Primary School Students Skiing (Collection of 20 Articles)
Sitting in the garden watching the sunset
2024-02-28 06:24:43
primary school

Primary School Students Skiing (1)

Our destination for this trip is Ningbo Ski Resort.

When we arrived at the ski resort, we quickly completed the formalities. We put on heavy skateboards and went skiing. My mother helped me find a coach. The coach took me to the peak and started skiing. My coach and I slid down. When there was someone below, the coach asked me to lean back. I did so and successfully avoided the crowd. At first, I was a little afraid, but under the serious guidance of the coach, I was not afraid, and I would also slide. When the time came, I reluctantly left the ski resort.

Primary School Students Skiing (2)

On August 12, our family came to Shaoxing Keyan Qiaobo Ski Resort. We put on big cotton padded jackets and trousers and walked into the ski resort. The cold air in the ski resort swarmed towards me like a swarm of bees, like a swarm of demons trying to freeze me to death.

I put on my snowboard and slowly walked up the slope and rushed down. Soon there was a "cry". "I fell heavily on the soft ground. Although it didn't hurt, the fall made me remember. I quickly took the snowboard off my feet for fear that it might tilt my feet. The next time I slide down, I must be prepared for a fall and when I continue to slide down, I must be able to keep an internal figure in order to reduce the chance of a fall.

I started to go down for the second time. I stood ready to start. I quickly slid down and was about to reach the end. Great! I succeeded! I finally learned how to skate! That's great! I passed the exam, and I took the conveyor belt to the top. The most dangerous. In the most exciting peak area, I rushed down. I fell heavily into the snow just one third of the way down. It was really comfortable and soft. It was cool because the snow on the ground got on my clothes and face.

My brother is also very skilled. He squats down and slowly slides down. Since he didn't slide to her, he must be a very powerful expert if he is my age. My mother had just slipped there at the beginning, but he could still slide around. My father was even more powerful. Although he started to fall a lot, he did not fall down at the top.

Today, we went to Qiaobo Ski Resort in cotton padded jacket. We saw real skiing. Previously, we only saw others skiing on TV. This time, I finally rowed by myself. My heart is filled with emotion.

Primary School Students Skiing (3)

Just after the winter vacation, I pestered my mother to complete my little "dream" - skiing.

splendid! Two of my mother's colleagues also want to ski, so we made an appointment to go to the Labor Park on Saturday night to catch the night skiing.

At about six o'clock in the evening, my mother and I took bus 505 to the Labor Park to meet her two colleagues and their children. It was still very bright at that time. As we walked, the sky gradually darkened

When we arrived at the ski resort, we couldn't wait to let our mother buy tickets, while we went to the side to change our shoes.

"My goodness! These shoes are so heavy!" said my brother. "Yes! It's dead again!" I also joined the crowd and said. Finally, I had to ask my mother to help me carry my shoes. Then, the big brother in charge of shoes gave each of us a pair of snow fights and a pair of snowboards. We leaned on the snow fight, buckled the snowboard and walked clumsily on the ski field.

"I can't skate yet!" I whispered "scream". "There should be a coach, right?" my brother said solemnly. At this time, two coaches slid down from the ski field. My mother said, "They are your coaches." "Well, my brother and I should be one coach." I replied. I saw my brother nodded and walked up with him.

The coach first taught us to "brake" and then taught us to move forward. Finally, let's follow the cable to the top of the ski resort and slide from the top. Although I am not afraid of heights, I am still afraid of sliding down from that height! So I kept the posture of "braking" and skidded down. Finally, after my efforts, it became! I approached the cable again, went up, and slid down. Back and forth several times. In the end, I was tired of slipping, so I slipped down the ski field with my brother, changed my shoes, and walked to the big slide.

We picked two pulleys that looked like wheels. Drag it up the slide. The slide was so high. I was a little afraid at the beginning, so I let my brother slide first. Seeing how happy he was, I was moved. Sit on the pulley, rub it forward, and then slide down

"Ah!" I screamed, only to find that I had hit the net and bounced back. "Cool? Hee hee!" said the elder brother in a sarcastic tone. "Hum!" I made a face and walked straight up. I skated back and forth for dozens of times. Later, I felt childish and went on the big slide with a skateboard. We slid down on the skateboard, which was also very comfortable. Because the slide was too long, I almost fell asleep several times. Finally, I got tired of it and got ready to go home.

Primary School Students Skiing (4)

When winter comes, I always want to ski. This wish was finally realized in this winter vacation. On the day of skiing, my parents and I went to the ski shop first, and we rented a ski suit each.

After entering the ski resort, a vast expanse of white snow came into my eyes. The snowflakes were flying all over the sky, as if I had arrived at a kingdom of ice and snow. People are skiing on the flat ground and on the snow slopes. Although they sometimes fall down, the smile on their faces has never changed. I couldn't help feeling excited and couldn't wait to go up the snow slope. I climbed up the gentle slope first, put two snow sticks back and immediately slid on the snow. After a while, I was skating on the gentle slope. But my mother slipped over and said, "It's almost time to go skiing on the steep slope for a while.". I was hesitant to go, but I was afraid that if I could not stop, I would bump into others; It's a pity not to go. Go, I thought, what should I be afraid of.

I climbed the steep slope, took a breath, clenched my teeth and flew out like an arrow leaving the string. The wind roared past my ears, and I cheered myself silently in my heart: Come on! I put my feet in a splay, then turned and finally stopped. It's really a miracle to try!

It is better to think a hundred times than to act once, and only when you are willing to try can you find the truth.

Primary School Students Skiing (5)

On Saturday morning, I got up early. I was going skiing with my two brothers! At this time, I can't describe my happy and excited mood, because skiing is my favorite sport, and skiing is very exciting!

When I came to the ski resort, a set of magnificent and gorgeous ski equipment attracted my eyes. When I put on snowshoes and skis with joy, and picked up the snow fight, the chemical journey began

Having skied for many times, I was the first to do a demonstration and rushed down the high snow slope. The wind whistled past me, blowing my hair like a chicken house. I ignored it and enjoyed the pleasure of skiing. Seeing that I had already slid down perfectly and enjoyed it, my brothers were not willing to be outdone. They rushed down handsome and unrestrained. I suggested: "Otherwise, let's play!"! See who slides down first.

Good, good. The brothers agreed, so the fierce competition began.

3、 Two, one, start! At the elder sister's command, the three of us flew out like Lixuan's arrows. I held the snow stick in both hands and kept pulling them in the snow. My eyes kept glancing aside to see the progress of my brothers. When I saw that my brothers were far behind me, I couldn't help but take it lightly and my mind gradually drifted away. But when I saw a little girl in front of me, I panicked and had to leave to avoid her, Without a long sigh of relief, I concentrated on the race again. Finally, I won the championship, but it was late and we were going home. I reluctantly said goodbye to the ski resort.

Primary School Students Skiing (6)

——In the clear sound of birds, I woke up from my dream and wrote 450 words in Lin'an Skiing Record. We called our mother and sister, and we went to the school and got on the bus with our classmates, ready to go to today's destination --- Lin'an.

About four hours later, we arrived at the beautiful Lin'an. Don't you mean to ski? We agreed that Lin'an should be the season of heavy snow, but why is there not a snowflake? After asking, I found out that the ski resort here used artificial snow, and the 450 word composition of "Lin'an Skiing Story Composition 450 words".

Looking up from the foot of Daming Mountain, I could see only the outline of a mountain in a misty place. We arrived at the ski resort by cable car and clouds. In the lobby of the ski resort, I got the ski equipment and entered the ski resort. I can't help thinking that I can ski as fast as others. But I fell when I slipped quickly. "Failure is the mother of success." Try again, and I can slip slowly after two attempts. We came to a small slope and quickly slid down. How funny! As we played, we felt that it was not exciting enough. At this time, Zhu Zhiyuan found a conveyor belt that could go to a higher mountain slope. We went up together, and one by one, we slid down like arrows leaving the string. "Wow", everyone shouted excitedly. I accidentally fell down again, so I quickly got up and continued skiing. It took me more than half an hour to skate. Ha ha, I can skate extremely well.

Time flies. The guide has urged us to go back on the radio. How disappointing! On the bus back, we were still discussing our respective skiing experiences. I really hope we can ski again next time.

Primary School Students Skiing (7)

The winter vacation is over, but there is only one thing I still want to do in this winter vacation, that is, go skiing once!

Mom and Dad, I and my sister came to the Linshan Ski Resort together. We put on heavy ski shoes. The shoes were thick and bulky. I had to walk with Dad mechanically like a robot. The funny look made my sister laugh. I didn't care about her, so we quickly took the sledge, filled with blood, and ready to ski.

The ski field is a vast expanse of white, as if entering a snow-white fairy tale world. Here is really a sea of people, full of fun snowmobiles, toy slides, and high slides. I'm excited and want to start skating. It's so heavy! I found that my feet did not listen to me at all, and I could not move any more with great effort. At this time, my mother came over and said, "You should use the ski stick in your hand to squat, buckle your knees in, and turn back with the ski stick." With these tips, walking is much easier.

I took the "magic carpet" with my mother. When we got to the top of the mountain, I couldn't wait to rush down. The first half of the slide was smooth, but the skateboard was getting faster and faster. Finally, I couldn't control it and sat down on the ground "plop". Then, I stood up again and continued to slide forward, bad! There was a child in front, "Get out of the way, I can't brake!" No, the child fell down and couldn't move, so I had to sit down, the skateboard stopped, and a "crisis" was solved.

After many practices and many failures, I was able to ski successfully once! It's a good result to be able to ski so well for the first time.

Primary School Students Skiing (8)

Wow, what a big ski resort! I cried. The thick snow covered the ground, soft and loose. People were playing happily there, and I could not wait to join in.

After a while, I climbed to the top of the slope and slid down the slope. Ha ha, it was so cool! I cried, and the wind blew in my ears. The friction between snow and snowboard sounds like a symphony playing.

The second time, the symphony was still with me. Suddenly, a small note upset the beautiful music. I had already sat on the cold snow unconsciously, and it turned out that it was a quick ice trick. When I couldn't get up, a voice came into my ears. Looking back, it was a coach. When a big hand pulled me up, a warm current came to my heart. Later, I became more bold, because I knew that someone cared about me at all times.

Look, the photo shows a father and daughter. My daughter fell down, but my father was so distressed that he quickly pulled her up and asked:

do you have any pain? All right? I think how sweet this scene is! So I took this beautiful scene.

The big electronic clock told us that it was late and it was time to go home. We reluctantly left the ski resort.

Primary School Students Skiing (9)

This morning, my father said that we were going to ski at Mingdu Ski Resort. I was so happy that I was about to jump three feet and five feet! We got dressed and started at once.

After a while, we arrived at the ski resort. When we got to the ticket office and opened the ticket for two hours, we brought snowshoes, snowboards and snowsticks and put them on. I also cut off my snow goggles.

We entered the ski resort smoothly. I found that the ski resort can be divided into two types, one is slow, and the other is apprentice. We took a shortcut to the cable station, and waited for a long time before taking the cable car to the first level ski lane. After going up, we slid down. I thought it would be very fast, but I didn't think it would be very fast. It was very boring. When I went down, I thought: I am not a novice at all. I'd better ski on the second level ski! So I went to the secondary ski track. As most of the visitors were novices, few dared to go on the second level ski trail, so they soon reached the starting point of the second level ski trail. I met my father on it. Dad kept talking about how fast the secondary ski run was. He had to brake at the beginning, or he would rush out of the ski run to the hillside. I am also scared. When I saw the slope, it was almost at a right angle. I was even more afraid. Dad said you can't take the snowboard down and walk down! I shook my head and rushed down with snowsticks one by one. I heard the wind roaring and saw the snow flying. I listened to my father's words and brake all the time. In the end, I was already unhappy. I thought: It's not terrible at all. I should not brake all the time. So, I went up and skidded again. This time, I didn't brake at all, but kept rushing down. This time, it was like ten thousand winds were screaming and the snow was dancing wildly. I felt that the snow dust behind the board flew two meters high, and the people beside it flashed like shadows. When I reached the cable car, I stopped with a sudden brake with my unique skill. Although he stopped, his body shook a few times, and he felt that the wind was still screaming in his ears! When I went up and down, up and down for seven or eight times, my father suddenly said to me: "Son, it's two hours, let's go back to change shoes, or else pay an extra 100 yuan." I heard that, immediately went back to the house to change shoes, and then went home reluctantly.

Alas, I'm really worried about the muscle pain tomorrow!

Primary School Students Skiing (10)

Today, we went skiing in Dongfeng Lake.

It's very interesting there. Let's take a look at my profile first. Dongfeng Lake Ski Resort is located in the Dongfeng Lake Tourist Resort in Benxi, Liaoning. The resort is 8 kilometers away from the city and covers an area of 380000 square meters. It is a comprehensive resort with a large ski resort and ice entertainment area in Benxi. There are four major entertainment project areas, namely, snow entertainment area, ice activity area, snow sculpture viewing area and folk custom tour, integrating entertainment, accommodation, catering and leisure into this comprehensive ice and snow resort. The ski resort has 5 ski trails, including one primary ski trail, one intermediate ski trail and one advanced ski trail. The primary ski trail and the intermediate ski trail are 800 meters long and 50 meters wide; The advanced ski trail is 650 meters long and 50 meters wide; Secondly, the ski resort also has a 400m snowboard park and a 300m wild ski track. There are also ice entertainment projects, including: snow motorcycle, four-wheel go kart, snow horse riding, snow bicycle, ice bumper car, ice slide, snow tug of war, snow football, mountain snow circle, snow CS, etc. The ski resort focuses on designing and building a snow circle entertainment project, which was completed with 15. A large snow circle activity area with a height difference of 5 meters, a slope of 43 degrees, a sliding distance of 200 meters, and a number of equipment for 1000 large and small snow circles allows skiers to better experience the thrilling and exciting snow drift activities.

My classmates Yang Yinze and Fu Zihang and I went to the ski circle first. We each took a snow circle, and then ran up the snow stairs quickly, put the snow circle on the top of the slide, and sat in the snow circle. Everyone was in a string. When the people behind pushed the snow circle, everyone screamed and slid down, which was very exciting.

After skiing in the snow circle, we went to play CS in the snow field and divided it into two groups, the left team and the right team. My classmates Yang Yinze and Fu Zihang were in the right team. We got the equipment. At the beginning of the first game, we were defenders, the enemy was attacking, and each of us had five lives. When the enemy rushed over, we opened fire. Ha ha, I killed four lives in the first game, but we still lost. In the second battle, we won the battle, but I forgot how many we killed. In the third scene, I lost three lives, but I couldn't find the person who killed me! Oh, I found an enemy with only one life in the attic behind. We surrounded him for a while and finally killed him. At last, there were two people left in our team, and the left team was completely destroyed. We won 2-1.

We also played fast snowmobiles, snow karts with strange shapes, snow bikes modified with snowboards, and so on. There are still some that we haven't played yet, but the time is up. I really want to do it again!

Primary School Students Skiing (11)

Today, the sun is shining brightly, and the coldest winter has passed. Following the steps of the warm early spring, I came to the ski resort with my good friend Zhang Qingyang.

Looking up, the ski resort is so beautiful! It is built against the mountain and wrapped in snow. What a world of ice and snow in fairy tales! Many people kept rushing down from the hillside, and the excited and happy sound was mixed with the beginner's slightly frightened shrieks, which surrounded the hillside and resounded all over the sky!

We couldn't help but immediately applied for the equipment and rushed to the ski resort! We asked my mother's advice and went to experience the ski circle first. Pull the ski circle, get ready, learn from the front leader, sit in the circle, hold your hand, and slowly slide down. Eh, other people's ski circle is getting faster and faster, and they are happy to ride the wind and waves and rush to the bottom. My ski got stuck halfway! After observation, I kicked the block with my foot - the protruding ice, "ah -", accompanied by my happy scream, rushed down quickly, so enjoyable!

Having experienced the charm of the ski circle, we rushed to the ski resort. In order to ensure safety, we put on ski shoes as required, carried skis and ski poles, and set off! Because both of us can skate roller skating, my mother didn't invite a professional ski instructor. We carefully listened to the professional instructor explain how to brake, accelerate, and grasp the direction when teaching skiing. I thought to myself, it's OK, and it won't hurt me! With the help of my mother, equip the skis, hold the ski poles and start the exploration skiing mode! The happy and nervous mood accompanied me all the way. It was great! The first successful conclusion made me full of confidence! Once more! Wow! How cool! The snow wiped by the skis is like a naughty elf, happily kissing my face. The wind is whistling in my ears, as if encouraging me and congratulating me: Come on! Wang Yang! How good are you! While sliding down, I was enjoying the beautiful scenery. I was enjoying myself. I had been sliding behind me and suddenly shouted: Ah... Wang Yang! No, ah! A panic scream pulled me back from my fantasy, and my head gave a "buzz". Ah, Qingyang was in trouble! What should I do? How to rescue? Quick brake, tight brake and slow brake are easy to stabilize. Looking back, Qingyang is already sitting on the downhill! I took off my skis and ran to her quickly. I was relieved to see her face full of tears and laughter. Slowly pull her up, pat the snow on her body, and continue to ski happily! Now, we must keep up our spirits and play well and safely!

One fast, one slow, one downhill, one fast downhill... We left the ski resort reluctantly until the sun was almost setting and the staff cheerfully said goodbye on the uphill. Happy time is always fast, really time flies! Impressive!

Primary School Students Skiing (12)

I am different from other children, and I have been thinking about things since I was young. For example, whether the moon is white or yellow, and whether anyone can vent his anger with one nose and eye, I will think about everything. On the other day, I heard adults talking, saying that the older the child, the more sensible. Is it true that the older the child, the more sensible he is? I don't think so. You all know the 'artificial snow mountain' in Taoranting Park, right? The snow mountain is about three or four stories high.

I was only 5 years old when I first went skating on this snow mountain. I was just a child who had just entered the senior class of kindergarten. I was less than 1 meter tall and very thin, so thin that my kindergarten partner secretly called me "monkey". However, I didn't know what fear was at that time. As soon as I came to the foot of the snow mountain, I was so happy that I clapped my hands and stomped my feet. I tried to break away from my father's grip and climbed to the top of the snow mountain.

Hey, it's really fun here. You can see far places without standing on tiptoe. It's not the same as taking a plane to ski down from such a high place? I was so happy that I jumped on the top of the snow mountain and waved to my father, who was standing at the foot of the snow mountain with a nervous face. Then I sat down, "stabbed" and slid. All the scenery on the side ran quickly behind me, and my heart seemed to jump out of my throat with joy. I have never played such a happy game before. I danced and laughed while sliding. Of course, it's not fun to skate only once, so I slipped on my stomach for a while, and my feet slipped backwards in front of me for another time

Last Sunday, the tense final review exam finally ended. Dad took me to Taoranting Park to relax. Time flies. Now I'm 11 years old. He is tall, has meat on his body, and is also very strong. The most picky grannies in the neighborhood all said that I was a big and small guy. However, I haven't been skiing for several years. This time, I came to the foot of the snow mountain and somehow my legs were weak.

It was not easy to climb to the top of the snow mountain, but I didn't dare to look down. My palms began to sweat and my heart began to beat wildly. It's not good to say that people who are going to be shot on the execution ground feel this way.

Unconsciously, I stepped back two steps. You said, just relax in the park. Why do I ski on snow mountains? If you don't come up, you don't have to be so jumpy. However, if I don't slip and step back from the ladder at the back of the mountain, can I still be a big guy or a small guy? What should I do? It seems that if I don't want to be accused of "coward", I will be exempted! I had no way out, so I had to straighten my chest, stamp my feet, try to pretend to be indifferent, and carefully sat on the snow mountain. Due to dizziness, I could not help but close my eyes. It felt like someone pushed me. The wind sounded in my ears, and my heart suddenly stopped working. It seemed that I didn't recover until I slid to the ground.

"How is it?" Someone patted my head and asked, it was Dad. "Not bad," I replied with a feigned calm. My father asked me whether I was slippery or not. I said that I was so old, and it was boring to play these games all the time. Dad seemed satisfied with my answer, nodded at me and invited me to have a cold drink. But I didn't even know what I was eating. What am I doing? Yes, I'm thinking about it again. I thought about the skiing mountain when I was a child. Adults say that the older the child is, the more sensible he is. But I think the older the child is, the more complicated he is. Are you right?

Primary School Students Skiing (13)

A lot of people are skiing on the hillside behind the hotel. The first day I saw it itching. The next day, adults finally took us to ski. It's so happy.

We took out the ski tools - a plastic ski cart, and I played with Niuniu. At the beginning, Niuniu skied first. He took a ski cart and set off from the high mountain and rushed down. After a while, he slipped to the uneven place and suddenly overturned, Niuniu sat on the ground. Her mother rushed over and picked up her beloved child. When she saw him, he was hurt and cried. She dared not slip again!

It was my turn to slide. For the first time, I was afraid of rolling over like an ox, so I controlled the brake to slide slowly, and stopped at the bottom of the hill. The second, third and fourth five times, I landed safely. I began to feel relieved, and used great efforts to make the ski cart go fast. I felt the wind whistling in my ears, and then I heard my mother's scream, and the ski cart flipped 360 degrees, throwing me on the snow! But it doesn't hurt at all.

One day's play passed happily without knowing it!

Primary School Students Skiing (14)

There are many firsts in my life. Through these firsts, I learned a lot of things and learned a lot of truth. What impresses me most is that I learned to ski.

I remember last November when my parents and I came to the mountain ski resort to ski. We came to the ski resort, wow! What a big snowfield! Looking at such a ski resort, I am both excited and nervous. My mother led me to the dressing room to change clothes, shoes, sledges and poles. I walked slowly from the locker room to the ski resort to prepare for skiing. Then my father said to me seriously: "When you ski, your legs and waist should be bent, your knees should be bent forward, and your body should be at a 45 degree angle with the ground. The snow pole should be clamped under your armpit, and your feet should be slightly together."

I started skiing the way my father taught me. Wow! How fast! I slipped at once. Just when I was having fun, I fell on the ground like a "little tortoise" with a bang. The snow pole flew out. At this time, all the skiers around me were looking at me. I thought to myself, "Hurry up, what a shame!" I tried hard to stand up. "Ouch!" My knees hurt! I fell down again, I tried to get up again, once, twice, three times... I fell down every time. I sat directly on the snow in anger and thought, "Anyway, I can't stand up every time, so I just can't sit on the ground." When my father came, he said, "Have you forgotten what I said to you just now?" I lowered my head in shame. Dad helped me up and let me continue to slide. I touched my sore knee and whispered, "My leg hurts so much that I don't want to slip

I listened to my parents, and then went on to snow. This time I went skiing completely according to the way my father taught me. Gradually... I don't fall anymore. An uncle praised that I could learn to ski in such a short time. It's amazing! After listening to my uncle's words, I wanted to eat honey.

I learned one truth through this skiing lesson: no matter what you do, you must stick to it. You can't give up halfway. In case of difficulties, never give up to succeed.

Primary School Students Skiing (15)

I am different from other children, and I have been thinking about things since I was young. For example, whether the moon is white or yellow, and whether anyone can vent his anger with one nose and eye, I will think about everything. On the other day, I heard adults talking, saying that the older the child, the more sensible. Is it true that the older the child, the more sensible he is? I don't think so. Do you all know the man-made snow mountain in Taoranting Park? The snow mountain is about three or four stories high.

I was only 5 years old when I first went skating on this snow mountain. I was just a child who had just entered the senior class of kindergarten. I was less than 1 meter tall and very thin, so thin that my kindergarten partner secretly called me "monkey". However, I didn't know what fear was at that time. As soon as I came to the foot of the snow mountain, I was so happy that I clapped my hands and stomped my feet. I tried to break away from my father's grip and climbed to the top of the snow mountain.

Hey, it's really fun here. You can see far places without standing on tiptoe. It's not the same as taking a plane to ski down from such a high place? I was so happy that I jumped on the top of the snow mountain and waved to my father, who was standing at the foot of the snow mountain with a nervous face. Then I sat down, "stabbed" and slid. All the scenery on the side ran quickly behind me, and my heart seemed to jump out of my throat with joy. I have never played such a happy game before. I danced and laughed while sliding. Of course, it's not fun to skate only once, so I slipped on my stomach for a while, and my feet slipped backwards in front of me for another time

Last Sunday, the tense final review exam finally ended. Dad took me to Taoranting Park to relax. Time flies. Now I'm 11 years old. He is tall, has meat on his body, and is also very strong. The most picky grannies in the neighborhood all said that I was a big and small guy. However, I haven't been skiing for several years. This time, I came to the foot of the snow mountain and somehow my legs were weak.

It was not easy to climb to the top of the snow mountain, but I didn't dare to look down. My palms began to sweat and my heart began to beat wildly. It's not good to say that people who are going to be shot on the execution ground feel this way.

Unconsciously, I stepped back two steps. You said, just relax in the park. Why do I ski on snow mountains? If you don't come up, you don't have to be so jumpy. However, if I don't slip and step back from the ladder at the back of the mountain, can I still be a big guy or a small guy? What should I do? It seems that if I don't want to be accused of "coward", I will be exempted! I had no way out, so I had to straighten my chest, stamp my feet, try to pretend to be indifferent, and carefully sat on the snow mountain. Due to dizziness, I could not help but close my eyes. It felt like someone pushed me. The wind sounded in my ears, and my heart suddenly stopped working. It seemed that I didn't recover until I slid to the ground.

"How is it?" Someone patted my head and asked, it was Dad. "Not bad," I replied with a feigned calm. My father asked me whether I was slippery or not. I said that I was so old, and it was boring to play these games all the time. Dad seemed satisfied with my answer, nodded at me and invited me to have a cold drink. But I didn't even know what I was eating. What am I doing? Yes, I'm thinking about it again. I thought about the skiing mountain when I was a child. Adults say that the older the child is, the more sensible he is. But I think the older the child is, the more complicated he is. Are you right?

Primary School Students Skiing (16)

A lot of people are skiing on the hillside behind the hotel. The first day I saw it itching. The next day, adults finally took us to ski. It's so happy.

We took out the ski tools - a plastic ski cart, and I played with Niuniu. At the beginning, Niuniu skied first. He took a ski cart and set off from the high mountain and rushed down. After a while, he slipped to the uneven place and suddenly overturned, Niuniu sat on the ground. Her mother rushed over and picked up her beloved child. When she saw him, he was hurt and cried. She dared not slip again!

It was my turn to slide. For the first time, I was afraid of rolling over like an ox, so I controlled the brake to slide slowly, and stopped at the bottom of the hill. The second, third and fourth five times, I landed safely. I began to feel relieved, and used great efforts to make the ski cart go fast. I felt the wind whistling in my ears, and then I heard my mother's scream, and the ski cart flipped 360 degrees, throwing me on the snow! But it doesn't hurt at all.

One day's play passed happily without knowing it!

Primary School Students Skiing (17)

"Dad, do you use bears to enlarge their ski shoes or snowboards with snowsticks to ski? Hurry up, Dad! I'm here for the long-awaited ski sport!"

Once I got to the ski resort, I couldn't wait to put on my ski shoes. The ski shoes were very heavy. At the beginning, I wouldn't listen to me when I put on my feet. In helplessness, I had to ask my father for help. Slowly, my mood changed from fear to relaxation, because I soon learned to ski on the flat ground, and I thought that skiing seemed difficult and easy to learn!

Unconsciously, we were transported to the top of the snow mountain by a conveyor belt. I looked down, and the people below fell down in the snow. My heart was half cold. The other little friends saw that I was pale and smiled and slid down. But they fell down soon. I thought it was funny and terrible. After a while, I calmly said to myself, "If I can't stand here all the time, I can't meet my mother. I can't wait any longer.". So I plucked up my courage and took a deep breath. When my mood was stable, I tried to fly down. But soon, I also fell on the snow. "Oh, it hurts!" My father pulled me up and said, "When sliding down the slope, we should control our balance and not use snowsticks to support our progress, so it's easy to fall!" Later, with my father's guidance, I didn't fall too much.

After sliding to the flat ground, I found my pants were wet. I quickly took off my ski shoes and replaced them with new pants.

Although the skiing was very embarrassing, we also learned that courage is our friend who can never be separated!

Primary School Students Skiing (18)

This morning, my mother said to me: "Our family, my brother and my colleagues are going to ski in Jiangnan Tianchi in Anji". Can't Tianchi Lake be a place to soak in hot springs? I thought and answered, "Good!". We sorted out our luggage, loaded the car, picked up my mother and colleagues and set out. We laughed all the way. About five hours later, we arrived in Anji. It was raining. My mother told me that the snow there was artificial, and it would melt when it touched water. We had to find a hotel to stay in and look forward to the good weather tomorrow.

"Oh, it's not raining. Get up quickly and go skiing!". In the morning, I was aroused by the rapid voice and washed and ate quickly. After hard driving, we came to the Jiangnan Tianchi parking lot. As soon as I got off the bus, a cold air came to my face. We walked into the hall and saw the ski resort through the glass. People who had just entered the ski resort were trying to figure out how to get onto the snow! Look, some of them just went up and slid down, some of them slipped step by step, and some of them couldn't get up at all. Let others pull them, but they pulled them down. I secretly smiled in my heart, but worried whether I would be as embarrassed as them. After a while, we entered the warehouse of the ski resort. We took the ski poles, skis and ski shoes and began to change shoes. I was ready with the help of my father. When I entered the ski resort, I first chose a flat snow field, and then went up like walking. I looked back at some people who had been walking there for a long time but hadn't come up yet. I wondered why they would go there in such a snowy place? I slowly walked up, put my ski stick into the snow, and then pulled it out. After several consecutive strokes, I could only ski for a few meters. I continued to go up to the top of the slope, and then went down. It was great, and it went much farther than before. In the process, I almost fell down many times, but I used ski poles to support it. Once, the back of the skis crossed, and I wanted to use ski poles to support them, but I didn't support them well, so I fell forward and sat on the snow with a "plop". After falling down, I immediately got up and continued to ski several times. Due to time constraints, I returned the ski tools.

This skiing is really fun. I understand one truth: you can't be defeated by failure. If you fall there, you can get up from there.

Primary School Students Skiing (19)

Before the end of summer vacation, my mother took me to Shaoxing Keqiao Qiaobo Ice and Snow World to ski.

This is my first time to ski, but I don't think much of this sport. I think skiing should be easy. We talked and laughed all the way, and suddenly my eyes flashed: "Qiaobo Ice and Snow World has arrived". It is a building with a rectangular roof and a sloping roof. The slope below should be the slide.

After entering, first get the ski card, then get the snowsuit, snowshoes and skateboard. We changed our snow clothes and put on snow shoes. After all the skiing equipment was ready, we officially entered the 'Ice and Snow World' under the guidance of our coach. After the last door was opened, a cold wind came to my face, and I could not help shivering.

Put your snowshoes on the skateboard. Let's practice in the practice area first. I was trembling and sliding for a while, and I fell on the snow with a bang, but it didn't hurt at all. I quickly took my snowshoes off the skateboard and walked to one side. People who were practicing with me also fell down, but everyone cheered and got up to practice.

Later, my mother paid a coach to teach me. The coach first taught me to ski. Correct posture and splay brake (splay brake is to control speed and prevent danger). After teaching theoretical knowledge, the coach took me to the top of the ski lane for skiing practice.

Standing at the top, the coach said "Go!". I took a deep breath, slightly bent my knees, and then moved the skateboard, putting my hands on my knees and leaning forward slightly. I started from the top, feeling nervous and excited. The coach opened his hands in front of me to protect me (the coach skated backwards, which was great!). On the way, I fell several times because I didn't keep my balance. When I was near the bottom of the slide, the coach no longer protected me in front, but directed "Mind your balance!" "Internal splay brake!"

I thought it was easy to ski, but it's not easy to ski! Although it's not easy, skiing is really fun. Time flies. It seems that the specified time for skiing will be up in the blink of an eye. I must play again next time!

Primary School Students Skiing (20)

Whether in study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. Writing a composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a collection of skiing compositions collected by the small editor for students during the winter vacation. We welcome you to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to you.

Whenever I see those skiing tourists on TV, a feeling of "I also want to try" rises in my heart. Thinking about it, I began to beg my mother that I would also like to go. But today, I finally realized the pleasure of skiing.

Today, I went skiing at Culai Mountain Ski Resort with my parents, brother and two sisters. It's a long way to get there at last. We can't wait to put on that seemingly awkward ski equipment. Alas, heavy boots and long skis make it difficult to walk.

Come to the snow, here is really like a white fairy tale world wrapped in snow. Wow! Is that slope too high? There are still people playing "Snow" there! Oh, oh, oh! I'll give it a try! Here I come - "Ouch!" Wuwuwu, I slipped and fell down. It really doesn't give me face! My brothers and sisters are staring at me, embarrassed

Hum hum, there is a good saying: take a fall and learn from it. I have experienced "hardship" and will definitely get rewards, right? I can't help watching my sister skate so well. Another slide, "Ouch!" Needless to say, you know, it's still my nephew who lights lanterns - as usual! He fell down and chewed the snow. Hum, I have to find a way! Devil ideas are popping out... Here we go! Why not invite Big Sister to be a coach? After listening to my idea, my sister thought it was very fresh and agreed. "First of all," my sister said seriously, "let nature take its course." Oh, my sister, it's still so difficult to teach things? "Cough, I'll teach you how to brake first!" Oh! It's time to teach! I saw my sister demonstrate it first: two knees squat slightly, and the body is a little forward. If you brake, you can make the skis into "inside eight characters" ha ha, I can! "Is there any problem?" said the elder sister again. "Well, then I asked, what if I can't stop? Which side is the best way to fall?" My questions flew to my sister one by one like bullets. My sister was confused for a moment, and stammered, "Stop, I'm dizzy!" Then she simply sat on the ground and played a fool.

Finally, under the guidance of my sister, I mastered the basic skills of skiing, and finally I could ski, but unfortunately, because the time was up and my mother felt tired, we had to reluctantly leave.

I hope I can ski here next time!