Yan Jiansheng (8 pieces)
morale should be boosted not dampened
2024-02-13 08:27:40
reaction to a book or an article

Yan Jiansheng (1)

After reading the text "Yan Jiansheng before death", I think he is a miserly man who loves money as much as he can.

Through my understanding, I know that Yan Jiansheng is a very rich man. He is thrifty and saves money bit by bit. Before he died, he didn't talk with his family on paper, didn't give his last words to everyone, didn't...... At the critical moment of life and death, he still thought about those two bulbs, for fear of wasting oil, so how stingy he was. Before he died, he stretched out two fingers from the sheet, and everyone thought that there was something else he had not done. Only when Zhao understood his meaning, did he rest in peace. Whenever a relative doesn't hit the target, he shakes his head, his eyes wide open, and shakes his head violently

Speaking of this, I think of Miss Gao in the opposite building. She is a member of the Pinshe class. Although her family is not rich, Miss Gao is very generous. One of her words is: "Money is an external thing. You can't value money too much!" Once, my mother and I went to the supermarket, but unexpectedly met Miss Gao, so we bought and talked. After checking out, I found a donation box at the door with a piece of paper beside it. After looking at it, I knew it was for the disaster area. But when we looked at Miss Gao, we found her eyes were wet. She stared blankly for a while, then took the bag off her shoulder, took two hundred yuan from her purse and firmly put it in, showing a happy smile. People nearby were surprised when they saw it. Teacher Gao smiled and turned away. Influenced by her, people around her crammed money into the donation box.

Teacher Gao's family conditions are not good. Two hundred yuan may be important and necessary for her family's life, but she still generously donated two hundred yuan to the disaster area. While the stingy Yan Jiansheng has money, he is reluctant to spend it and does not spend it on public welfare. What's the point of such a person being rich again? I have always felt for Mr. Gao's generous behavior that we should work hard to make money, but making money should not only be for ourselves, but also contribute more to the society!

Yan Jiansheng (2)

When I was reading the Unofficial History of the Scholars, I saw an article "Yan Jiansheng before he died" which left a deep impression on me.

It told Yan Jiansheng that his family had thousands of treasures, but when he was dying, he would not buy any ginseng. I also tried my best to ask everyone to help me pick out a stalk of lamp grass, so as not to waste the money for lighting the lamp. I used six words to describe him as "stingy and money loving".

Seeing this, I did not recall how mean I was.

When I played badminton with my father, a corner of my pocket jumped out of my pocket and fell on the boundless grass. I quickly dropped my racket and kept searching on the grass. My father said, "Son, it's OK. It's only ten cents. Forget it. Don't change it, just donate it to the grassland. As a result, I didn't find a dime and was bitten by mosquitoes. It itched me for several days and I couldn't sleep well at night.

One day, Xu Wei asked me to borrow some money. I asked, "How much do you want to borrow?" Xu Wei replied, "How about 50 yuan for a little bit?" I didn't bite, but Xu Wei said, "How about 20?" I said, "I'll borrow you. It's a big amount!" So I stretched out five fingers and said, "That's the number." He was surprised and said, "500?" "NO, NO, NO" I replied.

He said, "That's 50 yuan, right?" I still shook my head. At this time, he got angry and said, "How much is that?" I replied, "Five yuan, how about it?" He left without saying anything. From then on, I was ignored.

It seems that stinginess is a bad thing. If Yan Jiansheng had bought more ginseng or other tonics to repair his body, he would not have died so soon. If I don't look for a dime, I won't suffer so much in the next few days. If Xu Wei had lent him 50 yuan, he might not have ignored me. He would still be a good friend. Friends should help each other.

I learned a lot after watching The Strict Supervision of Life Before Death. Now I won't bother with the dime lost. I have become good friends with Xu Wei. I am very happy.

Yan Jiansheng (3)

As the saying goes, "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people", "There is a strong hand in the strong". Even in stinginess, there are many talents and heroes. Imagine that if the western miserly devil Grandet and the eastern miserly immortal Yan Jiansheng meet in a narrow way, there is really a good play to be staged!

It was late autumn. At this silent moment when flowers and trees were dying, Grandet was on his way to visit Yan Jiansheng. In addition to the creaking melody played by his broken leather boots, there was only the sound of autumn wind sweeping leaves. Go to the gate of Yan Mansion, and see a short old man with a sharp mouth and a monkey cheek and a servant waiting at the door. If you don't know the truth, you will think that he is an old servant, but he is just the miserly fairy Yan Jiansheng.

The Immortal opened his not so big eyes, tilted his head and bowed his hands: "My dear brother, it's the best of luck to let you and me talk here. I'm very happy!" Grandet also showed a very friendly air: "I've heard of your great name for a long time, but today I see it, it really lives up to its name!" The Immortal stared at Grandet, but refused to let him in. Grandet then reached into his pocket with a trembling hand, took out a unique gift -- a small piece of paper fish, smiled and presented it: "It's a small idea, no respect, let you mend your body." Yan Jiansheng's servant hurried to thank him, drew a circle in front of him, smiled and said: "Give you a big moon cake." Yan Daxian angrily scolded in a low voice: "Fool, it's enough to give him half a gift!"

When he entered the study, Grandet stared at the exquisite jade articles on the tea table. At the immortal's command: "Good tea!" Grandet then withdrew his greedy eyes and looked at the cup, which was clean. "Maybe it's a clear spring?" Grandet wanted to drink while he was just mouthing, then he poured out his mouth, but shouted: "Good tea!" Yan Daxian touched his beard and said proudly, "This is a good Longjing!" Then he ordered food. When the host and guest came to the living room, they saw that there were only two small bowls of pickled rice on the huge table except for the orderly empty plates. Grandet pretended to be surprised and said, "How rich it is!" Suddenly, his hand stopped in the air and his eyes were fixed on a shiny metal edge on the table. He quickly took out a knife that had already been prepared, cut off a piece of trim, put it under his eyes, and muttered, "It's not like gold or silver, He fled like a fly. As soon as the immortal saw that the jade was robbed, he immediately fell to the ground. From then on, he fell ill, and there was the story of two stems of lamp grass later. Grandet was overjoyed. After returning to his hometown, he unexpectedly suffered from wind paralysis.

The battle between the two misers has come to an end for the time being. Maybe they will fight harder in heaven or hell!

Yan Jiansheng (4)

In The Scholars, I was most impressed by Yan Jiansheng, a miser. I didn't know him well before, but I thought he was really a miser. However, I have changed my attitude towards him. I think he is not only a miser, but also a very luxurious miser.

When it comes to Yan Jiansheng's stinginess, the most classic is the scene mentioned in the fifth chapter that Yan Jiansheng does not pick out a lamp grass and does not close his eyes. Yan Jiansheng's family had more than 100000 silver coins, but when he was dying, he refused to close his eyes because he had lit two lamps in the oil lamp. Wait until the important lamp grass is picked out before taking the last breath. Yan Jiansheng really can't change his stingy character until he dies. He showed the image of a miser to the extreme.

Another thing also shows his stinginess. As mentioned in the book, Yan Jiansheng ate less and drank less and less, so he was left with nothing but skin and bones. But even so, he was unwilling to spend money to buy ginseng, so he let the last straw go. It is impossible for ordinary people to give up their most precious life for money. No matter how poor we are, we will try our best to save our lives. But Yan Jiansheng is different. He not only values money as his life, but even values money more than his life. To say the least, even if Yan Jiansheng bought ginseng, he would still have a lot of money to live on. Therefore, he doesn't need to worry about buying ginseng. In a word, the word "stinginess" was thoroughly translated by Yan Jiansheng.

The previous two events only reflect Yan Jiansheng's stinginess towards himself. However, he is not only mean to himself, but also to his family. He has a great fortune. However, it is even more difficult for family members to buy a piece of pork to eat. Only when his son is clamouring to eat, will he be determined to buy pork for four dollars to coax his son. It's more painful than cutting his own flesh. It's ok to be stingy with yourself, but also with your family. Pork is not the most expensive thing to spend a lot of money on. In order to save a little money, the whole family will not eat meat. Is it too much? Why do you have so much money?

Others are "face saving and suffering", while Yan Jiansheng is "money saving and suffering".

Of course, we should also visit a person in many ways. You can't just look at one side of him and conclude that he is such a person. Therefore, in my eyes, Yan Jiansheng has another side of him - luxury.

When Yan Jiansheng's wife, Wang Shi, was seriously ill, he asked his concubine, Zhao Shi, to be the chief official. Because he was sorry, he gave Wang De and Wang Ren, the two eldest brothers of the Wang family, one hundred taels of silver each. The two hundred taels of silver is not a small amount, especially for the stingy Yan Jiansheng. Yan Jiansheng helped the eldest brother solve the lawsuit, compensate for the disability fee, and spent more than ten taels of silver. It can be seen that the two hundred liang silver is huge.

Although Yan Jiansheng was mean to his family, one thing showed that he was very arrogant to his elder brother and family. Before his death, Yan Jiansheng distributed his property, two hundred taels of silver and some silk and satin clothes to Yan Gongsheng, his eldest brother, as well as many gifts to Yan Gongsheng's wife and son. Although Yan Jiansheng had a lot of dissatisfaction with Yan Gongsheng before he died, he would leave him so many properties regardless of past grievances. It can also be seen from here that Yan Jiansheng actually has a side of other people's feelings.

In the fifth chapter, there was a sentence that said, "Since then, four or five thousand taels of silver have been spent in the study, physical and chemical treatment, funeral and funeral, and it has been six months. Don't say it in detail." When I saw the words "four or five thousand taels of silver", I was surprised. He even spent four or five thousand taels of silver for his wife's funeral. He is a typical Chinese miser who refuses to eat pork, lights two lanterns and eats ginseng until he dies. However, he was willing to spend so much money on his wife's funeral. It is totally different from the image of stinginess and miser mentioned above.

The character Yan Jiansheng is so contradictory, but the contradiction does not lose logic. On the contrary, it makes the character more three-dimensional and leaves a deep impression on readers.

Therefore, it is not too much to use the words "extravagant miser" to describe him.

Yan Jiansheng (5)

Yan Gongsheng, the porcelain king

Yan Gongsheng, whose surname is Yan and name is Zhizhong, is often called Yan Gongsheng because he is a Gongsheng in the book. Tribute students are often talents who contribute to the central government, and they are required to be "good at both learning and morality". However, Yan Dawei's character is far from the character that Tribute students should have. In Wu Jingzi's writing, he is a beast dressed in a garb engraved with ugliness. In the book, nothing is more important than his changeable blackmail and porcelain skills.

The first thing Yan Gongsheng did in his book was to blackmail Wang Xiaoer. Wang Xiaoer is Yan Gongsheng's neighbor. One day, Yan Gongsheng's pig ran to Wang Xiaoer's house, and the Wang family wanted to send the pig back, but Yan Gongsheng insisted that "pigs coming home are the worst market", so he sold the pig to Wang Xiaoer. When Wang Xiaoer saw that the Yan family was powerful, he stopped resisting. When the Wang family raised the pig to more than 100 kg, the pig went into the Yan family by mistake, and the Yan family locked up the pig. So the Wang family went to ask for a pig. Yan Gongsheng not only refused to give it, but also broke the king's foot. Yan Gongsheng's persuasive skills made him blackmail others in an instant. It can be seen that he is evil to the bone.

The other person Yan Gongsheng cheated is Huang Mengtong. Huang Mengtong lived in the countryside. He wanted to borrow money from Yan Gongsheng's family because he had to pay for food. He wrote a loan agreement to the Yan family, but finally he didn't go to the Yan family to borrow money under the advice of others. By the time he remembered the loan, it had been more than half a year since then, he went to the Yan family to get the loan back. But Yan Gongsheng forced him to pay interest because he could not move more than 20 taels of silver and missed most of the interest for half a year. The Yan family has more than ten thousand yuan. How can it not have twenty taels of silver? It can be seen that Yan Gongsheng has done everything for money. He touched porcelain to the point of insanity.

Yan Gongsheng's most successful and typical porcelain touching event was to cheat the boatmen with cloud cakes. The fraud is divided into three parts. In the first link, Yan Gongsheng pretended to be ill. He felt sick and produced a lot of clear sputum. He fainted and asked others to hold him, as if he were seriously ill. Yan Gongsheng's acting is so lifelike, maybe because he has done too much, practice makes perfect. He then took out a cloud cake and pretended to take it as medicine. In the second part, he put the leftover cloud cake on the back gooseneck of the boat to lure the helmsman to eat it. After the helmsman ate, he pretended not to see it. In the third link, after the ship docked, he pretended to look for his "medicine", asked where his medicine was at the helm, and when the helmsman told the truth, he used his omnipotent acting skills to make himself look angry and scold the helmsman. The helmsman did not dare to resist, so he had to refuse to pay the boat fare. Yan Gongsheng also escaped the boat fare in this way. It can be seen that his plans are interlinked and his acting skills have reached a new level.

Yan Jiansheng with "the duality of stinginess and generosity"

Yan Jiansheng has a surname of Yan and a character of He. In our eyes, he is a famous miser. In the elementary school text, he could not speak before he died. He held up two fingers for the two bulbs in the lamp until his relatives guessed his intention and took one of them.

There is another story in his book. Two old uncles visited his house. Yan Jiansheng said that there are only a few acres of farmland in the Taoist family, and he would not like to buy a pound of pork... But in fact, the Yan family has tens of thousands of taels of silver. How can they not even afford to eat pork. This is his stingy side.

But he has a generous side. After his wife Wang Shi fell ill, four or five doctors took medicine every day, all of them were ginseng and aconite... After Wang Shi died, he organized a retreat, a funeral, a funeral, and spent four or five thousand taels of silver. Yan Jiansheng later gave the Wang's two brothers the 500 taels of silver he left in his private room and the 300 taels of silver he sent from the pawnshop. When he got sick, he didn't want to eat ginseng for money, and finally died of illness. It can be seen that he is also magnanimous. He is extremely magnanimous and kind to others, while his stinginess is actually a saving of his own life.

The two brothers of the Yan family are far from each other in character. They live a luxurious life. The other is frugal, but generous to others. These two Yan families can be called the two wonderful flowers of The Scholars.

Yan Jiansheng (6)

500 words after reading Yan Jiansheng on the deathbed

Last semester, after I read the text "Yan Jiansheng on the verge of death", a dramatic picture frequently emerged in my mind, which impressed me deeply.

Yan Jiansheng's throat was blocked with phlegm, and he had difficulty breathing. He was dying and could not speak. He took his hand out of the sheet and held out two fingers to show his relatives. He always shakes his head when greeting his eldest nephew, second nephew and wet nurse. Only when Zhao Shi asked, "Sir, you are lighting two stems of lamp grass for that lamp. Don't worry, I'm afraid you will waste oil..." Then he nodded, dropped his hand, and died.

The story depicts a living miser, who is afraid to spend an extra stalk of lamp grass oil, worried about his heart, and hard to stop breathing. This love of money is better than the stinginess of life, which makes people cry and think deeply. If the answer is not revealed by Zhao, it is still unknown when he will stop breathing. He is far more stingy than Zhao Benshan in the sketch "Not Bad Money". As Zhao Benshan said, "Do you know what is the most painful thing for people? People are still alive, and money is gone!"

Yan Jiansheng's stingy image is certainly not an example for us to follow, but his quality of being so thrifty before his death deeply influenced me and changed me.

I am the only son and only grandson of a family of five. My grandfather and father are public teachers in primary schools, and they are paid thousands of yuan every month. I became the "little ancestor" of a happy family. Since memory, we have to choose good food and clothing. The elderly will be angry and angry with them if they are a little careless. Even if I am fed up with the milk from the school nutrition meal, I will spray it and play with my classmates. Compared with my enjoyment, Yan Jiansheng's pity is a thousand miles away.

Since learning this article, I have taken the spirit of strict supervision and thrift as a model, and the principle of "diligence, thrift and hard work" as the criterion, to ask myself and reflect deeply, and feel deeply guilty. Therefore, I took the initiative to learn to wash clothes, cook, feed pigs and other household chores, and also learned to be diligent and thrifty. Whenever I hear my grandmother or mother say to someone, "My 'little ancestor' is much more sensible than before this year!" I feel extremely proud and honored. Grandma, please don't call me 'Little Ancestor' any more. I will be more practical if I call him by his name! 500 words after reading Yan Jiansheng on the deathbed

Zhang Zhenglin, Grade 6, Dayochang Primary School

Yan Jiansheng (7)

Through my understanding, I know that Yan Jiansheng is a very rich man. He is thrifty and saves money bit by bit. Before he died, he didn't talk with his family on paper, didn't give his last words to everyone, didn't...... At the critical moment of life and death, he still thought about those two bulbs, for fear of wasting oil, so how stingy he was.

Before he died, he stretched out two fingers from the sheet, and everyone thought that there was something else he had not done. Only when Zhao understood his meaning, did he rest in peace. Whenever a relative doesn't hit the target, he shakes his head, his eyes wide open, and shakes his head violently

Speaking of this, I think of Miss Gao in the opposite building. She is a member of the society class. Although her family is not rich, Miss Gao is very generous. One of her words is: "Money is something outside of your body. You can't attach too much importance to money!"

Once, when my mother and I went to the supermarket, we unexpectedly met Mr. Gao, so we talked while buying. After checking out, I found a donation box at the door with a piece of paper beside it. After looking at it, I knew it was for the disaster area. But when we looked at Miss Gao, we found her eyes were wet. She stared blankly for a while, then took the bag off her shoulder, took two hundred yuan out of her wallet and firmly put it in, showing a happy smile. People nearby were surprised when they saw it. Teacher Gao smiled and turned away. Influenced by her, people around her crammed money into the donation box.

Teacher Gao's family conditions are not good. Two hundred yuan may be important and necessary for her family's life, but she still generously donated two hundred yuan to the disaster area. While the stingy Yan Jiansheng has money, he is reluctant to spend it and does not spend it on public welfare. What's the point of such a person being rich again? I have always felt for Mr. Gao's generous behavior that we should work hard to make money, but making money should not only be for ourselves, but also contribute more to the society!

Yan Jiansheng (8)

It was late autumn. At this silent moment when flowers and trees were dying, Grandet was on his way to visit Yan Jiansheng. In addition to the creaking melody played by his broken leather boots, there was only the sound of autumn wind sweeping leaves. Go to the gate of Yan Mansion, and see a short old man with a sharp mouth and a monkey cheek and a servant waiting at the door. If you don't know the truth, you will think that he is an old servant, but he is just the miserly fairy Yan Jiansheng.

The Immortal opened his not so big eyes, tilted his head and bowed his hands: "My dear brother, it's the best of luck to let you and me talk here. I'm very happy!" Grandet also showed a very friendly air: "I've heard of your great name for a long time, but today I see it, it really lives up to its name!" The Immortal stared at Grandet, but refused to let him in. Grandet then reached into his pocket with a trembling hand, took out a unique gift -- a small piece of paper fish, smiled and presented it: "It's a small idea, no respect, let you mend your body." Yan Jiansheng's servant hurried to thank him, drew a circle in front of him, smiled and said: "Give you a big moon cake." Yan Daxian angrily scolded in a low voice: "Fool, it's enough to give him half a gift!"

When he entered the study, Grandet stared at the exquisite jade articles on the tea table. At the immortal's command: "Good tea!" Grandet then withdrew his greedy eyes and looked at the cup, which was clean. "Maybe it's a clear spring?" Grandet wanted to drink while he was just mouthing, then he poured out his mouth, but shouted: "Good tea!" Yan Daxian touched his beard and said proudly, "This is a good Longjing!" Then he ordered food. When the host and guest came to the living room, they saw that there were only two small bowls of pickled rice on the huge table except for the orderly empty plates. Grandet pretended to be surprised and said, "How rich it is!" Suddenly, his hand stopped in the air and his eyes were fixed on a shiny metal edge on the table. He quickly took out a knife that had already been prepared, cut off a piece of trim, put it under his eyes, and muttered, "It's not like gold or silver, He fled like a fly. As soon as the immortal saw that the jade was robbed, he immediately fell to the ground. From then on, he fell ill, and there was the story of two stems of lamp grass later. Grandet was overjoyed. After returning to his hometown, he unexpectedly suffered from wind paralysis.

The battle between the two misers has come to an end for the time being. Maybe they will fight harder in heaven or hell!