Compositions describing people and characters (collection of 20)
High mountains and flowing water
2024-05-11 06:20:48

Composition describing people and characters (1)

In my daily life, there are many people I admire. They are like stars in the night sky of my childhood, illuminating my dark childhood. Today, I would like to introduce the star I admire most. She is not a famous "star" or a "rich star" with great wealth, but she is a small star, Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan is very clever. In terms of her cleverness, just count her sharp hair. The reason why Xiao Nan is so smart is that she always listens attentively in class. I remember that I was absent-minded in math class once, and my eyes were wandering around, but one person attracted my attention. She was Xiao Nan. She stared at the teacher, her waist straight, her hands on the desk, as if she would not be affected by the earthquake. Xiao Nan is meticulous in life, and has a persistent spirit in after-school life. Xiao Nan has been studying as a host for three years. During this period, she insists on going to class no matter it's windy or rainy. Facing the boring training day after day, she never said "give up".

This is the little star that I most admire. Although she is an insignificant little star, she shines with persistence and concentration in the starlight of my childhood.

Composition describing people and characters (2)

In my life, there are many people worthy of our admiration, such as classmates, teachers... But the person I most admire is Shan Wenxi, the monitor of our class.

The squad leader has dark hair and does not like wearing headdresses. He has a tall nose under his intelligent eyes and a talkative mouth under his nose. His braid is like a question mark behind his head.

I usually admire the monitor, because her performance is very good, since that incident, I admire the monitor even more.

It was a cold day last school year, and the monitor and Wang Xinyu were playing games. Suddenly, the monitor saw that Wang Xinyu's hands were red with cold and broken hands without gloves. The monitor said Wang Xinyu, why didn't you wear gloves? Wang Xinyu said I didn't wear gloves. The monitor thought to himself: I don't think Wang Xinyu didn't wear gloves, but Wang Xinyu didn't.

In the evening, the monitor bought a pair of gloves for Wang Xinyu and wrote down the story in the diary. The next day, the monitor gave the gloves to Wang Xinyu. Wang Xinyu was moved and could not speak for a long time. I also admired the monitor in my heart.

This is the person I admire most - Shan Wenxi!

Composition describing people and characters (3)

Everyone has his own admiration, of course, I am no exception. Some people admire Edison, a great scientist; Some people admire the deaf mute Helen Keller; There are also people who admire Beethoven, the famous music giant, and so on. But I am totally different. The person I most admire is far away from the sky and close to my eyes. He is my grandfather.

My grandfather is an ordinary person. He is straightforward and stubborn, but he loves writing brush.

Once, I went to my grandpa's study and shouted to him to take me to the street, but he ignored me. He just bowed his head and wrote carefully. Seeing his determined expression, I stopped being persistent and just quietly watched him write. I found that my grandfather wrote in a very coordinated and orderly way: he had just written a few words, and when he found that there was no ink, he dipped ink into the inkstone, and then did it again and again, never being bored. Later, I saw my grandpa was writing the word big, which could have been completed in three seconds, but it took him one minute. He told me: Be patient! Grandpa said this. It benefits me all my life.

I admire my grandfather's spirit of writing with brush.

Composition describing people and characters (4)

If you want to ask me who I admire most, I will tell you without hesitation that you are my mother.

My mother has a pair of bright eyes, a pair of slender eyebrows, and a slightly long hair.

Once my mother worked for several hours, and it was not easy for all the patients to leave. I wanted to let my mother have a rest. However, my mother took out a book thicker than a dictionary while listening to a class on her mobile phone. I asked my mother, "What's the use of this book?" Mother said: "Reading this book can make knowledge more solid. When you see a patient, you can get rid of the disease with medicine."

Another time, after dinner, my mother was still reading the book after eight o'clock. It was about half past nine before she knew it. My mother was still reading a book. My grandmother asked my mother, "I haven't come home so late. It will be a traffic jam soon." Then my mother knew it was half past nine and hurried home.

My mother is a person who loves learning. I admire my mother most. I want to learn from her.

Composition describing people and characters (5)

The people I admire most are the uncles and aunts of the cleaners.

Because they clean the road for us every day and never complain. In summer, they wear uniforms to clean the garbage for us in the hot weather, giving us a beautiful environment. In winter, the roads are frozen, and the whole world becomes silver. But they still risk slipping to clean the ground for us. In Harbin, we can often see some people following them to remove the ice on the ground.

They always perform their duties in obscurity, never afraid of tiredness or scorn. Although some people think that cleaning the road is a trivial job, I think they are better than those engineers, designers It is no inferior. Are indispensable in the city.

They are hard-working, not afraid of the heat and cold, and their spirit of doing a good job is worth learning.

Composition describing people and characters (6)

·One hot summer, the sun was scorching the earth, and the tiles were burning hot. A young man in a white vest, light blue shorts, with an explosive head, sunglasses and earrings swaggered down the street. At this time, a boy about eight years old came to him with the ice-cream he had just bought, his tongue still licking the ice-cream. The little boy accidentally touched the young man, and the ice cream left a black mark on his clothes. As soon as the man saw his clothes were dirty, he shouted at the little boy. The little boy saw that the man was angry and apologized to the little gangster wrongly. Unexpectedly, the little gangster grabbed the little boy's hair and wiped the dirt on his clothes onto his mouth. The little boy was so frightened that he burst into tears. Seeing this, the little gangster tore off his clothes and threw them on the ground. He hit the little boy's nose with a fist, which made the boy's nose bleed and his crying even louder. Seeing this, the little gangster picked up the vest, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it into the little boy's mouth. He didn't let go until the policeman who came to him put handcuffs on him, but he still stared at the little boy with blood on his face

Composition describing people and characters (7)

My mother is a teacher. She is a bit nearsighted, but she never wears eyes. She has three oddities.

1、 Gluttonous

In fact, just like children, mothers like to eat snacks. Every time I go to the supermarket, I always put my favorite snacks in the shopping cart bag by bag. "Well, this is not bad. I haven't eaten the newly launched food yet!" Mom looked at the snacks in front of her with satisfaction, grabbed four or five bags and put them into the shopping cart. Dad looked at it and thought that his cigarettes could not be bought, so he would put some snacks back. But my mother refused. In this way, a "Snack Contest" in broad daylight began. I am ashamed to look at them!

2、 Fetid beauty

Mother is not only greedy, but also smelly! There is a special wardrobe for her at home, which is full of her clothes. Once the cupboard is opened, several clothes will fall from the crowded wardrobe. Mother also has countless cosmetics, and her vanity mirror is full of bottles and jars. Every day, she would think in front of the mirror: What clothes to wear today? What kind of shoes do you wear? What style of makeup do you wear? My mother dresses up beautifully every day and throws me an old school uniform. Ah!

3、 Humor

I remember when I was in the third grade, it was very cold one day. Mother sent me to the school gate, and then let me put on a small padded jacket. I looked at it and thought: wearing such ugly clothes would be laughed at by my classmates! He shook his head. "Good, put it on." My mother put it on for me, and I got out of my mother's hands like a slippery little loach. "Good, it will be cold." Mother coaxed me. "Not cold! Not at all!" I shouted, carrying my schoolbag and running into school. Mother looked at my back and helplessly looked at the cotton padded clothes in her hands. It turned out that what my mother said was right: it was very cold that day. I hid in the corner, trembling all over, and regretted it. As soon as I left school, my mother put a cotton padded jacket on me and I got into my mother's arms. My mother smiled and said to me, "My daughter really needs to be gracious rather than warm."

This is my interesting mother.

Composition describing people and characters (8)

My brother Xiaoguo is funny: he has a round head, a palm sized piece of hair on his forehead, and two flaring ears. He grins when he sees people. In fact, he is bad at heart. Once out of the house, it's like a bird out of the cage running and singing, so happy. The younger brother did not know where to run well. He took a small stick to command the ants to "march out"; After a while, I climbed onto the reinforcement frame of the construction site to "explore". He clapped his hands and cried out.

One day, my uncle bought a pair of building blocks, colorful building blocks, long, short, square, round. My brother built a house, a bridge, and a small factory. The younger brother was very happy when he saw the gift. He kept arguing to play at once, so he had to find a space and pour out the building blocks for him to play. The younger brother's face was filled with a happy smile, which had been slightly raised at the corners of his mouth, and he laughed from time to time, which was extremely cute. The chubby little hand looks a bit clumsy. The building blocks arrived soon, and his face began to become unhappy. But he continued to make good. I helped him occasionally to teach him how to make good. After building again and again, the most successful building was successful. So my brother couldn't wait to share his joy of success with his parents.

Seeing the big from the small, we can know that he will succeed in the future through building blocks. He will not give up or abandon in the face of failure, fight repeatedly, persevere, and finally achieve success. This perseverance reflects that it plays an important role in his life path and plays an irreplaceable role in achieving success in the future.

The treasure of a family, my younger brother is like this. He is extremely worried when he is naughty, and he is serious when he works. He looks very good when he is serious!

Composition describing people and characters (9)

Students, I have never been late in class. Sometimes I have arrived before the school gate is opened. Do you know why? Haha, because there are two super intelligent alarm clocks in my home, that is, my mother and father.

In the morning, the mother of the smart alarm clock walked into my room and said to me, "Liu Yiyang, get up. Smart alarm clock mother had to carry out the second plan, that is, tickling. Mother quietly reached into my bed, tickling up, down, left, right, and my hands were sore, but I was still as stable as a mountain, holding on expressionless.

Smart alarm clock mother used her killer skill. She opened my quilt and angrily said to me: "If you don't get up for me again, I will tell your teacher that you dare to be brave." I listened to this sentence, got up quickly, got what to wear, quickly got out of bed, washed my face and brushed my teeth.

My father's smart alarm clock is very, very gentle. Before he wakes me up, my father will prepare a delicious breakfast for me, "Dear son, get up and eat breakfast." Every time he wakes me up, I will get up immediately, ha ha.

Do you like my smart alarm clock? Do you want it?

Composition describing people and characters (10)

On a hot afternoon, the electric fan was spinning fast and tottering, but it could not remove the boredom in the hearts of the senior three parties. Instead, it fanned our thoughts farther and farther, and the two eyelids began to fight. Little by little, it was about to... "Students!" The sonorous and powerful voice dragged me from the Duke of Zhou, and the man on the platform wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, But more sweat soon seeped out, and his cheeks became red because of the continuous high decibel explanation. He paused for a moment and said in a rare soft tone: "I know you are tired. The teacher is the same as you. Let's stick to it again!" He cleared his throat and restored his voice, wondering whether it was my illusion, He always felt that his voice was not as loud as before: "This is similar to a rotary type, that is..." He bowed his head, as if looking for something, and finally his forehead stopped on the broom in the corner. With a sound of "Pa", the broom was stretched across the blackboard, and the bottom was in an uproar. However, with its help, all lines were clear and clear. I looked at the wet white shirt, and lifted my head for countless times to wipe away sweat. My heart was sore, and I walked into the hall of mathematics with her vigorously.

This is a good teacher in my eyes, who can help us in our study.

Ten men and ten women, including me, were going to play in the tug of war final of physical training class that day, but they didn't see the head teacher for a long time. Everyone could not help complaining. There was no doubt that we lost the first set. Everyone was dejected and demoralized. He hurried to the office with a large bag of drinks in the distance. He looked at us all as listless as frosted eggplants. With his trademark thunderous voice, he almost roared, "Come on, Class Four!" In our surprised eyes, he insisted that we fold our palms and form a circle. He looked at us quietly, Look at the past one by one. His unquestionable eyes seemed like a shot of heart enhancer. We raised our hands high and pressed down hard: "Come on!" It was neat and uniform. The loud and clear sound waves rippled round and round, carrying our confidence and awareness after the rally. Here we go! "One, two, three, pull!" _ led everyone, clenched their fists, shouted and cheered for us.

This is a good teacher in my eyes, giving us faith and hope in life.

However, we still lost. The setting sun slanted, our figure was lonely and melancholy, rubbing red palms, moving small steps, and returning from defeat. "Boys and girls!" _ stopped us, and the small step came to an abrupt end. It was the same look, without disappointment or sadness. "I just want you to know that we are a collective. We are not good at sports, but we are a team, a good team! "The science teacher was not good at words, but he calmed our indignation with a few words.

Composition describing people and characters (11)

"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry." This poem from ancient times to the present is to praise the teacher's greatness! I am very lucky to have met many great teachers since childhood. Some of them are examples of good teachers and helpful friends; Some are examples of tireless teaching; There are also role models.

When I first entered the gate of the high school, I still clearly remember the scene when we first met her, the head teacher: in September, the scenery at that time could be counted as "trees are all autumn, mountains and mountains are only sunset", with cool wind blowing slowly. Strange environment, strange classmates, strange teachers, everything is different from the original school. The teacher introduced himself in front of the classroom. I looked at the teacher carefully. His long hair was combed into a ponytail, and his amiable face always seemed so kind. The teacher's eyes are like a mirror, which can reflect every fault of us. The teacher's eyes, like the mother's eyes, are full of care and love for us.

I remember that it was the night before a final exam, and my family had slowly fallen asleep, but I was still depressed and worried about the math problems I could not solve. In class, the teacher's haste, coupled with my carelessness, made me fall into a dilemma. My mood was like an ant on a hot pot. Sweat fell down one after another along my cheeks, like a broken pearl doing a free fall movement. Suddenly, several soft phone message prompts stirred my depressed heart. I hurried to check. God, it was the charcoal fire in the snow sent by the head teacher. She didn't sleep. It was late at night. She was still thinking about the final exam tomorrow, and even more about the whole class. The teacher's text message calmed my mood slowly. Without the anxiety just now, I began to carefully study the questions just now, and finally broke through with my efforts. I fell asleep frankly.

In my opinion, the moral character, character and quality of teachers are the model of our conduct; Teachers' experience, experience and knowledge are the fundamental cornerstone of our growth; The diligence, preciseness and diligence of teachers will guide us to make continuous efforts and struggle; The teacher's broadness, kindness and loftiness will surely make us fly higher and farther.

Morality, knowledge, diligence and lofty spirit are reflected in our head teacher. She is a good teacher in my mind.

Composition describing people and characters (12)

My father, he has "three wonders": one is to drink "strange", drink like a fierce Zhang Fei; Second, it is "strange" to sleep. You can sleep even sitting down; The third is "strange" fishing. If you don't go home for a day, you can't see any fish.

Look at my father. He has a big arm and a thick waist. He is a "god of wine". One day, when I came back from school, I saw two boxes of geese on the table and two boxes of beer on the ground. Today, Dad will be drunk again! Sure enough, Dad is busy in the kitchen. After a while, my father's teacher also came, and five dishes and one soup were served. I ate early and came out to drink water. My father stood with half a glass of beer in his left hand and a bottoming bottle in his right hand. His face was as red as Guan Yu. He said to his teacher, "If you're dry, please have another bottle." My father drank half a glass of beer at one gulp. They had been drinking for nearly two hours, and the table was already in a mess. You can imagine the wine in the box. In the afternoon, I heard my father's snoring like a volcano eruption. After drinking, my father and Meng Zhang Feizhen in Romance of the Three Kingdoms have a fight.

In addition to drinking heavily, my father's sleep is also a "strange".

Where is the "wonder" of Dad's sleep? He often sat on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and fell asleep while playing. In that sleeping position, the right hand holds the chin, the left hand holds the mobile phone, the body lies on its side, the head still points Doudou, and the corners of the mouth still rise. It is estimated that I am drinking in my dream.

My father also has a hobby, which is fishing. He has many fishing tools, but only a few fish. He never went home for a day, but he didn't bring back any fish. He also always said that the fish he caught had been taken away, and he tried to evade and respond to his mother for various reasons. I guess fish are afraid of my father. My father has no affinity with fish. Dad loves fishing, but he only fishes, but there is no fish. Do you think it's strange?

This is my "Sanqi" father. My mother can't control it. Come on, give me a move so that he can change it.

Composition describing people and characters (13)

Doctor Jin, who treats ears, is very skillful. As long as he uses a flashlight to shine in his ear, he can see any disease. Needless to say, where does the ear ache? Where are the bugs? He must have seen it.

Doctor Jin is kind and well behaved, but one problem is that he only looks at eight numbers a day. He has a poor memory and can't remember people. I went to see my ears last night. I said hello to him this morning, and he will not know you tomorrow morning. Are you angry?

Doctor Jin said, "I saw number four, not much."

The detective said, "I only saw four people. Why can't you remember? Are you covering up for him? It seems that you have something to do with the person who went to the jewelry store this morning to steal things!"

Doctor Jin was shocked and said quickly, "No! No! I have been seeing doctors in the shop. I don't know him. If I find him, I will report to your team."

In the evening, Dr. Jin reported to the detective that he had seen a special ear in the morning. There was no earlobe on this ear. Dr. Jin asked, "Is it him?" The detective said, "How do you know?" Dr. Jin said, "Because I've seen his ears, I don't recognize people."

It turns out that we recognize ears rather than people!

Composition describing people and characters (14)

On a hot afternoon, the electric fan was spinning fast and tottering, but it could not remove the boredom in the hearts of the senior three parties. Instead, it fanned our thoughts farther and farther, and the two eyelids began to fight. Little by little, it was about to... "Students!" The sonorous and powerful voice dragged me from the Duke of Zhou, and the man on the platform wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, But more sweat soon seeped out, and his cheeks became red because of the continuous high decibel explanation. He paused for a moment and said in a rare soft tone: "I know you are tired. The teacher is the same as you. Let's stick to it again!" He cleared his throat and restored his voice, wondering whether it was my illusion, He always felt that his voice was not as loud as before: "This is similar to a rotary type, that is..." He bowed his head, as if looking for something, and finally his forehead stopped on the broom in the corner. With a sound of "Pa", the broom was stretched across the blackboard, and the bottom was in an uproar. However, with its help, all lines were clear and clear. I looked at the wet white shirt, and lifted my head for countless times to wipe away sweat. My heart was sore, and I walked into the hall of mathematics with her vigorously.

This is a good teacher in my eyes, who can help us in our study.

Ten men and ten women, including me, were going to play in the tug of war final of physical training class that day, but they didn't see the head teacher for a long time. Everyone could not help complaining. There was no doubt that we lost the first set. Everyone was dejected and demoralized. He hurried to the office with a large bag of drinks in the distance. He looked at us all as listless as frosted eggplant. With his trademark thunderous voice, he almost roared, "Come on, Class Four!" In our surprised eyes, he insisted that we fold our palms and form a circle. He looked at us quietly, Look at the past one by one. His unquestionable eyes seemed like a shot of heart enhancer. We raised our hands high and pressed down hard: "Come on!" It was neat and uniform. The loud and clear sound waves rippled round and round, carrying our confidence and awareness after the rally. Here we go! "One, two, three, pull!" _ led everyone, clenched their fists, shouted and cheered for us.

This is a good teacher in my eyes, giving us faith and hope in life.

However, we still lost. The setting sun slanted, our figure was lonely and melancholy, rubbing red palms, moving small steps, and returning from defeat. "Boys and girls!" _ stopped us, and the small step came to an abrupt end. It was the same look, without disappointment or sadness. "I just want you to know that we are a collective. We are not good at sports, but we are a team, a good team! "The science teacher was not good at words, but he calmed our indignation with a few words.

This is a good teacher in my eyes, giving us enlightenment and guidance in thought. A good teacher is a leader in learning, a pioneer in life, and a conductor of the soul.

Composition describing people and characters (15)

Each of us has a personality characteristic, for example, my father is lazy. Therefore, my father is a super lazy person.

"Dinner is ready," my mother shouted. We began to gobble up food, but my father was always the first to finish dinner every time. After eating, Dad threw away his chopsticks and shoes. He was lying on the sofa, watching TV with relish. Dad was holding a cigarette in his mouth, with his legs dangling and singing leisurely. Mom felt that every time she washed the dishes, she felt very aggrieved, so she shouted to her father, "Hurry, immediately, immediately, wash the dishes for me." Dad pretended not to hear, and turned the TV up a lot.

Mother was angry: "Did you hear me? I asked you to do the dishes." "Oh, when do you want me to do the dishes? Are you kidding me?" Dad asked. Then he said to me with a playful smile: "Son, help me, you help my father to wash the dishes, and I will give you the service fee after washing the dishes." But I answered disapprovingly: "I'm sorry, I have to do my homework!" My father coaxed his mother with a glib voice: "My wife, you will finish the dishes this time, and I will do them next time." My mother said helplessly, "I told you so much, it's like casting pearls before swine, why don't I wash the dishes?"

Now my father is lazy on the sofa watching his TV.

Composition describing people and characters (16)

My father has a righteous face, a pair of bright and firm eyes. Many children dare not approach him because he never smiles lightly. I hate him for that. But after that, I looked at him with adoration.

That day, my father and I, who were only ten years old, took a bus to visit my sick grandma in hospital. But unfortunately, the bus was full of people, so we had to squeeze on the bus. After about five minutes, I saw a young man with a mask on his face and a hat on his head came in. I was afraid to hide behind my father. My father also saw my idea and took me to him. When I was young, I was attracted by the scenery outside the window. Suddenly, there was a silver flash on the glass. Turning around, I saw that the young man's hand had reached into the bag of the woman in front of me. The woman did not know it. I wanted to tell her out loud, but the man flashed at me with a knife. I covered my mouth with my hands in fear, and my eyes quickly searched for my father in the crowd. My father walked carefully towards the young man. Seeing my eyes made a quiet gesture towards me, I nodded knowingly. My father was quick to see and beat the knife off the young man's hand, and the thief quickly surrendered, while the passengers were still in a state of panic. Finally, we all worked together to send the thief to the police station. The woman thanked her father very much and invited us to eat something.

On the way home after watching Grandma, I looked at my father admiringly and said, "Dad, you are so awesome." Dad looked at me and smiled at me. That was the most genuine smile I have ever seen.

Composition describing people and characters (17)

With a round body and a round face like pancakes, he is the king of crabs in our class.

One day, his grandmother bought five crabs and began to prepare dinner. But a little crab climbed out of the bag, out of the kitchen, and walked to his desk. Facing the newly written homework, he waved the big tongs and said hello to the words: "So you are all here, my friends, let's go play!" After a while, Grandma came in, stared at the crabs and said: "My dear grandson, there are not enough crabs. Can you burn these crabs?" The fire on his head was getting bigger and bigger, and his hair was almost burning: "This is my homework, not a crab!"

The next day, he conscientiously wrote a good hand of characters one by one, and then showed it to his grandmother. He said, "Look, it's no longer a crab. Now it's all an army. It's neat." Grandma nodded with satisfaction. Later, he became angry and insisted on practicing calligraphy every day.

Nobody dares to offend him at school. Once in class, he gave a loud cry, which startled us. The books in his hands fell down in unison, and even the kettle in the teacher's hands fell to the ground, breaking into several pieces. Later, he was criticized by the teacher.

After school, he went to the bus station to wait for the bus, but he waited for more than ten minutes and no bus arrived. He shouted angrily, and even the bus that was about to enter the station was startled and drove away.

This is the little fat student W who practices calligraphy and acts like a bully!

Composition describing people and characters (18)

My father has a high nose and a pair of nearsighted glasses.

My father, English and math are all "good dishes". These things are a piece of cake for him. My father can also cook good dishes.

This time, my ankle is cracked. My father makes bone soup, beef soup and other delicious food for me every day. Listen to me, are you greedy? Dad goes shopping early in the morning every day. When he comes back, he carries me down from the sixth floor, cooks the bone soup, goes to work, and rushes home after work. When I got home, I saw that I hadn't eaten yet, and I didn't even have time to change my clothes. So I rushed to the kitchen, heated the bone soup, steamed the rice, and cooked a dish. For example, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which made my mouth water. Not only me, but also my mother was a bit greedy! Dad always put bones in my bowl. I like a machine. Enough is enough. You can eat some! But he always said, "You can eat it and mend it. Better soon.".

I'm full, but my father hasn't eaten you yet. My father asked, "Do you want more?" I said sadly: Dad, you haven't eaten yet? My father said that he would leave it for me to eat tomorrow. My nose got sour, so I jumped into the room and cried loudly.

Dad, I love you. When I grow up, I will repay you.

Composition describing people and characters (19)

I have a pair of modest eyes, a small nose, and a head of yellow hair. My biggest characteristic is that I love reading and small animals.

Once, I was fascinated by "Hundred Family Names", so I looked with relish. Just half way through, my mother asked me to play the zither, but I was still immersed in the sea of knowledge and the world of books. I reluctantly put down the book. Suddenly I came up with a clever plan. I pretended to say, "Mom... I have a stomachache and go to the toilet."! I secretly applauded. But the small key was still hung well outside the door. Without knowing it, my mother came in and took my "Hundred Family Names" and asked me to go to Guzheng. I have no choice but to play the zither.

I not only like reading books, but also like raising small animals. When I was in kindergarten, my father bought a rabbit for me, and I named it Xiaobai. The first thing I do when I go home every day is to feed Xiaobai. Every time I carefully cut turnips, spinach and green vegetables into pieces for the rabbit to eat. Every time Xiaobai sees me, it is like seeing a good friend. I will also smile at Xiaobai and touch its white fur. Hold it and play hide and seek with it. But the short happiness is over. I'm going to primary school, and Xiaobai has no place to raise. My mother gave Xiaobai to the neighbors. I cried goodbye to Xiaobai. I really want to see Xiaobai!

Do you know me? A girl who likes reading books and animals, do you want to make friends with me?

Composition of Describing People and Characters (20)

There are many kinds of people in this world, such as sad people and happy people. My deskmate Jiang Zhengjie is a happy person. His happiness can infect many people around him.

Jiang Zhengjie is especially good at changing ancient poems or songs. Once in a self-study class, the classroom was quiet. Everyone was reading or doing their homework. I heard cicadas chirping outside the window. Suddenly, I remembered "Silent Night Thoughts" and recited it. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhengjie and Huang Kangzhou heard about it. Jiang Zhengjie seemed to think of something. After discussing it with Huang Kangzhou, he recited the revised Silent Night Thoughts with rapture: "The bright moonlight in front of the bed, spilled a bowl of soup, raised his head to take a towel, and lowered his head to wipe his crotch." I laughed heartily. My classmate asked me, "What are you laughing at?" I said the revised "Silent Night Thoughts" once, and the classmate immediately laughed. Soon, the whole class began to laugh. Jiang Zhengjie is really the joy of our class!

Jiang Zhengjie not only changes ancient poems or songs, but also tells jokes. During the class meeting, Jiang Zhengjie told us a joke: "There is a popular saying in Xiaoming's class that eating steamed stuffed buns today is killing me; watching TV too much today is killing me. Xiaoming said: 'I belched after drinking cola today. The belch killed me'." The whole class laughed and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy!

Another time, in the fourth grade, it was our turn to sweep the floor on Wednesday. On that day, there were a lot of garbage thrown by people on the playground and a thick layer of carpet like leaves. It took us half a day to sweep, and everyone complained bitterly. Only Jiang Zhengjie sang a song while sweeping the floor. I was very strange, so I asked him: "Why are you sweeping the floor while singing?" He said: "The garbage is a good opportunity to exercise our ability to sweep the floor. What are we afraid of when we have finished our homework and have enough time?" I listened and thought: Yes, what are we afraid of when we have finished our homework? So I learned to sing and sweep the floor like him, and soon I finished sweeping. The floor was swept clean as if it had been newly paved. Seeing that our labor has changed the environment, we all went home happily!

Jiang Zhengjie is such a happy person. His happiness also infected us, making us optimistic, so we all like him!