Understanding Composition (16 Collections)
Misty rain passers-by
2024-05-28 02:30:37
Junior two

Understanding Composition (1)

My name is Zhang Yao. I'm ten years old and a primary school student. I am tall, with a head of soft black children's hair, and a pair of shiny black eyes flashing under my slender eyebrows.

In the morning, I was having breakfast. My mother took two eggs for me and then went to the kitchen again. I thought: How hard my mother works! You should eat more delicious food! So he took advantage of his mother's carelessness to peel the two eggs and put them in her lunch box.

After a while, my mother came back after finishing her work. Seeing the egg shells on the table, I thought I had eaten all the eggs. I then threw the eggshells into the garbage can, thinking that my mother would have eggs at noon, I was very happy. My mother is going to work. I hurried to the door and said goodbye to my mother happily.

My mother came back from work and said to me, "You are really a good and sensible child!"

Understanding Composition (2)

I remember always having conflicts with my mother since I entered junior high school. She said Dong. I insist on saying West. It seems that because of this, an insurmountable generation gap has gradually formed between us.

In the end, I carefully tried to use understanding to glue this crack.

At the end of last year, my brother took his sister-in-law home and the whole family was happy. Mom and Dad laughed too. Holding his brother's and sister-in-law's hands, he smiled and said that he was engaged in January of the year.

But happiness doesn't last long. There would be no more of this at home.

It seems that the sister-in-law from Yongjia is not used to eating our food at all. At first, I would come out to have some food in the first few days. But in the last two months, just call her, she

Not down. Lock yourself in the room all day long. Mother is also black for all this. After my sister-in-law left, my father told me that my sister-in-law didn't like the food here, but

I fell out with my mother because of a trivial matter. Since then, he has been unwilling to speak to his mother. Knowing all this, I looked at my mother sympathetically. But suddenly found that he was busy

It can't help.

Later, my mother couldn't help it. I want to break the love between my brother and sister-in-law from high school to now. This is the end. But the clever brother took his sister-in-law

Shanghai. I remember that night I stood outside and looked at my mother. Mother is crying. Under the white light, her twitching body shook with her hair. I saw a lot of white

Hair. At that moment, I hated that I had not grown up and could not protect my mother.

My brother left, and my mother was also hospitalized because of something. I made countless phone calls and sent countless text messages to my brother, but he was still indifferent and never called to ask about my mother's health.

I smiled bitterly. It doesn't matter, so don't care anymore. During my mother's stay in hospital, she often held my hand and talked, if you were like your brother. I have lived a very poor life.

It's too wimpy. The last time I heard this, I cried. No, Mom. unable. When you grow up, I will protect you and will not do these things. I wipe away tears and press my eyes hard

Do not want to let tears fall again. I want to be more sensible, just to let my mother know that I will grow up. When she grows up, she will protect her with her brother's share.

Therefore, I would like to have this wish. I will and must grow up well.

I am a student who is going to high school. Most of my family have never been worried about me because I was a naughty student since childhood. I talked to others in primary school and contradicted teachers. My parents always went to school with a sense of loss, and finally left school with an anger. I watched my parents come out of school, I knew I had something to do at home today. I always want to study hard to earn some breath for my family, but I always say what I want to say, and I can do nothing when I get to the actual action. Now my parents have taken great efforts to tell me about Yanjin No. 1 Middle School. I really want to change my fate in high school, but I don't have much confidence in myself. I'm afraid that I'm still the same as before, I can only talk about it, but when it comes to practical action, I have to shrink back. I'm really sorry for my parents, because my family is not rich, and my parents are farmers. But my parents, for my sake, took out the money they have worked hard for a year to pay my tuition fees. If I don't study hard, I really feel sorry for my conscience. I must work hard and study hard when I go to high school. No matter how hard I studied before, I will live up to my parents' expectations from now on.

Understanding Composition (3)

In the eyes of my family, I am a sensible child, and I also think so. What impressed me most was that incident.

When I was four years old, I remember once my mother went to work. After my grandma and I finished lunch, grandma said to me: "You sit here and watch TV, and I'll wash the dishes." "Oh, I know." After a long time, grandma hasn't come back, and I'm a little worried. Grandma's waist hurts when she stands for a long time. Thinking of this, I hurried to the kitchen to find Grandma. When I opened the kitchen door, I found Grandma sitting on the chair. So I went in and said to Grandma, "Grandma, if you don't come in and have a rest, I'll wash the bowl first, and then I'll beat your back, OK?" Grandma said with some misgivings, "Don't break the bowl." "Don't worry, I'll give it to you!" I replied simply. I helped Grandma into the room, and then ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. In a minute, I finished washing the bowl. I hurried to the house to beat my grandmother's back. After beating for a while, my hands were sore and my speed slowed down. Grandma asked with concern: "Are you tired?" "Not tired." "You are really a sensible child

After listening to Grandma's words, I can't say how beautiful I am!

Understanding Composition (4)

Growth is a wonderful journey. The weak can become strong, the weak can become strong, and the disobedient can become very sensible

I remember that it was a dark night, and the smell of lilies outside the window was very fresh. The wind blew through again and again. At this time, the door outside the house was opened, and the lights were also turned on. As soon as my mother came back, she would look at my room and my brother's room as soon as she entered the door. After watching it, she returned to the room. She coughed twice in the room, coughing carefully, Maybe Mom doesn't want us to hear.

The next morning, my mother had to go to work again, and didn't forget to tell us to drink soup when she left. When my mother was about to step out of the door, I called out, and then carefully asked: "Mom, can you ask for leave today to accompany us?" My mother said: "No, if I don't make money, who will support you?" I continued: "Can't just accompany this day?" "No," my mother said again. After hearing this, I was disappointed. My mother saw this and said helplessly, "Well, that's the day." I was so happy that I almost jumped up. I hurriedly asked my mother to go back to the room and lie on the bed. My mother looked puzzled and asked me, "Don't you want me to accompany you? Why do you want me to lie on the bed?" She said, about to get out of bed immediately, I hurried to let my mother lie down, and then I explained to my mother: "When my mother got up this morning, I saw your face was very pale, and I guess you must be sick. Even if you put on makeup, I can still see it." Hearing this sentence, my mother said: "You are more sensible today than usual."

I went to the kitchen to make ginger soup and let my mother drink it. When I drank it, my mother saw the knife edge and some red places on my hand and asked me, "How did you make the knife edge and red places on your hand?" I replied, "I should have accidentally scratched it when cutting ginger. As for the red one, it was hot." Then I urged my mother to drink the soup quickly. It would be bad if it was cold, My mother fell asleep after drinking. My hand still felt a little sore, but I was still very happy.

Originally, I am very sensible.

Understanding Composition (5)

Many people will have such a change, and that time, I understand.

On that day, my mother brought a box of moon cakes when she came home. She said, "My mother can't go home for several days. She has to go on a business trip. You usually go downstairs to eat at Grandma's house. If you are really hungry, eat some moon cakes! My mother will be back in a week." I nodded.

In the first two days, I couldn't resist the temptation of soft and sweet mooncakes and ate them one by one. When I picked up the last bean paste moon cake, I remembered my mother who was away on business. For this family, my mother spared no pains to travel around; But I am comfortable at home, eating and drinking, and my mother has paid so much for me, shouldn't I also care about my mother? Mother's favorite food is moon cakes filled with bean paste. Thinking of this, I immediately stopped tearing the package, put the moon cake in the fresh-keeping bag, carefully put it into the refrigerator, and only waited for my mother to surprise her when she got home.

I endured patiently for a week. Shortly after school, I heard the sound of "chug" and "squeak" opening the door, and my mother dragged her tired body into the house. I helped my mother to the sofa and said, "Mom, I used to only think about myself and never think about you. Now, you must be tired! I'll get something to eat."

After saying that, I took out the moon cake from the top of the refrigerator, and took a cup to make a pot of hot tea for my mother. My mother looked at me in surprise, slowly chewed the moon cake, reached out and touched my head, said: "I didn't expect that my daughter would grow up and be sensible when I went on a job." After drinking a sip of tea, she said: "It seems that we don't have this kind of tea in our family, right?" I smiled mischievously: "This is the tea I picked myself, and the recipe I found on the Internet. In fact, the material is very common, and it has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the heart!" My mother silently shed tears, hugged me in her arms, and kept saying: "I am sensible, I am sensible..."

That time, I learned to be considerate of my parents; That time, I was sensible.

Understanding Composition (6)

I am the baby of the family. My parents are the only daughter. Therefore, I enjoy privileges in this big family. This makes me never do anything for others from childhood to adulthood, and I can't remember to help others.

Once, my cousin and I were playing on the roadside. It was almost noon before we walked home. I found an uncle with disabled legs on the way, and his wheelchair fell into a puddle. He tried to turn the wheel, but it didn't work. He took his crutch and pestled it backwards, but it still didn't help. At noon, there was no one on the street. He was very worried and slapped his legs from time to time.

"Let's go and help him!" said my cousin eagerly.

"We are so young, we can't move. We'd better go home. If we are late, we should be scolded again."

"That's what you are. You never know how to help others."

After listening to my cousin's words, I remembered my mother's criticism of me, and felt ashamed and said, "OK." After that, we ran to the front of the car. My cousin said, "Uncle, your car is stuck in a puddle. Let's help you push it up." My uncle raised his red face and said gratefully, "That's very kind of you." So my cousin and I held the handle of the car and pushed it forward. My uncle turned the wheel vigorously. However, the pit was a bit deep, my uncle was too heavy, and our strength was too small, so the wheels were idling in the pit. What shall I do? I slapped my head and said, "Well, let's put some bricks in the pit." After that, my cousin and I picked up several bricks from the roadside. I hold the iron bar under the car with my hand and lift it up. The car moved a little, and my cousin immediately put the bricks in. I asked her again, and she padded it again... In this way, she padded seven bricks at a time. I said, "Uncle, I said one, two, three, and everyone worked hard together. Are you ready? One, two, three, go!" My cousin and I shouldered the back of the car, held the handlebar, and pushed forward with all our strength. Uncle also tried his best to turn the wheel. Just listen to "squeak... squeak... bang". The car moved for a while and finally climbed up from the pit! But we both fell into the puddle and splashed mud on our trousers. The uncle raised his head and tears filled his eyes. "Thank you very much, little friend." The uncle turned his head again and looked at me and praised me, "What a clever and kind boy he is." Hearing his uncle's words, I blushed, not only happy but also ashamed.

We ran home. As soon as we entered the door, before we could drink water, our cousin shouted, "Aunt, Liang Duo has helped!" She ignored my block and told her mother what had happened. Mom was very happy when she heard this: "Liang Duo has changed and made progress. This is a good starting point. You should continue to work hard!"

Yes, I am sensible. I should think about what kind of person to be! I want to become a completely different person from what I used to be.

Understanding Composition (7)

In the eyes of adults, I may always be a small, crying, ignorant baby, but I didn't know until after this incident that I had grown up.

I remember that it was a bitterly cold winter and the New Year that children all yearned for. I walked to my grandma's house with small steps and a happy mood, leaving my little footprints on the snow.

When I came to my grandma's house, I saw her busy as soon as I entered the door. She made dumplings, watched TV with her sick grandpa, played with her little brother, and sweat was flowing on her face. When I looked at my aunts, they were all talking and laughing and having fun. I had a bad time, Unable to help herself, she walked over and said, "Grandma, let me help you! Mom, I'll make dumplings, Mom! Please rest... Grandma's mouth couldn't close, she held me around and around, and said, "Baby is really sensible!" Then she gave me a chocolate in her mouth. I suddenly thought, "I am sensible! I am sensible!

After this incident, I finally understand that everything I do has a mark of understanding, but I didn't find it!

Understanding Composition (8)

Many people will have such a change, and that time, I understand.

On that day, my mother brought a box of moon cakes when she came home. She said, "My mother can't go home for several days. She has to go on a business trip. You usually go downstairs to eat at Grandma's house. If you are really hungry, eat some moon cakes! My mother will be back in a week." I nodded.

In the first two days, I couldn't resist the temptation of soft and sweet mooncakes and ate them one by one. When I picked up the last bean paste moon cake, I remembered my mother who was away on business. For this family, my mother spared no pains to travel around; But I am comfortable at home, eating and drinking, and my mother has paid so much for me, shouldn't I also care about my mother? Mother's favorite food is the moon cake filled with bean paste. Thinking of this, I immediately stopped tearing the package, put the moon cake in the fresh-keeping bag, carefully put it into the refrigerator, and only waited for my mother to surprise her when she got home.

I endured patiently for a week. Shortly after school, I heard the sound of "chug" and "squeak" opening the door, and my mother dragged her tired body into the house. I helped my mother to the sofa and said, "Mom, I used to only think about myself and never think about you. Now, you must be tired! I'll get something to eat."

After saying that, I took out the moon cake from the top of the refrigerator, and took a cup to make a pot of hot tea for my mother. My mother looked at me in surprise, slowly chewed the moon cake, reached out and touched my head, said: "I didn't expect that my daughter would grow up and be sensible when I went on a job." After drinking a sip of tea, she said: "It seems that we don't have this kind of tea in our family, right?" I smiled mischievously: "This is the tea I picked myself, and the recipe I checked on the Internet. In fact, the material is very common, and it has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the heart!" My mother silently shed tears, hugged me in her arms, and kept saying: "I am sensible, I am sensible..."

That time, I learned to be considerate of my parents; That time, I was sensible.

Understanding Composition (9)

At eight o'clock on Sunday morning, Xiaoming came to his mother's bedroom and asked, "How are you, Mom?" His mother said, "I'm fine." Xiaoming said again, "Mom, you are sick. Don't try to be brave again."

Xiaoming and his mother heard the sound of knocking at the door. Xiaoming said, "I'll open the door!" But Xiaogang held the ball in his hand and said, "Let's go play football!" Xiaoming thought, "If I leave, my mother can't find me." Xiaoming said, "I won't go, my mother is sick." Xiaogang said, "Then you go and take care of him. Goodbye." Xiaoming said, "Goodbye.". ”Xiaoming brought his mother a cup of boiled water, and his mother said, "Thank you!" Xiaoming said, "You're welcome. You should also pay attention to your health." Xiaoming brought his mother a banana, and then talked and laughed with her to amuse her.

Understanding Composition (10)

In my life, there are always many things happening: happiness and sadness. These things let me grow and understand. No longer like before, do not understand their parents, let oneself become a good son in their parents' hearts.

The most profound thing for me is that my uncle died. His children are only big, a fifth grade and a third grade. When I woke up in my sleep, my mother told me about my uncle's death. I couldn't believe it at that time: why did he walk around happily yesterday? I was so sad to see my cousin's eyes red and swollen, like walnuts. Although people are doomed to die, what about Second Aunt and her children? When I saw that they were strong and energetic, I felt relieved. But who knows how much courage they need, they step by step out of this difficulty. Especially my cousin, although he is in the third day of the junior high school, he is the most sensible and cooks when he comes home.

Sometimes I wonder, if it were me, would I be so strong and brave to face the reality? I don't think it will be accepted so soon. Maybe it is because they are full of feelings. Maybe they are not so brave. This event has made me grow up a lot and made me understand that people must face the reality. Although there is always something unsatisfactory, it is not a problem. This is just a test for you. Do you want to stay where you are, or do you not want to lag behind and catch up? This is a thin line. It depends on your choice.

You are not the only unfortunate person in life. Some people in the world die of hunger. Some people are still smiling when they are suffering from incurable diseases. Why can't I just because I'm not brave enough? No, that's an excuse. We must face life, reality and challenges bravely!

Life is a beautiful word. What kind of life would you choose? Don't escape, life will let you grow, let you have more knowledge. A constant escape will only make you become plain or even vulgar. Life is a thrilling journey that can make people grow up. It makes people understand, feel and shine. To like life is to encourage yourself to move forward.

Understanding Composition (11)

In the morning, I lay lazily in bed. Mom and Dad got up early, cleaned every corner of the room, and then began to "bomb" me: they kept calling me. Finally, my father took off my quilt. So I had to surrender and get out of bed reluctantly.

At this time, my mother began to nag: "Hurry up, I'll go to the restaurant to have dinner later." My eyes flashed, I brushed my teeth and washed my face with lightning speed, and ran down the stairs. Dad started his motorcycle and flew to the "Yipin Yellow Cattle" hotpot shop.

When I arrived, I saw grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, Kang and aunt present. I pulled my mother's sleeve and asked, "Mom, what day is today?" My mother said, "Don't forget that today is your grandmother's birthday!" Oh, I was at a loss. Quickly said to grandma: "Grandma, I wish you a happy birthday, happy as the East China Sea, life is better than Nanshan." Grandma said happily: "OK".

When the meal was served, I was about to move my chopsticks when my brother, Little Lejia, came over with a bottle of drink. I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to have a drink!" My mother said, "What kind of drink do you drink? You have tonsillitis these days, and you can't drink." "No, I want to drink." At this time, my father came over and slapped me. I ran into the bathroom with tears in my eyes.

My father followed me with a strong heart. Heart said to me, "Are you sick? I don't want you to drink for your own good. You should be sensible. Think about it!" Then turned and walked away.

After my father left, I regretted it. My parents treat me well, too. Don't drink when you are sick, or your illness will worsen. I understand my parents' love for me.

After a while, my mother came and said, "Let's go and buy a bottle of juice." I said to my mother, "Mom, I don't want it."

Yes, I'm in junior high school, and I should be sensible. From now on, I want to be a sensible child and live up to my parents' love for me. Dad, Mom, I love you.

Comment: The little writer told us about an event that happened during the celebration of Grandma's birthday, which made him sensible. There are two manifestations of ignorance in the article: sleeping late and drinking when sick. So that the emotional intensity increased step by step. After being beaten finally, I reflected and became sensible. This is a matter of course.

Understanding Composition (12)

A few days before the 20xx New Year, the streets and alleys were filled with festive atmosphere, but my father told me a bad news that my mother was ill - there was a tumor in her cervical spine, which needed surgery. The doctor said that the operation was very risky, which made our family's heart thump.

On the third day after the Spring Festival, my mother had an operation, which was very successful. The big stone in my heart finally landed. Two weeks later, my mother was discharged from hospital. The doctor said that my mother would stay in bed for three months. On the day I came home, I looked at my mother's tired body. Her gentle and beautiful eyes had crow's feet. At this moment, my mother's busy figure appeared in front of me every day. I've never seen her idle. My daily work has been very busy, but I have to do a lot of housework every day when I go home, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the room, helping me with my homework, practicing the piano and learning English. Now my mother is ill and my father is busy with his work, so I must take good care of her from now on. My mother lay in bed and was lonely all day long. I accompanied her every day after finishing my homework. I wanted to tell her some "brain teasers" and happy things I heard at school, often making her laugh. My mother sometimes frowns because of backache. I quickly gave her a massage. My mother was thirsty, so I quickly poured water for her. Sometimes when I am tired, I will have a rest on the chair for a while, and then continue to take care of my mother. At this time, my mother always said to me with concern: "Come on, tired!"! There's no need to stay here with me. Go and play! I'm much better now. "I know my mother is very distressed and I deliberately said this, so I continued to stay with my mother. After taking care of my mother, I learned to cook by myself. I remember once, I first panned rice, then put the washed rice into the rice cooker to measure water, finally plugged in the electricity, and pressed the switch. Soon, the rice was ready. Then I began to make" cabbage stewed with tofu ". Since I was not much taller than the stove, I couldn't pour water into the pot, so I moved a stool and stood on it. But accidentally, the stool fell down, and I fell heavily on the ground, throwing a small basin of water on myself. At this time, I cried in a low voice for a while, then wiped away my tears and climbed onto the bench again. After more than a month, my mother looked much better under my careful care, and she could get out of bed and walk with a neck brace. Although my arms are still sour every day, my heart is as sweet as honey because I learned to take care of my mother. Yes, since my mother fell ill, I have become more and more sensible, and more and more aware of: "But how much love there is inch long grass, I won three Chunhui." After that, I will study hard, consciously learn, listen to my mother's words, let her worry less. With the filial piety of "the lamb kneels down and the crow feeds back", we can support a clear sky for our mother.

Understanding Composition (13)

I remember that it was a bitterly cold winter and the New Year that children all yearned for. I walked to my grandma's house with small steps and a happy mood, leaving my little footprints on the snow

When I came to my grandma's house, I saw her busy as soon as I entered the door. She made dumplings, watched TV with her sick grandpa, played with her little brother, and sweat was flowing on her face. When I looked at my aunts, they were all talking and laughing and having fun. I had a bad time, Unable to help herself, she walked over and said, "Grandma, let me help you! Mom, I'll make dumplings, Mom! You can rest... Grandma's mouth can't even close with a smile. She held me around and around, and said, "Little baby is really sensible!" Then she gave me a chocolate in her mouth. I suddenly thought, "I am sensible! I am sensible!

After this incident, I finally understand that everything I do has a mark of understanding, but I didn't find it!

Mom, I understand

Three years ago, I had a happy family, but unfortunately, I came here one after another. An unexpected car accident killed my father's young life, and my mother became ill for one year. Later, due to the poor efficiency of the factory, my mother stayed on without pay to sell vegetables to maintain the family life.

I have always been competitive since I was young. When I saw my classmates buy beautiful schoolbags, I wanted them; When I see who has good reference books and magazines, I also want to... Well, the "June 1" Children's Day is coming. I think students will wear beautiful new clothes to participate in the school sports meeting, so I also pester my mother to buy a set for me. Mom said, "OK, I found a job in a restaurant again, and I will buy it for you in two days. But you have to eat by yourself in the evening."

That day after school, I hurried to finish the food my mother prepared for me, and carefully finished my homework. I thought: Go to the restaurant to see my mother!

At the door of the restaurant, I saw my mother working hard, carrying many dishes with her hands, shuttling through the crowd. I thought: She hasn't eaten yet... Just then, my mother suddenly fainted. "Mom!" I rushed into the restaurant and helped my mother up. At this time, a person who came to help quickly pinched the human middle acupoint of his mother. My mother slowly opened her eyes. She took a long breath, looked at me, and said in a weak and hoarse voice, "Yang Yang, here we are." I poured some water for my mother, helped her sit up, and helped her trim her slightly disordered hair. At this time, I saw that my mother's black hair had several strands of white hair, and many wrinkles had crept on her pale and no longer beautiful face. The wind and rain had made her white and tender hands very rough. Seeing all this, my tears burst into my eyes. I said to my mother, "Take a rest and I'll do it." I finished all the work my mother wanted to do.

On the way home, I said to my mother, "Mom, I don't want new clothes. I'm sensible now." Without saying anything, my mother touched my head with her hand and hugged me more tightly

The so-called summer vacation should be a chance for students to play crazily, but the teachers didn't think so. So they left some additional homework as a matter of course. Every little makes a mickle. The homework of several subjects can't be counted with ten fingers

It's really a headache to do homework. I don't say I'm a good student, because I'm too lazy to do homework. But I can't help it. What should I do if I don't do it? After all, I have to hand it in. I often plan to finish all my homework in a short time when I just have a holiday, but I always just start my homework, I don't know what to do again. My comment to myself is: lack of perseverance, theorem and endurance in learning... In the new semester, we must apply those good learning methods to the real learning life, and can't talk on paper any more!

During the holidays, my classmates and I went out to play many times, and there were many things to play, such as swimming, playing badminton, watching movies, and so on... We also went to the paradise. Since it had been a long holiday when we went, there was no one. We were very lucky to play many popular facilities, and played many things that we didn't dare to play before. Maybe it's because I can't keep face in front of my classmates, so no matter how unbearable the facilities are, they all come down with the words "I thought it was more exciting, but actually it's not......"

In life, I have worked hard to overcome some shortcomings, such as watching TV at meals, playing computer too long, not liking to play outside, not liking to do housework, staying up late, and so on. These habits can not be changed, but they all use the power of nine bulls and two tigers. Sometimes I wipe the floor, although not voluntarily; Sometimes the quilt is folded, although not as well as in military training; When there is a guest at home, I will bring him tea and water, although I know he won't drink much... As adults often say to us, after a year, he will grow up and be more sensible than before

Another summer vacation is coming to an end. I made a study plan, but the poor piece of paper seemed to be abandoned on the table. My laziness defeated it again. The holidays that should have been used well are lazy and wasted. It's no use blaming yourself for this now. It is serious to study hard in the new semester. In the new semester, I must overcome my laziness in learning and make a leap in performance. Although these are unlikely to be achieved, I will say that this is my goal to continue to develop!

I will adjust my attitude towards the good semester in the few days left. After all, a good start is half the battle!

Understanding Composition (14)

When I was young, I was a very ignorant child, so I made many jokes, making my mother laugh, while my brother was very sensible. I remember one time when my mother took me shopping, when she saw a favorite dress, she went to the fitting room to try on it. Before going in, she repeatedly told me, "Yao Yao, mom, go in to try on clothes, and you must not run around!" I said happily, "OK, mom, I will never run around!" At that time, I thought it would not take long to try on clothes, but I didn't think, My mother tried on the clothes for a long time, and I was impatient. I ran to other fitting rooms to hide and wanted to be angry with my mother. Unexpectedly, my mother didn't see me after she came out. I thought she was abducted by a bad person, so I called 110 immediately. When I arrived at 110, I kept some people at each entrance and exit, while others came to me separately. My mother was so worried that she cried because she hadn't seen me for so long. At that time, I thought to myself, "Am I going out?"? Or not going out? Finally, my mother found me in the fitting room, hugged me tightly and said, "Yao Yao, I finally found you!" If it were my brother now, he would immediately wipe my mother's tears and comfort my mother. Instead of wiping my mother's tears, I said, "How can you be so delicate and cry when something happens?" Later, influenced by my brother, I became sensible. I was so young and ignorant in my childhood, but now I am so sensible. It is time that has changed me, and it is my mother's love that has changed me. Class 224 of Torch School: Zhu Yaojia

Understanding Composition (15)

When I came to my grandma's house, I saw her busy as soon as I entered the door. She made dumplings, watched TV with her sick grandpa, played with her little brother, and sweat was flowing on her face. When I looked at my aunts, they were all talking and laughing and having fun. I had a bad time, Unable to help herself, she walked over and said, "Grandma, let me help you! Mom, I'll make dumplings, Mom! You can rest... Grandma's mouth can't even close with a smile. She held me around and around, and said, "Little baby is really sensible!" Then she gave me a chocolate in her mouth. I suddenly thought, "I am sensible! I am sensible!

After this incident, I finally understand that everything I do has a mark of understanding, but I didn't find it!

Mom, I understand

Three years ago, I had a happy family, but unfortunately, I came here one after another. An unexpected car accident killed my father's young life, and my mother became ill for one year. Later, due to the poor efficiency of the factory, my mother stayed on without pay to sell vegetables to maintain the family life.

I have always been competitive since I was young. When I saw my classmates buy beautiful schoolbags, I wanted them; When I see who has good reference books and magazines, I also want to... Well, the "June 1" Children's Day is coming. I think students will wear beautiful new clothes to participate in the school sports meeting, so I also pester my mother to buy a set for me. Mom said, "OK, I found a job in a restaurant again, and I will buy it for you in two days. But you have to eat by yourself in the evening."

That day after school, I hurried to finish the food my mother prepared for me, and carefully finished my homework, thinking: Go to the restaurant to see my mother!

At the door of the restaurant, I saw my mother working hard, carrying many dishes with her hands, shuttling through the crowd. I thought: She hasn't eaten yet... Just then, my mother suddenly fainted. "Mom!" I rushed into the restaurant and helped my mother up. At this time, a person who came to help quickly pinched the human middle acupoint of his mother. My mother slowly opened her eyes. She took a long breath, looked at me, and said in a weak and hoarse voice, "Yang Yang, here we are." I poured some water for my mother, helped her sit up, and helped her trim her slightly disordered hair. At this time, I saw that my mother's black hair had several strands of white hair, and many wrinkles had crept on her pale and no longer beautiful face. The wind and rain had made her white and tender hands very rough. Seeing all this, my tears burst into my eyes. I said to my mother, "Take a rest and I'll do it." I finished all the work my mother wanted to do.

On the way home, I said to my mother, "Mom, I don't want new clothes. I'm sensible now." Without saying anything, my mother touched my head with her hand and hugged me more tightly

Understanding Composition (16)

On a hot afternoon, the mother crow was sick. She lay in bed to rest. The little crow patiently accompanied her mother.

The little crow said, "Do you feel pain now?" The mother crow said, "I don't feel pain. I will get well after a few days' rest. You don't have to worry!" The little crow wiped his tears and stopped crying. The crow thought to himself, "It was my mother who took care of me. Now I want to take care of my mother." He flew out quickly. He flew over mountains and grass. When he arrived at the orchard, he began to look for apples everywhere. When he picked the first apple with his mouth, he saw it was big and red. Then he put the apple in the basket, and his heart was happy. After a while, he saw a basket full of apples in his basket. After picking it, he flew home with the basket and gave it to his mother to eat. He thought, "As long as my mother eats more fruit, my mother's disease will soon be cured."

The crow flew home and gave the biggest and reddest apple to his mother. The mother smiled happily and said, "When you grow up, you will know how to be grateful!" The crow said, "You took care of me when I was young. Now I grow up and can finally take care of you."

Sure enough, my mother recovered after a few days.

Students "filial piety first" and "true love everywhere."

[The sensible crow]

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a small crow and its mother. Once, the mother crow was ill, and the little crow sat beside her mother's bed, taking care of her mother crow carefully.

When the little crow saw his mother lying in bed, sick, the little crow worried and asked her mother: "Mom, are you all right?" The mother crow said: "It's all right, child, mother will be fine after a few days of rest."

The crow wanted his mother to get better early, so he went out to pick fruit for her. Little crows flew over mountains and rivers. Finally, when he arrived at the orchard, the crow saw the big red apples, picked them with his mouth and put them in the basket. Soon, the basket was full, so he flew home happily with the basket. He thought, I must fly back quickly so that my mother can eat the fresh fruit I picked in time.

Upon returning home, the mother crow saw the little crow holding the fruit in her hand and said happily, "My child, you are really sensible." The little crow said, "Mom, you took care of me when I was a child. Now that I have grown up, let me take care of you!" The mother crow was happy to hear that.

Soon, the mother crow recovered from her illness, and the little crow smiled happily.

Through this story, I understand that love is mutual. I also want to learn from the crows and do what I can for my parents.