600 words of life composition (17 required)
Forget memories
2023-08-29 04:35:24

600 words of life composition (1)

Life is accidental, death is inevitable. There is nothing between life and death except a few breaths and bursts of painful crying. What about life between life and death?

"Have you ever thought about losing your life one day?" "Well, I'm so busy. Who can dream of that!" Yes, we are too busy. In the colorful society and the ever-changing information, we are busy studying, working, researching, eating, drinking, sleeping and playing... Because we are busy, some people also forget about life.

What is life?

Some people say that life is the naivety of the newborn, the innocence of the youth, the vigor of the youth, the steadiness of the middle age, and the wisdom of the old.

Some people say that life is mother's kindness, father's sternness, lover's tenderness, and friend's concern. It is the combination of all feelings.

Some people say that life is setting sun against sunset, green pines standing on cliffs, thousands of miles of flat sand falling autumn geese, spring and snow in March; It is a sword, a fast horse, and a golden sable wine; It is the wandering of lonely moon and cold song.

However, nature has given me life and the source of life. The colorful world will always give me new hope. In a twinkling of an eye, it's time for grass to grow and birds to fly again. Although the chill is getting more and more unbearable, now that it's time to go, what do you still miss? As soon as I close my eyes, a picture of spring pops up in my mind..

Walking on the road, I kept imagining that the end of them was a piece of grass. I felt that I had found the hope in life.

The river goes east, the waves are gone, and the heroes of the ages. Ordinary and extraordinary, although they have different views on life, they have all lived in the land under our feet. No matter what great achievements they have ever made, or how mediocre they are, they have turned into soil. However, people who have life now, no matter how you look at life, life is short. I hope you, I and he will cherish more!

Please cherish your life. It's good to be alive!

600 words of life composition (2)

Life is an invisible person. It goes very fast. Although it cannot describe its true face, it can hear its clear footsteps.

It has created new life and aging.

When the flower and bone blossomed, it listened to the cry from the baby's room.

When the "flower" was about to wither, it also visited the dying old man under the tree.

He has brought joy and sorrow to people.

Life is a single train. Every time we arrive at a station, there will be new babies on this train. Of course, some people will get off the bus calmly.

When someone is about to get on the train, it will greet them with joy and remind them to pay attention to safety on the train.

When someone wants to get off the bus, it will send them off calmly and remind them to manage their emotions.

Unconsciously, this train has been running for 2019 and has never stopped.

I tore the "life" into pieces. Looking at these irregular pieces, I couldn't help sighing the passage of time. I tried to restore these fragments to their original appearance. There were some gaps in the corners of the fragments. Although they could roughly spell out the shape, they were incomplete and could not match completely. Six years of "life" are spent in front of the TV, nearly five years in transportation, plus seven years of sporadic time such as making phone calls, gathering friends, and dressing up. Life is not long, but there is so much time to spend on time that should not be wasted. I took one piece out of the pieces and another piece out, and found that there were only two and a half grids left in "life". A feeling of emptiness suddenly came to my mind, and these spent time turned into smoke from life. I have a feeling that I want to start over, but life is different. It is not like you can get up again when you fall down. It is just past. Life is only once. People can go to heaven after death, but they cannot be reborn.

When I think about this, I am relieved... Maybe it's like Bing Xin said: "Not every river can flow into the sea, and those that do not flow become dead lakes; not every seed can become a tree, and those that do not grow become empty shells. Life is not always happy. Nor is it always painful. Happiness and pain are mutually reinforcing." Pursuing my goal and studying hard is what I should do now, It's enough not to let myself leave regret in this train!

600 words of life composition (3)

In the year of 20xx, a song "Beijing" was sung in China, and it also haunted my heart and could not be dispersed. Listening to the familiar melody, I seem to realize my own meaning - the life I want to bloom.

"It rains at home in the yellow plum season, and frogs are everywhere in the grass pond." Listening to the intermittent rain outside, I felt the suffocating peace in the examination room, my heart could not help but tremble. What would happen to the exam? What can I get for working so hard? Am I destined to go through my life in the exam? In the face of the heavy doubts in my heart, I can't help feeling a little frightened and frightened. When I looked up, I saw the exam invigilator's sharp eyes and the rotating pointer on the dial. When I looked down, I saw the cold words on the test paper that made me shiver. The teacher's advice and parents' advice came to my eyes. I used a sigh to dispel my doubts and plunged into the sea of questions.

"Huh -", I took a deep breath and finally finished the exam. The sky has cleared up, but the dark cloud in my heart is very persistent and refuses to dissipate. Because it knows that the end of one thing indicates the beginning of another thing - the exam results come out. Sure enough, my results were as bad as the weather that day. Although I had expected, my heart was still filled with disappointment and sadness. The voice sounded in my ears again - "What exactly do you want?"

It was a familiar road to walk home, but now my legs seem to be filled with lead.

I couldn't take a step. Unconsciously, I came to the side of the peony! A few days ago, when I went home, I found a peony falling on the roadside. Although it was nearly withered, the flowers and bones that had not yet blossomed reminded me of my love. So I put him on the side of the river and made a "fence" for him. Eh, is that the peony I planted? He actually lived and bloomed. Looking at her graceful figure, I was intoxicated! His smelling body fragrance and his blooming appearance shocked the most vulnerable place in my heart! I understand, I wake up, I have done so much, not for anything else, just to let life bloom like it!

Everything is past and gone. I want a life in full bloom, just like the melody of that song. The future, wait for me, I come!

600 words of life composition (4)

The petals are scattered into mud, and the fragrance of flowers is still overflowing. The life returns to the dust, just like the petals are scattered, and still multiply from generation to generation. There is always a power that fearlessly resists despair and suffering, and makes people full of passion and motivation - that is, love.

We are unruly age, we are chasing for Qingqing. We will never turn back, we will march forward bravely, just to leave a brilliant mark in life.

The same window looks up at the scenery and down at the mud. Different angles have different worlds. In the Golden Hall of Vienna, a young man who played the piano with both feet amazed the audience. The young man named Liu Wei was unforgettable. Some people will sympathize with him for losing his arms, and some will sigh for his suffering from fate again and again. God may be cruel, always killing off his little happiness. Maybe God is kind and doesn't take away his desire for happiness. Luck and misfortune are like a pair of chopsticks, without which one can not eat the bowl of life well.

Which one is not struggling in the dark and reborn in the disaster. Liu Wei gets light in the dark night. "There are only two ways in my life, either to die quickly or to live brilliantly." When I heard this sentence, I seemed to see an angel with broken wings, struggling to kill thorns with both feet. Even if blood flows into a river, even if pain is unbearable, I finally walked out of the road of my own life, a road to a better place.

Did you see it? It is the throat of the brave who hold the fate tightly.

Did you hear that? That is the voice of the unyielding to cleanse the soul.

What on earth is it that makes the wind and rain become a rainbow, the cold winter becomes a warm spring, and the hundred steel-making steel becomes flexible?

What on earth, let us see flowers in full bloom, is a smile blooming; When you see the snow flying all over the sky, you can see the green grass everywhere?

It is life. It is a respectable life that rises from humble and suffering and writes brilliant chapters with unyielding and tenacity. It is love that accompanies life and allows life to blossom.

Our life is full of love. In this way, our life has uncontrollable enthusiasm and yearning, and we have unlimited attachment to our caring feelings. It opens like a white sail, riding on the waves; It is like the full moon flying in the sky, and the bright light comes from the sky.

We are all butterflies waiting to emerge from the cocoon, bearing the ravages of wind and rain and the sun, waiting for the day of transformation.

Looking forward to your magnificent turn.

Looking forward to your life in full bloom.

600 words of life composition (5)

"I'm waiting. In the long years, a comet suddenly appears, and the wind blows."


As Mr. Zhilao wrote in the "Sonnet", a person's life is always limited, but when a person pays for other equally respectable lives, his life will be as brilliant as the blooming summer flowers.

Let life bloom like summer flowers.

An uncle in Xinjiang, Krishui, who sells kebabs of mutton, couldn't bear to see that those teenagers who are in bloom have no books to read, so he donated almost all of his savings saved for many years to charity, but he still? I stood alone in the snowy winter and made a living selling mutton kebabs.

Although he has no prominent position and great achievements, when he pays for those lives that are also worthy of respect, his blooming life will be as gorgeous as summer flowers.

Bloom life, death is as heavy as Mount Tai.

"When the smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north... He is willing to die to protect his family and country." In order to establish the frontier fortress, Yue Fei is loyal to the country. One sentence, "How can you get married before the golden army is lost?" sets off your loyalty, and one sentence, "The yellow sand wears golden armour after every battle, and will not return until the Loulan is broken". It also reflects your pride to move forward for your country, your family, and those lives that are also worthy of respect. Although you were accused of being "unwarranted", your death has made more people with lofty ideals carry the darkness and move forward bravely for the country.

Break out in silence, shed dust in solitude, bloom life in death memory, Yue Fei, although you are still alive, your blooming life and death will always remain in the hearts of the world.

Throughout the past and present, we can feel that life is short and insignificant. But when an individual life pays for other lives that are also worthy of respect, it can emit infinite light, and even let ordinary people have the power to surpass ordinary people. Like cicadas in summer, they wait for four or five years in the land, just for a song in a summer, and selflessly dedicate their blooming life to nature.

"Every day without dancing is a betrayal of life." Nicai said that, indeed, an individual's life does not care about the length, but whether he can release "a gorgeous summer flower" in his short life journey.

600 words of life composition (6)

I often think, what is the life in full bloom?

In the cold winter, in the white snow, the withered trees were cut "cracks" by the cold wind. Animals are also immersed in their sweet dreams. The snow was flying and roaring, and there was no life in sight. I wore a thick cotton padded jacket to walk in the snow. I could only see the same color of the vast, but not a bright flower embellishing the monotonous winter. Suddenly, a dark fragrance came, and I looked for it: there was a plum blossom in the wind and snow! It has bright pink flowers and stands tall in the ice and snow. The piercing cold wind blows like a knife, and it is not afraid; The snow is flying, and it will never shrink back! What a tenacious vitality it is!

In midsummer, the sun is arrogant, bringing more than 40 degrees of heat to the earth. The big tree can only bow to the sun. When I walked in the forest, looking at the large areas of shade, I couldn't help sighing: green is everywhere, green in summer is so boring, and you can't see the bright flowers. Just hesitating, I looked up and saw a golden field reflected in my eyes, followed by sunflowers blooming in the hot summer sun one by one. In the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, they are not afraid of the sun's scorching and brave to face the scorching sun. They are chasing the sun, chasing the courage, and blooming their lives! My heart was pounding!

What is the life in full bloom? I suddenly understood that it was the spirit of plum blossom to fight against the wind and snow, and the courage of sunflower to defeat the scorching sun. Only the brave man of life can show his life in full bloom. Just like Helen Keller, although she is blind in both eyes and deaf in both ears, she has created miracles one after another with her pen with amazing perseverance. Just like Hawking, although only his eyelids can express the richness of his inner world, he has created miracles one after another in the physics world and made many contributions to the world

What about us?

We should also be like plum blossom and sunflower, and face difficulties bravely; We should also like Helen Keller and Hawking to overcome the setbacks on the unknown life path and let out our own passionate life!

600 words of life composition (7)

I have thought about such a question: What is the meaning of life?

Once, in the community, I saw a grasshopper and took it home and put it in a box. But the grasshopper didn't stop at all. It made me unable to sleep. When I got out of bed to see it, I saw it desperately flapping its wings and struggling. I was shocked by its strong desire to survive. Conscience scolded me. I was about to destroy a small life. I released it in time.

There is a flower in my flowerpot, but the endless wildfire weeds occupy its position and nutrients. One day, I got up to water the flowers! My flowers were submerged in the sea of weeds, and I was angry to break those weeds. A few days later, I came to water the flowers again. Unexpectedly, my poor flowers were surrounded by weeds again. What makes weeds have such willpower? Oh, so strong!

One day, I saw the process of salmon breeding on TV: when salmon grow into small fish, in order to find food, they must travel thousands of kilometers to the Atlantic Ocean. After eating and drinking enough, they must return to spawn. When salmon migrate, they will face many crises. Grizzlies, wolves, seals, sharks and eagles are waiting for the arrival of salmon on the salmon migration road. Some salmon have lost their lives here. When they reach the temperate rainforest, they will be trapped in shallow water. A small number of salmon will be stranded and die. Only when it rains heavily can the surviving salmon continue to swim. They also have to go upstream from the fast waterfall. Some salmon will become a good meal for the grizzly bears waiting here. Those salmon that are finally left will turn red and die after laying eggs, and some of their eggs will be eaten by birds. What a cruel salmon breeding! But the salmon still migrate and breed generation after generation without any regrets. I can't help crying when I see here. How much courage does it take for salmon to face these tests? They are too strong!

Now, I finally understand what the meaning of the light of life is, it is strong.

600 words of life composition (8)

We have only one life, and life is invaluable to us. Some people work hard to make life bright and powerful, while others waste it like waste. In my mind, life should be worth cherishing.

I once heard a heartrending story. There was a boy who graduated from our school. He was a teenager. Unfortunately, he was not responsible for his own life. Once, he quarreled with his parents. After the quarrel, he not only did not reflect on his own shortcomings, but also was angry alone. Then he jumped off the building and committed suicide. In this way, a flower like life disappeared.

Life is extremely precious, but he doesn't know how to cherish it. His ignorant and reckless behavior not only killed his own life, but also burned his parents' efforts to cultivate him for more than ten years, and stabbed his parents in the heart, leaving the family with wounds that can never be healed! Unfortunately, life should never be treated like this!

Another time, I went to the Children's Palace for class. On the way, I walked slowly, looking at the flowers and trees on both sides. Suddenly, my eyes were fixed on a green brick. It was a small grass sprout with only a few millimeters growing under the brick. I had never seen it before, but at this time, I found that it grew tenaciously when no one paid attention to it. It finally grew out from under the brick, stuck out its head, and saw the bright sunshine and dew that moistened its life! At that moment, I was deeply moved. I immediately took out my camera and photographed it, recording the moment.

Ah! Life belongs to you only once, while some people treat it like grass and grass, and waste it with ignorance; The weak grass, however, is unyielding and growing tenaciously under such difficult conditions. I firmly believe that it will thrive and live wonderfully! The meaning of life does not lie in the variety or the difference between rich and poor, but in how you make it meaningful.

The sea of life is magnificent because of the waves, and the road of life is more colorful because of the ups and downs. Let's not be intimidated by difficulties. Let's use our strength and efforts to make our life more colorful. Everyone should respect their life, cherish her, remember responsibility, live a wonderful life, and live a meaningful life.

600 words of life composition (9)

On Saturday, I squatted at the door with nothing to do and stared at the floor in a daze. Suddenly, a small black spot came into my sight. When I looked closely, it turned out to be an ant.

I like catching ants since I was a child, and I soon became energetic. I found an empty drink bottle, followed the path of a few scattered ants, and found their old nest near the tree. When I reached out the "hands of death", several ants became my "prisoners". They have different shapes, black and red. You can see that they all climb to the bottle mouth. Although they always fall down because of water drops or because of my bad shaking, they still persevere. They long for freedom! I could not help but pour them out. But "living sin is unavoidable, death is inevitable", I looked at the lighter, thinking.

I held a lighter in my hand and gently touched an ant that was running away. The ant immediately began to twitch and struggle, but was still desperately "crawling forward". My hand followed it wherever it climbed. Its movement gradually slowed down, and it also made a slight, small "Zizi" sound, accompanied by a burning smell. This ant is dying, lying on the ground motionless, and when you look carefully, its antennae are still twitching, as if to warn other ants. What a tenacious willpower it is! Even though it has only a little life left, it never gives up reminding its companions of something

I saw all the ants hiding in the hole, so I filled the bottle with water and poured it toward the hole. The water in the bottle flowed into the hole, and the ants were washed out of the hole. They scrambled to the hole again, but were washed away again by the panting water in my bottle. They seemed tired and lay motionless in the water. Only a few larger ants struggled to crawl to the place where there was no water. The pace was heavy and slower

Looking at the ant bodies floating in the water, I thought: life is precious, and every creature has the right to live! I want to cherish life and make my life more meaningful!

Fourth grade: Zhou Junkang

600 words of life composition (10)

I thought the life of grass was fragile, because they were short and weak. There used to be a lawn in front of our classroom. And there are many such lawns elsewhere in the school. We all like to step on those lawns. They fall down when we step on them, as if they have no vitality. They are so common that they can be seen everywhere.

One day, our teacher took us to have a physical examination. We lined up and walked to the canteen. Suddenly, I saw a green grass growing from a small crack in the tile under my feet. It stood straight there, as if calling out to us: See, I am not weak, I am strong. I was very surprised and thought: This is impossible. It can't survive there. How can its vitality be so strong? The next student was also surprised and said, "Why does this grass grow here alone? There is no water in this place. It has survived by its strong perseverance!"

It suddenly appeared to me that the grass was trying to grow: it tried to root in the deepest place, even though its body was tired, but it still did not give up. It tried hard to absorb the sun. A gust of wind blew and said in a mocking tone: "Give up, you can't succeed. I've lived so long, and I've never seen the grass that survived in the tile seam." I don't believe your words, I don't believe your words, and I will succeed. " The wind left angrily. When spring came, the diligent bee sang a song: "Don't be busy, go to the grass to grow up!"...... After a long time, finally one day, it stood in the crack of the tile with vitality. It shouted to the world: "Did you see that I survived here, you looked down on me, laughed at me, but I still survived."

Everyone's life should be different. But I think this kind of strong life is more worth learning.

600 words of life composition (11)

One autumn, I went to my grandfather's house to play. I found that the paddy field near my grandfather's house had just been harvested. Because there were no crops, the weeds around the paddy field were very eye-catching. Looking at the withered and yellow grass, I had an idea. I thought the teacher said that the grass was "endless wildfire, and reborn in the spring breeze"? I would like to see how tenacious it is. Then I came to my brothers and sneaked into Grandpa's room. I took a good lighter on the table, put it in my pocket, and quietly walked out. We bear children ran to the grass and trampled on it. Soon, all the grass lay on the ground. I saw that they were no longer manly and we were "evil" He smiled and started the next plan - setting fire. As soon as they are lit with a lighter, they will "squeak" and burn. The voice seemed to protest and said, "Please let us go!" I thought we would wait and see. When it burned to ashes, I didn't believe that you would grow again the next spring. The grass turned to ashes in the fire, and we went away satisfied

When the next spring came, I went to my grandfather's house to play again. When I came to the rice field again, I found that the grass was growing again. They are so lively. At this time, I can't help blaming myself. Such tenacious grass, such grass that brings vitality to spring, such grass that brings fresh air to us, I actually hurt it in this way

This experience deeply shocked me. I admire the tenacity of Xiaocao's vitality! Xiaocao, I want to learn from you the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and not shrinking back. Xiaocao, you are an example for me to learn. Thank you for teaching me what is not to bow to difficulties!

600 words of life composition (12)

I remember that my mother took me to my aunt's house to visit my newborn brother that year. I was curious to think that this little brother must be fat and very funny. But when I saw him, I found that he was exactly the opposite of what I expected. I asked my aunt how heavy he was. She replied, "Only a little more than four kilograms." His hands were pitifully small, even smaller than my tiger doll's hands, The aunt smiled and said, "Come and touch my brother's hand." Look carefully, the hand is too thin, the skin is loosely wrapped outside, the blood vessels in the hand are clearly visible, and my outstretched hand immediately retracted.

On the way home, I asked my mother: "What's the name of my little brother?" "It's Zhuang Zhuang." "But he is not strong at all! How is Zhuang Zhuang?" "This name represents the hope of the whole family. I hope my little brother will be as strong as a soldier!" "Mom, my little brother is the hope of their family. Am I the hope of our family?" "Yes, when you come to this world, it is like coming to a turntable. You are the pointer, and the turntable is equivalent to Mom and Dad." Mom said earnestly.

When I was eight years old, my grandfather found out the advanced stage of liver cancer, and the countdown of life had begun.

One night, when I got up to drink water, I found my grandfather standing in front of the window sill admiring flowers. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and yawned and asked, "Grandpa, are you too painful to sleep?" My grandfather replied, "It's not that you can't sleep, but that you dare not sleep. I'm afraid I can't get up once I sleep. I want to spend more time looking at you, looking at these flowers and grass!" Then Grandpa sighed again and said, "You'll know when you grow up." After hearing these words, I was extremely sad. Three years later, Grandpa really fell asleep and never woke up. Our family was in great sorrow.

The birth of my little brother brought us hope, and the death of my grandfather left the whole family with missing. Everyone will go from birth to death. How short life is! I must live a good life now!

600 words of life composition (13)

Finally, the rain stopped. Walking into the yard, the air is very good, walking in it. Occasionally, I caught a glimpse of a creeper vine sprouting in the corner. When I looked closely, it was so green and tender. After years of old rattan sprouted after the rain, I could not help but feel a shock and joy in my heart.

This bud seems to be human. It grows hard, climbs hard, and absorbs nutrients day and night in order to climb the whole wall one day. A few weeks later, when I came home from school, I found that the bud had grown much taller, the leaves gradually grew up and became deeper, and there were many small claws sticking out from both sides of the stem, very thin and tender, but I could feel a kind of stubborn life from it.

After dinner, the sky changed its face. Dark clouds slowly gathered, and the original blue sky covered a layer of darkness - it was going to rain. Sitting in the room reading, I began to worry about the creeper. The moisture of rain makes it sprout, and at the same time, it can destroy it. "A few days ago I thought it could last forever, but today it rained, and it must not. How can a small life escape the clutches of wind and rain?" I thought.

It rained all night. Get up early in the morning, get dressed quickly, and run to the yard before washing. Parthenocissus tricuspidata was blown to the ground by the wind, but it was amazing that every green leaf of it was up, and none of them was facing down. The yard was still wet, and the stubborn leaves were covered with drops of water. Even if they fell, they were still fresh and could not be contaminated with a trace of dirt. Support it carefully, hoping it can continue to grow.

The sun came out and the air was fresh. Strangely enough, the creeper climbed up again. Small, green leaves, the water has not yet dried out, in the sun, it looks vigorous again.

At this time, a voice in my heart told me: I can't explain life, but I know that life is upward!

600 words of life composition (14)


Life is like a meteor, as long as you catch it, it will never be fleeting; Life is like running water. As long as you don't stop it, it will never dry up; Life is like the red sun. As long as you love it, it will be wonderful.

Since the moment we were born, we have fought for the right to life. But this life is not eternal. Life has already been doomed, the other end of life - death, how terrible, how shocking! If life is accidental, death is inevitable. However, in this rush between life and death, we should cherish every moment and make it more beautiful.

The extinction of the fire of life does not mean its depression. Some people live dirty and die dirty; Some people live a great life and die a glorious death; Some people die with open eyes and some die without regret.

Some people died, but he is still alive. The heroic deed of taking a ladder to save people on the Yangtze River has long been celebrated throughout the country and touched China. Yes, they are dead, but they have always lived in our hearts and will remain immortal.

Some people are alive, but they are dead. Yes, those corrupt officials live only for their own interests, just like walking corpses. They are still alive, but they have already died under our feet, and they are notorious for thousands of years.

The life of a person is only once, but if you can use only one life to exchange for the rise of a group or the rise of belief, then this death is the wisdom or love of life. You can't decide the length of your life, but you can make it wide and wonderful. The highlight of life lies in your hard struggle, your selfless dedication, and every small part of life. Life is beautiful only when you realize the value of life.

We can't choose the moment of death, but we can make our life meaningful and let our life continue forever

Don't blame God for giving us too little time. Don't blame time for passing too fast. Don't blame life for being too short. Because the significance of the important task is not the length of time, but whether you make this limited life live an infinite wonderful life.


Life is like a flower, full of fragrance; Life is like rosy clouds, colorful; Life is like tea, delicate and elegant.

Life is strong and fragile.

The grass has always been the object of praise. Xiaocao lives in this world with strong perseverance. In the face of the storm of nature, they still raise their heads, and after the rain, they show a smile of victory; In the face of people's trampling, they were trampled down and straightened again and again. I have to admire and admire their perseverance. But on the contrary, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the destruction of nature. As long as they are put outside, even if it is only one night, they will die. The vegetables in the greenhouses will die as long as the greenhouses are removed and exposed to a little wind and rain. Therefore, life is both strong and fragile.

Life is full and empty.

If a person is always busy and busy for what he needs to do all day long, he must think that life is full, then he will also be full of vision for the future, and will strive for his own goals and ideals. However, if a person always has nothing to do and has nothing to do all day, he will certainly think that life is empty and will give up and no longer hold any hope for his future. So life is full and empty.

Life is finite and infinite.

Although the life of the body is limited, and human beings cannot control birth, aging, disease and death, our soul can always exist in the world, as long as we have this heart, we can do it. Because there is nothing you can't do if you want to do it. This is my mantra. As long as the soul exists in the world, life is infinite, so life is finite and infinite.

Life is like this, strong and fragile, full and empty.


The bright sunshine drives away the cold of winter, and all life is taking root and sprouting, starting a new life.

The beauty of spring can never be imagined in the hut. Out of the hut, into the embrace of nature, you will pour out many feelings. Even if it is a piece of green grass or an unknown wild flower, I will feel their beauty.

In early spring, the light wind wakes up the sleeping creatures and makes them grow up quietly. They announce the arrival of spring. The nearby buds have sprouted again. The newly unearthed Xiaoya is so cute and unobtrusive. In this small and cute, there is a strong vitality that can not be ignored.

Spring is the starting point of a year, and that little bud is the starting point of life.

The small bud just broke through the soil, with the fragrance of the soil and a faint smell. But you will really see it - a lovely little life.

Love life, just like love spring, love Xiaoya, because a bud is a life. Let us all become a bud, open the dusty heart, let the sun come in, let the heart turn green, let the heart blossom - because life is beautiful.

Everyone has life, which is extremely ordinary but full of fantasy.

Approaching life, you will feel its greatness. Let's embrace life, embrace beautiful life.

600 words of life composition (15)

On life

A few days ago, I heard a news that a former classmate died of illness. In the past, we lived in the same dormitory, and a girl who seemed to be pure and white was from Guangxi. She spoke with a strong local accent, spoke little, but liked to laugh. That's because she doesn't see any sign of birth disease. Although I have committed several stomach pains, I didn't expect that I would eventually die because of the advanced gastric ulcer.

Hearing the news, several of our roommates were shocked. I didn't expect that a life would disappear like this, let alone that a life would be so fragile in the face of disease! The night I heard the news, I couldn't sleep. Think a lot about life!

While grieving for the loss of a friend, I am glad to be able to come to this world and have a real life. In life, we are often moved by people and things around us. This kind of touched life, because of the flowers and trees, there are birds singing and flowers fragrance; Because of the blue sky and white clouds, there is a vast expanse; Because of the vast expanse of smoke and waves, I grew up in a moving atmosphere, gradually moved towards the maturity of life, and learned to feel life.

In my heart, as long as life has a grateful and happy heart, life will be happy and full of happiness every day. In fact, it is to face the journey of life with a simple heart in the lifetime. It's not that complicated. In my eyes, life is a long chess game. In this chess game, there is no west wind, no smoke everywhere, and only a choice between taking or taking, advancing or retreating. Just like the most inconspicuous pawn on the chessboard, you should have the courage to work hard and move forward bravely. Yes, life is just a chess game in which people fight tirelessly.

Therefore, life for me is just continuous struggle and learning. It is meaningful only when we dedicate our efforts and sweat to life wholeheartedly. This is my true understanding of life.

So I thank myself for having life. When each of us has a real life, in addition to cherishing and moving, we should learn to understand the true meaning of life and learn to cherish.

Eternal life

The future is always full of longing and hope. In the future, our young looks will fade away

"When you can live forever, why should you live?" Mel's book completely fascinated me. I am eager to be a vampire, which can keep my young appearance forever. It is my ability to gain something different from ordinary people, although it will be my soul and my feelings in exchange. But rather than live a bumpy, meaningless life, waiting to grow old, I would like to keep my youth forever, even if I want to avoid the sun, loneliness, and live like a mouse in the gutter, I would also like to.

Like Edward Cullen in the book, I would like to have the speed, strength, wisdom and angel like face that are superior to ordinary people, and all the things that need to be exchanged are the stupid souls and emotions of human beings.

The soul to me is just a sad and terrible thing. Immortality may be loneliness, but what's wrong with loneliness? It's just that stupid human beings desire another half. For me, what I want is a spiritual partner who can accompany me forever. Human life is so fragile, even if it is a successful life for the vulgar people, but after the end of luxury, there is only endless darkness and forgetting. Why not choose a leisurely life instead of a hurried life? When time is running out, I can use my vampire's penetrating eyes to slowly see everything in the mundane world.

Between the angel and the devil, I chose to be the one in the middle. It does not belong to heaven, nor to hell, nor to the world. It is like being spurned by God. It is free to live in my lonely world.

If one day, I become a member of the blood family; One day, I can live leisurely and enjoy my eternal life freely. If I do, I will be free from this helpless and vulgar human life.

Paint of life

Colorful decoration of the wonderful world, colorful paint embellishment of a world shaking immortal. Brilliant colors in the colorful stage to deduce a wonderful story handed down from generation to generation. I would like to let color stay in the bottom of my heart and decorate the dull soul world into a lively and lively paradise.

Let red be the paint of life. The fiery red, like a burning flame, burns the filth of the world. On the road of life, it is the inexhaustible power to overcome all setbacks and difficulties. The fiery passion makes people excited, and there is a faint impulse of unremitting struggle in the chest.

The red temperature warms the heart. The infinity of life can be displayed incisively and vividly under the red rendering. Maybe this is the essence of red.

Let green be the paint of life. Soft green, like water, ripples in my heart. The ripples tremble slightly, transmitting the call of green. Green is a significant symbol of life, and life is a perfect illustration of green.

Green grass, green leaves, green water - everything in the world seems to have formed an indissoluble bond with the thick green. Light green, dark green, dark green ----- The colorful green world is colorful. The tender grass sprouts are verdant and green, spreading the oily green to the earth. The green willow leaves are also decorated with exquisite dewdrops, shining bright and soft light. The flowing clouds gently fluttering in the sky and the spring breeze blowing across the cheeks are intoxicated with the abundant green. Stop for a moment to enjoy the intoxicating green.

Let yellow be the paint of life. Since ancient times, the sacred yellow is the symbolic color of the emperor, representing the dignity and dignity of the royal family. A great spirit lingers around the golden yellow, emitting justice. It is the embodiment of great righteousness, a warrior against evil and darkness.

Yellow is a warm color, which can always give people an inexplicable warmth. It is moved from the heart. It always jumps in front of people, dances for people, and even talks and laughs with people. What a lively yellow. It can always bring people the joy of harvest. Golden rice fragrance fills the world, golden rice ears droop their heads in meditation, and numerous fruits hang on the branches. Mature autumn weaves the unique yellow into a succession of hopes, dreams and ideals. Naturally, there is the joy of success.

The fiery red, soft green and holy yellow bloomed a youthful smile.

600 words of life composition (16)

Every life is limited and short, but human beings are blinded by gold, silver and wealth. They hunt a lot of animals, pull out the elephant's teeth, cut off the panda's paw, and ruthlessly peel off the tiger's skin. Why do human beings violate the law even though they know it is illegal? Because of money, because of wealth. It is for it that people take away the precious parts of animals and sell them at high prices. Of course, they can't escape the legal sanction after all. And trees are also cut down in a bad way. Trees could have withstood natural disasters for us. Cutting them is equivalent to losing a group of capable soldiers. I appeal to people to protect animals and plants. No business, no harm.

In real life, human beings also do not cherish their own lives, while mobile phones have become more important than life. Whether adults, children or the elderly, they have become bowed heads. They hold their mobile phones to play games, watch news and chat all the time. Are there still few disasters caused by crossing the road and driving to watch mobile phones? Haven't human beings memorized the lesson of so much blood in their hearts? While protecting animals and plants, we should also cherish our own lives, because there is only one life! It is impossible to have two lives, but many people are not good at spending even one time. Yes, as our poet Tao Yuanming said, "One day is hard to get back in the morning if one does not return in the prime of life. When you encourage in time, time and tide wait for no one." Life is precious. No amount of gold, silver and jewels can be exchanged, and every life is the same, It is also wrong for human beings to harm other lives for their own interests. We should protect every life with practical actions.

600 words of life composition (17)

Today, when I went to the Maths Olympiad class, a wisp of white smoke suddenly appeared at my feet. In a twinkling of an eye, it was the unextinguished cigarette end lying in the withered grass. It's withered grass, and there may be a little water to resist the fire. When you lost your cigarette, didn't you really think about the safety of everyone? Is it so immoral? How many people died in the fire, and how many people lost their loved ones. The raging fire is ruthless. The red fire makes people afraid. It is even more cruel to swallow people. The white smoke is demonstrating to us.

The value of life is above everything. Life is fragile. Life may end at that moment, there can be no second time, there can be no backflow. But life is also tenacious and sacred. How many lives are free from disease, how many are struggling in difficulties, how many are regaining confidence in failure, and how many are escaping from difficulties. Whether in the face of money or in the name of a person, life is the most important thing. You should consider whether your words and deeds threaten your life. You must be cautious about this issue. Because life can create miracles. Both intelligent robots and technologically advanced products are created by people. The pink wintersweet stood alone in the snow with pride. In this cold winter, we can still see green and vitality.

Everyone is responsible for protecting life. Is it really difficult for the person who lost his cigarette end to stamp it out? No, it's not difficult, because you don't have a reverence for life. Don't think it's irrelevant. Accidents can happen at any time, such as earthquakes and floods, and we can do nothing. But please don't let the accident come out of our carelessness, out of our non-compliance with the rules, out of our lack of responsibility, out of our lack of concern for others, out of our own self-interest.

I firmly believe that even if the world is always frozen, life will create miracles.