Composition Father's Back 600 (8 compilations)
I want to shine
2023-08-31 02:46:51

Father's Back in Composition 600 (1)

People who know my father say that my father is very good-looking, isn't it? He is tall, his eyes are bright, and the special change is a pair of glasses on the high bridge of his nose. At first sight, he is a knowledgeable person.

Of course, my father is a doctoral student! Dad, is the most respected and loved person in my life. "Qiqi, come and ask me if you don't understand!" This is what he often says.

My father said that he had studied hard since he was young. When his family fell asleep, he still sat under the light reading and writing. In summer, when there were many mosquitoes, he would dip his feet in a basin of water. Then he would put a piece of cloth on his legs and continue reading. Every time I hear my father say these things, I am very moved. I know that the knowledge in my father's stomach is put into it bit by bit.

My father loves me and my mother, but he loves his work more. Every time after dinner, he starts to work at his desk. I often wake up after a sleep and find that under the light, my father still keeps writing and writing. The back figure of immersing oneself in work under the light is clear in my mind. Day after day, year after year, many changes have taken place in the family. I have grown up and grown taller, but what remains unchanged is my father's back in the light. The books my father has read are piled higher and higher, and there are more and more manuscript papers on the desk. I find that the Zou lines on my father's forehead are getting deeper and deeper. Dad, Dad, when can you stop working!

Now, my father needs to go to other places because of his work. During the summer vacation, my mother and I went to see him. My father was very happy when he saw us go. That night, he accompanied us to eat and watch TV. We talked and laughed together. We were very happy. Then, my father took us to the park to spread. The scenery of the park was beautiful. I pestered my father to say this and that. But my father said most about work, except work. Every time I mentioned his work, he was so excited. In his mind, work always comes first.

On that night, I saw my father's back again, and I really wanted to say to him: Dad, I love you, you must pay attention to your health, don't be too tired!

Composition Dad's Back 600 (2)

Everyone says that father love is like a mountain, and I think so. My father loves me very much and is a good and competent father.

It was a weekend. Although it was cold winter and people were lazy, this weekend was very tense. Because the final term is coming, my father wants to review for me to make my grades better. After lunch, my father called me to him and said seriously, "Chen Jing, find out all your math papers and I will review them for you." Then he took out his notebook and pen again. When I brought the examination paper, my father opened his notebook, took up his pen and wrote down the words "analysis of the examination paper". "Today, let's first analyze the wrong questions on the test paper." Dad turned over the test paper and said to me. I nodded carefully and watched my father take out the test paper and began to remember the first question... At four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock... It was ten o'clock, the door was silent, the light on the desk was still on, my father was still writing in front of the desk, the broad shoulders shrugged, a heavy figure...... I was already sleepy, I vaguely saw that figure, I feel very warm.

I gradually fell asleep. In my dream, I felt a pair of powerful hands picked me up, put me on the bed, covered the quilt, and I smacked my lips and fell asleep... A ray of sunshine came in, and I suddenly woke up. Get dressed and walk out of the room. I feel a little hungry. Go find something to eat first! When I walked out of the room, I suddenly heard some rustling sounds in the bathroom, and I looked into the crack of the door: Dad's eyes were full of blood, he was combing his hair with his hands, and there seemed to be several more white hairs, and Dad seemed to cover them. When I saw here, my eyes were wet. How much my father loved me. He was exhausted for me. He never looked in the mirror tried to cover up his white hair in order not to let me see his white hair... My thoughts were broken, and I let my tears flow everywhere and wash my eyes.

The door opened, and my father was shocked when he saw me. I hugged my father without saying a word... That night, the tall figure was already engraved in my heart.

Composition Dad's Back 600 (3)

Maybe it's because my father is an "old urchin". When people mention my father's back, they want to write about how his father's back is getting old or tottering. But what I want to say about my father's back is not like that. My father's back seems to know that he is a very funny person.

Every day after dinner, I will go for a walk with my parents. Sometimes when I go to see flowers and fish, I always have to run after my parents. Every time I see my father's back, I can't help laughing. It made my mother laugh with me, and my father's back was really funny.

My father used to be a soldier, which made his back straighter than that of ordinary men. This kind of straight back, coupled with his head turning left and right and his hands swinging sharply, looked like a comedian from behind deliberately teasing in front. Maybe my father's walking is funny. Every time, my mother and I laugh behind my father. I run to pat my father on the back, and he will pretend to be serious and tell me not to play nonsense, as if I intended to make him laugh.

Sometimes I take my mother to see the ducklings by the lake, and my father also looks at them, but he goes forward after watching them, leaving only a figure for my mother and me to chase. My mother and I often looked at his back and smiled. I even stood behind my father, learning from his back, and swaggered forward. When my father looked back, I didn't cross dress for anything. My father saw my action and knew that I must be learning from him again. He left another back to amuse us and walked forward.

Sometimes my father will deliberately leave a funny back for us to find him, so that my mother and I can see where my father is and which direction we should run. Every time I see my father's back, I can fill my head with a song that my father likes to sing. He hums in front, and we listen and laugh in the back.

Composition Dad's Back 600 (4)

My family lives in a small factory in Shijia Village. In the small yard in front of the door, there is a small land two meters long and one meter wide. There are many garlic sprouts, coriander, and many other plants that cannot be named in flower pots. Those plants are like children, who are carefully cared for by their father. Every day, my father would squat on the ground and look at the plants with kind eyes.

Whenever I see the garlic sprouts in the field, I can't help thinking of that day last summer. Just after lunch, my father bent over to water in the hot sun with a bucket full of water. Soon, my father was sweating heavily. I walked over and said to my father with interest, "Dad, let me help you water it!" "No," my father said without raising his head, "You will step on the garlic sprouts if you are not careful." I didn't hear what my father meant. I wanted to help my father share some of it, but who would have thought that I could step on a garlic sprout if I was not careful. I wanted to sneak away like this, but I didn't escape my father's eyes. After a while, my father found out that there were still my footprints on it. I couldn't defend myself, so I had to blush and lower my head in silence. I saw my father carefully touching the broken garlic sprouts, just like touching a doll shouting pain.

I thought: I must be scolded by the father who loves planting like life. I remember last time, I just picked a small flower in the field, and my father glared at me. My heart was pounding when I thought of it. As a result, my father bit his teeth and said softly, "It's OK, just one." Now, I want to find a crack in the ground. Next time, I must love his children as my father does.

Now, my father is still growing garlic seedlings, and will still fertilize and cultivate in the hot sun. But I never asked my father if he would help me again. My father gave me a big flowerpot. I took good care of my plants as my father did, and sometimes I remembered my father's figure of bending over to work.

Composition Dad's Back 600 (5)

Night after night, I dreamed of the black land in my hometown.

Night after night, I dreamed of my father's unforgettable figure

In winter, there are cold wind and cold faces. The withered leaves fell to the ground in the campus.

"Excuse me, where does Yanding live?" "Oh, there he is." A few familiar dialogues, sometimes accompanied by bursts of harsh cough, disturbed me who was still gathering with Duke Zhou. It was him, and I responded conditionally: "Here, Dad!" So I quickly ordered for a while and opened the door. A middle-aged man with gray hair shivered in the cold wind and his purple hands tightened. How can a thin shirt stop the cold wind in winter! The trouser legs rolled up, and a pair of poorly fitting slippers seemed to be against the toes. The toes were skinned by the shoes, and stood hunched in front of me. It's Dad, yes, there is a thin shadow in the cold wind

"Dad, you are here. What's the matter?" I asked, wiping my hazy eyes and trembling. "Aren't you going to sign up for the self-taught exam today? The money has been sent to you." As he said, he drew a brand new 100 yuan voucher from his pocket and put it in my hand. His eyes were full of hope. This is a hundred yuan coupon with body temperature. How many sleepless nights did my father get this money? The body temperature dispelled the cold wind, and the hopeful eyes dispelled the confusion in my heart

"I have to go back, let the child work hard..." My father said while patting me on the shoulder, nodded, then turned around and dragged a limping step, leading a "creaking, creaking" bike out of the campus. Dad left, with hope for me, and went back to the black land that still belonged to him, leaving a moving landscape behind.

There are not too many words and blessings, but it makes me feel my father's fiery heart, and that figure makes me forget the cold current outside the window, and winter seems to be fleeting.

My father's thin figure, like an indestructible beacon, guides me how to go in the future. Whether it is in my student days or today when I step on the three foot platform, it reminds me to be a strong person in knowledge and a real talent in society

Composition Dad's Back 600 (6)

In my mind, many things and people have gradually forgotten over time. Only my father's back is clear, which gives me a deep impression that my mother is a doctor. In the morning, before I finished eating, my mother had pushed the door open to go to work, and her back disappeared outside. In the evening, when my mother went to study, what I saw on the balcony was still her hazy back, that hurried back from morning to night.

What I can't forget is that in the first semester of the third grade, I unexpectedly got the fourth place in the class after studying hard. As soon as the teacher announced the score, I was shocked. The students also looked at me with envious and surprised eyes as an average student with high scores and low scores. Excitement replaced surprise, and my excited heart almost jumped out. As soon as the teacher said school was over, I carried my schoolbag on my back and flew out of the classroom like an arrow described in the novel. There were no friends waiting for me, and the small stones on the roadside could not attract me. My heart was completely occupied by a wish - tell Dad the good news quickly!

When I came to the crossroads, suddenly, the familiar figure flashed before my eyes. It was Dad! "Dad, I have something to tell you, Only left me a back figure to leave in a hurry. My joy just swept away, tears swirled in my eyes. Dad, Dad, do you know what I want to tell you? I got the fourth place in the exam! My nose is sour.

When I got home, I saw my father's tired back again. I shouted from the bottom of my heart: "My good father!" So deep.

Third grade: Captain America

Composition Dad's Back 600 (7)

My father is an ordinary working civilian. He didn't study hard when he was young, so he came to Chengdu to do hard work: security guards, taxi drivers, and people on the construction site. He has done it all. He leaves early and returns late every day. He is tired, but his efforts are not disappointing. He has finally become a small business, but people are greedy. One of his friends stole all his money overnight, and his father lost most of his money overnight. He was very sad, but he didn't give up and still worked hard until now.

After I entered junior high school, I obviously felt bored inside. I didn't want to pay attention to my parents, and even locked myself up. Sometimes there was a quarrel, but I always felt heartache.

My father always comes to pick me up at the first time when I come home from school, rain or shine. I still remember that he gave up an important meeting, a big business, and even called the car to apologize. It is worthy of coming all the way to pick up your beloved son.

Whenever I return to school, I always take the bus. He takes me to the station. I always say, "Wait here, I'll buy something for you." This is his back, the calluses protruding from his broad shoulders, which he left when moving things. The strong body was sweating heavily, which was the proof of his hard work. There was silver in his hair, which was the result of his hard work. Seeing this, I could no longer restrain my shame, and tears poured out like broken chains. I quickly wiped my tears away for fear that he would see me. At this time, he was also walking back. He always bought something for me when I left. Before I got on the bus, he said, "Come on, son, read!" He always said this simple sentence. Although he always heard it, it sounded very warm this time.

I found a seat and sat down. He left. When I saw his back, I cried again. This time, his back is the reason why I study hard.

Composition Dad's Back 600 (8)

The scorching sun was like fire. It was a scorching summer. Flowers, grass and trees are listless and drooping. The dead silence of the whole summer, with no passion, makes people feel depressed and suffocated. But in the weather that even cicadas are afraid to cry, the figure of an old hunchback cuts through the dead silence.

Uncle fell ill. My father took the responsibility of carrying coal for the family in this mountain village.

He carried a bamboo basket back and forth between two teams of black coal. Beans of sweat fell from his head, splashing a small mud flower, as lovely as the smile on his face.

Father walked from one end to the other, unloaded the bamboo basket, and moved the coal mine into it piece by piece. When the bamboo basket was too full, he leaned back slightly with the help of his legs and waist, rubbed his feet and lifted the full basket of coal. That's a hundred jin of coal! Before he stood up straight, he seemed to be dragged by something, lost his center of gravity, and unexpectedly fell onto the mud with coal. Tired, father rubbed his highly myopic eyes under the thick lenses and carried the scattered coal back to the bamboo basket. This time, he grabbed a thin tree beside the road, bent down, carrying the heavy basket of coal, and stood up unsteadily and laboriously. The little tree swayed and fell a few leaves.

For a moment, I hated that hateful basket of coal.

But his father still smiled and walked slowly with heavy and clumsy steps towards the uncle's house. The green mountains and rivers behind him have nothing to do with him, and the bustle around him has nothing to do with him. He just bowed his head and smiled, because he shouldered responsibility and hope. At the moment when he unloaded the bamboo basket from his shoulder with mechanical action, he became black, dizzy and tottering because of the sudden loss of weight on his shoulder——

I couldn't help crying. I ran to my tired father, bent father and hunchbacked father: "Dad --"