Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (16 required articles)
Remaining tenderness
2023-12-08 00:21:37
Grade 6
describe the scenery

Observations of Tangshan Earthquake (1)

At the beginning of the film, a lot of names came out on the screen. I knew that they were the names of the victims. Each name represented the disappearance of a life from outside the world. Suddenly, I felt like crying. I quickly asked someone for two pieces of toilet paper. I'm afraid I can't help it.

During the ten minutes of the earthquake, I felt very good and shocked. I have been gasping with my mouth open, my heart in my throat, and I feel I can't bring it up at the next breath. I feel that the scenes of buildings collapsing are very meaningful: "great", "hold high", "long live", "invincible", what a lofty sacred word, what a great revolutionary ideal, were smashed in the face of disasters. In 23 seconds, people were wiped by God like insects, and then when the earth was calm, countless twisted bodies were left in the world with blood stains, just like mosquitoes I had just killed. People are so small that they have no time to fight against their fate.

In 1976, when the People's Liberation Army was in Tangshan for earthquake relief, I liked it very much and wept, but I was not satisfied. I have a natural sense of admiration for these scenes showing the power of the country. According to the elderly at home, the rescue efficiency of the PLA was not very high at that time. Many survivors were dug out of the ruins by the people in the disaster area themselves, such as Fonda in the movie. Most of the PLA did not know how to rescue. Many survivors could not have amputated their limbs, but they were in a hurry at that time, so they became disabled for life. But when they saw the People's Liberation Army at that time, they felt relieved to see the continuous vehicles of the People's Liberation Army. Chairman Mao sent someone here. Tangshan people have deep feelings for the PLA, but the film uses simple stunts to play the relief materials dropped by vehicles, people and planes over and over again. Those ordinary soldiers who fought in the front line of earthquake relief gave their sweat, blood, and even life for Chairman Mao's instructions, to save more lives, and to rebirth the city. However, all this was intentionally or unintentionally ignored by the film. Instead, a kind military cadre couple adopted a beautiful Tangshan orphan who is said to be able to do literary and artistic work in the future. This is true, but it is an obliteration of the great spirit of the People's Liberation Army in earthquake relief, as well as the good intentions of the couple, and more importantly, the era full of lofty ideals.

Well, this is the end of the disaster film part of this film, and we are entering the stage of ethical bitterness teleplay. Xu Fan acted very attentively and deeply, but she went a little too far. Her tasteless Tangshan accent felt like she was on the stage of a drama. Maybe she meant it. If she could hold down the fire, I think I would cry very hard. The scene she sent Fangda should be the most moving part of the whole play. The car stopped and Fonda came back to her. When the camera turns, Grandma's expression in the car is silent. "Taking Fang Da away will kill Yuan Ni!" At the moment, Fang Daqiang's mother's heart has already died. Looking at Xu Fan's bent back, I suddenly remembered that my mother often showed her bent old state, and tears came down with a brush.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (2)

One second, two seconds, three seconds

Time goes on, the earth is trembling, everyone is immersed in a dark, full of worry, anxiety, hope...... Hanging on your face. The rain mixed with tears dropped on the ground. A beautiful city falls down in an instant and turns into ruins. God, it's dark

You pray in your heart, your heart is full of worry and fear, but on the surface, you are as calm as a river, because you want to make your relatives stronger and do not want to make them sad. At the moment, my calm heart trembled, "Come on, be strong". Although I thought so in my heart, my tears came out, and you were in danger. As a compatriot, my heart is with you.

Yes, like you, we are looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow's sunshine in our hearts. How we hope you can escape from the devil's claw of disaster. Our hearts will always be with you. Cheer up! Believe that unity is strength. When I see that you are not letting go of a glimmer of hope, I will use my own hands to save dying lives from the debris of bricks and tiles. At this moment, I tightly hold my hands and pray for you, "Don't be upset, don't be upset." I hope you will not be depressed, don't be sad, and raise your head to face the cruel reality bravely. Although the reality is cruel, don't be afraid. We will use it with you to move forward boldly.

People in the disaster area, we may not know their names and living conditions exactly, but the only thing we know is that you are our compatriots, you are our brothers and sisters in some time and space, and you have the same aspirations and dreams of life as we do.

This sudden huge earthquake has made many lives face death directly before they are fully developed, and made many life ideals that may be the most ordinary and extreme come to a dead end and never be realized again. Ap Jie Lop! Where there is a dream, there is hope. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I believe we can work with you to build a new Tangshan.

Come on, life is full of ups and downs, so we should know how to be strong!

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (3)

On Saturday night, my mother let me watch "Tangshan Earthquake", which made people cry.

The main characters are "Fang Deng", "Fang Da", "Fang Daqiang" and "Yuanni".

In 1976, Yuanni and Fang Daqiang were working at night. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and they collapsed. They came out to see that there was an earthquake. Yuanni remembered that the child was still sleeping in the house. She went to save the child regardless of the danger. Fang Daqiang stopped her and went to save the child himself. But something fell down and killed him. Yuanni was very sad.

The next day, the desperate Yuanni spread on the ground and cried. Later, someone called, "Yuanni, come here quickly. Your two children are in there!" He then said, "But you can only save one. If you save a boy, the stone will press the girl, and if you save a girl, it will press the boy." Yuanni cried, "Help both! Please!" He said, "No, please choose one quickly!" Yuanni hesitated for a while and said hesitantly, "Save my brother." Fang Deng heard this sentence because she was sober.

When the sister and brother were pulled up, Yuanni held Fang Deng in her arms and cried for a while. Then she carried Fang Da to a car. After a while, it began to rain heavily. Fang Deng woke up miraculously. Later, she was carried to a concentration camp by an uncle of the People's Liberation Army. Finally, she was adopted by a kind-hearted couple of the People's Liberation Army.

Fang Deng grew up and studied medicine. Fang Da went to drive a tricycle. Later, he became the chairman of a company. Fangdeng gave birth to a lovely girl, and Fangda married his wife and had a handsome boy.

On May 12, 2008, another major earthquake occurred in Wenchuan. Fang Deng and Fang Da met there quietly. Fang Da asked his mother to meet Fang Deng. Yuan Ni knelt down at the sight of Fang Deng and said, "Sorry, you blame me!" In the afternoon, Yuan Ni took Fang Deng to see his father (Fang Daqiang)'s tomb. Fang Deng cried sadly.

This movie tells us that life is only once, and life is the most fragile. We should cherish it.

Ma Kexin, Grade 5, Renmin Primary School, Hejiang County, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province

Impressions of Tangshan Earthquake (4)

A few days ago, my mother and I watched a film called Tangshan Earthquake. The film used special effects to show the Tangshan earthquake 32 years ago on the screen. The short 23 second earthquake made 240000 compatriots leave forever. The shocking scenes and touching stories made many audiences including me shed tears.

One night in 1976, Tangshan fell asleep. Suddenly, the earth trembled and the houses began to collapse. mountains fall and the earth splits. People were awakened in fear, and then fled in the street where the falling wall bricks and the ground cracked, crying, shouting and screaming merged into one. People are so small in the face of disaster that they can only cry and run blindly, and do not know whether there is a way of life or death ahead. The lucky ones escaped, while the unlucky ones left the world forever. The heroine is lucky, and Ke is also unfortunate for her. Her husband was crushed to death by a broken wall falling from the air, and her children were also pressed under the same roof. The rescuers arrived in time, but only one child was left. The heroine cried bitterly, "I want to save both!" The rescuers told her that if she hesitated, both her children would leave. In desperation, she chose her younger brother who could still make a weak voice and had a higher survival rate, but what she did not know was that her sister also survived. Decades later, the ruins of Tangshan were covered with bustling buildings, and the mother and daughter who were separated from each other were reunited in 2008.

As I watched the film, tears rolled in my eyes. The heroine is always grieving over the loss of her husband and daughter, but for her surviving son, she shouldered the burden of life and survived. Her son lost his right hand in the earthquake, but he was disabled

Zhijian becomes the boss of the enterprise. Her daughter even suffered a heavy blow. She was "abandoned" by her mother, lovelorn, and gave birth to a child alone. But she also withstood all hardships with strong will. In fact, this family is the epitome of Tangshan people who survived the disaster. Tangshan, now bustling and bustling, is the rebirth of Tangshan people after nirvana.

What I learned most from this film is the strong character of the survivors. They used strong willpower to walk out of the grief of losing their loved ones and created the miracle of Tangshan now. It's just a movie worth watching. I hope you can also go to the cinema to feel the strong character of Tangshan people.

Grade 5 of Hongqiao Road Primary School:***

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (5)

In 1976, a big event occurred that people could not erase from their minds - the Tangshan earthquake. In the hearts of Tangshan people, a heavy scar was left. In just 23 seconds, how many wives will be scattered; How many people lost their lives in it; How many people face difficult choices. A "Tangshan Earthquake" reminds many Tangshan people of the amazing scenes.

The theme of "Tangshan Earthquake" is the family's gratitude and hatred, which has spread out 32 years of hatred. In just 23 seconds, Fang Deng in the drama has hated her mother for 32 years. Just because she and her brother were under the same stone slab at the same time, the rescue workers asked her mother to choose, and her mother was also very difficult to choose! The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. But adults usually choose sons. Her mother chose her son, Fonda. Choosing Fang Da means that Fang Deng will die. But Fang Deng was very lucky and didn't die. Later, he was adopted by a military family. It has been 32 years since the great earthquake occurred in Sichuan in 2008. Although time has gone without a trace, the hatred in Fang Deng's heart has not faded. Until the Sichuan earthquake, brother and sister both went to Sichuan as volunteers, and finally met. Fang Deng has also known his selfishness.

The film made all the audience burst into tears. How nice it is to have a harmonious family at the beginning! It was because of the earthquake that the Fangs went from four to two. Fang Deng in the play is because his mother said, "Save my brother.". She has hated her mother for 32 years. I don't think Fang Deng should hate her mother so much because she lets her brother live. She is a sister, and she should be happy if his brother can live. Fang Deng's mother has always felt guilty for Fang Deng. Her mother feels very sorry for her failure to keep Fang Deng alive. Fang Deng's failure to recognize her mother for 32 years is tantamount to torturing her mother for 32 years. So it should be everyone's pleasure that she survived, but she turned into hatred.

After watching this movie, I felt deeply that people should be selfless and tolerant, so that everyone will be happy!

Observations of Tangshan Earthquake (6)

This is not a movie just to win the box office, this is not a movie to entertain the public, this is not a tear jerker, but a movie that shakes the soul of people. It lets us know what is the greatest thing in the world, and then how to do it. As a person, and secondly as a Chinese, I am proud of this. Because there is love in the world, there is love in China. There is a saying: "Those who love others will always love them; those who respect others will always respect them." Let us start for the true meaning of love, let us have a grateful heart, to serve people, to contribute to the country, and to make the world more loving. The film "Tangshan Earthquake" reflects the great maternal love. The country's concern for the people reflects our gratitude. My friends, I believe that when each of us saw this film, at the moment of the earthquake, the deep thought in our hearts is that although the earthquake knocked down the houses, it could not crush our inner strength. We feel sad for them, and hope that they can come out of the shadow as soon as possible and build hope, because the country and people are concerned about you, you are not alone and afraid, we are your relatives. A university president once said, "Pursue what you think is most meaningful when you are awake. Life is short and fragile. How can we have the heart to spend our time in vain?" Family and friends, I just hope you will live bravely if you live, and we will warm you with our hearts and love. The earthquake came silently and ruthlessly. Facing this moment, parents first thought of the safety of the children. When they saw the children crying for help on the windowsill, the mother wanted to rush into the house to save them, but her husband grabbed her and threw her on the ground, saying, "What do you want to do?" She rushed in without hesitation, but never came out. He left in this way. His mother was heartbroken. She thought of her own children and went desperately to find them. But when she learned that only one of her two children could be saved by the same board, her mother's heart was broken again, and her hands were full of meat. As a mother, it was hard to choose, but it was a real choice of life and death. At the moment when the mother said painfully, "Save my brother, save my brother", whose heart will not hurt? After the earthquake, when grandma and aunt came to Tangshan to take him away, they had just faced the farewell of their loved ones, but they had to face the loss of their only hope. Mother could not give up, but had to agree to the request of grandma and aunt. When the earthquake happened, people, whether affected or struggling on the front line, admired their fearless spirit. People in Tangshan are getting better because they have love in their hearts and also get love. After more than 30 years, Wenchuan, Sichuan, had an earthquake, which shocked people's hearts again, but they also got better soon. One of the rescue teams is from Tangshan, because they have a grateful and patriotic heart. Let love pass between you and me, let us work together to sow love. In the years after the earthquake, my mother spent her whole life suffering for family affection and often said, "No, I don't know what it means to be lost." When my brother and sister loved to be able to go home with me, what was my mother's mood? There were tomatoes on the table that I couldn't eat at the beginning. At the beginning, my mother said, "I will buy them for you tomorrow." This time, she said, "It has been cleaned." My mother knelt down. At that moment, my defense line collapsed again. Mother's questioning, daughter's heartache, and mother silently spent her whole life to pay for her children. The mother's sincere love for her husband and selfless love for her children need no words to express. She has proved everything with her actions. Family love is a moving feeling. Only kinship will never betray you, it is the eternal harbor of your heart. Family love is like a tree, which will always shelter you from wind and rain; Kinship is a harbor, always open for your soul boat; Family is home, you are always welcome back. My friends, let's cherish life, accept family ties, and live well for our relatives. You will finally have happiness. At the same time, cherish every day of life, because it's good to live! A movie that makes people shocked. It is not a fiction, but a fact that we have really experienced. I just want to say, let's work together to build love, let the world be full of love, with a grateful heart, to repay our motherland.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (7)

Yesterday, I saw a disaster film - Tangshan Earthquake. This is a film that reflects the great love of the world, and it is a film that makes people cry.

A family that is not rich but full of warmth, because of an earthquake, the father left while saving the children. Two children were pressed under a cement board, so they had to choose to save one, and the other had to die. The mother was helpless and desperate and cried out "save my brother", while the sister pressed under the reinforced cement board silently shed tears and cried out the last word "mother". The elder sister was adopted by the PLA couple and survived, but because of the shadow in her heart, she became silent. She could not forgive her mother. When she grew up, she married a foreigner and lived in Canada. Her brother is also married. What's more, the children of her sister and brother are called Dian Dian. When they saw the Wenchuan earthquake in front of the television, they couldn't help but rush to the disaster area to save the people on the verge of life and death. At this time, the sister and brother finally met again. The sister also understood her mother's pains, and finally forgave her. Finally, the family was reunited.

It took 32 years to reunite the family that was abandoned by the 23 second earthquake. There is a section that I remember vividly: "Nothing is left. If Fangda is picked up, Yuanni's only hope will be gone.

There is a line that let me appreciate the sentence "No one wants to know what is lost until it is lost". But only when they do, can they understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Therefore, we should be grateful for life. Although life is short, it brings us family, love and friendship.

Therefore, we should cherish life and pursue our ideals while we are alive. We should never waste time.

Therefore, we should understand life. In the face of difficulties, we should have confidence to overcome, do not give up any hope, as long as there is a ray of sunshine, tomorrow will be bright, and the world will be better!

So let every day shine!

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (8)

Last night, my father said to my mother and me: "Today, we watch" Tangshan Earthquake ", which is a very good film, very tear jerking!

Dad turned on Xunlei to look at the player, clicked Tangshan Earthquake, and the movie was put on. The film is very tear jerking. The main characters are "Fang Daqiang", "Yuanni", "Fang Deng" and "Fonda". It was said that one day in 1976, Fang Daqiang and his wife Yuanni went to work at night. However, after a while, they felt something was wrong. The car started to move. When they got out of the car, they found it was an earthquake. Yuanni saw it and clamored to save the child. But Fang Daqiang stopped Yuanni and ran into the collapsed building. In the morning, Fang Daqiang's body was just cleaned up. Yuanni was very sad, but she thought that there were still two children and she had to save them. So they found her. When she was in despair, someone shouted, "Yuan Ni, Fang Da and Fang Deng are here. Come and have a look at that." Yuan Ni saw that it was her two children. However, when people found that if the prying party reached the other side, Fang Deng would be in trouble. If the prying party reached the other side, Fang Da would be in danger. When people told Yuan Ni, A big stone fell on her heart again. When people asked Yuanni again and again, Yuanni hesitated and said, "Save your brother, save your brother!" But at that time, her sister Fang Deng was sober. She cried when she heard this. When people pulled up the brothers and sisters, Yuanni held Fangdeng in her arms and cried. A few minutes later, Yuanni followed a car. After a while, it began to rain, and Fangdeng woke up miraculously. She was sent to a concentration camp by an armed police officer. Later, she was led away by a pair of kind-hearted people. She grew up in grief and went to school medicine. Fangdeng went from a small man pulling a trolley to the chairman of a company.

In the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan, both Zhongfang Deng and Fangda went to the disaster relief site. They met by chance and met each other. Fangda took Fangdeng home. Their mother couldn't help kneeling when she saw Fangdeng coming back.


Deng and her mother met, took her to the cemetery and saw Fang Daqiang's cemetery. Fang Deng cried sadly.


With this film, I know how fragile human life is. How heartless the earthquake is. How wonderful my life is now, so I will work hard to serve my motherland in the future.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (9)

Mom heard that the film of Tangshan Earthquake was very moving, so she always wanted to see it. Yesterday, she took my sister and me to see the film.

The film mainly tells about: the hostess Yuanni has two children. The girl is her sister and her name is Fang Deng. The boy is his younger brother, Fang Da. They live happily. However, a sudden disaster destroyed everything: one night, Fangdeng and Fangda were sleeping soundly. The sky turned into a horrible lavender, the earth shook violently, and the floor and bricks could not stop falling down. Yuanni frantically wanted to rush into the house to save two children. Her father stopped Yuanni and wanted to go in to save the children himself. At the moment when he was about to rush into the house, a huge floor crushed him to death.

After the earthquake, Fangdeng Fangda's sister and brother were found. They were pressed by a floor slab, one at this end and the other at that end, just like a seesaw. If you save your brother, you will be crushed by your sister. If you save your sister, you will be crushed by your brother. You can only save one of them. Rescuers asked Yuanni which one to save, but Yuanni refused to give up. After a long time, she was told that if she didn't make a decision, neither one would be left! Yuanni was cruel and said, "Help your brother

Fang Deng woke up after a heavy rain. She found herself lying in the body cart next to her father. Fang Deng, who had narrowly escaped death, was adopted by a military couple. Her adoptive parents asked her if she remembered what had happened. She always shakes her head. I think she doesn't remember, but doesn't want to say anything. After 32 years, Fang Deng also hated Yuanni for 32 years. In the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake relief, Fang Deng deeply felt the feeling of a mother: the mother's daughter's leg was pressed. In an emergency, the mother was cruel and asked the doctor to cut off her daughter's leg. After that, she cried to find her daughter's leg. What touched me most in this passage was that the mother said: "When she grew up, she hated me, let her hate me!" I thought: how painful and difficult it was for Yuanni to choose one of the two children to save her! These are her children! If she abandons any one, she will suffer and feel guilty all her life! I deeply feel the greatness and helplessness of a mother. While eating in Fangdeng, I met her brother by chance

Did Fang Deng recognize Fang Da's younger brother? Did she forgive her mother for abandoning her mother to save her brother? If you want to know, go and see for yourself!

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (10)

Let the family leave with a one-way ticket.

Kinship is a conductor, and people leave by train every day. One day, the watchman will leave with the one-way ticket sold by his family.

A few days ago, I watched the Tangshan Earthquake, which was just released in 2010, on the Internet. This movie is about the hero Fang Deng. When she was a child, the earthquake killed her father. Her mother saved Fang Deng's younger brother, Fang Da, but gave up Fang Deng and unexpectedly survived. Growing up under the support of a pair of PLA. Decades later, the mother saw her daughter who she thought was dead and knelt down to repent.

In fact, this mother is also great. She always accompanies her husband and daughter when she thinks they are gone. At the end of the film, she takes Fang Dengfanda to the cemetery that was set up decades ago for her husband and daughter who thought she was dead. She opened her daughter's tomb and found that it was the textbook of the grade that Dao Fangda had read in the first grade of primary school. Every year when school starts, my mother will buy textbooks for Fang Deng. Suddenly, I cried.

The longer time goes by, the more you can sharpen people's will, the more you can see the greatness of love. So is the mother in the movie.

I remember when I was young, I always complained that my parents loved me too little. I always thought that they forgot their concern for me when they were outside. Every few days, I can only talk on the phone, but I don't know how much they pay for me. When I was two years old, my nose bled heavily and I ran all the major hospitals in Urumqi. The doctors were unwilling to accept patients like me, but my father carried me on his back and my mother accompanied me to fly back to Hangzhou overnight. I was saved, but my parents had new white hair, but my parents were afraid of me. That time, I applied for the first huge loan.

When I grow up and become sensible, I can't help arguing with my parents. I always hear people say that filial piety is the foundation of a person. But I am making trouble for them, which seems to be the opposite of filial piety.

Now I understand that parents' love is mild, not vigorous. And what they want is just to make us love them lightly: pour a glass of water, wash our feet and take a towel. These are our opportunities to repay. They are actually waiting for our love. One day, I will let the balance of repayment become zero, let more and more passbooks, and let relatives occupy them. I believe that in the end, parents will leave by train, farther and farther, farther and farther.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (11)

My mother often says that my lacrimal glands are underdeveloped. Every time I accompany her to the movies, she basically wipes her tears and my face is paralyzed. I remember that one time I cried harder was when I saw Uncle Zhang Side in primary school. I didn't feel it. When I came out of the cinema, I found two dry tears on my face.

This time I returned to Yichang from the dry and hot Wuhan, and nearly a week of sweating has made me develop the habit of cherishing every drop of water in my body. Unexpectedly, the first film I saw back broke my habit. How long the film lasted, my eyes were like a reservoir with broken gates, and my insides were full of cattle. Now I am trying to open my walnut eyes and hold a cup of water to replenish water, In the desperately coded word~⊙ ﹏ ⊙

Earthquakes are really devastating natural disasters that people do not want to face in a lifetime. The little Japanese children's shoes facing each other across the water are supposed to be used to earthquakes on average three times a day. Relatively, after the big earthquake, there is no such deep feeling of Chinese people.

The birthplace of the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 separated all those who had experienced that disaster from many Chinese people. The dead were forever separated by yin and yang, while the living either left physical wounds or psychological imprints deep into the bone marrow, so that by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, many people would still feel uncontrollable trembling.

The leading family in Tangshan Earthquake is not the worst in the disaster. The whole play focuses on the psychological pain that is difficult to recover. The twins of dragon and phoenix were relatively rare in that era, which could be said to be the existence of treasure. However, parents had the common problem of spoiling the young. If this situation was normal, the elder sister must be able to understand and be humble, and the bad was the bad. At the critical moment of life, the mother gave the only chance of survival to her beloved brother. When I saw this, I cried bitterly. Until the moment before the house collapsed, my sister still protected my brother and looked forward to the rescue of my parents. Must I be abandoned just because I was a girl and older? I believe that at that moment, the girl's heart was cold, just as I hated her more than sympathized with her.

Forcing others to choose when it is difficult to give up is a kind of injury in itself. It is no wonder that when men are forced to answer women's somewhat vexatious questions, such as "Is it me or xx important?" or "If we all fall into the water, will you save me first or just her?", men are more or less impatient, which will lead to quarrels. Therefore, smart women should learn not to always use some dilemma choice questions to embarrass men, because even if he is bored to make a choice, it cannot be guaranteed that it is true and will never change. It is good to know some things in our own hearts. Why do we make some irrelevant assumptions to torture ourselves and each other?

I have never understood the meaning of the existence of twins. Some people say that both sides can accompany each other, but this will also become the source of contradiction. Twins can cause disputes because they are too similar, just like no one wants to walk on the street and see the person coming in wearing the same style of clothes as himself, let alone the same length. Dragon and phoenix twins often cause parents' pet imbalance. It seems that Chinese parents, or parents around the world, have a common problem of doting on their young children. I don't understand, It is also a child who needs to be cherished. Even if it requires the elderly to understand humility and love the young early, it will not be so biased. This is why I only want my brother and don't want my sister and brother because I'm afraid my parents will do the same thing. People are selfish. Sometimes this selfishness is just an instinctive greed for warmth and care. It is often suppressed because of various etiquette and morality, but it is born a few minutes earlier. Why do I have to give up those love and have to watch you add my share to another person? From childhood to adulthood, I have been very sympathetic to that kind of child. In my opinion, the most painful thing is not that no one loves him, but that he feels loved but is unfairly ignored. I am also afraid. Therefore, if I am lucky to get two cherubs in the future, I will try my best to take care of them equally.

The story did not go to the path of mother's repentance in the second half of her life, and her sister miraculously survived. However, although the catastrophe has passed, the "aftershock" in her heart has lasted for 32 years, for girls, mothers and disabled brothers. The emptiness in the girl's heart has not been easy since the earthquake, and the past wind has brought a full emptiness, so she insists on forgetting that abandoned memory. She needs time to face both the hurt in her heart and the new life.

Fortunately, the two families had a good time after their separation. The scar of memory is not pain, but a long time. If no one touches it, the subconscious will forget its existence. Before the girl's adoptive mother died, she said, "Family members are family members after all." But the complaints and hatred over the years are too deep. How can the relationship that has faded away now be easily resolved? Page 12

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (12)

I have always been curious about the film "Tangshan Earthquake". Finally, this weekend, I sat quietly in front of the computer and carefully enjoyed the film. It was not until the end of the film that I realized that tears had already hung on my face. "Den, Den," the heart rending cry seemed to linger in my ears, lingering in my heart.

The film tells a moving story: Li Yuanni and her family live happily in Tangshan. It was an ordinary day, but the earthquake came. In just 23 seconds, the ground sank and the house collapsed. Li Yuanni's husband died to save her. However, she was faced with the difficult choice that only one of the two children could be saved. However, how can a mother make a choice in the face of two beloved lives? Li Yuanni struggled in pain. If she could, she would rather use her own life to replace the child's life. Finally, for the sake of the existence of a life, she said helplessly: "Save my brother." That is, "Save my brother" became a lingering shadow in the heart of the sister who was rescued accidentally. Sister Fang Deng survived, but she lived like a walking corpse, closed, rebellious, full of hatred. Because she could not accept the fact that her mother abandoned her.

Pain haunts Fang Deng, but in fact, more pain also afflicts her mother Yuanni. Fangdeng didn't know that his mother's heart was cut by a knife when she made a choice; Fang Deng did not know that his mother thought about her day and night after losing her daughter; Fang Deng did not know that every memorial day, his mother's voice was broken hearted "Deng, Deng".

In the face of natural disasters, people are so small. But family love will always accompany us, never leave. It will not change because of the transfer of space, nor will it disappear because of the passage of time. Just like Li Yuanni and Fang Dengshi's meeting every 32 years, all love and hate turn into two lines of clear tears, flowing silently.

Family love is a bottle of aged wine. The longer you experience it, the more mellow it will be, because there is only one word in the wine - love. Because of love, Li Yuanni saved her son; Because of love, Li Yuanni sticks to their old house; Because of love, Fang Deng untied the knot of decades; Because of love

Let's treasure this love forever in our hearts, and care for the people you love and cherish the people who love you.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (13)

Tangshan Earthquake is a film directed by Feng Xiaogang and dedicated to the people of Tangshan. People often say that disasters are merciless and human beings are affectionate. This "Tangshan Earthquake" has fully verified this sentence. After watching this film, many people were in tears for N times. What are the main moving points?

Shot 1: Mother and son are reluctant to part, and they hug each other in tears

After the earthquake subsided, Fangda's grandmother repeatedly persuaded Yuanni to agree to take Fangda back to Jinan. How could Yuanni, as the mother of Fangda, give up? But what about the parents who don't want their children to live a good life? In order not to let Fang Da suffer, she had to bear the pain and agree. The next morning, Yuanni came to the car with his grandma and aunt on her back, telling Fang Da to listen to her grandma and not be naughty. After getting on the bus, Fang Da called her mother. Yuanni was in great pain. But for Fang Da's sake, she kept from crying and coaxed Fang Da not to cry. After the car drove, Fang Da cried for her mother, and Yuanni was also holding her head behind her. Finally, Fangda's grandma and aunt didn't have the heart to see Fangda sad or Yuanni in pain. They stopped the car and let Fangda get off. After getting off the bus, Fonda ran straight to Yuanni. The mother and son hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces. Blood is thicker than water. How can mother and son be willing to part?

Lens 2: The daughter amputates her leg, and the mother tears

In the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, a girl's lower body was pressed under a stone slab, which was also supported by a cement slab. There was only one vertical steel bar. Once the cement slab was lifted away, the steel bar would fall. If they fall, the soldiers and children will be crushed. Considering that the soldiers and their children would be in danger if they hung steel bars, the mother resolutely chose amputation... After amputation, the mother looked at the pale face of the unconscious child lying on the stretcher, and looked at her bloodstained legs, and could not help crying. He rushed to the ruins immediately, hoping to find out his daughter's leg. But it was very dangerous. The soldiers immediately took her. She groaned and struggled, hoping that the soldiers would let her go... Her daughter is a part of her mother's body, and now her leg is gone, how can she not feel distressed and painful as a mother?

Shot 3: Mother and daughter meet and the three get together

Fate is so coincidental that Fangdeng and Fangda met accidentally when they were rescuing from the Wenchuan earthquake. When Fangdeng came home, he saw four tomatoes in the pot, which reminded him of his mother's promise to her on the night of the 1976 earthquake. Suddenly, Yuanni said, "The tomatoes have been cleaned for you, but my mother didn't cheat you." Fangdeng's heart was shocked. After so many years, her old man still remembered her promise to me! They cried bitterly and were very excited. They felt both happy and sad. Although her mother chose to save Fangda that year, she still remembered Fangdeng. The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. As a mother, how can she be willing to forget her children?

Tangshan earthquake is a disaster film. To be more precise, this is a disaster film that is more than formal. In the performance of the devastating visual shock caused by the earthquake, we feel the inner trauma of the earthquake victims. This kind of wound will not be easily healed with the passage of time and later recovery and reconstruction. The earthquake lasted only 23 seconds, while the aftershock in the heart of the film's hero lasted for 32 years. After the disastrous hurricane swept away, only family affection remained. This is not only the courage to support them to live, but also the reason why we can't stop crying.

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (14)

During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the Shiqiao Cultural Center to see many films, and the film "Tangshan Earthquake" impressed me most.

This film has benefited me a lot. In this movie, I feel the value of life; In this film, I realized the great love of the world; In this film, I realized the true meaning of life. Time flies. The cruel earthquake 32 years ago touched the hearts of countless people. "Tangshan Earthquake", these five terrible words, just in a few seconds, a prosperous and peaceful city will disappear and become a silent ruin. Although I didn't experience it personally, it shocked me.

The movie started, and my heart was as calm and curious as watching movies in ordinary days. On the morning of July 27, 1976, Tangshan was very hot, and many dragonflies were flying in the sky. On that night, a sudden earthquake occurred in Tangshan. The whole of Tangshan fell into ruins in a flash. The earthquake claimed 240 thousand precious lives, leading many children to lose their parents and become orphans.

After the earthquake, a scarred mother stumbled around looking for her twin children. When she found her children, a big stone was pressing on her sister and brother, dying. She asked for help from many people, but only one person could be saved at that time, and she had no choice. Finally, he chose to save his brother Fang Da and gave up his sister Fang Deng. The big stone pressed Fangda's left hand, making Fangda lose it forever. People thought that Fang Deng was dead and abandoned her in the corpse heap. But fortune blessed her and she survived. Later, she was sent to the resettlement area by the PLA and adopted by a PLA couple, who named her "Yaya". When Fangdeng went to school, she still didn't speak. Later, she went to the registration office to register. When her adoptive mother said her name was "Wang Deng", she said "Fang Deng".

After 10 years, both Fangda and Fangdeng grew up. Fangdeng chose to study medicine. But because Fangda didn't want to see his mother work so hard, he thought about him everywhere. He chose to work in Hangzhou. After a lot of efforts, he started a travel company. Fang Deng, who was pregnant with a baby, dropped out of school and later lived abroad. Before her adoptive mother died, she asked her to go back to Tangshan to find relatives. But she still hated her mother's partiality for not saving her.

In 2008, there was a big earthquake in Wenchuan. At this time, after hearing the news, both Fangda and Fangdeng rushed to Wenchuan for disaster relief. In the process of disaster relief, Fangda and Fangdeng met and recognized each other, knowing that mother had always lived in that poor place in order to let her and father's souls go home. Fang Da took Fang Deng to her mother, who wept deeply and knelt down to tear her heart and lungs and said, "Where did you come from? 32 years ago, why didn't you come back to see me and tortured me for 32 years?" Suddenly, the whole cinema was full of sobs. Fang Deng was very regretful, and I was moved to tears. Her mother took them to the cemetery to pay homage to her father. Fang Da opened Fang Deng's tomb and took out her schoolbag, books and clothes. She told Fang Deng that she had bought them for you. If I had them, you would have them. At this time, Fang Deng suddenly realized. It turned out that my mother never gave up on her! Fang Deng knelt down and cried.

From this story, I can see the strength of Tangshan people. Fang Deng works hard even if he is disabled. It is worth learning to realize his dream. I also saw love, no parents will not love their children. We must not hurt them because of some misunderstandings. We must understand and be filial to them, and use our own practical actions to fulfill the responsibilities of people's children!

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (15)

Today, I watched "Tangshan Earthquake" in the cinema. The film that I had been looking forward to before, can finally be seen today, which is also a wish of mine. I heard Feng Dao said that the box office would reach 500 million yuan, so I thought it must be a big movie. After it was released, I must go to the cinema to see it. Today, I finally got my wish. (However, the cinema is very dark. It charged me 15 yuan more than usual. Poor! Poor! People: I'm sorry to hear you cry, write! I: 555~~You are more dark.)

I have to admit that "Tangshan Earthquake" is a very impressive film, which is very accurate in terms of scenes and plot. Even those special effects, I thought it was true. (It must have cost a lot of money, which is worth seeing.) The film tells about an ordinary Tangshan family. When the earthquake happened, the heroine Li Yuanni (Xu Fan) lost her husband and faced the choice that only one of the two children could be saved. At that time, she saw her crying in despair on the ruins and kept shouting: "Save both, save both.", My heart also seems to break. As a mother, every child is her life, something she can't give up. As the saying goes, "The palm and the back of the hand are meat", and the mother should be more like this. Finally, she made a decision to save her brother Fang Da (Li Chen). But God still cares for his sister Fang Deng (Zhang Jingchu), who miraculously survived and was adopted by a PLA couple

Thirty two years later, in 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake was coming. When the sister and brother saw that the earthquake was devouring people's lives, they were shocked. Thinking of the Tangshan earthquake they had experienced, they resolutely rushed to the disaster area to save people in dire straits. At this time, the sister and brother finally met again, and her sister Fang Deng understood her mother's hard work, and finally forgiven her mother. Finally, the family finally reunited

Just as the poster said, "23 seconds, 32 years", yes, just because of the huge change caused by that 23 seconds, it really needs 32 years to heal the wounds in people's hearts. However, in the end, the reunion of mother and daughter brought great comfort to people's hearts. At the same time, I finally felt it was good to be alive. At this time, Xu Fan said after watching the film, although only four words, it was unforgettable. After 32 years of rain, snow, wind and frost, mother and daughter can finally meet again. If they had not survived, they might not have a day of reunion. Disaster can't defeat people, it will only make people stronger and more courageous to face the future life!

Although the disaster is merciless, I believe that there is love in the world, and the world with love will not be empty. There is another point in the play that is also worthy of admiration, and the most important one is family affection. In the play, Fang Da said to his girlfriend, "My mother gave birth to me three times, once to give birth to me, and the second time when I was three years old, I had pneumonia, and the doctor said that I could not be saved, but my mother insisted that he save me, and the third time was the earthquake." Hearing this, I suddenly felt sour and kindred, which is a beautiful and touching feeling. Only kinship will never betray you. It is the eternal harbor of your soul. Like a big tree, kinship will always shelter you from the wind and rain. It is a harbor, always open to the boat of your soul. It is a warm home, always welcome you back.

Finally, let's cherish life, accept family love, live well for our relatives, and cherish every day of life, because it's good to live!

This film review pays tribute to all the creators of Tangshan Earthquake.

I also hope you can be happy! Finally, I wish you all:

Cherish life and live well!

Afterthought of Tangshan Earthquake (16)

If there had not been that big earthquake, the Yin and Yang of He Lai's family would have been separated; If you change your choice 32 seconds later, will you eliminate the "hatred" of 32 years; If... where do these ifs come from?

When the younger brother and sister are pressed on both ends of the same cement board, and their lives are in danger, they can only choose one side when they need rescue. The mother must be deeply troubled: if only both children could be saved. However, how can the world come to this if! The palm and the back of the hand are all meat, but now she can only choose one! Both sides are her close relatives, but now you can only choose one! Both sides need timely rescue. One second later, she may lose her life, but now she can only choose one!

When the mother said the words "save my brother", how sad and resentful should the sister, who was also pressed under the cement board, whose life was in danger and who was also a mother and child, feel for her mother? She didn't understand why her mother didn't save her. We only saw that in the camera, the tears of her sister slipped down the corner of her eyes, and her eyes closed in despair. Perhaps, at that moment, the "tower of hatred" was quietly set up in her heart.

Fortunately, the elder sister survived the miracle. She could not let go of this matter until her adoptive parents thought she was dumb at first. Later, when her adoptive father asked her many times whether she still had relatives in Tangshan, she chose to remain silent. She didn't know who her relatives were, but she simply didn't want to admit that the mother who chose to exchange her life for her brother's life was really her own mother. In 32 years, if it were not for another earthquake, the misunderstanding between the mother and daughter might never be eliminated.

Fortunately, she finally chose to try to forgive and returned to the familiar home. Because she saw the grief of a woman who faced a similar difficult decision with her mother in the Wenchuan earthquake - it was not her mother's intention, but the fact forced her to make such a decision! She understood her mother's helplessness and heartache. When she saw the tomatoes her mother had prepared for her, when she saw her mother kneeling while apologizing, when she saw the textbooks she bought for her every year, she was moved, regretted, blamed herself, and cried bitterly... At that time, she understood that the balance of maternal love did not favor any other side, and it was her brother who saved her! She understood her mother's suffering and difficulties in the past 32 years, and even she sighed: "Mom, how did you come through these years?".

However, although the mother said that she might have thought of son preference, her choice of entanglement and 32 years of "self salvation" can show that she does not dislike her daughter, but has a deeper love. As my younger brother said, "The destroyed houses were rebuilt in the earthquake that year, but the ruins in my mother's heart could never be rebuilt. If they were gone, I would know what it means to be gone." Yes, if my mother had not chosen this way 32 years ago, what would have been 32 years of regret and pain? If my mother had chosen to save her daughter, What kind of sorrow and pain will the result be? If there are so many if

Suddenly, I understood that the greatness of motherly love lies in the suffering of mother and all she has to endure after every choice

So, let's all love our mother!