Writing about junior high school in spring (11 excellent articles)
The faint fragrance assails people
2023-12-30 09:29:40
junior middle school

Write about junior high school in spring (1)

The color of spring is really colorful, the sun is red, the sky is blue, the tree tops are green, and the winter jasmine is yellow... No wonder poets love to sing about spring, and painters love to describe spring, because spring is the fusion of all the beauty in the world, and the general meeting of all colors. I wonder why the colorful colors come to the earth in spring?

The rain in spring is continuous and soft. It moistens the earth, touches the earth, and calls the earth in a low voice. When people do not know it, they quietly converge into a river and pool. Ah, it is spring rain that brings green life to the pool.

Wind and rain always come together. In early spring, the cold wind wakes up everything. The tree tops are green, the earth is green, and even the platform of high-rise buildings is green. Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty wrote, "The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river." How well he said it! But more than "green"?

Under the wind, the wild flowers all over the mountains and slopes opened their eyes, one, two, one cluster, two clusters...... Connected into a sea. In the face of this blue, red, yellow... magnificent color ocean, people have no worries and no depression. Thanks for the color of spring, which brings us upward strength and confidence.

Look at the sky in spring again. How come the sky is also colorful and dazzling? Ah, that's the kites that children fly. Under the blue sky and white clouds, kites of various shapes are fluttering and flying freely. What a refreshing sight! Spring belongs to children, and the sky belongs to children. But they are also trying to dress up the spring and add the color of spring?

However, if you lean down to look closely, you will find that there are sporadic withered and yellow in the pleasing colors, which are the traces left by the end of winter. You may sigh: "It's really a fly in the ointment!" Yes, who will have a good mood when looking at those broken stems and dejected grass? However, you might as well cut off the withered and yellow winter clothes, and you will have more novel discoveries, hey! It's green inside! The original appearance of withered and yellow grass is also pregnant, pregnant with a more beautiful spring.

I finally understand why the color of spring is so rich: it is the paintbrush in the hands of spring girl who waves diligently; It is childish children who dress up innocently; It is the neglected grass that silently breeds. People who are enjoying the color of spring, what have you contributed to the color of spring?

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (2)

In a twinkling, the severe winter has passed away, and spring has quietly come to the world. Spring is a beautiful season full of poetry; Spring also means a vigorous start. Since ancient times, poets have loved spring and praised it because of its pleasant scenery and poetry everywhere. Walking through the ancient poetry garden, I saw that the Yongchun poems were so colorful and colorful that I couldn't catch a glimpse of them. I picked a few at random and read them slowly. I was unconsciously intoxicated with them.

"The light thunder falls on thousands of threads in one night, and the bright floating tiles are uneven. The sentimental peony contains spring tears, and the powerless rose lies on the dawn branch." This is the Spring Day by Qin Guan, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. This poem is about spring scenery after rain. Look at the courtyard after the rain, the morning mist is thin, the green tiles are crystal clear, and the spring is bright; The peony leaves tears in the rain, and the roses lie on the branches, beautiful and charming. There are close views, distant views, movements and stillness, feelings and postures, random stippling and scattered. The whole poem has a fresh and graceful charm, which is very attractive.

"In the morning, there are songbirds in the trees and red and green trees in the spring. Suddenly, there are good poems, and syntax is hard to find." This is the Spring Day by Chen Yuyi, a poet of the Song Dynasty. This poem describes the scenery of spring morning. The ears are full of birds singing, the eyes are full of green branches, green and red are supporting each other, and the fragrance is attractive. With only a few strokes, a picture of spring is displayed in front of the readers. Then, the poet simply stops writing, stops describing the spring scenery, and turns to lyricism. The spring is full of inspiration, but the treacherous poet lures the readers to feel the spring by using the evasive words of "hard to find". This method of combining the false and the real leaves a lot of imagination space for the readers.

"The distant eyes follow the sky, and the setting sun shines on the trees. Where do dogs bark? People walk in the middle of the mountain." This is the Spring Day by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. This poem is about the scenery in the spring evening. The setting sun drapes over the trees, the green land meets the sky, the dogs chirp, and people return late. This poem is natural and appropriate, showing ingenuity and wonder in the ordinary. It brings readers into the panoramic atmosphere of spring, where there is the beauty of spring, the gorgeous color of spring, the strong flavor of spring, and the harmony of the sound of spring. People will open their hearts and sing heartily.

"Young swallows fly in the spring water, and wasps fly back to the flowers with their small tails. The window contains a far-off color poster, and fish hold incense and hook near the rock." This is the "South Garden" by Li He, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The spring of Nanyuan is full of vitality and interest. When the spring water comes into being, the baby swallows begin to fly, the bees gather flowers to make honey, and the fish hold the hooks to look for food. These are all scenery with spring characteristics. The distant view goes straight into the study through the window, making people feel comfortable and happy. This poem is vivid, fresh and flowing, which makes people feel fresh and relaxed.

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (3)

In the early winter, the maple leaves were all red. When the wind blew, the leaves fell like some petals.

Since winter came, when we left school at 5:00 every day, the sky seemed to be getting late. By 6:00, it was almost dark, and the moon was very dim, almost invisible. Therefore, there is no moonlight on the street. Although there are street lights and lights from shops on the street, I always feel uncomfortable without moonlight. I always feel that something is missing, and my heart is itching.

Although there is a sun in winter, the dazzling light does not exist at all. It looks like a round egg yolk hanging there. When I saw the sun, I felt that what the sun brought was just a little light, and even the warm breath was much less, lacking some masculinity.

Every winter, a thin layer of fog, like huge cotton, covers the school and other tall buildings, which looks indistinct.

It's a pity that it doesn't snow in Ningbo in winter, otherwise you can have a snowball fight. If it snows heavily, the lake will freeze, and you can go skating on the lake, your heart will be as pure and smooth as the lake, without any distractions.

As the saying goes, "A hole with a needle's nose is big enough to catch the wind." Now I realize that when the wind blows, my whole body will tremble. composition

The trees blown by the wind, bare branches, sway in the cold wind, like bony hands facing the sky. The wind is still blowing, the dead branches on the trees are shaking, and the sand particles are swirling in the air.

Just after 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had already put away its light, as if afraid of the cold, and had gone into the clouds as thick as cotton. By 7 o'clock, the thick black clouds were like broken wadding, hanging upside down over the city. The cold wind blew and swept the ground with dead leaves and paper scraps, which made the scene even more bleak.

Walking on the street, there are few green plants, only those pines and cypresses near and far have some green, which makes people feel particularly eye-catching.

I really hope that the cold winter will pass quickly and the warm spring will come soon.

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (4)

The color of spring is really colorful, the sun is red, the sky is blue, the tree tops are green, and the winter jasmine is yellow. No wonder poets love to sing about spring, and painters love to describe spring, because spring is the integration of all the beauty in the world, and the general meeting of all colors. I wonder why the colorful colors come to the earth in spring?

The rain in spring is continuous and soft. It moistens the earth, touches the earth, and calls the earth in a low voice. When people do not know it, they quietly converge into a river and pool. Ah, it is spring rain that brings green life to the pool.

Wind and rain always come together. In early spring, the cold wind wakes up everything. The tree tops are green, the earth is green, and even the platform of high-rise buildings is green. Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty wrote that the spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river. How well said! But more than just green?

Under the wind, the wild flowers all over the mountains and slopes opened their eyes. One, two, one cluster, two clusters connected into a piece and merged into a sea. Faced with the sea of blue, red and yellow colors, people are no longer worried or depressed. Thanks for the color of spring, which brings us upward strength and confidence.

Look at the sky in spring again. Why is the sky so colorful that it dazzles people? Ah, that's the kites that children fly. Under the blue sky and white clouds, kites of various shapes are fluttering and flying freely. What a refreshing sight! Spring belongs to children, and the sky belongs to children. But they are also trying to dress up the spring and add the color of spring?

But if you lean down and look carefully, you will find that there are sporadic withered and yellow in the eye-catching color, which is the mark left by the end of winter. You may sigh: It is really a fly in the ointment! Yes, looking at those broken stems and dejected grass, who will have a good mood? But, you might as well cut off the withered and yellow winter clothes, and you will have more novel discoveries, hey! It's green inside! The original appearance of withered and yellow grass is also pregnant, pregnant with a more beautiful spring.

I finally understand why the color of spring is so rich: it is the paintbrush in the hands of spring girl who waves diligently; It is childish children who dress up innocently; It is the neglected grass that silently breeds. People who are enjoying the color of spring, what have you contributed to the color of spring?

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (5)

The autumn leaves fall and the autumn rain pours. I don't understand that it is the mood that caters to this season, or the season that caters to the mood. Time seems so deserted. The yard I admire has propped up my life. The remnants of the past, which is full of laughter and laughter, have supported my belief in my heart and chased life one way after another. And you just left.

The street corner still remains the fragrance of that day, only sighing that things have passed away.

When the wind blows through this season, it forgets my existence. Everything is so natural. Then it seems that there is no seed for my survival from the beginning, and what sprouts is just an illusion.

At the end of the wind, there is still your figure, sigh only sigh, from the moment you left, those perfect are destined to become memories.

You said that no matter where you are, you will remember my appearance and my smile, but now you are in your paradise. Do you still remember me?

With the time we spent together, we built a ladder and paved pebbles to heaven. We want to mail the treasured and past summer to you. Can you receive it?

Since the moment that thing called 'heart' allowed you to come to my world, it was destined for a lifetime... but that is, you obeyed the fate and abandoned me‘ Enjoying the so-called baptism of heaven. Are you all right there?

Without you by my side, crying, who will wipe the tears? And life seems to lack something. Your departure is as merciless as running water. You can understand that the fall of autumn flowers is still intentional. Do you understand?

Wandering at the corner of the street where you meet, looking for your trace in the endless crowd, for a long time, a smile rises, and that figure and that breath are engraved with your unique signboard, running to your side there, waiting for your embrace. But I was wrong, wrong as that. Absurd, I can't even tell it is you. Will you blame me?

I'm afraid you will forget me, so I engrave our every day and every second in my heart, and read it again and again when I think of you and when I don't think of you, hoping you can hear it. But, you, do you hear?

I know you won't come back, but I'm still looking forward to it foolishly. I hope you will come back and live in reality with the steps of the next spring, but I just like to be cheated, because only when you are cheated, you will be beside me. Do you feel it?

Your leaving has deeply branded me with a pain. I thought that time could heal it, but I didn't expect that time has gone, and the scar is still there. Do you have heartache?

Close your eyes, want to say goodbye to you, want to retreat from the pain of the past, in a moment, do not want to see your shadow, clearly tell yourself to forget you, why the heart is still cracking pain. Then even your tears are engraved with your everything. If I forget you, do you hate me?

But that is, how to do? I can't forget you.

The wind blew and the rain fell. At the next intersection, I will still wait for you, but will you come?

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (6)

Spring is beautiful, with verdant bud trees - already alive and kicking, growing on gray branches, green, fresh and clear, making the gray world welcome the vitality and jump of spring and prepare for lasting life.

The trumpet flower beside the window is bright and light, and then sets off its existence among the clusters of flower stamens that are clear and mixed with hazy yellow and earthy yellow, adding color to the world.

People are always ready to welcome the arrival of spring and its richness and joy. It seems that they can't wait, but they are used to changing their clothes in a safe way. They work step by step in the waiting process, with little decoration. They seize their own feeling, and show their own laying, display and jumping. Individuality goes with the feeling, which is somewhat far fetched. The arrangement of the public has become a kind of procedure, which is a trend. It is not easy to grasp it. It is lonely and gloomy. It seems to have no taste, no freshness, no vitality, and no freshness; Even the heart is mixed with a heavy or light stimulus ripple, which depends on personal preference and stability.

If I only become the weight of a leaf, I want to be the one facing the sky. When the sun shines, I can look at the sky and the earth. What is important is not to be eroded, but will regret the short life, swaying and drifting; In fact, it is just breathing with no pressure, hoping that some small wind can blow me lightly. At least it has two different worlds from the tree root, and the difference in feeling is also wonderful, although it is also light.

The thickness of the previous tree; A person's freedom; The mighty, roaring, and rolling waves of the river are often the inner cleansing—— It is calm and cool with big trees; It has the lightness and compassion of triviality and wandering branches and leaves; It also has the free and logical fantasy and intoxication of previous people

In spring, everything has a beginning of life: people imagine that there is an abundance of spring and a good beginning and end of life. At least in this year, the four seasons go back and forth, winter goes to spring, summer comes to spring, summer flourishes and autumn harvests, until the germination of life, and they are ready to step forward (or stop to enjoy flowers or pleasing to the eyes): either light and graceful, or vigorous and brisk, or hurried The heart is full of fullness and joy.

In this spring, I picked up my whole pieces and fragments, left, west and east, muddy, patched up, collected fragments, sporadically, selflessly, truly, affectionately and magnanimously interpreting the existence I want to have. I don't know whether I am powerless or wandering, but it is clear that it is empty. The sky is full of emptiness. Even if there are colorful colors and actual information, it has nothing to do with my reality.

The location in my heart reminds me of the beauty of spring for the first time, and often the weight of the whole block makes me feel that it blocks the fluency of previous life, which may be true wealth; Respect for life, respect for people, should have a complete process, have an individual (sex) existence, come to the world equally, have life equally, and be placed in the ground plane and space of the world equally; In addition, there is the genuine gaze and vision. What can I do when I am really scared, exhausted, powerless, and overwhelmed? That's just me, some people, some things, that's all. Action and thinking are intertwined, and reality and ideological understanding are foreshadowed and coexist; Remember the thoughts of Marxism Leninism; The first thing to do in material action is not to let the initial cognition of recognition change one or two in the middle of the worry.

Spring is expected to have a good space for expansion. Although, in the past, there was a deluge of self illusions. Although my mind was only immersed in feelings of love, as well as past life and youth, it is just the beginning of my life to return to this spring. This spring season cannot be messy!

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (7)

I felt the charm of the tram when I was a student. Like many people of my age, I spent my schooling time in the swaying and leisurely tram. After work, the unit and home are not far from the tram stop. In the words of the property developer, where there is a tram stop, there is a home. In the coming and going between home and work, I sit on the tram, and then enjoy the noise and chaos of the city and the unique flavor of the city brought to me by the tram.

In the memory of the tram, there is a row of simple wooden seats near the window in the window, which is elegant like a group of log furniture, giving a warm feeling of home; Above the seat is a ring that can be held by hand. When the tram starts or brakes, the person holding the ring will shake from side to side or scream. These true or false expressions, actions and screams often make the passengers around involuntarily follow them with fear or a smile. The hard work and fatigue of the day disappear in an instant, and then the journey home seems simple and short.

At night, the tram slowly drove through the blocks and squares, clattering, filled with a sense of quiet and deep seclusion, which made people quietly experience the tranquility and health of urban life. Maybe this is the real taste of Dalian night. There are two classic lines of Dalian tram. The tram from Shahekou Railway Station to Dalian Railway Station is suitable for taking in the daytime, and you can feel the bustle and prosperity of urban life. This line passes through commercial areas and residential areas, with fashionable commercial atmosphere, old streets, old alleys and old houses, and the taste of earthly life is very strong. From Xinggong Street to Hekou, it is a line with strong cultural atmosphere. Traveling along the coast, you can see the Xinghai Square Business District, Scenic Area, and the old buildings that have not been renovated. The prosperity and simplicity reflect each other, making people feel as if they are experiencing the transformation of time and space and the flow of time.

Dalian's tram has become a scenic spot of romantic urban life. Whenever I sit in a car with a strong urban atmosphere and respond to simple and elegant advertisements, fresh and pleasant stickers or warm prompts, I have a quiet feeling, that is, the feeling of quiet nostalgia, which is very like the scene of an old movie, the old street: then in an old city, the smell of lemon gradually dissipates in the mottled trees passing by the tram

Zhang Ailing said that people who are more poetic than I are listening to the pines on their pillows and the tsunami. I had to hear the tram to sleep soundly.

Taking a tram in Dalian is a very poetic thing. Maybe a young woman in fashionable clothes who passes you when you get on and get off the bus is a warm and lovely heroine in a classic novel, and that tram is just like a "train" heading for spring.

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (8)

Fifteen is the spring of life. We plant hope in our hearts; Fifteen years old is the spring of life, full of endless fantasy. Fifteen years old, with a touch of bitterness, because fifteen years old, we will all face parting.

Many years ago, I didn't remember your face. It was the first time we met. It was so special. When I came back from Zhejiang and passed your house, I met you. The toys in my hands made me lose sight of your face. I was used to impoliteness and took away the toys in your hands. Because of this, we knew each other, but left a bad impression on each other. At that time, you and I were only four years old. We didn't know what friendship was, but we were inseparable.

Until the third grade of primary school, we were still the same as before, and our friends envied others. We have our own strong points. We walk together after school every day, and our grades are also excellent. The students give us almost the same things. They just don't know that there is a childish heart under our cute appearance. We used to sit in front of the TV, imagine ourselves in the future, talk about some strange problems, which you may remember, but I would giggle whenever I thought about it.

That item, you of Libra and I of Scorpio will be so similar. Later, I learned that the so-called similarity is just mutual imitation, mutual trust and dependence. I forgot the year when you took me to watch Happy Camp and Day by Day. Since then, we have been watching TV every week; Forgot in which year, we laughed and cried together with them on TV; I forgot the year when you told me about the love between Xie Na and Zhang Jie. Since then, I have the position of sister Na and brother Jie in my heart; Forgot the year when we first had conflicts... Do you still remember these?

In all, we have known each other for eleven years. In the twinkling of an eye, we are all old. But now, we seldom contact each other. Every time we meet, we just say hello. Every time you come to me, although we still fight like that, we are not as carefree as before. You are more sad and sad than before. We will all face the high school entrance exam. This life turning point will separate us once again. After the high school entrance exam, we will go our separate ways.

When I came home that day, I told you that distance was not a problem. We would be together. I was always by your side and never left.

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (9)

I like the spring when everything recovers, and I prefer the spring when summer seems to be coming but not yet. In the warm spring, there are always days when the weather is not obedient and we should start to get up early.

In the sun, close your eyes and feel the breeze blowing through your hair. Let the sun shine on your face like a hug. Stay with friends. Slide down the slide, sit on the soft grass, lean against the white goal, and cheer for every goal, because it is our honor.

The air is warm, neither dry nor stuffy, but warm with a trace of cool. Take off the heavy coat, leaving only the sky blue shirt. Roll up your sleeves to expose your fair skin. It's better to have some suntan spots. Chase and fight with friends, play football, shoot a basket, stop and drink the fresh water from the water cooler.

On the school bus, ask the driver to open the window. After a tiring day, I spread my hair, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, put on white earphones, separated the noise, and turned my mood into clean white. The blue wind blew into the window, calmed the hot students and woke the sleepy students.

Spring is always moody. On the way home, a drizzle came down on my face, hands and sleeves. The rain in spring is gentle, washing away the dreariness and refreshing the green leaves. Listen, the birds are calling again, and the sun is smiling again. People know that it will continue to smile, because spring is coming. The days get longer, and before the night can cover the city, it will be driven away by the dawn.

At night, by the lotus pond, I can hear frogs calling and gurgling occasionally, which is like a lullaby, soothing the sleeping people.

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (10)

Spring, accompanied by the continuous drizzle, makes people think. Through the ages, many people have described the rhythm of spring. Yes, spring is a beautiful season, a colorful season, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, all in this unusual spring.

Look, the red, yellow and blue wild flowers on the roadside are competing to see who is more beautiful, who is more gorgeous, and who is the worthy flower leader in spring. Look, rape flower has also come to join in the fun. She shows off her golden dancing clothes, and looks like a princess in a gorgeous gown. On the contrary, peach flower and fruit tree flower appear pure! Peach blossom is like a young girl in love. She is shy and in love with the person she likes. Fruit tree flower is a fairy in white, dancing in the air. Xiaocaoyun sucks the milk moistened by the spring rain, as if he wants to grow up quickly and compare with the big trees. He is green and delicate, like a green spirit. Dashu also refused to obey. She did not want to be a foil for flowers, but also changed into green clothes. She wanted to let others know that she was the messenger and representative of spring and the source of green. The earth is willing to stoop to the stage and let the flowers show their style to their heart's content. Miss Feng dances happily for the flowers, while Miss Rain sprinkles bright pearls, inlaid with green fields, and adorns the stage of thousands of mountains and valleys. The children played a cheerleading role for the flowers with their kite strings. The blue sky and white clouds put on their feather coats and watched the grand performance in the sky. She was the most loyal audience of the flowers.

Listen to the sound of gurgling water, and the brook has come to accompany us. The bees hum songs, the birds chirp love songs, and the farmers in the field rummage the land. It seems that I hear the sound of earthworms turning over

Take a deep breath, the air is filled with the smell of new land, and the flowers are also unwilling to be outdone, emitting bursts of body odor, attracting countless pedestrians.

Ah! Spring is really a beautiful season, full of flowers, birds singing and flowers fragrance, in this unusual spring

Writing about Junior High School in Spring (11)

The spring in March is beautiful. She comes to the world quietly by riding the breeze, warm and light footsteps. She opens her arms, dances with her fingers, spreads green on the earth, inserts flowers on the branches, and brings color to the earth.

The rain in spring is continuous and soft. It moistens the earth and touches the earth. Before people know it, she quietly wakes the sleeping earth. Only after a few drizzle. Green grass and colorful flowers gather like a market, like a carpet woven by a skillful weaver. The willow tree shows green buds, and the soft branches like silk dance in the spring breeze. Swing gently in the air, looking far away like wisps of green smoke fluttering in the wind. The trees pulled out new branches and grew green leaves. There are countless beautiful flowers emerging from among the leaves. How elegant these flowers are dotted with simple branches! The snow on the mountain melts and forms a spring water. The clear water collides with the rocks, making a ringing sound like a bell, ding dong... The music played in the spring swirls in the quiet valley.

The sky in spring looks particularly clean, extremely blue. Only a few pieces of gauze like light clouds stick flat in the sky, just like a girl, wearing beautiful blue summer clothes, but surrounded by an absolutely light white scarf! Here little swallows come from the south. They are chirping in the breeze and sunshine. Playing the hymn of spring adds a lot of vitality to the spring scenery. Ah, the earth is laughing!

Look, why is the sky so colorful and dazzling this day? Ah, it's the children's kites. Under the reflection of the blue sky and white clouds, the kites of various shapes are fluttering and flying freely. How refreshing! The children's hearts fly with the kites

Why is spring so colorful? It is the paintbrush in the hands of spring girl who waves diligently, the childish children who dress up innocently, and the earth that silently breeds... Ah, I love spring!