Composition describing childlike innocence (13 anthologies)
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2024-04-29 05:45:06
Junior 1

Composition describing childlike innocence (1)

The most beautiful flower in the world is a smile; The purest heart in the world is childlike innocence; The happiest person in the world is the one with childlike innocence.

Happiness is a day, unhappiness is also a day, but few people can meditate on happiness. The world is tired of worldly fame and wealth, entangled with the gratitude and resentment of the world of mortals, and unable to understand the right and wrong. Some people climb high and shout: "In the world, where is happiness?" Imagine: how can a person who is like a snail and carries a heavy shell find happiness? Think quietly. In fact, happiness is simple. As long as you remove the burden and have a childlike innocence, happiness will be around you.

Time slipped quietly between fingers, busy housework, unfinished work, immersed in documents, shuttled between meetings, and ran on the road between home and work. Hurry, hurry, get used to, numb, forget, can't see red flowers and green willows, can't hear birds chirping and insects chirping, quiet like a pool of stagnant water.

Until one summer day, I couldn't resist my son's entanglement. I walked with him on the boulevard of the nature park with a sunshade and sweated. I listened to his endless talk, from universe exploration to submarine adventure, from ancient civilization to the future world, from birds and beasts to bacteria and viruses. Although it was just a scratch, I appreciated his seriousness. Looking at his beaming face, a special feeling came from the bottom of my heart. It seemed that my son had grown up inadvertently. The 12-year-old sunshine boy, like a touch of sunrise, was brilliant! Although the earth was scorched by the hot and dry weather, a sense of coolness came to my heart. The chirping of cicadas in the forest was like a grand ensemble with beautiful melody.

Suddenly, the son broke free from his umbrella and ran happily to the grass beside the road. He wanted to stop him, but his outstretched hand stopped in the air. One butterfly, two butterflies... The son chased the colorful butterflies, and the butterflies danced with him. From time to time, the son heard bursts of giggles.

Blue sky, white clouds, green grass, fragrant flowers, quickly put up the umbrella, run to the butterflies, looking for the joy of childhood

Composition describing childlike innocence (2)

Every one of us has a childlike innocence. We used to be concerned about the fate of the ant kingdom, guess the mysteries of the vast universe, and fantasize about the history of the waterfront beach... As long as you look with your eyes and listen with your ears, the childlike innocence can hold the whole world.

Childlike innocence is kind.

Walking on the path, I saw a little girl holding a transparent jar, which seemed to contain several snails. I came to the little girl and asked, "What are you doing?" The little girl looked back and saw me and said, "Today we had a science class about snails. We need to catch snails. The class is over, but these snails cannot be raised at their own place. They are still so small that they will die if raised. So I came to set them free and let them return to nature." I praised the little girl, who knew how to put the captured creatures back to nature when she was still so young. She is a kind-hearted girl who loves nature. She has a kind-hearted childlike innocence.

Childlike innocence is pure.

Little boys and girls formed a line to go on an outing. Suddenly, an old grandpa fell on the roadside, rubbing his knee, and was in great pain. The children all rushed to the grandpa, lifted him up, and asked him to sit on the bench. They would not worry about the so-called "touch porcelain" of the grandpa. They would not hesitate to rush to the grandpa, and extend a helping hand to him, rather than walk past him as if nothing had happened. They all have a pure, pure childlike innocence.

Childlike innocence is enthusiastic and optimistic.

When I first came to the orphanage as a volunteer, I was nervous, but the children came to hug you. I found that most of the children here were born with some congenital diseases. They lacked the care of their parents since childhood, but they still lived a strong and optimistic life. They had a warm, optimistic, strong childlike heart.

Childlike innocence is kind, pure, enthusiastic, optimistic and strong. If we can have a sincere childlike innocence, we will find that flowers are smiling in the branches, crickets are singing in the corner, and the world will become more beautiful!

Composition describing childlike innocence (3)

Walking into the flower season, I felt the beauty of the world and the hardships of growth. What I lacked was sweet carefree, and there was no dream of happy games. Therefore, my childhood was recalled from dusty memories. How are you? Long lost childlike innocence!

The butterflies are flying and the clouds are all over the sky. The birds flying high in the sky are always our longing. The swinging swing fills every corner with our silvery laughter. There are countless questions and hopes in my little heart. Looking up at the blue sky, I seem to dance with white clouds and wander in the sky; I open my heart, talk with the wind, and resonate with the birds; I bent down, shook hands with cordyceps, and nodded with flowers. Oh, what a wonderful world with childlike innocence!

The sky with childlike innocence is a pure blue, without any noise and dust, suspicion and selfishness, but only an incomparable ease and innocence. In this sunny sky, there is a different kind of amorous feelings, which is free and easy with childlike innocence.

The grass with childlike innocence is a different kind of green, full of songs and laughter everywhere. Grasshoppers dancing in the grass are our happiness, and the delicate flowers become our ornament of happiness. We barefoot, enjoy the touch of grass, and then leave a string of happy notes on the grass with all the mud. In this free world, there is a unique interest, with the joy and beauty brought to us by childlike innocence.

The pond with childlike innocence is pure and bright. Fish and shrimp became toys in our hands. We jumped into the water to catch the crabs and clams in the deep rock crevices. We took off our clothes and jumped into the pond to swim. We got up in spite of the criticism of our parents... The river took our laughter to the far

The world with childlike innocence is a paradise of dreams and games. Snow White and the seven dwarfs occupied the whole mind, their hands were full of fairy tales, and paper planes were hanging from the branches. Remember the mantis whose wings you broke? With a song about losing a handkerchief, the whole body shakes out happy notes. Childlike innocence brings us longing and imagination.

Oh, what a wonderful world with childlike innocence! I cry when I feel pain, laugh when I feel happy, don't hide it, don't know suspicion, and have a real life. But the traces of time slowly buried your original appearance, life is no longer simple, I began to carefully avoid others. To tell the truth, adults will say you are fooling around; Make up a beautiful promise, and adults will say you are mature and sensible. So I began to miss the world full of childlike innocence, the simple world. After a long time, I gradually found that it is good to have childlike innocence!

Composition describing childlike innocence (4)

I am eager to have a childlike innocence, because if I look at the world with childlike innocence, the world will be more beautiful-- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In the evening, I sat in the living room and told my four year old sister the old story - "Turtle and Rabbit Race". After I finished, I said: "The little rabbit is too proud, so it has fallen behind. You should remember that modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people fall behind. So, you should learn from the little turtle, right?" "No, no, sister, the little turtle is too unfriendly, and it should wake up the little rabbit."

I was shocked. I have heard this story many times and told it many times. I have never heard of such an answer. I have never heard of finding faults in a bunny. In the hearts of four year old children, the premise of modesty is friendliness. If we can have a childlike innocence, then our life will be more fun? So I long for childlike innocence.

An aunt working in the kindergarten told me that she once asked a child: "Why do flowers bloom, The answer she had prepared was simple and boring: "Because the weather is getting warmer!"

The reason why young minds can fly freely is that they are free, because everything is beautiful in their hearts. I used to be as naive and imaginative as my sister, but with the growth of age and experience, I found that my imagination was gradually abandoned by me

In fact, we complain that our life is too peaceful, because you haven't found anything special in life. As long as you have a childlike innocence to see the world, then your world will no longer be monotonous.

How I long to have a childlike innocence!

Composition describing childlike innocence (5)

If you are poor, you will be alone; if you reach the goal, you will help the world.

When the breeze rises, the swing swings and waves alone

Looking at the orange swing, many memories emerge in front of me, but they are vague. I haven't played on the swing for a long time. I can't remember the time of last swing. I stood quietly aside, my eyes moving with the swing. Wait and wait. It took a long time for the boy on the swing to come down and give his place to me.

It's my turn at last! Sitting on the swing, I feel my heart is flying, which makes me forget everything, only rippling with the spring breeze

I clenched the chains on both sides of the swing, pushed my feet back as far as possible, and the muscles on my thighs were forced. Then I released my feet and swung. When moving forward, both hands and feet move forward, and the toes touch the ground from time to time. Inertia is used to increase speed and amplitude, and foot force is used to maintain speed.

Close your eyes, and your body seems to float up gently. The sky and ground rotate with the shaking, and the surrounding things become blurred. I felt dizzy, so I closed my eyes. Up and down, up and down, like a magic moon ship in a fairy tale, roaming in the air... My heart went up and down, wandering with the "moon ship", as if I had returned to the free days of my childhood.

The swing shakes with a squeak and squeak, and with it ripples the long lost childlike innocence. It's so pleasant. I can't help thinking of the lyrics: "I swing with you to the sky, watching the Cowherd and Weaver Girl meet at the Milky Way..."

Suddenly, I felt that the swing was swinging higher. When I opened my eyes, it was my partner who pushed me hard. I was almost floating in the air, and the high and far stimulation made me afraid and stopped quickly.

Unconsciously, there are many clouds in the sky, changing endlessly, like the way Rainbow girl walked

Facing the sunset, I went home contentedly, because I found the lost childlike innocence.

Composition describing childlike innocence (6)

On holidays, my sister who worked in other places came back. Taking advantage of the fine weather, she took me to an empty grassland and showed me the gift she had brought from other places - a kite with funny patterns.

Seeing the pattern on the kite is so ugly, and flying kites seems to be a child's game, I suddenly lost interest and didn't want to pay attention to it. But my sister played with the kite with great interest. Such a big person also ran with the kite excitedly. It was really childish, and I secretly slandered. Xu was so noisy that he attracted children playing on the grass.

I'm a little depressed, but I don't know why. My sister also noticed my mood. She took the kite and thrust it into my hand in my disdainful eyes. "No," I refused. The next second, the children's happy noise drowned my weak protest.

I feebly carried the kite, stuck in place, worrying about my girl's image. But the children's expectant eyes behind me made my heart soften. I gritted my teeth, picked it up, ran quickly, and raised the kite high. The kite with funny cartoon patterns spun in the air and rode the wind. The kite flies higher and higher, and the flying kite is no longer so ugly; I also ran faster and faster. The cool wind brushed my cheeks, and my heart finally brightened.

The troubles and worries in my heart began to leave me. With the flying kite disappearing in the wind, I could not help laughing. At this moment, I finally forget my age, maturity and everything. What I really feel is the joy of a long separation.

In my memory, the little girl with ponytail and bow tie ran towards me, holding a kite, and gradually coincided with my Huantuo figure.

When putting down the kite, it was dark. My sister and I, one after the other, walked back to the home in the sunset. I feel a kind of joyful joy filling my heart, and my childlike innocence seems to be back.

Depressed mood is like an ugly kite. Once it flies, it becomes bright and beautiful.

Composition describing childlike innocence (7)

I think each of us has a silly and happy childhood.

My favorite thing to do when I was a child is to "cross the family", which is a game many girls like to play. There are many kinds of "cooking". I prefer "cooking".

I always like a little girl two years younger than me to use the washing table near my yard as the "kitchen", and the lush and evergreen bamboo forest next to the "kitchen" as the "raw material base". In the leisurely afternoon when the sun shines every weekend, we always enjoy the "cooking" we play every week.

The most unforgettable thing is that we opened a "dessert store". First, we find some bowls and dishes that adults don't use to make tableware, and clean them for use; Then they would go hand in hand to look for "food" in the sunny bamboo forest. The soil on the ground is often the flour we use to make cakes; The green bamboo leaves will become the lace on the cake; All kinds of small mushrooms on the ground will become the decorations on desserts. The bamboo leaf tip that has not yet grown is often the birthday candle on the cake... After the ingredients are ready, we start to make "cakes". I squeeze the soil and some water into a round, heart shaped and square shape, and she paints on the cake freehand. So, one by one, handmade desserts came out. This round, when I was the boss, she came to buy my dessert; In the next round, he will be the boss and I will be the customer. We will also pretend to bargain and finally pretend to eat all the desserts.

Opening a "fruit shop", a "beverage shop"... The happy hours in the afternoon slipped away in the gradually darkening sun, and sang in the busy figure of two little girls. Sometimes we will proudly give the prepared "food" to the adults passing by, and the adults will also "taste" or "buy" a piece with a smile.

When I recall this "cute" and "silly" childhood, I can't help smiling, rippling in my heart, and then a touch of melancholy soon rises again. Yes, although we can't keep our childhood, as long as the childlike innocence is still there, we will always live in happiness, simple and pure.

Composition describing childlike innocence (8)

I was bored walking in the garden. I was overwhelmed by the midterm exam recently. It would be better to go for a walk. I sat on the stone bench and watched a group of children happily playing games with their partners. They were a bunch of people. You chased me, and I chased you. They had a lot of fun. They didn't even have time to wipe the sweat off their forehead. Maybe I must have been more crazy than them. But now, with a sad face.

I pondered, what on earth made me so happy before? Probably that childlike innocence! It used to make me very happy... Now I have no childlike innocence, but only the pressure of learning. I tried to find Childishness, but everything changed. My parents said, "How old are you? If you don't study hard, you should learn more when you are free." Finally, I gave up trying to find childlike innocence and face the reality.

Many students today, like me, are deeply buried in the homework pile and test papers, losing their childlike innocence. And parents can understand their desire for children to become dragons and women to become phoenixes, but do you want children to wait until they grow up and look back on the past to know that happiness is only in childhood?

I think we should play well when we are young. Don't go to that boring cram school again on Saturday. Go out with your classmates and "go crazy". At ordinary times, you can also read comics to ease your mood. These ideas are not excessive, are they?

At this time, I have the desire to find childlike innocence. yes! Childlike innocence can't let it go, I want to find it back. The opposition of family members is not terrible, but the loss of childlike innocence is terrible!

Composition describing childlike innocence (9)

Everyone has a colorful childlike innocence, which makes childhood happy.

Take what happened when I was in the first grade! One night, I finished my homework and was bored. I cut the new big rubber with a knife. The rubber was divided into five small pieces by me. Then, I used toothpicks to string these five pieces together, let alone, they were really well strung, and I was happy to jump three feet high. However, my mother found that my heart was like 15 buckets of water - up and down, extremely nervous, afraid that my mother would throw away my precious efforts. However, my mother just looked and said nothing. I'm happier. The next day, I brought the results to my good friends, who all thought it was fun and praised my creativity. Suddenly, my heart was as sweet as honey. Now think about it, it was a bit uneconomical for me to cut a piece of rubber that big. However, there is no way, who let me have a colorful childlike innocence at that time?

Now, with the development of society, the pace of people's work and life is also accelerating, and children are no exception. After finishing a day of school life, I had to rush to the evening cram school. I finally looked forward to Saturday and Sunday, but my parents sent me to the interest class again. There is no chance to go out to relax. Not to mention having a childlike innocence. So I appeal to parents to urge their children to relax while urging them to learn. Let children do something they like.

Colorful childlike innocence can let children play freely, and colorful childlike innocence can let children live happily; Colorful childlike innocence can let children feel free, publicize their personality and let their mood fly... Colorful childlike innocence is the best memory, the most precious wealth and the most beautiful scenery in life.

Composition Describing Childlike Innocence (10)

Childlike innocence is young, it is too young to withstand the attack of wind and rain, it is a fragile seedling, and will die in the slightest setback. It is fragile like a baby in swaddling clothes. Without the nourishment of breast milk, it cannot survive normally.

The childlike innocence is young, weak, and at the same time, it is holy, sharp, innocent. Childhood is the most tender and tender stage of the soul, which needs protection and understanding. If you think it can be ignored, trampled and teased, at least you are not a qualified parent, a qualified teacher, or a qualified elder.

When children's correct requirements are ignored, when children's unhealthy psychology cannot be corrected in time, and when childlike innocence cannot be developed in time, do you realize the dereliction of duty as a parent? When you leave psychological trauma for your children, have you ever asked yourself whether you are still a qualified elder?

Parents and every friend in the world, please protect, cherish and cherish childlike innocence. Because everyone knows that in this land, only by sowing happiness can we reap hope. Unqualified cultivators plant hidden dangers and reap only bitterness.

Because, having grasped the childlike innocence, we have held up an era; Cherish and enlighten the childlike innocence, and you will have a future.

Composition Describing Childlike Innocence (11)

Now, due to the tension of our schoolwork, it is often difficult for our pupils to play as heartily as the children in The Friends of the Mole Field. When I read this book, I also came to the Mole Field.

Yes, the biggest highlight of this book is just the word "play".

Although we also have games now, those games are just sports activities, and what I really desire is "adventure".

Because nowadays sports games are just for physical exercise. Besides, it doesn't take long to play. What's more, these games are played according to the original design, not designed according to the needs of the game. It is precisely because the "games" of the partners are designed and played by themselves that they will have a good mood and learn to create.

How I wish I had time to play to my heart's content, even if there was only one day to give me a rest day and a free place. However, they cannot be both.

After reading this book, I still fantasize: if one day, I have a "mole field" of my own; If one day, I have enough time. Then I will let my childlike innocence fly on the "wilderness", and play games with a group of young friends to create, discover, and feel the joy of games, and forget all troubles and unhappiness... This fantasy may be just a dream

Composition Describing Childlike Innocence (12)

Hello, childhood, do you still remember me? I am the little girl who wears two pigtails and likes to wear a little flower skirt! Haha, maybe you can't remember, because I'm 11 years old!

Do you still remember your childhood? When I was five years old, I went swimming for the first time. It was summer vacation. The weather was very hot. The cicadas on the trees cried tirelessly. The sun was baking the earth, and even the river was hot. Dad suggested: Let's go swimming! Good, good! I raised my hands and feet in agreement. When we came to Ziyou Ziyou, we went to buy swimsuits, goggles and other items first, and then went to the dressing room to change clothes. When I came to the swimming pool, I took the swimming circle and plopped into the water. Wow, it's so cool! I jumped on the water happily and swam happily! I lay on the swimming circle and paddled on the water with both hands, like rowing a boat. I drifted on the swimming circle, and then I lay on the swimming circle and swam on my back for more than two hours. I was tired of playing. Just in time, my father also let us. Goodbye. Although I am reluctant to part with the swimming pool, it is my first time to swim!

Do you still remember your childhood? At the age of 7, I did something I regret. That was when I was in the first grade of primary school. Once the teacher assigned an endorsement assignment. I was eager to play, so I put this assignment out of my mind. The next day, I was scolded by my teacher because I couldn't recite. What a tragedy!

Childhood, why can't I find you now? Where are you? Where are you? I want to say goodbye to you, I will always treasure you in my heart, and light up the road in the future with your light! Wish me good luck! Goodbye!

Composition Describing Childlike Innocence (13)

Model text describing childlike innocence 1: childlike grandpa

My grandfather is a real "old playboy". Although he is 85 years old, he still has a childlike heart. If you only look at his white hair and rough hands, you will think of an old man lying on the bed breathing heavily. But if you have more contact with grandpa, I believe you will like this interesting old man!

My grandfather is a "living alarm clock". Every morning, he gets up before five o'clock and is busy in the kitchen. When he comes back from buying soymilk, it's six o'clock. Then he turns on his loud voice and plays his alarm clock role. He watches the weather forecast in front of the TV at seven o'clock on time, finishes his meal at seven thirty, and goes to the Nanxi elderly activity place at eight o'clock on time... The daily schedule is full, What a busy man! My grandpa just came back from buying soy milk and shouted, "Get up quickly!" He just woke me up from sleep. Of course, under the supervision of a live alarm clock, I have never been late

My grandpa often makes some surprising actions to his family. It's hard to laugh or cry. My mother and I couldn't find my grandpa that day. We were in a hurry. We looked up and saw, alas, my 85 year old grandpa even climbed to the roof with a ladder! Mother was very angry and funny. She cried out, "Dad, come down quickly. What will you do if you fall down?" Grandfather laughed, "What's the big deal? I just think the roof is a little dirty, so I'll come up and clean it." He danced the broom "Grandfather, you are so brave. I dare not go up. You......" Grandfather smiled again: "You are so timid

Listen to this: "It's really expensive to take a tricycle now. It cost me two yuan to go to your aunt's house today. In fact, I should go to learn bicycle..." Hahaha, we laughed, "Grandpa, go and learn!"

Model article describing childlike innocence 2: childlike innocence

Speaking of childlike innocence, I really think of a person! He is my father. He is really childlike!

When you play computer, adults will tell you how old you are and how childish you are. Do you think you were a child? But my father likes playing this childish game very much. He usually likes to play games about navigation, space, and tank warfare

Sometimes he will play for a long time in a row. Sometimes his mother will say to him, "How old are you already? You also like to play such childish games. It really makes me speechless.". And then I will add, who makes my father childlike! Although my father likes playing games very much, he never invests money in them. And he will not be addicted to playing. My mother and I are very optimistic about this.

My father, he not only likes playing games, but also likes watching cartoons! He likes to watch cartoons about the god of war in the universe, or the type of cosmic war. Every time I watched it with him, I would feel very boring, but he watched it with relish, feeling very interesting. Mom and I would say at this time, how can you watch cartoons like a child!

Sometimes when I watch TV, there will be commercials. When I dial some cartoons that he likes to watch, he will say, "This is very good. You can see when the show is. When I say it's late, he says," Forget it. At that time, his eyes seem to be a little disappointed. ".

In fact, my father is not the only one with childlike innocence, but my mother is also! For example, sometimes she likes to hide sugar from me when she buys it from the supermarket. In fact, she steals it when I'm not here.

Sometimes she buys delicious food and gives it to me first. But when I eat delicious food, she grabs it and asks me if it's delicious. If I say it's not delicious, she won't give it to me. Even if I try my best, I still can't get it. After a fierce battle, I only surrender and say it's delicious before she gives it to me.

This is my childlike family.

Model article 3 describing childlike innocence: childlike innocence

Speaking of childlike innocence, I really think of a person! He is my father. He is really childlike!

Generally, adults will tell you when you play computer games, how old you are and how childish you are. Do you think you were a child? My father likes this kind of childish game very much. He usually likes to play games about navigation, space and tank warfare······

Sometimes he will play for a long time in a row. Sometimes his mother will say to him, "How old are you already? You also like to play such childish games. It really makes me speechless.". And I will add a sentence at this time, who makes my father's wisdom still alive! Although my father likes playing games very much, he never invests money in them. And he will not be addicted to playing. My mother and I are very optimistic about this.

My father, he not only likes playing games, but also likes watching cartoons! He likes to watch cartoons about the god of war in the universe, or the type of cosmic war. Every time I watched it with him, I would feel very boring, but he watched it with relish, feeling very interesting. Mom and I would say at this time, how can you look at cartoons like a child!

Sometimes when I am watching TV, I will insert some advertisements. When I dial some cartoons that he likes to watch, he will say, "This is good. You can see when the show is. When I say it is late, he says," Let's forget it. At that time, his eyes seem a little disappointed. ".

In fact, my father is not the only one who has wisdom, but my mother is also! For example, sometimes she likes to hide sugar from me when she buys it from the supermarket. In fact, she steals it when I'm not here.

Sometimes she buys delicious food and gives it to me first. But when I eat delicious food, she grabs it and asks me if it's delicious. If I say it's not delicious, she won't give it to me. Even if I try my best, I still can't get it. After a fierce battle, I only surrender and say it's delicious before she gives it to me.

This is my childlike family.

Model article 4 describing childlike innocence: childlike innocence

The poet said: childhood is a dream! In my opinion, it's true! We have walked through the golden childhood together, and at this time, when we look back on our childhood, which pile, which scenes of haunting past events are still chasing on the time machine, this time! You also sincerely believe that childhood is the most beautiful dream in one's life!

Childhood is very short, but during this period, I have tasted all the ups and downs of childhood, both sour and sweet. Among them, the only thing worth mentioning is my six teachers!

In 2003, I took up my schoolbag and entered the palace of knowledge. I went to the kingdom of knowledge to explore its mysteries! Here, I got to know my first respected teacher, Lao Zheng! Her real name is Zheng Ruixiang. Because we were so naughty at that time! So I gave her the nickname "Lao Zheng"! Among the six masters, she is the most powerful. Maybe it is mainly because we need to lay a good foundation! At that time, I became the monitor. It took me seven years! I'm still the monitor! ha-ha! Lao Zheng had a bamboo board. When we handed out the paper, this bamboo board was about to rush into battle. In her eyes, only full marks! If you only get full marks but don't get beaten, even if you are only one point short, you will have to try to fight the "death".