Microscope composition (7 practical)
Persistence is the key
2023-10-01 07:02:44

Microscope Composition (1)

Today, we came to the biological laboratory of Daxing No. 1 Middle School with our teacher and were lucky to use a microscope.

At first, I was not very happy because I was assigned to a group with the most naughty boy in the class. I thought this activity must be very ordinary, but the reality was quite different from my idea.

After listening to the introduction of the laboratory teacher, I was still at a loss. What eyepiece, objective lens, display platform, external screw... can confuse me. Looking at the large explanation on the blackboard, I was even more helpless. When I was still hesitating to choose which objective lens was clearer, my deskmate had assembled the microscope "three times five times two", and was asking me to try it! I looked at the eyepiece. It was green and I couldn't see any cells at all. I smiled: "What? You are too unclear! Come and see me!" I turned the spiral and slightly adjusted the eyepiece, gradually a new world appeared in front of my eyes. Cells seemed to be pieces of jigsaw puzzle, a dense area. I could not help but tut tut to wonder before I looked carefully. My deskmate snatched away the microscope in a hurry: "What do you see? Let me have a look too. Wow... Wow... You are so awesome in Jiao Xiaoming! Eh --? What is this? Look, something is moving!"

I saw a piece of green "silk" tangled together, like the tentacles of an octopus kept twisting. "Don't know what it is?" I answered him truthfully. The activity was suspended before we could see the reason. After listening to the teacher's introduction, I knew that the small green substance was kidney bean leaves. How amazing! So many secrets are hidden in the small leaves!

Later, we saw the human blood and the leaves of the kelp, and such a small thing unexpectedly appeared in front of me like stars in the night sky! My deskmate also said to me, "I really want to see the appearance of snowflakes under the microscope. It must be very beautiful!"

Yeah! The microscope is like our eyes, but it is a pair of scientific eyes!

Microscope Composition (2)

In this math exam, my scores have improved a lot. To encourage me, my parents awarded me a set of microscopes, which is my dream, but I am very happy.

When the microscope arrived home, I couldn't wait to unpack it and study it carefully. I carefully installed the three objective lenses according to the instructions. The objective lens is heavy and made of metal. Then I put my eyes close to the eyepiece and gently adjusted the reflector with my hands until I saw the bright light.

Later, when I opened the tool box, I could not help but see that there were slides and cover slides inside, which were used to make specimens, as well as sea salt, dropper, knife, gauze, tweezers, dye and other tools. What surprised me most was that there were still several finished specimens, and I began to practice immediately.

I took out a feather specimen, which was obviously a small piece of fluff. I put the feather specimen on the stage, carefully pressed the two ends of the slide with a pressure plate, and moved the specimen to the center of the light hole. I slowly adjusted the focus, and soon I could see the image clearly.

Although it is fluffy, it is so thick and big under the microscope. The small feather trunks become thick, and the small branches that could hardly be seen before clearly appear in front of my eyes. I also saw some strange black dots and something similar to a small hook called a barb.

I also watched the leaves of trees under the microscope. The images appeared were all green, like grass, but the color was darker and brighter than that. This is the chloroplast. There are also black images like eyes.

Unconsciously, I even fiddled with the microscope for more than an hour. What a wonderful microcosm under the microscope!

Microscope Composition (3)

Since the second grade, I have been pestering my mother to buy me a microscope, but it has not been possible. This time, my wish has finally come true!

My mother bought a microscope online for more than 400 yuan. A few days later, the microscope arrived. Looking at a lot of parts, I was confused, but I finally learned to use a microscope by thinking of ways and asking the teacher. Today, I took it out and began to explore the microscopic world under the microscope.

I took out an earthworm specimen, put it on the base, put on a 5x eyepiece, and carefully looked for it. I saw a few black dots (it should be dirty) moving up and down, left and right. I was very surprised. Is earthworm like this? Dad saw my strange expression and asked me: "What's wrong? Can't you use it again?" "Boo hoo, Dad, help me tune up!" "Alas, little fool, you can't see without an objective lens!" Dad took out the objective lens from the box, put it on, and adjusted the angle. "Here, Hongli, come and see!" I went up to have a look. Oh, there was a pink shadow. I quickly changed into a 16 times eyepiece. This time, I saw clearly: a pink "cake" with many purple dots inside, and some pink things like earthworm viscera, which made my hair stand on end. After that, I saw the onion specimen, which is much more beautiful than earthworms: the grid shaped cell wall encloses the nucleus, which is crowded together with other cells, like a wall built by bricks. It is very beautiful. I also saw mace like hair and empty mineral water. I also cut a strand of hair on the hamster and put it under the microscope. I found that every hair of the hamster has patterns like ears of wheat, which shocked me.

In addition, I also saw a lot of small insects crawling slowly, air vents on leaves, tentacles of small aphids, and so on. My feelings can only be summed up in one word: the micro world is "too wonderful" and "too magical"!

Microscope Composition (4)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the magic microscope - 600 words of composition written by Xiao Bian for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Today, Gan Ruoyi's father invited us to do an experiment and let me see the magic of microscope.

The microscope is about 30cm high, and the black loach is very inconspicuous. Dad Gan told us that the three round cylinders, called objective lenses, can adjust different multiples, including 100, 50 and 20. The next few things are as thin as screws. They are used to adjust the position of the observation object. The spiral thing on the top is used to adjust the upper and lower positions of the cylinder. The smaller one on the bottom has the same function. However, the upper one is coarse adjustment, and the lower one is fine adjustment. The speed of rise and fall is very fast in coarse adjustment, but much slower in fine adjustment.

Then, Papa Gan took out the onion specimen, and we observed that it was a small piece of lavender, only a small one as small as a green bean.

Next, let's do it ourselves. First, I put the specimen on the stage of the microscope, adjust the position of the specimen, move up and down, move left and right, and finally adjust it. After a look, why is it still a vague purple thing? It was also necessary to adjust the upper and lower positions of the microscope objective. I made a rough adjustment first. Ah, it's much better now. I can see some diamond shaped purple objects. I adjusted it again. Oh, it's finally adjusted. It's so clear. There are still some thin filaments on the diamond. It seems that we should not underestimate the microscope.

Papa Gan said that the next target is human blood samples. One by one, we look frightened. In fact, we want to have a look. After research, I found that there were many small red dots in human blood. Dad Gan said that it was red blood cells. It was surrounded by light red, very light.

I also observed mosquito specimens. On weekdays, when we see a one centimeter long mosquito, we all have to cry: "Mosquito King!" Now, the mosquito I see, just its head, is as big as a dollar coin, so scary! Its body is light yellow, with a big head and a small body. There is a lot of blood on the forehead, which is purple. I observed it for a long time before I found its eyes, which are dark and small even under the microscope. Alas, why can such small eyes accurately detect that we children always come to suck our blood.

These are invisible to the naked eye, and can only be found with this magic microscope!

Microscope Composition (5)

In our daily study, work or life, we are inevitably exposed to composition. Composition is a narrative way in which people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a carefully arranged world composition under the microscope, for reference only, welcome to read.

In order to meet my requirements, my mother bought me a microscope online. With this treasure, my sister and I are excited to use it to observe several newly picked leaves.

Curious, my sister and I began to observe carefully. The leaf lies there quietly, as if waiting for us to do "physical examination" for it. Through the microscope, I saw many stems of different thickness, surrounded by some black and white dots. Eh, is that a microorganism? We got excited at once

It is not satisfying to just observe the leaves. So we decided to go downstairs and look for some insect "specimens" to observe. A specimen is actually a dead insect. We went downstairs excitedly. However, when we got downstairs, we found that things were not as simple as we thought. What dead insects are there? I didn't even see the worm! So find a dead spider? No, I'm afraid! Finally, I picked up a red dead leaf on the ground and went back to continue to observe. And the sister who threatened to catch a butterfly for me to see? Then an ant died and came back to do the job.

When you get home, of course, you should observe my red withered leaves first! But after a long time of adjustment, we still can't see anything. What's going on? At this time, I adjusted the focus of the microscope: "Wow, so beautiful!" I shouted. In front of my eyes, they seemed to be shining jewels. When my sister heard the sound, she ran over and I handed her the microscope. "Really! What is that?" My sister was also surprised. What on earth is this? I thought for a long time but didn't understand.

We then observed the dead ants. Sadly, we tried for a long time, but could not see anything. My sister refused to admit defeat, and played around with the microscope for a long time, but still no gain. But we had to lose the ants.

We are not satisfied with mere observation. Later, we checked the information on the Internet and finally learned that the thorns we saw when we observed the petiole were actually the hairs on the petiole!

It seems that this is a perfect ending. We saw the stem on the leaf surface, which was so clear, but what made us wonder was what the black and white dots and shiny jewel like things were? Is there any relationship between them? These questions have been lingering in my mind.

Microscope Composition (6)

In our daily study, work and life, we are inevitably exposed to composition. Composition is a narrative way in which people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. I believe many people will find it difficult to write the composition. Here are 800 words of microscope composition collected by Xiaobian for you, for reference only. Let's have a look.

Today, my mother bought a microscope, and our house became lively at once. My sister and I talked about the microscope that had not been installed yet. While reading the instructions, my mother took out small parts from the bag and carefully installed them. She was very busy. It took me 30 minutes to install the general framework. I couldn't wait to take out a slice of lemon from the kitchen and put it on the stage. From the eyepiece, I could see nothing but dark. My sister came over and looked at the instructions, took down the lemon slice, put a luminous round light below and said, "This should be OK, right?" I put the lemon slice on it, but I still couldn't see anything. I felt very curious. I moved here and there. The result was the same as the previous two times. I was a little worried, but I could do nothing.

I called my mother, and she took out a small box from the cloth bag, which contained blue, red and yellow glass pieces. I opened my eyes curiously. What is this? My mother told me that the unprocessed specimens cannot be seen. These are cell specimens of animals and plants. I looked carefully and found that there were small characters marked with animals and plants, and there were some cell patterns beside them, but the cell patterns were very detailed and small, and it was absolutely impossible to see clearly without a magnifying glass. My sister and I picked out a lotus pattern and put it on the stage. We clamped it with a clamp and looked through the eyepiece. The elder sister tried first, and she aimed her eyes at the eyepiece. Just after seeing it for a few seconds, I shouted: "Sister, come and see, I see the cells of the lotus." I was excited when I heard that. After she saw it, I immediately saw it. Some cells are long strips, some are dots... The microscope magnifies the pattern thousands of times, and the cells look strange and unbelievable. After watching the cells of lotus, I felt the wonder of science. I looked at the cells of pineapple again. I looked through the eyepiece. God! How beautiful pineapple cells are! Like a "hornet's nest" divided into a bunch of small cells, I became interested in this "hornet's nest" cell and "pointed" at her. Its lattice is very exquisite, as if it was carefully drawn by someone who wanted to, and its lattice is connected like the armor of ancient soldiers. After observing the pineapple, I observed the cells of fish, eagle and bird, and saw a variety of shapes. It turned out that science was also interesting. Until very late, I was still reluctant to leave in front of the microscope.

The world of microscopes is really wonderful!

Microscope Composition (7)

Look at a leaf under a microscope. 400 words. Have you ever observed a leaf carefully? A few days ago, I accidentally picked up a small leaf falling on the balcony and fiddled with it. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind: what can I see when I put this leaf under a microscope?

I took out my homemade microscope. This is a microscope with a magnification of only 180 times, but its microscopic function is very good. I put a small leaf between two pieces of glass and fixed it on the stage of the microscope. Then, I turn on the strong light, and the strong light shines on the reflector. The reflector projects stronger light into the small round hole of the stage, and then shines on the leaves through the small round hole. I set the microscope to the best viewing angle, and then close my eyes to the eyepiece for observation. Wow! I saw green in front of me. The small leaves have turned into a green "field". More carefully, there are many "country roads" extending in all directions in the "fields". Some "roads" are slightly wider, and they constantly generate dense "paths" on both sides, like a green net.

oh So these "paths" and "paths" are the stems of leaves! Don't underestimate these stems. The nutrients needed by the leaves are transported to all parts of the leaves through these stems. Thanks a lot!