian Xuesen firmly hold their destiny in their own hands.

I love Beethoven, love his music, his destiny and his throat!

Composition on Beethoven (7)

One by one, colorful notes are full of love for music and confrontation with fate. He loves freedom, independence, pride, severity and kindness. He is the person I admire most - Beethoven.

Beethoven was a musician who fought against fate, because his unyielding character was still committed to the music cause even when he could not hear any voice. It is also because of this that "Symphony of Destiny" exists. This song is full of his love for music and his dissatisfaction with the fate. He created one miracle after another by his own efforts.

Even this independent, proud and serious person can create a moonlight like music - The Moonlight Sonata has a deep voice in his heart. This kind note is also found in the Pastoral Symphony. Because the person who can really feel the voice of the countryside must be a person who loves freedom and is full of kindness. When listening to these beautiful music, I will never believe that this is a masterpiece written by a deaf person.

God has not forgotten him. Although he lost the most important hearing in life, he has the ability to create and a strong heart. He was completely deaf the last time he commanded in front of people. But after that, instead of succumbing to fate, he stood up strongly and continued to create with the voice in his heart. How can such a strong will not be admired and respected?

The course of wind and rain, spring and autumn. After experiencing ups and downs, a sonata of fate appeared in the countryside with the moonlight, singing, rippling in Beethoven's silent world.

Composition on Beethoven (8)

Beethoven is one of the greatest musicians in Germany. He was born in a common family in Bonn, Germany. He showed his talent in music very early, and began to perform on the stage at the age of eight. In 1792, he went to Vienna for further study and made rapid progress in art. He created a large number of outstanding works full of the flavor of the times, such as the symphony Hero, the prelude to Destiny Egmont; Piano Sonata Pathetique, Moonlight, etc.

Beethoven, who became a music saint, had a rough life. He began to be deaf at the age of 26, and was completely deaf in his later years. This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a musician. Hearing and seeing is the most important thing for a musician. However, Beethoven did not bow to the bad luck. With a strong will, he composed and played with memory and musical sense under the condition of deafness. He wrote the Fifth Symphony, the Ninth Symphony, etc.

Engels, the great teacher, said: "I heard from his first movement" the kind of completely hopeless sorrow, the kind of sad pain "; In the second movement, I heard "the kind of tender sadness of love"; In the third and fourth movements, the "powerful, young and free joy expressed by trumpet" is so inspiring. Engels revealed the essence of the Symphony of Destiny in a few short sentences.

What moved me and impressed me most was that Beethoven defeated deafness with extraordinary perseverance. He used "immortal fingers" to play the sounds of nature, and his music has a unique charm. This kind of charm is unique. This unique charm is achieved by hard work and painstaking efforts. I seemed to see Beethoven practicing his piano every day, and the energetic and energetic music melody full of internal enthusiasm burst out from Beethoven's hands. Sometimes it is as magnificent as the surging waves; Sometimes they are sad and indignant, as if they are talking about human grievances; Sometimes it looks like a trickle, melodious and smooth.

The world often says: "Beethoven is a musical genius, which is just a gift given to him by heaven, but no one has seen it. Behind this charm and this beauty, it is his hard work and efforts to practice for more than 20 hours a day.

Whenever I think of Beethoven, who is passionate about music, obsessed with music, and has unique views on music, I feel very ashamed. I always learn violin in a big way, without his amazing perseverance, his feeling for music, and his tireless pursuit of music.

Beethoven's world is silent, but his enterprising heart is vocal, and his musical charm is eternal.

Composition on Beethoven (9)

I have stopped and wandered countless times. I really don't want to pry into your initial state of mind after your deafness, nor to lift up that memory that I think is extremely painful

So, I just listen to your Destiny, Pastoral and Ninth Symphony quietly; Just silently taste, taste the words about you in the Biography of Celebrities. However, you told me unreservedly that the fate is in your own hands!

The destiny is in your own hands? I am a little confused: you are deaf, your feelings are broken, your life is sad, and you face the challenge of the frivolous music style at that time... Is your destiny still in your own hands?

You seem to see my puzzlement, so tell me

Although you have ear disease, you have music - this is an ocean that can let your thoughts and emotions run at will. You roam in this vast and boundless sea, capturing the crystal spray, so a piece of "Ninth Symphony" was born in the sky. Its appearance seems to be pregnant with revolution, causing an unprecedented sensation, and you have also been released to master music in your own hands.

Although you live in poverty and misery, you have a high head. Never forget that time when you and Goethe were walking in the street, they suddenly met a noble team. Goethe takes off his hat to salute, and you stand there, let those nobles salute you! Do you know how many people were shocked by this move? Don't bow to the powerful, you will always hold your personality in your own hands.

Although you have lost all "joy", you have left countless joys to the world. As a person who lost happiness and created happiness, you told me that fate is in your own hands!

My destiny is in my own hands - I understand!

It is not God who creates destiny, but oneself. Many times, we have to face many disasters. Therefore, we often complain about the injustice of God. Now that we think about it, it is really unnecessary, because we are the creators of our destiny:

We can't control the weather, but we can change our mood;

We can't change the "generous gift" that God gives us, but we can adjust our attitude towards life;

We can not determine the length of life, but can expand the width of life;

We can't change our origin, but we can control our personality

The destiny is in our own hands. Each of us should take control of ourselves and drive our own ship of life with calm and wisdom as the spirit of all things.

Composition on Beethoven (10)

In the course of music, there was a man who was deaf in both ears, but he played wonderful music; He was lonely and eccentric, but he wrote a wonderful movement with his heart. Even though he suffered many misfortunes, he still used his indomitable and tenacious will to pursue music. He devoted all his life to music until the last moment of his life! He is a great music man - Beethoven.

Beethoven is a musical genius. He has great musical talent, which his father has already discovered. However, because of selfish interests, he did not let him move towards this trend. Instead, he forced him to practice the piano without considering his mood. Sometimes he even locked him in the same room with a violin, forcing him to learn the violin. Beethoven's childhood was miserable. His mother died when he was 16 years old, and his father gradually became a ruined alcoholic. All sorts of misfortunes fell on her one after another, but he did not sink down because of this. Instead, he concentrated all his energy on the music career he loved. Due to his hard work and talent, he soon became famous.

But the unfortunate thing happened again. In his middle age, he lost his hearing, which was a heavy blow to a musician. If you were an ordinary person, you would certainly not accept this reality. But he did not fall into a wasteland because he could not bear the blow, as people thought. He did not give up easily, but was still keen on music and continued his unfinished musical journey. I often think: why can Beethoven succeed? Perhaps his life was miserable; It is full of disasters; But it has extraordinary perseverance and spirit of struggle. He is not afraid of difficulties; In the face of setbacks, he never flinched; I think this is the reason for his success.

Composition on Beethoven (11)

Hello, Mr. Beethoven! I'm really happy today, because I can talk to you, a music giant.

Mr. Beethoven, your music is very pleasant. Your music is intense and gentle. When I listen to a very gentle song from you, I feel as if I am in a boundless field with a very comfortable feeling.

When I learned your text, I heard that you were deaf, but you didn't give up and continued to make so many beautiful songs for future generations. I really admire your spirit and study your perseverance. I know that when you were deaf, you were still conducting the accompaniment. You didn't even know that the accompaniment was over. The audience didn't have the heart to tell you. Finally, they gave you warm applause. You didn't know that it was over until a little sister pulled your hand. At this time, you were deaf, and you will hear nothing later, I believe this must be very sad for you, especially for people like you who like music so much. In the future, when you first compose music, you will be lonely and quiet, because you need these things. Your representative works are also very pleasant to listen to, such as "Pastoral Symphony". Your music level has really shocked people all over the world. Over the years, no one can break your music level. So you are called "Lesheng" by later generations.

Mr. Beethoven, I'm really happy to talk to you this time. I hope I can talk to you again in the future. I will also learn from your perseverance in composing music in the future. Here I say goodbye to you.

Composition on Beethoven (12)

My idol is a famous German musician - Beethoven. Beethoven was born in a poor music family. He was nurtured by his family when he was young and loved music. From 1793 to 1792, he served as the court assistant organist.

In 1787, he went to Vienna and paid a visit to Mozart. Haydn accepted him as a student in 1792. Beethoven quickly entered the upper class of Vienna with his outstanding talent. However, when Beethoven's life line chart was rising, misfortune fell on this Beethoven, who was only a step away from success. At the age of 28, he was deaf in both ears, which was undoubtedly a thunderbolt, but he never gave in to his fate. His unyielding belief has always supported him, not let him down.

Unable to hear, he used bone transmission to insert the stick into the piano to listen, and finally he wrote one beautiful movement after another with amazing perseverance. I admire his perseverance most. Even in a bad fate, he can continue to create music that shocks the world. Isn't that something to learn? I like Beethoven's music best. His music seems to have magical power. Whenever I am in a bad mood, I will encounter problems when I study. As long as I listen to his music, I will feel as comfortable as the spring breeze blowing. My mood will naturally improve. His music has a great impact on me.

Beethoven, my idol, is such a person. He is stubborn, confident, persistent and hard working. We should learn from him, in order to paint a brilliant arc in life, come on!

Composition on Beethoven (13)

I respect Beethoven because of his noble quality and selfless dedication!

We must all know Beethoven's famous "Moonlight Song"! This classic work is composed and played by Beethoven for a poor, blind girl who loves music! And no charge! This selfless spirit is worthy of our contemporary people to learn! This also fully reflects Beethoven's spirit of selfless dedication!

I admire Beethoven because of his talent! I was impressed by Beethoven's talent!

He showed his musical talent from an early age! Because of Beethoven's extraordinary talent, combined with the hard training of the day after tomorrow, his degree is getting deeper and deeper, and even his teachers are ashamed of themselves.

Beethoven was employed as a court pianist and organ musician at the age of 12! In 1795, Beethoven held his first concert in Vienna. At that time, he wrote and played the Piano Concerto No. 2, which made all Vienna citizens amazed! All this shows his superhuman talent and extraordinary talent!

The reason why I worship Beethoven is because of Beethoven's indomitable spirit of perseverance, perseverance, and never surrender to fate!

Beethoven's hearing began to decline in 1798, and after 1820, he became deaf in both ears. At that time, Beethoven's music career was at its peak. Instead of being defeated by the cruel fate, he continued to write!

Beethoven's life was full of frustrations and tragedies. He was deaf in his childhood and later years, but he still created many masterpieces indomitably! His representative works include Hero, Symphony of Destiny, Moonlight, etc! I admire him because of his indomitable spirit and never bow to difficulties!

Beethoven! An immortal name!

Beethoven in my mind is such a selfless, talented and indomitable person!

I came to a quiet place, and I heard beautiful and wonderful music, varying from high to low. Immersed in the music, I couldn't help sitting down and listening carefully. The music seemed to tell a story. At first, the music was calm and gentle, but it gave people a sense of solemnity and awe, like a dancer performing on the stage. In the middle, it seems to be trapped in the abyss of pain, struggling to get out, but also trapped in pain, unable to extricate themselves, like the dancer who just broke his legs, which is what a tragic thing. Suddenly, the music has changed again. It seems that the music has returned to its former calm, but it has become stronger, like a caterpillar escaping from its cocoon and flying freely. It seems that just now the actor has returned to the stage again and danced heartily. It seems that I have also been integrated into the music, as if I was in the scene. I was deeply moved by the music behind my back, and I began to wonder who played the magic music. I stood up and followed the music. At one end, I saw a piano. The person playing the piano was Beethoven.

Everything was clear. He told his story with his music. Even if he lost his hearing, even if the dancer lost his legs, he still pursued unremittingly. He broke away from the pain that bound her and courageously pursued his dream. When the music was over, he turned around and seemed to be about to say something to me. Suddenly, there was a sharp bell ringing, so I could not hear anything. I cried out, "What" was suddenly awakened. It was a dream.

No, not a dream. It is so true that it makes me stronger and makes me understand that no matter how difficult it is, as long as I am willing to work hard, I can succeed.

Composition on Beethoven (14)

My idol: Beethoven

I believe that in everyone's heart, there are people whom they most admire, and they often have the temperament and character that everyone admires. We often take them as examples and try to learn from their advantages. They are important life mentors on our growth path. Today, I want to talk about my role model and the person I admire most. His name is Beethoven.

Beethoven, born in a poor family in Bonn, Germany, on December 17, 1770. His parents were ordinary people. Under his father's strict education, Beethoven showed his talent in music, but he was often beaten and scolded by his father. At the age of 5, he suffered from otitis media. At the age of 5, when we were just an ignorant child, he was already suffering from illness. His childhood was brought up in misery.

Beethoven began to perform at the age of 8, and began to write his first symphony at the age of 10. In 1796, when he was 26 years old, he had already felt that his hearing was fading. A musician lost his hearing, which undoubtedly sentenced him to death for his later life. I have imagined countless times that if I were Beethoven at that time, what would I do? What can I do? But every time the answer is the same - crazy, desperate. What did Beethoven do? Despair? Or crazy? none. He turned suffering into the source of his creation, grabbed the throat of fate, and created a work that attracted worldwide attention in his illness - Destiny.

It is a music recording Beethoven's life. When you calm down and feel the music, you will find there is too much emotion. Some people are unwilling to fate, angry about life, helpless about illness and uneasy in their hearts, but more of them are unyielding to life and determination to change their destiny. He is a music giant, but who can realize how much bitterness is contained behind these four golden characters? How much is unimaginable.

Beethoven said: "Pain can destroy people, and those who suffer can also destroy pain. Creation requires suffering, and suffering is God's gift." That is his attitude to life suffering. Although he did not defeat the disease, he used his life to prove that he had never been defeated by the disease! At this moment, let's salute Beethoven and everyone who is trying to change their destiny!

The person I admire most, my idol, his name is Bei! Many! Fen!

Composition on Beethoven (15)

Composition material I about Beethoven

In 1812, Beethoven and Goethe, the two giants of German literary and art circles at that time, met in the picturesque bathing place of Bohemia in Parez. Beethoven is an admirer of Goethe's works. He once said: "Goethe's poems make me happy." Therefore, Beethoven was very excited to see Oude. He hopes to further explore his soul from the wisdom of this great poet and draw inspiration and strength from it. However, this meeting disappointed Beethoven. They met happily, but broke up angrily.

So it is. When Beethoven was talking with Goethe warmly, the queen, prince and courtiers came to them. Beethoven has always been very disgusted with these royal dignitaries, so when the crown prince pretended to be very enthusiastic and took off his hat to salute him, and the queen also nodded to him affectionately, he raised his head as if he had seen nothing. But Goethe was different. He was flattered. He quickly shook the dust on his body, straightened his collar, took off his hat and held it in his hand. Then he went forward and bowed to the queen and prince.

Seeing Goethe's servile appearance, Beethoven only felt that the great image of the poet in his former mind suddenly collapsed. When that group of royal nobles marched past, Beethoven almost said to Goethe in a quarrelsome tone: "You are not the author of Gezi and Faust in my imagination, you are a ridiculous mediocre." Goethe's ears were red after listening to it.

Since then, they have never met again.

Material 2 of Beethoven's composition

A short story of Beethoven's piano practice

Beethoven, a German musician, is one of the most famous musicians in European music history. He was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770. When Beethoven was young, his father had high expectations of him and hoped that his son would become a Mozart like music prodigy. When Beethoven was only 4 years old, his father put a pile of music scores in front of Beethoven for him to play. Sometimes Beethoven did not dare to rest even when his hands were swollen.

One day, the church bell had already rung 12 times, and Beethoven was still practicing. He had to wait until his father came back to check his music before he could go to bed. His mother looked at Beethoven with narrowed eyes and said piteously to him, "It's 12 o'clock, son. Go to bed first."

"No, Dad will come back later and see that I haven't practiced the piano. He will beat me."

Mother had no choice but to hold Beethoven and cry beside the piano. Soon Beethoven fell asleep in her arms, and her mother carried him to bed.

When the bell rang again, Beethoven's drunk father came back, "What about that little bastard? Why don't you practice the piano?"

"Why don't you look at the time and let the child practice the piano? You won't stop until you kill him?"

"Yes, you are right," Beethoven's father said as he came to Beethoven's bed and picked him up. His mother could not stop him.

Beethoven played on the piano with his eyes closed, but in spite of this, Beethoven's sound was very smooth and natural.

"OK, it's like Mozart," said the father happily.

A few years later, Beethoven grew from 4 to 8 years old. After four years of hard practice, his piano level has been greatly improved, and his alcoholic father was also satisfied, so he held a solo concert in the conservatory. The performance was very successful, and his father enjoyed the joy of his son's success.

Material 3 of Beethoven's Composition

The Story of Beethoven's Creation of Moonlight

One autumn, Beethoven traveled all over the country to perform and came to a small town by the Rhine River. One night, when he was walking on the quiet path, he heard the intermittent sound of the piano coming from a hut, playing his tune.

Beethoven approached the hut, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and someone in the room was talking. A girl said, "How difficult it is to play this song! I've only heard others play it several times, and I can't remember how to play it. How wonderful it would be if I could hear how Beethoven plays himself!" A man said, "Yes, but the tickets to the concert are too expensive, and we are too poor." The girl said, "Don't be sad, brother, I'm just talking about it."

When Beethoven heard this, he opened the door and walked in gently. A candle was burning in the hut. In the faint candle light, the man is making leather shoes. There was an old piano in front of the window. In front of it sat a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Her face was pretty, but her eyes were blind.

When the shoemaker saw a stranger coming in, he stood up and asked, "Sir, who are you looking for? Did you go to the wrong door?" Beethoven said, "No, I'm here to play a song for this girl."

The girl quickly stood up and offered her seat. Beethoven sat in front of the piano and played the song that the blind girl had just played. The blind girl listened attentively, and when the song was over, she said excitedly, "How skillful you are! How deeply you feel! Are you Mr. Beethoven?"

Beethoven did not answer. He asked the blind girl, "Do you like to hear it? Let me play another song for you."

A gust of wind blew out the candle. The moonlight shines through the window, and everything in the hut seems to be covered with silver yarn, which makes it very quiet. Beethoven looked at the poor brother and sister standing beside him and pressed the keys in the quiet moonlight.

The shoemaker listened quietly. He seems to be facing the sea, and the moonlight is rising from the place where water meets sky. On the microwave sparkling sea, silver light was immediately sprinkled all over. The moon rose higher and higher, passing through wisps of gossamer like clouds. Suddenly, a strong wind blew on the sea, rolling up huge waves. The waves, which were shining brightly in the moonlight, rushed towards the shore one by one... The shoemaker looked at his sister, and the moonlight was shining on her quiet face. She looked at her wide open eyes, and she seemed to see what she had never seen before, the rough sea under the moonlight.

The brother and sister were intoxicated by the wonderful sound of the piano. When they woke up, Beethoven had already left the hut. He rushed back to the inn and spent the night recording the song "Moonlight Song" he had just played.