Composition of Cauliflower (4 recommended)
Cherish you from now on
2024-04-26 09:30:58
primary school

Composition of Cauliflower (1)

In the evening, my mother came back from the vegetable field with a small cauliflower in her hand. Seeing that I found it at the door of the room, I immediately ran out and asked: "Mom, do we want to eat cauliflower at night?" Mom nodded, smiled and said: "Yes, our own cauliflower is delicious"! I shouted happily: "Mom, great! Let me cook tonight!" Mom felt the sun came out from the west, and promised: "Ha ha, great!" Half an hour later, Dad came back from work. My father heard from my mother that I wanted to cook, and volunteered: "Kai Jun, wait for you to cook, and we will be your masters, guiding you, smart little!" It's time to prepare the dishes. First, I poured a basin of clean water, broke the cauliflower into small pieces, and put them into the water to rinse. Cauliflower is really dirty. It is covered with fine dust. I rubbed it with my hands for a long time before it was cleaned. After washing the cauliflower, I put the washed frying pan on the liquefaction stove, turned on the fire, gently picked up the spatula, and shoveled a little frozen peanut oil. Mother felt that there was too little oil. She picked up a spatula and scooped a tablespoon of peanut oil from the oil bucket. Now I think it's time to put the cauliflower into the pot. As soon as I grabbed the cauliflower, my mother stopped me and said, "Wait until the solidified peanut oil becomes liquid!" The oil became liquid in half a minute. I poured the cauliflower into the pot in a hurry. The pot was "crackling" at first, and then just heard the "puffing" sound of a pot fire. A heat wave and a raging flame were coming, which frightened me at a loss. I stepped back and shouted, "Dad, Mom, what should I do?" After all, I only saw this scene on TV. Who knew that it happened when I was cooking. Dad was quick - sighted and quick - witted. He quickly lifted the lid of the pot and covered it tightly. The fire in the pot went out, and only the sound of "creaking" was heard. What a false alarm! My mother laughed at me: "Kai Jun, continue to stir fry! There is nothing terrible!" I pouted my lips and muttered in my heart: "What bad luck!" But without showing weakness, I calmly opened the lid of the pot and turned the steaming cauliflower around with a spatula. Dad helped me fetch a spoonful of water and poured it into the pot, which finally calmed down. I thought about it for a while. It seems that there is something missing. Oh, salt and MSG! I shook a spoonful of salt and MSG, tried to move cauliflower closer to the center of the pot, and then covered the pot. Not a minute later, I opened the lid and looked at it, then turned it over again. After five or six minutes, I turned off the liquefied gas. When I opened the lid of the pot, I smelled the pot, and a delicious smell of food came to my nose. I didn't want to taste it, so I shoveled the delicious cauliflower into the plate. My parents are sitting in their chairs. I think they can't wait to taste my delicious food! I carefully picked up the plate and put it on the table. I proudly said, "Please take your time to taste it!" My father happily picked up the cauliflower and put it into his mouth, chewed it noisily, immediately gave a thumbs up to praise me: "It's delicious!" When my mother saw it, she quickly picked up a small cauliflower and tasted it, only to see that her face showed a satisfied smile, My heart is more happy. In a few minutes, the cauliflower on the plate was eaten out. I was satisfied with my dinner at night. Look, we all still have oil on our mouths! Mom finally made a summary: "Kai Jun did well tonight. In the future, he will help his parents cook more vegetables and try to be clever!" "I will do it, parents, thank you!" We were totally immersed in the sea of joy... Today, I cooked and fried cauliflower myself, but I didn't expect it to be so successful. It seems that in the future, I can also cook many delicious dishes like my parents!

Composition of Cauliflower (2)

Mother bought some fresh day lily, but she didn't wash it first as usual. Mother said that the small stamen in the day lily had yellow alkaloid in it, which could not be eaten. If you have stomach pain or poisoning, you should remove the stamen before eating fresh day lily.

Fresh day lily has a faint fragrance. It smells good. It is slender and sharp, like a small bud. The petals cover the flowers, but it is exposed with a gentle pull of the hand. The yellow stamens and thin bearded stems are covered with seven or eight small yellow dots like ants. Although it is beautiful, it is toxic and must be removed. Mother said that one way is to use the left hand to break it, and the two fingers of the right hand gently pinch the stamens and fall off. Another quick method is to boil the day lily with boiling water for two minutes, then take it out and soak it in cold water for seven or eight hours. Just fine, but there is no nutrition after soaking, so try to remove the stamens first when making day lily. This is troublesome, but the nutrition is reduced and lost.

This dish can be cold mixed, scrambled eggs and many other methods after removing the poison water. No matter how it is cooked, it is very delicious, very fresh and tender.

This is the way to eat delicious day lily. Everyone must pay attention to detoxification.

Composition of Cauliflower (3)

Day lily is also known as golden needle herb and forget worry herb. Every summer, the day lily grows most vigorously. When I stand on the hillside and look down, there are blond everywhere, like a painting. I walked into the day lily garden and was submerged in the sea of flowers of day lily. I felt that I was also a day lily. At this time, I knew that I was 135 cm tall and I was not taller than the stem of day lily. I saw that the stem was full of flower buds. A breeze blew, they danced in the breeze, shining in the sunshine. Some day lily blooms like a trumpet, blowing a faint fragrance. Its vitality is particularly tenacious. It can survive in fields, beside streams and on hillsides. It reminds me of a sentence: Mo Dao's farm has no treasure and jade, and yellow flowers everywhere are golden needles.

Day lily is not only beautiful, but also has a lot of nutrition. It is a kind of food. It can be fried or boiled. Every time I eat cauliflower egg soup, I feel a strong sense of home.

The day lily in my hometown is a beautiful scenery and a good food at a low price. I love my hometown's day lily.

Composition of Cauliflower (4)

In spring, the day lily opens its bleary eyes and quietly sprouts several sharp, green buds, which look very cute. A few days later, several long stems sprouted. At this time, don't underestimate it. In fact, there are more than a dozen small flowers on each long stem. At this time, its leaves have grown a little.

In summer, the leaves of day lily have grown up a lot, looking more shiny and vigorous, and the flower buds have grown more. I count carefully, and more than 70 flower buds have grown on these day lily plants. How I wish they could blossom soon, and bring me joy early. A few days later, the day lily finally bloomed, and several beautiful yellow flowers with fragrance came out, attracting countless butterflies and bees to smoke. I went to dip a little nectar into my mouth, ah, how sweet! In the next period of time, day lily can produce bright flowers every day, and I also have fresh nectar to drink every day.

In autumn, the day lily blooms its last few delicate flowers with its tenacious life, and then slowly withers and dies. But I know that this is just a short sleep in the life of day lily, and it will come back to life next spring.

In winter, there was a heavy snow, and the snow covered the day lily. This may be a thick snow quilt that Snow Girl sent to it specially. The day lily can spend the winter with peace of mind and no longer have to be afraid of the cold.

Look, the four seasons of my day lily are different. How about it? Is it interesting?