My Bad Dad (Collection of 19)
Tears and pharynx are silent
2024-01-16 03:43:17
primary school

My Bad Dad (1)

The Chopsticks Brothers' Father has many sentences praising his father. However, I never thought of my father.

Speaking of this, I remembered that

That morning, in order to congratulate my sister on her successful entrance to the ideal university, my family planned to have a night of carnival together. We divided our family into three groups, two people in each group, and my father and I in one group. At that time, I was so excited that I didn't even have a good nap.

However, a phone call before dinner forced Dad to return to work. Although he always apologized to us before he left. Not only did I not accept it, but I always said that Dad was wrong. At that time, my mood seemed to fall from heaven to hell. From that day on, I hated him, hated him, hated him, hated him for neglecting his family, hated him for not loving me.

However, on the National Day that year, my hatred for my father dissipated and I began to admire him from the bottom of my heart.

During the National Day holiday that year, Dad was too busy to go home. So my mother and I went to my father's workplace to accompany him.

One morning, I was dreaming in my bed when I heard the door ring. Because of the temptation of dreams, I didn't get out of bed to open the door. After a while, I heard a sudden knock on the door. When I got out of bed, it was Dad who came back to get the office key. I thought to myself: Why did Dad leave so early? At noon, my father called my mother to tell her that he had a fever. He stopped running back and forth at noon and ate directly in the canteen. I thought to myself, "My father is ill. Don't he ask for leave?" At 11:00 pm, my father blushed and dragged his tired body back home. Mother took out a thermometer to measure, God! 39。 5℃! His mother was so worried that she blamed him: "It's killing me to come back so late with a fever!"

Although his father's office building is only one way away from the residential building, he still insists on working regardless of his body. I suddenly felt that I shouldn't blame him last time.

Once, I met my father's colleague on the road. The uncle was full of praise for his father. He said that his father was conscientious and responsible and was a good example for everyone to learn.

My father leaves early and returns late at work. After he comes home, he has to take many responsibilities as the "pillar" of the family. How hard it is!

My "bad" father, I really want to sing a song "Father" for you!

My Bad Dad (2)

I have a "good father," but the "good father" turned into a "bad father," rather, he is a chameleon father.

Once, my father did not work and played with me at home. I was having fun when my father's phone rang. It turned out that it was Uncle Zhu. Uncle "Zhu" said, "See you at the Super Barbecue!" Alas, Dad is going out to drink again - the image of "Good Dad" has been destroyed again!

Leave him alone. It's over nine o'clock. I'll go to bed. In the middle of the night, my father came back. I ignored him and continued to sleep with me. But he came to my bedroom, lay down with me, and then fell asleep. oh dear! It's pressing my hair. My hands and legs are so crowded!

Now I can't sleep in my own bedroom. I cover my father with quilt and go to my mother's bedroom to sleep. I thought to myself, Dad, you are really worried!

Another time, I got 100 points in English. I was happy to tell my father that he rewarded me and bought me a small fan. In the afternoon, our class had a math test again. Don't mention it, I just got 82 points. When I got home, my father angrily asked me why I was so bad in the exam before he told him the score. I was about to face the challenge of my teeth and claws. Tears in my eyes fell down mischievously. Look, "good dad" has become "bad dad" again!

Today, I learned to dance in the morning. My father sent me to the dance class. When I came home, the teacher told my father that I danced better than before. My father kissed me happily, but in the afternoon, it was time to learn piano again. I didn't want to go. If I didn't go, if I didn't go, I wouldn't go. As a result, my father really beat me. Ouch! so painful! Do you beat your daughter like this?

Ah! You see my father is sometimes good or bad, but anyway, I know he loves me very much, so I love my father, whether he is a good father or a bad father.

My Bad Dad (3)

I have a "bad father" who works in Jiazhi Police Station. Why do you call him a "bad father"? Listen to me:

Usually I like my father to pick me up and send me to school, but he always says he is not free; Sometimes they promise to accompany me to the park on a day off, but when it comes time, they say they have no time to accompany me, and what they say often doesn't count. Usually, they promised me to go home at 8 - 9 pm to check my homework, but when I was going to bed, they didn't see him. Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I don't see him. When I thought he didn't go home, my mother said he had got up to catch the thief. Do you think my father is bad?

But I still like this "bad father". I heard from my mother that my father would check my homework every night when he came back. Usually as long as he is free at home, he often teaches me how to keep a diary, write a composition, and do math. I also heard from my mother that my father wore big red flowers on the stage twice this year to receive the award.

My father is really a "bad father" that I love and hate.

My Bad Dad (4)

I have a bad father! As soon as I surf the Internet every day, my father asks me to do this and that. Others buy computers to study for their children, but my father only lets me write compositions. He keeps a strict watch on me day by day.

I applied for a qq number and added a few of my good classmates. He would mumble all day long, like a fly without a head. My father and I have very different personalities. I don't want to be with him when we say something or buy clothes or ask questions. Sometimes I even wonder if he is my real father. He also used domestic violence against me. He was the headmaster of the school. If he was angry at the school, he would come home and scold this and hit that. In front of others, he seemed to have power. Others were small and insignificant. Anger seemed to be bin Laden, and no one paid attention to him. They are very strict with others not to do this or that, but they are very lenient with themselves. They play against landlords and go one after another, neglecting their work and almost forget to eat and sleep.

In fact, I have seen through these things for a long time, but I am not willing to tell him to save his face, but his change to Ben Jiali is even more inexplicable. I hope my father can make me happy, but I think it's just daydreaming!

My Bad Dad (5)

When I was in the first or second grade, I always failed the exam. When I was in the third grade, I got more than 80 points in Chinese and math in a mid-term exam. I was very happy. I hope to finish school soon all morning. When the bell finally rang, I rushed out of the classroom like an arrow and ran home quickly.

Just entering the house, I said to my mother out of breath: "Mom, I am so happy today, because I got more than 80 points in Chinese and math, and the teacher praised my progress?" My mother said to me happily after listening: "Really? My girl really can't afford it. Let's celebrate this noon."

"Mom, where has Dad gone? When will he come back?"

"Oh, your father has gone to your aunt's house, and he should come back soon." After listening to my mother's words, my heart was very sweet, and I wanted to change my father back at once.

About an hour later, I was watching TV while eating my mother's cooking. Suddenly I heard the sound of "Dong Dong" knocking at the door, and I felt a burst of joy. Could it be that my father is back. I quickly picked up the test paper, opened the door, and went forward. It was really my father. I said to him excitedly, "Dad, I got more than 80 points in this exam. How are you going to reward me?" I squinted and waited for my father's praise.

"How many students in your class have more than 90 points?"

I stopped talking at once. Then I heard a stern reproach:

"Reward, what's the reward? You don't even have a certificate of award. It's complacent to get such a little achievement. You can see that Liang Bing and Liang Min have more than 90 points in each exam and are not as proud as you when they get a certificate of award every year. You only get a few points! They will be rewarded."

After listening to my father's words, I couldn't control myself, and tears were falling down.

Another time, I accidentally broke my father's favorite vase. My father usually doesn't let me touch it, but this time I broke it. I stood there dumbfounded and at a loss. When Mom and Dad came back, they saw the mess on the ground, and all of a sudden they understood. My mother took my hand and asked anxiously, "Did you hurt me?" I shook my head. "I wish I hadn't been hurt. Let's play while I cook." My father began to speak when I moved. "I didn't take the initiative to admit my mistake when I made a mistake, but I woke up when I returned to the room." I cried, lying on the bed. In the living room, parents are still arguing about the vase.

Now I'm in the fourth grade, and my grades are almost the same in my class. Even if I won the first place, I would not be proud. When you do something wrong, you dare to admit it. I want to thank my mother, who often encourages me, and I also thank my father, who will remind me from time to time. Everyone in life needs different love from their parents, and this love will accompany us all the time.

I love my "good" mother, but also my "bad" father, but also love our family.

My Bad Dad (6)

My father is a university teacher. He is very kind to his students, but in my heart he is a bad father.

I accidentally hurt my hand before the summer vacation this year. My father took me to Xi'an after the exam. I thought my father would let me be free in Xi'an, but I didn't expect bad luck to come to my side. My father asked me to get up at 7:30 every morning. If I didn't want to get up, my father would pull me out of bed and dress me. After getting dressed, I will go to wash my face and brush my teeth immediately. If I don't go quickly, my father's big eyes will become bigger. He will stare at me viciously. I don't dare to cheat at all. After washing, I went to have breakfast with my father.

When I came to my father's office, my "end" came. My father went to guide the students. I secretly opened the computer to play games. I was having a good time. Suddenly a familiar figure appeared behind me. I slowly looked back and saw a pair of burning eyes, as if saying to me, "Go to do your homework quickly, or I will eat you!" I quickly ran to the position. Honestly, I had to start my homework. When I finished my homework, my father checked it for me. My father turned to me. I thought to myself, "It's over, there are mistakes again". Sure enough, my father shouted: "How to do it? Why so many mistakes?" My father told me the wrong questions carefully and asked me to write correct and beautiful numbers. The wrong question must be listed on the draft paper in a standardized way, and even the horizontal lines of the formula must be drawn with a ruler. How miserable I am! This is my quick tempered bad father.

Dad is so strict with me. Students, do you think my father is bad?

My Bad Dad (7)

Alas! Unfortunately, I was beaten by my father again today.

Today, when I was doing my homework, I heard the laughter of children from downstairs from time to time, and my heart flew out with it. The handwriting was so crooked that it could be regarded as flying. When my father saw that my homework was poorly written, he was so angry that he kept scolding me: "How did you write it? You just fooled me!" The more he said it, the more angry he became. He took the belt and pulled it on my waist. My waist is still sore now.

On one occasion, I didn't do well in the exam. The main reason was that I was careless. My father was very angry after reading my exam paper and beat me severely. Every time I am beaten by my father, I dare to be angry but dare not speak. I can only scold in my heart: "Bad father, bad father..."

However, my "bad" father also treated me well sometimes, that is when I was ill. I remember one time when I had a high fever. I saw my father was very nervous and kept asking questions. His nervous mood had to be relaxed when I had an injection to relieve the fever.

I really hope my father is a good father when I'm not sick.

My Bad Dad (8)

My father is a policeman who catches bad guys. He is a "workaholic", but I think he is just like a "bad guy".

I remember when my mother was on a business trip in the third grade, my father, who seldom accompanied me at home, promised to help me report words. But just when I was about to report, the phone rang. After my father answered the phone, he said to me in a hurry: "Haoran, you... copy it yourself. My father has something to do with his company, and wants to go out for a while." Then he left without saying anything. Listening to the sound of hurried footsteps, my tears could not help flowing down when I was alone at home: What if I could not finish the dictation homework? This bad guy dad, can't you just sign up for me before you leave? Every time, whether I am your son or not. I was very angry and wrote four big words on the paper: bad dad.

Another weekend, my parents went to work overtime as usual, and I secretly opened the computer to play games. I was having fun when suddenly a familiar figure appeared behind me. I slowly looked back and saw a pair of fire breathing eyes, as if saying to me, "Go and do your homework quickly, or I will eat you!" I quickly ran to the position and honestly began to do my homework. When I finished my homework, my father checked it for me. Soon his face turned to me. I thought to myself, "It's over, there are mistakes again." Sure enough, my father shouted, "How did you do it? Why so many mistakes?" My father told me the wrong question carefully, and asked me to write correct and beautiful numbers. The wrong question must be listed on the draft paper in a standardized way, and even the horizontal lines of the formula must be drawn with a ruler. How miserable I am! "Bad dad, bad dad..." I muttered to myself.

My composition, which likes reading, is not bad, but my scenery writing is my "dead end". Once the teacher asked us to write "Autumn in My Hometown", but I could not write it after racking my brains, so I opened the composition selection to prepare for "plagiarism". My father saw my intention and stared at me viciously, saying, "Writing cannot be done behind closed doors!". On the way, my irascible father seemed to be a different person. He kept on saying, "Haoran, look, the sky is so blue, the water is so clear..." We walked through the community, parks, fields... I saw the big bellied soybeans, the lentils with lipstick to find friends... My father took the trouble to touch them with me and smell their breath, At this time, my heart will burn. My hometown is so beautiful! When I got home, I thought like a spring of literature, and then I felt that my father was not so "bad".

Since then, my father has been so busy and cruel to me. But as soon as he was free, he accompanied me, and our relationship also eased. I remember the last time I went to the physical amusement park in the park with him. I saw many people climbing a "hill". The hill was woven with ropes, and I stood on it unsteadily. I climbed up bravely without saying a word. When I climbed to the top, I dared not turn over when I looked down. It was really difficult to get off. When I was in a panic, I heard my father shouting below: "My son is fine, hold on, and my father will climb with you." My father also climbed up like a child. He didn't care about my father, who was the only adult on the whole "hill". He also repeatedly stuck out his tongue to make faces at me. My father was so bad, I couldn't help laughing, and my nervousness was gone. I grabbed the rope carefully like a snail and crossed it... Later, my father stroked my head and said to me: "Be brave in everything, and don't shrink back..." I said in my father's voice: "The same is true of learning, and we must believe that we can do it through hard work." My father smiled and said that I have grown up. At this time, I understand that bad dad loves me, and being strict is actually a way of love.

This is my "bad" father. I always say that my father is bad, but it is because of such a "bad" father that I keep making progress. Students, do you think my father is bad?

My Bad Dad (9)

I have a "bad" father who often forces me to exercise.

One night after dinner, my father took me out for a ride on his bike. When I was riding, my father deliberately put me on the ground and let me follow the bike. I was so tired that I squatted on the way. Maybe my father felt that there was no one behind him, so he looked back and found that I was not following him. He shouted to me, "Stand up and run! Persistence is victory!" Hearing this sentence, I secretly complained that my father was bad, and I had to continue to run because of fear. It took me about an hour to get back on the bike. Who knows, on the road to rejuvenation, he put me down again and said seriously, "Walk on the sidewalk and go home by yourself. Watch the traffic on the way." Then he left. At this time, I hated my father very much.

Later, after reading the book Beth's Happy Farm, I learned that my father was actually trying to make my thin body strong and hone my will.

Now, my head has hardened, my back has straightened, my body can bear a certain weight, and my hands can carry things that exceed my own weight. Usually, I help my mother carry fruit and mineral water to the fourth floor, and help my father carry bags and rice home. My eyesight has improved, and I can thread a needle for Grandma. Now, my running speed is also fast, and I can surpass the average speed of the battery car in a few seconds

Now I finally understand why my father is so bad. He wanted me to have a healthy body and use this bad trick to exercise my body.

I love my "bad" dad.

My Bad Dad (10)

My father is a policeman who catches bad guys. He is a "workaholic", but I think he is like a "bad guy".

I remember when my mother was on a business trip in the third grade, my father, who seldom accompanied me at home, promised to help me report words. But just when I was about to report, the phone rang. After my father answered the phone, he said to me in a hurry: "Haoran, you... copy it yourself. My father has something to do with his company, and wants to go out for a while." Then he left without saying anything. Listening to the sound of hurried footsteps, my tears could not help flowing down when I was alone at home: What if I could not finish the dictation homework? This bad guy dad, can't you just sign up for me before you leave? Every time, whether I am your son or not. I was very angry and wrote four big words on the paper: bad dad.

Another weekend, my parents went to work overtime as usual, and I secretly opened the computer to play games. I was having fun when suddenly a familiar figure appeared behind me. I slowly looked back and saw a pair of flame breathing eyes, as if saying to me, "Go to do your homework, or I will eat you!" I quickly ran to the position and honestly began to do my homework. When I finished my homework, my father checked it for me. Soon his face turned to me. I thought to myself, "It's over, there are mistakes again." Sure enough, my father shouted, "How did you do it? Why so many mistakes?" My father told me the wrong question carefully, and asked me to write correct and beautiful numbers. The wrong question must be listed on the draft paper in a standardized way, and even the horizontal lines of the formula must be drawn with a ruler. How miserable I am! "Bad dad, bad dad..." I muttered to myself.

My composition, which likes reading, is not bad, but my scenery writing is my "dead end". Once the teacher asked us to write "Autumn in My Hometown", but I could not write it after racking my brains, so I opened the composition selection to prepare for "plagiarism". My father saw my intention and stared at me viciously, saying, "Writing cannot be done behind closed doors!". On the way, my irascible father seemed to be a different person. He kept on saying, "Haoran, look, the sky is so blue, the water is so clear..." We walked through the community, parks, fields... I saw the big bellied soybeans, the lentils with lipstick to find friends... My father took the trouble to touch them with me and smell their breath, At this time, my heart will burn. My hometown is so beautiful! When I got home, I thought like a spring of literature, and then I felt that my father was not so "bad".

Since then, my father has been so busy and cruel to me. But as soon as he was free, he accompanied me, and our relationship also eased. I remember the last time I went to the physical amusement park in the park with him. I saw many people climbing a "hill". The hill was woven with ropes, and I stood on it unsteadily. I climbed up bravely without saying a word. When I climbed to the top, I dared not turn over when I looked down. It was really difficult to get off. When I was in a panic, I heard my father shouting below: "My son is fine, hold on, and my father will climb with you." My father also climbed up like a child. He didn't care about my father, who was the only adult on the whole "hill". He also repeatedly stuck out his tongue to make faces at me. My father was so bad, I couldn't help laughing, and my nervousness was gone. I grabbed the rope carefully like a snail and crossed it... Later, my father stroked my head and said to me: "Be brave in everything, and don't shrink back..." I said in my father's voice: "The same is true of learning, and we must believe that we can do it through hard work." My father smiled and said that I have grown up. At this time, I understand that bad dad loves me, and being strict is actually a way of love.

This is my "bad" father. I always say that my father is bad, but it is because of such a "bad" father that I keep making progress. Students, do you think my father is bad?

My Bad Dad (11)

"I have a good father, a good father, who can cook, wash clothes, be happy, and spank..." I believe many children are familiar with this children's song, but do you have such a good father?

My father is not very tall. He is 1.65 meters (it is said that when he is tall, he is 1.68 meters) and weighs 71 kilograms. Most of the time, he is smiling and sunny, but sometimes he is quite strict. Especially when I fail to meet my father's requirements or he thinks I have unreasonable requirements, there will definitely be "men's singles", which is really a slap on the backside; If my mother gets angry and joins in, "men's singles" will become "mixed doubles". Do you think I'm a bit miserable?

Because I failed in the final English exam of last year and didn't even get 80 points, my "bad father" began to have a bad idea. During the summer vacation, he gave me devil level preview training and didn't sign up for a cram school. He came to be a teacher himself, which saved money and was beneficial. I am assigned a lot of English homework every day, from words and texts to grammar, fixed collocation of phrases, and extracurricular exercises, accounting for almost half of all homework. So every morning when he finished assigning homework, I would whisper "bad dad".

What made me even more disgusted was that my father came home at noon and did not take a nap after lunch. The first thing was to check my English homework. Once I checked, it was almost 1 o'clock. At 1:30, I had to continue to write my homework in the afternoon. So when he checked his homework, I turned my lip and said "bad dad". If I don't go home at noon, I will be even worse at night. There are three major problems that make me in hot water: wrong questions, missing questions and no questions. If I add review questions, such as word dictation, text reading and recitation, I will face four major problems. For so many weeks, my mental defense line has been seriously damaged. If I don't treat it in time, my last mental will collapse. So whenever I saw him take my exercise book, I would yell "bad dad" angrily!

In fact, my "bad father" still takes care of his family. He washes clothes and cooks meals, accompanies me to participate in social practice activities, as long as I like to eat, he will buy me as soon as possible. Although he forced me to do a lot of things I don't want to do, I had a very full summer vacation, and my English has also made great progress. I know that my father is good for me, and he is good for me from the bottom of his heart. I love my "bad father".

My Bad Dad (12)

My father is 35 years old this year. Because he didn't read well when he was young, he now has high hopes for me. He always keeps me under strict control, so I don't like my father very much and often say behind his back that he is unreasonable.

It's not too much to say that he is an unreasonable father! Every day when I got home from school, I was hungry and wanted to eat immediately, but my father didn't agree. He insisted that I do my homework first and then let me eat. Even on Sunday, when I finished my homework, he wouldn't let me watch TV and asked me to do other homework. If I slip out to play and my father finds out, he will give me a scolding. Even I don't play much at ordinary times. When I have time, I ask me to play the erhu and say, "It will help you grow up!" God, I can't finish these annoying things for three days and three nights!

One day, my grandmother told me something, saying, "Your father was always lazy when he was young. One morning, your father hurried away with his schoolbag on his back as soon as he had breakfast. Everyone was very happy and thought that his father had gone to school.". Who would have thought that when school was over, all the children from other families came back, but your father didn't come back. Grandma went out to find him. I found your father under a big tree. Your father was playing with several small partners! I picked up his ear and beat him. " "Ha ha ha... Dad is so disobedient when he plays truant!" I couldn't help laughing after listening to Grandma's story. At the same time, I also came up with a clever plan to deal with my father.

In a math exam, I only got over 80 points. My father's face turned from sunny to cloudy immediately, and said seriously, "Why did you do so badly in the exam? Did you not take classes seriously again? How can I punish you?" I thought of the story my grandmother told me, and asked him with a high head: "When you were a child, you were not as good as I am now!" "What?" I said slowly: "Listen to Grandma, you played truant when you were a child! I still failed the exam! " Maybe it was my move that worked. Dad's face turned red and white, and he hid in the room without saying a word.

Looking at my father, I suddenly had a hard time. Think about it: Dad is not a bad dad, but he cares about me! He wants me to study hard and be a useful person in the future!

My Bad Dad (13)

When I was in the first or second grade, I always failed the exam. When I was in the third grade, I got more than 80 points in Chinese and math in a mid-term exam. I was very happy. I hope to finish school soon all morning. When the bell finally rang, I rushed out of the classroom like an arrow and ran home quickly.

Just entering the house, I said to my mother out of breath: "Mom, I am so happy today, because I got more than 80 points in Chinese and math, and the teacher praised my progress?" My mother said to me happily after listening: "Really? My girl really can't afford it. Let's celebrate this noon."

"Mom, where has Dad gone? When will he come back?"

"Oh, your father has gone to your aunt's house, and he should come back soon." After listening to my mother's words, my heart was very sweet, and I wanted to change my father back at once.

About an hour later, I was watching TV while eating my mother's cooking. Suddenly I heard the sound of "Dong Dong" knocking at the door, and I felt a burst of joy. Could it be that my father is back. I quickly picked up the test paper, opened the door, and went forward. It was really my father. I said to him excitedly, "Dad, I got more than 80 points in this exam. How are you going to reward me?" I squinted and waited for my father's praise.

"How many students in your class have more than 90 points?"

I stopped talking at once. Then I heard a stern reproach:

"Reward, what's the reward? You don't even have a certificate of award. It's complacent to get such a little achievement. You can see that Liang Bing and Liang Min have more than 90 points in each exam and are not as proud as you when they get a certificate of award every year. You only get a few points! They will be rewarded."

After listening to my father's words, I couldn't control myself, and tears were falling down.

Another time, I accidentally broke my father's favorite vase. My father usually doesn't let me touch it, but this time I broke it. I stood there dumbfounded and at a loss. When Mom and Dad came back, they saw the mess on the ground, and all of a sudden they understood. My mother took my hand and asked anxiously, "Did you hurt me?" I shook my head. "I wish I hadn't been hurt. Let's play while I cook." My father began to speak when I moved. "I didn't take the initiative to admit my mistake when I made a mistake, but I woke up when I returned to the room." I cried, lying on the bed. In the living room, parents are still arguing about the vase.

Now I'm in the fourth grade, and my grades are almost the same in my class. Even if I won the first place, I would not be proud. When you do something wrong, you dare to admit it. I want to thank my mother, who often encourages me, and I also thank my father, who will remind me from time to time. Everyone in life needs different love from their parents, and this love will accompany us all the time.

I love my "good" mother, but also my "bad" father, but also love our home.

Fourth grade: Zeng Yunlin

My Bad Dad (14)

My father is about 175 cm tall, and he is very standard. Because of regular exercise, my father has a healthy and sunny wheat complexion. Although he looks upright, he is very "bad".

Once, my stomach was not very comfortable. I bought some Chinese medicine to drink. When I mixed it with water, it was dark and smelled strange. It definitely made people not want to taste it again. At noon this day, it's time to drink Chinese medicine again. I avoided my father and drank Coke in my room secretly. Hearing the "puffing" sound of opening a can of Coke, I felt happy. The bubbling amber liquid flowed down my throat. The sour and sweet feeling instantly stimulated my taste buds and nerves. How cool and cool! How wonderful it would be if traditional Chinese medicine could be as good as cola... Suddenly, my father broke into the house and I was in a panic to find an excuse to prevaricate. But my father looked at me and said, "Coke is still good to drink, let me help you to ice it!" Then he strode forward and took it away. I don't know what kind of medicine my father is selling in the gourd. I'm afraid of being criticized, so I have to wait quietly. After a while, my father came back with Coke. I glanced at it secretly, and there was only half a bottle left! Dad is a big liar. He went to steal drinks! I grabbed the bottle immediately, ignored my father's strange smile, and drank it in one breath. Hum! He also wants to rob me. Dad is so shameless! Unexpectedly, just at the entrance, a "terrible" smell spread quickly in my mouth, but I had to swallow it hard, so anxious that I stuck out my tongue afterwards! Damned dad, unexpectedly poured Chinese medicine into a coke can, luring me into his "trap"!

The problems in life are usually solved by means of mischief. Although he is cunning, he also has fun. His "bad" learning has reached an appalling level.

Another time, the teacher assigned a composition on the weekend. When I returned home, I wanted to play games and carelessly wrote other homework, leaving the composition behind. Just when I was fighting with the virtual monster and the battle was fierce, my father suddenly turned off the power and said frankly, "If you don't finish your homework, you will never see the computer again!" This sounds like no lip and teeth drama. Seeing that the computer phones are "flying", they are not working well every day and the ground is not suitable. So I had to obey them and write a composition with my pen. From then on, I was terrified at the thought of my father's "bad habit", which vanished from me like a wisp of smoke.

I know that "bad" dad is not bad at all. The so-called "bad" is just another way to express my love. I love my father!

My Bad Dad (15)

"Father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like a river" Father's love is like a mountain to shield us from wind and rain; Motherly love moistens our hearts like a river.

I don't think so because of my "bad" father. "What are you doing?" I yelled. Dad took away all my iced drinks. "I won't let you drink ice." Why? " "No reason." Because of this, my father and I haven't talked for a month. The cold war hasn't ended yet, I bought some snacks, and my father threw away all the snacks I bought when I wasn't paying attention. "What do you mean, I spent tens of dollars to buy them "Dad didn't answer me. When I returned to my room, the money I put on my bed was the same as the money I spent on snacks. I didn't think much about it, so I put the money into the piggy bank at once. At night, no one asked me. Dad knew I had an Internet addiction, so he gave my laptop to my cousin when he came. When I found out, I shouted angrily to my father, "Why give the computer to my cousin? It's very expensive." That's what I bought. I'll give it to whoever I want. " I shouted: "Bad dad." And ran downstairs. This sentence was heard by my mother. With tears in her eyes, she came to me and said, "Do you know why you put it that way? I don't want you to drink iced drinks because I'm afraid you will catch a cold. We have everything we call, which is not better than the snacks you buy, and your father put the money on your bed. Your father gave your computer to your cousin because he was afraid that your glasses would grow stronger." I was shocked when I heard this. I went upstairs and said to my father, "Dad, I'm sorry." Then I hugged my father, and we both wept.

My Bad Dad (16)

In the ordinary study, work and life, we are inevitably exposed to composition, which is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a composition of more than 800 words elaborately arranged by my editor about my "bad father". It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Get up! Get up! If you don't get up again, I won't send you to school. Dad roared and raised my quilt in a flash. It doesn't matter if you are late! I have to deduct money for being late! Do you want me to deduct money so much? My salary needs to be used to pay your living expenses, medical expenses, water, electricity, property fees of the house, and the loan of the house! Dad opened the door and sat down at the table to eat the breakfast that had been prepared. I urged him to hurry up while eating! How can you eat so slowly! Eat quickly, I'm late! Alas, my father made me feel uneasy in the early morning. He is really a bad father.

After dinner, I continued to put on my shoes and prepare to go out, while my father who had just stepped out suddenly hurried to my 'room' and took out my coat to order me to put it on. At this time, my father looked down at his watch, frowned, and thought, "It's too late!"! So my father didn't bother to have breakfast, so he went to the garage and took the electric car to send me to school at a fast speed. At the gate of the school, my father left me behind, and then drove without looking back and disappeared in my sight. I looked around and saw that many parents sent their children to school in the way of thousands of exhortations. Then I had to linger at the school gate for a while and watched their children walk into the school gate reluctantly. Seeing such a scene, and thinking about the background of my father's smart departure, my resentment became stronger, and I even hated him a little: he was really a bad father and didn't love me at all!

In the evening, when school was over, the weather was not beautiful, and the face changed instantly. It was just a sunny day, but now it's dark clouds and light rain. I look east and west at the school gate. I thought to myself: The weather is changeable. Alas, without an umbrella, can I only run home in the rain? Standing under the eaves, I hesitated, and watched the parents of my classmates send umbrellas to pick them up, which made me feel even worse. Humph! Bad dad doesn't know how to pick me up! Aren't you afraid of my cold? My mood is like the weather at this time, full of haze. Forget it, just shower! What a big deal! Just as I was about to rush into the rain, suddenly a familiar figure appeared to be Dad! He strode to me with one of my favorite umbrellas. Out of breath, he said, "Honey, I'm sorry I'm late. Dad's car suddenly broke down and was repaired in the shop. Today we have to walk back!"! Although there is no special car to pick up, at least I don't need to get caught in the rain, and my resentment will disappear in half. So I took my father's hand and went home. When we got home and my father closed his umbrella, I suddenly found that one of my father's shoulders and one of his arms were wet. I looked down at myself again, and it was intact. On the way back, the scene that my father had been holding me and protecting me suddenly appeared in front of me. At this moment, I no longer hate my father, nor do I think he is a bad father.

Yes, he is not a bad father, but the best father in the world. He let me know what warmth is and let me grow in love

My Bad Dad (17)

My father is very handsome, with big eyes, medium height, fat, and a big belly! Usually I like to touch my father's stomach when I have something to do or nothing. It's very comfortable.

My father is very fierce. When children in the yard see him, they will avoid him. Once, my good friend Ma Meini came to my house as a guest, and my father gave Ma Meini my favorite drink. I was very angry at that time. After Ma Meini left, my father said to me, "It is meaningful to share good things with others.". I didn't get angry after listening to what my father said. It's time to go to bed at night. My father took my hand and said, "How cold it is!" Then he put my hand on his stomach. Ice's father bared his teeth, which was very interesting.

I remember one morning, I didn't want to eat after half a mouthful of breakfast. I quickly put my schoolbag on my back and prepared to go to school. Suddenly, a loud voice "Stop" startled me. I looked up and saw a face that was so strange and scary. I said, "It's too late. I'm going to school" The face was even more scary, I had to go to the kitchen and eat all my meals. I went to school with my mouth full of whispers. At noon, when I got home, my father smiled, as if nothing had happened. My father was so "fierce", which made me happy.

Is your father the same?

My Bad Dad (18)

I remember one time, my art paint was accidentally exposed outside and stained my clothes. When he came back, he asked me how it happened. I said that I accidentally exposed it outside. He was furious and asked me to take off my pants, expose my buttocks and beat me severely. Beating and scolding: "You bastard! You are becoming more and more outrageous! Don't promise me in the future! Promise me! I have to kill you today!"

He also stipulated that in the future, you should not listen to the teacher, but listen to me! The teacher also asked you not to do some of the questions in the New Humanities Reader. There is no such thing! Do it for me! No snacks are allowed every day. The teacher can't rule! I took snacks that day, and I came back with a beating... He often said something about overthrowing the teacher.

My Bad Dad (19)

Once, my father did not work and played with me at home. I was having fun when my father's phone rang. It turned out that it was Uncle Zhu. Uncle "Zhu" said, "See you at the Super Barbecue!" Alas, Dad is going out to drink again - the image of "Good Dad" has been destroyed again!

Leave him alone. It's over nine o'clock. I'll go to bed. In the middle of the night, my father came back. I ignored him and continued to sleep with me. But he came to my bedroom, lay down with me, and then fell asleep. oh dear! It's pressing my hair. My hands and legs are so crowded!

Now I can't sleep in my own bedroom. I cover my father with quilt and go to my mother's bedroom to sleep. I thought to myself, Dad, you are really worried!

Another time, I got 100 points in English. I was happy to tell my father that he rewarded me and bought me a small fan. In the afternoon, our class had a math test again. Don't mention it, I just got 82 points. When I got home, my father angrily asked me why I was so bad in the exam before he told him the score. I was about to face the challenge of my teeth and claws. Tears in my eyes fell down mischievously. Look, "good dad" has become "bad dad" again!

Today, I learned to dance in the morning. My father sent me to the dance class. When I came home, the teacher told my father that I danced better than before. My father kissed me happily, but in the afternoon, it was time to learn piano again. I didn't want to go. If I didn't go, if I didn't go, I wouldn't go. As a result, my father really beat me. Ouch! so painful! Do you beat your daughter like this?

Ah! You see my father is sometimes good or bad, but anyway, I know he loves me very much, so I love my father, whether he is a good father or a bad father.