Sharing Happiness with Friends (3 Collections)
Love needs courage
2024-02-17 04:52:10
third year in high school

Share happiness with friends (1)

Bacon once said: "If you tell a friend your happiness, you will get two happiness, and if you tell a friend your sorrow, you will share half of your sorrow." I think this sentence is very philosophical. Yes, if you share your happiness with others, they will also be very happy, so you also feel the pleasure of sharing happiness with friends. I am. I upload my happy photos on my space to share with my friends. I think the most interesting picture in space was taken in the Xi Shi Temple. It was a sunny day. My uncle and I went to the Xishi Temple to enjoy the scenery. After a long stroll, my stomach began to bark. Just arrived at the exit, a "fragrant" smell came to my nose. Wow! I saw some people selling stinky tofu, and I ignored three or seven or twenty-one, and four of them came at once. I don't know whether it was the owner's new move to attract customers or I was fascinated by her fried stinky tofu. She said, "Handsome guy, you can try fried stinky tofu." I listened to the music and hurried to experience it. My uncle likes taking photos, so he hurries to take his shutter, "click click". I don't know how many photos he has taken. After frying, smelly tofu tastes good. When I got home, I immediately posted my picture on the Internet, which immediately aroused the reaction of important friends. They laughed all the time, especially the picture of eating hot sauce. In fact, if you share happiness with others, others will also take the initiative to share their happiness with you. Your own happiness is not wasted, but also won a happiness. And if you share it with others and others also share it with you, you will not only get two happiness, but also three. Isn't it worth it! This is also the reason why I like to share happiness with others. On the contrary, if you don't share your happiness with others, others will not take the initiative to share happiness with you. After a long time, you will feel that your own happiness will also feel that there is nothing to be happy about, and you will lose three pieces of happiness. People will also think that you are a stingy person who is unwilling to share your happiness with others. Therefore, everyone should be happy to share their own things with others. Now, I also want to say one word: "If you don't share your things with others, you can't expect others to share their things with you!"

Share happiness with friends (2)

Share happiness with friends If you had 5 apples, what would you do? An old man asked a young student who came to learn martial arts a strange question. Without thinking, the young student replied, "I will eat one myself, and the other four will be given to friends. The old man became interested." Why? "The old man seemed very satisfied with the answer, "When I eat an apple, I can taste the taste of the apple. When I eat five apples, I still taste the taste of the apple. It's better to share with others than let others taste the taste of the apple. The taste of five apples turns into one apple and four happiness. Why not?" In this way, this young man was left behind by the master of exquisite art.

Sharing happiness with others does not mean that you are reducing happiness, but increasing happiness. Last summer vacation, I went out for a trip, which made me very happy. It was like saying, "Happiness is like a fairy". I really "swam" the mountain and "played" the water! When the summer vacation ended, I was still immersed in the happiness, smiling every day and looking like a happy person. Careful, she found it and came to me after class: "Pistachio, what makes you so happy?" I said: "I told you, I went to Hengdian in the summer vacation, which is a famous film and television base! It's fun!" A little surprise flashed in her eyes, "Oh, in fact, I would like to go with my mother in the summer vacation, but she is too busy. It seems fun to watch the advertisements on the bus, isn't it? Tell me about it quickly! I'm too curious!" After she sat down, I began to like the Yellow River that broke its dike, and talked incessantly: "The next day was the most fun! We went to a place called 'Water Village' to play, where we could see mountain torrents breaking out and splash water! In the evening, everyone was waiting quietly. Soon, there was an "artificial" downpour in the sky, and the mountain began to "flood". The flood roared down the mountain, scaring the "grandfathers" and "grandmothers" down the mountain. The flood directly rushed into the pool below the mountain, and the water in the pool became more and more, Not until my calf. At this time, the water splashing officially started! Really, I have the courage to go down to the pool and splash with others, not only throwing others into a "drowned rat", but also becoming a "drowned pig"! Ho ho! " After listening to her, she smiled happily, "Ha ha, it's so funny! I really want to see what you look like when you become a" pig in soup "!" I burst out laughing, "Ha ha! How did you listen to my explanation? Is it funny?" She shook her head and said it was not satisfying. I also said, "We also went to a place called" Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival ". There is a haunted house in it. I tell you, people came in and cried out cheerfully. Then he made a face to show her. She covered her stomach and shouted, "Ouch, ouch! You are so funny. I don't have to go after listening to you." I was even happier after hearing her words.

Now, I understand the meaning of Bacon's words! "If you tell a friend happiness, you will get two happiness!" Yes! Don't I get two happiness now?

Share happiness with friends (3)

Sharing happy compositions with friends (I)

Share happy composition

Share happiness

Life is full of all kinds of fun, like flowers.

Everyone has his own fun. Some people regard reading as a pleasure, and even after busy work, they steal light from the gap of time to study; Some people regard sports as fun. When they can hardly work, they still have to support themselves to catch up with some work; Naturally, eating, drinking, playing and wandering are also regarded as the greatest pleasure. As for those "pleasures" that are inferior to others, there is no need to talk about them. Fun reflects people's mental outlook, moral character and, of course, world outlook. While I regard the joy of sharing experiments with others as fun. A great chemist said, "I like doing experiments with my best friends in the laboratory most because I can get through the difficulties with my friends". Like this chemist, I also like to study interesting experiments in the laboratory with my best friends

One day when I was reading Harry Potter in a book, I saw that his magic wand could easily light the alcohol lamp. I was wondering if I could do it with chemical things without computer stunts? I couldn't control my curiosity, so I found my best friend JIM, and I asked him to go to the laboratory with me to try it. We constantly tried different methods in the laboratory, using white phosphorus and red phosphorus, and various chemicals. But they were unsuccessful, and we began to reflect on what was wrong! Suddenly, JIM called me, "Guan Rui, can we use the product generated by the reaction of potassium permanganate and acid to stick on the stick?", Then inhale concentrated sulfuric acid into the potassium permanganate powder with a dropper, mix the above thick mixture with a stick, stick the potassium permanganate dipped with concentrated sulfuric acid on the wick of the alcohol lamp, and the wick will not be lit immediately. We succeeded. It can be seen that the magic of wizard Harry has also been broken by us. JIM and I smiled for our success. In fact, the theory is that concentrated sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate are strong oxidizing chemicals. Once they contact the alcohol on the alcohol lamp, they will immediately release a lot of heat and reach the alcohol ignition point, so the alcohol lamp will be lit soon.

I like to share the joy of the success of the experiment with others. I prefer the spirit of unyielding and striving towards the goal. "Happiness is the spiritual pillar of a person's life, and sharing happiness is a magic weapon for individuals to win in various social behaviors. If you are a person who loves sharing happiness, you will be unimpeded in your social behaviors!


Steal the joy of success and share the fruits of success

A semester is almost over, and we have a nervous review. In order to let us relax, Mr. Shen specially held an activity of "making dumplings" for us on the day of winter solstice.

Our group sent Xiang Dong and Da Xiang Lihe noodles. Everything comes to him who waits! The scattered flour became obedient children in their hands and immediately became dough. They carried the washbasin to the group table.

We started to make dumplings together. Everyone is working in high spirits. First, we take out the fried stuffing and put it on a small plate. We squeezed a small ball from a large ball of dough, and pressed it gently with our hands into a flat shape, as thin as possible, so that the skin of the cooked dumplings also had the flavor of filling. Then put the prepared stuffing into the freshly made flat and thin dumpling skin. Finally, close the two sides and carefully pinch the frame to make the dumplings have beautiful patterns.

Xiang Dong carefully wrapped the dumplings, but after all, it was the first time to make dumplings. There was a hole in the side and a hole in the side. He pinched the leak well, and added a little flour where there was a gap. The mistake was immediately remedied. Dumplings have various shapes: some are like fried dough sticks, some are like polar bears, and some are like duck heads

Although Zhou Lifeng's performance is poor, his dumplings are unique and vivid. There are also cradles of Baobaoshui, dinosaurs that have long been extinct, and elephants with long noses

The dumplings made by Daxiangli also "deserve the reputation". The shape is the same, the size is the same, and even the amount of stuffing is equal. It can be called a masterpiece of a master.

Although Jiancan is unknown, the dumplings he made are lifelike: that slim girl seems to be dancing her graceful body. "Ha ha, one eye is missing." Xiang Dong seems to have found a new land. Jiancan hurries up with sesame seeds carefully. "That's like words!" Xiang Panpan nodded and said.

Zhou Yilu's dumplings are superb. With her dexterous little hands, we can see the strange animal dumplings one by one: naughty monkeys, lovely white rabbits, lions, the king of the forest

"It's so beautiful!" Xiang Panpan couldn't help saying, "How about mine? It's not bad!" It's so ugly! " Xiang Dong and Zhou Lifeng insulted Xiang Panpan with one voice. "Let me change it," Zhou Lifeng said loudly. With that, he flattened the border of the dumpling, reassembled a pair of lace, squeezed the dumpling, and a delicate dumpling was born.

Zhou Lifeng and Da Xiangli also jointly made "sesame fried dough sticks". Xiang Panpan and Zhou Yilu also jointly made "triangle bags", "four corner bags", "six corner bags", etc. Jiancan stops drooling and says, "Go steam quickly."

In this way, we put a variety of dumplings into several beautiful and clean plates. Panpan, the leader of the group, said in an imperative tone, "All go out. The destination is the canteen."

After ten minutes of waiting, the steaming dumplings finally started cooking. The other groups cast envious glances one by one. We ate our own dumplings with relish, and we were very happy.

The idea of "what you own is delicious!" came into every group member's mind. "Stealing the joy of success and sharing the fruits of success" is the wish of our group and the expectation of every child!


Share happiness with friends

If you had five apples, what would you do? An old man asked a young student who came to learn martial arts a strange question. Without thinking, the young student replied, "I will eat one myself, and the other four will be given to friends. The old man became interested." Why? "The old man seemed very satisfied with the answer, "When I eat an apple, I can taste the taste of the apple. When I eat five apples, I still taste the taste of the apple. It's better to share with others than let others taste the taste of the apple. The taste of five apples turns into one apple and four happiness. Why not?" In this way, this young man was left behind by the master of exquisite art.

Sharing happiness with others does not mean that you are reducing happiness, but increasing happiness.

Last summer vacation, I went out for a trip, which made me very happy. It was like saying, "Happiness is like a fairy". I really "swam" the mountain and "played" the water!

When the summer vacation ended, I was still immersed in the happiness, smiling every day and looking like a happy person. Careful, she found it and came to me after class: "Pistachio, what makes you so happy?" I said: "I told you, I went to Hengdian in the summer vacation, which is a famous film and television base! It's fun!" A little surprise flashed in her eyes, "Oh, in fact, I also want to go with my mother during the summer vacation, but she is too busy. It seems fun to watch the advertisements on the bus, isn't it? Tell me about it quickly! I'm so curious!"

After she sat down, I began to talk like the Yellow River that had broken its bank: "The next day was the most fun! We went to a place called 'Shuixiang Village' to play, where we could see mountain torrents breaking out and also splash water! At night, everyone was waiting quietly. After a while, there was an" artificial "downpour in the sky, and the mountain began to" flood "again, The flood roared down the mountain, scaring the "grandpa" and "grandma" down the mountain. The flood directly rushed into the pool below the mountain, and the water in the pool grew more and more until my shins stopped. At this time, the water splashing officially started! Really, I have the courage to go down to the pool and splash with others, not only throwing others into a "drowned rat", but also becoming a "drowned pig"! Ho ho! " After listening to her, she smiled happily, "Ha ha, it's so funny! I really want to see what you look like when you become a" pig in soup "!"

I burst out laughing, "Ha ha! How did you listen to my explanation? Is it funny?" She shook her head and said it was not satisfying. I said, "We also went to a place called" Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival ". There is a haunted house in it. I tell you, people went in and cried out in high spirits. Then he made a face to show her. She covered her stomach and shouted, "Ouch, ouch! You are so funny. I don't have to go after listening to you." I was even happier after hearing her words.

Now, I understand the meaning of Bacon's words! "If you tell a friend happiness, you will get two happiness!" Yes! Don't I get two happiness now?


Share the joy of success

With success and happiness, how can we truly experience its joy? With this question in mind, today I read Ye Mingzhu's work The Joy of Sharing. After reading this article, I benefited a lot.

The article tells a story: father and son competed on the lake. The father was more skillful. The son was unconvinced and kept practicing. Finally, he surpassed his father once, but the father did not see or appreciate his child. The little boy who has always been naughty and strong unexpectedly shed tears of injustice. This story tells me that when a person succeeds, he needs someone to share the joy with him.

What impressed me most in the article is that my son practiced again and again to surpass his more skilled father, and finally got a good result of 11 drifts, while his father showed a suspicious look, which made the strong boy cry. Finally, the father found out the reason why his son was sad: no one shared the fruits of his victory with him. In the article, my son said, "It's not easy for me to play 11 games, but you haven't seen". Reading here reminds me that I have had the same experience. The school held a dictation contest. After careful review, I got full marks. I was very happy. I wanted to go home early and tell my father the good news. As soon as I entered the house, I reported good news to my father. But while reading the newspaper, my father did not look up and said, "It's no big deal, this is the right thing to do." My heart was cold and I was no longer happy. Dad, do you know? How I want to hear your praise for me, even if it is a sentence!

I remember when I was in the third grade, I wrote an ideological and moral social survey assignment and won the District Award for Excellence. When I told my mother the good news, she kissed me first, and then said, "My daughter is wonderful!" Do you know? I feel happier than winning the prize, because my mother shared happiness with me!

Bacon once said, "If you tell your happiness to a friend, you will get two happiness" Yes. Even if you enjoy delicious food alone, it is tasteless; If no one knows and pays attention to a success, it will be eclipsed. Sharing together will make the sweetness sweeter, the fragrance sweeter, and the happiness happier. So I hope that when a person succeeds, someone can share this joy with him!


Share happiness

Life is full of all kinds of fun, like flowers.

Everyone has his own fun. Some people regard reading as a pleasure, and even after busy work, they steal light from the gap of time to study; Some people regard sports as fun. When they can hardly work, they still have to support themselves to catch up with some work; Naturally, eating, drinking, playing and wandering are also regarded as the greatest pleasure. As for those "pleasures" that are inferior to others, there is no need to talk about them. Fun reflects people's mental outlook, moral character and, of course, world outlook. And I regard the happiness of sharing experiments with others as fun. A great chemist said, "I like doing experiments with my good friends in the laboratory best because I can do experiments with me