Composition describing mother's appearance (7 in a collection)
Sleepless night
2024-05-11 01:32:14

Composition describing mother's appearance (1)

There is a composition about describing mother's appearance

In the study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition is the language flow that people express their feelings in written form. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a carefully written composition about mother's appearance, for reference only, let's have a look.

Composition 1 about describing mother's appearance

My mother is a medium-sized man with white and thin skin and black hair, like black ink. Her voice is hoarse, she speaks very loudly, and she is very fluent in Mandarin, because she is a teacher. She wore a high braid. Her mother's eyes were bright and bright. She also had a talkative mouth.

Mother's personality is very cheerful. She likes children best. She also likes chatting online occasionally, but she also likes her students.

My mother loved me and my little sister very much. Once, I had a high fever and asked me to lie on the bed for a rest. While holding my little sister in my hands, she slowly pulled me up from the bed, and then rode an electric bike to the hospital to see me. I had to take my little sister with me. Because there was no one at home, my father also drove out and still did not come back, So my mother had to take us both. All go. Another time, my father took my little sister over. At five o'clock in the morning, my little sister cried all the time. My mother felt bad when she saw her crying, so she thought that she must be hungry to cry so much. My mother was so worried, coaxed her for a while, brought her toys, let her play, picked her up quickly, and rushed to make milk powder for her, After a little while, the milk powder was ready. The mother hummed a nursery rhyme to her while letting her drink. My little sister finally smiled again. Looking at my little sister is really funny and cute.

I think my mother is the hardest working and best mother.

Composition 2 about describing mother's appearance

My mother has blond and fluffy curly hair, delicate duck egg face, and a pair of star like eyes embedded under the curved willow eyebrows. She is of medium stature. Mother is not only considerate, but also very considerate and dutiful. She keeps her house in order.

Although there is a younger brother at home now, my mother is as considerate to me as he is. I have been busy all day for this family, but I have never heard her complain. The silver hair on the sideburns is the result of her hard work for the family.

Mother is a nagging person. Every morning I will be told like a child. "It's cold. Put on more clothes." "Be careful when you come back from school." "Do you understand today's class? I won't go to school to ask the teacher.". I have never been tired of giving permission one by one. Sometimes I am impatient and will complain to her, and she will stop my mouth with countless words. It is really "a loving mother with a heart, and children are intimate"!

Mother is a person with strong sense of responsibility. In winter, the days are getting shorter and shorter. After school, it's already very dark! My mother was afraid that I would not dare to be alone. She would pick me up downstairs every day, and as always, she took the heavy schoolbag in my hand. When I went upstairs, the corridor was quiet, so quiet that I could hear my own breathing. My mother just followed me silently, giving me an inexplicable sense of security. Back home, my mother would carefully hand me a cup of hot milk that had just been made. Her sense of time was always so strong, so punctual, like a delicate machine. With the hot milk in hand, my heart is full of endless thanks!

This is my mother, a very ordinary but extraordinary woman. She has accompanied me silently for 14 years. These more than 4000 days and nights have taught me how warm my mother is. Mother is a silent song, which is worth listening to all my life.

Composition 3 about describing mother's appearance

My mother has a melon seed face, a dark shiny hair mixed with several silver white hair, a pair of watery eyes, thick black eyebrows. Although my mother is not so beautiful, her love for me is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea.

My mother is a serious person. She is more strict with my exam scores than with the college entrance exam scores. Once, I only got 87.5 points in my math exam. When I got home and reported my results, my mother's face turned from sunny to cloudy, and immediately pulled down her face. I immediately ate and sorted out the "bamboo shoots with shredded meat", and my mother came to a "tirade" again. It seemed that my saliva could not be used up. She gave me a "profound education". Even those who didn't bring a pencil before told me, hey!

My mother is also a kind person. She cares more about me than a needle. It was a stormy day. The wind was blowing, and my hot little hand firmly grasped my mother's skirt. I coughed in a series of lightning flashes. It was 12 o'clock at midnight, and my mother firmly said, "Baby, let's go to the hospital." On the way, my mother firmly hugged me and gave me the raincoat to wear, so that I wouldn't get wet. As a result, my mother became a "drowned rat" in the hospital

My mother is a wordy person. She can use "saliva rejuvenation", so her saliva can not be used up. Her "wordiness" will be convincing, look! Here she comes again. "How many times have I told you to keep your head up and not write on your stomach? Is it not enough for you to be myopic? Is there another room that is messy, like a girl's room? Look at Doudou. A boy's room is cleaner than yours. Look again..." It seems that mother will not stop until she says 10 to 20 minutes, so she has to run away.

My mother is a careful person. She takes care of me more carefully than herself. "Yawn" I sneezed, and my mother shouted downstairs: "Po, you have a cold, come down quickly to take medicine, and put on another coat." I really took my mother's advice. I sneezed on the fifth floor, and she heard it on the third floor. She was careful enough.

The most beautiful thing in the world is maternal love; The purest thing in the world is maternal love; The most moving thing in the world is maternal love; The most painful thing in the world is maternal love; The most pitiful thing in the world is still maternal love! On the long road of life, it is this earth shaking force that inspires us to leave selfishness and cowardice and embrace the true, good and beautiful life with love! Mother, I love you!

Composition describing mother's appearance (2)

My mother has a head of dark bright short hair, she has willow eyebrows, a pair of big eyes and a small mouth, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of her nose. My mother is not only conscientious in her work, but also particularly concerned about my study and life. In a trance, my thoughts returned to my childhood. I saw a busy figure. It was my mother's hard work; I saw a tired figure. It was my mother knitting cold clothes for me; I saw a cheerful figure. It was my mother who was happy for me to learn and improve.

Usually I live at my grandmother's house. I can only see my mother on Saturdays and Sundays. Every Sunday after I finished writing the composition assigned by the teacher, my mother would read it carefully and concentrate on correcting the sick sentences with me. After correcting the composition, my mother found some similar compositions for me, and explained to me while reading them. What is worth learning about this composition, combined with my composition, what is good and what is bad. My mother not only cares about my study, but also about my life.

Maternal love is pure; Maternal love is selfless; Maternal love is great; Motherly love only knows how to give without seeking return. Motherly love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart; Motherly love is like the continuous rain, gently tapping your face and moistening your heart; Motherly love is like a furnace in winter, which can create warm sunshine for you in the severe winter. The love my mother gave me was real, simple, strict, and sometimes poetic.

Composition describing mother's appearance (3)

I have a good mother who is kind, virtuous and loves me. Her face is round, her skin is white, her dark eyes are full of kindness and love, and her mouth always has a sweet smile. In my heart, mother is the most beautiful mother in the world.

In my eight years of growing up, I left many perfect memories with my mother.

When I have difficulties, my mother will share them with me; When I make mistakes, my mother will teach me to correct them in time; When I am happy, my mother will be happier than me like a child; When I was sad, my mother's mood was worse than mine; When I was ill, my mother always took care of me in front of the hospital bed

Mother spent almost all her energy on me. She bought me books, toys, the best clothes, tutoring classes, magazines and newspapers... but she never wanted to spend a penny more.

My mother is my closest relative, because she gave birth to me and raised me to this age. I will never forget her kindness to me. When I grow up, I must honor her.

I have a good mother who is kind, virtuous and loves me. She loves me, I love her, and, forever, forever

Composition describing mother's appearance (4)

My mother has yellow hair, and gray hair can be seen in the middle, which is for my hard work. The old forehead has many deep wrinkles, a smart mouth always "nags" me, and that small hand washing clothes for me every day, which looks rough.

Mom is not fat, but she always gives me delicious food under the excuse of losing weight. People often say that eating fish is smart, so my mother will buy fish for me every week and make my favorite steamed fish for me. Every time when I finished eating half, my mother sat down to eat, and my father drank a bowl of soup. Mother saw that this side of the fish had finished eating, so she turned the fish over. I looked at the belly of the fish and put a large piece of meat in my mouth. It was delicious. My father ate a little fish tail, but my mother only put a piece of potato in her mouth, and said with satisfaction, "It's delicious!" I saw that my mother only ate a piece of potato, so I asked her to eat fish, but my mother said, "I have eaten it. You can eat it. You see, I'm fat, and I have to lose weight!" In my impression, this sentence has not been repeated a thousand times, At first, I really thought that my mother wanted to lose weight and ate. But later, I realized that my mother wanted me to eat well. Mom, you wasted for me and worked hard for me. What can I do to repay you?

Composition describing mother's appearance (5)

I have a bad tempered mother. She has not very black hair, a pair of bright eyes, and there are some spots on her face. She is a little fat, so she is not so good-looking. Although it looks kind, but not so good tempered!

That time, I had finished lunch, and my mother came back in a hurry. Because my mother promised to buy me a beautiful schoolbag a few days ago, but she hasn't bought it for me yet, so I asked, "Mom, Mom, didn't you promise to buy me a new schoolbag? Why haven't I seen half of my schoolbag?" Unexpectedly, I bumped into my mother's firearm, She angrily scolded: "Buy a schoolbag, buy a schoolbag, you know you want me to buy a schoolbag for you, your old schoolbag can't be used! How can I spare time to buy you a new schoolbag! The factory boss told me to wait for someone, I waited for two hours, but no one came, so I had to rush home first, and now I haven't eaten lunch yet!"

I was so frightened by my mother's words that I didn't dare to say anything. I had to go out. At that time, my mood was very complicated. I wanted to cry wrongly and felt that I should not. I just sighed a little

You see, my mother's temper is not very good! Usually, I dare not answer back, but sometimes I am very kind to me. Hehe, my mother's temper is really changeable!

Composition describing mother's appearance (6)

My mother is about 160 cm tall. She has beautiful black hair, dark and healthy skin color, watery eyes, a tall nose, and long, curved eyebrows like those in the sky.

Mother is a cheerful, straightforward, lively person who welcomes people with a smile every day. She must make up before going out. She will not go out until she is dressed up.

My mother is a math teacher. In the eyes of students, my mother is a fashionable model, wearing bright clothes 365 days a year; In my father's eyes, my mother is a fashionable and beautiful wife, dressed very fashionable; In my eyes, my mother is a strict and kind teacher.

Composition describing mother's appearance (7)

I have a beautiful mother - a head of black hair, two curved eyebrows, a pair of intense eyes, and a talkative mouth.

Mother always changes herself because of my performance.

Whenever I got full marks in the exam or excelled in playing chess, her face always showed a happy smile; But when I was careless or careless with my homework, my mother would nag endlessly. However, in my heart, she is always a loving and strict mother.

Although mother is usually careless, her hands are very skillful! No matter who can't buy suitable clothes at home, mother will buy cloth and do it herself. Look, the clothes on my body are made by my mother, just like the ones I bought! It's not only beautiful but also very comfortable. I like it best.

My mother also made me dissatisfied sometimes. Sometimes, because she failed to meet her mother's requirements, she would beat me severely. Of course, I was not convinced. But my father said that my mother was "looking forward to success" and taught me to obey in the future and not make my mother angry. I had to admit it obediently.

Even so, I am still happy and proud to have such a mother.