A bowl of ginger soup (8 high-quality articles)
Glorious years
2024-03-22 05:52:44
Grade 6

A bowl of ginger soup (1)

That night, it was stuffy and hot! Mother said, "Be patient. If you open the window at night, you will catch a cold!"

I forced myself to open the window when my mother fell asleep! Twenty minutes. halfhour. Forty minutes. I opened my eyes and saw that my mother was asleep!

I open the window, wow! How cool it is! Unconsciously, I fell asleep and woke up again. I actually caught a cold. I covered my nose and made a strange noise. "You have a cold? I told you not to open the window! Why not listen!" Mother ran into the kitchen, and noisy footsteps came from the kitchen.

After a while, my mother brought me warm ginger soup for the night. At midnight, my mother gave me ginger soup. Her eyes were bloodshot and tired. I know my mother has paid too much for me. I may make her angry a thousand times, but she is better to treat me a thousand and one times.

Although this bowl of ginger soup is bitter and hot, I can taste the strong maternal love from this bowl of ginger soup.

A bowl of ginger soup (2)

Half a pot of water, a few pieces of ginger, a spoonful of brown sugar, ten minutes later, they boil into a pot of love that is too thick to melt

The rain, like silk and fog, silently drifted on the sand and stone piles in the open space. The withered branches and withered leaves wetted the ground, the house and the trees. I walked in the rain and didn't notice that the rain had already wet my clothes.

The rain grew heavier and heavier, and I quickened my pace. I walked into my house with cold and rain. "Mom, I'm back," I said. When my mother heard my voice, she came out of the kitchen and looked at my rain soaked clothes. She said in a slightly angry way, "Why are you wet again? Go and change your clothes quickly. Don't catch cold." As she said, my mother took my bag on the sofa into the study.

I changed into a cotton padded jacket, went into the study, came to the table, turned on a small lamp on the table, and I leaned on the table to rest quietly. I don't listen to the noisy rain, don't think about the problems in the study book, just want to silently...... A strange smell comes to the tip of my nose, strong, straight into my heart, and it smells very good.

Looking at the fragrance all the way, my mother came with a smile and a bowl of hot ginger soup in her hand. "Come on, drink quickly, don't be cold." She blew a few mouthfuls at the ginger soup, put it carefully on my desk, and urged me to drink it while it was hot. I took a deep breath, blew the ginger floating on the edge of the bowl, and took a sip. At the entrance, a warm current rushed from my mouth to my stomach in an instant. At first, I had a hot voice, then a sweet feeling burst out on my tongue. The ginger soup is dark brown in the middle. The closer to the edge of the bowl, the lighter the color. Looking at the familiar gradient color, and looking at my mother who is busy washing dishes in the kitchen, I can't help but fall into memory.

In my memory, ginger soup means warm and sweet taste like cola. I have not had a good physique since I was young. Serious illnesses are rare, minor illnesses are frequent, colds, fever and headaches are common to me. Every time I catch a cold, my mother will boil a bowl of ginger soup for me, drink it and cover it with a thick quilt. When I wake up, I will be 70% or 80% better.

At the bottom of the bowl, only the last spoonful of ginger soup was left. Those, these, my mother's hard company for the past 12 years, and the memories in my mind at the moment, all suddenly sink into a pinch of ginger powder, from my tongue to my heart

A bowl of ginger soup (3)

One morning in winter, I got up and looked out of the window. The wind was blowing and the rain was falling. The two voices were mixed together. The voice was bleak, as if to warn people that the wind and rain would rule the world for a long time, and the bright spring would not come back.

I went out alone to buy breakfast in my coat and umbrella. The city has not yet awakened, and there are not many pedestrians on the road, but I saw the sanitation workers in orange raincoats from a distance. As I got closer and closer, I saw that some environmental sanitation workers took great efforts to sweep the fallen leaves into a ball and then swept them away with dustpans; Some even picked up the fallen leaves that were tightly attached to the ground with their hands one by one, as if they were deliberately against him; Some took a cloth and wiped the dirt on the surface of the garbage can along the rain. They were so careful that they could not tolerate any carelessness. Although the weather was cold, my heart warmed when I saw this scene.

At this time, an old man suddenly came out of a shop. His white hair was like a huge dandelion, his face was full of wrinkles, his dry lips had a bunch of beard, and his clothes were already white. Suddenly, the owner of the shop next door said: "Lao Wang, get up so early and cook ginger soup for the sanitation workers again? You've been doing this for four or five years. You're really capable. It seems that I have to learn from you more." The old man just smiled. He came out, holding an umbrella in his hand, and said to the sanitation workers who were cleaning in the rain, "Come and drink some ginger soup to warm up, everyone. It's still hot when it's just boiled." The old man set up a tent outside the shop and carried the ginger soup inside again. The sanitation workers took cup after cup of steaming ginger soup and passed the warmth in their hands, reducing the chill in winter. When I bought breakfast, the sanitation workers nearby began to work hard again. Out of curiosity, I asked an elder brother how much a bowl of ginger soup cost. He wiped the rain on his face and said. "Free!" A nearby sanitation worker heard this and said, "If you ask me, it's priceless."

Maybe I stood beside for a while, and the old man smiled and said, "Children, do you want to drink some?" I cheekily nodded. When I received the ginger soup, it seemed that I received a warm feeling. The hand is incomparably warm, the heart is incomparably warm. Although the ginger soup is not very delicious, it can send comfort, warmth and recognition to the sanitation workers working in cold weather. When I finished drinking ginger soup, I felt like a fire was burning in my heart. I felt the frost on my face was gone, and my hands were no longer cold. Seeing the simple smiles of the sanitation workers' aunts and uncles, their faces gradually showed a little red. I think they are in the same mood as me at this moment.

On the way, I experienced the taste of ginger soup - a taste mixed with many feelings. This taste is still in my mouth now, reminding me to always have a warm heart, be grateful for the contributions made by others, and do my best to help those in need.

Unconsciously, the wind blocked the breath, the rain stopped crying, and the sun was shy to poke its head out from behind the clouds. I think this winter will be particularly warm.

A bowl of ginger soup (4)

Mother has a cold, which is very serious. She is weak when she speaks. I can feel her discomfort. My brother only poured a glass of water for my mother, while my father was not at home at work. Although my mother took cold medicine, it didn't work.

Mother lay in bed on the last day of last year. I don't know what kind of medicine to use. I quickly cured my mother's cold. I thought anxiously. It was not until the time of cooking dinner that I remembered to cook ginger soup for my mother. It was to cure a cold. Before, my father had a cold, and I always drank all the ginger soup. I asked my mother in advance because I was afraid she wouldn't drink. Sometimes, when I helped her, my mother always refused. I asked her carefully, but my mother agreed.

After dinner, I began to cook ginger soup for my mother. I put the ginger pieces and shredded onions prepared in advance into the pot, and then put some brown sugar. When the pot opened, I switched to the gentle gear and boiled for a few minutes. After finishing, I used a small filter net to put ginger and onion into another bowl, leaving only soup for my mother to drink.

When my father came back, he asked my mother with concern: "Is it a cold?" My mother said yes, and my father said, "Let me give you a massage!" My mother agreed. The next day, I saw that my mother was not so serious.

At noon, my father came back to ask my mother about her illness. My mother said that she would fall asleep soon yesterday. I interrupted: "There is also ginger soup I cooked for you." My mother agreed: "Yes."

A bowl of ginger soup can make my mother feel lighter, and I feel relieved.

A bowl of ginger soup (5)

Happiness is always very simple. As long as you feel good, that feeling is very subtle, which can make you forget the ugly things, just like being in a dreamland.

There was a loud bang and a thunder in the sky. The dark clouds in the sky are black, and the rain has begun

Pouring out, I ran home, "Alas! I'm still soaked, and I have nothing to do." I complained and beat

When she opened the door, her mother frowned and said, "Ah! How can it be like this? You will catch a cold later. Change your clothes quickly."

"Cough." I coughed a few times. "It's OK. Put on your pajamas and sleep in bed for a few hours. It's OK!"

I went back to my room silently, put on my pajamas and fell asleep.

"Son, wake up!"

I vaguely opened my eyes and saw a worried mother with hot air in her hands


"This is ginger soup. Drink it quickly. It won't work if it's cold!"

I felt weak all over. I got out of the quilt and drank ginger soup one mouthful at a time.

"Hmm!" This ginger soup is not as spicy as before. Let people pinch their noses before swallowing. Current Ginger Soup

Why is it as sweet as sugar water? It makes people want to swallow it. Maybe this is happiness! Drink, drink, mine

The heart was also melted by the ginger soup. My mother patted my back and said, "Drink slowly, don't choke."

After drinking it, I feel much better! "

"Come! Have another drink." My eyes were moist, and a bowl of ginger soup was integrated into my mother's love, like the warmth of the winter sun

My body moistens my heart like spring rain. Oh, happiness is always around.

So happiness is a bowl of ginger soup. So simple, but very great.

A bowl of ginger soup (6)

When I mentioned Grandma, I wanted to laugh. She is not tall, and her weather beaten face is inlaid with a pair of atheistic eyes. There are several traces of years carved on the broad forehead

My grandma, her life is so ordinary and strange that she can't describe it. On that day, my mother and I went to see her and bought chicken and other food on the way. If someone else saw it, they would be very happy, but what about Grandma? She walked up to her and slowly bent down to play chicken. She said angrily, "Why buy chicken? I'd rather buy something else!" Look, buying something offended her. It's really picky!

Not only that, Grandma was also cold to me. Every time I went to see her, she would just say, "Here you are!" At that time, my heart was very unhappy!

I played with several friends that day, and when I rose up, I laughed a few times, but my grandma's face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy and scolded me loudly: "It's so funny, it's not quiet at all. How many girls have you seen like you?" Hearing this, my heart suddenly cooled, as if the distance between me and grandma had become farther

Then another thing happened, which made me completely change my view of Grandma!

I'm most afraid of darkness and thunder, so I won't go out again when it's a little dark. Several classmates asked me to play in the wheat field after Zhuang that day. I didn't want to agree, but after much consideration, I still went.

Along the way, the birds showed off their crisp and euphemistic voices on the branches, and the flowers nodded in the wind from time to time. Naturally, I was in a good mood. Later, after playing for too long, the sky gradually darkened, and soon it was all dark, as if a big black curtain had fallen from the sky. We hurried home in a hurry, but the weather was not good enough. It thundered and rained again. What bad luck! Even the tree grandfather fought for me, swinging the branches back and forth. I was so scared that I cried for five minutes or longer; But when I stopped crying, my grandma took me home.

"Drink it quickly" came Grandma's stern chiding voice. I took the bowl and saw that it was ginger soup. I tasted it. It was a little spicy, but somehow it was sweet in my heart. Occasionally, when I looked back, I suddenly found that Grandma was old and her temples were covered with green silk. My nose was sore and tears almost fell down, but I just looked at Grandma and couldn't say a word, just kept silent... It seemed that time had stopped, and only Grandma and I were left in the world!

A bowl of ginger soup (7)

·Happiness is always very simple. As long as you feel good, that feeling is very subtle, which can make you forget the ugly things, just like being in a dreamland.

There was a loud bang and a thunder in the sky. The dark clouds in the sky are black, and the rain has begun

Pouring, unlucky. I ran home and said, "Alas! I'm still soaked and have nothing to do with my body." I complained and beat

When she opened the door, her mother frowned and said, "Ah! How can it be like this? You will catch a cold later. Change your clothes quickly."

"Cough." I coughed a few times. "It's OK. Put on your pajamas and sleep in bed for a few hours. It's OK!"

I went back to my room silently, put on my pajamas and fell asleep.

·"Son, wake up!"

I vaguely opened my eyes and saw a worried mother with hot air in her hands


"This is ginger soup. Drink it quickly. It won't work if it's cold!"

I felt weak all over. I got out of the quilt and drank ginger soup one mouthful at a time.

"Hmm!" This ginger soup is not as spicy as before. Let people pinch their noses before swallowing. Current Ginger Soup

Why is it as sweet as sugar water? It makes people want to swallow it. Maybe this is happiness! Drink, drink, mine

The heart was also melted by the ginger soup. My mother patted my back and said, "Drink slowly, don't choke."

After drinking it, I feel much better! "

"Come! Have another drink." My eyes were moist, and a bowl of ginger soup was integrated into my mother's love, like the warmth of the winter sun

My body moistens my heart like spring rain. Oh, happiness is always around.

So happiness is a bowl of ginger soup. So simple, but very great. Yuhua Shixiaoliusan

A bowl of ginger soup (8)

Grandma? I want to laugh when I mention it. She is not tall, and her weather beaten face is inlaid with a pair of atheistic eyes. How many vestiges of years are engraved on the broad forehead??

Her life was so ordinary and strange that she could hardly describe it. On that day, my mother and I went to see her and bought chicken and other food on the way. If someone else saw it, they would be very happy, but what about Grandma? She walked up to her and slowly bent down to play chicken. She said angrily, "Why buy chicken? I'd rather buy something else!" Look, buying something offended her. It's really picky!

Not only that, Grandma was also cold to me. Every time I went to see her, she would just say, "Here you are!" At that time, my heart was very unhappy!

I played with several friends that day, and when I rose up, I raised my head to the sky and laughed a few times. But my grandma's face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy and scolded me loudly: "It's so funny, not quiet at all. How many girls have you seen like you?" After hearing this, my heart suddenly cooled, as if the distance between me and grandma had become farther??

Then another thing happened, which made me completely change my view of Grandma!

I'm most afraid of darkness and thunder, so I won't go out again when it's a little dark. Several classmates asked me to play in the wheat field after Zhuang that day. I didn't want to agree, but after much consideration, I still went.

Along the way, the birds showed off their crisp and euphemistic voices on the branches, and the flowers nodded in the wind from time to time. Naturally, I was in a good mood. Later, after playing for too long, the sky gradually darkened, and soon it was all dark, as if a big black curtain had fallen from the sky. We hurried home in a hurry, but the weather was not good enough. It thundered and rained again. What bad luck! Even the tree grandfather fought for me, swinging the branches back and forth. I was so scared that I cried for five minutes or longer; But when I stopped crying, my grandma took me home.

"Drink it quickly," Grandma said sternly. I took the bowl and saw that it was ginger soup. I tasted it. It was a little spicy, but somehow it was sweet in my heart. Occasionally, when I looked back, I suddenly found that Grandma was old and her temples were covered with green silk. My nose almost fell down with sour tears, but I just looked at Grandma and couldn't say a word. I just kept silent?? As if time had stopped, only Grandma and I were left in the world!

Yang Fan, Junior Two of Yangtun Middle School