Family Composition for Junior Middle School (18 pieces)
2023-08-08 03:39:49
junior middle school

Family Composition in Junior High School (1)

Some people say that life is a journey, and we come to this world to find the touching scenery and remember it deeply.

When I first entered primary school, I had to use HB's pencil to write, and the pencil should not be too thick, because it would make the handwriting "paste" together. Every night, the first thing I do when I go home is to use a pencil sharpener to sharpen the thick pencil that I used in school. The handle behind the pencil sharpener basically turns a hundred or so circles every day until my hands are too sore to lift. Then I can't do my homework, and I can't sharpen the thick lead pencil again.

My mother was afraid of my sore hands, so she took the initiative to help me sharpen a pencil. I did my homework in the light and rhythmic sound that my mother made when she sharpened a pencil. Whenever I saw that figure, my heart would feel warm and full of writing power.

But behind this warmth, I know how hard my mother is suffering?

On a rainy day, it got dark early. Before 5 o'clock, the cold wind began to blow. After dinner, I sat on the small balcony in my room and watched my mother go home. I felt secretly happy. My mother was miserable today. I used a lot of thick pencils in art class. My mother could stay near my desk for homework for a long time. If there was anything wrong, I could also consult my mother. It was really good.

As soon as my mother came home, after a quick meal, I was dragged to the room to sharpen her pencils. I lined up the pencils and asked my mother to help me. My mother nodded my head and said, "Xinxin is good, my mother is not comfortable today, so you can sharpen it yourself..." Of course, I didn't stop, holding my mother and playing coquetry with her: "No, I can't do my homework without you sharpening me!" My mother finally sighed, Nodding my head, I took my mother's first thin pencil and listened to her sharpening. Eh! What's wrong with Mom? How come the voice is no longer light, but heavy, and the rhythm is not very regular. What's wrong with my mother?

After taking a bath, I walked out of the bathroom. I heard my mother talking to my father. Curious, I carefully put my ear on the door——

"Come and help me pinch my shoulder. It's very sour." It's my mother's voice, "Every mother is great..." This sentence flashed in front of me, "no matter how big or small she does."

The next day, I sharpened my pen in advance and sent her a cup of hot tea after she came in. A few days later, my mother began to sharpen my pen again. This action made me feel kind, which can be understood as love, right.

One action, one love, one thin pencil will be the most beautiful scenery in my heart forever.

Family Composition in Junior High School (2)

I am a little girl who looks shrewd on the outside but is sad inside. I don't want to deliberately change anything, but out of love, I would rather give up my persistent heart. Perhaps only the stars know my sorrow -- I love my home, a home that needs support from many people.

Home is like an omnipotent treasure house of energy. It is my great spiritual sustenance, the source of my happiness, and my eternal belief. No one knows their sadness, no one knows their hardships, my great birth parents, it is their love that makes me grow and make me understand. Only in this way can I see the ugliness and evil in the world. In this vast world, no one will notice these kind parents, and no one will mourn for them.

Being busy may be unfair to people from the countryside. But the parents' hearts are even more sad because of their relatives' avoidance. When we first came to this big city, our family was so poor that we couldn't even eat, so we had to live in the old grandma's house. Every New Year we would visit the old aunt's house, but each time we treated her coldly. Once, I was grabbing candy at my aunt's house, but my son kicked me to the ground. I know my mother's heart was broken at that time. My mother bit her teeth and said, "It depends on the master to beat a dog.". My young heart is so sad. Maybe you don't believe that there is no such cruel aunt. Yes, I can tell you for sure that there is. That's because grandpa and grandma lost people when they were young, which made father can't lift his head and let them bully him. Remembering that scene, two lines of cool things slipped across my face.

This is kinship, which is worth a few dollars. The situation is scorching and the wall grass falls with the wind. Grandpa and Grandma's love for Dad is sad, but I know what love is. The love my parents gave me is true love. It conveys blood, rolling and surging, like the Yellow River, like the tide, like the mountains, that is love, is the solidification of blood, is the rising tide of sea water, is the accumulation of sand.

There is a distance between love and kinship.

Family Composition in Junior High School (3)

family affection

On this day, Mother's Day, family love is the highest and most beautiful love. How can I thank my mother for her care

On this day, I used to look at the calendar: Ah! This is Mother's Day. I hurried to school with the money. Along the way, I wondered what to send to my mother. Mother's Day presents to my mother, but I have been in a habit of doing nothing for three years.

I heard about Mother's Day three years ago. At that time, I was really childish, so I sent a childish letter I wrote. Mother held the letter, still very happy. The year before last, I sent a bottle of very bright nail polish, which was sparkling, transparent and glittering with crystal powder. Mother also likes it. Last year, I was ingenious and gave 8 beautiful carnations to my mother, who smelled the flowers and held me tightly.

This year, I was a junior high school student, learned an extraordinary cooking skill, and decided to cook a delicious meal for my family. But for my mother, it is this Mother's Day gift.

When I went out to buy vegetables, I carried my basket and skipped across the streets to the market. It's busy and crowded there. At the moment, I really regret that I refused to eat. I am so short and always pressed by tall people. The vegetables there are fresh and various, which dazzles me. I was carrying basket after basket of food, which almost overwhelmed me. Look, there are so many people there. So I squeezed in, and there were bunches of flowers on the ground. Beautiful and anxious! I bought a bouquet of Kangnaixing. Carrying so many things, I went home clumsily.

Mother came back, she saw the table was full of delicious Jiarao, drooling. "Eat, eat!" I raised my voice and shouted. The whole family praised me after eating. My personality is my mother.

I don't know how good my cooking is, but I can't compare with my mother. Why did my mother praise me? My mother's care and love moved me! At that time, I felt tearful and sad. Think, think

Life is wonderful because of kinship

Kinship is an oasis in the desolate desert. At a glance, it is already full of brilliance; Kinship is the North Star in the dark night. A slight rise will guide us to take steps; Familiarity is a harbor in the voyage. You can stay here for a while, repair your wounds, and set sail again... Familiarity is selfless, great, and unforgettable.

On the night of that winter, my mother was on the night shift, and I waited for my mother to pick me up at my grandmother's house. Outside the window is the dark sky, the flying snow and the fierce cold wind. My heart is eager for my mother to get off work soon.

"Ding Dong..." The doorbell rang, and I rushed out immediately and jumped into my mother's arms. Mother said: "What's the hurry? Put on your clothes first. It's cold outside." "Hmm." I put on my clothes and ran to the car.

The snow did not abate, and I shivered all over with cold. My mother felt my abnormality, took off her cotton gloves and put them on for me. She said softly, "Hold on for a while, and you will be home soon." The warmth of the gloves poured into my heart. I leaned my head against the backrest and fell asleep in a trance.

"Home." I was shocked, jumped out of the car, ran upstairs, waiting for my mother to open the door. Mother's hands, red with cold, fumbled in her pockets. Suddenly, a warm current surged in the body. I quickly took off my gloves and carefully slipped my mother's cold hands into the cotton gloves. My mother did not speak, but looked at me happily, as if silently saying: I would rather be cold than let the child be frozen. Her hands were red with cold, and the blood vessels on them were clearly visible. I quickly grabbed the key from my mother's hand, but my mother took it back and opened the door carefully. The door opened and my mother motioned me to enter. I lay in bed, staring out of the window at the heavy snow, and fell asleep.

What is kinship? Kinship is not a great topic, nor is it an earth shaking event. Family love is contained in every bit of life, in the ordinary world, and around everyone. If you look closely, you will find that kinship is everywhere. Family love is great because of life; Life is wonderful because of kinship!

The taste of kinship

What is the taste of kinship? Having enjoyed so much affection, it would be funny if I didn't know what it was like.

Family love is like a bottle of cool thin water. The cool taste is most suitable for enjoying in summer. Last summer, my grandma and I went to the hillside to pick wild flowers. I accidentally stepped on an empty space, fell down, and my foot bled. Grandma picked a wild flower with hemostatic effect and rubbed it on my wound. After returning home, my grandmother disinfected and bandaged my wound, and also "supervised" me from time to time to keep my wound from getting wet. I don't care about the wound after wiping the potion. Grandma's care and patience are like a bottle of mint water, which cleans up the hot summer and the injured depression.

Kinship is a bowl of thick Chinese medicine. Its bitter taste, its bitter taste, always makes me unforgettable. When I was in the third grade, my grades were not rough and I was very proud. I felt I was a genius. Gradually, I began to be lazy, and my grades gradually declined. Dad was very worried. He began to check my homework every night. If he found a mistake, he would punish me to do it again 10 times. I couldn't stand it, so I took my anger out on my mother. When Dad knew about it, he beat me hard. I really hit him hard at that time. It was not until later, when my grades were full, that I understood my father's painstaking efforts. Although this family relationship is bitter, it gives me endless aftertaste!

Kinship is a cup of milk, which is sweet and tireless, and can be called the best drink. On that National Day, my mother had to work overtime and couldn't take me to play. For this matter, my mother and I were sulking for several days. My listless appearance made my mother heartbroken. Finally, she asked the leader for leave. For this reason, my mother lost her generous overtime pay on National Day. All this is just to meet the wishes of a child like me. My mother's colleagues say that my mother has no brains, and it is the most important thing to earn money. But my mother knew that I usually study very hard. It was not easy to look forward to a National Day. She didn't have the heart to destroy my happiness. This sweet love is the most beautiful taste of my childhood!

Family Composition in Junior High School (4)

How does kinship really express... A thousand people have a thousand answers.

The first snow of the New Year came later than usual. "This is a well-known song. In the winter of this year, the snow did come very late, very late... The white snow was flying all over the sky. In this originally cold day, there was a touch of warmth. It is like the sunshine melting the cold snow, and like spring giving birth to a vibrant scene, making the earth take off its silver.

This is the power of kinship. At school that day, because the weather was very cold, the students wore thick down jackets and gloves, wrapped themselves up all over, like a bear in winter. It was very cold that day. My physique was poor. I only dared to shrink back after class and drink hot water. I'm looking forward to going home from school soon. Man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. One of my classmates played a trick on me. He stood on tiptoe with a bottle of cold water in his hand and poured it down from my back. I jumped up in a hurry and looked over my head, but I could not see anyone. My tears flowed down silently. The ninja was cold and fainted. Maybe it was the classmate who found his conscience and reported to the teacher. After waking up, he found himself lying in the hospital. His parents held my hand tightly and felt warmth from the bottom of his heart. Looking at their tearful faces, I remembered the two words that the teacher learned in class today: "affection". Is this family affection?

Kinship can be so warm and considerate.

Family Composition in Junior High School (5)

What is kinship? In my opinion, kinship is like the first ray of sunshine in the cold winter, shining warm into my heart; Family love is like a cool wind in hot summer, which brings me freshness; Family love is like a cup of boiled water, nourishing me.

In fact, family love is around us, and we can feel it as long as we feel it with our heart - believe that every mother is like this, right? As long as the child says what he likes to eat, he will always buy until he is tired of eating. Because as a mother, she only wants to give the best to her children. Of course, my mother is no exception. Last Sunday, my mother was going to the street and asked me what I wanted to eat. I suddenly wanted to eat pumpkin, so I told her to eat pumpkin. At noon, my mother was busy cooking lunch for me in the kitchen, where the sound of cutting vegetables came from time to time. I watched TV in the living room while waiting for lunch. Suddenly the sound in the kitchen disappeared, and I didn't care. I thought my mother had started cooking. But then I saw my mother quickly walked out of the kitchen, covering her hands, and walked from my eyes to the room. I feel as if something has happened. I want to get up from the sofa and follow it.

Then my mother came out with the money in her hand. I saw again that my mother's hand was wrapped in paper, and the blood seeped out. I knew that my mother's hand must have been cut by a knife accidentally. I asked in a panic: "Mom, your hand is bleeding, was it cut by a knife?" Mom wiped her hands with paper, frowned and said, "It's OK, I cut it accidentally. You go to buy me a Band Aid. I can't allow my mom to say more. After robbing her of the money, she ran out:" I know ". I ran to a small shop nearby, bought Band Aids and hurried back. I saw that all the papers used by my mother had turned red. I quickly tore and started to paste the stickable packaging. But I found that the blood on my mother's hands was still slowly leaving, so I couldn't help but hurry. Slowly, the blood stopped flowing, and I stuck it gently, my heart was also relieved. When I saw that my mother was going to continue cutting the pumpkin, I took the knife in her hand and said, "Mom, let me come.". My mother said, "No, you can't cut it. What if you cut your hand later?" I jokingly replied, "It's OK. Anyway, I just bought two Band Aids. OK! What's the difficulty of cutting a pumpkin? Don't worry!" My mother saw that I insisted on cutting, and no longer stopped me: "Well, be careful."

I suddenly felt a trace of bitterness in my heart. My mother took me as the leader in everything and did too many things for me. How many things did I do for her? I just wanted to help her cut the pumpkin. She worried about me, but I never seemed to worry about whether she would be tired. I feel that under the maternal love, I am too small. I really feel the greatness of family love! The greatness of maternal love! You should be proud of your family, your loving father and mother. At the same time, you should also cherish and be grateful for your family!

Family Composition in Junior High School (6)

Today, Mother's Day, family love, is the highest and most beautiful love. How can I thank my mother for her care?

Today, I used to look at the calendar: Ah! Today is Mother's Day. I hurried to school with the money. Along the way, I wondered what to send to my mother. It's my habit to give presents to my mother on Mother's Day for three years.

I heard about Mother's Day three years ago. At that time, I was really childish, so I sent a childish letter I wrote. Mother held the letter, still very happy. The year before last, I sent a bottle of very bright nail polish, which was sparkling, transparent and glittering with crystal powder. Mother also likes it. Last year, I was ingenious and gave 8 beautiful carnations to my mother, who smelled the flowers and held me tightly.

This year, I was a junior high school student, learned an extraordinary cooking skill, and decided to cook a delicious meal for my family. But for my mother, it is this Mother's Day gift.

When I went out to buy vegetables, I carried my basket and skipped across the streets to the market. It's busy and crowded. Now I really regret that I didn't want to eat. I was so short and always pressed by tall people. The vegetables here are fresh and various, which dazzles me. I was carrying basket after basket of food, which almost overwhelmed me. Look, there are so many people there. So I squeezed in, and there were bunches of flowers on the ground. Beautiful and anxious! I bought a bouquet of Kangnaixing. Carrying so many things, I went home clumsily.

Mother came back, she saw the table was full of delicious Jiarao, drooling. "Eat, eat!" I raised my voice and shouted. The whole family praised me after eating, especially my mother.

I don't know how good my cooking is, but I can't compare with my mother. Why did my mother praise me? My mother's care and love moved me! At that time, I felt tearful and sad. Think, think

Family Composition in Junior High School (7)

Family love is the highest and purest feeling of human beings, and it is also a love relationship that human beings cannot give up.

In love, the love of a mother for her children is the greatest, which is irreplaceable.

"Mother, mother..." shouted these words with his courage and willpower when a child hovered on the edge of life and death. During a camping training, the child accidentally fell into the river. After more than three hours of rescue by sailors, the child was finally rescued and sent to the hospital. After the unremitting efforts of the doctor, the child gradually woke up. When she just had some strength, she shouted the words "Mom! I want my mother" in a weak voice. It can be seen how great maternal love is! When the mother of the child arrived, she could see how anxious and uneasy she was in her eyes, "Please help my child...!"

doctor. With the mother's cry, people's hearts hurt as if they were scratched by a cat. Everyone present cried. Who doesn't know how the mother feels now? Who can not understand? The child has been in a coma and has been struggling with death. What mother doesn't feel distressed? Accompanied and called by the mother day and night, the child gradually wakes up and recovers, only to see the child use his weak power to prop up with his right hand and fall into the mother's arms. At this time, when my mother was tired, she felt relieved and smiled on her pale face.

How great maternal love is! How noble is kinship! Cherish the love and affection we have now! Don't let her slip away from her hands in vain.

Family Composition in Junior High School (8)

Mother's nagging - there is infinite love!

"Jin Yang, don't oversleep when you dance tomorrow. Remember to take..." Mom began to nag again. "Got it! Got it!" I agreed impatiently.

Every morning, before the alarm clock's "ding ling" stopped, my mother began to nag: "Jin Yang, get up quickly. If you can't get up again, you will be late. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" She was so worried that she seemed to go to war. Mother's nagging is the most magical voice I can hear every day.

Every night, the golden moment of my mother's "nagging radio station" is when I get home: "Jin Yang, if I didn't listen carefully at school today, did you actively answer the questions, and did you finish your homework..." "I listened carefully, answered the questions, and wrote the work..." I haven't finished yet, My mother interrupted me again, "Why did you finish it so quickly today? You must have made a mistake if you are so careless. Let your father check it carefully..."

At this time, I always feel that my mother's nagging is not only annoying, but also the worst voice in the world.

Once, the summer camp of cram school made me deeply feel the importance of my mother's nagging. We drove to a small holiday village, where the air and scenery were fresh and refreshing. There is also a small forest in the village, which is where we often go to play. The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, and birds sing happily in the trees. At this time, I think it is more beautiful than my mother's nagging.

But after a period of time, I immediately felt that my life would become tasteless without my mother's nagging. How I want to listen to my mother's nagging!

At this time, I also feel that my mother's nagging has become an inseparable part of my heart.

My mother has worked hard for me all day. I am happy, she is happier than me; I am sad, she is more sad than me.

Students! Mother's nagging is a kind of advice when confused, an earnest exhortation when going on a long journey, a kind of care when living an ordinary life, and a deep love rooted in our hearts!

Family Composition in Junior High School (9)

On the way of life, you are enough.

Father, you are like the sea, carrying thousands of drops of water; Father, you are like an umbrella, sheltering me from the wind and rain on my way of life; Father, you are better than Dashan, which is my best support in life.

Time is always repeated, the longer the time, the clearer the memory. I remember when I was a child, when you proposed to go to the market in the north district, I would always be happy for half a day, because that was my spare time. Walking in the market, people are always crowded. I can't see anything but a pair of fast shoes. I live tightly in your hand, afraid I can't find you. At that time, you always squat down and let me sit on your shoulder. When I smile happily, your face will also smile happily.

Sitting on your shoulder, I can see the whole market at a glance. In addition to the crowd, I also saw amazing magic, graceful dancing and delicious food. But I ignored your sweat, your shoulder ache and your arm numbness.

When I was a little longer, you began to send me to school against the background of blue sky and white clouds. Every time when I entered the campus, you always waved your long arm and kept watching me until I entered the classroom and then reluctantly left. Every time after school, you always carried my schoolbag on your shoulder and asked me all kinds of interesting things about school. At sunset, two people were dragging long, long shadows in the afterglow on the road.

But I am still so ignorant. I hopped ahead and let you follow my footsteps. But the schoolbag that should be borne by me was accepted by you, and you never said "tired"!

Time is an invisible sword that can make people old! Why cut your father's forehead into wrinkles? Why cut a little hair off your temples? Why does it make my father's shoulders stoop day by day!

Today, I ushered in the midterm exam. You got up early in the morning and were busy making the love breakfast in the birdsong. I didn't want to get up. 'I vaguely saw a little more white hair on your temples, so I decided to face the exam with a good attitude and do my best!

I want you to bend your shoulders because of my hard work, and straighten up again because of my good performance!

Life is a long way, but I firmly believe that your company is enough.

It's good to have you, my father!

Family Composition in Junior High School (10)

"People give you a wooden peach and give it back to Qiongyao." When others give you what you need, will you repay it ten times?

"My father gave birth to me, my mother bowed to me, stroked me, bred me, nurtured me, cared for me, and recovered me." Do you want to be grateful?

I remember when I was in kindergarten, I was very cowardly, and I came home several times with tears in my eyes. At that time, my mother didn't say much, just hugged me. At that moment, I felt extremely indifferent and surrounded my body, wiping away tears from my eyes. I snuggled up in my mother's arms, and my mother stroked my hair, unconsciously I fell asleep. Mother's arms are so warm and comfortable.

In primary school, although I was gradually sensible at that time, I still couldn't give up my father's thick shoulder, which was like flying. Often I refused to walk and asked my father to carry my back. My father always gave a rude laugh and said, "OK, I'm still strong now." Then he helped me on my shoulder.

At the age of 13, I have gradually grown up, less warm embrace of my mother, less thick shoulders of my father, and more shy. But in the process of growing up, I still have family care. When crossing the road, you will face the speeding cars. Even though I have learned to avoid the "shadow", my mother's rough hands still firmly grasp my hands, for fear that I might make a mistake. At dinner, parents thought the most delicious dishes and nourishing soup would be placed in front of me one by one. Almost where my chopsticks stay, my parents' eyes will shift. When doing homework, someone will always turn off the dazzling yellow light and turn on the mild white light for me to remind me not to be too tired.

Parents' love is like water, so smooth, slowly flowing into our hearts. Like soil, so fertile, selflessly nourish our body. It is fire, so fierce, which ignites our enthusiasm.

Putting together pieces of 'memory', I found that the original kinship is priceless, interest free and invisible. If I am 15 years old, should I do something? Should I do something for my parents with my own modest efforts? For example, if you can try, take the fun of your parents as fun, just as they treat you. In ancient times, Huang Xiang warmed the bed for his father. Can you do that now? Know how to be grateful, "filial piety comes first." Isn't it? Be grateful to your parents for the affection they have given you. You don't need to be earth shaking, just do something within your power with your sincerity.

I am sure that I will not only enjoy family ties, but also be grateful for family ties in the future.

Family Composition in Junior High School (11)

I am the apple of their parents' palm in their eyes and the flower in the greenhouse. They say that my eldest daughter has a temper and I am delicate, but who knows my troubles?

When I was young, my parents were busy opening a restaurant, while my mother was still on duty. At the age of four, I could not cook and take care of myself. At noon, my mother hurried to bring me some meat buns from the restaurant and left in a hurry. When it's time to go to school, I will fill up the water by myself and walk to school by myself.

I remember that in those years, two thirds of my meals were steamed buns. Steamed buns in restaurants did not have the taste of kinship. If I wanted to eat something else, only the chef in the restaurant would make it. I have almost forgotten what my parents cooked. I can also say that I have forgotten the feeling of home.

Grandma and grandpa will let me go when they have time, but they are old and inconvenient to move. Only when Mom has time, she will take me to have a meal occasionally. The food cooked by Grandma and grandpa is really delicious, but now I can't taste it.

My grandparents didn't care much about me when I was young, and I don't know why. Maybe I was a girl, or I didn't see much of me when I was young, so I wouldn't be very close to them. In short, I had my parents and grandparents in the first place.

My family is divided into two schools: I, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my father, my grandpa, my grandma, my aunt and my brother.

I was actually watched by my grandmother when I was young, but my grandmother left me when I was four years old. At that time, I was still young and didn't understand what death was. But when I understood it, everything was late, and my grandmother had also left for many years. Speaking of this, I really felt bad.

Although I was not looked after when I was a child, I was obedient and would finish my homework by myself. When they were still eating the food made by their parents, I had already learned the following by myself.

When I was young, I lacked kinship, but I did not lack material things. When I was in the third grade, I had my first mobile phone, which was the envy of all the students in the class at that time. In fact, it was because there was no landline at home, and I was afraid I would buy it for me after school.

As I said this, I thought, maybe because of my childhood negligence, I had the ability to take care of myself today, which is what we are lacking now. Now, the restaurant is closed, and my parents have new jobs. I can cook by myself, also can cook for them, can go to school by myself, can clean and wash clothes, maybe, I have grown up.

Family Composition in Junior High School (12)

In people's life, we have the love of family, the care of friends, and the attachment of lovers. These feelings make us happy in our daily life. Maybe some people will hate the love of their families, because they feel that the love of their families is a constraint to him, which makes him full of disgust. Family, friendship and love are all things of the same nature. Although they are invisible and intangible, they are an important part of our daily life. Without these feelings, imagine the difference between us and those zombies who are said to be walking corpses and walking corpses.

Today, my grandmother loved playing online games. When she came in, I saw her hand holding the pants sewn for me and asked, "Do you think it's OK? I took the pants sewn for me by my grandmother, and then looked at it and said yes to her. After listening to it, she smiled happily. When I saw her smile, my heart did not tremble, and I remembered the previous story.

When I was a child, my family was poor and often could not eat meat. My mother saw that my brother and I were very thin and shed tears. My brother and I cried to our mother when we saw our mother, saying, "Mom, don't cry. My brother and I are OK. We are boys. Mom was pleased to touch my brother and me after hearing what we said, and then Mom said it was noon.", You went to watch TV for a while, and Mom cooked for you. After listening to this, we turned to the TV next to the TV and turned on the TV. At that time, the TV was playing food programs. At that time, I said to my brother that I wish I could eat meat in my life. My brother said to me that you didn't know about our family and were obedient. Oh, I replied. Just as we finished talking, my mother came to us with tears in her eyes. She said to us, "Big tiger and little tiger, I can't make you live a good life. Mom is sorry for you. After saying that, she couldn't help shedding tears. We saw that our mother cried and we didn't stop crying. We cried very hard at that time. In fact, When you were watching TV, I hid outside the door to eavesdrop on what you said. When my brother heard what my mother said, he slapped me in the face, and then said to me, "It's all your fault. Mother is so sad. When she saw my brother, she told him why you hit him. He is your brother. He said that he made you sad. I don't want to see you so sad.", After hearing this, the mother said to her brother that you can't beat him even if it is like this. The mother looked at us and hugged us into her arms because she cried for too long. After a while, the mother looked at us and hugged us to bed. My brother and I cried for too long. When we woke up, it should be dark, and the mother saw that we woke up, It was said to us that we had dinner. Today, there was meat you wanted to eat. My brother and I were very excited when we heard about meat. My brother and I quickly walked to the table and ate it one by one. After a while, the meat was gone. My mother smiled happily when she saw the smiles on our faces.

Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bag of plump, fragrant, filled with my endless desire; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, which comforts my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice. This is family love, a small nest, which makes me grow up constantly.

Family Composition in Junior High School (13)

Eternity is the supreme beauty in the world. All kinds of things in life need our care, waiting and cherishing. But how many people will understand the true great kinship

Every morning, I leave home in a hurry without saying goodbye. Instead, my parents always stand at the door and shout, "Be careful when crossing the road, and see the traffic clearly." I always think that if a student can't walk at least, it would be laughable! Over time, they became accustomed to it. But my parents regard it as a ceremony, which is carried out every day, even if I have gone far. However, one thing finally changed my mind.

I clearly remember that when I was nine years old, on the night before National Day, I caught a cold and had a high fever. My mother sat beside my bed and anxiously shed tears. Tears pattered on my face. I opened my eyes in the gloom and saw my mother's increasingly haggard face guarding me. When she saw that I was awake, she smiled at me comfortingly and stroked my forehead with her hand. At that moment, I realized that she was trembling. Suddenly, my eyes were moist. Tears seemed to wet my dry heart. At this time, I found that the space of my young mind was so small that it could only hold one person, and that person was my mother! I learned the true meaning of kinship. When I feel helpless and helpless. It was my mother's meticulous care that gave me warmth. It was my mother who prayed silently for me to share my worries and solve my difficulties.

At dawn, my mother dressed me and rushed to the hospital with me on her back. In the ward, my mother kept walking around, beating my young soul. I seem to know a lot that my mother's love is selfless and priceless. My illness gradually recovered, but my mother fell ill

Family, what a warm word. Everything in the world will disappear with the passage of time. But the only constant is family love! Family, we will always guard it! cherish

Family Composition in Junior High School (14)

Every day, even every moment, I am enjoying the sunshine of family love. It is like a glass of wine, which makes you intoxicated; And you get drunk after one sip. As long as you concentrate on feeling, you will certainly understand.

Once, I thought that I would get a good result in the final exam, but unexpectedly, my score dropped a thousand feet and my ranking dropped ten thousand miles. It was really uncomfortable. For a period of time after that, I was worried about this, and I never dared to tell my mother the truth. But after all, she could not escape her mother's "hot eyes" and was seen through by her. My mother did not scold me, but patiently instructed me how to improve. Finally, in the next exam, my score really rose to a higher level. Isn't this the power of kinship?

Kinship is the wind, blowing my pace forward; Family love is rain, which supplements my energy; Family love is a lightning bolt, which always wakes me up.

I remember when I was in the sixth grade, because I was going to face the graduation exam, all my studies had to be tense, and the time was arranged tightly. Although this is a stage that must be experienced in life, it is really hard, but with the support of my parents, I don't feel tired, but I think it is a kind of happiness. I also have my own goals in selecting the middle school I want to study in the future. So I applied for that middle school. Because of the great competition, the pressure also increased, but my heart still kept calm. After the achievement, my guess should be able to enter that middle school. But... Unexpectedly, it has long been out of touch with me. A thousand miles away, I failed. How can we not be sad that we not only destroyed our own wishes, but also failed our parents' thoughts? Not to mention the following days, I was silent for many days, and I had no appetite for food. My fragile heart was crushed. This, of course, makes parents very worried. Finally, my father couldn't stand it anymore. He gave me a slap and I was shocked. This was my first time to hit me. How hard my hands were. However, I still want to thank this slap. It made me pull out of discouragement, prevented me from being immersed in sadness, made me continue to move forward, and finally achieved success.

Family love is a kind of spring rain. Family love is a smiling face written on your face. Family love responds with no hesitation. Family love is meticulous cooperation. Kinship brings us strength, warmth and understanding. May the world be full of family ties, and everyone can feel everything that family ties bring!

Kinship brings me endless power, because it nourishes me like nectar, makes me energetic every day, and brings power to my life and study.

Family Composition in Junior High School (15)

1、 Writing objectives:

1. Master the format of letter writing.

2. The language should be sincere, touching, concise, and the examples should be prominent.

2、 Key and difficult points of writing:

Goal 2

3、 Writing process:

(1) Preparation phase

My classmates are so big that they must have a lot of words to say to their parents, which may be bitter words, words of gratitude, or... Today, the teacher gave my classmates a chance to tell their parents what they thought. They are mainly grateful to their parents, which is different from the requirements of the last composition. requirement:

1. To write a composition based on feeling kinship, it can be in the form of letters or prose. The language should be sincere and touching, and the format should be correct, with more than 600 words.

2. The writing method is to dial.

(1) The teacher guides the format of the letter.

(2) How to show the true reliability of emotion?

If a composition wants to impress people, it must bear the tears and smiles of thought, and bear the author's inner world and feelings. The author has real feelings. The article will get a fresh life. Listening example segment

(2) Writing stage

1. Read the selected articles in the composition.

2. Students discuss and think

3. It takes 45 minutes to write quickly.

description and critique of an essay

1、 Evaluation objectives:

1. Recognize the shortcomings of your articles and how to solve them

2. Modify your own article

2、 Evaluation process:

1. Advantages of the article:

(1) The title is novel, and the genre is prose.

(2) The content is authentic and impressive. No matter whether the article is written successfully or not, it needs a process, but this is a good start, telling the truth and expressing the true feelings.

2. Disadvantages: (1) Incorrect format. Most of the students did not sign their names on one line, and the format of the greetings was wrong.

(2) The choice of examples is too old and ancient. For example: to send umbrellas, cotton padded clothes, hospitals, laundry, cooking, etc., although it is a small thing to learn from ordinary life, it is important to write new and unique ancient topics rather than general literary skills, so material selection is the key.

(3) The language is not sincere and touching. Most students should not cry when they read their compositions, but let their parents really feel moved or think that they are not doing well.

3. Measure (1) Listen to and read excellent compositions.

(2) Students revise their articles to find out the problems in the articles.

(3) Communication and correction.

Compose on the topic of "feeling family"

4、 Writing objectives:

1. Master the writing skills of topic composition preliminarily.

2. Learn to observe life carefully, feel family love and repay love.

3. The center is clear, the family is highlighted, and the language is sincere and moving.

5、 Key and difficult points of writing:

Goal 2

6、 Writing process:

(1) Preparation phase

1. In the vast sea of people, how small and lonely each of us is. It is family love that gives us warmth, courage, and light and strength. As middle school students, in our growing up journey, we have parents' careful care, correct guidance, selfless concern and attention everywhere, There is wordless support from parents everywhere... This thick family love surrounds us and inspires us all the time. Dear students, do you feel it?

Write a 600 word narrative on the topic of "feeling family".

2. The writing method is to dial.

How to show the true reliability of emotion?

If a composition wants to impress people, it must bear the tears and smiles of thought, and bear the author's inner world and feelings. The author has real feelings. The article will get a fresh life. Listening example segment

(2) Writing stage

4. Students read the relevant articles in Selected Excellent Composition of Middle School Students.

5. Students discuss and think

6. It takes 45 minutes to write quickly.

Family Composition in Junior High School (16)

Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, and also the most solemn festival in the whole year. How do I spend it? Please listen to me slowly.

On the afternoon of December 28, the day before the Spring Festival, my sister and I returned to our hometown for the Spring Festival. As soon as Grandma saw us, she said, "Are you all right? Are you hungry? Have you had dinner? Do you want some noodles?" I quickly replied, "We haven't had dinner yet, let's cook some noodles!" At this time, her sister interrupted, "Some poached eggs!" Grandma said kindly, "All right, all right!" After a while, Grandma brought in six bowls of noodles. There is a poached egg inside. We each chose a bowl of noodles to eat, and Grandma called Grandpa and Brother out to eat noodles. My brother came to stay after the winter vacation. After we finished eating noodles, we went to bed.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, the whole village became lively at dawn. Every family rushes to make New Year's food. The smell of wine and meat is everywhere. Men, women and young people all put on new clothes. Red couplets were pasted on the front door, and various New Year pictures were pasted in the room. Those who work outside, except as a last resort, must rush home to have a reunion dinner. At noon, every house is brightly lit, the light must not be interrupted, and the sound of firecrackers resounds through the sky. Of course, we can't do without setting off firecrackers. When Grandpa was about to ignite the fire, my brother hurriedly covered his ears and said, "Sister, you should also cover your ears!" The sound of firecrackers suddenly sounded, and I immediately covered my ears. When our house was finished, others put it up again. In this way, the sound of firecrackers continued for one noon.

As night fell, we quarreled with Grandma to set off fireworks. Grandma gave us the firework she bought. We lit a firework with a lighter. The firework burned quickly, showing the shape of a flower. It was composed of many flames, very beautiful!

The joy of playing and the happiness of the New Year meal are deeply contained in the flavor of New Year!

Family Composition in Junior High School (17)

The spring rain like cow hair falls in the arms of the earth. It nourishes all things; Moisturize the bright and beautiful flowers; Moisturize the strong grass; It moistened the field. It also nourishes us. Do you still have the selfless dedication of Chunyu? Yes, everyone can have the happiest thing in the world - family. When my parents are the "apple of my eye", they always gently touch this precious pearl in their hands, but they dare not hold it too tightly for fear of being crushed; I dare not catch it too loosely for fear of being broken. I grow up healthily under the care of my parents. The love at home is like a soft quilt. When you cry, it always wraps you inside and makes you cry heartily... My family will also change with the changes of the four seasons, and we can feel different family ties every season.

The last monthly exam last year happened to be on the day of the summer solstice. I ran into the kitchen to help my parents as usual. Surprisingly, my parents drove me out of the kitchen and asked me to review the room with a serious voice. I hurried to the room, afraid that my parents would nag me again. Take up the pen, lower your head and enjoy reading. Suddenly, a sound came to my ears. The sound was as rhythmic as music, and a warm current swirled in my heart. With quiet footsteps, I came to my mother's back quietly and put up five little fingers to touch her gently. Ha ha, my mother was scared by me. My mother stroked my head with her hand and said, "Hurry to ask my grandparents to come up for dinner." I pretended to be serious and said, "Yes.". When I got to the first floor, I carefully helped Grandma up the stairs. Grandpa followed me. Looking at the delicious food on the table, my mouth watered for thousands of miles. Can't wait to clip a piece of meat for my parents, grandparents to eat. After dinner, I went back to my room and struggled for a while. I ducked my mouth and thought: I always feel very quiet this night, eh? Did Mom and Dad's favorite TV series end? So I sneaked into the hall. There were wonderful pictures on the TV, but no sound. Then I understood... I stared out of the window at the building, and saw that no light was on in every family, but only the light in my home... I was tired, and I could hardly endure it. The table was in chaos again and again. Suddenly, my mother came in with a cup of hot milk. After drinking this cup of sweet milk, I felt very happy. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes quietly. Suddenly, a familiar figure came to my room. I immediately opened my eyes and saw my father put the books and volumes in the table in good order... At that moment, I seemed to be the happiest person in the world.

Because I was in the second semester of the third day of the junior high school, I was forced to stay at school... So the most difficult season in the four seasons is winter. The cold wind mercilessly blew my face. I walked up to the dormitory on the fourth floor with difficult steps. I was panting and sat down to have a rest. His face also became dry because of the cold wind. His face also turned green because of the lack of home moisture. "Dida Dida", I looked back outside the window, it began to rain in winter. His body trembled from time to time, so he ran at the speed of a galloping horse and hid in the quilt. Mobile phones are dancing and singing all the time. Will something good happen? At once, it was my grandmother. Listening to her voice, I seemed to be the happiest person in the world at that moment. When I got to the school gate, Yuanjian Grandma was waiting for me in the opposite side. Grandma wore this raincoat, her face was pounded mercilessly by the cold rain, and her hands seemed to be holding something important. My nose couldn't help getting sore, and my tears were mixed with the rain. I held my grandmother tightly. Grandma took out a scarf from the bag and put it in my hand, saying, "It's cold, and it will be warmer if you have a scarf"

On a hot summer day, I didn't know that I had to challenge my grandpa. My grandpa was a chess expert. When I saw my grandpa holding his head up, I seemed to be thinking about something. Every time I lost to my grandpa, but it was interesting to play chess with him. My grandpa always distracted me with topics that made people laugh. Therefore, I always fall into grandpa's trap. Every time you play, you laugh and lose

Dad's love is like a mountain; Mother and grandmother's love is like water; Grandfather's love is like wind...... Family love gives me different happiness and joy.

Family Composition in Junior High School (18)

Kinship does not add any decoration, it does not have that gorgeous appearance, there is no money between the exchanges. There is only simple love, but in my eyes, kinship is a vulgar transaction that needs money, and it needs the modification of sweet words.

My father is a successful man with a successful career. He has experienced many ups and downs before he became today. We had a very interesting life, but some people appeared. Let us calm as water days, there are ripples.

These people are their father's eldest brother and the so-called mother. Grandma smiles. The vicissitudes of life are mixed with a few lines of flattery. Father quickly brings them tea and water, The uncle said, "Xiao Dong, today I want to discuss something with you. This year, the crops have died, so there is no money to earn. It doesn't matter if we don't eat. But you see my mother's body is like this. Besides, my daughter Sasha is going to get married again. I can't even get a decent bride price. When she comes to her husband's house, she must be wronged." Then he wiped his hypocritical tears with his hands, and the father said affectionately, "Who are you and me, eldest brother? I am Sasha's third uncle. Giving money to Sasha is a matter of course. You don't need to come here in person. A phone call is all right." The uncle said hypocritically, "How shy! I always want your help." Father said a lot of words of gratitude, and put a bank card into uncle's hand. Finally, they took the money and finally left.

After reading these, you may say, isn't this taken for granted? But that's not the case. I heard from my aunt that the crops grow fat and strong. Last autumn, I harvested dozens of kilograms of wheat and sold a lot of money. Since the past, they have come to ask my father for money more and more times. My father failed to invest last winter, and he also suffered from cirrhosis of the liver. At that time, all the so-called relatives were lost. Not only that, at that time, our house was our only asset. That day, my grandma and uncle were carrying bedding, I came to our house and said, "The house is ours, get out of here." I hugged my mother in fear, and her delicate body stood upright. Fortunately, the law has safeguarded our rights. Hum, these people flattered our father when he was powerful. They even wanted to rob the house when we were in trouble.

The noise of parents came from the room again. Only a bear was crying quietly at the lonely door.

Smart, you tell me, is it because my child's perspective can't see through the enigma's kinship? Does this kind of kinship have another meaning? I don't understand, nor do I need to understand.