Morning Glow (16 boutiques)
Recalling the past
2024-01-19 03:37:19

Morning glow (1)

Youth, if you do not grasp it, it will be like the sun from the middle into the sunset.

Youth, it is always gone forever.

Youth, it will slip away from you quietly. Only by making youth more meaningful, life will not be in vain.

Boring study all the time? Carefree play? All wrong. To make youth meaningful, we should first set goals, and then study and live happily, which is to grasp youth. Working towards goals is like a signpost in life. Without it, your youth will be meaningless.

Come on, grasp youth, and make your life as vibrant as the sunrise!

Haze (2)

On my way to school this morning, my mother asked me to look up. Reluctantly, I complained to my mother and said, "Mom, it's so cold that you let me look up. It's not intended to freeze me!", I don't know when the morning glow in the sky came out secretly: red in color, yellow in color, purple in color; Some are half purple, half yellow, half black and half hundred; There are also some unknown colors. The whole sky is immersed in the color world.

At this time, a crocodile suddenly ran out of the sky. It opened its mouth, tore and bit. Before the crocodile finished eating its prey, it disappeared. Another butterfly appeared, hidden in the flowers, flying around and dancing. After a while, it did not know where it was flying
Unfortunately, this colorful and polymorphic sunrise will soon go down.

Morning glow (3)

It was a sunny morning. I just got up and found a piece of red on the window, so I walked to the window. Ah!

It turned out that a piece of red glow appeared on the horizon, reflecting the sky red!
The morning glow showed a faint red light, with the red light getting brighter and brighter, gradually turning orange red, and then golden yellow. The clouds in the sky are also inlaid with a layer of color edges mixed with gold and red, as if someone intentionally painted them. There are so many changes in the morning glow. I watched intently, and my eyes were dazzled. Then a dinosaur appeared. It was running, and it seemed that a Tyrannosaurus Rex was chasing it... I was looking at this interesting picture, and suddenly there came the magnificent scene of ten thousand horses galloping, which made me feel as if I was on the vast prairie. However, I was in a trance for a while, and I could not see it clearly. Suddenly, a big vortex appeared in the sky, as if to suck in all the surrounding clouds. In the blink of an eye, even the big vortex disappeared. I knew that the morning glow would not stay forever. It finally faded and disappeared. I stood still until it completely disappeared.

Haze (4)

In astronomy and meteorology, the bright moon, rainbow and stars are wonderful. Many scholars have praised them with beautiful poems, but I only love the colorful sunrise.

In the morning, the rising sun rises slowly from the east, spreading the golden light all over the earth. Everything in the world seems to be covered with a layer of gold lace. Clouds are surrounded by the red sun, their faces are red, like a shy girl playing. I will always be intoxicated by this spectacular scene.

As the light slipped away, the glow gradually expanded, first dark blue, then vermilion, and finally became dazzling gold.

When the clouds were thin, the sky turned into a golden red cinema. There were various stories on the clouds, such as The Little Match Girl, Mickey Mouse, and Cinderella... It was wonderful! Look at that red cloud, isn't it just the big tail of the fox in Fox assumes the power of the tiger?

When the clouds are thick, there are a lot of clouds, high and low, stacked in rows. The rising sun is like a happy child, shaking off red vermilion from his body. Yuan was infected by her smile. Gold and red, warm, like the vast sea. The waves are rough and like high mountains rolling.

Sometimes white clouds come from the sky. Like a ball of cotton. Under the dye of the morning glow, they become one horse at a time. Groups of strong steeds are running in the battlefield, and the dust is flying. This picture of "ten thousand horses galloping to the sky" must have made Xu Beihong, who painted the horses so lifelike, look at it and he will feel inferior!

Gradually, the sun became stronger and stronger, and Zhaoxia smiled and faded its color. She said goodbye to people and went to bed.

Nothing is the end of the meeting

Author's name: too long to write, the author is simple and simple

Thanks for watching

Haze (5)

It was dawn, and the white fish belly appeared in the eastern sky. Gradually, the white fish belly turns to light red, then from light red to dark red, and then from dark red to golden yellow. At this time, the surrounding white clouds become colorful. Ah! What a beautiful sunrise!

Before long, the red sun like a fireball rose slowly from the eastern horizon. All of a sudden, the trees far and near, the flowers and plants on the ground, the green mountains, and the green water were covered with rays of sunshine. In particular, the dewdrops on the branches and leaves of the plants are like diamond inlaid with edges. They are sparkling and beautiful.

Haze (6)

At daybreak, the fish belly is white in the east, and the sun rises slowly. When it is halfway up the mountain, the clouds around the sun are dyed golden by the sun, like gilt edged, which is extremely beautiful.

The clouds in the sky are gilded from the east to the west. It looks like the sky has become a golden blanket. There is also a trace of blue in the middle. Blue reflects gold, and gold reflects blue. It is a colorful scene.

But the sky is a magician. Its color and gorgeous clothes are not only golden, but also many. The sky is a painter. It will draw a powerful tiger on its own scroll, which is lifelike, like a roaring mouth or a doze. How beautiful the sunrise in the sky is! The sky is a sculptor. It sometimes carves clouds into a rough sea, and the roaring sea is spectacular and magnificent. It sometimes carves clouds into beautiful flowers: look! The rose is so beautiful. Look, the lily seems to emit a faint fragrance. The petals of the autumn chrysanthemum are like a dancing girl. The sky should be a paradise of flowers; It sometimes carves a large cloud into a harmonious ecological park: Look, the wild chrysanthemums are blooming like bright lights. The grass interspersed with wild flowers, under the breeze, is like an actor dancing under a lamp. Big trees form a band. When the wind blows, the leaves rustle and beautiful music comes into being. How touching the scene of small animals playing peacefully and harmoniously on the lawn!

When I was facing a lot of "beautiful scenery", the sky did not wait for those children who loved it. After a while, the dawn went down.

Haze (7)

In the morning, I looked up to the east, and a golden, bright dawn slowly showed a smiling face from the horizon.

It is like the gauze of the sun and the silk of a fairy. Sometimes it is red, sometimes it is golden, and then it becomes half purple and half yellow... The changes of the morning glow are really various and colorful. Sometimes it looks like an imposing white dragon horse, sometimes it looks like an eagle spreading its wings to fly, and sometimes it looks like a soaring dragon

The sun rose, and the morning glow slowly disappeared like foam in the water.

I look around and try to find the trace of the morning glow. Ah! I found that Zhaoxia hid in the sweet fruit trees in the orchard, in the beautiful flowers in the flowers, in the happy smiling faces of the children

Haze (8)

One cold winter morning, I stood on the playground and looked up at the eastern sky. A rosy glow, like a girl's rosy face, shows a slight smile.

The morning glow gazed at the earth with deep feelings. The earth was not very bright, only the beautiful outline was faintly white in the dawn ash, showing a cold light. Zhaoxia has a solemn and sacred mission to hold up the sun, the god of light. She selflessly gives her heat and light. After a while, her face became red, and the range of red gradually expanded, first rose red, then peach red, then fiery red, finally purple in red, purple in red, and also blue, yellow, white, colorful, gorgeous. After a while, the red glow on the edge slowly spread to the sky, which was to make some way for the sun, the messenger of light, to be born. Sure enough, in the embrace of the morning glow, a small half of the sun appeared. When he saw the little thing's red and bright face, which was a bit delicate and tender, he could not rise. Zhaoxia smiled. She hugged, held, and finally, the round red ball emerged from the crack of the dawn, shy and indistinct. The morning glow waved the red, soft and soft ribbon, which was elegant. Isn't it waving its gentle and powerful arms, cheering the birth of the sun?

Slowly, the morning glow gathered from all sides, forming a ball, like a pool of clear water holding lotus, the red and bright disk, rising in the ripples of the morning glow.

When the sun rises, the rosy clouds look much younger and full of vitality. She reluctantly spread around, and suddenly became layers and lines, ah, isn't that a ladder for the sun?

Facing the warm call of the morning glow, the sun rose up to the sky one by one with difficulty.

Look, what a magnificent spectacle it is: in this cold morning, the solemn sky, a round of vigorous sun, climbing, climbing, and starting a new journey on the ladder made of sunrise.

"The sun is coming out!" The land is clear, vast and magnificent. The distant mountain is like a golden screen, and the river is like a jade belt; Close look at the streets, buildings, pedestrians, vehicles, all bathed in the golden sun.

"The sun is coming out!" The world is warm, and the young students who are exercising jump up. They quickly run to the sunny side, bathed in warm sunshine, and show their heroism. I also felt a trace of warmth. When I looked down, my whole body was bathed in golden sunshine. I looked up at the sunrise with gratitude. The sun, a bright red sun, was shining brightly. The sunrise had quietly faded away, leaving only wisps and wisps, and was slowly disappearing.

My heart was pounding, and I remembered that our young students were in the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning? Yes, we are the little sun of the new era, the golden sun rising in the embrace of the dawn; To thank Zhaoxia for her kindness, I must release more heat and light. One day in the future, I will also go to do a rosy career, to hold more and brighter little sun for our beautiful motherland.

Haze (9)

At dawn, when the sky was just beginning to brighten, golden lights passed through the morning fog from the sky and scattered on the land. Looking up at the fish belly color sky in the east, I saw clouds as white as snow, surrounded by golden lace, so moving. Clouds are constantly changing, forming a huge lion with powerful fog, a magnificent palace, or an endless river. The blue sky was tinged with red, and the warm orange light spread across the sky. It seems that the curtain has opened again and a magnificent song and dance has been launched, which makes people relaxed and happy and intoxicated.

Somewhere from afar, a few small dark clouds appeared slightly gray. The small dark clouds gradually expanded, and soon swallowed up half of the sky. However, they were not satisfied with the status quo, but continued to invade the sky. Gradually, the original brilliant golden light was blocked by the enlarged and accumulated clouds, and the golden light became more and more dim, just like someone accidentally knocked over the ink bottle, and also like the curtain of heaven was put down, blocking the wonderful performance, and the blue sky became gray black again.

Slowly, the sun broke through the barrier of black clouds, and again the warm and gorgeous light fell on the earth. When it is sprinkled on everyone, you can find that the world has become brilliant gold, the flowers are golden, the trees are golden, and I am golden, even the stones flowing in the river are golden. How dazzling the golden color is! How I want to write a hymn with this pen in my hand to praise the blue sky, the white clouds and the golden world.

I love the bright sunshine, but also the beautiful sunrise.

Haze (10)

Today, I got up early and climbed onto the roof to watch the sunrise. At this time, the orange glow had appeared in the sky. After a while, the color gradually deepened, from orange to light red, light red gradually deepened to deep red. The color of the morning glow keeps changing, from red to golden, from purple to yellow, and from unspeakable to unseen. It's really colorful. The shape of the rosy clouds is also changing. Some are like a cock with its head raised; Some are like running steeds, with their raised hooves and flying manes, which are very powerful; Others are like a five-star red flag flying in the air. Suddenly there came a long dragon. The dragon's claws were open, the dragon's head was swinging from side to side, and the dragon was moving nimbly. But within a minute, the dragon claw disappeared and the body disappeared. It's amazing. Slowly the whole sky became fiery red, with the brightest place in the middle. I stared at the brightest place, and suddenly a bright red dot jumped out of the glow. In the blink of an eye, the sun showed half of its face, as if looking at me with a smile. After a while, a big round fireball jumped out one by one. He is so round, so big, so bright, so cute, and the sky and the earth are bright. The sun rose and the earth was bathed in golden sunshine.

Haze (11)

There is always an indelible, dreamy taste in the morning glow. Its ever-changing colors always fascinate me. It always fades away quickly, so I treasure it more. A faint red light up the sky that has not yet awakened, followed by a faint orange. My heart is excited, and a new day will begin! Color is from deep to light, and from light to deep. At this time, gold was the most dazzling. Even Yun'er was also inlaid with gold ribbons. What a gorgeous dress! A silent and grand performance kicked off. The morning glow is like colorful ribbons, dancing gently with the wind, and like a beautiful magic girl, changing her bright clothes at will. Every day, the morning glow accompanies me to welcome the arrival of a new day.
People always say: "The sun rises, and a new day begins!" But I think that the dawn represents the arrival of a new day, because it always appears before the sun. If the sun means persistence, then the dawn means hope, and a new day is full of hope. No matter how difficult it is, we should treat a good day with a good mood!
The dawn does not appear every day, but the dawn in our hearts cannot but appear, because it represents hope, and people have no meaning without hope. My pleasure is to see the rosy clouds, because they have extraordinary beauty, because they accompany me to welcome the new day, and most importantly, because they teach me to hope!

Haze (12)

This morning, when it was early, you would say that the sun came out, but today it was not like this. The moon was still in the sky, and the south was red. At that time, I thought it was sunrise, but when I looked carefully, it turned out to be colorful, with various colors, including green, blue... 11 colors.

Appreciation alone is not good, and we have to ask the question, how did the dawn come into being? I asked my mother, and she said, "It is the sun that shines on the clouds and gives out colorful light." I didn't say a word. I rode to school. Although there is no sun today, I am very warm, but my hands are cold. At noon, when school was over, I asked Mr. Hu again. The teacher's statement is the same as mother's. I like the rosy clouds in winter.

Haze (13)

Morning glow in the sky

It's Mom's arm

Under her arms

I learned to grow

The deep eyes

It's the stars in the night

Like a light

Let me find the direction

Ah, mother

Accompany me to grow

It's a mother

Let me find the direction of life

I want to pick a flower

Let mother no longer grow old

I want to pick the brightest star

Let mother's eyes shine forever


I am a young tree

Then mother must be a big tree

Protect the sun from the wind and rain

If I were a star

Then mother must be the vast sky

Raise the whole curtain for me

Thank you, my dear mother

Haze (14)

In the morning, I stood on the earth with the horizontal line, raised my curious head, and showed a perfect 45 degree elevation angle, but it was not injured. Under this angle, I unfolded my immature arms, opened my shining eyes, felt the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and watched the bright morning glow.

She is the emissary of the sun, the herald of the sun's coming out. Her light is gentle and gentle, not like the dazzling light of thousands of rays of sunshine, not like the heat when the sun shines on the earth. She just appears in silence for a while, fleeting, giving people the feeling that she has never appeared before, mysterious and noble.

The first bright dawn, the empty sky is her most beautiful stage, let her perform there; In the deserted morning, I stood in the open field and appreciated her beauty and elegance; Apart from the sound of the wind, only a few birds fly by occasionally and make a few long sounds. I believe that even if no one around me appreciates this beautiful sunrise with me, there will still be people in some corner of the world or other places to enjoy this bright sunrise with me. It's just that our location is different, or maybe our country is different, It may be different nationalities, but no matter what, in such a beautiful morning, there must be people who will watch the bright morning glow with me.

Zhaoxia slowly changed its color and became dazzling. It was no longer as soft, natural, and beautiful as it was at the beginning. Slowly, she became dazzling, gorgeous, and radiant. While she changed, I took back my sight, because the soft Zhaoxia was my favorite.

Grade 6: Xia Zhiru

Haze (15)

It's not yet dawn, and the hateful alarm clock will wake me up. Sitting in front of the table, a wisp of gentle sunshine shines on the table, shining my eyes, and I can hardly open them. So I climbed to the top of the building to see the beautiful sunrise The pink dawn has appeared in the horizon, and the color has gradually deepened, from orange to light red, and light red has gradually deepened. At one time, it is red, at another time golden, at another time half purple and half yellow, some can not say, and some have never seen the color, which is really colorful. The shape of the morning glow changes endlessly, some like an eagle spreading its wings, some like a red scarf flying in the air. Suddenly, there came a long dragon. It was very fierce. Two pairs of big claws were open, and a big dragon head. But within a minute, the dragon's claws and body were gone. The sky is really diverse and changing.

The sun is coming out soon. At this time, the sky is completely red, as if the sky has pulled up a red curtain. I stared at the reddest place in the east.

At this time, a shining red dot jumped out from the east, and I hurriedly called out: "The sun finally came out..." In a moment, half the sun came out from the top of the mountain, like half a fireball rolling in the market. After a while, the whole red sun rose from the east to the blue sky little by little. It is so round, so big, so bright, so cute. The sky and the earth were red.

The sun rose slowly, and people were bathed in golden sunshine. Zhaoxia brings people endless warmth and happiness.

Haze (16)

Suddenly, there was a huge thunder on the other side of the sky. The white as jade clouds seemed to be irritated by the huge thunder, and turned into black. After a while. The sky gradually began to drizzle. I quickly hid in the pavilion and sorted out my clothes. Raise your eyes to the sky. The rosy clouds teamed up to block the sun.

Father Sun also accompanied them to play. Soon, Father Sun was going home. The rosy clouds are very reluctant. When the sun father-in-law leaves. I gave them a gift - clothes. Their clothes were different, red and yellow. Even the color is different. They showed their own colors. Before the arrival of Sister Moon, they dyed the whole sky red. I looked at the rosy clouds in the sky and was intoxicated.

Ah, the morning glow is all over the sky!