Take a 600 word composition (20 practical articles)
Start from scratch
2023-08-31 03:40:33

Writing a 600 word composition (1)

Pass warmth to all things, light to all things, and light to the moon; The moon transmits its own light to all things in the dark; Scholars also praised the moon. Exclamation is transmitted to the works, and the works convey its meaning to people; People pass on their feelings again

Each of us is destined to deliver something; Pass your troubles on to your peers to make your heart feel comfortable; Pass pain to family members, let them share their own pain, pass hope to others, let him rekindle hope when frustrated

I have been thinking that I have passed on so many joys, sorrows and sorrows, but which one and which one should I really pass on? I thought hard and couldn't figure it out. Later, I thought that I would only pass on the wrong things. For this, I changed from doubt to conviction.

Until the sudden conversation, I found that my idea was always wrong. I could pass it on to others.

It was a day of school in the first semester of Grade 6, during recess activities; A female classmate of our class, Yali, finally started to cry because of a quarrel with a male classmate, Hai Tian. Yali was made to cry and cried on the table. A group of girls came to comfort her, but she did not care about people's hearts and cried incessantly. At last, even the group of girls who were good people had no choice.

After everyone left, I turned around (she was sitting behind me) and said to her quietly with a smile: "This is a little discord. My classmates, do you think you are still a three-year-old child who doesn't understand? We are in the sixth grade. When the graduation exam is over, we will all go our separate ways. There is not much time to spend together. Then, why don't you cherish the time now?"?

After the incident, she secretly came to me and said, "I also understood what you said that time, and I will do as you said in the future."

Pass on a smile and let others enjoy it.

600 word composition (2)

Life is colorful and prosperous. I really think that we can live better in a prosperous world! Because the world is so lovely, we can be happy and happy every day! Don't always sigh in life, because when we talk about it, we see darkness, as if there is no hope! The dark world has been a long time, we will also like the dark! That kind of self is lonely, life is colorful, the same, we will live happily every day, with a smile, all the way forward! That kind of self will be perfect!


In other words, a smile is an expression, but the same. A smile can also reflect a person's mood. The mood will show on the face! Smile can reflect a person's mood. When we are blocked by difficulties and setbacks, we will be sad! At that time, we will not be happy! But if we are like this for a long time, we may become a crowd in the dark in the end! Therefore, we should smile, and always smile. Maybe a miracle happened? Smile and face calmly. Such a life is really happy! With a smile, all the way forward! Maybe the road ahead will be more beautiful!


Although the road ahead is so bumpy, we still work hard. Although the road ahead is difficult, we will face it calmly. We should all have an optimistic attitude, for our own sake and for our destiny! Smile to face life, smile to be proud of life! We also need to have a persistent heart. It is because of persistence that we can get everything we want! If the road of life, we less persistent, less optimistic, less effort! There will be many failures in life! No matter how hard the road ahead is! But please, for yourself, for life, for destiny, you will be desperate!

Maybe smile can solve everything, maybe smile can save a person! Smile and face calmly! Look at the problem with optimistic and positive eyes! Maybe it will be a different harvest! There will be more surprises!

With a smile, all the way forward! Please believe that tomorrow will be better!

Writing a 600 word composition (3)

There is a saying: "Smile is the most common and beautiful language in the world." Maintaining a smile is like saying hello to others; Not only will you feel better, but also your efficiency will be improved, and you will have more friends. When you meet someone you don't know well, remember to smile kindly, which not only brings you closer to each other, but also makes you closer to each other. Others will also feel your enthusiasm. Maybe you can make intimate friends who talk about everything!

It is reported that an old woman who is nearly 80 years old will laugh three times in the mirror every morning and tell herself that today is full of hope and joy! Sure enough, the old lady not only lived a long life, but also was very healthy. It is beneficial to work efficiency, psychology, etc. In addition, according to the research report of experts and scholars, if you keep smiling, you can improve your work efficiency and affect everyone around you. Even if they are in a bad mood, they will change their mood because of your smile.

Like me, every morning, as long as I see everyone, whether they know or not, whether teachers or students, smile to greet them, which is also a basic courtesy. Also, when we go hiking in the morning, when we meet climbers, my father will always tell us that we can smile and say good morning. Therefore, every time Chao and his cousins and family went climbing the mountain, my cousin and I would also walk in front, like a "hello brigade", smiling and saying early. Some uncles and aunts who don't know each other come to climb the mountain and will say that we are very polite! On another occasion, our five-year-old cousin also learned to greet people passing by. This made us very happy and admired our cousin! My father said, "This is what we call being influenced by what we see and hear!" Unexpectedly, smiling and saying good morning can have such a big impact!

When encountering setbacks and difficulties, people usually choose to escape, but as long as you change your perspective, think positively, and believe that when facing the sun, the shadow can only be behind you. Smile, is it so simple and easy? But some people still have a bitter face all day long, as if they owe someone a million yuan. Try to look at everything with a smile! Quickly raise your mouth and keep smiling. I believe it's easy to be happy. By the way, ask the person beside you: Did you smile today?

600 word composition (4)

Life is long, with a few smiles on the road to resolve difficulties; The journey is far away, with a few smiles on the road indifferent heart; Growth is like a song, with a smile on the way with me. Walking on the road of life, smile, accompany me along the way.

On a hot afternoon in summer, the dull air can not send a ripple. The sun is hanging in the sky, and it is effortlessly shining with hot light. The sky is covered with gold, reflecting the shade of thick green trees and mottled with light and shadow. I pushed my bike to the center of the empty square. It was so quiet that I could only hear the wailing of summer cicadas. Struggling to get on the bike, he tried his best to control the steel monster to make it move forward steadily, but falling again and again gradually erased his high morale, leaving only a melancholy and decadent leaning on the roadside. "No, never admit defeat!" Thinking of this, I forced myself to show a confident smile again and move forward again to the difficulties ahead.

With a smile on the road, a smile gives me the strength to struggle. Walking in the bustling crowd, chaos and noise seem to be isolated thousands of miles away by an invisible net. Immersed in their own inner world, the multiple choice questions in front of them occupy all the thinking. I learned painting when I was young. In the process of painting, I felt the hardships of struggle and tasted the joy of success. For several years, it seems to have become an integral part of my life. But since I entered junior high school, my busy study has occupied most of my time, making me busy. Now I have to make a difficult choice between learning and painting. "Choose the road that can make me happy", my mother's words kept ringing in my ears. When all the dust finally settles down, the choice has become a reality, and the smile on the face becomes the force to urge the heart to move forward.

With a smile on the road, a smile shows me the way forward. Go on the road with a smile. A smile is a good teacher and friend on the road of life. Go on the road with a smile. Smile is the Big Dipper in the growing sky. The spring wind revives the earth with everything, and the Milky Way gives black

The night is never extinguished by starlight. Smile, then give the motive force and direction before life.

600 word composition (5)

Even if God gives you a thousand reasons to cry, you should find a thousand and one reasons to smile.

It is not easy to live in the world. Sometimes the road of life will be Pingchuan Road, but sometimes a bush of thorns will suddenly appear. I stabbed you all over. You never know what will happen in front of you.

Students, what would you do! My answer is; Don't be sad, don't be anxious, the blue days will always pass, pack up, be alert to setbacks at any time, and face them with a smile.

In the final exam of last semester, my score was only ranked 103 in the grade. During that period, I was worried all day long and could not raise my spirits, my father said; "When encountering setbacks, you should treat it as a spray. Don't let it stir up a storm in your heart. When encountering setbacks, you should treat it as a dust in your eyes. A blink of an eye and a drop of tears are enough to submerge it." Yes, as long as you smile, nothing will happen.

One foot crushed the violet, but it left its fragrance on its heel. I heard that the violet was tolerant before, but I don't know what tolerance is.

Once, my cousin came to my house as a guest, and when playing, he made my favorite aloe very miserable. In anger, I drove him out of the house. My mother said, "Tolerance is the warmth in the cold winter; tolerance is the sweet spring in the desert, refreshing." I seemed to understand something. At dinner, my cousin sincerely apologized to me, which made me embarrassed and smiled to forgive him. My cousin also smiled back. A smile can help solve the contradiction.

One flower withers and leaves uncultivated not the whole spring, nor does one setback ruin the whole life. But a smile can change your life. If life is an ever blooming flower, setbacks are nourishing nutrients, and smiles are the seeds of flowers.

My friends, you may as well plant a seed called smile in your heart, face setbacks with a smile, and forgive others with a smile... When the seed becomes a flower, your body will be fragrant.

600 word composition (6)

There are thousands of kinds of beauty in the world. The graceful women in the south of the Yangtze River are beautiful, the beautiful images reflected in the golden willows in the water are beautiful, and the wrinkles on the old people's forehead are beautiful after the vicissitudes of life However, among these thousands of beauties, smile is the most shocking one!

It is because the smile is the most beautiful that people should be grateful. Maybe you have been frustrated in life, frustrated, and unconsciously walked alone on the wild path. You feel that the world is bleak. Suddenly, a white wild lily blooming on the roadside catches your eye. You feel tears because of the swaying lily. Why is it the lily that loses its attitude, Smiling Lily! The innocent flower with a wide face smiles at you. It's easy to touch your heartstrings and smile at you. Have you already quickened your pace unconsciously? At that time, did the corners of your mouth also consciously smile and express gratitude to the lily?

Yes, a smile is beautiful. When you are in a low mood, a smile is like a cleanser, clearing away all the bitterness and troubles in your heart; When you are lonely, a smile turns into a warm sunshine, shining through your heart and bringing a trace of warmth to your life.

Why should we not be grateful and smile? As we live and study in the school, it is inevitable that there will be some misunderstandings with our classmates over time. If the two who have misunderstandings are very stingy and refuse to give a smile to each other, then they will be destined to meet each other and never know each other. From then on, they will pass by and become strangers forever. If you don't want to lose him, you can give him a smile. No matter whether the misunderstanding is due to his arrogance or your stupidity, ignorance and poor expression, give him a smile. It can also penetrate the thick wall, and the smile eliminates the bad ties between us. Please be a grateful person and smile!

Smile is beautiful, and the brilliance of smile is more beautiful. People who are grateful for smiles are the most beautiful. Friends, when you get the gift of a smile, don't forget to repay others with a grateful smile from the heart!

600 word composition (7)

It is said that there are hundreds of kinds of laughter, including laughter, wry laughter, silly laughter, sly laughter, sneer, ridicule, hysterical laughter, smile, angry laughter, ridicule, smirk, mirth, smile, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh... No matter whether there are hundreds of people's smiles, I love people's smile most.

On the street, I met two young men. They were red faced because of a small quarrel. An old man with a smile walked forward to persuade them and reasoned for them gently. The old man's smile and sincerity moved the young man, so they understood each other and waved happily. My grandson and his friends came to play with him. The mother of the child smiled and said, "My good child, I'm looking for you to play with. You should let your children play with you. Don't let them play with you any more. Children, children won't come to see your ugly face!", "My aunt is right. It's my fault. I won't earn toys for you! Come on, hook! " The two children put on a friendly smile and continued to play happily together, very happy.

Many supermarkets and stores I have been to, many beautiful and handsome young salesmen and waiters, with smiling faces, take care of customers warmly, and business is booming. The staff of departments and organs received the outsiders with smiles and handled official business, which made them feel at home. Their smiling service has won social recognition. Smile gives people a warm feeling, a happy mood, and a charm of dispelling doubts and worries. Who refuses to smile! Smiling here is a virtue, a great love for society and life. Everyone smiles at life and everyone smiles at others. In this society, all ethnic groups will get along well and be very beautiful. A loving country full of smiling society cannot fail. With the attitude of being grateful to the society and people, learn to treat people with a smile and do things with a smile, starting from the individual.

600 word composition (8)

People live in the world, but in just a few decades, some people are immortal, some people are infamous. But I, a small butterfly, cannot be immortal, nor will I be infamous forever. I can only leave my smile as proof of my existence.


I am a butterfly, a beautiful "shy flower" butterfly. However, my birth is the most desperate pain for my parents, because I can't fly.

How ridiculous that a butterfly can't fly.

But my friends are very kind to me. They will collect honey for me, chat with me, and watch me laugh.

Yes, I can laugh. I am not depressed because I cannot fly. I will smile at my parents, flowers, the sun, and my partners

I stay on a flower every day, listening to passers-by sing: "Please take my song back to your home, please leave your smile." Since then, I love to smile more. Every word uttered is a happy note. Every smile is a beam of bright sunshine. I just can't flap my wings. It's nothing.

When I wake up in the morning, I will smile and say to myself: Good morning. When my friends want to go out, I will smile and watch them go away. When my parents return in the evening, I will greet them with a smile

The good things in life are always the same. Every good thing deserves my smile.

One day, I stayed in the flowers as usual. Suddenly, I felt my wings shake. Then I heard a human voice: "Look! What a beautiful butterfly I caught!" Many other people came. They were very happy and said they would make me a specimen.

I heard my parents and partners crying in despair. I gave them a smile and was put into a bottle.

They began to fix me on a white thing with a pin. It hurt, but I kept smiling at myself.

How wonderful! I will always be beautiful, and no one will know that I can't fly

It was found that this butterfly specimen was somewhat strange, because the corner of the mouth of that beautiful butterfly was slightly raised. This specimen was officially named "Smiling Butterfly" and passed down from generation to generation in the museum.


600 word composition (9)

For those who need comfort, the best language in the world is smile. An angel smile is priceless!

Smile is a kind of beauty, which will make us more beautiful. Smile is a spring flowing from the heart, fragrant and pure; Smile is a noble temperament with infinite realm. Smile is the indifference when you are satisfied, the calm when you are frustrated, and the contentment in hard days. There is a good saying: "Smile, ten years old."

He who smiles has no tears, he turns them into smiles. The person who loves smiling is not without pain, but he uses smile as a good medicine to cure pain, and the more frustrated he is, the more brave he is!

For everyone, smile is simple and common. Because smile is a human instinct, an expression that human beings have, and an external expression of human emotions!

There was a story of "Three Laughs" in ancient foreign countries. They laughed wherever they went; Laughter spreads wherever they go. Although they didn't use any language, they spread the joy to every corner.

People, as long as they learn to smile, will never be poor!

People can live happily as long as they have an angel like smile!

People, as long as they keep smiling, will have a permanent pass in the long life!

600 word composition (10)

Holding a precious famous painting, let emotion wander in color; Read a good classic book, let your mind jump between words; Enjoy a sweet music, let your thoughts wander in the melody. Time is in a hurry, and time passes by. Only the most beautiful smile accompanies me all the way.

The corners of her mouth slightly cocked up, revealing a slight smile, like a peach blossom in bloom. Maybe I didn't know she was going to smile, but the smile was sweet and comfortable. It is her flowery smile that gives me courage, makes me cautious, and makes me persevere.

"Yes, I have my own ideas. Keep talking!" This is what she said most when answering since I entered the university. And I will be outlined by her smile, calmly answering and talking. When something went wrong in her homework book, she gave a euphemistic cry, but could not bear to put a red cross. She just gently scratched there, cocked up at the corners of my mouth, and threw me a "peach blossom". I understand, but I have no shame.

That day, she held up a newspaper and shouted to me with joy: "Hey, your newspaper!" She also read aloud in the class. She smiled like a sweet peach blossom; I also smiled, like a shy peach blossom; The students smiled at me like peach blossoms.

The results of the final exam came out. Everyone was good and excited. It was the fruit of the students' hard work, but also her beautiful smile. isn't it? Her smile is just like the spring breeze and drizzle, moistening the seeds of dreams, taking root, sprouting and growing healthily. At this time, she looked at the innocent smiling faces, and the corners of her mouth also slightly tilted, showing the relaxed and happy smile.

She is our teacher Lin. A simple smile is the greatest in my mind. Her smile is so sweet and gentle that I can never tire of seeing it. Her smile is a pink peach blossom, a sweet spring, and a golden glow.

It is the most beautiful smile that makes my world spring and my heart full of sunshine.

Writing a 600 word composition (11)

Smile is like a bottle of lubricant, which always moistens the communication between people. As long as everyone has a smile on his face, the world will become beautiful and harmonious.

Smile is the first step to build trust. It makes me add friends who are connected with each other. Although years have passed, that scene is just like yesterday in my mind.

The rain is falling, and I am wandering at the school gate. How can I go home without an umbrella? In an instant, an idea flashed in my mind: "Go ahead! It's good to walk in the rain, let me feel it!"

I rushed into the rain as fast as I could, but it seemed that I was not in the rain. When I looked up, a small flower umbrella was propped up on my head. "Big sister, let's use the umbrella together!" The sweet voice was flowing from a little girl's mouth. Gratitude rose in my chest, and I took her hand and walked forward. When I got home, I asked her what her name was, and she replied with a sweet smile. Since then, she has become a good friend of mine.

After this incident, I reported to the head teacher that a "little umbrella mutual aid association" was established. At first, the head teacher disagreed, but after my hard work, the head teacher agreed. So I proposed to my classmates that everyone donate an extra umbrella at home, good or bad, and store it in a corner of the classroom to protect us from the rain when we finish school. The proposal was warmly heard by the students. The umbrellas in the classroom accumulated day by day, and new ideas were born in my mind.

So I found a classmate, and we put some umbrellas in the corner of the school gate together, and stuck a piece of paper on it, which said: "Umbrella Love Mutual Aid Association" "On rainy days, students without umbrellas can take them here, and don't forget to take them back to their original places."

Unexpectedly, it rained again today, looking at all the students. From there, I took my umbrella one by one and walked into the rain with a smile on my face. We feel happy from the heart, and my face shows a bright smile.

Let's start with a smile, whether it's on the way from school to home, from home to school, or on the way to society and career.

600 word composition (12)

In the beautiful campus, there is an unknown girl. She always hides in the corner and silently appreciates the flying youth of her classmates. That girl, it's me.

The morning sun shines into the classroom from the window, bringing us a trace of warmth. The teacher made a speech: "Boys and girls, I arranged a keynote speech of" Praise the motherland "last week, so that everyone can go back to prepare for this class, and everyone can show their style on the stage." The teacher's voice just ended, the classroom was silent, and no one was willing to make a speech on the stage. Even so, I can rest assured that the teacher almost never orders me.

"Xiaojia, come up and try." I was stunned and looked up. The teacher was smiling at me. May I? The teacher seemed to see through my mind and nodded to me. I stood on the platform in disbelief, and read nervously with a beat in my heart. This was my first speech on the stage. I felt my hands and feet were not obedient, and even my voice was trembling.

"It's very good. Can you stop writing and read it again in a louder voice?" I looked at the teacher, who was smiling kindly at me. I don't know where I came from. I'm going to die! I slowly raised my voice and read the script out loud and smoothly. The classroom resounded with warm applause, and the teachers and students looked at me with smiling eyes. I feel very proud.

After school, the teacher said to me meaningfully: "In fact, everyone is the best. You just don't believe in yourself, so you have a sense of inferiority. Pick up your courage, face life with a smile, and you will feel the beauty of life." The teacher's words deeply touched me. I want to believe in myself and face life with a smile.

I'm going to participate in the school speech contest, because it can challenge myself. I began to do everything with a smile and confidence every day. I wanted to show my best in the speech contest.

When I stood on the podium, I was very excited and smiled to everyone. I did it, I finally defeated myself! I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their smiles and encouragement, which made me confident.

Smile can nourish the dry heart, smile can bring confidence, and smile is conducive to success. Let's hold our heads high, stride forward, and go with a smile!

600 word composition (13)

"What is a smile?" This is my heart's voice. So far, I have been looking for the answer.

"This question is so difficult!" That day, I was scratching my head and didn't know how to do this question. When I was worried about this, the teacher seemed to see through my mind. He came up to me and said softly, "Why? Can't you do it?" I looked up at the teacher blankly. The teacher leaned down and patted me on the shoulder, saying, "You have to think from another angle, sometimes you will get unexpected results." Then she smiled at me. At this time, I suddenly understood that the teacher's smile is a beacon, guiding the way for me in the dilemma of solving problems.

Dumplings, it sounds so simple. That day, my mother and I made dumplings together. After my mother demonstrated, I began to imitate her. I don't know why, all the dumplings made by my mother are full of bellies, while all the dumplings I made seem to be deflated. No matter how hard I tried to pack it, it was always the same. When I was discouraged, my mother suddenly stopped, wiped her hands, stroked my little head, smiled, and nodded. At this time, a confident force came out of my heart, and I suddenly understood. It turns out that smile is the power to encourage and encourage people to move forward bravely.

"Only mothers are good in the world, and children without mothers are like grass......" Outside, the wind howled and the branches rattled. That day, I just came back from playing outside, and the sound of "brush, brush, brush" poured into my ears. I looked for the sound and saw a thin, hard working figure. I walked forward, and "it's my mother". I couldn't help crying out. At this time, my mother turned around and saw her with a smile on her face. She walked over and handed me a cup of hot milk with her red hands, He kept asking me about the temperature. At this time, it seemed that I could hear nothing, and the air also held its breath. My nose was sour, and I tried to hold back the cry. I have learned that smile is selfless love and tolerance. It is like a fire in winter, making people feel the warmth of spring.

Smile makes me happy to learn, smile makes me grow healthily, and smile makes me go forward bravely.

600 word composition (14)

Time can only destroy the face, but not the heart—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The arrival of chill accentuates people's colors. Black and gray cover the whole world. The dragon began to sleep, and I was alone with you.

Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes. Time has added a few more strokes to your sculpture, as if it had become an eternal evil habit. Carved statues cut by thousands of cuts are gradually aging, and the original thin skin and tender flesh become dry skin and withered branches, but the thin appearance can not always wrap the old and healthy heart.

Last time, the water pipe at home was broken, and my father was upstairs to repair it. He told me to throw up a cotton padded jacket. Without thinking, you bend down, stretch out your calloused hands, and bend your legs slightly to make a "creaking" sound. With the sound of "Hey", the cotton padded jacket rises into the air and flies out of your hands in an instant.

Your care for me is no worse than that. This week, I picked up my heavy suitcase again and walked on the way to school. The wheels of the box add a touch to my music on the road. It seemed that I was hiding for my joy. Only one staggered with two orange bags in his hand. The bags were pressed by heavy objects, showing a row of ribs, which was very hard.

As I get closer to you, you seem to see my little body coming towards you. You found me. I don't know where you came from. You stepped up and stood in front of me immediately with crazy joy on your face. With both hands open, I saw love of all sizes. I vacated my hands with big and small bags, grabbed them greedily, and went to the sleek love date.

You and I greet each other again, and then go away. I grow taller and taller, and you grow shorter and shorter. As the sun sets, my shadow grows longer and your shadow grows shorter. Full of love, happy in the heart.

"The autumn wind is bleak, and the flood waves are surging." Because of our hot hearts under the same day, the autumn wind stops cheering, and the flood waves stop the high profile.

Each of us is on our way with a burning heart - love.

600 word composition (15)

The Cosmic Beauty Contest is about to start, what a bustle! Haley Comet, the referee, was wearing a long tuxedo to find the right person in the universe.

The earth stood up with a smile and the referee selected her. On this beautiful planet, there is joy and vitality everywhere: the blue sea is constantly beating the golden beach, the green grass, and the birds are singing and dancing happily. There is no doubt that she is the champion of this contest! The earth was so happy that she walked onto the podium with a smile.

But the earth smiled for a while, and then couldn't smile.

The good environment of the earth has bred a group of high intelligence elves. In order to make their lives more affluent and luxurious, they use their smart minds and hardworking hands to do whatever they want on the earth!

Another Cosmic Beauty Contest began, with contestants all looking like fairies. The moon fairy wears a soft and smooth gauze, and comes slowly; Mars is wearing a passionate sportswear, but the referee of Haley Comet has never seen the Earth. After searching for it for a long time, he found that the previous champion, the Earth, was hiding in a corner. Looking closely, the referee was too surprised to speak for a long time. Black smoke billowed over the earth, green mountains became bare, blue water became black, and there were few animals. A big claw is constantly digging her body, and the earth has been tortured out of shape by human beings. Judge Haley Comet sighed deeply and left.

The earth was in tears.

When the earth is in despair, human beings begin to reflect. They carried out large-scale afforestation activities and vigorously promoted the slogan of "everyone is responsible for protecting the earth". At the same time, use cloning technology to save endangered species and establish large wildlife reserves

The earth is full of vitality again. The mountains began to turn green, the water began to clear, and the birds began to return to the forest. After several years, another round of cosmic beauty contest was going on fiercely. The earth has a new look. There are not only blue sea and green forest, but also towering buildings, wide and long roads, Mercedes Benz natural gas BMW

The earth regains the championship again. She smiled, smiling so sweetly.

600 word composition (16)

The rain beats on the window lattice, and the sound is like a zither, shaking off the distant, dumb, and never returning night. Curling fragrance, drifting with the wind, swaying and singing the smile of rain, like dim stars, gently shake us to sleep in the soft night.

On the flowery riverbank in the countryside, the distant rain caresses every path, every field and every smile with a fragrance. The arrival of rain shows in front of the children in a posture of always facing the sun, emitting a relaxed and happy attitude towards life. This is a journey without knowing the ultimate. There is no dazzling splendor or charming enchantment. However, just waving with the wind and singing with the rain can make the thunder and lightning no longer noisy and the wind no longer raging. Rain is a smiling spirit, and the direction of the smile is the direction of the sun, which is the face of the child.

The rain silently blooms the color and sound of love, injects smiles into children's blood, and tells them that the laughter and tears, missing and caring in the depth of years will be diluted into a leaf boat and a direction with the color of the rain. There is no need to feel pain or worry. Just kiss the rain, and you will truly appreciate the vast sky where life comes from. The bleak rain, you see, the children cover their faces and cry, from plain to bright, the season has become a changing landscape, all stranded memories, all languages, all of a sudden with the smoke, rising. The rain is as clear as a spring, smiling like a child's face.

The rain, the laughter. The children are independent and open from the withering, telling their own stories and smiling childishly. The rain is like a flying soul, looking for a direction in the vast sky, making a boat, flapping its wings, leaving a trace and a ray of beauty on the child's face. The drifting rain sings a legend, and carves eternity on the smiling face. The past is weathered in the rain, filtering the child's smile. In the dark feeling, the rain turns into a dream and takes the child to a distant place.

Full of green and lively in the cradle of warmth. But the patter of rain gradually faded away, but the smile turned into happiness, rubbed in the dream.

600 word composition (17)

Every night, when we are falling asleep, we close our eyes and reflect on our day. At this time, have you ever asked yourself, "Today, have you smiled?" Every day of everyone is unique, and many things will happen in a day. Although there are happy things, there are more sad, angry and sad things. Do you smile when you face them? You know what? Everything in the world has two sides. Keep smiling when facing them! On the bright side, maybe things are not as bad as they seem.

Every day, everyone will face many people. Among these people, some are your friends and some are your opponents. When facing friends, we all smile, but when facing opponents, did you smile? You know what? An opponent is also a kind of friend. A good opponent can make you better understand yourself. Once there is no opponent, life will be boring. The so-called "high altitude is too cold" is such a truth. When you face an opponent, keep smiling and respect your opponent. Maybe he is also your friend.

Every day, everyone will be busy doing this and that. Although sometimes, these can make people happy, more often, these trivial things will make us frown. You know what? Frowning makes 32 muscles contract at a time, while smiling only affects 12 muscles. And let the muscles relax. When facing trivial matters, smile. Relax yourself and face everything in the best state.

Every day, everyone will gain or lose something. Although getting makes us happy, losing makes us sad. Face to get, we can keep smiling. But when we lose, can we still keep smiling? You know what? Gains and losses are not absolute. We should clear our hearts. It's my luck to get it, but it's my destiny not to get it. Don't cling to the result. Smile, don't indulge in memories, but try to move forward.

Smile, friend, smile to accept, smile to face, keep smiling, keep your happy heart.

600 word composition (18)

Smile, like the spring wind in February, wakes up the sleeping earth; Smile, like a shower of rain, moistens the dry heart; Smile, like a ray of sunshine, warms the cold heart. Don't lock your eyebrows, let's smile from now on.

I once saw a story about a sad little girl wandering in the field. Lengbudding saw a withered flower. She picked up the flower that had been cut off and abandoned by someone and smiled at it. Unexpectedly, the flower bloomed in the little girl's smile, just like it bloomed in the soil. As in fantasy, the magic is unbelievable.

In fact, when you are frustrated, sad and painful, you will be like the withered flower, while parents, teachers and friends may be like the little girl. When they send us a smile of love and encouragement, we will be full of strength, and we will blossom into a beautiful smile like flowers.

One thing that happened a long time ago, but I clearly remember that scene - the encouraging smile I threw when the teacher was sad after failing an exam. At that time, the teacher handed out the paper, and I looked at the bright red and dazzling "58" on the paper. "Good heavens! Only 58 points", my heart was like a needle, very depressed. Looking out of the window, the last leaf on the plane tree also fell down, which was even more sad. "Ringing bell..." Finally, when the class was over, the teacher did not blame me but smiled at me. The smile was so natural and warm. As if to tell me: it doesn't matter if you fail this exam, try hard next time. The smile was like a wisp of warm sunshine, which made my cold heart feel warm. Looking out of the window, it was still green pines, and I showed a bright sunshine smile. Maybe it was that thing that started. I became a lively and cheerful boy, and unhappy things would always become a thing of the past before my eyes.

Smile accompanied me along the way, accompanied me through ups and downs, through thorny jungle, through rough and bumpy. Let us smile all the way, pass on all the way, and let the smile spread all over the world.

600 word composition (19)

We have been running forward, but ignored the scenery on the road; We have been pursuing constantly, but we have neglected the love around us. How many times have I wanted to look for the warmth of the world, but I have neglected the small touch. I have been in a hurry on the road of life, but this event made me find that my road is full of love.

"Don't forget to bring your keys when you go out!" My mother would say this sentence almost every morning when I go out. She felt that her ears were callous and she was always tired of interrupting her. Words. I feel that I have grown up and still treat me as a child, which is incomprehensible. But one day, my mother went on a business trip. When she went out in the morning, she didn't have the familiar exhortation. Suddenly, she felt a little less, but it was just a flash of thought. She didn't pay much attention to it. When she arrived at the door after school in the evening, she looked for the key to open the door, but could not find it. She searched the whole bag and found no trace of the key. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she must have left in a hurry in the morning and forgotten the key, I had no choice but to sit on the steps in frustration. At this time, the corridor was quiet and quiet, and I felt so helpless and lonely when the darkness hit. At this time, I wished my parents could appear right away. I thought that my mother's tireless nagging was the deepest love for me? But all this was ignored by me. In fact, love was always around me, but I never felt it with my heart. I regretted my indifference. Just when I was in deep self reproach, a series of thin and familiar footsteps came. I blurted out "Mom", as if a bright light had been lit up in the dark, warm and kind. She smiled and said, "What's the matter? No key? " Hearing this sentence, I suddenly felt how important it was.

I fall in love with Lu every morning.

Love is like a bright lamp in the dark night, illuminating your way forward. Love is the power of life extension, which makes you never stop pursuing. Don't lose your love. Take the road of love with you. Love will accompany you on the road of life. No matter how great difficulties and obstacles you encounter, and how much wind and rain, you will not be lonely!

600 word composition (20)

Article 1:

In the second day of junior high, we have to race against time every day. We should learn every subject well. Because "we will be beaten if we fall behind", but whether we learn well or not depends on our own self-confidence and efforts.

Therefore, I will take confidence to embark on my second year of study and life.

Confidence is like an elevator. Owning it can improve your performance. I thought I was a super person without confidence. However, in a math exam, I found that I had confidence. It was always around me, but I didn't find it. I don't know whether this test paper is easy to tell others, but it's easy for me to get a 100% mark.

This semester's physics is not particularly easy for me, but I don't want my physics scores to drop sharply because of this. So I will be more serious. In physics class, I dare not lose my mind for a second. This may be my unyielding heart reminding me. When encountering difficult problems, I always feel confident that I can solve them. The problem is dead, and people are alive. As long as I am willing to think and combine the knowledge I learned in class, I can certainly solve it.

Every time in the big exam, especially the last one or two questions of mathematics, it is not only difficult, but also has a high score. But I also like this course very much, so I am more confident to take it down. In the end, they can't compete with me. Every time I meet

In such a situation, they are very happy.

Since I found self-confidence, it often brings me happiness. Every time I take an exam, I can get a score that I am satisfied with. Confidence, like ideal, can bring me motivation and hope. Confidence accompanies me and makes me feel more exciting in my study and life.

Part II:

There is a saying that has been proved by countless people and examples: self-confidence is the cornerstone of the road to success.

In ancient times, the mainstream view was that "the talent of a great general should be taught from heaven". Few people realized the role of self-confidence. However, with the cry of "princes, generals and ministers, it is better to have seed", a group of "miscellaneous" who have nothing but confidence collapsed the huge Qin Dynasty.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu, faced hundreds of thousands of troops led by the famous generals Wang Li and Zhang Han of the State of Qin, and led tens of thousands of Chu troops to kill the enemy camp when the military rations could only last three days. As a result, the Qin army was smashed and Wang Li was captured alive.

As a young man in his early twenties, Wang Bo did not refuse Yan Dudu's selfish "request". He wrote a preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which was not easy. It can be seen that bloodline, age and experience can only be used to bluff people sometimes, and self-confidence is the decisive factor for success.

There is also a famous tragedy about self-confidence. The protagonist is the physicist Planck. In 20xx, he proposed the light quantum theory. It was a great discovery, but he was not happy about it. On the contrary, he thought that he had done a wrong thing, making a mess of the originally harmonious classical physics. He was uneasy, frightened, and even tried to put energy quantization into the orbit of classical physics. It's like Newton in his later years. Newton also doubted his own theory, and even attributed the "first driving force" to the role of God. The painstaking theory, after many revisions, can explain so many phenomena, which is the result of the efforts of a generation or even generations of scientists. It is a historical regression and a regret in the history of science to give up just because of lack of confidence when the truth has not been verified.

Now the conditions are much better than before, and the social system is much fairer. Do people still need confidence? Of course! A person looks very different when he is confident and when he is not. Once a team has confidence, it will show its smooth attack and dazzling cooperation. Even the favor of the lucky goddess will come to this team. Think about yourself again. Have you ever had a high confidence index and succeeded in anything? These things could have been done, but the lack of confidence created the illusion that these things could not be completed.

When people live in the world, they must have a little confidence, whether it is when the wind is favorable or when they are forced to the edge of a cliff. There is nothing wrong with being confident when the wind and the water are favorable. When you are forced to the edge of a cliff, you will be confident and do your best. Since you have made 100% efforts, please add 100% confidence to achieve 100% success.