Beginning of Summer Solar Term (16 Collections)
Life is a play
2024-04-09 01:24:18

Beginning Summer Solar Term (1)

Today is the first summer festival. The teacher asked us to take 5 eggs to the school to participate in egg leaning activities.

The egg leaning activity is arranged in the class team class, which is the last class. How long time has passed! It's simply taking days like years. Ding Lingling, this is the bell of the class. We were nervous and excited, our hearts pounding. We gently took out the egg and put it on the desk to protect it for fear that it would break. Teacher Lin said, "First, a group of four people should stick to eggs, choose the most powerful egg, and then freely stick to eggs, and finally, choose an egg king in the class." As soon as Teacher Lin's voice ended, everyone began to talk about it. I fought with Qiu Yaojian in the first round. I won. Qiu Yaojian was angry. In the second round, Qiu Yaojian took a duck egg fight. As a result, we fought for a long time and couldn't decide the outcome. We laughed happily.

Then I fought with Wang Ziyu for eggs. My eggs broke and I ate them. This round, I am happy to lose. Next, I touched eggs with many classmates. The most interesting one was Ding Minmin, who kept one of the largest goose eggs. I asked her why? She said, "I'm still waiting to hatch the goslings!" I laughed. She is so interesting. Finally, the egg king of our class is Wang Shuting. She fought with Class 201 for eggs. Her eggs broke. Class 201 cheered happily.

Soon, a class passed by unconsciously. When I came home, I still thought about the situation when I touched eggs from time to time!

Beginning Summer Solar Term (2)

Today, those noisy classmates are all cautious. Why? It is not because they are carrying several eggs at the beginning of summer today.

At noon, Ru took Sheng Yuan and other male students into the classroom. The students immediately shouted: "Touching eggs! Touching eggs!" They got together freely to catch the pair. Soon, the winner jumped three feet high, and the loser cried and shouted, and the classroom suddenly burst open.

Over there, Bi Hanghang held his eggs and looked for people to bump into them everywhere, because he was invincible at the same table. Sun Mengna wanted to collide with him, but she held her egg tightly in her hand and almost hid it under her arm. She carefully observed what was special about Xiao Bi's egg and asked doubtfully, "Is your egg made of stone?"

"Where? It's just tea eggs! Can you come or not?" said Xiao Bi arrogantly.

Here, Mr. Ru saw the goose egg far away. It was white and big. It was funny that this guy was careless at ordinary times, but this time he even put several layers of napkins on it. Mr. Ru said to take a look at it and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, he made a mistake and the goose egg fell to the ground, which made us tremble! As soon as he squatted and copied, the goose egg landed steadily in Mr. Ru's palm! This action scared the muscles of his face away from the rope. Hehe, Mr. Ru is really bad.

Today's egg touching has brought us so much joy!

Beginning Summer Solar Term (3)

The beginning of summer means "big", which means that the plants sown in spring have grown upright. On this day, there are many festival customs, such as welcoming the summer, tasting new things, and calling people, but my favorite is fighting eggs. Today, there was an exciting, fierce and happy egg fight in the school!!!

Everyone took out their eggs one after another and painted their favorite patterns with colored pens. Some people painted very beautifully, and the eggs seemed to be transformed into "little princesses". However, some people believed that to paint the eggs with such thick paint would definitely affect their performance, so they simply "shirtless"!

Finally, we can compete. I was the first one to play, and Jin Jiayi played against me. I thought: she is so small, and the eggs she chose must not be very good. However, I was a little nervous. I used my eggs to test her first. Unexpectedly, I had become a "disabled" wounded person before I showed my strength. My feelings were mixed, my heart ached, and I was speechless, Anxious... Ten thousand ellipses flew by in my heart, which really made me laugh and cry.

Finally, after a fierce competition, two outstanding people survived. They were Kong Yanjia and Xin Youcheng. At the beginning of the world war, Kong Yanjia used the "egg beater", and Xin Youcheng did not show weakness, and used the "eighteen palm drop eggs". After three hundred rounds of war, the "egg beater" was still a little better. Egg King Kong Yanjia!!!

This is really a new egg fight!

Beginning Summer Solar Term (4)

When we entered the classroom, a smell of eggs came to our nostrils. We all took out our beloved eggs to compete with our classmates. This was the annual egg pushing activity.

The students looked for experts everywhere in the group to show their style. Despite its small size, Wu's eggs shattered many "lives". When Wu Chaxuan was complacent and ready to take the place of the group, Wang Junjie fell from the sky like a broom star, took out his hard eggs and smashed Wu Chaxuan's "egg king". "Oh" The cheers pulled me out of my homework. Oh, has the top egg started?

Just listen to teacher Zheng shout, all the students with eggs in the class stood at the lectern. I looked around nervously, Yu Yihan's black tea eggs; Ding Hua's big white egg; Dong Yuxin's hard egg and Xie Xibei's huge goose egg! I will fight Yu Yihan first (it's like killing a sister). Two eggs, one big and one small, collide with each other. You won't let me, and I won't let you. It's my poor egg. Just listening to the crisp sound, I quickly looked at my eggs?? It's cracked! Unexpectedly, Ding Hua's big egg also suffered. Hum hum, the next battle is between Ding Hua and me. I will not be lenient. "Creak", white pieces fell on the ground, "Yeah!" I won, I was the third in the class. Yu Yihan and Dong Yuxin also shared the victory and defeat, and Dong Yuxin and Xie Xibei also shared the victory and defeat.

My class is the third, Yu Yihan is the second, Dong Yuxin is the first, Xie Xibei is the grand prize.

The happy top egg competition is over! We began to eat delicious eggs. From my heart, though it was fun to top eggs, eggs were more delicious. This is a happy and delicious beginning of summer.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (5)

"Get on! Get on!" Eh? What are you shouting about? Originally, we are going to Kangxin Garden. Are there many carnations there? I'll sell it first. You'll know later.

Entering the park and walking along the stone steps, you can only smell the fragrance coming to your face. When you look closely, you can see the endless sea of flowers in the distance. They are red like fire, pink like glow, white like snow, and the green grass below is like a piece of jade. We walked orderly on the path, and the two horses were enjoying themselves in the sun in the stables. The sign in front reads "Peacock Garden". I was thinking about those beautiful peacocks with their screens open. When I walked in, I saw pots and pans waiting for us. It seems that we who "put out our clothes and open our mouths" have to make wild rice by ourselves!

We began to divide our work: some people lived, some cut vegetables, washed rice, peeled beans, peeled bamboo shoots, and some cooked rice.

The only three boys in our group consciously started to light a fire: we first took a bundle of straw, took out a lighter to light it, and then carefully put it into the stove. When the fire became hot, we put some dry firewood in. Some very long ones could only take both ends and knock on their knees, and then split into two. When the fire got stronger, we put in large dry firewood. At this time, some cigarettes secretly "ran" out, making us cough. After the girls washed the vegetables, we began to add oil, then put meat, and when the meat was stir fried, we put vegetables, and then put water, and copy. When they were slightly yellow, we poured water, covered the pot, and waited for the food to come out of the oven. When the fragrance overflowed the pot, we couldn't wait to taste the delicious food.

After dinner, we played a lot of games. The most impressive thing I remember is the fingerboard. Some students also created "the best facial expression bag of the day"!

This activity not only broadened our horizons, but also left us many happy memories.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (6)

The beginning of summer is coming. On Wednesday, Teacher Liu said that we should bring eggs on Thursday to fight eggs and compete with Americans. When I got home, I couldn't wait to find a goose egg, but I didn't think about the design I wanted to paint. Suddenly I thought that this year is the Year of the Monkey, or I would draw a monkey! I took a pencil and carefully drew a monkey on the egg. Then I took a watercolor pen and gently colored the monkey. In a short time, a vivid monkey was drawn. The monkey blinked as if to say to me, "My little master, I will win the championship in the beauty contest tomorrow!"

At the second class on Thursday morning, we held a summer start activity. First of all, we took out the eggs that wanted to be beautiful and walked onto the platform one by one. The students sitting on the seats voted for us, and Sheng Xia's egg won the championship in the end. Although my eggs are not the most beautiful. But my heart is still very happy.

The next link is the fight for eggs that I have been looking forward to for a long time. I looked around and found an opponent. I thought: I will not fight hard with him this time. I will have something soft with him and tease him. When Mr. Liu said to be ready, I held the egg tightly in my right hand. When the teacher gave an order, my opponent rushed over with the egg. I dodged shrewdly, but he was not reconciled, and rushed over with the egg. I still dodged. So he rushed three times. I dodged three times, making him laugh. At that moment, I rushed up and heard only the sound of Cui Cui, The opponent's egg was smashed. Ha ha, I won. With this tactic, I won several people. But the last opponent is not so simple. Although I dodged the first hit, the second hit hit my finger, and the egg was also broken by him. I lost this game. Finally, Jinchen won the title of "Egg Fighter".

Today's first summer is very happy. I hope I can win the title of "Egg Fighter" next time when I fight eggs!

Beginning Summer Solar Term (7)

Today is not only May 5, but also the beginning of summer in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar.

At the beginning of the summer, there was a custom in China that lasted for more than a thousand years. We had to eat tea eggs and have an acute egg touching contest.

Today, our whole class cooked three tea eggs according to the requirements of the head teacher, Mr. Zhang, and stayed at the school. On arriving at school, everyone took out their own eggs to compare with others' eggs. Some of them were very angry: "Ha! Your eggs are smaller than mine, you must have lost!" Others said: "Oh, what can I do? My eggs are smaller than yours, how can I win you?"

In our anxious waiting, the fourth class, the exciting egg touching game began. In the first round, my first opponent was my deskmate Zhang Chen h. I took out a big duck egg that I carefully selected and thought was the most powerful. "Prepare, take your positions, and start!" With the order of Teacher Zhang, Zhang Chen and I stood up against each other. Suddenly, I heard a soft sound of "bang". I looked at the two eggs quickly, but it was not good, When I saw that my egg had been broken by Zhang Chen h's egg, my heart suddenly cooled. I thought to myself: It was really a bad start, and I was defeated by others in the first sentence.

I was depressed when I was defeated by others. When I went to watch the game, it was the last battle for the Egg King. Liao Jiawei of our group led his eggs all the way to the final shot. Now, he is going to fight with another rookie Ren Tongxiao, who can win the title of the Egg King as long as he defeats Ren Tongxiao. The game began. Five seconds later, I heard the familiar light ring again. It turned out that Liao Jiawei lost. His supporters sighed and cried sadly.

Finally, the two remaining egg kings of passengers Cen Minghao and Shi Xueyan, this egg touching contest, let me enjoy the infinite fun of the egg touching contest, and let me eat delicious tea eggs.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (8)

Today, my grandmother said to me: "May 6 this year is the beginning of summer in the 24 solar terms". Since ancient times, we are used to starting from this day as the beginning of summer.

Our Chinese people have the same or various representative food and things in each solar term. In our Jiangnan region, there is a custom of "tasting three delicacies" and weighing. What are the three delicacies? Three local delicacies: broad beans, garlic sprouts and amaranth; Three fresh trees: Chinese toon, plum and cherry; There are also three fresh foods: shad, swordfish and puffer fish. Grandma also said: "In Suzhou, the three delicacies are indispensable dishes on the table at the beginning of summer, and salted duck eggs are also indispensable". My grandma and I came to the vegetable field and saw that the broad beans were plump, and the green Osmunda japonica moved with the wind, as if waving to me. I picked a basket in a hurry to taste something fresh when preparing dinner.

On the day of the beginning of summer, adults will also use colored thread to weave egg covers and hang them on the children's chest or on mosquito nets. Children usually play the game of eating eggs and fighting eggs. They collide with eggs in many ways, and win when the eggshells are hard but not broken. As the saying goes, "A child cannot stand in the summer when he has eggs on his chest.". Mother said as she weaved, she saw the colored thread turning around in her mother's hand. After a while, a beautiful colored thread egg cover was knitted. I happily held the egg cover and imagined that I would play the game of eating eggs and fighting eggs with my friends on the first day of summer.

My mother told me: "There are many legends and stories about people in Jiangnan, but we can't verify whether this statement is correct or not. The 2500 year history makes our cultural habits, lifestyle and etiquette customs of Suzhou people different from those in other places. Suzhou people guard this land and follow it for generations."

Beginning Summer Solar Term (9)

In summer, it turns into a huge sun, shining in the sky constantly, and turns into bursts of hot wind, so that you have no place to hide.

Summer is coming.

I would rather walk around in the snow in a heavy padded jacket than see or feel the arrival of summer.

There is a saying that goes like this: the weather in June changes when you say it. When I heard this sentence, I wondered whether the weather in June was the face of the Monkey King, the Great Sage of Heaven, who had caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace eighteen hundred and ninety-seven years ago? Will the weather change 72 times in June? Later, I understood the true meaning of this sentence. He was talking about the weather in June. It was windy, rainy and cloudless. It was unpredictable.

The arrival of summer symbolizes the emergence of four evils, and the "Jianghu" will be occupied by the four seas.

For the four pests, I am not afraid of giant mice or stubborn cockroaches, which are nicknamed "Xiaoqiang", but big flies and mosquitoes that often fly in the sky.

Why am I afraid of this? I thought I couldn't beat them, and I only saw mice and cockroaches on TV or online.

I am a fat man who raises his own blood, so I am afraid of mosquitoes. I remember that I was often woken up by mosquitoes last summer, and I had to go to school that day. So I can often see the beautiful scenery of the rising sun, but I am sleepy and generally have no time to enjoy it.

As for flies, it is also because I often meet them in the toilet and then see them next to the food. When I meet them in the toilet, I always see a lump of shit next to them and then meet them next to the food. I always think they will eat my food when they finish eating, so I am afraid of them.

This is my feeling of starting summer.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (10)

The first summer of the year is our favorite day. You can fight with your friends and eat all kinds of delicious eggs. This year, I am more excited because I have an ostrich egg that I have been looking forward to for a long time.

The ostrich egg is very big, which is as big as a baby's head. It is oval in shape and wears an off white coat. Its surface looks like a layer of oil, and it is slightly shiny, just like a round night pearl. A closer look shows that the surface of the ostrich egg is a little uneven, and it is covered with small sesame dots. Its shell is very hard. I beat the eggshell with my hands, and it is as immovable as a stone. If I fight with it, I can beat the whole class invincible.

Opening ostrich eggs is also very special. My father brought a kitchen knife to drill holes in the eggshell. He held the egg in his left hand, and held a knife in his right hand, vigorously tapping the eggshell with the tip of the knife. Who knows, there is no crack on the eggshell. Dad kept knocking. Gradually, the eggshell was broken like lime. "Wow, that's great!" I cheered happily. The crack is getting bigger and bigger. When the coin is big, Dad is going to pour the egg liquid out, but he finds that there is still a layer of film inside. I used my chopsticks to punch down, and the membrane broke. In order to prevent the egg yolk from being too big to pour out, my father put the chopsticks into the small hole and stirred them. After a while, my father lifted up the ostrich eggs and shook them (hu à ng) and poured them out. The yellow egg liquid kept flowing down. It was like rain. We filled four bowls, enough for a few days. Looking at the empty eggshell, I went to my room to take out a watercolor pen

The dinner was a veritable egg feast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with onions, egg cakes... We enjoyed the delicious ostrich eggs and the decorated eggshells, and were very satisfied.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (11)

The night before the beginning of summer, Grandma carefully selected a very hard goose egg for me. The next day, I put on my schoolbag and goose eggs and went to school confidently.

In the activity class, the class held a fierce competition on eggs. First, the group match, I played with Zhou Qiying. I took out the goose eggs, held them tightly with both hands, and selected the sharp end to compete with Zhou Qiying's eggs. When I saw my white and fat goose eggs and Zhou Qiying's black and small tea eggs collided, I was secretly pleased that my "big white" would defeat her "little black"! I confidently pressed hard, and sure enough, "Ka --" "Xiao Hei" was stabbed to pieces, while my "Da Bai" was intact. I kissed my "Da Bai" happily and welcomed the next game with great interest.

With all the way through, Xiao Ziyang and I reached the final. At this time, the classroom was full of jubilant scenes: some were chattering about who we would become the egg king this year, some were preparing to taste the delicious food with "broken eggs" in their arms, and some were holding the broken eggs and planning to fight again... When the teacher announced the beginning of the egg king final competition, Xiao Ziyang and I both hunched our backs, and the two goose eggs immediately "fought" together, The whole class is cheering for us. My hands firmly wrapped around the egg body, and I purposely let the "big white" show only a small tip, hoping to inject the whole body's strength into it. One second, two seconds... My heart was beating, and I was about to jump out of my throat, while the two "goose egg generals" who had experienced many battles were still neck and neck. Suddenly, I just felt Xiao Ziyang stretch hard, then "click", my goose egg head "bloomed". The whole class cheered the birth of the new egg king this year.

Although I was inevitably disappointed, I still felt a strong sense of folk fun when we gathered around to lean on eggs, eat eggs and talk about eggs this summer.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (12)

May 5 or 6 every year is the beginning of summer in the lunar calendar. At this time, "Dou refers to the southeast, and Wei means the beginning of summer. Everything has grown up here, so it is called the beginning of summer.

Climatic characteristics of the beginning of summer: "At this time, the sun's longitude is 45 degrees. Astronomically, the beginning of summer means that we are going to say goodbye to spring. It is customary for people to regard the beginning of summer as an important solar term when the temperature rises significantly, summer is coming, thunderstorms increase, and crops enter the peak season. On May 5 or 6 every year, the solar term "Beginning of Summer" refers to the solar term when the sun reaches 45 ° of the Yellow Meridian. Since ancient times, China has always used the beginning of summer as the beginning of summer. In the Interpretation of the Seventy second Order of the Moon, it is said that "the beginning of summer is" the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer "," the beginning of summer ",". In fact, if according to the standard of climatology, summer begins when the daily average temperature steadily rises above 22 ℃. Before and after the "beginning of summer", only the areas south of the line from Fuzhou to Nanling really enter summer, while some areas in the northeast and northwest have just entered spring at this time. The average temperature in most parts of the country is between 18 ℃ and 20 ℃, which is just "all kinds of red and purple fight against the beautiful" The midspring and late spring season.

Impact of the beginning of summer on crops: The temperature in North China, Northwest China and other places has risen rapidly before and after the beginning of summer, but the precipitation is still not much. In addition, it is windy in spring, with strong evaporation, and the atmospheric dryness and soil drought often seriously affect the normal growth of crops. In particular, the dry hot wind before and after the milky ripening of wheat is an important disastrous weather leading to yield reduction. Timely irrigation is the key measure for drought resistance and disaster prevention. "Weeds grow very fast in the first three days of summer." "If you don't hoe in one day, you can't hoe in three days." "Weeding by intertillage can not only remove weeds, resist drought and waterlogging, but also improve the ground temperature, accelerate the decomposition of soil nutrients, which is of great significance to promote the healthy growth of cotton, corn, sorghum, peanuts and other crops in the seedling stage.

Beginning of Summer Solar Term (13)

Today is a sunny day, and it is also the beginning of summer that I have been looking forward to for a long time. When the beginning of summer comes, it means that the hot summer is coming. Everyone's class held a unique egg fight contest, which is very interesting!

As soon as the bell rang, the students could not wait to take out the eggs they had already prepared and start the competition! I saw that everyone was grouped in groups, and the crowded crowd showed a happy smile. Look! They could not help eating food with relish.

I broke five eggs with one egg I brought! I was very happy. But in the end, I lost to the salty duck eggs brought by Ni Nana. It's really hard to cry and laugh! At this time, a sentence came out of nowhere: "Since the eggshells are broken, eat them! Don't eat them for me!" Her sentence caused everyone to laugh.

Looking over there, Mr. Zhou has already started to teach everyone how to weave egg sets. I also sat down quietly. Just listen carefully and look carefully. In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined!

Yang Xiaohong and I began to weave egg covers. Alas, it seems that I have seen it for a while, but there is still a little trouble in practice. Either this thread is too tight or that thread is too loose. We both thought carefully for a long time, and finally we met a little bit. There is a saying that "practice leads to true knowledge". How can we know if you can't do it well without trying? Facts have proved that you can overcome any difficulty just by persevering, because "nothing is difficult in the world, only those who have a heart".

This "Egg Fight at the Beginning of Summer" is really interesting. We not only harvest happiness, but also master skills, and understand the truth of "practice leads to true knowledge".

Beginning Summer Solar Term (14)

Summer is coming quietly. Summer in memory is always accompanied by the sound of the sea and the melody of the wind. The color of summer is always like lemon yellow and lake blue mixed together, just like Van Gogh's "Star Moon Night". The childhood ballad has also been lingering in my ears: "The stars blink, the moon draws question marks, and the comet drags a long tail rainbow to build a bridge." Unfortunately, in today's night sky, the stars that are about to fall can no longer be seen, only the dark blue sky is hanging over the city.

Why does summer come so quietly? It seems that yesterday was a continuous snow.

I turned off the light in the room and stood in front of the window with an old song Ningxia in my ear. For a long time, I felt that there was a gust of cool wind blowing. It was only summer wind. Last summer, the same wind blew. In this gust of wind, I thought of you, and a shoulder wiping figure.

The summer in a trance, I am in a trance. The trance wind blew away the trance dream.

Suddenly I thought of a story, which is the origin of cloud. The book says, "I stole the cotton from your quilt and hung it in the air. Then there was the cloud. My love."

What about the wind? Will the wind of summer night bring you a shallow yearning?

The city's neon is shining, and I regard it as falling stars. So the summer night came alive, and your face was in the light. I want to find the round or full moon, but after all, I can only see the ground broken lights.

At this moment, in the same time axis, do you feel the cool wind of summer night? Did you find the moon? The words I wanted to say to you were hung on the osmanthus tree in the Moon Palace.

It's late at night. The wind has died down. The smell of summer diffused freely in the air. Spring has left quietly.

I wish you well on this day of summer.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (15)

Monday is the beginning of summer, and the teacher announced that this afternoon the second class will hold an activity - fighting eggs, that is, to see who brings the hardest eggs.

At noon, my mother specially selected a green duck egg for me and put it into a beautiful egg cage after cooking. Mother said: "Green duck eggs are very hard." I was excited when I heard this. When I came to school, I saw that my classmates were all carrying various egg dolls of different sizes. There are maroon eggs, turquoise duck eggs, and white goose eggs. The classroom suddenly became an egg world.

At the second class, I carefully took out the eggs. Teacher Gan first took some beautiful pictures of the egg cage, and then the egg fight began. I compared with my deskmate first. I squeezed the egg tightly and felt like a big stone. Just listening to the clear sound of "click", I took a look at the egg, hey! My eggs are intact, but my deskmate's eggs are scarred, and I am elated.

My next opponent is Miao Yiyao. I am more confident after winning once. He also brought a duck egg. The duck egg and the duck egg were pushed together, and his head and I were pushed together. I defeated him without any doubt. When I was immersed in the joy of victory, I was crushed by the third opponent, so I had to put the broken duck eggs on my desk to watch the final winner

Later, the competition became more and more wonderful. In the fight, Chen Sihan's egg won. The teacher announced that she was the "king of eggs", and everyone cast envious eyes. We ate the beaten eggs with relish and learned the customs of the beginning of summer, ending the egg fight.

Beginning Summer Solar Term (16)

The ingredients for making glutinous rice with bean and bacon are easy to find. Rice, glutinous rice, bean and bacon are sometimes added with another seasonal ingredient: Luohan beans.

Clean the bacon and dice it, then put it into a hot pot of cold oil to stir fry it until fragrant; Then pour all the ingredients into the rice cooker; Add rice and glutinous rice soaked in advance; Add boiling water, no more ingredients, add a little salt, stir well, and stew.

The most attractive thing is that at the moment of boiling, the bean flavor is mixed with the meat flavor, which is fragrant. Be the first to taste the fragrant glutinous beans and soft rice floss.

In addition to the proper ingredients, there is also a very important reason why the glutinous rice with bean and bacon is a must to eat at the beginning of summer. People who are most "satisfied" with the glutinous rice with bean and bacon will be weighed after eating it.